Index for bowy

Bowyer, K.[Kevin] Co Author Listing * Unveiling Gender Effects in Gait Recognition Using Conditional-Matched Bootstrap Analysis

Bowyer, K.W.[Kevin W.] Co Author Listing * Home Page.
* email: Bowyer, K.W.[Kevin W.]: kwb AT cse nd edu
* 20th Anniversary of the IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, The
* 20th Anniversary Survey: Introduction to Content-Based Image Retrieval at the End of the Early Years, A
* 3D Face Recognition with Region Committee Voting
* 3D Twins and Expression Challenge
* Accuracy of Iris Recognition Systems Degrades with Increase in Elapsed Time
* Achieving Generalized Object Recognition Through Reasoning About Association of Function to Structure
* Active Clustering with Ensembles for Social structure extraction
* Active Robot Vision
* Adaptive Rigid Multi-region Selection for Handling Expression Variation in 3D Face Recognition
* Advances in image processing and understanding: A festschrift for Thomas S. Huang
* Advances in Image Understanding: A Festschrift for Azriel Rosenfeld
* All Iris Code Bits are Not Created Equal
* All Iris Filters are Not Created Equal
* analysis of 1-to-first matching in iris recognition, An
* Analysis of diurnal changes in pupil dilation and eyelid aperture
* Analysis of Gender Inequality In Face Recognition Accuracy
* Analysis of Manual and Automated Skin Tone Assignments
* Analysis of template aging in iris biometrics
* Analyzing the Impact of Gender Misclassification on Face Recognition Accuracy
* Analyzing the Impact of Shape & Context on the Face Recognition Performance of Deep Networks
* Applications of Artificial Intelligence X: Machine Vision and Robotics
* Are Edges Sufficient for Object Recognition
* Aspect Graphs and Nonlinear Optimization in 3-D Object Recognition
* Aspect Graphs and Their Use in Object Recognition
* Aspect Graphs for Convex Planar-Face Objects
* Aspect Graphs: an Introduction and Survey of Recent Results
* Assessment of Time Dependency in Face Recognition: An Initial Study
* Automated Performance Evaluation of Range Image Segmentation
* Automated Performance Evaluation of Range Image Segmentation Algorithms
* Automated Poststorm Damage Classification of Low-Rise Building Roofing Systems Using High-Resolution Aerial Imagery
* Automatic 3D Ear Recognition System, An
* Automatic facial attribute analysis via adaptive sparse representation of random patches
* Bagging Is a Small-Data-Set Phenomenon
* Baseline results for the challenge problem of human ID using gait analysis
* Best Bits in an Iris Code, The
* Best of Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition 2011
* Beyond Pixels: Image Provenance Analysis Leveraging Metadata
* Biometric Recognition Using 3D Ear Shape
* Can the accuracy bias by facial hairstyle be reduced through balancing the training data?
* CAST: Conditional Attribute Subsampling Toolkit for Fine-grained Evaluation
* Color balancing for change detection in multitemporal images
* Combination of Multiple Classifiers Using Local Accuracy Estimates
* Comments on the CASIA version 1.0 Iris Data Set
* Comparing Curved-Surface Range Image Segmenters
* Comparison and combination of ear and face images in appearance-based biometrics
* Comparison of 3D Biometric Modalities, A
* Comparison of Decision Tree Ensemble Creation Techniques, A
* Comparison of Edge Detection Algorithms Using a Structure from Motion Task
* Comparison of Edge Detector Performance through Use in an Object Recognition Task
* Comparison of Edge Detectors
* Comparison of Edge Detectors Using an Object Recognition Task
* Comparison of Edge Detectors: A Methodology and Initial Study
* Computing the Generalized Aspect Graph for Objects with Moving Parts
* Computing the Orthographic Projection Aspect Graph of Solids of Revolution
* Computing the Perspective Projection Aspect Graph of Solids of Revolution
* Computing the Visual Potential of an Articulated Assembly of Parts
* Consistency and Accuracy of CelebA Attribute Values
* Contact lenses: Handle with care for iris recognition
* Cosmetic Contact Lenses and Iris Recognition Spoofing
* Creating the Perspective Projection Aspect Graph of Polyhedral Objects
* Critical examination of the IREX VI results
* cross-sensor evaluation of three commercial iris cameras for iris biometrics, A
* CYBORG: Blending Human Saliency Into the Loss Improves Deep Learning-Based Synthetic Face Detection
* Degradation of iris recognition performance due to non-cosmetic prescription contact lenses
* Detecting and ordering salient regions for efficient browsing
* Detecting questionable observers using face track clustering
* Detection of Iris Texture Distortions By Analyzing Iris Code Matching Results
* Developing the Aspect Graph Representation for Use in Image Understanding
* Digital and Physical-World Attacks on Remote Pulse Detection
* Dilation-aware enrolment for iris recognition
* Direct Construction of the Perspective Projection Aspect Graph of Convex Polyhedra
* Distinguishing identical twins by face recognition
* Distributed learning with bagging-like performance
* Does Face Recognition Accuracy Get Better With Age? Deep Face Matchers Say No
