Index for bowd

Bowd, C.[Christopher] Co Author Listing * One-Vote Veto: Semi-Supervised Learning for Low-Shot Glaucoma Diagnosis

Bowden, A.K. Co Author Listing * Automatically Determining the Confocal Parameters From OCT B-Scans for Quantification of the Attenuation Coefficients
* Towards biometric identification using 3D epidermal and dermal fingerprints

Bowden, D. Co Author Listing * Predictive ability of anthropomorphic metrics in determining age and sex of children

Bowden, D.C.[Daniel C.] Co Author Listing * Linear Inversion Approach to Measuring the Composition and Directionality of the Seismic Noise Field, A

Bowden, J.B.[Jared B.] Co Author Listing * Boundary Learning by Optimization with Topological Constraints

Bowden, R.[Richard] Co Author Listing * email: Bowden, R.[Richard]: r bowden AT surrey ac uk
* 2D or Not 2D: Bridging the Gap Between Tracking and Structure from Motion
* Accurate fusion of robot, camera and wireless sensors for surveillance applications
* Accurate static pose estimation combining direct regression and geodesic extrema
* Action Recognition Using Mined Hierarchical Compound Features
* Action recognition using Randomised Ferns
* Adaptive Visual System for Tracking Low Resolution Colour Targets
* Affordance Mining: Forming Perception through Action
* Anonysign: Novel Human Appearance Synthesis for Sign Language Video Anonymisation
* Automatic Facial Expression Recognition Using Boosted Discriminatory Classifiers
* Autonomous navigation and sign detector learning
* boosted classifier tree for hand shape detection, A
* Building Temporal Models for Gesture Recognition
* Capturing relative motion and finding modes for action recognition in the wild
* Capturing the relative distribution of features for action recognition
* Combining discriminative and model based approaches for hand pose estimation
* Content4All Open Research Sign Language Translation Datasets
* Continuous 3D Multi-Channel Sign Language Production via Progressive Transformers and Mixture Density Networks
* Cultural factors in the regression of non-verbal communication perception
* Data Mining for Action Recognition
* Data-Driven Representation for Sign Language Production, A
* Deep Hand: How to Train a CNN on 1 Million Hand Images When Your Data is Continuous and Weakly Labelled
* Deep Learning of Mouth Shapes for Sign Language
* Deep Sign: Enabling Robust Statistical Continuous Sign Language Recognition via Hybrid CNN-HMMs
* Deep Sign: Hybrid CNN-HMM for Continuous Sign Language Recognition
* DeFeat-Net: General Monocular Depth via Simultaneous Unsupervised Representation Learning
* Denoising Diffusion for 3D Hand Pose Estimation from Images
* Dense Rigid Reconstruction from Unstructured Discontinuous Video
* Detection and Tracking of Humans by Probabilistic Body Part Assembly
* Direct-from-Video: Unsupervised NRSfM
* Diversity-Aware Sign Language Production Through a Pose Encoding Variational Autoencoder
* Driving me around the bend: Learning to drive from visual gist
* effect of pose on Facial Expression Recognition, The
* Estimating the Joint Statistics of Images Using Nonparametric Windows with Application to Registration Using Mutual Information
* Evaluating the Immediate Applicability of Pose Estimation for Sign Language Recognition
* Exploiting High Level Scene Cues in Stereo Reconstruction
* Exploring Causal Relationships in Visual Object Tracking
* Facial Expression Recognition Using Spatiotemporal Boosted Discriminatory Classifiers
* Fast realistic multi-action recognition using mined dense spatio-temporal features
* Feature selection of facial displays for detection of non verbal communication in natural conversation
* Fuzzy encoding for image classification using Gustafson-Kessel algorithm
* Gated Variational AutoEncoders: Incorporating Weak Supervision to Encourage Disentanglement
* Generative Model for Motion Synthesis and Blending Using Probability Density Estimation, A
* Geometric Mining: Scaling Geometric Hashing to Large Datasets
* Giving a Hand to Diffusion Models: A Two-Stage Approach to Improving Conditional Human Image Generation
* Go with the Flow: Hand Trajectories in 3D via Clustered Scene Flow
* Guest Editorial: Tracking, Detection and Segmentation
* Guided optimisation through classification and regression for hand pose estimation
