Kalia, A.[Anmol]
Co Author Listing * PACO: Parts and Attributes of Common Objects
* Text-to-Sticker: Style Tailoring Latent Diffusion Models for Human Expression
Kalia, A.C.[Andre Cahyadi]
Co Author Listing * Classification of Landslide Activity on a Regional Scale Using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry at the Moselle Valley (Germany)
Kalia, R.[Robin]
Co Author Listing * analysis of the effect of different image preprocessing techniques on the performance of SURF: Speeded Up Robust Features, An
* Face recognition using LBP for personal image management system and its analysis
* Image matching with SIFT descriptor on affine normalized MSERs
Kalia, S.
Co Author Listing * Camera Relocalization by Computing Pairwise Relative Poses Using Convolutional Neural Network
* Deep Neural Network Cloud-Type Classification (DeepCTC) Model and Its Application in Evaluating PERSIANN-CCS
* Exploring Subpixel Learning Algorithms for Estimating Global Land Cover Fractions from Satellite Data Using High Performance Computing
Includes: Kalia, S. Kalia, S.[Subodh]
Kaliamoorthi, P.
Co Author Listing * Directional Chamfer Matching in 2.5 Dimensions
* Human pose tracking by parametric annealing
* Parametric annealing: A stochastic search method for human pose tracking
* Probabilistic State Space Decomposition for Human Motion Capture
* Robust Integrated Framework for Segmentation and Tracking, A
* Three-Dimensional Bilateral Symmetry Plane Estimation in the Phase Domain
* Viewpoint invariants from three-dimensional data: The role of reflection in human activity understanding
Includes: Kaliamoorthi, P. Kaliamoorthi, P.[Prabhu]
7 for Kaliamoorthi, P.
Kalian, K.
Co Author Listing * Uncertainties in Navigation of Elderly People in Towns: The Assistant Project
Kaliaperumal, V.[Vani]
Co Author Listing * Quantitative growth analysis of pulp necrotic tooth (post-op) using modified region growing active contour model
Kalidindi, S.R.[Surya R.]
Co Author Listing * In Situ Transmission Electron Microscopy: Signal processing challenges and examples
Kalies, W.D.
Co Author Listing * On the Detection of Simple Points in Higher Dimensions Using Cubical Homology
Kalifa, J.
Co Author Listing * Deconvolution by thresholding in mirror wavelet bases
* Image deconvolution in mirror wavelet bases
* Regularization in tomographic reconstruction using thresholding estimators
Kalimeri, K.[Kyriaki]
Co Author Listing * Connecting Meeting Behavior with Extraversion: A Systematic Study
* Multimodal Classification of Stressful Environments in Visually Impaired Mobility Using EEG and Peripheral Biosignals
Includes: Kalimeri, K.[Kyriaki] Kalimeri, K.
Kalimullah, N.M.M.[Nur M.M.]
Co Author Listing * Damage Detection and Localization by Learning Deep Features of Elastic Waves in Piezoelectric Ceramic Using Point Contact Method
Kalimuthu, M.[Marimuthu]
Co Author Listing * Fusion Models for Improved Image Captioning
Kalimuthu, R.
Co Author Listing * Modelling Spectral Unmixing of Geological Mixtures: An Experimental Study Using Rock Samples
Kalin, U.[Ursula]
Co Author Listing * Highly Accurate Pose Estimation as a Reference for Autonomous Vehicles in Near-Range Scenarios
Includes: Kalin, U.[Ursula] Kälin, U.[Ursula] (Maybe also Kaelin, U.)
Kalina, J.[Jan]
Co Author Listing * Implicitly Weighted Methods in Robust Image Analysis
Kalinic, H.[Hrvoje]
Co Author Listing * Absolute joint moments: a novel image similarity measure
* Optimal Sensor Placement Using Learning Models: A Mediterranean Case Study
Kalinicheva, E.[Ekaterina]
Co Author Listing * Automatic Post-Disaster Damage Mapping Using Deep-Learning Techniques for Change Detection: Case Study of the Tohoku Tsunami
* Multi-Layer Modeling of Dense Vegetation from Aerial LiDAR Scans
* Unsupervised Satellite Image Time Series Clustering Using Object-Based Approaches and 3D Convolutional Autoencoder
Kalinin, A.
Co Author Listing * Deep Learning for Automatic Pneumonia Detection
Kalinin, A.A.
Co Author Listing * 3D Cell Nuclear Morphology: Microscopy Imaging Dataset and Voxel-Based Morphometry Classification Results
* Breast Tumor Cellularity Assessment Using Deep Neural Networks
* Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Breast Cancer Histology Image Analysis
Includes: Kalinin, A.A. Kalinin, A.A.[Alexandr A.]
Kalinin, K.
Co Author Listing * On indirect assessment of heart rate in video
* Remote Photoplethysmography: Rarely Considered Factors
Kalinin, M.
Co Author Listing * Classification Approach for Anatomical Regions Segmentation, A
Kalinin, P.[Pavel]
Co Author Listing * graph based approach to hierarchical image over-segmentation, A
Kalinina, N.V.[Natalia V.]
