Update Dates 0002

0002 * 360 degree/forward view integral imaging system
* A* perspective on deterministic optimization for deformable templates, An
* accurate bit-rate control for real-time MPEG video encoder, An
* Active Contour Algorithm: An Attractive Tool for Snow Avalanche Analysis
* adaptive parcel-based technique for unsupervised change detection, An
* affective mobile robot educator with a full-time job, An
* Ambiguous Shape from Shading with Critical Points
* Approach to Feature Selection and Classification of Remote Sensing Images Based on the Bayes Rule for Minimum Cost, An
* Band sharpening of IRS-multispectral imagery by cubic spline wavelets
* Beware of per-pixel characterization of land cover
* BioID: A Multimodal Biometric Identification System
* Biometrics: The Future of Identification
* Blind reconstruction of non-minimum-phase systems from 1-D oblique slices of the bispectrum
* Characterizing the distribution of completion shapes with corners using a mixture of random processes
* Cliques, computation, and computational tractability
* Comparison of atmospheric modelling versus empirical line fitting for mosaicking HYDICE imagery
* Compressing Triangulated Irregular Networks
* Compression of Multispectral Images by Three-Dimensional SPIHT Algorithm
* Compression of NOAA/AVHRR data with a wavelet transform
* Computer vision system for subject characterization
* Conditional Entropy-Constrained Trellis-Coded RVQ with Application to Image Coding
* Continuous Piecewise Geometric Rectification for Airborne Multispectral Scanner Imagery
* Data Visualization by Multidimensional Scaling: A Deterministic Annealing Approach
* delivery layer in MPEG-4, The
* Design and implementation of a new efficient median filtering algorithm
* Design of Channel-Optimized Vector Quantizers in the Presence of Channel Mismatch
* Detecting Wetland Change: A Rule-Based Approach Using NWI and SPOT-XS Data
* Detection and Extraction of Buildings from Interferometric SAR Data
* Development of polygon shift method for generating 3D view map of buildings
* Digital Image Processing Algorithms and Applications
* Distance detection method using images
* Distributed Geographic Information System on the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA), A
* Elements of Photogrammetry with Applications in GIS
* Experiences with an interactive museum tour-guide robot
* Explicit Fuzzy Supervised Classification Method for Multispectral Remote Sensing Images, An
* Face and 2-D mesh animation in MPEG-4
* Face Recognition for Smart Environments
* fast generalized discrete Fourier transforms: A unified approach to the discrete sinusoidal transforms computation, The
* Feature segmentation
* Federal Biometric Technology Legislation
* Fuzzy-Possibilistic Scheme of Study for Objects with Indeterminate Boundaries: Application to French Polynesian Reefscapes, A
* Genetic algorithms for ambiguous labelling problems
* Image compression using multiple transforms
* Image distortions produced by mean, median and mode filters
* Image restoration with the Viterbi algorithm
* Image sequence based automatic multi-camera system calibration techniques
* Image sequence compression using adapted three-dimensional transform: Application to scintigraphic images
* Image subtraction to remove ambient illumination
* Imaging Algorithm of Objects Embedded in a Lossy-Dispersive Medium for Subsurface Radar-Data Processing, An
* Improving JPEG Performance in Conjunction with Cloud Editing for Remote Sensing Applications
* Interferometric data analysis based on Markov nonlinear filtering methodology
* Introduction to Evaluating Biometric Systems, An
* Inverse source problem and minimum-energy sources
* Iris Biometric System for Public and Personal Use, An
* Isolated 3-D Object Recognition through Next View Planning
* Joint source and channel decoding of compressed still images
* Knowledge Based Recognition of Man-Made Objects
* Large-scale failures of f- scaling in natural image spectra
* Low-complexity rate-distortion optimal transcoding of MPEG I-frames
* Mathematical Morphology Based on Linear Combined Metric Spaces on Z2 (Part I): Fast Distance Transforms
* Mathematical Morphology Based on Linear Combined Metric Spaces on Z2 (Part II): Constant Time Morphological Operations
* Method and apparatus for detecting and displaying a representative image of a shot of short duration in a moving image
* Method and apparatus for encoding a motion vector
* Method and apparatus for monoscopic to stereoscopic image conversion
* Method of verifying the presence of an eye in a close-up image
* Methodology for Spatial Consistency Improvement of Geographic Databases, A
* MPEG-4 natural audio coding
* MPEG-4 natural video coding: An overview
* MPEG-4 Systems: Elementary stream management
* MPEG-4 Systems: Overview
* MPEG-4's binary format for scene description
* MPEG-4: Why, what, how and when?
* Myth of the Minimum SAR Antenna Area Constraint, The
* new approach to wire-frame tracking for semantic model-based moving image coding, A
* New motion estimation and compensation algorithms for video compression combining global and local motions
* New Signal Processing Technique for ISAR Ranging: The Vernier Ranging Method, A
* non-rigid registration algorithm for dynamic breast MR images, A
* Noniterative manipulation of discrete energy-based models for image analysis
* Object localization using color, texture and shape
* Obtaining medial responses from steerable filters
* On image compression by competitive neural networks and optimal linear predictors
* optimization of finite-state vector quantization for image compression, An
* Performance analysis of a modified spatial smoothing technique for direction estimation
* Phase reconstruction from undersampled intensity patterns
* Polarization and statistical analysis of scenes containing a semireflector
* practical method for constructing the mixture model for a spectral class, A
* Practical Systems for Personal Fingerprint Authentication
* Principal Component Analysis of Random Particles
* Probabilistic relaxation and the Hough transform
* Probabilistic Self-Localization for Mobile Robots
* Profiles and levels in MPEG-4: Approach and overview
* Prototyping Structural Description Using an Inductive Learning Program
* Quality scalable coding of selected region
* Rate control for MPEG video coding
* Real-time implementation of the moving FFT algorithm
* Reduction of blocking effect in DCT-coded images using zero-masking techniques
* Region-Level Motion-Based Graph Representation and Labeling for Tracking a Spatial Image Partition, A
* Relational color constancy in achromatic and isoluminant images
* Relationship Between the Matched-Filter Operator and the Target Signature Space-Orthogonal Projection Classifier, The
* Restoration of severely blurred high range images using stochastic and deterministic relaxation algorithms in compound Gauss-Markov random fields
* Robust Parameter Estimation for Mixture Model
* Self-annealing and self-annihilation: unifying deterministic annealing and relaxation labeling
* Smart office robot collaboration based on multi-agent programming
* Solutions and Ambiguities of the Structure and Motion Problem for 1D Retinal Vision
* Speed versus quality in low bit-rate still image compression
* Standardized Radiometric Normalization Method for Change Detection Using Remotely Sensed Imagery, A
* Subblock sum matching algorithm for block-based interframe coding
* Surface Albedos and Angle-Corrected NDVI from AVHRR Observations of South America
* Survey on: Contents Based Search in Image Databases, A
* Synthetic and SNHC audio in MPEG-4
* System and method for estimating motion vector in macro block
* technique for feature selection in multiclass problems, A
* theory of proximity based clustering: structure detection by optimization, A
* Three-dimensional tomographic reconstruction of an absorptive perturbation with diffuse photon density waves
* Topology in Raster and Vector Representation
* Toward global solution to MAP image restoration and segmentation: Using Common Structure of Local Minima
* Unsupervised image segmentation using Markov random field models
* Vector Median Filters, Inf-Sup Operations, and Coupled PDE's: Theoretical Connections
* Video retrieval method and apparatus
119 for 0002

Index for "0"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.