Index for sohn

Sohn, B.J.[Byung Ju] Co Author Listing * Estimation of Arctic Basin-Scale Sea Ice Thickness From Satellite Passive Microwave Measurements
* Long-Term Arctic Snow/Ice Interface Temperature from Special Sensor for Microwave Imager Measurements
Includes: Sohn, B.J.[Byung Ju] Sohn, B.J.[Byung-Ju]

Sohn, B.S.[Bong Soo] Co Author Listing * Contour Gradient Tree for Automatic Extraction of Salient Object Surfaces from 3D Imaging Data
* Design and Comparison of Immersive Gesture Interfaces for HMD Based Virtual World Navigation
* Hybrid Parallel Extraction of Isosurface Components from 3D Rectilinear Volume Data
* Volumetric video compression for interactive playback
Includes: Sohn, B.S.[Bong Soo] Sohn, B.S.[Bong-Soo]

Sohn, C. Co Author Listing * Driveability Study on Automated Longitudinal Vehicle Control, A
* Waterfilling Algorithm: An Efficient Approach for Vehicle Velocity Planning With Varying Velocity Limits, The
Includes: Sohn, C. Sohn, C.[Christian]

Sohn, C.B.[Chae Bong] Co Author Listing * Blocking Artifact Reduction in JPEG-Coded Images
* Spatial Interpolation Algorithm for Consecutive Block Error Using the Just-Noticeable-Distortion Method
Includes: Sohn, C.B.[Chae Bong] Sohn, C.B.[Chae-Bong]

Sohn, C.H. Co Author Listing * Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MR Angiography Exploiting Subspace Projection for Robust Angiogram Separation
* Joint Reconstruction of Vascular Structure and Function Maps in Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI Using Vascular Heterogeneity Priors
Includes: Sohn, C.H. Sohn, C.H.[Chul-Ho]

Sohn, D.[Dongwoo] Co Author Listing * Modeling and Dynamic Radar Cross-Section Estimation of Chaff Clouds for Real-Time Simulation

Sohn, D.H.[Dong Hyo] Co Author Listing * Correlation between Ionospheric TEC and the DCB Stability of GNSS Receivers from 2014 to 2016
Includes: Sohn, D.H.[Dong Hyo] Sohn, D.H.[Dong-Hyo]

Sohn, D.K.[Dae Kyung] Co Author Listing * Rectal cancer: Toward fully automatic discrimination of T2 and T3 rectal cancers using deep convolutional neural network

Sohn, D.N.[Dae Neung] Co Author Listing * Content-based mobile spam classification using stylistically motivated features
Includes: Sohn, D.N.[Dae Neung] Sohn, D.N.[Dae-Neung]

Sohn, E. Co Author Listing * Computational Modeling of Age-Differences in a Visually Demanding Driving Task: Vehicle Detection
* Computing the Probability of Target Detection in Dynamic Visual Scenes Containing Clutter Using Fuzzy Logic Approach
* Detection Probability Using Relative Clutter in Infrared Images
* Predicting the Probability of Target Detection in Static Infrared and Visual Scenes Using the Fuzzy-Logic Approach
* Target Acquisition Methodology for Visual and Infrared Imaging Sensors
* Wavelet Transforms of Cluttered Images and Their Application to Computing the Probability of Detection

Sohn, E.H.[Eun Ha] Co Author Listing * Estimating Hourly Surface Solar Irradiance from GK2A/AMI Data Using Machine Learning Approach around Korea
Includes: Sohn, E.H.[Eun Ha] Sohn, E.H.[Eun-Ha]

