Pajdla, T.[Tomas]
Co Author Listing * Home Page.
* email: Pajdla, T.[Tomas]: pajdla AT cmp felk cvut cz
* 24/7 Place Recognition by View Synthesis
* 3D Geometry from Uncalibrated Images
* 3D Reconstruction by Fitting Low-Rank Matrices with Missing Data
* 3D Reconstruction by Gluing Pair-Wise Euclidean Reconstructions, or How to Achieve a Good Reconstruction from Bad Images
* 3D Reconstruction from 360 x 360 Mosaics
* 3D reconstruction from image collections with a single known focal length
* 3D reconstruction from photographs by CMP SfM web service
* 3D with Kinect
* Are Large-Scale 3D Models Really Necessary for Accurate Visual Localization?
* Autocalibration & 3D reconstruction with non-central catadioptric cameras
* Automatic Generator of Minimal Problem Solvers
* Avoiding Confusing Features in Place Recognition
* AWEAR 2.0 system: Omni-directional audio-visual data acquisition and processing
* Benchmarking 6DOF Outdoor Visual Localization in Changing Conditions
* Beyond Grobner Bases: Basis Selection for Minimal Solvers
* Beyond Novelty Detection: Incongruent Events, When General and Specific Classifiers Disagree
* branch-and-bound algorithm for globally optimal hand-eye calibration, A
* Camera Calibration and 3D Euclidean Reconstruction from Known Observer Translations
* Cheirality in Epipolar Geometry
* Clever Elimination Strategy for Efficient Minimal Solvers, A
* Closed-Form Solutions to Minimal Absolute Pose Problems with Known Vertical Direction
* Consistent Multi-view Reconstruction from Epipolar Geometries with Outliers
* Constraints on perspective images and circular panoramas
* D2-Net: A Trainable CNN for Joint Description and Detection of Local Features
* Degeneracies in Rolling Shutter SfM
* Differential Invariants as the Base of Triangulated Surface Registration
* Direct Approach to Viewing Graph Solvability, A
* Domain Adaptation for Sequential Detection
* Efficient 3-D Scene Visualization by Image Extrapolation
* Efficient matching of space curves
* Efficient Model for a Camera Behind a Parallel Refractive Slab, An
* Efficient Rendering of Projective Model for Image-Based Visualization
* Efficient Solution to the Epipolar Geometry for Radially Distorted Cameras
* Efficient Structure from Motion by Graph Optimization
* Eliminating Blind Spots for Assisted Driving
* Epipolar geometry estimation for wide-baseline omnidirectional street view images
* Epipolar Geometry for Central Catadioptric Cameras
* Epipolar Geometry for Central Panoramic Catadioptric Cameras
* Epipolar Geometry for Panoramic Cameras
* Estimation of omnidirectional camera model from epipolar geometry
* Fast and Accurate Camera Covariance Computation for Large 3D Reconstruction
* Fast and robust numerical solutions to minimal problems for cameras with radial distortion
* Fast and Stable Algebraic Solution to L2 Three-View Triangulation
* Four-view Geometry with Unknown Radial Distortion
* From Two Rolling Shutters to One Global Shutter
* general solution to the P4P problem for camera with unknown focal length, A
* geometric error for homographies, The
* Globally optimal hand-eye calibration
* Globally Optimal Hand-Eye Calibration Using Branch-and-Bound
* Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Advances in Computer Vision and Applications (ACCV 2020)
* Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Traditional Computer Vision in the Age of Deep Learning
* Hand-Eye Calibration without Hand Orientation Measurement Using Minimal Solution
* Improvement of the curvature computation
* Improving Image Pair Selection for Large Scale Structure from Motion by Introducing Modified Simpson Coefficient
* InLoc: Indoor Visual Localization with Dense Matching and View Synthesis
* Is This the Right Place? Geometric-Semantic Pose Verification for Indoor Visual Localization
* Joint Orientation of Epipoles
* Learning and Calibrating Per-Location Classifiers for Visual Place Recognition
* Learning to Solve Hard Minimal Problems
* Light Field Special Issue Editorial
* Line reconstruction from many perspective images by factorization
* Linear Solution to the Minimal Absolute Pose Rolling Shutter Problem
* Long-Term Visual Localization Revisited
* Making Affine Correspondences Work in Camera Geometry Computation
* Making minimal solvers fast
* Maneuvering Aid for Large Vehicle using Omnidirectional Cameras
* Match Box: Indoor Image Matching via Box-Like Scene Estimation
* Matching in Catadioptric Images with Appropriate Windows, and Outliers Removal
