* *Biometrics: Theory, Applications, and Systems
* All Iris Code Bits are Not Created Equal
* Aspects of Age Variation in Facial Morphology Affecting Biometrics
* Biometric Systematic Uncertainty and the User
* Comparative Assessment of ICA Architectures for Gait Recognition
* Comparing Data-driven and Phonetic N-gram Systems for Text-Independent Speaker Verification
* Comparison of fingerprint quality measures using an optical and a capacitive sensor
* Comparison of Kernel Class-dependence Feature Analysis (KCFA) with Kernel Discriminant Analysis (KDA) for Face Recognition
* Computationally Efficient Fingerprint Matching Algorithm for Implementation on Smartcards, A
* Conformance Test Suite for CBEFF Biometric Information Records
* Ear Recognition based on 2D Images
* Effects of Time Normalization on the Accuracy of Dynamic Time Warping
* Evaluation of Iris Pattern Representations, An
* Evolution Strategies for Matching Active Appearance Models to Human Faces
* Extended Evaluation of Simulated Wavefront Coding Technology in Iris Recognition
* Face Detection Algorithm and Feature Performance on FRGC 2.0 Imagery
* Face Recognition by Multi-Frame Fusion of Rotating Heads in Videos
* Feature Level Fusion of Face and Fingerprint Biometrics
* fingerprint matching algorithm based on alignment using LPD and GCD minutia descriptors, A
* Fingerprint Readers: Vulnerabilities to Front- and Back- end Attacks
* Forensic Biometrics from Images and Video at the Federal Bureau of Investigation
* Gait Feature Subset Selection by Mutual Information
* Gaussian Mixture Models based on the Phase Spectra for Illumination Invariant Face Identification on the Yale Database
* Hidden Markov Models for Spoken Signature Verification
* Human Identification based on 3D Ear Models
* Illumination Invariant Face Recognition: A Survey
* Improving Biometric Device Interoperability by Likelihood Ratio-based Quality Dependent Score Normalization
* Iterative Methods for Searching Optimal Classifier Combination Function
* Learning to predict gender from iris images
* Local Absolute Binary Patterns as Image Preprocessing for Grip-Pattern Recognition in Smart Gun
* Meta-Analysis of Third-Party Evaluations of Iris Recognition
* Method to Enhance Face Biometric Security, A
* Minutiae-Based Template Synthesis and Matching Using Hierarchical Delaunay Triangulations
* Model-Based Signature Verification System, A
* Multi-Bits Biometric String Generation based on the Likelihood Ratio
* Multi-Frame Super-Resolution for Face Recognition
* Multispectral Local Binary Pattern Histogram for Component-based Color Face Verification
* New Method for Fingerprint Antispoofing using Pulse Oxiometry, A
* new probabilistic Iris Quality Measure for comprehensive noise detection, A
* New Security Scheme based on Palmprint Biometrics for Signature, A
* NICE.I: Noisy Iris Challenge Evaluation - Part I, The
* Non-Cooperative Persons Identification at a Distance with 3D Face Modeling
* Novel Fingerprint Matching Algorithm Based on Minutiae and Global Statistical Features, A
* On Model-Based Analysis of Ear Biometrics
* On the Development of Digital Signatures for Author Identification
* Optimal Iris Fuzzy Sketches
* Person Identification Using Text and Image Data
* Personal identification using Eigenfeet, Ballprint and Foot geometry biometrics
* Precise Localization of Landmarks on 3D Faces using Gabor Wavelets
* Proposed FPGA Hardware Architecture for High Frame Rate (> 100 fps) Face Detection Using Feature Cascade Classifiers
* Quantitative Analysis of 3D Face Reconstruction using Annealing based Approach
* Robust GrayScale Distribution Estimation for Contactless Palmprint Recognition
* Robust Hand Geometry Measurements for Person Identification using Active Appearance Models
* Robust Part-Based Face Recognition Using Boosting and Transduction
* Security Analysis of Impostor Attempts with Respect to Gender in Gait Biometrics
* Security and Accuracy Trade-off in Anonymous Fingerprint Recognition
* Toward a Human-Like Approach to Face Recognition
* Towards Real-World Face De-Identification
* Understanding Cognitive and Affective States Using Eyelid Movements
* Unification of Evidence Theoretic Fusion Algorithms: A Case Study in Level-2 and Level-3 Fingerprint Features
* Universal Background Models for Dynamic Signature Verification
* Using a Multi-Instance Enrollment Representation to Improve 3D Face Recognition
* Verifying Fingerprint Match by Local Correlation Methods
63 for BTAS07
* *Biometrics: Theory, Applications, and Systems
* 3D Face Recognition System for Expression and Occlusion Invariance, A
* 3D Face Recognition using Point Cloud Kernel Correlation
* 3D Facial Gestures in Biometrics: from Feasibility Study to Application
* 3D Facial Landmark Localisation by Matching Simple Descriptors
* 3D Facial Landmarking under Expression, Pose, and Occlusion Variations
* Accelerating Iris Template Matching using Commodity Video Graphics Adapters
* Adapting Starburst for Elliptical Iris Segmentation
* All Iris Filters are Not Created Equal
* Analysis of Minutiae Neighborhood Probabilities, An
* Analyzing the impact of non-biometric information on multiclassifier processing for signature recognition applications