Sohn, G.[Gunho] Co Author Listing * 3D classification of power-line scene from airborne laser scanning data using Random Forests
* 3D Town: The Automatic Urban Awareness Project
* Advancing Physically Informed Autoencoders for DTM Generation
* Automatic 3D Powerline Reconstruction Using Airborne LIDAR Data
* Automatic co-registration of terrestrial laser scanning data and 2d floor plan
* Automatic Ontology Generation of BIM and GIS Data
* Automatic orientation estimation based on photogrammetry for a single pan-tilt-zoom camera
* Automatic Powerline Scene Classification And Reconstruction Using Airborne Lidar Data
* BIM-GIS Oriented Intelligent Knowledge Discovery
* Building Extraction from Satellite Images Using Mask R-CNN with Building Boundary Regularization
* Calibration of a PTZ surveillance camera using 3d indoor model
* Case Study: Workflow Analysis of Power Line Systems for Risk Management, A
* Classification of airborne laser scanning data using JointBoost
* Comparitive Study Using Geometric And Vertical Profile Features Derived From Airborne Lidar For Classifying Tree Genera, A
* Deciduous-Coniferous Classification and Internal Structure Derivation Using Airborne Lidar Data, A
* Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Plume Rise Measurements in Industrial Environments
* Deriving structural knowledge from terrestrial laser scanning data for 3d façade reconstruction
* Determination of Regions Suitable for Agriculture in the Gordon Cosens Forest of Ontario By Means of Analytical Hierarchy Process with Fuzzy Logic Inference
* Dynamic WIFI-Based Indoor Positioning in 3D Virtual World
* Fusion-SUNet: Spatial Layout Consistency for 3D Semantic Segmentation
* Geometric Context And Orientation Map Combination For Indoor Corridor Modeling Using A Single Image
* High-density stereo image matching using intrinsic curves
* Human Vision Based 3D Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation of Large-Scale Outdoor Scenes
* Hybrid Ensemble Classification of Tree Genera Using Airborne LiDAR Data
* hybrid framework for single tree detection from airborne laser scanning data: A case study in temperate mature coniferous forests in Ontario, Canada, A
* Implicit Geometric Regularization of 3D Building Shape Using Airborne LIDAR Data, An
* Implicit Regularization For 3d Building Rooftop Modeling Using Airborne Lidar Data, An
* incremental regularization of 3d building models for continuous building database update, An
* Indoor Localization Using Wi-Fi Based Fingerprinting and Trilateration Techiques for LBS Applications
* Integrated Framework for Reconstructing Full 3D Building Models, An
* Integration of Terrestrial Laser Scanning Points and 2D Floor Plans Based on Maximum Sequential Similarity
* Integration of Video Images and CAD Wireframes for 3d Object Localization
* ISPRS Benchmark On Urban Object Classification And 3d Building Reconstruction, The
* Line-based Classification of Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data using Conditional Random Field
* line-based progressive refinement of 3D rooftop models using airborne LiDAR data with single view imagery, A
* Maximizing the Diversity of Ensemble Random Forests for Tree Genera Classification Using High Density LiDAR Data
* multi-level span analysis for improving 3D power-line reconstruction performance using airborne laser scanning data, A
* Multi-Range Conditional Random Field for Classifying Railway Electrification System Objects Using Mobile Laser Scanning Data
* Novel Method for Extracting and Analyzing the Geometry Properties of the Shortest Pedestrian Paths Focusing on Open Geospatial Data, A
* Orientation estimation of video streams from pan-tilt-zoom camera for integration with 3D models
* Random Forests Based Multiple Classifier System For Power-Line Scene Classification
* Results of the ISPRS benchmark on urban object detection and 3D building reconstruction
* Robust Sparse Matching and Motion Estimation Using Genetic Algorithms
* Room-based Energy Demand Classification of BIM Data Using Graph Supervised Learning
* Semi-automatic Co-registration Of Photogrammetric And Lidar Data Using Buildings
* Simulation-based Data Augmentation Using Physical Priors for Noise Filtering Deep Neural Network
* Terrain Surface Reconstruction by the Use of Tetrahedron Model with the MDL Criterion
* Theme section 'Urban object detection and 3D building reconstruction'
* Thermal Infrared Inspection of Roof Insulation Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
* Towards Object Driven Floor Plan Extraction From Laser Point Cloud
* UAV-Based Point Cloud Generation for Open-Pit Mine Modelling
* Using a Binary Space Partitioning Tree for Reconstructing Polyhedral Building Models from Airborne Lidar Data
* Wind adaptive modeling of transmission lines using minimum description length
Includes: Sohn, G.[Gunho] Sohn, G.
53 for Sohn, G.

