Index for goel

Goel, A. * 1989: Computational feasibility of structured matching
* 2010: Interactive segmentation of medical images using belief propagation with level sets
* 2011: Harvesting maps on the web
* 2011: Whose Album Is This?
* 2013: Efficient Category Mining by Leveraging Instance Retrieval
* 2014: Efficient indexing techniques for record matching and deduplication
* 2014: Fractals and Ravens
* 2016: Median based pixel selection for partial image encryption
* 2017: Fractional DCT and DWT hybridization based efficient feature extraction for gender classification
* 2018: Class Specific Coders for Hyper-Spectral Image Classification
* 2018: Robustness of the Counting Rule for Distributed Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks
* 2019: End-To-End Network for Generating Social Relationship Graphs, An
* 2019: Memorability-based image compression
* 2020: Camera Placement Meeting Restrictions of Computer Vision
* 2020: DNDNet: Reconfiguring CNN for Adversarial Robustness
* 2020: Ensemble-based glioma grade classification using Gabor filter bank and rotation forest
* 2020: ProAlignNet: Unsupervised Learning for Progressively Aligning Noisy Contours
* 2021: Binary glioma grading framework employing locality preserving projections and Gaussian radial basis function support vector machine
* 2021: GlocalNet: Class-aware Long-term Human Motion Synthesis
* 2022: Deep Convolutional K-Means Clustering
* 2022: Not All Relations are Equal: Mining Informative Labels for Scene Graph Generation
* 2022: Why Accuracy is Not Enough: The Need for Consistency in Object Detection
* 2023: Emerging Fire Detection System based on Convolutional Neural Network and Aerial-Based Forest Fire Identification, An
* 2023: Encyclopedic VQA: Visual questions about detailed properties of fine-grained categories
* 2023: Enhancing Patient Care and Monitoring Through AI and IoT in Healthcare
* 2023: Who are you referring to? Coreference resolution in image narrations
Includes: Goel, A. Goel, A.[Amrit] Goel, A.[Aman] Goel, A.[Abhinav] Goel, A.[Anjali] Goel, A.[Ashok] Goel, A.[Akashdeep] Goel, A.[Arushi] Goel, A.[Anurika] Goel, A.[Aditya] Goel, A.[Anurag] Goel, A.[Akanksha]
26 for Goel, A.

Goel, A.K.[Anil K.] * 2017: High performance location-based services in a main-memory database

Goel, B. * 2019: Leveraging Smartphone Sensors to Detect Distracted Driving Activities

Goel, D. * 2007: CMUcam3: An Open Programmable Embedded Vision Sensor
* 2007: Pedestrian Detection Using Global-Local Motion Patterns
* 2007: Real-Time Pedestrian Detection using Eigenflow
* 2017: Smart Water Management: An Ontology-Driven Context-Aware IoT Application
Includes: Goel, D. Goel, D.[Dhiraj] Goel, D.[Deepti]

Goel, K.[Kanika] * 2012: advanced algorithm for deformation estimation in non-urban areas, An
* 2012: High Resolution Deformation Time Series Estimation For Distributed Scatterers Using Terrasar-x Data
* 2012: Three-Dimensional Positioning of Point Scatterers Based on Radargrammetry
* 2014: Distributed Scatterer Interferometry Approach for Precision Monitoring of Known Surface Deformation Phenomena, A
* 2016: Social LSTM: Human Trajectory Prediction in Crowded Spaces
* 2021: QuadroNet: Multi-Task Learning for Real-Time Semantic Depth Aware Instance Segmentation
Includes: Goel, K.[Kanika] Goel, K. Goel, K.[Kratarth]

Goel, L.[Lakshya] * 2007: Super Resolution of Images of 3D Scenecs

Goel, L.R.[Lajpat R.] * 1986: Monte Carlo comparison of six hierarchical clustering methods on random data

Goel, N. * 2003: bavesian formulation for 3d articulated upper body segmentation and tracking from dense disparity maps, A
* 2009: Position Sensitive gamma-Ray Scintillator Detector With Enhanced Spatial Resolution, Linearity, and Field of View, A
* 2013: Analysis of Dirichlet, Generalized Hamming and Triangular window functions in the linear canonical transform domain
* 2014: Modified correlation theorem for the linear canonical transform with representation transformation in quantum mechanics
* 2017: Optimised blind image watermarking method based on firefly algorithm in DWT-QR transform domain
* 2018: Anisotropic blind image quality assessment: Survey and analysis with current methods
* 2019: How Smart Are Smart Classrooms? A Review of Smart Classroom Technologies
* 2020: Effective Image-Adaptive Hybrid Watermarking Scheme with Transform Coefficients, An
* 2020: Font-ProtoNet: Prototypical Network based Font Identification of Document Images in Low Data Regime
* 2021: Dual branch convolutional neural network for copy move forgery detection
* 2022: Enhancement algorithm for high visibility of underwater images
* 2023: Survey on Seismic Sensor Based Target Detection, Localization, Identification, and Activity Recognition, A
Includes: Goel, N. Goel, N.[Navdeep] Goel, N.[Neeraj] Goel, N.[Nidhi]
12 for Goel, N.