* Automatic Algorithm for Evaluating the Precision of Iris Segmentation, An
* Automatic Registration of Vertex Correspondences for 3D Facial Expression Analysis
* BCOE and the Future of Biometrics at the FBI, The
* Binary Biometrics: An Analytic Framework to Estimate the Bit Error Probability under Gaussian Assumption
* Cancelable Biometrics for HMM-based Signature Recognition
* Class Distance Weighted Locality Preserving Projection for Automatic Age Estimation
* Detection of Iris Texture Distortions By Analyzing Iris Code Matching Results
* ECG to Individual Identification
* Enrolled Template Specific Decisions and Combinations in Verification Systems
* Estimation of Missing Values in Multimodal Biometric Fusion
* Exploring Ridge Curvature for Fingerprint Indexing
* Exploring the Science of Biometrics under Relaxed Constraints
* Expression-Compensated 3D Face Recognition with Geodesically Aligned Bilinear Models
* Extended Depth of Field Iris Recognition with Correlation Filters
* False Matches and Non-independence of Face Recognition Scores
* Fingerprint Anti-Spoofing Using Ridgelet Transform
* Fingerprint Biometrics via Low-cost Sensors and Webcams
* Fingerprint Matching Using Correlation and Thin-Plate Spline Deformation Model
* Forensic Identification of People from Images and Video
* Front-view Gait Recognition
* Fusing Frequency, Spatial and Color Features for Face Recognition
* Fusion-Based Approach to Enhancing Multi-Modal Biometric Recognition System Failure Prediction and Overall Performance, A
* Generating Registration-free Cancelable Fingerprint Templates
* Globally Linear Embedding of Biometric Scores: An Empirical Study
* Gradient based Textural Characterization of Fingerprints
* Grip-Pattern Verification for Smart Gun Based on Maximum-Pairwise Comparison and Mean-Template Comparison
* Hallucinating Irises - Dealing with Partial and Occluded Iris Regions
* Human and Computer Evaluations of Face Sketches with Implications for Forensic Investigations
* Illumination and Expression Invariant Face Recognition: Toward Sample Quality-based Adaptive Fusion
* Importance of Small Pupils: A Study of How Pupil Dilation Affects Iris Biometrics, The
* Impostures of Talking Face Systems Using Automatic Face Animation
* Increased Resolution 3D Face Modeling and Recognition From Multiple Low Resolution Structure From Motion Models
* Iris Challenge Evaluation 2005, The
* IV2 Multimodal Biometric Database (Including Iris, 2D, 3D, Stereoscopic, and Talking Face Data), and the IV2-2007 Evaluation Campaign, The
* Learning Face Appearance under Different Lighting Conditions
* Median Filter Based Iris Encoding Technique
* Multi-Factor Approach to Improving Recognition Performance in Surveillance-Quality Video
* Multibiometric Template Security Using Fuzzy Vault
* Multibiometrics for Identity Authentication: Issues, Benefits and Challenges
* Non-generative Approach for Face Recognition Across Aging, A
* Novel Appearance Model and Adaptive Condensation Algorithm for Human Face Tracking, A
* Novel Genetic Algorithm for 3D Facial Landmark Localization, A
* Novel Personal Entropy Measure confronted with Online Signature Verification Systems' Performance, A
* On the Effects of Time Variability in Iris Recognition
* Optimized Illumination Normalization Method for Face Recognition, An
* Palmprint Identification Using Contourlet Transform
* Pose-tolerant Non-frontal Face Recognition using EBGM
* Profile Face Detection: A Subset Multi-Biometric Approach
* Pseudo-Signatures as a Biometric
* Quality Induced Fingerprint Identification using Extended Feature Set
* Quantitative Assessment of the Accuracy of 3D Face Shape Reconstruction
* Real-time Facial Features Tracking by Discrete Gabor Jets and Mean Shift
* Recognition of Low-Resolution Faces Using Multiple Still Images and Multiple Cameras
* Recognizing Faces In 3D Images Even In Presence Of Occlusions
* Robust 2D Ear Registration and Recognition Based on SIFT Point Matching
* Stand-off Iris Recognition System
* Synthesizing Realistic Expressions in 3D Face Data Sets
* Three Dimensional Face Recognition Using Iso-Geodesic and Iso-Depth Curves
* Three Dimensional Palmprint Recognition using Structured Light Imaging
* University of Southampton Multi-Biometric Tunnel and introducing a novel 3D gait dataset, The
* Usability Testing of Face Image Capture for US Ports of Entry
* Use of Semantic Human Description as a Soft Biometric, The
* Using 3D pose alignment tools in forensic applications of Face Recognition
74 for BTAS08
* *Biometrics: Theory, Applications, and Systems
* 3-D assisted generative model for facial texture super-resolution, A
* Adaptive client-impostor centric score normalization: A case study in fingerprint verification
* Age estimation using Active Appearance Models and Support Vector Machine regression
* Agent-based image iris segmentation and multiple views boundary refining
* automated method for predicting iris segmentation failures, An
* Automatic landmark location with a Combined Active Shape Model
* Biometric authentication using augmented face and random projection
* biometric database with rotating head videos and hand-drawn face sketches, A
* Biometric fusion: Does modeling correlation really matter?