Sohn, G.H.[Gun Ho] Co Author Listing * Data fusion of high-resolution satellite imagery and LiDAR data for automatic building extraction
* Extraction of Buildings from High-Resolution Satellite Data
* Markov Random Field Model for Individual Tree Detection from Airborne Laser Scanning Data, A
* PVL-Cartographer: Panoramic Vision-Aided LiDAR Cartographer-Based SLAM for Maverick Mobile Mapping System
Includes: Sohn, G.H.[Gun Ho] Sohn, G.H.[Gun-Ho]

Sohn, H.[Hosik] Co Author Listing * Biometric authentication using augmented face and random projection
* Content Sharing Based on Personal Information in Virtually Secured Space
* Contribution of Non-scrambled Chroma Information in Privacy-Protected Face Images to Privacy Leakage
* Development of a mixed pixel filter for improved dimension estimation using AMCW laser scanner
* Dynamic Programming Algorithm for Scheduling In-Vehicle Messages, A
* Inter-view consistent hole filling in view extrapolation for multi-view image generation
* Point Cloud Transformation Using Sensor Calibration Information for Map Data Adjustment
* Predicting Visual Discomfort of Stereoscopic Images Using Human Attention Model
* Privacy Preserving Facial and Fingerprint Multi-biometric Authentication
* Privacy Protection in Video Surveillance Systems Using Scalable Video Coding
* Privacy Protection in Video Surveillance Systems: Analysis of Subband-Adaptive Scrambling in JPEG XR
* Visual Comfort Amelioration Technique for Stereoscopic Images: Disparity Remapping to Mitigate Global and Local Discomfort Causes
* Visual Importance- and Discomfort Region-Selective Low-Pass Filtering for Reducing Visual Discomfort in Stereoscopic Displays
Includes: Sohn, H.[Hosik] Sohn, H.[Hoon] Sohn, H.
13 for Sohn, H.

Sohn, H.G.[Hong Gyoo] Co Author Listing * New Recursive Filtering Method of Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data to Preserve Ground Surface Information in Steep-Slope Areas, A
* Shadow-Effect Correction in Aerial Color Imagery
Includes: Sohn, H.G.[Hong Gyoo] Sohn, H.G.[Hong-Gyoo]

Sohn, H.S.[Hyung Sun] Co Author Listing * Assessment of testicular uptake in flourine-18 fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography

