Bade, A.[Abdullah]
Co Author Listing * Hierarchical Approach for Fast and Efficient Collision Detection in Urban Simulation
* Hierarchy Techniques in Self-Collision Detection for Cloth Simulation
Badea, A.
Co Author Listing * Connectome smoothing via low-rank approximations
* Discovering the signal subgraph: An iterative screening approach on graphs
* Environmental Impact Assessment Of Rosia Jiu Opencast Area Using An Integrated Sar Analysis
* Geomatics Technologies In the Framework of Multidisciplinary Project For Integrated Management of Cultural Heritage Sites
* Overview on the Development and Evolution of Earth Observation Research And Applications Programmes for Agriculture and Environment During The Last Three Decades In Romania
* Satellite Remote Sensing for the Analysis of the Micia and Germisara Archaeological Sites
* Sentinel-1/2 Data For Ship Traffic Monitoring On The Danube River
Includes: Badea, A. Badea, A.[Alexandra] Badea, A.[Alexandru]
7 for Badea, A.
Badea, A.C.
Co Author Listing * Geostatistical Analysis For Landslide Prediction In Transilvania, Romania
* GIS-Based Survey over the Public Transport Strategy: An Instrument for Economic and Sustainable Urban Traffic Planning
* Impact of Tile Size and Tile Overlap on the Prediction Performance of Convolutional Neural Networks Trained for Road Classification
Includes: Badea, A.C. Badea, A.C.[Ana-Cornelia]
Badea, A.M.[Alexandru Mihai]
Co Author Listing * empirical analysis of keystroke dynamics in passwords: A longitudinal study, An
Includes: Badea, A.M.[Alexandru Mihai] Badea, A.M.[Alexandru-Mihai]
Badea, D.[Dragos]
Co Author Listing * Filtering Process of LIDAR Data
Badea, M.[Mihai]
Co Author Listing * Can we teach computers to understand art? Domain adaptation for enhancing deep networks capacity to de-abstract art
* Clustering Based Reference Normal Pose for Improved Expression Recognition
* Domain Transfer for Delving into Deep Networks Capacity to De-Abstract Art
* Margin-mix: Semi-supervised Learning for Face Expression Recognition
* Timid semi-supervised learning for face expression analysis
Badea, O.[Ovidiu]
Co Author Listing * Assessing the Utility of Sentinel-1 Coherence Time Series for Temperate and Tropical Forest Mapping
* Investigating the Impact of Digital Elevation Models on Sentinel-1 Backscatter and Coherence Observations
Badea, R.
Co Author Listing * Improving the Textural Model of the Hepatocellular Carcinoma Using Dimensionality Reduction Methods
Badeche, M.[Mohamed]
Co Author Listing * automatic natural feature selection system for indoor tracking - application to Alzheimer patient support, An
Badeka, E.
Co Author Listing * Evaluation of LBP Variants in Retinal Blood Vessels Segmentation Using Machine Learning
* Grapes Visual Segmentation for Harvesting Robots Using Local Texture Descriptors
Includes: Badeka, E. Badeka, E.[Eftichia]
Badekas, E.[Efthimios]
Co Author Listing * Document binarisation using Kohonen SOM
* Evaluation of two-part algorithms for objects' depth estimation
* Text binarization in color documents
Includes: Badekas, E.[Efthimios] Badekas, E.
Badel, P.
Co Author Listing * New Method for the In Vivo Identification of Mechanical Properties in Arteries From Cine MRI Images: Theoretical Framework and Validation, A
Badem, H.
Co Author Listing * National Smart Cities Strategy and Action Plan: the Turkey's Smart Cities Approach
Badenas, J.
