Index for savv

Savva, M.[Manolis] * 2015: Semantically-enriched 3D models for common-sense knowledge
* 2017: Physically-Based Rendering for Indoor Scene Understanding Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* 2017: ScanNet: Richly-Annotated 3D Reconstructions of Indoor Scenes
* 2017: Semantic Scene Completion from a Single Depth Image
* 2018: Im2Pano3D: Extrapolating 360° Structure and Semantics Beyond the Field of View
* 2018: Text2Shape: Generating Shapes from Natural Language by Learning Joint Embeddings
* 2019: Habitat: A Platform for Embodied AI Research
* 2019: Hierarchy Denoising Recursive Autoencoders for 3D Scene Layout Prediction
* 2019: Scan2CAD: Learning CAD Model Alignment in RGB-D Scans
* 2020: Motion Annotation Programs: A Scalable Approach to Annotating Kinematic Articulations in Large 3D Shape Collections
* 2021: Interpretation of Emergent Communication in Heterogeneous Collaborative Embodied Agents
* 2021: LayoutGMN: Neural Graph Matching for Structural Layout Similarity
* 2021: Mirror3D: Depth Refinement for Mirror Surfaces
* 2021: Plan2Scene: Converting Floorplans to 3D Scenes
* 2022: OPD: Single-View 3D Openable Part Detection
* 2023: 3DSSR: 3D Subscene Retrieval
* 2023: Habitat-Matterport 3D Semantics Dataset
* 2023: PARIS: Part-level Reconstruction and Motion Analysis for Articulated Objects
* 2024: MOPA: Modular Object Navigation with PointGoal Agents
Includes: Savva, M.[Manolis] Savva, M.
19 for Savva, M.

Savva, N.[Nicolas] * 2022: A3D: Studying Pretrained Representations with Programmable Datasets

Savvaris, A. * 2019: Trajectory Optimization of Space Maneuver Vehicle Using a Hybrid Optimal Control Solver
* 2020: Solving Trajectory Optimization Problems in the Presence of Probabilistic Constraints
* 2021: Multiobjective Overtaking Maneuver Planning for Autonomous Ground Vehicles
Includes: Savvaris, A. Savvaris, A.[Al]

Savvides, A. * 2007: Lightweight People Counting and Localizing in Indoor Spaces Using Camera Sensor Nodes
* 2008: Clustering of biological time series by cepstral coefficients based distances
* 2008: Macroscopic Human Behavior Interpretation Using Distributed Imager and Other Sensors
Includes: Savvides, A. Savvides, A.[Alexios]

