Index for koth

Kothala, L.P.[Lakshmi Prasanna] * 2024: efficient stacked bidirectional GRU-LSTM network for intracranial hemorrhage detection, An

Kothandapani, S.D.[Suganya Devi] * 2023: HPKNN: Hyper-parameter optimized KNN classifier for classification of poikilocytosis

Kothandaraman, D.[Divya] * 2021: BoMuDANet: Unsupervised Adaptation for Visual Scene Understanding in Unstructured Driving Environments
* 2021: Domain Adaptive Knowledge Distillation for Driving Scene Semantic Segmentation
* 2021: SS-SFDA: Self-Supervised Source-Free Domain Adaptation for Road Segmentation in Hazardous Environments
* 2022: FAR: Fourier Aerial Video Recognition
* 2023: Placing Human Animations into 3D Scenes by Learning Interaction- and Geometry-Driven Keyframes
* 2023: SALAD: Source-free Active Label-Agnostic Domain Adaptation for Classification, Segmentation and Detection
* 2024: PMI Sampler: Patch Similarity Guided Frame Selection For Aerial Action Recognition
7 for Kothandaraman, D.

Kothandaraman, S.[Sreenivas] * 2021: Searching Architecture and Precision for U-net based Image Restoration Tasks

Kothapalli, K.[Kishore] * 2019: Dynamic Block Sparse Reparameterization of Convolutional Neural Networks

Kothapalli, S.R.[Sri Rajasekhar] * 2021: Simultaneous Denoising and Localization Network for Photoacoustic Target Localization
Includes: Kothapalli, S.R.[Sri Rajasekhar] Kothapalli, S.R.[Sri-Rajasekhar]

Kothari, A. * 2021: Digital Image Noise Estimation Using DWT Coefficients

Kothari, A.G. * 2014: Expression invariant face recognition using contourlet transform

Kothari, A.M.[Ashish M.] * 2023: Deep Learning-Enabled Road Segmentation and Edge-Centerline Extraction from High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images

Kothari, A.R.[Abhishek R.] * 2020: Marker controlled watershed transform for intra-retinal cysts segmentation from optical coherence tomography B-scans

Kothari, G.[Govind] * 2010: Transfer of Supervision for Improved Address Standardization

Kothari, J.[Jitendra] * 2003: System for capability based multimedia streaming over a network

Kothari, M.[Megha] * 2006: Aggregation Pheromone Density Based Image Segmentation
* 2009: Use of aggregation pheromone density for image segmentation
* 2021: Circumnavigation on Multiple Circles Around a Nonstationary Target With Desired Angular Spacing
* 2024: FRCSyn Challenge at WACV 2024: Face Recognition Challenge in the Era of Synthetic Data
Includes: Kothari, M.[Megha] Kothari, M. Kothari, M.[Mahak]

Kothari, N.[Nisarg] * 2011: Robust Indoor Localization on a Commercial Smart-Phone
* 2016: YouTube-8M: A Large-Scale Video Classification Benchmark
* 2019: Generating Image Distortion Maps Using Convolutional Autoencoders With Application to No Reference Image Quality Assessment
* 2023: Light-Weight Human Eye Fixation Solution for Smartphone Applications, A
Includes: Kothari, N.[Nisarg] Kothari, N. Kothari, N.[Narayan]

Kothari, N.S.[Neeta S.] * 2021: Interpretable Rule-Based Fuzzy ELM and Domain Adaptation for Remote Sensing Image Classification

Kothari, P.[Parth] * 2021: Interpretable Social Anchors for Human Trajectory Forecasting in Crowds
* 2022: Human Trajectory Forecasting in Crowds: A Deep Learning Perspective
* 2023: Safety-Compliant Generative Adversarial Networks for Human Trajectory Forecasting

Kothari, R.[Ravi] * 1996: Detection of Eye Locations in Unconstrained Visual Images
* 1997: Optical Flow Determination Using Topology Preserving Mappings
* 1999: Introducing Locality and Softness in Subspace Classification
* 1999: On finding the number of clusters
* 1999: Region-based modeling and tree edit distance as a basis for gesture recognition
* 2000: Adaptive linear dimensionality reduction for classification
* 2000: Fractional-Step Dimensionality Reduction
* 2003: Feature subset selection using a new definition of classifiability
* 2010: new node splitting measure for decision tree construction, A
* 2019: RITnet: Real-time Semantic Segmentation of the Eye for Gaze Tracking
* 2021: Explainable Fingerprint ROI Segmentation Using Monte Carlo Dropout
* 2021: Weakly-Supervised Physically Unconstrained Gaze Estimation
Includes: Kothari, R.[Ravi] Kothari, R. Kothari, R.[Riya] Kothari, R.[Rakshit]
12 for Kothari, R.