Co Author Listing * Analysis of new techniques to obtain quality training sets
* Contour-Based Image Registration Using Mutual Information
* Motion and intensity-based segmentation and its application to traffice monitoring
* Motion-based segmentation and region tracking in image sequences
* Segmentation Based on Region-Tracking in Image Sequences for Traffic Monitoring
* Using Temporal Integration for Tracking Regions in Traffic Monitoring Sequences
Includes: Badenas, J. Badenas, J.[Jorge]
Badenhorst, P.[Pieter]
Co Author Listing * Development and Validation of a Model to Combine NDVI and Plant Height for High-Throughput Phenotyping of Herbage Yield in a Perennial Ryegrass Breeding Program
* Machine Learning Algorithms to Predict Forage Nutritive Value of In Situ Perennial Ryegrass Plants Using Hyperspectral Canopy Reflectance Data
* New Method for Extracting Individual Plant Bio-Characteristics from High-Resolution Digital Images, A
Badenhorst, P.E.[Pieter E.]
Co Author Listing * Design of an Unmanned Ground Vehicle and LiDAR Pipeline for the High-Throughput Phenotyping of Biomass in Perennial Ryegrass
Badenko, V.[Vladimir]
Co Author Listing * Saint Petersburg 3D: Creating a Large-Scale Hybrid Mobile LiDAR Point Cloud Dataset for Geospatial Applications
Bader, B.W.[Brett W.]
Co Author Listing * Scenario Discovery Using Nonnegative Tensor Factorization
Bader, D.A.[David A.]
Co Author Listing * Kronos: A Software System for the Processing and Retrieval of Large-Scale AVHRR Data Sets
* Parallel Algorithms for Image Enhancement and Segmentation by Region Growing with an Experimental Study
* Parallel Algorithms for Image Histogramming and Connected Components with an Experimental Study
* Scalable Data Parallel Algorithms for Texture Synthesis and Compression Using Gibbs Random Fields
* Scalable Data-Parallel Algorithms for Texture Synthesis Using Gibbs Random-Fields
Includes: Bader, D.A.[David A.] Bader, D.A.
Bader, G.D.[Gary D.]
Co Author Listing * MAESTER: Masked Autoencoder Guided Segmentation at Pixel Resolution for Accurate, Self-Supervised Subcellular Structure Recognition
Bader, J.[Jessica]
Co Author Listing * Datadream: Few-shot Guided Dataset Generation
Bader, J.C.[Jean Claude]
Co Author Listing * Combining Multi-Sensor Satellite Imagery to Improve Long-Term Monitoring of Temporary Surface Water Bodies in the Senegal River Floodplain
Includes: Bader, J.C.[Jean Claude] Bader, J.C.[Jean-Claude]
Bader, J.L.[Jean Luc]
Co Author Listing * Aboveground-Biomass Estimation of a Complex Tropical Forest in India Using Lidar
Includes: Bader, J.L.[Jean Luc] Bader, J.L.[Jean-Luc]
Bader, K.B.
Co Author Listing * Post Hoc Analysis of Passive Cavitation Imaging for Classification of Histotripsy-Induced Liquefaction in Vitro
Bader, M.K.F.[Martin K.F.]
Co Author Listing * Linking High-Resolution UAV-Based Remote Sensing Data to Long-Term Vegetation Sampling: A Novel Workflow to Study Slow Ecotone Dynamics
Bader, Q.[Qamar]
Co Author Listing * Leveraging Single-Bounce Reflections and Onboard Motion Sensors for Enhanced 5G Positioning
Bader, R.S.[Ronald S.]
Co Author Listing * Dual mode facsimile coding system and method
* High speed character matcher and method
Bader, S.
Co Author Listing * securing access approach to virtual worlds based on 3D mesh watermarking of avatar's face, A
Bader, T.[Thomas]
Co Author Listing * Eye Gaze in Intelligent User Interfaces: Gaze-based Analyses, Models and Applications
* Fast Invariant Contour-Based Classification of Hand Symbols for HCI
Baders, E.[Endijs]
Co Author Listing * Integration of Linear Model and Random Forest Techniques for Prediction of Norway Spruce Vitality: A Case Study of the Hemiboreal Forest, Latvia, An
Badescu, A.
Co Author Listing * Large Scale Characterization of the Dielectric Properties of Heterogeneous Layered Rock Salt, A