Savvides, M. * 2002: Spatial frequency domain image processing for biometric recognition
* 2003: Efficient design of advanced correlation filters for robust distortion-tolerant face recognition
* 2003: Illumination Normalization Using Logarithm Transforms for Face Authentication
* 2003: Quad Phase Minimum Average Correlation Energy Filters for Reduced Memory Illumination Tolerant Face Authentication
* 2004: Cancelable biometric filters for face recognition
* 2004: Corefaces-robust shift invariant PCA based correlation filter for illumination tolerant face recognition
* 2004: Eigenphases vs. eigenfaces
* 2005: Advanced Correlation Filters for Face Recognition Using Low-Resolution Visual and Thermal Imagery
* 2005: Facial Asymmetry: A New Robust Biometric in the Frequency Domain
* 2005: One Bit Facial Asymmetry Code (FAC) in Fourier Domain for Human Recognition, A
* 2005: Performance Evaluation of Face Recognition using Visual and Thermal Imagery with Advanced Correlation Filters
* 2005: Redundant Class-Dependence Feature Analysis Based on Correlation Filters Using FRGC2.0 Data
* 2005: Robust Face Recognition Using Advanced Correlation Filters with Bijective-Mapping Preprocessing
* 2005: Robust Iris Recognition Using Advanced Correlation Techniques
* 2005: Verification of Biometric Palmprint Patterns Using Optimal Trade-Off Filter Classifiers
* 2006: Comparison of Feature Space Methods for Face Recognition
* 2006: Correlation Pattern Recognition for Face Recognition
* 2006: Estimating Mixing Factors Simultaneously in Multilinear Tensor Decomposition for Robust Face Recognition and Synthesis
* 2006: Partial and Holistic Face Recognition on FRGC-II data using Support Vector Machine
* 2006: Role of Statistical Models in Biometric Authentication, The
* 2006: Using Feature Combination and Statistical Resampling for Accurate Face Recognition Based on Frequency Domain Representation of Facial Asymmetry
* 2007: Bayesian Approach to Deformed Pattern Matching of Iris Images, A
* 2007: Evaluation of Iris Pattern Representations, An
* 2007: Gaussian Mixture Models based on the Phase Spectra for Illumination Invariant Face Identification on the Yale Database
* 2007: Graphical Model Approach to Iris Matching Under Deformation and Occlusion
* 2007: Individual Kernel Tensor-Subspaces for Robust Face Recognition: A Computationally Efficient Tensor Framework Without Requiring Mode Factorization
* 2007: Kernel Fukunaga-Koontz Transform Subspaces For Enhanced Face Recognition
* 2007: Proposed FPGA Hardware Architecture for High Frame Rate (> 100 fps) Face Detection Using Feature Cascade Classifiers
* 2007: Statistical Performance Evaluation of Biometric Authentication Systems Using Random Effects Models
* 2007: Statistical Performance Evaluation of Biometric Authentication Systems Using Random Effects Models
* 2008: 3D face reconstruction from a single 2D face image
* 2008: Boosted multi image features for improved face detection
* 2008: Communication-Aware Face Detection Using Noc Architecture
* 2008: Face Recognition Across Pose Using View Based Active Appearance Models (VBAAMs) on CMU Multi-PIE Dataset
* 2008: Fractal encoding of low resolution iris imagery for improved matching
* 2008: Hallucinating Irises - Dealing with Partial and Occluded Iris Regions
* 2008: Investigating useful and distinguishing features around the eyelash region
* 2008: Tear-duct detector for identifying left versus right iris images
* 2009: Biometric data hiding: A 3 factor authentication approach to verify identity with a single image using steganography, encryption and matching
* 2009: Dynamic three-bin real AdaBoost using biased classifiers: An application in face detection
* 2009: In between 3D Active Appearance Models and 3D Morphable Models
* 2009: Robust modified Active Shape Model for automatic facial landmark annotation of frontal faces
* 2010: extension of multifactor analysis for face recognition based on submanifold learning, An
* 2010: Unconstrained Biometric Identification: Emerging Technologies
* 2011: analysis of facial shape and texture for recognition: A large scale evaluation on FRGC ver2.0, An
* 2011: Investigating Age Invariant Face Recognition Based on Periocular Biometrics
* 2011: Multifactor analysis based on factor-dependent geometry
* 2011: multifactor extension of Grassmann manifolds for face recognition, The
* 2011: Rapid 3D face modeling using a frontal face and a profile face for accurate 2D pose synthesis
* 2011: Unconstrained Pose-Invariant Face Recognition Using 3D Generic Elastic Models
* 2012: Automatic segmentation of cardiosynchronous waveforms using cepstral analysis and continuous wavelet transforms
* 2012: Beard and mustache segmentation using sparse classifiers on self-quotient images
* 2012: Compressed Submanifold Multifactor Analysis with adaptive factor structures
* 2012: Facecut: a robust approach for facial feature segmentation
* 2012: Gender and Ethnicity Specific Generic Elastic Models from a Single 2D Image for Novel 2D Pose Face Synthesis and Recognition
* 2012: novel energy based filter for cross-blink eye detection, A
* 2012: Second-degree correlation surface features from Optimal Trade-off Synthetic Discriminant Function filters for subject identification using radio frequency cardiosynchronous waveforms
* 2012: Unconstrained periocular biometric acquisition and recognition using COTS PTZ camera for uncooperative and non-cooperative subjects
* 2013: Augmented Linear Discriminant Analysis Approach for Identifying Identical Twins with the Aid of Facial Asymmetry Features, An
* 2013: Automatic Iris Occlusion Estimation Method Based on High-Dimensional Density Estimation, An
* 2013: SparCLeS: Dynamic L_1 Sparse Classifiers With Level Sets for Robust Beard/Moustache Detection and Segmentation
* 2014: Facial Ethnic Appearance Synthesis
* 2014: Hallucinating the Full Face from the Periocular Region via Dimensionally Weighted K-SVD
* 2014: Sparse Feature Extraction for Pose-Tolerant Face Recognition
* 2014: Subspace-Based Discrete Transform Encoded Local Binary Patterns Representations for Robust Periocular Matching on NIST's Face Recognition Grand Challenge