Sohn, K. Co Author Listing * Active Adversarial Domain Adaptation
* Anomaly Clustering: Grouping Images into Coherent Clusters of Anomaly Types
* Attentive Conditional Channel-Recurrent Autoencoding for Attribute-Conditioned Face Synthesis
* Attribute2Image: Conditional Image Generation from Visual Attributes
* Augmenting CRFs with Boltzmann Machine Shape Priors for Image Labeling
* Channel-Recurrent Autoencoding for Image Modeling
* Constrained Regularization Approach in Robust Corner Detection, A
* CReST: A Class-Rebalancing Self-Training Framework for Imbalanced Semi-Supervised Learning
* CutPaste: Self-Supervised Learning for Anomaly Detection and Localization
* Cylindrical Convolutional Networks for Joint Object Detection and Viewpoint Estimation
* Deep stereo confidence prediction for depth estimation
* Deep-learning architecture to forecast destinations of bus passengers from entry-only smart-card data
* Domain Adaptation for Structured Output via Discriminative Patch Representations
* Edge-aware image smoothing using commute time distances
* Effect of Vergence-Accommodation Conflict and Parallax Difference on Binocular Fusion for Random Dot Stereogram
* Efficient learning of sparse, distributed, convolutional feature representations for object recognition
* Enhancing Source-Free Domain Adaptive Object Detection with Low-Confidence Pseudo Label Distillation
* Feature Transfer Learning for Face Recognition With Under-Represented Data
* Gotta Adapt 'Em All: Joint Pixel and Feature-Level Domain Adaptation for Recognition in the Wild
* Gradient-Enhancing Conversion for Illumination-Robust Lane Detection
* Graph Regularization Network with Semantic Affinity for Weakly-Supervised Temporal Action Localization
* Image-Based Learning to Measure Traffic Density Using a Deep Convolutional Neural Network
* Improving Face Recognition by Clustering Unlabeled Faces in the Wild
* Improving object detection with deep convolutional networks via Bayesian optimization and structured prediction
* Instruct-Imagen: Image Generation with Multi-modal Instruction
* Joint Motion and Disparity Fields Estimation for Stereoscopic Video Sequences
* Learning decision trees with taxonomy of propositionalized attributes
* Learning Deeply Aggregated Alternating Minimization for General Inverse Problems
* Learning Descriptor, Confidence, and Depth Estimation in Multi-view Stereo
* Learning to Adapt Structured Output Space for Semantic Segmentation
* MAGVIT: Masked Generative Video Transformer
* MaskSketch: Unpaired Structure-guided Masked Image Generation
* Mean-Field Annealing Approach To Robust Corner Detection, A
* Modality-Invariant Image Classification Based on Modality Uniqueness and Dictionary Learning
* Optimizing Train-Stop Positions Along a Platform to Distribute the Passenger Load More Evenly Across Individual Cars
* Pedestrian proposal generation using depth-aware scale estimation
* Photorealistic Video Generation with Diffusion Models
* Pic2Word: Mapping Pictures to Words for Zero-shot Composed Image Retrieval
* Predicting Short-Term Traffic Speed Using a Deep Neural Network to Accommodate Citywide Spatio-Temporal Correlations
* Prefix Conditioning Unifies Language and Label Supervision
* Reconstruction-Based Disentanglement for Pose-Invariant Face Recognition
* Rethinking Data Augmentation for Image Super-resolution: A Comprehensive Analysis and a New Strategy
* Revisiting the Relationship Between Adaptive Smoothing and Anisotropic Diffusion With Modified Filters
* Robust Disaster Assessment from Aerial Imagery Using Text-to-Image Synthetic Data
* SimUSR: A Simple but Strong Baseline for Unsupervised Image Super-resolution
* Structure-Texture Image Decomposition Using Deep Variational Priors
* Towards Large-Pose Face Frontalization in the Wild
* Towards Universal Representation Learning for Deep Face Recognition
* Unifying Distribution Alignment as a Loss for Imbalanced Semi-supervised Learning
* Unpaired Cross-Spectral Pedestrian Detection Via Adversarial Feature Learning
* Unsupervised Deep Image Fusion With Structure Tensor Representations
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Face Recognition in Unlabeled Videos
* Unsupervised Low-Light Image Enhancement Using Bright Channel Prior
* Unsupervised Stereo Matching Using Confidential Correspondence Consistency
* Unsupervised stereo matching using correspondence consistency
* Video Probabilistic Diffusion Models in Projected Latent Space
* Video Summarization by Learning Relationships between Action and Scene
* Visual Comfort Enhancement for Stereoscopic Video Based on Binocular Fusion Characteristics
* Visual Fatigue Prediction for Stereoscopic Image
* Visual Prompt Tuning for Generative Transfer Learning
Includes: Sohn, K. Sohn, K.[Kihyuk] Sohn, K.[Keemin] Sohn, K.[Kwanghoon] Sohn, K.[Kiwook]
60 for Sohn, K.

