Biomass Measurements for Individual Trees

Chapter Contents (Back)
Biomass Measurement. Trees. Tree Diameter:
See also Tree Diameter, Tree Width, Stem Diameter, Diameter at Breast Height, DBH.
See also Forest Analysis, Terrestrial Laser Scanner, Terrestrial LiDAR, TLS.

Bortolot, Z.J.[Zachary J.], Wynne, R.H.[Randolph H.],
Estimating forest biomass using small footprint LiDAR data: An individual tree-based approach that incorporates training data,
PandRS(59), No. 6, November 2005, pp. 342-360.
Elsevier DOI 0602

Bortolot, Z.J.[Zachary J.],
Using Tree Clusters to Derive Forest Properties from Small Footprint Lidar Data,
PhEngRS(72), No. 12, December 2006, pp. 1389-1398.
WWW Link. 0704
An object-oriented small footprint lidar algorithm that uses properties of tree clusters to predict forest properties. BibRef

Chen, Q.[Qi], Gong, P.[Peng], Baldocchi, D.[Dennis], Tian, Y.Q.[Yong Q.],
Estimating Basal Area and Stem Volume for Individual Trees from Lidar Data,
PhEngRS(73), No. 12, December 2007, pp. 1355-1366.
WWW Link. 0712
A new lidar metric for forest canopy geometric volume for estimating basal area and stem volume on individual trees is tested.
See also Isolating Individual Trees in a Savanna Woodland Using Small Footprint Lidar Data. BibRef

Kantola, T., Vastaranta, M.[Mikko], Yu, X.W.[Xiao-Wei], Lyytikainen-Saarenmaa, P., Holopainen, M., Talvitie, M., Kaasalainen, S., Solberg, S., Hyyppa, J.,
Classification of Defoliated Trees Using Tree-Level Airborne Laser Scanning Data Combined with Aerial Images,
RS(2), No. 12, December 2010, pp. 2665-2679.
DOI Link 1203

Kankare, V.[Ville], Räty, M.[Minna], Yu, X.W.[Xiao-Wei], Holopainen, M.[Markus], Vastaranta, M.[Mikko], Kantola, T.[Tuula], Hyyppä, J.[Juha], Hyyppä, H.[Hannu], Alho, P.[Petteri], Viitala, R.[Risto],
Single tree biomass modelling using airborne laser scanning,
PandRS(85), No. 1, 2013, pp. 66-73.
Elsevier DOI 1310
Airborne laser scanning BibRef

Imangholiloo, M., Yrttimaa, T., Mattsson, T., Junttila, S., Holopainen, M., Saarinen, N., Savolainen, P., Hyyppä, J., Vastaranta, M.,
Adding single tree features and correcting edge tree effects enhance the characterization of seedling stands with single-photon airborne laser scanning,
PandRS(191), 2022, pp. 129-142.
Elsevier DOI 2208
Seedling forest, Area-based approach, Individual tree detection, ITD, ABA, ALS, LiDAR, Forest inventory BibRef

Holopainen, M.[Markus], Vastaranta, M.[Mikko], Kankare, V.[Ville], Räty, M.[Minna], Vaaja, M.[Matti], Liang, X.L.[Xin-Lian], Yu, X.W.[Xiao-Wei], Hyyppä, J.[Juha], Hyyppä, H.[Hannu], Viitala, R.[Risto], Kaasalainen, S.[Sanna],
Biomass Estimation of Individual Trees Using Stem and Crown Diameter TLS Measurements,
DOI Link 1109

Lin, Y.[Yi], Jaakkola, A.[Anttoni], Hyyppä, J.[Juha], Kaartinen, H.[Harri],
From TLS to VLS: Biomass Estimation at Individual Tree Level,
RS(2), No. 8, August 2010, pp. 1864-1879.
DOI Link 1203

Kankare, V.[Ville], Holopainen, M.[Markus], Vastaranta, M.[Mikko], Puttonen, E.[Eetu], Yu, X.W.[Xiao-Wei], Hyyppä, J.[Juha], Vaaja, M.[Matti], Hyyppä, H.[Hannu], Alho, P.[Petteri],
Individual Tree Biomass Estimation Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning,
PandRS(75), No. 1, January 2013, pp. 64-75.
Elsevier DOI 1301
Terrestrial laser scanning; Aboveground biomass; Individual tree; Features; Stem volume; Stem curve BibRef

Vastaranta, M.[Mikko], Kankare, V.[Ville], Holopainen, M.[Markus], Yu, X.W.[Xiao-Wei], Hyyppä, J.[Juha], Hyyppä, H.[Hannu],
Combination of individual tree detection and area-based approach in imputation of forest variables using airborne laser data,
PandRS(67), No. 1, January 2012, pp. 73-79.
Elsevier DOI 1202
Laser scanning; Forest inventory; Field measurements BibRef