* Domain-Specific Human-Inspired Binarized Statistical Image Features for Iris Recognition
* Dynamic-Scale Model Construction From Range Imagery
* Ear Biometrics Using 2D and 3D Images
* Edge Detector Evaluation Using Empirical ROC Curves
* Education for Computer Vision: Panel
* effect of edge strength on object recognition from edge images, The
* effectiveness of face detection algorithms in unconstrained crowd scenes, The
* Effects of dominance and laterality on iris recognition
* Egomotion estimation of a range camera using the space envelope
* Empirical Evaluation of Advanced Ear Biometrics
* Empirical Evaluation Techniques in Computer Vision
* Empirical Evidence for Correct Iris Match Score Degradation with Increased Time-Lapse between Gallery and Probe Matches
* ERRORS-2: A 3-D Object Recognition System Using Aspect Graphs
* Evaluation of Edge Detection Algorithms Using a Structure from Motion Task
* evaluation of face and ear biometrics, An
* Evaluation of Multimodal 2D+3D Face Biometrics, An
* Evaluation of Texture Segmentation Algorithms
* Experimental Comparison of Range Image Segmentation Algorithms, An
* Experimental Evaluation of Iris Recognition
* Experimental evidence of a template aging effect in iris biometrics
* Exploratory analysis of an operational iris recognition dataset from a CBSA border-crossing application
* Extracting a Valid Boundary Representation from a Segmented Range Image
* Eye Perturbation Approach for Robust Recognition of Inaccurately Aligned Faces
* Face Recognition Accuracy Across Demographics: Shining a Light Into the Problem
* Face recognition under pose variation with active shape model to adjust Gabor filter kernels and to correct feature extraction location
* Face recognition under pose variation with local Gabor features enhanced by Active Shape and Statistical Models
* Face Recognition Using 2-D, 3-D, and Infrared: Is Multimodal Better Than Multisample?
* Facial Hair Area in Face Recognition Across Demographics: Small Size, Big Effect
* fast algorithm for ICP-based 3D shape biometrics, A
* Fast Face Image Synthesis With Minimal Training
* Fast Local Spatial Verification for Feature-Agnostic Large-Scale Image Retrieval
* Found a Good Match: Should I Keep Searching?: Accuracy and Performance in Iris Matching Using 1-to-First Search
* FRVT 2006 and ICE 2006 Large-Scale Experimental Results
* Function from Visual Analysis and Physical Interaction: A Methodology for Recognition of Generic Classes of Objects
* Function-Based Generic Recognition for Multiple Object Categories
* Function-Based Recognition from Incomplete Knowledge of Object Shape
* Function-Based Recognition from Incomplete Knowledge of Shape
* Fusion of Infrared and Range Data: Multi-modal Face Images
* gait identification challenge problem: data sets and baseline algorithm, The
* Gender Classification from Iris Images Using Fusion of Uniform Local Binary Patterns
* Gender Gap in Face Recognition Accuracy Is a Hairy Problem, The
* Gender-from-Iris or Gender-from-Mascara?
* Generalizing the Aspect Graph Concept to Include Articulated Assemblies
* Generating ROC curves for artificial neural networks
* Generic Object Recognition Using Form and Function
* Generic Recognition of Articulated Objects by Reasoning about Functionality
* Generic Recognition of Articulated Objects Through Reasoning about Potential Function
* Generic Recognition Through Qualitative Reasoning about 3-D Shape and Object Function
* Genetically identical irises have texture similarity that is not detected by iris biometrics
* GRUFF-3: Generalizing the Domain of a Function-Based Recognition System
* Handbook of Iris Recognition
* Human Face Modeling and Recognition Through Multi-View High Resolution Stereopsis
* Human Saliency-Driven Patch-based Matching for Interpretable Post-Mortem Iris Recognition
* Human-Aided Saliency Maps Improve Generalization of Deep Learning
* HumanID Gait Challenge Problem: Data Sets, Performance, and Analysis, The
* Image Averaging for Improved Iris Recognition
* Image Provenance Analysis at Scale
* Image Understanding for Iris Biometrics: A survey
* Impact of Blur and Resolution on Demographic Disparities in 1-to-Many Facial Identification
* Importance of Small Pupils: A Study of How Pupil Dilation Affects Iris Biometrics, The
* Improved Iris Recognition through Fusion of Hamming Distance and Fragile Bit Distance
* Improved range image segmentation by analyzing surface fit patterns
* Indexing Function-Based Categories for Generic Recognition
* Interpretable Deep Learning-Based Forensic Iris Segmentation and Recognition
* Introduction to the Special Issue on Recent Advances in Biometrics
* Introduction to the Special Section of Best Papers From the 2007 Biometrics: Theory, Applications, and Systems Conference
* Introduction to the Special Section on Empirical Evaluation of Computer Vision Algorithms
* IR and visible light face recognition
* Iris Challenge Evaluation 2005, The
* Iris Presentation Attack Detection Based on Photometric Stereo Features
* Iris presentation attack detection: Where are we now?
