Update Dates 0709

0709 * 2D and 3D Deformable Models with Narrowband Region Energy
* 2D and 3D face localization for complex scenes
* 2D face pose normalisation using a 3D morphable model
* 2D Lattice Extraction from Structured Environments
* 2D vs. 3D Deformable Face Models: Representational Power, Construction, and Real-Time Fitting
* 2D+3D face identification system for surveillance applications, A
* 3-D model-based people detection and tracking
* 3-D Time-Varying Scene Capture Technologies: A Survey
* 3-Way-Trees: A Similarity Search Method for High-Dimensional Descriptor Matching
* 3D Building Reconstruction with Parametric Roof Superstructures
* 3D City Modeling Based on Hidden Markov Model
* 3D Face Mesh Modeling from Range Images for 3D Face Recognition
* 3D Face Recognition Based on 3D Ridge Lines in Range Data
* 3D Face Reconstruction from Stereo: A Model Based Approach
* 3D Fluorescent Spots Detection in Line-Scanning Confocal Microscopy
* 3D Human Motion Tracking using Manifold Learning
* 3D Invariants with High Robustness to Local Deformations for Automated Pollen Recognition
* 3D Protein Classification using Topological, Geometrical and Biological Information
* 3D Segmentation of the Prostate via Poisson Inverse Gradient Initialization
* 3D Seismic Data Fusion and Filtering using a PDE-Based Approach
* 3D Self-Adjust Region Growing Method for Axon Extraction, A
* 3D Tracking of Cellulose Fibres in Volume Images
* Abnormal Activity Recognition in Office Based on R Transform
* Abnormal Event Detection from Surveillance Video by Dynamic Hierarchical Clustering
* Acceleration and Implementation of JPEG2000 Encoder on TI DSP Platform
* Accuracy of Forest Parameters Derived from Medium Footprint Lidar under Operational Constraints
* Accuracy of q-Space Related Parameters in MRI: Simulations and Phantom Measurements
* Accurate and Robust Image Alignment for Road Profile Reconstruction
* Accurate and Stable Camera Calibration of Broadcast Tennis Video
* Accurate Calculation of Image Moments
* Accurate Determination of Underground GPR Wavefront and B-Scan Shape From Above-Ground Point Sources
* Accurate Dynamic Scene Model for Moving Object Detection
* Accurate self-calibration of two cameras by observations of a moving person on a ground plane
* Acoustic Doppler sonar for gait recogination
* Acquisition and Encoding of High Dynamic Range Images using Inverse Tone Mapping
* Acquisition Processing Chain for Dynamic Panoramic Image Sequences
* Active Contour External Force Using Vector Field Convolution for Image Segmentation
* Active Contours Based on Chambolle's Mean Curvature Motion
* Active Segmentation and Adaptive Tracking Using Level Sets
* Adaptive Bilateral Filter for Sharpness Enhancement and Noise Removal
* Adaptive Cluster-Distance Bounding for Nearest Neighbor Search in Image Databases
* Adaptive Confidence Measure for Optical Flows Based on Linear Subspace Projections, An
* Adaptive Correlation Analysis With Non-Overlapping Imagery Indication
* Adaptive Filtering of Aerial Laser Scanning Data
* Adaptive Hash-Based Side Information Exploitation for Efficient Wyner-Ziv Video Coding
* Adaptive Local Illumination Change Compensation Method for H.264/AVC-Based Multiview Video Coding
* Adaptive Multiresolution Approach to Fingerprint Recognition, An
* Adaptive Multiresolution for Low Power CMOS Image Sensor
* Adaptive Multiscale Optical Flow Estimation
* Adaptive Neural Regularization Assignment for Semi-Blind Biomedical Image Restoration
* Adaptive Object Tracking Based on an Effective Appearance Filter
* Adaptive Pre-Filtering Techniques for Colour Image Analysis
* Adaptive Redundant Picture for Error Resilient Video Coding
* Adaptive Repair of Compressed Video Signals using Local Objective Metrics of Blocking Artifacts
* Adaptive salient block-based image retrieval in multi-feature space
* Adaptive Streaming of Scalable Stereoscopic Video Over DCCP
* Adaptive summarisation of surveillance video sequences
* Adaptive Thresholding Technique for the Detection of All-Zeros Blocks in H. 264, An
* Adaptive uncertainty estimation for particle filter-based trackers
* Adaptive Window Based Uneven Lighting Document Segmentation
* Adding Gestures to Ordinary Mouse Use: a New Input Modality for Improved Human-Computer Interaction
* Additive Logistic Regression Applied to Retina Modelling
* Additive Watermark Detectors Based on a New Hierarchical Spatially Adaptive Image Model
* Advanced Real-time Rate Control in H.264
* Advances in Writer Identification and Verification
* Aerial Image Enhancement Based on Estimation of Atmospheric Effects
* Affine Projection Algorithm With Dynamic Selection of Input Vectors, An
* Aim4GDI: Facilitating the Synthesis of GDI Resources through Mapping and Superimpositions of Metadata Summaries
* Algorithms for Nearest Neighbor Search on Moving Object Trajectories
* Alignment of videos recorded from moving vehicles
* All Iris Code Bits are Not Created Equal
* All Pairs Shortest Path Formulation for Multiple Object Tracking with Application to Tennis Video Analysis
* Analysis and Focusing of Bistatic Airborne SAR Data
* Analysis and Integrated Architecture Design for Overlap Smooth and in-Loop Deblocking Filter in VC-1
* Analysis of 3D Face Reconstruction
* Analysis of Coding Efficiency of Motion-Compensated Interpolation at the Decoder in Distributed Video Coding
* Analysis of Conditional PDF-Based Split VQ
* Analysis of Constrained Optimization Variants of the Map-Seeking Circuit Algorithm
* Analysis of IEEE 802.11N-Like Transmission Techniques with and Without Prior CSI for Video Applications
* Analysis of Multiple Parallel Block Coding in JPEG2000
* Analysis of Nonlinear Collusion Attacks on Fingerprinting Systems for Compressed Multimedia
* Analysis of Polarization Orientation Angle Shifts by Artificial Structures
* Analysis of the Decoding-Complexity of Compressed Image-Based Scene Representations
* Analysis of the rubberband algorithm
* Analysis of Utility Functions for Video
* Analysis-by-Synthesis Camera Tracking Approach Based on Free-Form Surfaces, An
* Analytic Word Recognition Algorithm Using a Posteriori Probability, An
* Analyzing Symbol and Bit Plane-Based LDPC in Distributed Video Coding
* Analyzing the Variability of the 3D Structure of Chromatin Fiber Using Statistical Shape Theory
* Annotated Databases for the Recognition of Screen-Rendered Text
* Anomalous trajectory detection using support vector machines
* Appearance Based Models in Document Script Identification
* Appearance Sampling of Real Objects for Variable Illumination
* Appearance-based 3D object recognition with time-invariant features
* Application of a new type of singular points in fingerprint classification
* Application of Terrestrial Laser Scanning for Shipbuilding
* Application of the Convergence of the Control Net of Box Splines to Scale-Space Filtering
* Application of the Deflection Criterion to Classification of Radar SAR Images
* Application-Oriented Design of Smart Camera Networks
* Applying Color Names to Image Description
* Approach for Multifont Arabic Characters Features Extraction Based on Contourlet Transform, An
* Approach to Improve Accuracy Rate of On-line Signature Verification Systems of Different Sizes, An
* Approximating the multiclass ROC by pairwise analysis
* Approximation of Conditional Density of Markov Random Field and its Application to Texture Synthesis
* Arabic Handwriting Recognition Competition
* Arabic Handwriting Recognition Using Variable Duration HMM
