Update Dates 9501

9501 * Active Shape Models: Their Training and Application
* Analysis of Camera Movement Errors in Vision-Based Vehicle Tracking
* Application of Mean-Field Theory to Image Motion Estimation, The
* Area and Length Preserving Geometric Invariant Scale-Spaces
* Automated Evaluation of OCR Zoning
* Backpropagation Network and Its Configuration for Blood-Vessel Detection In Angiograms
* Border Detection of the Object Segmented by the Pyramid Linking Method
* Boundary Approach for Fast Neighborhood Operations on 3-Dimensional Binary Data, A
* Characterization and Detection of Skewed Symmetry, The
* Contour Extraction of Moving-Objects in Complex Outdoor Scenes
* Decomposition of Arbitrarily Shaped Morphological Structuring Elements
* Design of an Autonomous Agricultural Robot
* Discrete Combinatorial Surfaces
* Document layout processing method and device for carrying out the same
* Edge and Line Feature-Extraction Based on Covariance-Models
* Edge Integration Using Minimal Geodesics
* Efficient Image-Processing Algorithms on the Scan Line Array Processor
* Enhanced Reality Visualization in a Surgical Environment
* Estimating Camera and Object Translation in the Presence of Camera Rotation
* Evaluation of Intrinsic Dimensionality Estimators, An
* Fitting digital Curve Using Circular Arcs
* Foundations Of Semi-Differential Invariants
* Fundamental Limitations On Projective Invariants Of Planar Curves
* Game Strategy Approach for Image Labeling, A
* Geometric Algorithms for Detecting and Calculating All Conic Sections in the Intersection of Any 2 Natural Quadric Surfaces
* Geometric Calibration of Zoom Lenses for Computer Vision Metrology
* High-Speed Paper Currency Recognition By Neural Networks
* Integrated Architecture for Robot Motion Planning and Control in the Presence of Obstacles with Unknown Trajectories, An
* Invariant Matching and Identification of Curves Using B-Splines Curve Representation
* Invariants of 6 Points and Projective Reconstruction from 3 Uncalibrated Images
* Joint Wavelet-Transform Correlator for Image Feature-Extraction
* Method of Combining Multiple Experts for the Recognition of Unconstrained Handwritten Numerals
* Method of OCR template enhancement by pixel weighting
* Model-Based Morphology: The Opening Spectrum
* Motion Estimation Based on Time-Sequentially Sampled Imagery
* Multiscale Corner Detection by Using Wavelet Transform
* Multiscale smoothing error models
* Neural Network Filter to Detect Small Targets in High-Clutter Backgrounds, A
* On Finding Ranked Assignments with Application to Multi-Target Tracking and Motion Correspondence
* Optical Spatial Filter Sensor for Ground Speed
* Optimal Sensor and Light-Source Positioning for Machine Vision
* Parallel Simulated Annealing for Shape Detection
* Parametric string edit distance and its application to pattern recognition
* Perceptual Evaluation of the Mean Square Error Choice of Regularization Parameter
* Pictorial Depth Cues: A New Slant
* Planning for Complete Sensor Coverage in Inspection
* Point Reconstruction from Noisy Images
* Radon Transform based Ship-Wake Detection
* Recognition Of Planar Shapes Under Affine Distortion
* Recognition of Raised Characters For Automatic Classification of Rubber Tires
* Recursive Filters For Optical-Flow
* Registering Range Views of Multipart Objects
* Retrieval of Images from Image Databases: Trademarks, The
* Robust Computation of Optical-Flow in a Multiscale Differential Framework
* State-Of-The-Art Of Digital Photogrammetric Workstations for Topographic Applications
* Stereoscopic computer vision system
* Successive Elimination Algorithm for Motion Estimation
* Surface Approximation of a Cloud of 3D Points
* Systolic Approach For Real-Time Connected Component Labeling, A
* Text/image separation method
* Texture Segmentation Using Fractal Dimension
* Using Affine Invariants on Perspective Projections of Plane Curves
* Visual Learning And Recognition Of 3-D Objects From Appearance
* Well-Composed Sets
64 for 9501

Index for "9"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.