* HARD-PnP: PnP Optimization Using a Hybrid Approximate Representation
* Hierarchical I3d for Sign Spotting
* Hollywood 3D: Recognizing Actions in 3D Natural Scenes
* Hollywood 3D: What are the Best 3D Features for Action Recognition?
* Human Pose Manipulation and Novel View Synthesis using Differentiable Rendering
* iGroup: Weakly supervised image and video grouping
* Image and video mining through online learning
* Image template matching using Mutual Information and NP-Windows
* Improving recognition and identification of facial areas involved in Non-Verbal Communication by feature selection
* Incremental Modelling of the Posterior Distribution of Objects for Inter and Intra Camera Tracking
* Incremental, scalable tracking of objects inter camera
* Is context all you need? Scaling Neural Sign Language Translation to Large Domains of Discourse
* Kick Back & Relax: Learning to Reconstruct the World by Watching SlowTV
* Kinecting the dots: Particle based scene flow from depth sensors
* Large Lexicon Detection of Sign Language
* Learning Adaptive Neighborhoods for Graph Neural Networks
* Learning Distances for Arbitrary Visual Features
* Learning multi-kernel distance functions using relative comparisons
* Learning Pre-attentive Driving Behaviour from Holistic Visual Features
* Learning Sequential Patterns for Lipreading
* Learning signs from subtitles: A weakly supervised approach to sign language recognition
* Learning temporal signatures for Lip Reading
* Learning Wormholes for Sparsely Labelled Clustering
* Learnt Contrastive Concept Embeddings for Sign Recognition
* Linear Predictors for Fast Simultaneous Modeling and Tracking
* Linear Regression and Adaptive Appearance Models for Fast Simultaneous Modelling and Tracking
* Linguistic Feature Vector for the Visual Interpretation of Sign Language, A
* Local binary patterns for multi-view facial expression recognition
* Localisation via Deep Imagination: Learn the Features Not the Map
* Long-Term Tracking through Failure Cases
* Looking for the Signs: Identifying Isolated Sign Instances in Continuous Video Footage
* May the force be with you: Force-aligned signwriting for automatic subunit annotation of corpora
* Medusa: Universal Feature Learning via Attentional Multitasking
* Meeting in the Middle: A top-down and bottom-up approach to detect pedestrians
* Metric mixtures for mutual information (M3I) tracking
* MIMiC: Multimodal Interactive Motion Controller
* Minimal Training, Large Lexicon, Unconstrained Sign Language Recognition
* Mixed SIGNals: Sign Language Production via a Mixture of Motion Primitives
* Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
* Multi Person Tracking Within Crowded Scenes
* Multi-touchless: Real-time fingertip detection and tracking using geodesic maxima
* Multi-view Pose and Facial Expression Recognition
* Mutual Information for Lucas-Kanade Tracking (MILK): An Inverse Compositional Formulation
* N-tier Simultaneous Modelling and Tracking for Arbitrary Warps
* Natural Action Recognition Using Invariant 3D Motion Encoding
* NestedVAE: Isolating Common Factors via Weak Supervision
* Neural Sign Language Translation
* Next-Best Stereo: Extending Next-Best View Optimisation For Collaborative Sensors
* non-linear model of shape and motion for tracking finger spelt American sign language, A
* Non-linear predictors for facial feature tracking across pose and expression
* Non-linear statistical models for the 3D reconstruction of human pose and motion from monocular image sequences
* Online Learning and Partitioning of Linear Displacement Predictors for Tracking
* Online learning of robust facial feature trackers
* Particle Filter Based Probabilistic Forced Alignment for Continuous Gesture Recognition
* Pedestrian next to the Lamppost Adaptive Object Graphs for Better Instantaneous Mapping, The
* Picture Is Worth a Thousand Tags: Automatic Web Based Image Tag Expansion, A
* Problem solving through imitation
* Progress in Sign and Gesture Recognition
* Progressive Transformers for End-to-end Sign Language Production
* Push and Pull: Iterative grouping of media
* Putting the pieces together: Connected Poselets for human pose estimation
* Read My Lips: Continuous Signer Independent Weakly Supervised Viseme Recognition
* Reading the signs: A video based sign dictionary
