Index for blak

Blake, A. * 1983: Least Disturbance Principle amd Weak Constraints, The
* 1983: Relaxation Labeling: The Principle of Least Disturbance
* 1984: Reconstructing a Visible Surface
* 1985: Boundary Conditions for Lightness Computation in Mondrian World
* 1985: Specular Stereo
* 1985: Surface Descriptions from Stereo and Shading
* 1985: Surface Descriptions from Stereo and Shading
* 1986: Invariant Surface Reconstruction Using Weak Continuity Constraints
* 1987: Computing Lightness
* 1987: Knowledge Source for Describing Stereoscopically Viewed Textured Surfaces
* 1987: Localizing Discontinuities Using Weak Continuity Constraints
* 1987: Visual Reconstruction
* 1988: Detecting Specular Reflection Using Lambertian Constraints
* 1988: Geometry from Specularities
* 1989: Comparison of the Efficiency of Deterministic and Stochastic Algorithms for Visual Reconstruction
* 1990: Dynamic Analysis of Apparent Contours, The
* 1990: Epipolar geometry for trinocular active range-sensors
* 1990: Robust ego-motion estimation
* 1990: Robust Estimation of Surface Curvature from Deformation of Apparent Contours
* 1990: Shape from Texture: Estimation, Isotropy and Moments
* 1990: Shape from Texture: The Homogeneity Hypothesis
* 1990: Towards qualitative vision: motion parallax
* 1991: Novel Approach to Motion Segmentation, A
* 1991: Parallel Implementation of Lagrangian Dynamics for Real-time Snakes
* 1991: Robust Estimation of Surface Curvature from Deformation of Apparent Contours
* 1992: Active Vision
* 1992: Planar Region Detection and Motion Recovery
* 1992: Real-Time Visual Tracking for Surveillance and Path Planning
* 1992: Surface Orientation and Time to Contact from Image Divergence and Deformation
* 1992: Surface Shape from the Deformation of Apparent Contours
* 1993: Affine-Invariant Contour Tracking with Automatic Control of Spatiotemporal Scale
* 1993: Computational Modelling of Hand-Eye Coordination
* 1993: Design for a Visual-Motion Transducer, A
* 1993: Eliciting qualitative structure from image curve deformations
* 1993: Framework for Spatiotemporal Control in the Tracking of Visual Contours, A
* 1993: Grasping Visual Symmetry
* 1993: Planar Region Detection and Motion Recovery
* 1993: Trinocular Active Range-Sensing
* 1994: Grasping the Apparent Contour
* 1994: Isoperimetric Normalization of Planar Curves
* 1994: Real-time tracking of surfaces with structured light
* 1994: Real-Time Traffic Monitoring
* 1994: Robust Estimation of Egomotion from Normal Flow
* 1995: Computer Tracking of Tagged H MR Images for Motion Analysis
* 1995: Design for a Visual-Motion Transducer, A
* 1995: Learning to Track the Visual-Motion of Contours
* 1995: Real-time tracking of surfaces with structured light
* 1995: Robust Real Time Tracking and Classification of Facial Expressions
* 1995: Statistical Background Modelling for Tracking with a Virtual Camera
* 1996: Contour Tracking by Stochastic Propagation of Conditional Density
* 1996: Learning Dynamics of Complex Motions from Image Sequences
* 1996: Motion Deblurring and Super-Resolution from an Image Sequence
* 1996: Quantitative Planar Region Detection
* 1996: Real-Time Lip Tracking for Audio-Visual Speech Recognition Applications
* 1996: Statistical Feature Modelling for Active Contours
* 1996: Statistical Mosaics for Tracking
* 1997: Exploiting shadows in a visual, hand-driven user interface
* 1997: Image Divergence and Deformation from Closed Curves
* 1997: Robust Contour Tracking in Echocardiographic Sequences
* 1997: Using Expectation-Maximisation to Learn Dynamical Models from Visual Data
* 1998: Accurate, Real-Time, Unadorned Lip Tracking
* 1998: Active Contours: The Application of Techniques from Graphics, Vision, Control Theory and Statistics to Visual Tracking of Shapes in Motion
* 1998: C-Conditional Density Propagation for Visual Tracking
* 1998: Error-Tolerant Visual Planning of Planar Grasp
* 1998: ICONDENSATION: Unifying Low-Level and High-Level Tracking in a Stochastic Framework
* 1998: Mixed-State Condensation Tracker with Automatic Model-Switching, A
* 1998: Probabilistic Contour Discriminant for Object Localisation, A
* 1998: Robust Contour Tracking in Echocardiographic Sequences
* 1998: Separability of Pose and Expression in Facial Tracing and Animation
* 1998: Smoothing Filter for CONDENSATION, A
* 1998: Spatial dependence in the observation of visual contours
* 1998: Statistical Models of Visual Shape and Motion
* 1998: Using Expectation-Maximisation to Learn a Dynamical Model for a Tracker from Measurement Sequences