* Arabic Handwriting Texture Analysis for Writer Identification Using the DWT-Lifting Scheme
* Arbitrarily-Shaped Window Based Stereo Matching using the Go-Light Optimization Algorithm
* Architecture for Analog Variable Block-Size Motion Estimation
* Architecture for Cluster-Based Automated Surveillance Network for Detecting and Tracking Multiple Persons
* Aspects of Age Variation in Facial Morphology Affecting Biometrics
* Aspects of Mathematical Expression Analysis in Arabic Handwriting
* Assessing Alternatives for Modeling the Spatial Distribution of Multiple Land-cover Classes at Sub-pixel Scales
* Assessing and Improving the Quality of Document Images Acquired with Portable Digital Cameras
* Assessing Effects of Laser Point Density on Biophysical Stand Properties Derived from Airborne Laser Scanner Data in Mature Forest
* Assessing Noise Amplitude in Remotely Sensed Images Using Bit-Plane and Scatterplot Approaches
* Assessment of LiDAR-Derived Tree Heights Estimated from Different Flight Altitude Data in Mountainous Forests with Poor Laser Penetration Rates
* Assessment of Sub-Canopy Structure in a Complex Coniferous Forest
* Associating People Dropping off and Picking up Objects
* Attack Against Image-Based Selective Bitplane Encryption, An
* Attack LSB Matching Steganography by Counting Alteration Rate of the Number of Neighbourhood Gray Levels
* Attentional Approach for Perceptual Grouping of Spatially Distributed Patterns, An
* audio-visual sensor fusion approach for feature based vehicle identification, An
* Audiovisual Tracking Using STAC Sensors
* Automated 3D Face authentication and recognition
* Automated Analysis of Deformable Structure in Groups of Images
* Automated Estimation of the Biophysical Target for Radiotherapy Treatment Planning using Multimodality Image Analysis
* Automated Face Recognition System for Intelligence Surveillance: Smart Camera Recognizing Faces in the Crowd, An
* Automated Lip Contour Detection Using the Level Set Segmentation Method
* Automated Segmentation of Low-Light Level Imagery using Poisson MAP-MRF Labelling
* Automated Segmentation of Torn Frames using the Graph Cuts Technique
* Automated Solder Inspection Method by Means of X-ray Oblique Computed Tomography
* Automated system for combining bright field and fluorescent microscopy
* Automated visual inspection of ripple defects using wavelet characteristic based multivariate statistical approach
* Automatic 3D facial segmentation and landmark detection
* Automatic 3D Object Segmentation in Multiple Views using Volumetric Graph-Cuts
* automatic approach for camera calibration from vanishing points, An
* Automatic Co-Registration of Terrestrial Laser Scanner and Digital Camera for the Generation of Hybrids Models
* Automatic Correction of Level Set Based Subvoxel Precise Centerlines for Virtual Colonoscopy Using the Colon Outer Wall
* Automatic Detection and Diagnosis of Diabetic Retinopathy
* Automatic Detection of Document Script and Orientation
* Automatic Detection of Facial Landmarks from AU-coded Expressive Facial Images
* Automatic Document Logo Detection
* Automatic Estimation of Pedestrian Flow
* Automatic Extraction of Data from 2-D Plots in Documents
* Automatic extraction of LIDAR data classification rules
* Automatic Extraction of Main Road Centerlines from High Resolution Satellite Imagery Using Hierarchical Grouping
* Automatic Framework for Figure-Ground Segmentation in Cluttered Backgrounds, An
* Automatic generation of generic Bitstream Syntax Descriptions applied to H.264/AVC SVC encoded video streams
* Automatic Glacier Surface Analysis from Airborne Laser Scanning
* Automatic Ground-truth Generation for Document Image Analysis and Understanding
* Automatic Handwriting Identification on Medieval Documents
* Automatic Identification of Morphometric Landmarks in Digital Images
* Automatic liver segmentation from abdominal CT scans
* Automatic Mathematical Expression Understanding System, An
* Automatic Measures for Predicting Performance in Off-Line Signature
* Automatic Parametrisation for an Image Completion Method Based on Markov Random Fields
* Automatic people detection and counting for athletic videos classification
* Automatic Player Detection, Labeling and Tracking in Broadcast Soccer Video
* Automatic Quality Analysis for Film and Video Restoration
* Automatic recognition of man-made objects in high resolution optical remote sensing images by SVM classification of geometric image features
* Automatic Recognition of Partial Shoeprints Based on Phase-Only Correlation
* Automatic Relative Orientation of Terrestrial Laser Scans Using Planar Structures and Angle Constraints
* Automatic Segmentation of Building Facades Using Terrestrial Laser Data
* Automatic Segmentation of Skin Lesion Images using Evolutionary Strategy
* Automatic selection of MRF control parameters by reactive tabu search
* Automatic Tractography Segmentation Using a High-Dimensional White Matter Atlas
* Automatic Video Object Segmentation using Graph Cut
* Automatic Video-based Analysis of Athlete Action
* Automatically Computed Markers for the 3D Watershed Segmentation
* Automatically Determining Dominant Motions in Crowded Scenes by Clustering Partial Feature Trajectories
* Autonomous Text Capturing Robot Using Improved DCT Feature and Text Tracking
* Avoiding Hard Decisions in Adaptive Watermarking
* Background Cutout with Automatic Object Discovery
* Background Modeling Based on Subpixel Edges
* Background Subtraction using Incremental Subspace Learning
* Ball Position and Motion Reconstruction from Blur in a Single Perspective Image
* Bandelet-Based Anisotropic Diffusion
* Batch Algorithm with Additional Shape Constraints for Non-Rigid Factorization
* Bayesian Example Based Segmentation using a Hybrid Energy Model
* Bayesian Model Selection for Optical Flow Estimation
* Bayesian Network Approach to Mode Detection for Interactive Maps, A
* Bayesian Restoration of Color Images using a Non-Homogenous Cross-Channel Prior
* Bayesian Surface Estimation from Multiple Cameras Using a Prior Based on the Visual Hull and its Application to Image Based Rendering
* Becoming Visually Familiar
* Benford's Law in Image Processing
* Beyond Facial Expressions: Learning Human Emotion from Body Gestures
* Biased Image Correction Based on Empirical Mode Decomposition
* Bibliographic Attributes Extraction with Layer-upon-Layer Tagging
* Bibliographic Meta-Data Extraction Using Probabilistic Finite State Transducers
* Bilateral Breast Volume Asymmetry in Screening Mammograms as a Potential Marker of Breast Cancer: Preliminary Experience
* Bilinear Approach to the Parameter Estimation of a General Heteroscedastic Linear System, with Application to Conic Fitting, A
* Binarization of Badly Illuminated Document Images through Shading Estimation and Compensation
* Binary Co-occurrences of Weak Descriptors
* Binary Image Authentication using Zernike Moments
* Binary Motion Estimation with Hybrid Distortion Measure
* Biologically Inspired Region of Interest Selection for Lowbit-Rate Video Coding
* Biomedical Image Segmentation Based on Shape Stability
* Biometric Systematic Uncertainty and the User
* Bistatic Radar Imaging of the Marine Environment: Part I: Theoretical Background
* Bistatic Radar Imaging of the Marine Environment: Part II: Simulation and Results Analysis
* Bit-Depth Scalable Video Coding
* Blind and Robust Watermarking of 3D Models: How to Withstand the Cropping Attack?