Sohn, K.A.[Kyung Ah] Co Author Listing * Data Augmentation for Low-Level Vision: CutBlur and Mixture-of-Augmentation
* Deep Multi-Modal Network Based Automated Depression Severity Estimation
* Efficient deep neural network for photo-realistic image super-resolution
* Enhancing the Performance of Convolutional Neural Networks on Quality Degraded Datasets
* Exploiting Distortion Information for Multi-degraded Image Restoration
* Fast, Accurate, and Lightweight Super-Resolution with Cascading Residual Network
* Image Super-Resolution via Progressive Cascading Residual Network
* Multi-view network-based social-tagged landmark image clustering
* NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real-World Image Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* Restoring Spatially-heterogeneous Distortions Using Mixture of Experts Network
* Text-free diffusion inpainting using reference images for enhanced visual fidelity
* View Influence Analysis and Optimization for Multiview Face Recognition
Includes: Sohn, K.A.[Kyung Ah] Sohn, K.A.[Kyung-Ah] Sohn, K.A.
12 for Sohn, K.A.

Sohn, K.H.[Kwang Hoon] Co Author Listing * 2D/3D freeview video generation for 3DTV system
* 3D Face Recognition Based on Facial Shape Indexes with Dynamic Programming
* 3D Face Recognition with Geometrically Localized Surface Shape Indexes
* 3D head pose estimation using range images for face recognition
* 3D JBU based depth video filtering for temporal fluctuation reduction
* 3D modeling and free-view generation system using environmental stereo cameras, A
* 3D reconstruction from stereo images for interactions between real and virtual objects
* 3D Scene Reconstruction System with Hand-Held Stereo Cameras
* ABFT: Anisotropic binary feature transform based on structure tensor space
* Adaptive competition for motion vector prediction in multi-view video coding
* Adaptive confidence thresholding for monocular depth estimation
* Adversarial Confidence Estimation Networks for Robust Stereo Matching
* ANCC flow: Adaptive normalized cross-correlation with evolving guidance aggregation for dense correspondence estimation
* Arbitrary Object Relighting with Complex Pattern Texture for Reducing Eye Fatigue and Improving Perceived Depth
* asymmetric post-processing for correspondence problem, An
* Asymmetric post-processing for stereo correspondence
* Automatic 2D-to-3D conversion using multi-scale deep neural network
* Bridge to Answer: Structure-aware Graph Interaction Network for Video Question Answering
* Context-Aware Emotion Recognition Networks
* Contextual information based visual saliency model
* Convolutional cost aggregation for robust stereo matching
* Convolutional feature pyramid fusion via attention network
* Cost Aggregation and Occlusion Handling With WLS in Stereo Matching
* Cost aggregation with anisotropic diffusion in feature space for hybrid stereo matching
* DASC: Dense adaptive self-correlation descriptor for multi-modal and multi-spectral correspondence
* DASC: Robust Dense Descriptor for Multi-Modal and Multi-Spectral Correspondence Estimation
* Data-driven single image depth estimation using weighted median statistics
* DCTM: Discrete-Continuous Transformation Matching for Semantic Flow
* Deep Monocular Depth Estimation via Integration of Global and Local Predictions
* Deep Self-correlation Descriptor for Dense Cross-Modal Correspondence
* Deeply Aggregated Alternating Minimization for Image Restoration
* Dense Cross-Modal Correspondence Estimation With the Deep Self-Correlation Descriptor
* Depth Analogy: Data-Driven Approach for Single Image Depth Estimation Using Gradient Samples
* Depth prediction from a single image with conditional adversarial networks
* Depth Superresolution by Transduction
* Depth-based direct mode for multiview video coding
* Diffusion-Driven GAN Inversion for Multi-Modal Face Image Generation
* Discrete-Continuous Transformation Matching for Dense Semantic Correspondence
* Discriminative action tubelet detector for weakly-supervised action detection
* Dual-Path Adaptation from Image to Video Transformers