* 1999: Classification of Human Body Motion
* 1999: Introduction to Active Contours and Visual Dynamics
* 1999: Object Localization by Bayesian Correlation
* 1999: Probabilistic Exclusion Principle for Tracking Multiple Objects, A
* 1999: Tracking through Singularities and Discontinuities by Random Sampling
* 1999: Using Expectation-Maximisation to Learn Dynamical Models from Visual Data
* 2000: Articulated Body Motion Capture by Annealed Particle Filtering
* 2000: Learning and Classification of Complex Dynamics
* 2000: Probabilistic Background Model for Tracking, A
* 2000: Probabilistic Exclusion Principle for Tracking Multiple Objects, A
* 2000: Statistical Foreground Modelling for Object Localisation
* 2001: Bayesian Object Localisation in Images
* 2001: Computationally Efficient Face Detection
* 2001: Integrated tracking with vision and sound
* 2001: JetStream: Probabilistic Contour Extraction with Particles
* 2001: Practical Method for Estimation of Point Light-Sources, A
* 2001: Probabilistic Tracking in a Metric Space
* 2001: Sequential Monte Carlo Fusion of Sound and Vision for Speaker Tracking
* 2002: HMM-Based Segmentation Method for Traffic Monitoring Movies, An
* 2002: Probabilistic Tracking with Exemplars in a Metric Space
* 2002: Rapid Summarisation and Browsing of Video Sequences
* 2002: Statistical Learning of Multi-view Face Detection
* 2002: Towards a Complete Dense Geometric and Photometric Reconstruction under Varying Pose and Illumination
* 2002: Towards Improved Observation Models for Visual Tracking: Selective Adaptation
* 2002: Towards the automatic analysis of complex human body motions
* 2003: Gaze manipulation for one-to-one teleconferencing
* 2003: Poisson image editing
* 2003: Poisson image editing
* 2003: Poisson Image Editing
* 2003: sparse probabilistic learning algorithm for real-time tracking, A
* 2004: Guest Editorial: Computer Vision Research at Microsoft Corporation
* 2004: Interactive Image Segmentation Using an Adaptive GMMRF Model
* 2004: Sparse Finite Elements for Geodesic Contours with Level-Sets
* 2004: SPS algorithm: patching figural continuity and transparency by split-patch search, The
* 2004: Towards a Complete Dense Geometric and Photometric Reconstruction under Varying Pose and Illumination
* 2005: Bi-Layer Segmentation of Binocular Stereo Video
* 2005: Contour-Based Learning for Object Detection
* 2005: Digital Tapestry
* 2005: Probabilistic Fusion of Stereo with Color and Contrast for Bi-Layer Segmentation
* 2005: Sparse Bayesian Learning for Efficient Visual Tracking
* 2005: Sparse Finite Element Level-Sets for Anisotropic Boundary Detection in 3D Images
* 2006: Bilayer Segmentation of Live Video
* 2006: Cosegmentation of Image Pairs by Histogram Matching: Incorporating a Global Constraint into MRFs
* 2006: Panum Proxy Algorithm for Dense Stereo Matching over a Volume of Interest, The
* 2006: Probabilistic Fusion of Stereo with Color and Contrast for Bi-Layer Segmentation
* 2006: Sparse and Semi-supervised Visual Mapping with the S^3GP
* 2007: Efficient Dense Stereo with Occlusions for New View-Synthesis by Four-State Dynamic Programming
* 2007: Learning priors for calibrating families of stereo cameras
* 2007: LogCut: Efficient Graph Cut Optimization for Markov Random Fields
* 2007: Probabilistic exemplar-based pattern tracking
* 2007: Reconstructing High Quality Face-Surfaces using Model Based Stereo
* 2007: Stereo vision and segmentation
* 2007: Virtual image artifact detection
* 2007: Virtual image generation
* 2008: Bayesian color constancy revisited
* 2008: Efficiently Combining Contour and Texture Cues for Object Recognition
* 2008: GeoS: Geodesic Image Segmentation
* 2008: Image Segmentation by Branch-and-Mincut
* 2008: Multiscale Categorical Object Recognition Using Contour Fragments
* 2008: Probabilistic Fusion of Stereo with Color and Contrast for Bi-Layer Segmentation
* 2009: On compositional Image Alignment, with an application to Active Appearance Models
* 2010: Dense Stereo Matching over the Panum Band
* 2010: Fusion Moves for Markov Random Field Optimization
* 2010: Geodesic star convexity for interactive image segmentation
* 2011: Real-Time Human Pose Recognition in Parts from Single Depth Images
* 2012: Branch-and-Mincut: Global Optimization for Image Segmentation with High-Level Priors
* 2013: Efficient Human Pose Estimation from Single Depth Images
* 2013: Real-Time Human Pose Recognition in Parts from Single Depth Images
Includes: Blake, A. Blake, A.[Andrew]
141 for Blake, A.