* Blind Audiovisual Source Separation using Sparse Representations
* Blind Error-Free Detection of Transform-Domain Watermarks
* Blind Image Separation using Sparse Representation
* Blind Indic Script Recognizer for Multi-script Documents, A
* Blind Recover Conditions for Images with Side Information
* Block Based Extra/Inter-Polating Prediction for Intra Coding
* Block Independent Component Analysis for Face Recognition
* Block-Coordinate Gauss-Newton/regression Method for Image Registration with Efficient Outlier Detection
* Blood Vessel Segmentation from Color Retinal Images using Unsupervised Texture Classification
* Boosted Landmarks of Contextual Descriptors and Forest-ECOC: A novel framework to detect and classify objects in cluttered scenes
* Boosted Regression Active Shape Models
* Boosting of Maximal Figure of Merit Classifiers for Automatic Image Annotation
* Bottom-up/top-down coordination in a multiagent visual sensor network
* BRDF Invariant Stereo Using Light Transport Constancy
* Breast Delineation using Active Contours to Facilitate Coregistration of Serial MRI Studies for Therapy Response Evaluation
* Bridging the Gap Between Graph Edit Distance and Kernel Machines
* Buffer Constrained Proactive Dynamic Voltage Scaling for Video Decoding Systems
* Building Boundary Tracing and Regularization from Airborne Lidar Point Clouds
* Building Compact MQDF Classifier for Off-line Handwritten Chinese Characters by Subspace Distribution Sharing
* Building detection by fusion of airborne laser scanner data and multi-spectral images: Performance evaluation and sensitivity analysis
* Building Recognition From Multi-Aspect High-Resolution InSAR Data in Urban Areas
* Ca2+ Sparks Detection and Classification using Gaussian-Mexican Hat Wavelet
* Calibration and Image Generation of Mobile Projector-Camera Systems
* Calibration of a Multi-camera Rig from Non-overlapping Views
* Camcorder Capture Robust Low-Complexity Watermarking of MPEG-2 Bit-Streams
* Camera auto-calibration from articulated motion
* Camera calibration for miniature, low-cost, wide-angle imaging systems
* Camera Mote with a High-Performance Parallel Processor for Real-Time Frame-Based Video Processing
* Camera Mote with a High-Performance Parallel Processor for Real-Time Frame-Based Video Processing
* Camera Response Function Recovery from Auto-Exposure Cameras
* Camera selection in visual sensor networks
* Camera Tamper Detection Using Wavelet Analysis for Video Surveillance
* Camera-Based Graphical Symbol Detection
* Camera-to-Camera Geometry Estimation Requiring no Overlap in their Visual Fields
* Capacity Result for Batch Steganography, A
* Capturing Correlations Among Facial Parts for Facial Expression Analysis
* Cardinal Interpolation
* Case-Based Reasoning Approach for Invoice Structure Extraction, A
* Case-Based Reasoning Approach for Unknown Class Invoice Processing, A
* CASSANDRA: audio-video sensor fusion for aggression detection
* Cell Nuclei Segmentation Combining Multiresolution Analysis, Clustering Methods and Colour Spaces
* Cellular Automata-Based Algorithm and its Application in Medical Image Processing
* Challenges for Autonomous Mobile Robots
* Change Detection via Terrestrial Laser Scanning
* Character Line Segmentation Based on Feature Clustering
* Character Stroke Extraction Based on B-spline Curve Matching by Constrained Alternating Optimization
* Character-Stroke Detection for Text-Localization and Extraction
* Characterising Range Image Features via Gradient Operators
* Characteristic Quantities of Microvascular Structures in CLSM Volume Datasets
* Characterization of Ghosting Defects in Electrophotographic Printers
* Characterizing packet-loss impairments in compressed video
* Chrominance Edge Preserving Grayscale Transformation with Approximate First Principal Component for Color Edge Detection
* Circular Noises Removal from Scanned Document Images
* Circularly orthogonal moments for geometrically robust image watermarking
* Class-Specific Binary Correlograms for Object Recognition
* Classification by Cheeger Constant Regularization
* Classification in the presence of class noise using a probabilistic Kernel Fisher method
* Classification of Building Damages Based on Laser Scanning Data
* Classification of gait types based on the duty-factor
* Classification of Human Poses using a Vision based Technique
* Classification Tree Based Building Detection From Laser Scanner and Aerial Image Data
* Classifier of Similar Characters using Compound Mahalanobis Function based on Difference Subspace, A
* Classifying and tracking multiple persons for proactive surveillance of mass transport systems
* Classifying Glaucoma with Image-Based Features from Fundus Photographs
* Client-Driven Selective Streaming of Multiview Video for Interactive 3DTV
* Clinical DT-MRI Estimation, Smoothing, and Fiber Tracking With Log-Euclidean Metrics
* Closed Form Monocular Re-Projective Pose Estimation
* closed-form nonparametric Bayesian estimator in the wavelet domain of images using an approximate alpha-stable prior, A
* Clustered Stochastic Optimization for Object Recognition and Pose Estimation
* Clustering Approach to Object Estimation, Featuring Image Filtering Prototyping for DBSCAN in Virtual Sets, A
* Codec-Independent Scalable Distributed Video Coding
* Codestream Domain Scrambling of Moving Objects Based on DCT Sign-only Correlation for Motion JPEG Movies
* Coding Algorithms for 3DTV: A Survey
* Coding Artifacts Robust Resolution Up-conversion
* Coding Gain and Tuning for Parametrized Visual Quality Metrics
* Coding Mode Decision for High Quality MPEG-2 to H.264 Transcoding
* Coding of Multiview Imagery with Motion and Disparity Compensated Orthogonal Transforms
* Collaboration of Noise Reduction and Human Vision System Models for a Visible Watermarking Algorithm, The
* Collaborative Mean Shift Tracking Based on Multi-Cue Integration and Auxiliary Objects
* Collarette Area Localization and Asymmetrical Support Vector Machines for Efficient Iris Recognition
* Collusion Attack-Resilient Hierarchical Encryption of JPEG 2000 Codestreams with Scalable Access Control
* Collusion Resilient Fingerprint Design by Alternating Projections
* Color Constancy using Image Regions
* Color Demosaicking using Direction Categorization
* Color Document Synthesis as a Compression Strategy
* Color Image Denoising via Sparse 3D Collaborative Filtering with Grouping Constraint in Luminance-Chrominance Space
* Color Image Retrieval using Fuzzy Similarity Measures and Fuzzy Partitions
* Color image segmentation guided by a color gradient network
* Color Image Superresolution Based on a Stochastic Combinational Classification-Regression Algorithm
* Color Management of Printers by Regression over Enclosing Neighborhoods
* Color Reproduction From Noisy CFA Data of Single Sensor Digital Cameras
* Colorization in YCbCr color space and its application to JPEG images
* Colorization in YCbCr Space and its Application to Improve Quality of JPEG Color Images
* Colour and Geometric based Model for Lip Localisation: Application for Lip-reading System
* Colour Constancy Based on Model Selection
* Colour Document Interpretation: Application to Ancient Cadastral Maps, A
* Colour Transfer by Feature Based Histogram Registration
* Combination of HMM-Based Classifiers for the Recognition of Arabic Handwritten Words
* Combination of OCR Engines for Page Segmentation Based on Performance Evaluation
* Combination of self-organization map and kernel mutual subspace method for video surveillance
* Combined Approach for Estimating Patchlets from PMD Depth Images and Stereo Intensity Images, A
* Combined Curvelet Shrinkage and Nonlinear Anisotropic Diffusion
* Combined Feature Extraction for Façade Reconstruction
* Combined RANSAC-Hough Transform Algorithm for Fundamental Matrix Estimation, A
* Combined Tree Segmentation and Stem Detection Using Full Waveform Lidar Data
* Combining Local Appearance and Motion Cues for Occlusion Boundary Detection
* Combining Matching Algorithms for Human Identification using Dental X-Ray Radiographs
* Combining On-Line and Off-Line Systems for Handwriting Recognition
* Comments on A closed-form nonparametric Bayesian estimator in the wavelet domain of images using an approximate [alpha]-stable prior
* Common Spatial Pattern Discovery by Efficient Candidate Pruning