* EBDM: Exemplar-guided Image Translation with Brownian-bridge Diffusion Models
* Edge-preserving joint motion-disparity estimation in stereo image sequences
* Edge-preserving Simultaneous Joint Motion-Disparity Estimation
* Efficient disparity vector coding for multiview sequences
* Exact order based feature descriptor for illumination robust image matching
* Experimental Epicardial Potential Mapping in Mouse Ventricles: Effects of Fiber Architecture
* Experimental Measures of the Minimum Time Derivative of the Extracellular Potentials as an Index of Electrical Activity During Metabolic and Hypoxic Stress
* Face Photo-Sketch Synthesis Via Domain-Invariant Feature Embedding
* Fast affine-invariant image matching based on global Bhattacharyya measure with adaptive tree
* Fast Dense Stereo Matching Using Adaptive Window in Hierarchical Framework
* Fast Domain Decomposition for Global Image Smoothing
* Fast Global Image Smoothing Based on Weighted Least Squares
* Fast image retargeting via axis-aligned importance scaling
* Fast mode-decision for H.264/AVC based on inter-frame correlations
* FCSS: Fully Convolutional Self-Similarity for Dense Semantic Correspondence
* Feature Augmentation for Learning Confidence Measure in Stereo Matching
* Generalized Random Walk With Restart and its Application in Depth Up-Sampling and Interactive Segmentation, A
* Grouped zerotree wavelet image coding for very low bitrate
* Guided Semantic Flow
* Hardware design of motion data decoding process for H.264/AVC
* Hierarchical disparity estimation with energy-based regularization
* Hierarchical Visual Primitive Experts for Compositional Zero-Shot Learning
* High-Precision Depth Estimation Using Uncalibrated LiDAR and Stereo Fusion
* Hole filling with random walks using occlusion constraints in view synthesis
* HVS-aware ROI-based illumination and color restoration
* Improving Self-Supervised Vision Transformers for Visual Control
* Improving Visual Recognition with Hyperbolical Visual Hierarchy Mapping
* Improving Visual Recognition with Hyperbolical Visual Hierarchy Mapping
* Joint Learning of Semantic Alignment and Object Landmark Detection
* KNN Local Attention for Image Restoration
* Knowing Where to Focus: Event-aware Transformer for Video Grounding
* LAF-Net: Locally Adaptive Fusion Networks for Stereo Confidence Estimation
* Language-free Training for Zero-shot Video Grounding
* LAT: Local area transform for cross modal correspondence matching
* Layer-wise Auto-Weighting for Non-Stationary Test-Time Adaptation
* Learning Canonical 3D Object Representation for Fine-Grained Recognition
* Learning depth from a single image using visual-depth words
* Learning to Find Unpaired Cross-Spectral Correspondences
* Local Feature Based 3D Face Recognition
* Local self-similarity frequency descriptor for multispectral feature matching
* Local-Guided Global: Paired Similarity Representation for Visual Reinforcement Learning
* Looking into Your Speech: Learning Cross-modal Affinity for Audio-visual Speech Separation
* Mahalanobis Distance Cross-Correlation for Illumination-Invariant Stereo Matching
* majorize-minimize approach for high-quality depth upsampling, A
* Mask-Guided Attention and Episode Adaptive Weights for Few-Shot Segmentation
* Memory-Guided Image De-Raining Using Time-Lapse Data
* Memory-guided Unsupervised Image-to-image Translation
* Mining Better Samples for Contrastive Learning of Temporal Correspondence
* Motion information sharing mode for depth video coding
* Multi-Modal Recurrent Attention Networks for Facial Expression Recognition
* Multi-spectral pedestrian detection based on accumulated object proposal with fully convolutional networks
* Multi-Task Learning Framework for Motion Estimation and Dynamic Scene Deblurring
* Multispectral human co-segmentation via joint convolutional neural networks
* multiview sequence CODEC with view scalability, A
* No-reference perceptual blur model based on inherent sharpness
* No-Reference Quality Assessment for Stereoscopic Images Based on Binocular Quality Perception