* Iris Recognition: Comparing Visible-Light Lateral and Frontal Illumination to NIR Frontal Illumination
* Learning Combination of Evidence Functions in Object Recognition
* Learning Membership Functions in a Function-Based Object Recognition System
* Learning to predict gender from iris images
* Lessons from collecting a million biometric samples
* Logical Consistency and Greater Descriptive Power for Facial Hair Attribute Learning
* Methodology for Evaluating Edge Detection Techniques for Range Images, A
* Methodology for Evaluating Range Image Segmentation Techniques, A
* Methods for Combination of Evidence in Function-Based 3-D Object Recognition
* Multi-biometrics 2D and 3D Ear Recognition
* Multi-biometrics using facial appearance, shape and temperature
* Multi-Factor Approach to Improving Recognition Performance in Surveillance-Quality Video
* Multi-frame Approaches To Improve Face Recognition
* Multi-modal 2D and 3D biometrics for face recognition
* Multi-Modal Biometrics Involving the Human Ear
* Multidimensional Scaling for Matching Low-Resolution Face Images
* Multiple Nose Region Matching for 3D Face Recognition under Varying Facial Expression
* Objective Comparison Methodology of Edge Detection Algorithms Using a Structure from Motion Task, An
* Objective Comparison Methodology of Edge Detection Algorithms Using a Structure from Motion Task, An
* Objective Evaluation of Edge Detectors Using a Formally Defined Framework
* On Hallucinating Context and Background Pixels from a Face Mask using Multi-scale GANs
* On Recovering Hyperquadrics from Range Data
* Our Deep CNN Face Matchers Have Developed Achromatopsia
* Overview of the Face Recognition Grand Challenge
* Overview of the Multiple Biometrics Grand Challenge
* Overview of Work in Empirical Evaluation of Computer Vision Algorithms
* PCA-based face recognition in infrared imagery: baseline and comparative studies
* Performance of Humans in Iris Recognition: The Impact of Iris Condition and Annotation-Driven Verification
* Perspective Projection Aspect Graphs of Solids of Revolution: An Implementation
* Point Correspondence in Unstructured Nonrigid Motion
* Pose-Robust Recognition of Low-Resolution Face Images
* Predicting Gender From Iris Texture May Be Harder Than It Seems
* Predicting good, bad and ugly match Pairs
* Predicting performance of face recognition systems: An image characterization approach
* Preface to Image Computation and Education
* Preliminary Face Recognition Grand Challenge Results
* Presentation Attack Detection for Iris Recognition: An Assessment of the State-of-the-Art
* Profile Face Detection: A Subset Multi-Biometric Approach
* Progress in Automated Evaluation of Curved Surface Range Image Segmentation
* Provenance filtering for multimedia phylogeny
* Pupil dilation degrades iris biometric performance
* Random Subspaces and Subsampling for 2-D Face Recognition
* Range Image Segmentation: The User's Dilemma
* Recognition of Facial Attributes Using Adaptive Sparse Representations of Random Patches
* Recognizing Future Hot Topics and Hard Problems In Biometrics Research
* Recognizing Object Function Through Reasoning about Partial Shape Descriptions and Dynamic Physical-Properties
* Remote Pulse Estimation in the Presence of Face Masks
* Report of the AAAI Fall Symposium on Machine Learning and Computer Vision: What, Why and How?
* results of the NICE.II Iris biometrics competition, The
* Revolutions and Experimental Computer Vision
* Robust Visual Method for Assessing the Relative Performance of Edge Detection Algorithms, A
* ROC curve evaluation of edge detector performance
* Rotated Profile Signatures for robust 3D feature detection
* Scale Space Aspect Graph, The
* Semi-supervised learning on large complex simulations
* Similarity of iris texture between identical twins
* Some Further Results of Experimental Comparison of Range Image Segmentation Algorithms
* Space Envelope: A Representation for 3D Scenes, The
* sparse representation approach to face matching across plastic surgery, A
* Special Issue on Active Robot Vision: Camera Heads, Model Based Navigation And Reactive Control
* Special Issue on Directions in CAD-Based Vision
* Special Issue: State of the Art in Digital Mammographic Image Analysis
* Spotting the difference: Context retrieval and analysis for improved forgery detection and localization
* Study of the Human Perception of Synthetic Faces, A
* survey of approaches and challenges in 3D and multi-modal 3D-2D face recognition, A
* survey of approaches to three-dimensional face recognition, A
* Three-Dimensional Shape Representation
* U-Phylogeny: Undirected provenance graph construction in the wild
* Unifying frame rate and temporal dilations for improved remote pulse detection
* Useful features for human verification in near-infrared periocular images
* Using a Multi-Instance Enrollment Representation to Improve 3D Face Recognition
* Using fragile bit coincidence to improve iris recognition
* Using Hyperquadrics for Shape Recovery from Range Data
* Using multi-instance enrollment to improve performance of 3D face recognition
* Why Aspect Graphs Are Not (Yet) Practical for Computer Vision
Includes: Bowyer, K.W.[Kevin W.] Bowyer, K.W.
222 for Bowyer, K.W.

Index for "b"

Last update:26-Nov-24 16:52:13
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