* Compact Image Magnification Method with Preservation of Preferential Components, A
* Compact representation and probabilistic classification of human actions in videos
* comparative analysis of broadband and narrowband derived vegetation indices in predicting LAI and CCD of a cotton canopy, A
* Comparative Assessment of ICA Architectures for Gait Recognition
* Comparing Data-driven and Phonetic N-gram Systems for Text-Independent Speaker Verification
* Comparison of Adaptive Spatial Filters with Heuristic and Optimized Region of Interest for EEG Based Brain-Computer-Interfaces
* Comparison of Different Approaches to Nonlinear Shift Estimation for Object Tracking, A
* Comparison of Different Preprocessing and Feature Extraction Methods for Offline Recognition of Handwritten Arabic Words
* Comparison of directly measured to derived polarization imagery using an adaptive signature detection algorithm
* Comparison of fingerprint quality measures using an optical and a capacitive sensor
* comparison of Gaussian and mean curvature estimation methods on triangular meshes of range image data, A
* Comparison of Kernel Class-dependence Feature Analysis (KCFA) with Kernel Discriminant Analysis (KDA) for Face Recognition
* Comparison of Segment and Pixel-based Non-parametric Land Cover Classification in the Brazilian Amazon Using Multi-temporal Landsat TM/ETM+ Imagery
* Compensated Signature Embedding Based Multimedia Content Authentication System
* Complexity Constrained Robust Video Transmission for Hand-Held Devices
* Complexity Control for Real-Time Video Coding
* Complexity Modeling for Motion Compensation in H.264/AVC Decoder
* Complexity Scalable Hybrid End-to-End Distortion Estimation for Conversational Video Streaming
* Complexity-Rate-Distortion Analysis of Backward Channel Aware Wyner-Ziv Video Coding
* Composite Approach for Blind Grayscale Logo Watermarking, A
* Comprehensive Analysis of Sensor Modeling Alternatives for High-Resolution Imaging Satellites
* Compressed Sensing Image Reconstruction Via Recursive Spatially Adaptive Filtering
* Compression for 3D face recognition applications
* Compression Method for Arbitrary Precision Floating-Point Images, A
* Compression Optimized Tracing of Digital Curves using Graph Theory
* Computation of Binary Objects Sides Number using Discrete Geometry, Application to Automatic Pebbles Shape Analysis
* Computation of Random Errors in Digital Terrain Models
* Computational Framework for the Statistical Analysis of Cardiac Diffusion Tensors: Application to a Small Database of Canine Hearts, A
* Computationally Efficient Fingerprint Matching Algorithm for Implementation on Smartcards, A
* Computer Assisted Transcription of Handwritten Text Images
* computer vision method to locate cold spots in foods in microwave sterilization processes, A
* Computer Vision on Mars
* Computer-aided facial reconstruction using skulls
* Computer-Aided Grading of Neuroblastic Differentiation: Multi-Resolution and Multi-Classifier Approach
* Computerised Skin Lesion Surface Analysis for Pigment Asymmetry Quantification
* Computing Epipolar Geometry from Unsynchronized Cameras
* concept for feature based data registration by simultaneous consideration of laser scanner data and photogrammetric images, A
* Concurrent Edge and Corner Detection
* Conditional Access to H.264/AVC Video by Means of Redundant Slices
* Conditional PDF-Based Split Vector Quantization of Wideband LSF Parameters
* Conditional Random Field for Natural Scene Categorization
* Conditions for Color Misregistration Sensitivity in Clustered-dot Halftones
* Confocal Disparity Estimation and Recovery of Pinhole Image for Real-Aperture Stereo Camera Systems
* Conformance Test Suite for CBEFF Biometric Information Records
* Consistency of robust estimators in multi-structural visual data segmentation
* Consistency Result for the Normalized Eight-Point Algorithm, A
* Constrained Non-Negative Matrix Factorization Approach to Unmix Highly Mixed Hyperspectral Data, A
* Constrained Nonlinear Estimation of FMRI Hemodynamic Response Parameters
* Content Adaptive Heterogeneous Snakes
* Content-Based 3-D Model Retrieval: A Survey
* Content-level Annotation of Large Collection of Printed Document Images
* Context Modeling Scheme for Coding of Texture Refinement Information, A
* Context-Driven Constraint Multiset Grammars with Incremental Parsing for On-line Structured Document Interpretation
* Context-Sensitive Error Correction: Using Topic Models to Improve OCR
* Contextualization of Geospatial Database Semantics for Human-GIS Interaction
* Contribution of Multiresolution Description for Archive Document Structure Recognition
* Convergence Analysis and Quality Criteria for an Iterative Schematization of Networks
* Convex Programming Approach to Anisotropic Smoothing, A
* Cooperative Object Tracking with Multiple PTZ Cameras
* Coordinate Logic Transforms and their Use in the Detection of Edges within Binary and Grayscale Images
* Coordinated Distributed Power Management with Video Sensor Networks: Analysis, Simulation, and Prototyping
* Corner Detection of Contour Images using Spectral Clustering
* Corner Displacement from Motion Blur
* Corner-Guided Image Registration by using Edges
* Correction of EPI-induced Geometric Distortions and Their Evaluation, The
* Cosegmentation for Image Sequences
* Cost-sensitive boosting for classification of imbalanced data
* Coupled Feature-Filter Clustering Scheme for Resolution Synthesis, A
* Coupled Hidden Markov Models for Robust EO/IR Target Tracking
* Coupled Mean Shift-Anisotropic Diffusion Approach for Document Image Segmentation and Restoration, A
* CRF-Based Segmentation of Human Tear Meniscus Obtained with Optical Coherence Tomography
* Cross-Layer Optimization for Scalable Video Coding and Transmission Over Broadband Wireless Networks
* Cryptogram Decoding for OCR Using Numerization Strings
* CT Colonography Computer-Aided Polyp Detection using Topographical Height Map
* CT-PET Landmark-based Lung Registration Using a Dynamic Breathing Model
* Curvature Guided Level Set Registration Using Adaptive Finite Elements
* Curved paper rectification for digital camera document images by shape from parallel geodesics using continuous dynamic programming
* Curvelet-Based Multi SVM Recognizer for Offline Handwritten Bangla: A Major Indian Script
* Curvelets Based Queries for CBIR Application in Handwriting Collections
* Cyclic Filter Bank Implementations of Symmetric Extension for Subband/Wavelet Image Compression
* D-Calib: Calibration Software for Multiple Cameras System
* DART: A Fast Heuristic Algebraic Reconstruction Algorithm for Discrete Tomography
* Data fusion of high-resolution satellite imagery and LiDAR data for automatic building extraction
* Data fusion with a multisensor system for damage control and situational awareness
* Data Mining Approach to Reading Order Detection, A
* DCT Coefficient Prediction for JPEG Image Coding
* DCT-Based Iris Recognition
* De-Interlacing Algorithm Using Markov Random Field Model, A
* Deciduous-Coniferous Tree Classification Using Difference between First and Last Pulse Laser Signatures
* Decision trees using model ensemble-based nodes
* Decompose Document Image Using Integer Linear Programming
* decomposition technique for reconstructing discrete sets from four projections, A
* Deformable Shape Priors in Chan-Vese Segmentation of Image Sequences
* Deformation tolerant generalized Hough transform for sketch-based image retrieval in complex scenes
* Degraded Character Recognition by Complementary Classifiers Combination
* Delving into the whorl of flower segmentation
* DEM Control in Arctic Alaska With ICESat Laser Altimetry
* Demosaicing Based On Wavelet Analysis of the Luminance Component
* Denoising Manifold and Non-Manifold Point Clouds
* Denoising Via Nonlinear Image Decomposition for a Digital Color Camera
* Dense disparity estimation from omnidirectional images
* Depth Map Estimation using a Robust Focus Measure
* Depth-Image Compression Based on an R-D Optimized Quadtree Decomposition for the Transmission of Multiview Images
* Deriving Symbol Dependent Edit Weights for Text Correction: The Use of Error Dictionaries
* Design and Implementation of a Real-Time Global Tone Mapping Processor for High Dynamic Range Video
* Design of a Monochromatic Pattern for a Robust Structured Light Coding
