Index for jha_

Jha, A.[Ashwani] * 2009: Multiple Sequence Alignment Based Upon Statistical Approach of Curve Fitting
* 2018: Cross-Modal Style Transfer
* 2018: Cross-specificity: modelling data semantics for cross-modal matching and retrieval
* 2018: CS-VQA: Visual Question Answering with Compressively Sensed Images
* 2018: Word Spotting in Silent Lip Videos
* 2019: Spotting words in silent speech videos: a retrieval-based approach
* 2020: AdaMT-Net: An Adaptive Weight Learning Based Multi-Task Learning Model For Scene Understanding
* 2020: Handloom Design Generation Using Generative Networks
* 2020: MT-UNET: A Novel U-Net Based Multi-Task Architecture For Visual Scene Understanding
* 2021: ADA-AT/DT: An Adversarial Approach for Cross-Domain and Cross-Task Knowledge Transfer
* 2021: Glimpse-Attend-and-Explore: Self-Attention for Active Visual Exploration
* 2021: Map3D: Registration-Based Multi-Object Tracking on 3D Serial Whole Slide Images
* 2023: AD-CLIP: Adapting Domains in Prompt Space Using CLIP
* 2023: APPLeNet: Visual Attention Parameterized Prompt Learning for Few-Shot Remote Sensing Image Generalization using CLIP
* 2023: Barlow constrained optimization for Visual Question Answering
* 2023: GAF-Net: Improving the Performance of Remote Sensing Image Fusion using Novel Global Self and Cross Attention Learning
* 2023: MAML-SR: Self-adaptive super-resolution networks via multi-scale optimized attention-aware meta-learning
* 2023: SimGlim: Simplifying glimpse based active visual reconstruction
* 2024: Learning Class and Domain Augmentations for Single-Source Open-Domain Generalization
* 2024: StyLIP: Multi-Scale Style-Conditioned Prompt Learning for CLIP-based Domain Generalization
Includes: Jha, A.[Ashwani] Jha, A. Jha, A.[Abhishek] Jha, A.[Amrit] Jha, A.[Ankit] Jha, A.[Aadarsh]
20 for Jha, A.

Jha, A.H.[Ananya Harsh] * 2018: Disentangling Factors of Variation with Cycle-Consistent Variational Auto-encoders

Jha, A.K.[Abhinav K.] * 2010: ADC estimation of lesions in diffusion-weighted MR images: A Maximum-Likelihood Approach
* 2010: clustering algorithm for liver lesion segmentation of diffusion-weighted MR images, A
* 2012: maximum-likelihood approach for ADC estimation of lesions in visceral organs, A
* 2013: Evaluating Satellite Products for Precipitation Estimation in Mountain Regions: A Case Study for Nepal
* 2017: Use of Sub-Ensembles and Multi-Template Observers to Evaluate Detection Task Performance for Data That are Not Multivariate Normal
* 2022: UAV-based Visual Remote Sensing for Automated Building Inspection
Includes: Jha, A.K.[Abhinav K.] Jha, A.K.[Ajay K.] Jha, A.K. Jha, A.K.[Aditya Kumar]

Jha, B.K.[Bibhash Kumar] * 2011: Quantitative clinical marker extraction from colour fundus images for non-proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy grading

Jha, C.S.[Chandra Shekhar] * 2015: Aboveground-Biomass Estimation of a Complex Tropical Forest in India Using Lidar
* 2017: Inverting Aboveground Biomass-Canopy Texture Relationships in a Landscape of Forest Mosaic in the Western Ghats of India Using Very High Resolution Cartosat Imagery