* Normality Guided Multiple Instance Learning for Weakly Supervised Video Anomaly Detection
* On the Confidence of Stereo Matching in a Deep-Learning Era: A Quantitative Evaluation
* Optimum Solution for Scale Invariant Object Recognition Based on the Multiresolution Approximation, An
* PARN: Pyramidal Affine Regression Networks for Dense Semantic Correspondence
* PartMix: Regularization Strategy to Learn Part Discovery for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
* PASTS: Toward Effective Distilling Transformer for Panoramic Semantic Segmentation
* Pin the Memory: Learning to Generalize Semantic Segmentation
* Point-Cut: Interactive Image Segmentation Using Point Supervision
* PointFix: Learning to Fix Domain Bias for Robust Online Stereo Adaptation
* Practical Pan-Tilt-Zoom-Focus Camera Calibration for Augmented Reality
* Probabilistic Correspondence Matching using Random Walk with Restart
* Probabilistic Prompt Learning for Dense Prediction
* Probabilistic Representations for Video Contrastive Learning
* Probability-Based Rendering for View Synthesis
* Prototype-Guided Attention Distillation for Discriminative Person Search
* Prototype-Guided Saliency Feature Learning for Person Search
* Pyramidal Semantic Correspondence Networks
* Randomized Global Transformation Approach for Dense Correspondence
* Randomized texture flow estimation using visual similarity
* Real-Time 3D Modeling System Using Multiple Stereo Cameras for Free-Viewpoint Video Generation, A
* Real-time Human Detection based on Personness Estimation
* Recognition of partially occluded target objects
* Reliability-Based Multiview Depth Enhancement Considering Interview Coherence
* Robust Boundary-Based Object Recognition in Occlusion Environment by Hybrid Hopfield Neural Networks, A
* Robust Scale-Space Filter Using Second-Order Partial Differential Equations
* robust solution for object recognition by mean field annealing techniques, A
* Robust Stereo Matching Using Probabilistic Laplacian Surface Propagation
* Self-Balanced Learning for Domain Generalization
* Semantic Attribute Matching Networks
* Semantic-Aware Network for Aerial-To-Ground Image Synthesis
* Shape-Adaptive Kernel Network for Dense Object Detection
* Simultaneous Deep Stereo Matching and Dehazing with Feature Attention
* Single Image Deraining Using Time-Lapse Data
* Space-Time Hole Filling With Random Walks in View Extrapolation for 3D Video
* Sparse edit propagation for high resolution image using support vector machines
* Spatial and temporal up-conversion technique for depth video
* Static text region detection in video sequences using color and orientation consistencies
* Stereo Confidence Estimation via Locally Adaptive Fusion and Knowledge Distillation
* Stereoscopic image quality metric based on binocular perception model
* Stereoscopic video coding and disparity estimation for low bitrate applications based on MPEG-4 multiple auxiliary components
* Stereoscopic Video Generation Method using Motion Analysis
* Structure Selective Depth Superresolution for RGB-D Cameras
* Sumgraph: Video Summarization via Recursive Graph Modeling
* Synthesis quality prediction model based on distortion intolerance
* Unified Confidence Estimation Networks for Robust Stereo Matching
* Unified Depth Prediction and Intrinsic Image Decomposition from a Single Image via Joint Convolutional Neural Fields
* Unified multi-spectral pedestrian detection based on probabilistic fusion networks
* Unsupervised Deep Asymmetric Stereo Matching with Spatially-Adaptive Self-Similarity
* Unsupervised Texture Flow Estimation Using Appearance-Space Clustering and Correspondence
* Virtual View Rendering System for 3DTV
* Virtual view rendering using super-resolution with multiview images
* Visual fatigue evaluation and enhancement for 2D-plus-depth video
* VLSI architecture design of motion vector processor for H.264/AVC
Includes: Sohn, K.H.[Kwang Hoon] Sohn, K.H.[Kwang-Hoon] Sohn, K.H.[Kwang-Hyun] Sohn, K.H.[Kwang H.] Sohn, K.H.
149 for Sohn, K.H.