Co Author Listing * Use of Deep Machine Learning for the Automated Selection of Remote Sensing Data for the Determination of Areas of Arable Land Degradation Processes Distribution, The
Kalinina, V.I.[Vera Igorevna]
Co Author Listing * Novel Neuron-like Procedure of Weak Signal Detection against the Non-Stationary Noise Background with Application to Underwater Sound
Kalinke, T.
Co Author Listing * image processing system for driver assistance, An
* Scene Analysis and Organization of Behavior in Driver Assistance Systems
* Walking pedestrian recognition
Kalinkina, D.[Daria]
Co Author Listing * 3D Reconstruction of a Human Face from Images Using Morphological Adaptation
* New Human Face Expression Tracking
Kalinovskiy, I.[Ilya]
Co Author Listing * CtrlFaceNet: Framework for geometric-driven face image synthesis
* Hard Example Mining with Auxiliary Embeddings
Includes: Kalinovskiy, I.[Ilya] Kalinovskiy, I.
Kalinovsky, A.
Co Author Listing * Lesion Detection in Ct Images Using Deep Learning Semantic Segmentation Technique
Kalinowski, M.[Miroslaw]
Co Author Listing * Fast Construction of the Distance Graph Used for the Classification of Heterogeneous Electron Microscopic Projections, A
Kalinowski, P.
Co Author Listing * Accuracy Investigations of Image Matching Techniques By Means of A Textured Dumbbell Artefact
* Data Fusion of Historical Photographs with Modern 3d Data for An Archaeological Excavation - Concept and First Results
Kalinskaya, D.[Daria]
Co Author Listing * Aerosol Optical Properties above Productive Waters of Gorky Reservoir for Atmospheric Correction of Sentinel-3/OLCI Images
* Spatio-Temporal Variability of the Aerosol Optical Depth over the Gorky and Cheboksary Reservoirs in 2022-2023
Includes: Kalinskaya, D.[Daria] Kalinskaya, D.[Darya]
Kalinskaya, D.V.[Daria V.]
Co Author Listing * Algorithm of Additional Correction of Level 2 Remote Sensing Reflectance Data Using Modelling of the Optical Properties of the Black Sea Waters
* Why Is It Important to Consider Dust Aerosol in the Sevastopol and Black Sea Region during Remote Sensing Tasks? A Case Study
Includes: Kalinskaya, D.V.[Daria V.] Kalinskaya, D.V.[Darya V.]
Kalinski, D.
Co Author Listing * Medium Format Camera Evaluation Based On The Latest Phase One Technology
Kaliontzopoulou, A.[Antigoni]
Co Author Listing * Local Segregation of Realised Niches in Lizards
Kaliraj, G.
Co Author Listing * efficient approach for the removal of impulse noise from the corrupted image using neural network based impulse detector, An
Kaliraj, S.
Co Author Listing * efficient lung image classification and detection using spiral-optimized Gabor filter with convolutional neural network, An
Kalisa, W.[Wilson]
Co Author Listing * Spatial Multi-Criterion Decision Making (SMDM) Drought Assessment and Sustainability over East Africa from 1982 to 2015
Kalisch, H.
Co Author Listing * PDE Based Algorithms for Smooth Watersheds
Kalischek, N.[Nikolai]
Co Author Listing * BiasBed: Rigorous Texture Bias Evaluation
* In the light of feature distributions: moment matching for Neural Style Transfer
* Tetradiffusion: Tetrahedral Diffusion Models for 3d Shape Generation
Kalishin, A.S.[Alexey S.]
Co Author Listing * Artificial Ducts Created via High-Power HF Radio Waves at EISCAT
Kalisiak, M.[Michal]
Co Author Listing * Errors in Broadband Permittivity Determination Due to Liquid Surface Distortions in Semi-Open Test Cell
Kaliski, R.
Co Author Listing * QoE-Based Link Adaptation Scheme for H.264/SVC Video Multicast Over IEEE 802.11, A
Kalisperakis, I.[Ilias]
Co Author Listing * 3D Aspects of 2D Epipolar Geometry
* 3d Reconstruction and Mesh Optimization of Underwater Spaces For Virtual Reality
* Automatic Calibration of Stereo-Cameras Using Ordinary Chess-Board Patterns
* Automatic Camera Calibration for Cultural Heritage Applications Using Unstructured Planar Objects
* Automatic Point Cloud Generation and Registration with a Stereovision Slit-scanner
* Creating a Story Map Using Geographic Information Systems to Explore Geomorphology and History of Methana Peninsula
* Developing A Strategy for Precise 3d Modelling of Large-scale Scenes For VR
* Fully Automatic Camera Calibration Using Regular Planar Patterns
* Generation of Orthoimages and Perspective Views with Automatic Visibility Checking and Texture Blending
* Implementing An Adaptive Approach For Dense Stereo-matching
* Leaf Area Index Estimation in Vineyards from UAV Hyperspectral Data, 2D Image Mosaics and 3D Canopy Surface Models
* Local Adaptive Approach for Dense Stereo Matching in Architectural Scene Reconstruction, A
* Model-Based Building Detection from Low-Cost Optical Sensors Onboard Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
* Modular Mobile Mapping Platform for Complex Indoor and Outdoor Environments, A
* On accurate dense stereo-matching using a local adaptive multi-cost approach
* Real-time Single-camera Approach For Automatic Fall Detection, A
* unified approach for automatic camera calibration from vanishing points, A
Includes: Kalisperakis, I.[Ilias] Kalisperakis, I.
