Journals starting with fhr0

FHR02 * *Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition
* Affine alignment for stroke classification
* algorithm for on-line strokes verification of chinese characters using discrete features, An
* Analysis of stability in hand-written dynamic signatures
* Automated assessment: How confident are we?
* Automatic detection of handwriting forgery
* Automatic handwriting recognition and writer matching on anthrax-related handwritten mail
* Automating performance optimization for script word recognition systems
* Baseline estimation for Arabic handwritten words
* Bigram-based post-processing for on-line handwriting recognition using correctness evaluation
* Bit plane decomposition and the scanning n-tuple classifier
* Class-confidence critic combining
* Classifying isogenous fields
* Clustering writing styles with a self-organizing map
* combination method of two classifiers based on the information of confusion matrix, A
* Combination of local and global vision modelling for Arabic handwritten words recognition
* Combination of multiple classifiers for handwritten word recognition
* comparative study on mirror image learning and ALSM, A
* Comparing On-Line Recognition of Japanese and Western Script in Preparation for Recognizing Multi-Language Documents
* Confidence modeling for verification post-processing for handwriting recognition
* Confident assessment of children's handwritten responses
* Context-dependent substroke model for HMM-based on-line handwriting recognition
* Continuous approach to segmentation of handwritten text
* Creation of classifier ensembles for handwritten word recognition using feature selection algorithms
* data base for arabic handwritten text recognition research, A
* Detecting dominant point on on-line scripts with a simple approach
* DP matching using kalman filter as pre-processing in on-line signature verification
* Dynamic observations and dynamic state termination for off-line handwritten word recognition using HMM
* effect of large training set sizes on online japanese kanji and english cursive recognizers, The
* Empirical error based optimization of SVM kernels: Application to digit image recognition
* Extraction of place-name from natural scenes
* fast algorithm for finding k-nearest neighbors with non-metric dissimilarity, A
* Feature sets evaluation for handwritten word recognition
* From ligatures to characters: a shape-based algorithm for handwriting segmentation
* Genetical engineering of handwriting representations
* Handprinted Hiragana recognition using support vector machines
* Handwritten address recognition with open vocabulary using character N-grams
* handwritten character recognition method based on unconstrained elastic matching and eigen-deformations, A
* Handwritten digit recognition using state-of-the-art techniques
* Handwritten document retrieval
* Handwritten numeral string recognition using neural network classifier trained with negative data
* Handwritten text recognition through writer adaptation
* Hidden loop recovery for handwriting recognition
* Hidden markov model length optimization for handwriting recognition systems
* Hybrid adaptation: integration of adaptive classification with adaptive context processing
* hybrid large vocabulary handwritten word recognition system using neural networks with hidden markov models, A
* Impact of lexicon completeness on city name recognition
* Incorporating contextual character geometry in word recognition
* Ink texture analysis for writer identification
* Integrated Segmentation and Recognition of Handwritten Numerals: Comparison of Classification Algorithms
* learning algorithm for structured character pattern representation used in on-line recognition of handwritten Japanese characters, A
* Learning-based cursive handwriting synthesis
* Linguistic integration information in the aabatas arabic text analysis system
* Medical word recognition using a computational semantic lexicon
* Minimum classification error training for online handwritten word recognition
* MOrpho-LEXical analysis for correcting OCR-genereted arabic words (MOLEX)
* Multidimensional multistage K-NN classifiers for handwritten digit recognition
* new database for research on bank-check processing, A
* new warping technique for normalizing likelihood of multiple classifiers and its effectiveness in combined on-line/off-line Japanese character recognition, A
* Novel approaches to optimized self-configuration in high performance multiple-expert classifiers
* Off-line handwritten Arabic character segmentation algorithm: ACSA
* On line signature verification: fusion of a hidden markov model and a neural network via a support vector machine
* On-line handwriting recognition using character bigram match vectors
* On-line handwriting recognition with support vector machines: A kernel approach
* On-line recognition of handwritten Arabic characters using a Kohonen neural network
* on-line signature verification system using hidden markov model in polar space, An
* overview and comparison of voting methods for pattern recognition, An
* Recognition of courtesy amounts on bank checks based on a segmentation approach
* Recognition of Handwritten Month Words on Bank Cheques
* Rejection measures for handwriting sentence recognition
* Representations and metrics for off-line handwriting segmentation
* Schurmann-polynomials: Roots and offsprings their impact on today's pattern recognition
* Script and nature differentiation for Arabic and Latin text images
* Segmentation and recognition of handwritten dates
* segmentation system for touching handwritten Japanese characters, A
* Separating text and background in degraded document images: A comparison of global thresholding techniques for multi-stage thresholding
* Separation of touching and overlapping words in adjacent lines of handwritten text
* Signature verification: benefits of multiple tries
* Slant correction of handwritten strings based on structural properties of Korean characters
* Stroke level HMMs for on-line handwriting recognition
* study on the use of CDHMM for large vocabulary offline recognition of handwritten chinese characters, A
* Transcript mapping for historic handwritten document images
* TreadMill ink: Enabling continuous pen input on small devices
* Vind(x): using the user through cooperative annotation
* Writer adaptation techniques in off-line cursive word recognition
* Writer identification by writer's invariants
* Writers authentication and fractal compression
87 for FHR02

FHR04 * *Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition
* Recovering Dynamic Information from Static Handwritten Images

FHR06 * *Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition

FHR08 * *Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition

Index for "f"

Last update:22-Oct-24 22:41:04
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