Index for jenn

Jennane, R. * 2001: Fractal analysis of bone X-ray tomographic microscopy projections
* 2010: Trabecular Bone Anisotropy Characterization Using 1D Local Binary Patterns
* 2012: Osteoporosis assessment using Multilayer Perceptron neural networks
* 2012: Texture Analysis for Trabecular Bone X-Ray Images Using Anisotropic Morlet Wavelet and Rényi Entropy
* 2012: Texture characterization using local binary pattern and wavelets. Application to bone radiographs
* 2014: 3D reconstruction method of the proximal femur and shape correction
* 2016: Dual active contours model for HR-pQCT cortical bone segmentation
* 2016: Fuzzy energy based active contours model for HR-PQCT cortical bone segmentation
* 2016: On the use of image quality measures for image restoration
* 2016: Trabecular Bone Radiograph Characterization Using Lacunarity Measurement
* 2017: 3D Reconstruction of the proximal femur shape from few pairs of x-ray radiographs
* 2017: Anisotropic Discrete Dual-Tree Wavelet Transform for Improved Classification of Trabecular Bone
* 2018: Study of the relative magnitude in the wavelet domain for texture characterization
* 2019: Knee Osteoarthritis Detection Using Power Spectral Density: Data from the OsteoArthritis Initiative
* 2019: Robust, blind multichannel image identification and restoration using stack decoder
* 2020: Discriminative Regularized Auto-Encoder for Early Detection of Knee OsteoArthritis: Data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative
Includes: Jennane, R. Jennane, R.[Rachid]
16 for Jennane, R.

Jennehag, U.[Ulf] * 2001: Numerical modeling of transmission errors and video quality of MPEG-2
* 2004: Increasing bandwidth utilization in next generation IPTV networks
* 2012: scalable coding approach for high quality depth image compression, A
* 2016: Coding of Focused Plenoptic Contents by Displacement Intra Prediction
* 2016: Scalable Coding of Plenoptic Images by Using a Sparse Set and Disparities
Includes: Jennehag, U.[Ulf] Jennehag, U.

Jenner, C.[Curt] * 2021: Combining Regional Habitat Selection Models for Large-Scale Prediction: Circumpolar Habitat Selection of Southern Ocean Humpback Whales

Jenner, E.[Erik] * 2021: Extensions of Karger's Algorithm: Why They Fail in Theory and How They Are Useful in Practice

Jenner, M.N.[Micheline Nicole] * 2021: Combining Regional Habitat Selection Models for Large-Scale Prediction: Circumpolar Habitat Selection of Southern Ocean Humpback Whales
Includes: Jenner, M.N.[Micheline Nicole] Jenner, M.N.[Micheline-Nicole]

Jenness, J.[Jeff] * 2021: Advancing Cave Detection Using Terrain Analysis and Thermal Imagery

Jennet, C. * 2021: Exploitation of Spectral and Temporal Information for Mapping Plant Species in a Former Industrial Site

Jennewein, C. * 2006: Knowledge-Based Supervised Learning Methods in a Classical Problem of Video Object Tracking

Jennewein, J.S.[Jyoti S.] * 2020: Toward Mapping Dietary Fibers in Northern Ecosystems Using Hyperspectral and Multispectral Data
* 2021: Combining Remote Sensing and Meteorological Data for Improved Rice Plant Potassium Content Estimation
* 2022: Integration of Satellite-Based Optical and Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery to Estimate Winter Cover Crop Performance in Cereal Grasses

Jenni, L.[Lorenz] * 2017: INTERLIS Language for Modelling Legal 3D Spaces and Physical 3D Objects by Including Formalized Implementable Constraints and Meaningful Code Lists

Jenni, S.[Simon] * 2018: Deep Bilevel Learning
* 2018: Self-Supervised Feature Learning by Learning to Spot Artifacts
* 2019: On Stabilizing Generative Adversarial Training With Noise
* 2020: Learning to Have an Ear for Face Super-Resolution
* 2020: Self-supervised Multi-view Synchronization Learning for 3d Pose Estimation
* 2020: Steering Self-Supervised Feature Learning Beyond Local Pixel Statistics
* 2020: Video Representation Learning by Recognizing Temporal Transformations
* 2021: Time-Equivariant Contrastive Video Representation Learning
* 2023: EKILA: Synthetic Media Provenance and Attribution for Generative Art
* 2023: Meta-Personalizing Vision-Language Models to Find Named Instances in Video
* 2023: Spatio-Temporal Crop Aggregation for Video Representation Learning
* 2023: VADER: Video Alignment Differencing and Retrieval
Includes: Jenni, S.[Simon] Jenni, S.
12 for Jenni, S.

