Index for gatt

Gatt, A. * 2010: Combining online feature selection with adaptive shape estimation
* 2013: Visual Object Tracking VOT2013 Challenge Results, The
* 2016: Understanding Data Augmentation for Classification: When to Warp?
* 2017: Track Everything: Limiting Prior Knowledge in Online Multi-Object Recognition
* 2018: Pre-gen Metrics: Predicting Caption Quality Metrics Without Generating Captions
* 2018: Quantifying the Amount of Visual Information Used by Neural Caption Generators
* 2023: Video-and-Language (VidL) models and their cognitive relevance
Includes: Gatt, A. Gatt, A.[Albert]
7 for Gatt, A.

Gatta, C.[Carlo] * 2003: new algorithm for unsupervised global and local color correction, A
* 2006: Local linear LUT method for spatial colour-correction algorithm speed-up
* 2007: Multiscale Framework for Spatial Gamut Mapping, A
* 2007: Perceptually inspired HDR images tone mapping with color correction
* 2008: Spatially Variant White-Patch and Gray-World Method for Color Image Enhancement Driven by Local Contrast, A
* 2009: Bilateral enhancers
* 2009: Enhancing In-Vitro IVUS Data for Tissue Characterization
* 2009: Toward Robust Myocardial Blush Grade Estimation in Contrast Angiography
* 2011: Automatic Branching Detection in IVUS Sequences
* 2011: Combining Growcut and Temporal Correlation for IVUS Lumen Segmentation
* 2011: Multi-scale stacked sequential learning
* 2011: Non-rigid Multi-modal Registration of Coronary Arteries Using SIFTflow
* 2011: Simultaneous correspondence and non-rigid 3D reconstruction of the coronary tree from single X-ray images
* 2012: Context Aware Keypoint Extraction for Robust Image Representation
* 2012: Stable Salient Shapes
* 2013: Do We Really Need All These Neurons?
* 2014: Context-aware features and robust image representations
* 2014: Semantic Pyramids for Gender and Action Recognition
* 2014: Stacked Sequential Scale-Space Taylor Context
* 2014: Unrolling Loopy Top-Down Semantic Feedback in Convolutional Deep Networks
* 2015: Meta-Parameter Free Unsupervised Sparse Feature Learning
* 2016: On the completeness of feature-driven maximally stable extremal regions
* 2016: Unsupervised Deep Feature Extraction for Remote Sensing Image Classification
* 2021: Fast hard negative mining for deep metric learning
* 2022: Area Under the ROC Curve Maximization for Metric Learning
Includes: Gatta, C.[Carlo] Gatta, C.
25 for Gatta, C.

Gatta, G. * 2016: HGIS And Archive Researches: A Tool For The Study Of The Ancient Mill Channel Of Cesena (Italy)

Gatta, G.G.[Giuseppe Gianmarco] * 2023: Image Retrieval in Semiconductor Manufacturing

Gatta, V.L.[Valerio La] * 2023: COVID-19 Sentiment Analysis Based on Tweets

Gattal, A.[Abdeljalil] * 2011: Segmentation Strategy of Handwritten Connected Digits (SSHCD)
* 2012: Segmentation and Recognition Strategy of Handwritten Connected Digits Based on the Oriented Sliding Window
* 2015: ICDAR2015 competition on Multi-script Writer Identification and Gender Classification using QUWI Database
* 2019: Offline Signature Verification Using Textural Descriptors
* 2020: Handwriting Based Gender Classification Using Cold and Hinge Features
* 2021: Texture feature column scheme for single- and multi-script writer identification

Gattani, A. * 2003: fast multifunctional approach for document image analysis, A

Gattari, M.G. * 2014: 3D painting documentation: Evaluation of conservation conditions with 3D imaging and ranging techniques

Gattas, G.J.F.[Gilka J.F.] * 2019: Age-related craniofacial differences based on spatio-temporal face image atlases

Gattass, M. * 2002: Insertion of Three-Dimensional Objects in Architectural Photos
* 2004: Adaptive space carving
* 2005: Semivariogram and SGLDM Methods Comparison for the Diagnosis of Solitary Lung Nodule
* 2007: Anti-aliasing Technique for Voxel-Based Massive Model Visualization Strategies, An
* 2007: Novel Optical Tracking Algorithm for Point-Based Projective Invariant Marker Patterns, A
* 2008: Accelerated Corner-Detector Algorithms
* 2008: Augmented Reality Using Projective Invariant Patterns
* 2008: Lloyd's Algorithm on GPU
* 2008: Real-Time Video Processing for Multi-Object Chromatic Tracking
* 2009: Detection of Masses in Digital Mammograms using K-Means and Support Vector Machine
* 2012: Analysis of directional patterns of lung nodules in computerized tomography using Getis statistics and their accumulated forms as malignancy and benignity indicators
* 2018: Classification of patterns of benignity and malignancy based on CT using topology-based phylogenetic diversity index and convolutional neural network
* 2019: Modified Quality Threshold Clustering for Temporal Analysis and Classification of Lung Lesions
* 2023: Generalization of deep learning models for natural gas indication in 2D seismic data
Includes: Gattass, M. Gattass, M.[Marcelo]
14 for Gattass, M.