Kothawade, S. * 2019: Demystifying Multi-Faceted Video Summarization: Tradeoff Between Diversity, Representation, Coverage and Importance
* 2019: Framework Towards Domain Specific Video Summarization, A
* 2019: Learning From Less Data: A Unified Data Subset Selection and Active Learning Framework for Computer Vision
* 2022: Talisman: Targeted Active Learning for Object Detection with Rare Classes and Slices Using Submodular Mutual Information
* 2024: Beyond Active Learning: Leveraging the Full Potential of Human Interaction via Auto-Labeling, Human Correction, and Human Verification
Includes: Kothawade, S. Kothawade, S.[Suraj]

Kothe, S.[Steffen] * 2013: Satellite-Based Sunshine Duration for Europe
* 2017: Satellite-Based Sunshine Duration Climate Data Record for Europe and Africa, A
* 2019: CM SAF R Toolbox: A Tool for the Easy Usage of Satellite-Based Climate Data in NetCDF Format, The

Kothe, U.[Ullrich] * 1996: Local Appropriate Scale in Morphological Scale-Space
* 1999: Reusable Software in Computer Vision
* 2002: Deriving Topological Representations from Edge Images
* 2003: Edge and Junction Detection with an Improved Structure Tensor
* 2003: Integrated Edge and Junction Detection with the Boundary Tensor
* 2003: Shape Preservation during Digitization: Tight Bounds Based on the Morphing Distance
* 2004: Accurate and Efficient Approximation of the Continuous Gaussian Scale-Space
* 2004: Towards a general sampling theory for shape preservation
* 2005: GET: The Connection Between Monogenic Scale-Space and Gaussian Derivatives
* 2005: Riesz-Transforms Versus Derivatives: On the Relationship Between the Boundary Tensor and the Energy Tensor
* 2006: New Sub-pixel Map for Image Analysis, A
* 2006: Provably Correct Edgel Linking and Subpixel Boundary Reconstruction
* 2008: On errors-in-variables regression with arbitrary covariance and its application to optical flow estimation
* 2008: Segmentation of SBFSEM Volume Data of Neural Tissue by Hierarchical Classification
* 2008: What Can We Learn from Discrete Images about the Continuous World?
* 2009: Fast and Accurate 3D Edge Detection for Surface Reconstruction
* 2009: Multivariate Watershed Segmentation of Compositional Data
* 2009: Pixel Approximation Errors in Common Watershed Algorithms
* 2009: Quantitative Assessment of Image Segmentation Quality by Random Walk Relaxation Times
* 2009: Theoretical and experimental error analysis of continuous-wave time-of-flight range cameras
* 2010: Empirical Comparison of Inference Algorithms for Graphical Models with Higher Order Factors Using OpenGM, An
* 2011: Probabilistic image segmentation with closedness constraints
* 2012: Lazy Flipper: Efficient Depth-Limited Exhaustive Search in Discrete Graphical Models, The
* 2013: K-Smallest Spanning Tree Segmentations
* 2014: Cut, Glue, & Cut: A Fast, Approximate Solver for Multicut Partitioning
* 2016: Efficient Fusion Move Algorithm for the Minimum Cost Lifted Multicut Problem, An
* 2017: Learned Watershed: End-to-End Learning of Seeded Segmentation
* 2018: Mutex Watershed: Efficient, Parameter-Free Image Partitioning, The
* 2018: Neuron Segmentation With High-Level Biological Priors
* 2019: Object Segmentation Using Pixel-Wise Adversarial Loss
* 2019: Training Invertible Neural Networks as Autoencoders
* 2020: Characterizing the Role of a Single Coupling Layer in Affine Normalizing Flows
* 2020: Conditional Invertible Neural Networks for Diverse Image-to-Image Translation
* 2020: Riemannian SOS-Polynomial Normalizing Flows
* 2021: Generative Classifiers as a Basis for Trustworthy Image Classification
* 2021: Mutex Watershed and its Objective: Efficient, Parameter-Free Graph Partitioning, The
* 2022: Towards Multimodal Depth Estimation from Light Fields
Includes: Kothe, U.[Ullrich] Köthe, U.[Ullrich] (Maybe also Koethe, U.)Köthe, U. (Maybe also Koethe, U.)
37 for Kothe, U.

Kothyari, G.C.[Girish Ch] * 2022: Geospatial Technology-Based Analysis of Air Quality in India during the COVID-19 Pandemic
* 2023: Assessment of Active Ground Subsidence in the Dibrugarh and Digboi Areas of Assam, Northeast India, Using the PSInSAR Technique

Index for "k"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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