Yu, X.W.[Xiao-Wei], Hyyppä, J.[Juha], Holopainen, M.[Markus], Vastaranta, M.[Mikko],
Comparison of Area-Based and Individual Tree-Based Methods for Predicting Plot-Level Forest Attributes,
RS(2), No. 6, June 2010, pp. 1481-1495.
DOI Link 1203

Kankare, V.[Ville], Vastaranta, M.[Mikko], Holopainen, M.[Markus], Yu, X.W.[Xiao-Wei], Hyyppä, J.[Juha], Hyyppä, H.[Hannu],
The Fusion of Individual Tree Detection and Visual Interpretation in Assessment of Forest Variables from Laser Point Clouds,
DOI Link 1109

Holopainen, M.[Markus], Haapanen, R.[Reija], Karjalainen, M.[Mika], Vastaranta, M.[Mikko], Hyyppä, J.[Juha], Yu, X.W.[Xiao-Wei], Tuominen, S.[Sakari], Hyyppä, H.[Hannu],
Comparing Accuracy of Airborne Laser Scanning and TerraSAR-X Radar Images in the Estimation of Plot-Level Forest Variables,
RS(2), No. 2, February 2010, pp. 432-445.
DOI Link 1203
Combination of Low Pulse ALS Data and TERRASAR-X Radar images in the Estimation of Plot-Level Forest Variables,
Laser09(135). 0909

Vastaranta, M.[Mikko], Holopainen, M.[Markus], Yu, X.W.[Xiao-Wei], Hyyppä, J., Mäkinen, A., Rasinmäki, J., Melkas, T., Kaartinen, H., Hyyppä, H.,
Effects of Individual Tree Detection Error Sources on Forest Management Planning Calculations,
RS(3), No. 8, August 2011, pp. 1614-1626.
DOI Link 1203

Vastaranta, M.[Mikko], Holopainen, M.[Markus], Haapanen, R.[Reija], Yu, X.W.[Xiao-Wei], Melkas, T.[Timo], Hyyppä, J.[Juha], Hyyppä, H.[Hannu],
Comparison of ALS-Based Low-Pulse Density Forest Inventories,
Laser09(147). 0909

Liang, X., Hyyppä, J., Matikainen, L.,
Deciduous-Coniferous Tree Classification Using Difference between First and Last Pulse Laser Signatures,
PDF File. 0709

Yu, X., Hyyppä, J., Kaartinen, H., Hyyppä, H., Maltamo, M., Rönnholm, P.,
Measuring the growth of individual trees using multi-temporal airborne laser scanning point clouds,
PDF File. 0509

Hyyppä, J., Mielonen, T., Hyyppä, H., Maltamo, M., Yu, X., Honkavaara, E., Kaartinen, H.,
Using individual tree crown approach for forest volume extraction with aerial images and laser point clouds,
PDF File. 0509

Pyysalo, U.[Ulla], Hyyppa, H.[Hannu],
Reconstructing Tree Crowns from Laser Scanner Data for Feature Extraction,
PCV02(B: 218). 0305

Lehtomäki, M.[Matti], Jaakkola, A.[Anttoni], Hyyppä, J.[Juha], Kukko, A.[Antero], Kaartinen, H.[Harri],
Detection of Vertical Pole-Like Objects in a Road Environment Using Vehicle-Based Laser Scanning Data,
RS(2), No. 3, March 2010, pp. 641-664.
DOI Link 1203
Road Signs. Sign Detection. Traffic Signs. BibRef
Performance Analysis of a Pole and Tree Trunk Detection Method for Mobile Laser Scanning Data,
DOI Link 1109

Saarinen, N.[Ninni], Vastaranta, M.[Mikko], Vaaja, M.[Matti], Lotsari, E.[Eliisa], Jaakkola, A.[Anttoni], Kukko, A.[Antero], Kaartinen, H.[Harri], Holopainen, M.[Markus], Hyyppä, H.[Hannu], Alho, P.[Petteri],
Area-Based Approach for Mapping and Monitoring Riverine Vegetation Using Mobile Laser Scanning,
RS(5), No. 10, 2013, pp. 5285-5303.
DOI Link 1311

Lin, Y.[Yi], Hyyppä, J.[Juha], Kaartinen, H.[Harri], Kukko, A.[Antero],
Performance Analysis of Mobile Laser Scanning Systems in Target Representation,
RS(5), No. 7, 2013, pp. 3140-3155.
DOI Link 1307

Straub, C., Koch, B.,
Estimating Single Tree Stem Volume of Pinus sylvestris Using Airborne Laser Scanner and Multispectral Line Scanner Data,
RS(3), No. 5, May 2011, pp. 929-944.
DOI Link 1203

Edson, C.[Curtis], Wing, M.G.[Michael G.], Edson, C., Wing, M.,
Airborne Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) for Individual Tree Stem Location, Height, and Biomass Measurements,
RS(3), No. 11, November 2011, pp. 2494-2528.
DOI Link 1203
Award, Remote Sensing, Second. 2015. BibRef