Jennings, A.[Andrew] * 1997: Registration Of Non-Rigid Medical Images Using an Elastic Spatial Transformation
* 2015: Optimization Approach to Scanning Skin Direct Immunofluorescence Specimens, An
* 2017: Early Experience Toward Developing Computer Aided Diagnosis for Gram-Stained Smears Images, An
* 2018: SlideNet: Fast and Accurate Slide Quality Assessment Based on Deep Neural Networks
* 2020: SOS: Selective Objective Switch for Rapid Immunofluorescence Whole Slide Image Classification
* 2021: Efficient DNN-Based Classification of Whole Slide Gram Stain Images for Microbiology
* 2022: Efficient Cell Labelling for Gram Stain WSIs
Includes: Jennings, A.[Andrew] Jennings, A. Jennings, A.[Anthony]
7 for Jennings, A.

Jennings, A.J. * 1992: structurally adaptive neural tree for the recognition of large character set, A
* 1997: Low Level Feature Based Neural Network Segmenter for Fully Cursive Handwritten Words, A

Jennings, A.L. * 2013: Unbounded Motion Optimization by Developmental Learning

Jennings, B.[Brendan] * 2020: CogITS: cognition-enabled network management for 5G V2X communication

Jennings, C. * 1994: Vision knowledge vectorization: converting raster images into vector form
* 1999: Robust Finger Tracking with Multiple Cameras

Jennings, D. * 2013: Virtual 3D Models of Insects for Accelerated Quarantine Control
* 2021: Extended Reality, Pedagogy, and Career Readiness: A Review of Literature
Includes: Jennings, D. Jennings, D.[Dane]

Jennings, D.E.[Donald E.] * 2021: Compact Thermal Imager (CTI) for Atmospheric Remote Sensing

Jennings, D.K. * 2004: Effects of Cast Shadows and Stereopsis on Performing Computer-Generated Spatial Tasks, The

Jennings, G.R. * 1994: object-oriented optimization system, An
* 1994: Tomographic reconstruction based on flexible geometric models
Includes: Jennings, G.R. Jennings, Jr., G.R.

Jennings, I.[Inger] * 2021: SIOS's Earth Observation (EO), Remote Sensing (RS), and Operational Activities in Response to COVID-19

Jennings, N.R. * 2016: Intention-Aware Routing of Electric Vehicles

Jennings, P.[Paul] * 2022: Deep Learning-Based Vehicle Behavior Prediction for Autonomous Driving Applications: A Review
* 2022: Using Glance Behaviour to Inform the Design of Adaptive HMI for Partially Automated Vehicles
* 2024: Influence of AVC and HEVC Compression on Detection of Vehicles Through Faster R-CNN

Jennings, P.A. * 2014: Effect of Using an In-Vehicle Smart Driving Aid on Real-World Driver Performance
* 2014: Toward a Methodology for Assessing Electric Vehicle Exterior Sounds
* 2020: Novel mathematical model to determine geo-referenced locations for C-ITS communications to generate dynamic vehicular gaps
Includes: Jennings, P.A. Jennings, P.A.[Paul A.]

Jennings, R. * 2017: Damage Assessment And Monitoring Of Cultural Heritage Places In A Disaster And Post-disaster Event: A Case Study Of Syria

Jennings, R.H.[Roy H.] * 2020: HMQ: Hardware Friendly Mixed Precision Quantization Block for CNNs

Jennings, R.J. * 2009: Effect of Oblique X-ray Incidence in Flat-Panel Computed Tomography of the Breast

Jennings, S. * 2013: Detection and Discrimination of Motion-Defined Form: Implications for the Use of Night Vision Devices

Jennings, T.[Tony] * 2021: Deep Adaptive Few Example Learning for Microscopy Image Cell Counting
* 2022: MedViTGAN: End-to-End Conditional GAN for Histopathology Image Augmentation with Vision Transformers

Jennings, V.[Valeria] * 2022: Bird-Borne Samplers for Monitoring CO2 and Atmospheric Physical Parameters

Jennison, C. * 1990: Specification of Edge Penalties for Regular and Irregular Pixel Images, The
* 1996: Extension of Geman and Reynolds Approach to Constrained Restoration and the Recovery of Discontinuities, An

Jenny, B.[Bernhard] * 2017: Interactive shearing for terrain visualization: an expert study

Jenny, P.[Patrick] * 2007: Computing light statistics in heterogeneous media based on a mass weighted probability density function method

Index for "j"

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