* Design of an Active Set Top Box in a Wireless Network for Scalable Streaming Services
* Design of Multi-Steerable Filters and their Application for the Detection of Corners and Junctions
* Design Procedure for Gradient Operators on Hexagonal Images, A
* Detectability of Moving Objects Using Correspondences over Two and Three Frames
* Detecting Contour Saliences using Tensor Scale
* Detecting Hidden Messages Using Image Power Spectrum
* Detecting hidden objects: Security imaging using millimetre-waves and terahertz
* Detecting Major Segmentation Errors for a Tracked Person Using Colour Feature Analysis
* Detecting Motion Regions in the Presence of a Strong Parallax from a Moving Camera by Multiview Geometric Constraints
* Detecting shopper groups in video sequences
* Detection and Monitoring of Passengers on a Bus by Video Surveillance
* Detection and Reconstruction of Free Form Surfaces from Airborne Laser Scanning Data
* Detection and Recovery of Film Dirt for Archive Restoration Applications
* Detection and Removal of Rainbow Effect Artifacts
* Detection and Vectorization of Roads from Lidar Data
* Detection of abandoned objects in crowded environments
* Detection of abnormal behaviors using a mixture of Von Mises distributions
* Detection of Illegal Dumping from CCTV at Recycling Centres
* Detection of temporarily static regions by processing video at different frame rates
* Detection of the Groove Position in Phonographic Images
* Detection of Wipes and Digital Video Effects Based on a Pattern-Independent Model of Image Boundary Line Characteristics
* Detection Strategies for Image Cube Trajectory Analysis
* Determination of Optimal Axes for Skin Lesion Asymmetry Quantification
* Determining Topology in a Distributed Camera Network
* Development and Evaluation of a Bayesian Low-Vision Navigation Aid
* Development of a Procedure for Vertical Structure Analysis and 3D Single Tree Extraction within Forests Based on Lidar Point Cloud
* DIARETDB1 diabetic retinopathy database and evaluation protocol, The
* Diffusion Basis Functions Decomposition for Estimating White Matter Intravoxel Fiber Geometry
* Diffusion Tensor Analysis With Invariant Gradients and Rotation Tangents
* Digital hyperplane recognition in arbitrary fixed dimension within an algebraic computation model
* Digital image adjustable compression and resolution using face detection information
* Digital Surface Models from High-Resolution Satellite Imagery
* Digital watermarking based on chaotic map and reference register
* Dimensionality Reduction of Hyperspectral Images for Color Display using Segmented Independent Component Analysis
* Diminished Reality Via Multiple Hand-Held CAMERAS
* Direct Motion Estimation in the Radon Transform Domain using Match-Profile Backprojections
* Direction Code Based Features for Recognition of Online Handwritten Characters of Bangla
* Directional Local Contrast Based Blood Vessel Detection in Retinal Images
* Directions in automatic video analysis evaluations at NIST
* Discovering Planes and Collapsing the State Space in Visual SLAM
* Discrete bisector function and Euclidean skeleton in 2D and 3D
* Discrimination of blackberry (Rubus fruticosus sp. agg.) using hyperspectral imagery in Kosciuszko National Park, NSW, Australia
* Discriminative Signatures for Image Classification
* Display HDR Image using a Gain Map
* Distance Measurement in Panorama
* Distance-Free Image Retrieval Based on Stochastic Diffusion over Bipartite Graphs
* Distancecut: Interactive Segmentation and Matting of Images and Videos
* Distributed Channel Time Allocation and Rate Adaptation for Multi-User Video Streaming Over Wireless Home Networks
* Distributed Coding of Multiresolution Omnidirectional Images
* Distributed Coding-Based Content-Aware Multi-View Video System, A
* Distributed Compression of Multi-View Images using a Geometrical Coding Approach
* Distributed EM Learning for Appearance Based Multi-Camera Tracking
* Distributed Markovian segmentation: Application to MR brain scans
* Distributed Outdoor Video Surveillance System for Detection of Abnormal People Trajectories, A
* Distributed Rate Allocation and Performance Optimization for Video Communication Over Mesh Networks
* Distributed Rate-Distortion Optimization for Rateless Coded Scalable Video in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
* Distributed Video Coding with Shared Encoder/Decoder Complexity
* Distributed video surveillance using hardware-friendly sparse large margin classifiers
* Distribution-Based Face Detection using Calibrated Boosted Cascade Classifier
* Distribution-based Level Set Segmentation for Brain MR Images
* DNA Microarray Image Intensity Extraction using Eigenspots
* Do Colour Interest Points Improve Image Retrieval?
* Document Content Inventory and Retrieval
* Document Image Mosaicing with Mobile Phones
* Document Image Segmentation Using a 2D Conditional Random Field Model
* Document Images Retrieval Based on Multiple Features Combination
* Document Page Classification Algorithm in Copy Pipeline, A
* Document Processing via Trained Morphological Operators
* Does where you Gaze on an Image Affect your Perception of Quality? Applying Visual Attention to Image Quality Metric
* Domain-Partitioning Rank-Boost for Face Recognition
* Dominant Color Structure Descriptor for Image Retrieval
* Dominant Sets-Based Action Recognition using Image Sequence Matching
* drainage network extraction from contour lines for contour line generalization, The
* Driver Distraction Detection with a Camera Vision System
* DSP Implementation of Deblocking Filter for AVS
* DSP Restoration Techniques for Audio
* DSP-based system for the detection of vehicles parked in prohibited areas, A
* Dual-Layer Visual Vocabulary Tree Hypotheses for Object Recognition
* Duality Based Approach for Realtime TV-L1 Optical Flow, A
* Dust Detection by Colour Analysis in an Optical Method of Phonographic Discs Digitisation
* Dynamic Audio-Visual Mapping using Fused Hidden Markov Model Inversion Method
* Dynamic Handwritten Keyword Spotting Based on the NSHP-HMM
* Dynamic Image Reconstruction Using Temporally Adaptive Regularization for Emission Tomography
* Dynamic Key Block Decision with Spatio-Temporal Analysis for Wyner-Ziv Video Coding
* Dynamic Programming Technique for Classifying Trajectories, A
* Dynamic Score Selection for Fusion of Multiple Biometric Matchers
* Dynamics Estimation Filter for Pose and Motion Estimation in Orbit, A
* Ear Recognition based on 2D Images
* Early Termination Algorithms for Correlation Coefficient Based Block Matching
* Echocardiographic Simulation for Validation of Automated Segmentation Methods
* Edge Direction-Based Simple Resampling Algorithm
* Edge Preserving Filters using Geodesic Distances on Weighted Orthogonal Domains
* Edge Sensitive Variational Image Thresholding
* Edge Tracking of subjective contours in Biomedical Imaging
* Edge Weighted Spatio-Temporal Search for Error Concealment
* Edge-Based Color Constancy
* Editorial for the special issue on markerless real-time tracking for augmented reality image synthesis
* Effect of Color-Contrasting Shadows on a Dynamic 3-D Laparoscopic Surgical Task, The
* Effect of Spatial Alignment Transformations in PCA and ICA of Functional Neuroimages
* Effective and Practical Classifier Fusion Strategy for Improving Handwritten Character Recognition, An
* Effective color space representation for wavelet based compression of HDR images
* Effective Component Tree Computation with Application to Pattern Recognition in Astronomical Imaging
* Effective Denoising of 2D Gel Proteomics Images using Contourlets
* Effective False Color Suppression of Demosaicing Using Direction Inversion and Bidirectional Signal Correlation
* Effects of Time Normalization on the Accuracy of Dynamic Time Warping
* efficient 3D R-tree spatial index method for virtual geographic environments, An
* Efficient Acquisition and Learning of Fluorescence Microscope Data Models
* Efficient and Effective Color Filter Array Demosaicking Method, An
* Efficient and optimal block matching for motion estimation
* Efficient Block Motion Estimation using Sector Based Approach
* Efficient Coding of Shape and Transparency for Video Objects
* Efficient Combined Demosaicing and Zooming Algorithm for Digital Camera, An