Gattelli, M.[Mario] * 2013: Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) for High-Resolution Reconstruction of Topography: The Structure from Motion Approach on Coastal Environments
* 2015: Evaluating Multispectral Images and Vegetation Indices for Precision Farming Applications from UAV Images

Gatter, A.[Alexander] * 2023: Thermal Infrared Single Image Dehazing and Blind Image Quality Assessment

Gatteschi, V. * 2016: Semantics-Based Intelligent Human-Computer Interaction

Gattet, E. * 2015: versatile and low-cost 3D acquisition and processing pipeline for collecting mass of archaeological findings on the field, A
* 2016: Shape-Adjusted Tridimensional Reconstruction of Cultural Heritage Artifacts Using a Miniature Quadrotor, A
* 2017: Multispectral Photogrammetric Data Acquisition and Processing Forwall Paintings Studies
Includes: Gattet, E. Gattet, E.[Eloi]

Gatti, A.[Andrea] * 2019: Synergistic Use of a High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction Model and High-Resolution Earth Observation Products to Improve Precipitation Forecast, A
* 2020: Monitoring Surface Displacement of a Deep-Seated Landslide by a Low-Cost and near Real-Time GNSS System
* 2021: Time Evolution of Storms Producing Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes Using ERA5 Reanalysis Data, GPS, Lightning and Geostationary Satellite Observations

Gatti, E. * 2017: Multisensory Experiences in HCI

Gatti, F.[Fabio] * 1996: Cumulant based algorithms for autofocusing in ISAR/SAR systems

Gatti, L.[Luca] * 2014: Towards an Operational SAR-Based Rice Monitoring System in Asia: Examples from 13 Demonstration Sites across Asia in the RIICE Project
* 2016: SentiWords: Deriving a High Precision and High Coverage Lexicon for Sentiment Analysis
* 2017: Exploitation of SAR and Optical Sentinel Data to Detect Rice Crop and Estimate Seasonal Dynamics of Leaf Area Index
* 2018: Spatial Rice Yield Estimation Based on MODIS and Sentinel-1 SAR Data and ORYZA Crop Growth Model
* 2022: DepecheMood++: A Bilingual Emotion Lexicon Built Through Simple Yet Powerful Techniques
Includes: Gatti, L.[Luca] Gatti, L. Gatti, L.[Lorenzo]

Gatti, M.[Maurizio] * 1992: method for the 3D reconstruction of indoor scenes from monocular images, A
* 2021: Comparison and Ground Truthing of Different Remote and Proximal Sensing Platforms to Characterize Variability in a Hedgerow-Trained Vineyard
* 2022: Adversarial Generative Network Designed for High-Resolution Monocular Depth Estimation from 2D HiRISE Images of Mars, An
* 2022: Spectral Comparison of UAV-Based Hyper and Multispectral Cameras for Precision Viticulture
Includes: Gatti, M.[Maurizio] Gatti, M.[Matteo] Gatti, M.[Mattia]

Gatti, R.[Riccardo] * 2009: Evaluation of a Foreground Segmentation Algorithm for 3D Camera Sensors
* 2009: Towards Protein Interaction Analysis through Surface Labeling
* 2009: Tracking without Background Model for Time-of-Flight Cameras

Gatti, T. * 1996: Multi-Radar Data Fusion for Object Tracking and Shape Estimation

Gattiker, A.[Anne] * 2019: Video-Text Compliance: Activity Verification Based on Natural Language Instructions

Gattiker, J.R. * 1988: System for Recognition and Description of Graphics, A
* 1990: System for Interpretation of Line Drawings, A

Gatto, A.[Alexander] * 2016: Heterogeneous Light Fields
* 2019: Skin-Based Identification From Multispectral Image Data Using CNNs
* 2021: Semi-supervised Deep Learning Techniques for Spectrum Reconstruction

Gatto, B.B. * 2017: Discriminative canonical correlation analysis network for image classification
* 2019: News2meme: An Automatic Content Generator from News Based on Word Subspaces from Text and Image
* 2020: Enhanced Grassmann discriminant analysis with randomized time warping for motion recognition
* 2020: Interface between Grassmann manifolds and vector spaces, An
* 2020: Metric Learning with A-based Scalar Product for Image-set Recognition
* 2022: Analysis of Temporal Tensor Datasets on Product Grassmann Manifold
Includes: Gatto, B.B. Gatto, B.B.[Bernardo B.]

Gatto, M.[Marino] * 2022: Deep Learning Segmentation of Satellite Imagery Identifies Aquatic Vegetation Associated with Snail Intermediate Hosts of Schistosomiasis in Senegal, Africa

Gatto, M.C.[Maria Carmela] * 2020: Detecting Change at Archaeological Sites in North Africa Using Open-Source Satellite Imagery

Gatto, R.C.[Rubens Cruz] * 2021: Audio-Based Machine Learning Model for Traffic Congestion Detection

Gatto, S.[Simone] * 2019: Monitoring Within-Field Variability of Corn Yield using Sentinel-2 and Machine Learning Techniques

Gattone, V.H. * 2005: Functional imaging in small animals using X-ray computed Tomography: Study of physiologic measurement reproducibility

Gattulli, V.[Vincenzo] * 2021: comparative study of shallow learning and deep transfer learning techniques for accurate fingerprints vitality detection, A
* 2022: Human Description in the Wild: Description of the Scene with Ensembles of AI Models

Gattullo, M. * 2019: User-Centered Framework for Designing Midair Gesture Interfaces, A

Gattung, T. * 2019: Surface Flow Velocity Measurements From UAV-based Videos

Gattupalli, V. * 2016: computational approach to relative aesthetics, A
* 2019: Weakly Supervised Deep Image Hashing Through Tag Embeddings
Includes: Gattupalli, V. Gattupalli, V.[Vijetha]

Gattuso, A. * 2004: Model-based MPEG compression of synthetic video sequences
* 2023: Inferences on the 2021 Ongoing Volcanic Unrest at Vulcano Island (Italy) through a Comprehensive Multidisciplinary Surveillance Network
* 2023: Modelling Paroxysmal and Mild-Strombolian Eruptive Plumes at Stromboli and Mt. Etna on 28 August 2019
Includes: Gattuso, A. Gattuso, A.[Alessandro]

Index for "g"

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