Sohn, M.K.[Myoung Kyu] Co Author Listing * Hand Part Classification Using Single Depth Images
* STSPhys: Enhanced Remote Heart Rate Measurement With Spatial-Temporal SwiftFormer
Includes: Sohn, M.K.[Myoung Kyu] Sohn, M.K.[Myoung-Kyu]

Sohn, S.[Sunghwan] Co Author Listing * Deeptkaclassifier: Brand Classification of Total Knee Arthroplasty Implants Using Explainable Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Facial age estimation via extended curvature Gabor filter
* High-Resolution Humidity Observations Based on Commercial Microwave Links (CML) Data: Case of Tel Aviv Metropolitan Area
* Linear Frequency Modulation and Orthogonal Code Modulation for Co-Located Multiple-Input Multiple-Output High-Frequency Surface Wave Radar
* Uncorrelated Component Analysis-Based Hashing
Includes: Sohn, S.[Sunghwan] Sohn, S.[Sungryull] Sohn, S.[Shira] Sohn, S.

Sohn, S.I.[Soo In] Co Author Listing * Identification of Amaranthus Species Using Visible-Near-Infrared (Vis-NIR) Spectroscopy and Machine Learning Methods
Includes: Sohn, S.I.[Soo In] Sohn, S.I.[Soo-In]

Sohn, S.M. Co Author Listing * Two-Dimensional Convolution on a Pyramid Computer

Sohn, S.S.[Samuel S.] Co Author Listing * HM: Hybrid Masking for Few-Shot Segmentation
* Laying the Foundations of Deep Long-term Crowd Flow Prediction
* Learning from Synthetic Human Group Activities
* MSI: Maximize Support-Set Information for Few-Shot Segmentation
* MUSE-VAE: Multi-Scale VAE for Environment-Aware Long Term Trajectory Prediction

Sohn, S.Y. Co Author Listing * Experimental study for the comparison of classifier combination methods
* Meta Analysis of Classification Algorithms for Pattern Recognition
* Selected tree classifier combination based on both accuracy and error diversity
Includes: Sohn, S.Y. Sohn, S.Y.[So Young]

Sohn, T.S.[Tin Stribor] Co Author Listing * PVDN-Urban: A Dataset for Provident Vehicle Detection at Night in Urban Scenarios

Sohn, W. Co Author Listing * Analysis of Camera Movement Errors in Vision-Based Vehicle Tracking
* Analysis of camera movements in stereo vision-based vehicle tracking
* Error Analysis Of Camera Movements In Stereo Vehicle Tracking-Systems

Sohn, Y.H.[Young Ho] Co Author Listing * Multi-level Thresholding Using Entropy-Based Weighted FCM Algorithm in Color Image
* Segmentation and Recognition of Traffic Signs Using Shape Information
Includes: Sohn, Y.H.[Young Ho] Sohn, Y.H.[Young-Ho]

Sohn, Y.S.[Young Sinn] Co Author Listing * Mapping Detailed Biotic Communities in the Upper San Pedro Valley of Southeastern Arizona using Landsat 7 ETM+ Data and Supervised Spectral Angle Classifier
Includes: Sohn, Y.S.[Young Sinn] Sohn, Y.S.[Young-Sinn]

Sohn, Y.W.[Young Wook] Co Author Listing * Block-Based Motion Vector Smoothing for Periodic Pattern Region
* Block-based recursive motion filtering for preserving true motion vectors in time-varying texture objects
* LOT coding for arbitrarily shaped object regions

Sohnesen, T.[Thomas] Co Author Listing * Sentinel-1 Change Detection Analysis for Cyclone Damage Assessment in Urban Environments

Sohng, K.I.[Kyu Ik] Co Author Listing * Adaptive Colorimetric Characterization of Digital Camera with White Balance
* Compensation of de-saturation effect in HDR imaging using a real scene adaptation model
* Evaluation of Motion Blur Considering Temporal Frequency Characteristics of Video Camera and LCD Systems
* Implementation of a reticle seeker missile simulator for jamming effect analysis
* MPEG-2 Test Stream with Static Test Patterns in DTV System
* Radiance map construction based on spatial and intensity correlations between LE and SE images for HDR imaging
* Rate Control Algorithm for High Quality Compression of Static Test Image in Digital TV System
Includes: Sohng, K.I.[Kyu Ik] Sohng, K.I.[Kyu-Ik]
7 for Sohng, K.I.

Index for "s"

Last update:20-Jan-25 11:48:17
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