Jha, D.[Devendra] * 2000: Color Image Enhancement by Fuzzy Intensification
* 2003: Color Image Enhancement by Fuzzy Intensification
* 2006: Optimal Fuzzy System for Color Image Enhancement, An
* 2020: Ddanet: Dual Decoder Attention Network for Automatic Polyp Segmentation
* 2020: Endotect 2020 Challenge: Evaluation and Comparison of Classification, Segmentation and Inference Time for Endoscopy, The
* 2020: Kvasir-seg: A Segmented Polyp Dataset
* 2021: Htad: A Home-tasks Activities Dataset with Wrist-accelerometer and Audio Features
* 2021: Kvasir-instrument: Diagnostic and Therapeutic Tool Segmentation Dataset in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
* 2022: GMSRF-Net: An Improved generalizability with Global Multi-Scale Residual Fusion Network for Polyp Segmentation
* 2022: Transformer Based Generative Adversarial Network for Liver Segmentation
* 2023: DilatedSegNet: A Deep Dilated Segmentation Network for Polyp Segmentation
* 2024: Domain Generalization with Correlated Style Uncertainty
* 2024: SynergyNet: Bridging the Gap between Discrete and Continuous Representations for Precise Medical Image Segmentation
Includes: Jha, D.[Devendra] Jha, D.[Debesh]
13 for Jha, D.

Jha, D.K.[Dhiraj K.] * 2015: self-adaptive matched filter for retinal blood vessel detection, A
* 2016: l2-norm-based prior for haze-removal from single image
* 2017: Information Fusion of Passive Sensors for Detection of Moving Targets in Dynamic Environments
* 2018: Information-Theoretic Performance Analysis of Sensor Networks via Markov Modeling of Time Series Data
Includes: Jha, D.K.[Dhiraj K.] Jha, D.K.

Jha, M.K. * 2011: Video Compression Scheme Using DEMD Based Texture Synthesis
* 2015: DEMD-based video coding for textured videos in an H.264/MPEG framework
* 2022: UAV-based Visual Remote Sensing for Automated Building Inspection
Includes: Jha, M.K. Jha, M.K.[Mithilesh Kumar] Jha, M.K.[Mohhit Kumar]

Jha, N.[Naresh] * 2013: Detection of melanocytes in skin histopathological images using radial line scanning

Jha, N.K.[Niraj K.] * 2019: ChamNet: Towards Efficient Network Design Through Platform-Aware Model Adaptation
* 2020: Dreaming to Distill: Data-Free Knowledge Transfer via DeepInversion
* 2020: ULSAM: Ultra-Lightweight Subspace Attention Module for Compact Convolutional Neural Networks
Includes: Jha, N.K.[Niraj K.] Jha, N.K.

Jha, P.[Piyushee] * 2008: Wang Notation Tool: Layout independent representation of tables

Jha, R.[Rashmi] * 2022: Machine Learning for Detection and Risk Assessment of Lifting Action

Jha, R.K.[Rajib Kumar] * 2011: Robust Watermark Extraction Using SVD-Based Dynamic Stochastic Resonance
* 2012: Contrast enhancement of dark images using stochastic resonance
* 2012: Internal noise-induced contrast enhancement of dark images
* 2013: Enhancement of dark and low-contrast images using dynamic stochastic resonance
* 2013: Logo Extraction Using Combined Discrete Wavelet Transform and Dynamic Stochastic Resonance
* 2013: Logo Extraction Using Dynamic Stochastic Resonance
* 2013: novel approach for combined rotational and translational motion estimation using Frame Projection Warping, A
* 2013: optimized derivative projection warping approach for moving platform video stabilization, An
* 2014: Noise-induced contrast enhancement using stochastic resonance on singular values
* 2015: Digital watermark extraction using support vector machine with principal component analysis based feature reduction
* 2015: Enhancement of low-contrast images by internal noise-induced Fourier coefficient rooting
* 2015: Improved watermarking technique based on significant difference of lifting wavelet coefficients
* 2015: robust video stabilization technique using integral frame projection warping, A
* 2015: Unsteady camera zoom stabilization using slope estimation over interest warping vectors
* 2016: Digital image stabilization using similarity transformation over constrained Differential-Radon warping vectors
* 2016: Robust motion estimation for night-shooting videos using dual-accumulated constraint warping
* 2017: new composite multi-constrained differential-radon warping approach for digital video affine motion stabilization, A
* 2019: FD-based detector for medical image watermarking
* 2019: Gabor phase response based scheme for accurate pectoral muscle boundary detection
* 2021: improved Gamma correction model for image dehazing in a multi-exposure fusion framework, An
* 2021: multi-exposure fusion framework for contrast enhancement of hazy images employing dynamic stochastic resonance, A
* 2023: Image encryption based on fractional discrete cosine transform and DWT with interplane arrangements in dost domain
Includes: Jha, R.K.[Rajib Kumar] Jha, R.K.
22 for Jha, R.K.