* 2014: Weight-Optimal Local Binary Patterns
* 2015: Driver cell phone usage detection on Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP2) face view videos
* 2015: Electromyograph and keystroke dynamics for spoof-resistant biometric authentication
* 2015: Encoding and decoding local binary patterns for harsh face illumination normalization
* 2015: Facial aging and asymmetry decomposition based approaches to identification of twins
* 2015: Investigating the feasibility of image-based nose biometrics
* 2015: IRIS Super-Resolution via Nonparametric Over-Complete Dictionary Learning
* 2015: NIR-VIS heterogeneous face recognition via cross-spectral joint dictionary learning and reconstruction
* 2015: Pareto-optimal discriminant analysis
* 2015: preliminary investigation on the sensitivity of COTS face recognition systems to forensic analyst-style face processing for occlusions, A
* 2015: robust contour sampling and tensor-based approach to facial beard and mustache shape segmentation and matching, A
* 2015: Single Face Image Super-Resolution via Solo Dictionary Learning
* 2015: Spartans: Single-Sample Periocular-Based Alignment-Robust Recognition Technique Applied to Non-Frontal Scenarios
* 2016: DeepGender: Occlusion and Low Resolution Robust Facial Gender Classification via Progressively Trained Convolutional Neural Networks with Attention
* 2016: Discriminative Invariant Kernel Features: A Bells-and-Whistles-Free Approach to Unsupervised Face Recognition and Pose Estimation
* 2016: Learning to Invert Local Binary Patterns
* 2016: Multi-class Fukunaga Koontz discriminant analysis for enhanced face recognition
* 2016: Multiple Scale Faster-RCNN Approach to Driver's Cell-Phone Usage and Hands on Steering Wheel Detection
* 2016: novel Shape Constrained Feature-based Active Contour model for lips/mouth segmentation in the wild, A
* 2016: Pose estimation using Spectral and Singular Value recomposition
* 2016: Robust hand detection in Vehicles
* 2016: Simultaneous forgery identification and localization in paintings using advanced correlation filters
* 2016: Towards a Unified Framework for Pose, Expression, and Occlusion Tolerant Automatic Facial Alignment
* 2016: Weakly Supervised Facial Analysis with Dense Hyper-Column Features
* 2017: Compressed Submanifold Multifactor Analysis
* 2017: DeepSafeDrive: A grammar-aware driver parsing approach to Driver Behavioral Situational Awareness (DB-SAW)
* 2017: Faster than Real-Time Facial Alignment: A 3D Spatial Transformer Network Approach in Unconstrained Poses
* 2017: Local Binary Convolutional Neural Networks
* 2017: Robust Hand Detection and Classification in Vehicles and in the Wild
* 2017: Semi self-training beard/moustache detection and segmentation simultaneously
* 2017: Temporal Non-volume Preserving Approach to Facial Age-Progression and Age-Invariant Face Recognition
* 2018: Deep contextual recurrent residual networks for scene labeling
* 2018: Enhancing Interior and Exterior Deep Facial Features for Face Detection in the Wild
* 2018: Perturbative Neural Networks
* 2018: RankGAN: A Maximum Margin Ranking GAN for Generating Faces
* 2018: Reformulating Level Sets as Deep Recurrent Neural Network Approach to Semantic Segmentation
* 2018: Ring Loss: Convex Feature Normalization for Face Recognition
* 2018: Seeing Small Faces from Robust Anchor's Perspective
* 2019: Bounding Box Regression With Uncertainty for Accurate Object Detection
* 2019: Douglas-Rachford Networks: Learning Both the Image Prior and Data Fidelity Terms for Blind Image Deconvolution
* 2019: Feature Selective Anchor-Free Module for Single-Shot Object Detection
* 2019: Is Pose Really Solved? A Frontalization Study On Off-Angle Face Matching
* 2019: Learning from Longitudinal Face Demonstration: Where Tractable Deep Modeling Meets Inverse Reinforcement Learning
* 2019: Proximal Splitting Networks for Image Restoration
* 2019: SSR2: Sparse signal recovery for single-image super-resolution on faces with extreme low resolutions
* 2019: Towards Instance-Level Image-To-Image Translation
* 2020: Binarizing MobileNet via Evolution-Based Searching
* 2020: MoBiNet: A Mobile Binary Network for Image Classification
* 2020: NCMS: Towards accurate anchor free object detection through L2 norm calibration and multi-feature selection
* 2020: Online Ensemble Model Compression Using Knowledge Distillation
* 2020: Reactnet: Towards Precise Binary Neural Network with Generalized Activation Functions
* 2020: Soft Anchor-point Object Detection
* 2021: CDTD: A Large-Scale Cross-Domain Benchmark for Instance-Level Image-to-Image Translation and Domain Adaptive Object Detection
* 2021: Contrast and Order Representations for Video Self-Supervised Learning
* 2021: Multi-task Contextual Atrous Residual Network for Brain Tumor Detection Segmentation, A
* 2021: S2-BNN: Bridging the Gap Between Self-Supervised Real and 1-bit Neural Networks via Guided Distribution Calibration
* 2021: Semantic Relation Reasoning for Shot-Stable Few-Shot Object Detection
* 2021: Unsupervised Disentanglement of Linear-Encoded Facial Semantics
* 2022: Unitail: Detecting, Reading, and Matching in Retail Scene
* 2023: Boosting Transductive Few-Shot Fine-tuning with Margin-based Uncertainty Weighting and Probability Regularization
* 2023: Enhanced Training of Query-Based Object Detection via Selective Query Recollection
Includes: Savvides, M. Savvides, M.[Marios]
126 for Savvides, M.

Savvides, N.[Niki] * 2020: Augmented Reality Cultural Route at the Xeros River Valley, Larnaca, Cyprus

Savvidis, T. * 2020: Motion Analysis on Depth Camera Data to Quantify Parkinson's Disease Patients' Motor Status Within the Framework of I-Prognosis Personalized Game Suite

Savvidou, G.[Gabriella] * 2023: Classification of Breast Micro-calcifications as Benign or Malignant Using Subtraction of Temporally Sequential Digital Mammograms and Machine Learning

Index for "s"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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