* Matching of 3D Curves Using Semi-Differential Invariants
* Measuring camera translation by the dominant apical angle
* Minimal Perspective Autocalibration
* Minimal Rolling Shutter Absolute Pose with Unknown Focal Length and Radial Distortion
* Minimal Solution to Radial Distortion Autocalibration, A
* minimal solution to the autocalibration of radial distortion, A
* Motion Segmentation via Synchronization
* Motion Segmentation with Pairwise Matches and Unknown Number of Motions
* Multi-frame Motion Segmentation by Combining Two-Frame Results
* Multi-label image segmentation via max-sum solver
* Multi-view reconstruction preserving weakly-supported surfaces
* NCNet: Neighbourhood Consensus Networks for Estimating Image Correspondences
* NetVLAD: CNN Architecture for Weakly Supervised Place Recognition
* New Efficient Solution to the Absolute Pose Problem for Camera with Unknown Focal Length and Radial Distortion
* Objects Can Move: 3D Change Detection by Geometric Transformation Consistency
* Omnidirectional Camera Model and Epipolar Geometry Estimation by RANSAC with Bucketing
* Omnidirectional Image Stabilization by Computing Camera Trajectory
* Omnidirectional Image Stabilization for Visual Object Recognition
* On Performance Analysis of Optical Flow Algorithms
* On the epipolar geometry of the crossed-slits projection
* On the Two-View Geometry of Unsynchronized Cameras
* On the Usage of the Trifocal Tensor in Motion Segmentation
* Optimizing Elimination Templates by Greedy Parameter Search
* Oriented Matching Constraints
* Outlier Detection for Factorization-Based Reconstruction from Perspective Images with Occlusions
* Panel Session on Extended Environments
* Panoramic mosaicing with a 180 deg field of view lens
* PLMP: Point-Line Minimal Problems in Complete Multi-View Visibility
* PL_1P: Point-Line Minimal Problems under Partial Visibility in Three Views
* Polynomial Eigenvalue Solutions to Minimal Problems in Computer Vision
* Polynomial Eigenvalue Solutions to the 5-pt and 6-pt Relative Pose Problems
* R6P: Rolling shutter absolute pose problem
* Radial distortion homography
* Randomized structure from motion based on atomic 3D models from camera triplets
* Real-Time Solution to the Absolute Pose Problem with Unknown Radial Distortion and Focal Length
* Rendering Almost Perspective Views from a Sparse Set of Omnidirectional Images
* Robust Focal Length Estimation by Voting in Multi-view Scene Reconstruction
* Robust Motion Segmentation From Pairwise Matches
* Robust Rotation and Translation Estimation in Multiview Reconstruction
* Robust Wide Baseline Stereo from Maximally Stable Extremal Regions
* Rolling Shutter Absolute Pose Problem with Known Vertical Direction
* Rolling Shutter Camera Absolute Pose
* Scalable multi-view stereo
* Scene Reconstruction From Images
* Selecting image pairs for SfM by introducing Jaccard similarity
* Selection Of Reference Views for image-based representation
* Simultaneous surveillance camera calibration and foot-head homology estimation from human detections
* Singly-Bordered Block-Diagonal Form for Minimal Problem Solvers
* Six Point Algorithm Revisited, The
* Special issue on omnidirectional vision, camera networks and non-conventional cameras
* Stable Radial Distortion Calibration by Polynomial Matrix Inequalities Programming
* Stereo with Oblique Cameras
* Stereographic rectification of omnidirectional stereo pairs
* Structure from Many Perspective Images with Occlusions
* Structure from Motion with Wide Circular Field of View Cameras
* Structure-from-motion based hand-eye calibration using L-inf minimization
* Surface discontinuities in range images
* Towards Complete Free-Form Reconstruction of Complex 3D Scenes from an Unordered Set of Uncalibrated Images
* Trifocal Relative Pose From Lines at Points
* TRPLP: Trifocal Relative Pose From Lines at Points
* Two Minimal Problems for Cameras with Radial Distortion
* Uncertainty Based Camera Model Selection
* Uncertainty Computation in Large 3D Reconstruction
* Viewing Graph Solvability in Practice
* Viewing Graph Solvability via Cycle Consistency
* Visual localization by linear combination of image descriptors
* Visual Place Recognition with Repetitive Structures
* World-Base Calibration by Global Polynomial Optimization
* Zero Phase Representation of Panoramic Images for Image Based Localization
Includes: Pajdla, T.[Tomas] Pajdla, T. Pajdla, T.[Tomás] Pajdla, T.[Tomáš] Pajdla, T.[Thomas] Pajdla, T.[Toma]
139 for Pajdla, T.