Jha, R.R. * 2019: AUTODEPTH: Single Image Depth Map Estimation via Residual CNN Encoder-Decoder and Stacked Hourglass
* 2019: FS2Net: Fiber Structural Similarity Network (FS2Net) for Rotation Invariant Brain Tractography Segmentation Using Stacked LSTM Based Siamese Network
* 2020: PixISegNet: pixel-level iris segmentation network using convolutional encoder-decoder with stacked hourglass bottleneck
Includes: Jha, R.R. Jha, R.R.[Ranjeet Ranjan]

Jha, S. * 2019: Predicting Heart Rate Variations of Deepfake Videos using Neural ODE
* 2022: Autolv: Automatic Lecture Video Generator
* 2022: Dual-Key Multimodal Backdoors for Visual Question Answering
* 2022: Multimodal Driver Monitoring Database: A Naturalistic Corpus to Study Driver Attention, The
* 2022: Temporal Head Pose Estimation From Point Cloud in Naturalistic Driving Conditions
* 2022: Towards Exemplar-Free Continual Learning in Vision Transformers: an Account of Attention, Functional and Weight Regularization
* 2023: Distilled Reverse Attention Network for Open-world Compositional Zero-Shot Learning
* 2023: TIJO: Trigger Inversion with Joint Optimization for Defending Multimodal Backdoored Models
* 2024: D4: Detection of Adversarial Diffusion Deepfakes Using Disjoint Ensembles
* 2024: Torque based Structured Pruning for Deep Neural Network
Includes: Jha, S. Jha, S.[Sanjay] Jha, S.[Susmit] Jha, S.[Sumit] Jha, S.[Saurav] Jha, S.[Somesh]
10 for Jha, S.

Jha, S.I.K.[Sun Il Kr.] * 2017: Parallax engine for 2D animation in cinematography
* 2020: Non-aligned double JPEG compression detection based on refined Markov features in QDCT domain
* 2022: Detecting Aligned Double JPEG Compressed Color Image With Same Quantization Matrix Based on the Stability of Image
* 2022: SmsNet: A New Deep Convolutional Neural Network Model for Adversarial Example Detection
Includes: Jha, S.I.K.[Sun Il Kr.] Jha, S.I.K.[Sun-Il Kr.] Jha, S.I.K.[Sun-Il K.]

Jha, S.K.[Sumit Kumar] * 2012: Human tracking from a mobile agent: Optical flow and Kalman filter arbitration
* 2019: Identifying Computer Generated Images Based on Quaternion Central Moments in Color Quaternion Wavelet Domain
* 2020: Attacking NIST biometric image software using nonlinear optimization
* 2020: Detecting Deepfake Videos using Attribution-Based Confidence Metric
* 2020: Detecting Double JPEG Compressed Color Images With the Same Quantization Matrix in Spherical Coordinates
* 2022: Attribution-based Confidence Metric for Detection of Adversarial Attacks on Breast Histopathological Images
* 2023: Efficient Approximate Vedic Multiplier: Design, Analysis, and Application in Image Blending
Includes: Jha, S.K.[Sumit Kumar] Jha, S.K. Jha, S.K.[Sumit K.] Jha, S.K.[S. Kumar]
7 for Jha, S.K.

Jha, S.S.[Sudhanshu Shekhar] * 2020: Gudalur Spectral Target Detection (GST-D): A New Benchmark Dataset and Engineered Material Target Detection in Multi-Platform Remote Sensing Data
* 2022: Influence of atmospheric modeling on spectral target detection through forward modeling approach in multi-platform remote sensing data

Jha, V.[Vineet] * 2009: Multiple Sequence Alignment Based Upon Statistical Approach of Curve Fitting

Index for "j"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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