* real time adaptive visual surveillance system for tracking low-resolution colour targets in dynamically changing scenes, A
* Real-time Dynamic Deformable Meshes for Volumetric Segmentation and Visualisation
* Real-time motion control using pose space probability density estimation
* Real-Time Upper Body Detection and 3D Pose Estimation in Monoscopic Images
* Reconstructing 3d Pose and Motion from a Single Camera View
* Robust Facial Feature Tracking Using Selected Multi-resolution Linear Predictors
* Robust Facial Feature Tracking Using Shape-Constrained Multiresolution-Selected Linear Predictors
* Same Features, Different Day: Weakly Supervised Feature Learning for Seasonal Invariance
* Scale Invariant Action Recognition Using Compound Features Mined from Dense Spatio-temporal Corners
* Scale-Adaptive Neural Dense Features: Learning via Hierarchical Context Aggregation
* Scene Flow Estimation using Intelligent Cost Functions
* Scene Particles: Unregularized Particle-Based Scene Flow Estimation
* Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
* SeDAR: Reading Floorplans Like a Human: Using Deep Learning to Enable Human-Inspired Localisation
* Shadow-Mapping for Unsupervised Neural Causal Discovery
* Sign Language Recognition using Sequential Pattern Trees
* Sign Language Transformers: Joint End-to-End Sign Language Recognition and Translation
* Sign Spotting Using Hierarchical Sequential Patterns with Temporal Intervals
* Signing at Scale: Learning to Co-Articulate Signs for Large-Scale Photo-Realistic Sign Language Production
* Simultaneous Modeling and Tracking (SMAT) of Feature Sets
* Sixth Visual Object Tracking VOT2018 Challenge Results, The
* Skeletor: Skeletal Transformers for Robust Body-Pose Estimation
* Social Interactive Human Video Synthesis
* Spatio-temporal feature recognition using randomised Ferns
* Special Issue Introduction, Bayesian Analysis
* Spelling it out: Real-time ASL fingerspelling recognition
* Stereo reconstruction using top-down cues
* SubUNets: End-to-End Hand Shape and Continuous Sign Language Recognition
* Survey of Deep Learning Applications to Autonomous Vehicle Control, A
* Taking the Scenic Route to 3D: Optimising Reconstruction from Moving Cameras
* Text2Sign: Towards Sign Language Production Using Neural Machine Translation and Generative Adversarial Networks
* Texture-Independent Long-Term Tracking Using Virtual Corners
* There Is More Than One Way to Get Out of a Car: Automatic Mode Finding for Action Recognition in the Wild
* Thermal Infrared Visual Object Tracking VOT-TIR2016 Challenge Results, The
* Third Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
* TMAGIC: A Model-Free 3D Tracker
* Towards automated wide area visual surveillance: tracking objects between spatially-separated, uncalibrated views
* Tracking Objects Across Cameras by Incrementally Learning Inter-camera Colour Calibration and Patterns of Activity
* Tracking the Untrackable: How to Track When Your Object Is Featureless
* Two Hands Are Better Than One: Resolving Hand to Hand Intersections via Occupancy Networks
* Unifying Framework for Mutual Information Methods for Use in Non-linear Optimisation, A
* Unsupervised Symbol Grounding and Cognitive Bootstrapping in Cognitive Vision
* Using Convolutional 3D Neural Networks for User-independent continuous gesture recognition
* VDSM: Unsupervised Video Disentanglement with State-Space Modeling and Deep Mixtures of Experts
* View-based Location and Tracking of Body Parts for Visual Interaction
* Viewpoint invariant exemplar-based 3D human tracking
* Visual Object Tracking VOT2013 Challenge Results, The
* Visual Object Tracking VOT2014 Challenge Results, The
* Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
* Visual Object Tracking VOT2017 Challenge Results, The
* Visualisation and prediction of conversation interest through mined social signals
* Weakly Supervised Learning with Multi-Stream CNN-LSTM-HMMs to Discover Sequential Parallelism in Sign Language Videos
Includes: Bowden, R.[Richard] Bowden, R.
163 for Bowden, R.

Bowdish, J.[Joshua] Co Author Listing * Bayesian geometric modeling of indoor scenes
* Understanding Bayesian Rooms Using Composite 3D Object Models

Index for "b"

Last update: 9-Nov-24 11:49:29
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