Goel, P.[Piyush] * 2008: New Approach for Reducing Embedding Noise in Multiple Bit Plane Steganography, A
* 2008: Novel Steganographic Algorithm Resisting Targeted Steganalytic Attacks on LSB Matching, A
* 2009: New Statistical Restoration Method for Spatial Domain Images, A
* 2016: DeepGender: Occlusion and Low Resolution Robust Facial Gender Classification via Progressively Trained Convolutional Neural Networks with Attention
* 2020: Shape from Tracing: Towards Reconstructing 3D Object Geometry and SVBRDF Material from Images via Differentiable Path Tracing
* 2021: Contextual Emotion Learning Challenge
* 2021: On the Robustness of Monte Carlo Dropout Trained with Noisy Labels
* 2022: Point2Cyl: Reverse Engineering 3D Objects from Point Clouds to Extrusion Cylinders
Includes: Goel, P.[Piyush] Goel, P. Goel, P.[Purvi] Goel, P.[Prakhar]
8 for Goel, P.

Goel, R.[Rohan] * 2017: Deep Learning in the Domain of Multi-Document Text Summarization
* 2023: Interactive Segmentation of Radiance Fields
Includes: Goel, R.[Rohan] Goel, R.[Rahul]

Goel, S. * 2006: Multi-Path Search Algorithm for Block-Based Motion Estimation
* 2008: Towards Real-Time Monocular Video-Based Avatar Animation
* 2014: Automatic geolocation of targets tracked by aerial imaging platforms using satellite imagery
* 2018: Semi-automatic leaf disease detection and classification system for soybean culture
* 2020: Indoor Navigation and Mapping: Performance Analysis of Uwb-based Platform Positioning
* 2020: novel fitness function in genetic programming to handle unbalanced emotion recognition data, A
* 2020: Robust One Shot Audio to Video Generation
* 2020: Shape and Viewpoint Without Keypoints
* 2021: Case Study of Pedestrian Positioning with UWB and UAV Cameras, A
* 2021: Gait recognition based on vision systems: A systematic survey
* 2022: ABO: Dataset and Benchmarks for Real-World 3D Object Understanding
* 2022: Differentiable Stereopsis: Meshes from multiple views using differentiable rendering
* 2023: Humans in 4D: Reconstructing and Tracking Humans with Transformers
Includes: Goel, S. Goel, S.[Sanjay] Goel, S.[Shivani] Goel, S.[Shubham]
13 for Goel, S.

Goel, T.[Tripti] * 2022: Multimodal Fusion-Based Deep Learning Network for Effective Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease

Goel, V.[Vineet] * 2009: Parallel smoothing of quad meshes
* 2013: Whole is Greater than Sum of Parts: Recognizing Scene Text Words
* 2017: Self-Critical Sequence Training for Image Captioning
* 2020: IQ-VQA: Intelligent Visual Question Answering
* 2021: Mask Selection and Propagation for Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation
* 2022: VideoINR: Learning Video Implicit Neural Representation for Continuous Space-Time Super-Resolution
* 2023: Broad Spectrum Image Deblurring via an Adaptive Super-Network
* 2023: Collaborative Content-Dependent Modeling: A Return to the Roots of Salient Object Detection
* 2023: Interactive Neural Painting
* 2023: VideoMatt: A Simple Baseline for Accessible Real-Time Video Matting
* 2024: Video Instance Matting
* 2024: VMFormer: End-to-End Video Matting with Transformer
Includes: Goel, V.[Vineet] Goel, V. Goel, V.[Vatsal] Goel, V.[Vidit]
12 for Goel, V.

Goel, Y.[Yuvraj] * 2012: Smart 3D video coding

Goela, A. * 2014: Regional Assessment of Cardiac Left Ventricular Myocardial Function via MRI Statistical Features
* 2015: Ultrasound Guidance for Beating Heart Mitral Valve Repair Augmented by Synthetic Dynamic CT

Goela, P.C.[Priscila Costa] * 2016: MERIS Phytoplankton Time Series Products from the SW Iberian Peninsula (Sagres) Using Seasonal-Trend Decomposition Based on Loess

Goeller, M. * 2018: Deep Learning for Quantification of Epicardial and Thoracic Adipose Tissue From Non-Contrast CT

Goelz, P. * 2014: Eigenvalue Signal Processing for Weather Radar Polarimetry: Removing the Bias Induced by Antenna Coherent Cross-Channel Coupling

Index for "g"

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