Hauglin, M.[Marius], Dibdiakova, J.[Janka], Gobakken, T.[Terje], Næsset, E.[Erik],
Estimating single-tree branch biomass of Norway spruce by airborne laser scanning,
PandRS(79), No. 1, May 2013, pp. 147-156.
Elsevier DOI 1305
Forestry; LIDAR; Inventory; Estimation; Accuracy BibRef

Cao, L.[Lin], Gao, S.[Sha], Li, P.[Pinghao], Yun, T.[Ting], Shen, X.[Xin], Ruan, H.H.[Hong-Hua],
Aboveground Biomass Estimation of Individual Trees in a Coastal Planted Forest Using Full-Waveform Airborne Laser Scanning Data,
RS(8), No. 9, 2016, pp. 729.
DOI Link 1610

Albinet, C., Borderies, P., Floury, N., Pottier, E.,
Measure of Temporal Variation of P-Band Radar Cross Section and Temporal Coherence of a Temperate Tree,
GeoRS(54), No. 11, November 2016, pp. 6255-6264.
Antenna measurements BibRef

Chen, M., Wan, Y., Wang, M., Xu, J.,
Automatic Stem Detection in Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data With Distance-Adaptive Search Radius,
GeoRS(56), No. 5, May 2018, pp. 2968-2979.
Clustering algorithms, Feature extraction, Laser radar, Measurement by laser beam, Support vector machines, terrestrial laser scanner BibRef

Oveland, I.[Ivar], Hauglin, M.[Marius], Giannetti, F.[Francesca], Kjørsvik, N.S.[Narve Schipper], Gobakken, T.[Terje],
Comparing Three Different Ground Based Laser Scanning Methods for Tree Stem Detection,
RS(10), No. 4, 2018, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1805

St-Onge, B.[Benoît], Grandin, S.[Simon],
Estimating the Height and Basal Area at Individual Tree and Plot Levels in Canadian Subarctic Lichen Woodlands Using Stereo WorldView-3 Images,
RS(11), No. 3, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1902

Zhang, W.M.[Wu-Ming], Wan, P.[Peng], Wang, T.J.[Tie-Jun], Cai, S.S.[Shang-Shu], Chen, Y.M.[Yi-Ming], Jin, X.L.[Xiu-Liang], Yan, G.J.[Guang-Jian],
A Novel Approach for the Detection of Standing Tree Stems from Plot-Level Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data,
RS(11), No. 2, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1902

Zheng, Y.J.[Yu-Jie], Jia, W.W.[Wei-Wei], Wang, Q.A.[Qi-Ang], Huang, X.[Xu],
Deriving Individual-Tree Biomass from Effective Crown Data Generated by Terrestrial Laser Scanning,
RS(11), No. 23, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1912

Huncaga, M.[Milan], Chudá, J.[Juliána], Tomaštík, J.[Julián], Slámová, M.[Martina], Koren, M.[Milan], Chudý, F.[František],
The Comparison of Stem Curve Accuracy Determined from Point Clouds Acquired by Different Terrestrial Remote Sensing Methods,
RS(12), No. 17, 2020, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2009
Shape of standing tees. BibRef

Zhao, Y.H.[Ying-Hui], Ma, Y.[Ye], Quackenbush, L.J.[Lindi J.], Zhen, Z.[Zhen],
Estimation of Individual Tree Biomass in Natural Secondary Forests Based on ALS Data and WorldView-3 Imagery,
RS(14), No. 2, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2201

Li, H.T.[Han-Tao], Kato, T.[Tomomichi], Hayashi, M.[Masato], Wu, L.[Lan],
Estimation of Forest Aboveground Biomass of Two Major Conifers in Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan, from PALSAR-2 and Sentinel-2 Data,
RS(14), No. 3, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2202

Lian, X.G.[Xu-Gang], Zhang, H.L.[Hai-Lang], Xiao, W.[Wu], Lei, Y.P.[Yun-Ping], Ge, L.L.[Lin-Lin], Qin, K.[Kai], He, Y.W.[Yuan-Wen], Dong, Q.Y.[Quan-Yi], Li, L.F.[Long-Fei], Han, Y.[Yu], Fan, H.[Haodi], Li, Y.[Yu], Shi, L.[Lifan], Chang, J.[Jiang],
Biomass Calculations of Individual Trees Based on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Multispectral Imagery and Laser Scanning Combined with Terrestrial Laser Scanning in Complex Stands,
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DOI Link 2210

Bayat, M., Latifi, H., Hosseininaveh, A.,
The Architecture of a Stereo Image Based System to Measure Tree Geometric Parameters,
DOI Link 1912

Berveglieri, A., Tommaselli, A.M.G.,
Tree Stem Reconstruction Using Vertical Fisheye Images: A Preliminary Study,
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DOI Link 1610

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Chapter on Cartography, Aerial Images, Buildings, Roads, Terrain, Forests, Trees, ATR continues in
Tree Diameter, Tree Width, Stem Diameter, Diameter at Breast Height, DBH .

Last update:Jan 20, 2025 at 11:36:25