Blake, B. * 2010: What Is The Future Of Metric Heritage Documentation And Its Skills?

Blake, E.[Edwin] * 2006: Using Visualizations to Support Design and Debugging in Virtual Reality

Blake, E.H. * 1994: Adaptive spline-wavelet image encoding and real-time synthesis

Blake, I.F. * 1996: On the Performance of Fractal Compression with Clustering

Blake, M.[Madison] * 2015: User-Independent and Sensor-Tolerant Wearable Activity Classifier, A
* 2023: Estimating the concentration of total suspended solids in inland and coastal waters from Sentinel-2 MSI: A semi-analytical approach
Includes: Blake, M.[Madison] Blake, M.[Matthew]

Blake, M.B. * 2006: IGSTK: an open source software toolkit for image-guided surgery

Blake, P.L. * 2003: Quantitative fusion of performance results from actual and simulated image data

Blake, R. * 1998: Anisotropies in Visual Motion Perception: A Fresh Look
* 2021: Diurnal Cycle of Passive Microwave Brightness Temperatures over Land at a Global Scale
Includes: Blake, R. Blake, R.[Reginald]

Blake, R.A. * 2014: Assessment of Langley and NASA-GISS Calibration Techniques for MFRSR Aerosol Retrieval

Blake, R.E. * 1981: Software support for the construction of syntactic pattern recognisers by a research engineer
* 1986: Experiments in dynamic programming inference of Markov networks with strings representing speech data
* 1994: Partitioning Graph Matching with Constraints
* 2003: Convergent matching for model-based computer vision
Includes: Blake, R.E. Blake, R.E.[Richard E.]

Blake, S.[Stephen] * 1997: 6DOF calibration of a camera with respect to the wrist of a 5-axis machine tool
* 2013: New Microslice Technology for Hyperspectral Imaging
* 2019: Spaceborne EO and a Combination of Inverse and Forward Modelling for Monitoring Lava Flow Advance
Includes: Blake, S.[Stephen] Blake, S.

Blake, S.L. * 1994: Efficient techniques for two-layer coding of video sequences

Blakea, A.[Andrew] * 1989: Information Available to a Moving Observer from Specularities, The

Blakeley, N.D. * 2001: Image Recovery from Irregularly Located Spectral Samples
* 2001: Recovery of limited-extent images aliased because of spectral undersampling
Includes: Blakeley, N.D. Blakeley, N.D.[Nicholas D.]

Blakeley, S.L.[S. Lucille] * 2018: Farmer Perception, Recollection, and Remote Sensing in Weather Index Insurance: An Ethiopia Case Study
* 2020: Identifying Precipitation and Reference Evapotranspiration Trends in West Africa to Support Drought Insurance

Blakely, V.[Victoria] * 2019: Multimodal Interface for Virtual Information Environments, A

Blakely, V.R.[Victoria R.] * 2017: Dispelling the Gorilla Arm Syndrome: The Viability of Prolonged Gesture Interactions

Blakemore, A. * 1983: Computer Graphic Modeling of American Sign Language

Blakeney, C. * 2020: Is Pruning Compression?: Investigating Pruning Via Network Layer Similarity

Blakeslee, R.J.[Richard J.] * 2019: Random Forest Method to Forecast Downbursts Based on Dual-Polarization Radar Signatures, A

Blakey, A.[Andrew] * 2010: Exploring rooftop photovoltaic cell feasibility through web-GIS

Blakey, T.[Tara] * 2015: Supervised Classification of Benthic Reflectance in Shallow Subtropical Waters Using a Generalized Pixel-Based Classifier across a Time Series

Blakley, D.R.[Daniel R.] * 2012: Using the vectorcardiogram to remove ECG noise

Index for "b"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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