* Efficient Compression Algorithm for Hyperspectral Images Based on Correlation Coefficients Adaptive Three Dimensional Wavelet Zerotree Coding, An
* Efficient Demosaicing Through Recursive Filtering
* Efficient Detection of Patterns in 2D Trajectories of Moving Points
* Efficient Feature Extraction and Dimensionality Reduction Scheme for Isolated Greek Handwritten Character Recognition, An
* Efficient Full-Reference Assessment of Image and Video Quality
* Efficient Global Motion Estimation using Fixed and Random Subsampling Patterns
* Efficient Image Segmentation Using Pairwise Pixel Similarities
* Efficient Intra Mode Selection using Image Structure Tensor for H.264/AVC
* Efficient Learning of Neural Networks with Evolutionary Algorithms
* Efficient Lifting Structure of Biorthogonal Filter Banks for Lossless Image Coding, An
* Efficient Method for Compressed Sensing, An
* efficient method for detecting ghost and left objects in surveillance video, An
* Efficient Method for the Detection of Projected Concentric Circles, An
* Efficient Motion Estimation in H.264 Reverse Transcoding
* efficient particle filter for color-based tracking in complex scenes, An
* Efficient Prediction Structures for Multiview Video Coding
* Efficient Shape Representation and Description Technique, An
* Efficient side information encoding for text hardcopy documents
* Efficient Stereo Vision for Obstacle Detection and AGV Navigation
* Efficient text independent speaker recognition with wavelet feature selection based multilayered neural network using supervised learning algorithm
* Efficient Thresholding Algorithm for Brazilian Bank Checks, An
* Efficient Video Stream Switching with Progressive S-Frames
* Efficient Word Segmentation Technique for Historical and Degraded Machine-Printed Documents, An
* EKF Based Pose Estimation using Two Back-to-Back Stereo Pairs
* Elastic Matching of Online Handwritten Tamil and Telugu Scripts Using Local Features
* Elastic Registration of the Corpus Callosum
* Ellipse Detection with Hough Transform in One Dimensional Parametric Space
* EM Based Algorithm for Skew Detection, An
* EM Based Approximation of Empirical Distributions with Linear Combinations of Discrete Gaussians
* Embedded Low Power High Efficient Object Tracker for Surveillance Systems, An
* Embedded OCR Software Architecture for Enhancing Portability, An
* Embedded Smart Camera for High Speed Vision
* empirical analysis of the probabilistic K-nearest neighbour classifier, An
* Employing Latent Dirichlet Allocation for fraud detection in telecommunications
* Enable Efficient Compound Image Compression in H.264/AVC Intra Coding
* Enabling Better Medical Image Classification Through Secure Collaboration
* Enabling Introduction of Stereoscopic (3D) Video: Formats and Compression Standards
* Encoder Rate Control for Transform Domain Wyner-Ziv Video Coding
* Encoding Parameter Estimation for RDTC Optimized Compression and Streaming of Image-Based Scene Representations
* Energetic Particle Filter for Online Multiple Target Tracking
* Energy-Based Models in Document Recognition and Computer Vision
* Enforcing 3D Constraints To Improve Object and Scene Recognition
* Enhanced Quality Scalability for JPEG2000 Code-Streams by the Characterization of the Rate-Distortion Slope
* Enhancement of Medical Images by the Paired Transform
* Enhancement of Old Manuscript Images
* Enhancement of Visual Perception Through Dynamic Cues: An Application to Mammograms
* Enhancing Human Face Detection by Resampling Examples Through Manifolds
* Enhancing the spatial resolution of presence detection in a PIR based wireless surveillance network
* Enlarged Block Sizes and Motion Search Ranges for High Definition Video Coding
* Epipolar Curve Tracking in 3-D
* Epipolar Spaces and Optimal Sampling Strategies
* Epipolar Spaces for Active Binocular Vision Systems
* Epsilon Stereo Pairs
* EROS: Ensemble rough subspaces
* Error Propagation Framework for Diffusion Tensor Imaging via Diffusion Tensor Representations
* Error Robustness Scheme for Scalable Video Based on the Concatenation of LDPC and Turbo Codes
* ES Based Effecient Motion Estimation Technique for 3D Integral Video Compression, An
* Estimating Missing Features to Improve Multimedia Retrieval
* Estimating Planar Surface Orientation Using Bispectral Analysis
* Estimating Species Abundance in a Northern Temperate Forest Using Spectral Mixture Analysis
* Estimating Steganographic Capacity for Odd-Even Based Embedding and its Use in Individual Compensation
* Estimation and Analysis of Facial Animation Parameter Patterns
* Estimation of Carbon Stocks in New Zealand Planted Forests Using Airborne Scanning Lidar
* Estimation of Fade and Dissolve Parameters for Weighted Prediction in H.264/AVC
* Estimation of LAI Using LiDAR Remote Sensing in Forest
* Estimation of the center of rotation and 3D motion parameters from stereo sequence images and virtual validation using three-COMERO
* Estimation of the Lidar Height Offset in Coastal Vegetated Areas
* ETISEO, performance evaluation for video surveillance systems
* Evaluating Classification Reliability for Combining Classifiers
* Evaluating Harker and O'Leary's distance approximation for ellipse fitting
* Evaluating the performance in automatic image annotation: Example case by adaptive fusion of global image features
* Evaluation of Iris Pattern Representations, An
* Evaluation of Shape Descriptors for Image Retrieval in Human Pose Estimation, An
* Evaluation of the effects of Gabor filter parameters on texture classification
* Evolution Strategies for Matching Active Appearance Models to Human Faces
* Evolutionary feature selection for probabilistic object recognition, novel object detection and object saliency estimation using GMMs
* Exact Legendre moment computation for gray level images
* Example-Based Logical Labeling of Document Title Page Images
* Experiences and Possibilities of ALS Based Forest Inventory in Finland
* Experiments with patch-based object classification
* Exploiting Fisher Kernels in Decoding Severely Noisy Document Images
* Exploiting Temporal Statistics for Events Analysis and Understanding
* Exploiting Videotext Events for Improved Videotext Detection
* Exploring Tradeoffs in Accuracy, Energy and Latency of Scale Invariant Feature Transform in Wireless Camera Networks
* Extended Evaluation of Simulated Wavefront Coding Technology in Iris Recognition
* Extended Texture Prediction for H.264/AVC Intra Coding
* Extending Generalized Hough Transform to Detect 3D Objects in Laser Range Data
* Extension of Mutual Subspace Method for Low Dimensional Feature Projection
* Extension of the ICP Algorithm Considering Scale Factor, An
* Extracting Carbon Copy Names and Organizations from a Heterogeneous Document Collection
* Extracting Features of Paper-made Objects Recognized from Origami Books Based on Design Knowledge
* Extracting gene regulation information for cancer classification
* Extracting Structural Characteristics of Dormant Herbaceous Floodplain Vegetation from Airborne Laser Scanner Data
* Extracting Windows from Terrestrial Laser Scanning
* Extraction of 3D freeform surfaces as visual landmarks for real-time tracking
* Extraction of 3D Unfoliaged Trees from Image Sequences Via a Generative Statistical Approach
* Extraction of Arabic Words from Complex Color Image
* Extraction of Embedded Class Information from Universal Character Pattern
* Extraction of Vectorized Graphical Information from Scientific Chart Images
* Extrapolating Learned Manifolds for Human Activity Recognition
* Extreme Compression of Weather Radar Data
* Eye-tracking for efficient database labelling: Applications to automatic analysis of colonoscopy video
* Face and Eye Detection for Person Authentication in Mobile Phones
* Face Detection Algorithm and Feature Performance on FRGC 2.0 Imagery
* Face Hallucination: Theory and Practice
* Face localization by neural networks trained with Zernike moments and Eigenfaces feature vectors. A comparison
* Face Recognition Algorithms Surpass Humans Matching Faces Over Changes in Illumination
* Face Recognition by Multi-Frame Fusion of Rotating Heads in Videos
* Face Recognition using a Fast Model Synthesis from a Profile and a Frontal View
* Face Recognition using Feature of Integral Gabor-Haar Transformation
* Face recognition using non-linear image reconstruction