17 for Kalisperakis, I.
Kalisz, P.[Piotr]
Co Author Listing * Detection of Natural Gas Leakages Using a Laser-Based Methane Sensor and UAV
Kaliszewska, A.
Co Author Listing * Non-invasive Investigation and Documentation in the Bielinski Palace in Otwock Wielki
Kalita, G.[Gunajit]
Co Author Listing * Handloom Design Generation Using Generative Networks
Kalita, H.[Himanka]
Co Author Listing * Mobile keystroke dynamics for biometric recognition: An overview
Kalita, I.[Indrajit]
Co Author Listing * Land Use Change Detection Using Deep Siamese Neural Networks and Weakly Supervised Learning
Kalita, J.[Jugal]
Co Author Listing * Multi-task learning for natural language processing in the 2020s: Where are we going?
* Pose2Trajectory: Using transformers on body pose to predict tennis player's trajectory
Kalita, J.K.[Jugal K.]
Co Author Listing * CoBi: Pattern Based Co-Regulated Biclustering of Gene Expression Data
* empirical evaluation of information metrics for low-rate and high-rate DDoS attack detection, An
Includes: Kalita, J.K.[Jugal K.] Kalita, J.K.
Kalita, K.[Karuna]
Co Author Listing * Robust Two-Stage Planning Model for the Charging Station Placement Problem Considering Road Traffic Uncertainty, A
Kalita, M.
Co Author Listing * novel steganographic method using 8-neighboring PVD (8nPVD) and LSB substitution, A
Kalita, N.
Co Author Listing * Single image super-resolution using compressive sensing with learned overcomplete dictionary
Kalita, P.[Piotr]
Co Author Listing * Construction of a 3D Geometric Model of a Presynaptic Bouton for Use in Modeling of Neurotransmitter Flow
Kalitsios, G.[Georgios]
Co Author Listing * Domain Adaptation in Power Line Segmentation: A New Synthetic Dataset
* Vision-Enhanced System For Human-Robot Disassembly Factory Cells: Introducing A New Screw Dataset
Kalitzin, S.N.[Stiliyan N.]
Co Author Listing * Computational Method for Segmenting Topological Point-Sets and Application to Image Analysis, A
* Detection of Critical Structures in Scale Space
* Detection of elongated structures by using invertible angular representations of scalar images
* Frame-Relative Critical Point Sets in Image Analysis
* Image Segmentation and Object Recognition by Bayesian Grouping
* Invertible Apertured Orientation Filters in Image Analysis
* Invertible Orientation Bundles on 2D Scalar Images
* On Topological Deep-Structure Segmentation
* Topological Numbers and Singularities in Scalar Images: Scale-Space Evolution Properties
* Trained Spin-Glass Model for Grouping of Image Primitives, A
Includes: Kalitzin, S.N.[Stiliyan N.] Kalitzin, S.N.
10 for Kalitzin, S.N.
Kaliuzhnyi, M.[Mykola]
Co Author Listing * Radar Signal Deinterleaving Method Based on Complex Network and Laplacian Graph Clustering, A
Kalivas, D.[Dionissios]
Co Author Listing * Appraisal of the Potential of Landsat 8 in Estimating Chlorophyll-a, Ammonium Concentrations and Other Water Quality Indicators, An
* Estimating Chlorophyll-a of Inland Water Bodies in Greece Based on Landsat Data
* Evolution of stereoscopic and three-dimensional video
* Modelling of Greek Lakes Water Quality Using Earth Observation in the Framework of the Water Framework Directive (WFD)
* realtime hardware system for stereoscopic videoconferencing with viewpoint adaptation, A
* Study of the subjective performance of a range of MPEG-2 encoders
Includes: Kalivas, D.[Dionissios] Kalivas, D.[Dimitris] Kalivas, D.
Kalivas, D.S.[Dimitrios S.]
Co Author Listing * 2-D motion estimation algorithm, A
* Region Matching Motion Estimation Algorithm, A
Kalivas, P.[Peter]
Co Author Listing * Unsupervised Coordinate-Based Video Denoising
* Unsupervised Microscopy Video Denoising
Kalivitis, N.[Nikolaos]
Co Author Listing * Assessing Sea-State Effects on Sea-Salt Aerosol Modeling in the Lower Atmosphere Using Lidar and In-Situ Measurements
Kaliyaperumal, G.[Ganesan]
Co Author Listing * Collision avoidance approaches for autonomous mobile robots to tackle the problem of pedestrians roaming on campus road