* Canonical Stiefel Quotient and its application to generic face recognition in illumination spaces
* coarse-to-fine curvature analysis-based rotation invariant 3D face landmarking, A
* Comparing verification performance of kids and adults for Fingerprint, Palmprint, Hand-geometry and Digitprint biometrics
* comparison of fingerprint image quality and matching performance between healthcare and general populations, A
* computational efficient iris extraction approach in unconstrained environments, A
* Contact lenses: Handle with care for iris recognition
* Cost curve analysis of biometric system performance
* Difficult detection: A comparison of two different approaches to eye detection for unconstrained environments
* Dynamic three-bin real AdaBoost using biased classifiers: An application in face detection
* Efficient statistical face recognition across pose using Local Binary Patterns and Gabor wavelets
* efficient, two-stage iris recognition system, An
* experimental study on content-based face annotation of photos, An
* Exploiting the Doddington Zoo effect in biometric fusion
* Exploring multispectral iris recognition beyond 900nm
* Eye-verifier using ternary template for reliable eye detection in facial color images
* Face alignment by minimizing the closest classification distance
* Fingerprint recognition performance in rugged outdoors and cold weather conditions
* Fingerprint skeleton matching based on local descriptor
* Fusion of IR and visible light modalities for face recognition
* Generalized multi-ethnic face age-estimation
* Generating provably secure cancelable fingerprint templates based on correlation-invariant random filtering
* GREYC keystroke: A benchmark for keystroke dynamics biometric systems
* Human identification using KnuckleCodes
* Impact of combining quality measures on biometric sample matching
* Improvements in Active Appearance Model based synthetic age progression for adult aging
* Improving hand-based verification through online finger template update based on fused confidences
* introduction to biometric-completeness: The equivalence of matching and quality, An
* Isometric deformation modeling using singular value decomposition for 3D expression-invariant face recognition
* Keystroke dynamics with low constraints SVM based passphrase enrollment
* Learning-based image representation and method for face recognition
* Local Feature Hashing for face recognition
* Medical biometrics: The perils of ignoring time dependency
* meta-analysis of face recognition covariates, A
* Multi-algorithm fusion with template protection
* Multi-biometrics based cryptographic key regeneration scheme
* new approach to unwrap a 3-D fingerprint to a 2-D rolled equivalent fingerprint, A
* novel approach to design of user re-authentication systems, A
* novel matching algorithm for distorted fingerprints based on penalized quadratic model, A
* On assessing the robustness of pen coordinates, pen pressure and pen inclination to time variability with personal entropy
* On-line signature authentication using Zernike moments
* Online learning in biometrics: A case study in face classifier update
* Parameterized geometric alignment for minutiae-based fingerprint template protection
* Partial matching of interpose 3D facial data for face recognition
* Periocular biometrics in the visible spectrum: A feasibility study
* Pitfall of the Detection Rate Optimized Bit Allocation within template protection and a remedy
* Point-pair descriptors for 3D facial landmark localisation
* Pose manifold curvature is typically less near frontal face views
* Principal Gabor filters for face recognition
* PSO versus AdaBoost for feature selection in multimodal biometrics
* Quality based rank-level fusion in multibiometric systems
* Radar micro-doppler for long range front-view gait recognition
* Recognition of quantized still face images
* Robust modified Active Shape Model for automatic facial landmark annotation of frontal faces
* Satellite communications as a viable method for biometric record transfer in field biometric devices
* Simultaneous latent fingerprint recognition: A preliminary study
* SLIC: Short-length iris codes
* Slice-based architecture for biometrics: Prototype illustration on privacy preserving voice verification
* Sparsity inspired selection and recognition of iris images
* Spectral minutiae representations of fingerprints enhanced by quality data
* Statistical analysis of fingerprint sensor interoperability performance
* study on security evaluation methodology for image-based biometrics authentication systems, A
* Towards 3D-aided profile-based face recognition
* Unconstrained face recognition using MRF priors and manifold traversing
* Usability testing of an overlay to improve face capture
* Using fragile bit coincidence to improve iris recognition
75 for BTAS09