* Face Shape Reconstruction from Image Sequence Taken with Monocular Camera using Shape Database
* Face Verification using Locally Linear Discriminant Models
* Face, Ear and Fingerprint: Designing Multibiometric Architectures
* Facenet: Tracking People and Acquiring Canonical Face Images in a Wireless Camera Sensor Network
* Face^3 a 2D+3D Robust Face Recognition System
* Facial biometry by stimulating salient singularity masks
* Facial Emotions and Emotion Intensity Levels Classification and Classification Evaluation
* Facial Expression Sequence Synthesis Based on Shape and Texture Fusion Model
* Facing Imbalanced Classes through Aggregation of Classifiers
* Faithful Shape Representation for 2D Gaussian Mixtures
* Fast 3-D Medical Image Registration Algorithm Based on Equivalent Meridian Plane, A
* Fast 3D Face Alignment and Improved Recognition Through Pyramidal Normal map Metric
* Fast 8-Bit Median Filtering Based on Separability
* fast algorithm for adaptive background model construction using parzen density estimation, A
* fast algorithm for ICP-based 3D shape biometrics, A
* Fast and Accurate Detection of Document Skew and Orientation
* Fast and High Resolution 3D Face Scanning
* Fast and Reliable Coin Recognition System, A
* Fast and Stable Vector Spline Method for Fluid Apparent Motion Estimation
* Fast Arbitrary Factor H.264/AVC Video Re-Sizing Algorithm, A
* Fast Blind Measurement of Blocking Artifacts in both Pixel and DCT Domains
* Fast Blotch Detection Algorithm for Degraded Film Sequences Based on MRF Models
* Fast Computation of Inverse Krawtchouk Moment Transform using Clenshaw's Recurrence Formula
* Fast Computation of Zernike Moments For Rice Sorting System
* Fast convergence for spectral clustering
* Fast Detection of Independent Motion in Crowds Guided by Supervised Learning
* Fast extraction of multi-resolution Gabor features
* Fast Gaussian Mixture Clustering for Skin Detection
* Fast Generalized Motion Estimation and Superresolution
* Fast Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection via SVDD
* Fast Image Inpainting Based on Coherence Transport
* Fast Inter Frame Prediction Algorithm for Multi-View Video Coding, A
* Fast Inter-Mode Decision Algorithm Based on Macro-Block Tracking for P Slices in the H.264/AVC Video Standard, A
* Fast Interframe Transcoding from H.264 to MPEG-2
* Fast Keyword-Spotting Technique, A
* Fast Lexicon-Based Scene Text Recognition with Sparse Belief Propagation
* Fast Method for Joint Retrieval and Identification of JPEG Coded Images Based on DCT Sign
* Fast Mode Decision for Intra Prediction in H.264/AVC Encoder
* Fast Motion Estimation and Edge Information Inter-Mode Decision on H.264 Video Coding
* Fast Motion Estimation on Range Image Sequences acquired with a 3-D Camera
* Fast Motion-Cost Based Algorithm for H.264/AVC Inter Mode Decision, A
* Fast Multigrid Optimal Mass Transport for Image Registration and Morphing
* Fast Polygonal Approximation of Digital Curves Using Relaxed Straightness Properties
* Fast Predictive Search Algorithm for Video Motion Estimation
* Fast Principal Component Analysis using Eigenspace Merging
* Fast Scale-Space Feature Representations by Generalized Integral Images
* Fast Selection of Small and Precise Candidate Sets from Dictionaries for Text Correction Tasks
* Fast Super-Resolution for Rational Magnification Factors
* Fast Template Matching With Polynomials
* Fast Temporal Tracking and 3D Reconstruction of a Single Coronary Vessel
* Fast Time-Space Tracking of Smoothly Moving Fine Structures in Image Sequences
* Fast Variable Center-Biased Windowing for High-Speed Stereo on Programmable Graphics Hardware
* Fast, accurate and convergent tangent estimation on digital contours
* FB Analysis of PMRI and its Application to H-Inf Optimal Sense Reconstruction
* Feature Analysis Approach to Mass Detection in Mammography Based on RF-SVM, A
* Feature based on Encoding the Relative Position of a Point in the Character for Online Handwritten Character Recognition, A
* Feature extraction of hyperspectral images using wavelet and matching pursuit
* Feature Fusion for Robust Object Tracking Using Fragmented Particles
* Feature Level Fusion of Face and Fingerprint Biometrics
* Feature-Adapted Fast Slant Stack
* Feature-Based Digital Image Watermarking for Copyright Protection and Content Authentication, A
* Feature-Driven Direct Non-Rigid Image Registration
* Fiber Tracking on HARDI Data using Robust ODF Fields
* Fibre Centred Tensor Faces
* Filtering Strategy for Interest Point Detecting to Improve Repeatability and Information Content, A
* Finding Familiar Objects and their Depth from a Single Image
* Finding Optimal Integral Sampling Lattices for a given Frequency Support in Multidimensions
* Finding Regions of Interest in Home Videos Based on Camera Motion
* Fine Grain Adaptive FEC (FGA-FEC) Over Wireless Networks
* Finger-Written Chinese Characters Recognition Using Hierarchical LDA
* Fingerprint Image Reconstruction from Standard Templates
* fingerprint matching algorithm based on alignment using LPD and GCD minutia descriptors, A
* Fingerprint Readers: Vulnerabilities to Front- and Back- end Attacks
* Fingerprint scanner focusing estimation by Top Sharpening Index
* Fingerprints Recognition Using Minutiae Extraction: a Fuzzy Approach.
* Finsler Level Set Segmentation for Imagery in Oriented Domains
* Fitting a Pineapple Model for Automatic Maturity Grading
* Fitting a Two-Component Scattering Model to Polarimetric SAR Data From Forests
* Fitting Surface of Free Form Objects using Optimized NURBS Patches Network with Evolutionary Strategies (mu + lambda) - ES
* Fluid Flow Estimation Through Integration of Physical Flow Configurations
* Focusing Parallel Bistatic SAR Data Using the Analytic Transfer Function in the Wavenumber Domain
* Foreground object localization using a flooding algorithm based on inter-frame change and colour
* Forensic Biometrics from Images and Video at the Federal Bureau of Investigation
* Forest and Land Cover Mapping in a Tropical Highland Region
* Forest Inventory and Analysis in the United States: Remote Sensing and Geospatial Activities (Adobe PDF 202Kb)
* Foreword to the Special Issue on Subsurface Sensing Using Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR)
* Foreword to the Special Issue on Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Technologies and Techniques
* Formulating Face Verification With Semidefinite Programming
* Fourier Domain Display Color Filter Array Design
* Fourier Shape Descriptors of Pixel Footprints for Road Extraction from Satellite Images
* Foveal Wavelet-Based Color Active Contour
* Framework for False Positive Suppression in Video Segmentation, A
* framework for learning to recognize and segment object classes using weakly supervised training data, A
* framework for track matching across disjoint cameras using robust shape and appearance features, A
* From Global to Local Bayesian Parameter Estimation in Image Restoration using Variational Distribution Approximations
* From Point Cloud to Surface: Modeling Structures in Laser Scanner Point Clouds
* Fréchet Distance Based Approach for Searching Online Handwritten Documents
* Fully Automated Laser Range Calibration
* Fully Scalable Motion Model for Scalable Video Coding, A
* Functional dissipation microarrays for classification
* Fundamental and Higher Mode Inversion of Dispersed GPR Waves Propagating in an Ice Layer
* Fundamental Matrix Estimation Without Prior Match
* Fusing Asynchronous Feature Streams for On-line Writer Identification
* Fusing Ikonos Images by a Four-band Wavelet Transformation Method
* fusion architecture based on TBM for camera motion classification, A
* Fusion Methods for Side Information Generation in Multi-View Distributed Video Coding Systems
* Fusion of background estimation approaches for motion detection in non-static backgrounds
* Fusion of color edge detection and color quantization for color image watermarking using principal axes analysis
* Fusion of complementary detectors for improving blotch detection in digitized films
* Fuzzy classifier design using genetic algorithms
* Fuzzy Logic Based Segmentation of Microcalcification in Breast Using Digital Mammograms Considering Multiresolution
* Fuzzy System Learned Through Fuzzy Clustering and Support Vector Machine for Human Skin Color Segmentation
* Fuzzy, Nonparametric Segmentation Framework for DTI and MRI Analysis: With Applications to DTI-Tract Extraction, A
* Gabor Saliency Map for Face Recognition
* Gabor-Based Improved Locality Preserving Projections for Face Recognition
* Gait Feature Subset Selection by Mutual Information
* Gait Identification using the 3D Protrusion Transform
* Gait Recognition Based on Human Body Components
* GAPS: A clustering method using a new point symmetry-based distance measure
* Gaussian Mixture Models based on the Phase Spectra for Illumination Invariant Face Identification on the Yale Database
* Gender Classification using Shape from Shading
* General Approach for Partitioning Web Page Content Based on Geometric and Style Information, A
* General Frame-by-Frame Wavelet Transform Algorithm for a Three-Dimensional Analysis with Reduced Memory Usage, A
* General Method of Segmentation-Recognition Collaboration Applied to Pairs of Touching and Overlapping Symbols, A
* General Two-Dimensional Hidden Markov Model and its Application in Image Classification, A
* Generalised finite radon transform for NxN images
* Generalised Linear Pose Estimation
* Generalization in Holistic versus Analytic Processing of Faces
* Generalization of 3D building data based on a scale-space approach
* Generalized Least Squares Multiple 3D Surface Matching
* Generalized Multiple Instance Learning Algorithm for Iterative Distillation and Cross-Granular Propagation of Video Annotations, A
* Generalized Theoretical Model of Relationship Between Frame-Rate and Bit-Rate Considering Low Pass Filtering Induced by Shutter Opening
* Generating Copybooks from Consistent Handwriting Styles
* Generating Lidar Data in Laboratory: Lidar Simulator
* Generation of 3D Surface Model of Complex Objects Based on Non-Metric Camera
* Generation of Layered Depth Images from Multi-View Video
* Generic and Real-Time Structure from Motion
* Generic Object Recognition via Shock Patch Fragments
* Generic Process Chain to Extract Key-Objects from Video Shots, A
* Genetic Algorithms for Gielis Surface Recovery from 3D Data Sets
* Genetic Programming for Object Detection: A Two-Phase Approach with an Improved Fitness Function
* Geometric Calibration of Third-Generation Computed Tomography Scanners from Scans of Unknown Objects using Complementary Rays
* Geometric Direct Search Algorithms for Image Registration
* Geometric Features Based Framework for Colonic Polyp Detection using a New Color Coding Scheme
* Geometric Tools for Multicamera Surveillance Systems
* Geometrical Aspects of Airborne and Terrestrial Laser Scanning
* Geometrical constraint based 3D reconstruction using implicit coplanarities
* Geometrically Invariant Object-Based Watermarking using SIFT Feature
* Geometry-Adaptive Block Partitioning for Intra Prediction in Image and Video Coding
* Glacier Surface Segmentation Using Airborne Laser Scanning Point Cloud and Intensity Data
* Global Contour Lines Reconstruction in Topographic Maps
* Global-to-Local 2D Shape Registration in Implicit Spaces using Level Sets, A
* Globally Optimal Multimodal Rigid Registration: An Analytic Solution using Edge Information
* Going Undercover: Mapping Woodland Understorey from Leaf-On and Leaf-Off Lidar Data
* Google Book Search: Document Understanding on a Massive Scale
* GPR Without a Source: Cross-Correlation and Cross-Convolution Methods
* GPS, GIS and Video Registration for Building Reconstruction
* Graceful Quality Degradation for Video Decoding Systems Through Priority Scheduling and Processor Power Adaptation
* Gradient Domain Tone Mapping of High Dynamic Range Videos
* Gradient Field Correlation for Keypoint Correspondence
* Gradient Structure of Image in Scale Space
* Graph Cut Segmentation with Nonlinear Shape Priors
* Graph Theoretical Optimization of Prediction Structure in Multiview Video Coding
* Graph-Based Foreground Representation and its Application in Example Based People Matching in Video, A
* Graph-Cut Rate Distortion Algorithm for Contourlet-Based Image Compression
* Graphical Models for Desynchronization-Resilient Watermark Decoding
* Great Buddha Project: Digitally Archiving, Restoring, and Analyzing Cultural Heritage Objects, The
* Greedy Performance Driven Algorithm for Decision Fusion Learning, A
* Greedy-Based Design of Sparse Two-Stage SVMs for Fast Classification
* Grey Weighted Polar Distance Transform for Outlining Circular and Approximately Circular Objects
* Grey-Level Image Embedding its Color Palette, A
* Group Activity Recognition Based on ARMA Shape Sequence Modeling
* Guest Editorial Special Issue on Computational Diffusion MRI
* Guido: A Musical Score Recognition System
* H.263 to H.264 Transconding using Data Mining
* H.264 Multiple Description Coding Based on Redundant Picture Representation
* H.264/AVC-Based Multiple Description Coding Scheme
* H2O: Reversible Hexagonal-Orthogonal Grid Conversion by 1-D Filtering
* Handwriting Recognition: Tablet PC Text Input
* Handwriting Segmentation Contest
* Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition Using Modified LDA and Kernel FDA
* Handwritten Numeral Recognition of Six Popular Indian Scripts
* Handwritten Word Recognition Using Conditional Random Fields
* Hardware, Design and Implementation Issues on a FPGA-Based Smart Camera
* Hidden Markov Model-Based Weighted Likelihood Discriminant for 2-D Shape Classification
* Hidden Markov Models for Online Handwritten Tamil Word Recognition
* Hidden Markov Models for Spoken Signature Verification
* Hierarchical Approach for Fast and Robust Ellipse Extraction, A
* Hierarchical Clustered Outlier Detection in Laser Scanner Point Clouds
* Hierarchical Clustering Based on Mutual Information Maximization, A
* Hierarchical Dynamic Range Coding of Wavelet Subbands for Fast and Efficient Image Decompression
* Hierarchical Feature Fusion for Visual Tracking
* Hierarchical Tensor Approximation of Multidimensional Images
* Hierarchical Watershed Segmentation of Canopy Height Model for Multi-Scale Forest Inventory
* Hierarchically Distributed Dynamic Mean Shift
* High Accuracy Computation of Rank-Constrained Fundamental Matrix
* High Accuracy Feature Detection for Camera Calibration: A Multi-steerable Approach
* High Dimension Lattice Vector Quantizer Design for Generalized Gaussian Distributions
* High Dimensional Framework for Joint Color-Spatial Segmentation, A
* High Dynamic Range Image and Video Compression: Fidelity Matching Human Visual Performance
* High performance 3D sound localization for surveillance applications
* High Performance European OCR System, A
* High Performance Exact Histogram Specification Algorithm, A
* High Performance Lossless Bayer Image Compression Scheme, A
* High Resolution Image Reconstruction in Shape from Focus
* High Speed Visual Saliency Computation on GPU
* High Throughput Encoder for High Dynamic Range Images, A
* High-Dimensional Spatial Normalization of Diffusion Tensor Images Improves the Detection of White Matter Differences: An Example Study Using Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
* High-Speed Vision System for Moment-Based Analysis of Numerous Objects, A
* Higher Order Vagueness in Geographical Information: Empirical Geographical Population of Type-n Fuzzy Sets
* Higher-Order Active Contour Energies for Gap Closure
* Higher-order Autoregressive Models for Dynamic Textures
* Highly Accurate Orientation Estimation using Steerable Filters
* Hilbert Transform Pairs of Orthonormal Symmetric Wavelet Bases using Allpass Filters
* Hilbert-Huang Transform-based Local Regions Descriptors
* HMM-Based Method for Recognizing Dynamic Video Contents from Trajectories, A
* HMM-Based Online Handwriting Recognition System for Telugu Symbols
* HMM-Based Recognizer with Segmentation-free Strategy for Unconstrained Chinese Handwritten Text
* hOCR Microformat for OCR Workflow and Results, The
* Holistic cursive word recognition based on perceptual features
* Holomorphic Filters for Object Detection
* Hough Transform's Implicit Bayesian Foundation, The
* Hough-Transform and Extended RANSAC Algorithms for Automatic Detection of 3D Building Roof Planes from Lidar Data
* How does Subsampling of Multi-View Images Affect the Rate-Distortion Performance?
* How to Dispatch Observers to Track an Evolving Boundary
* How to Find Interesting Locations in Video: A Spatiotemporal Interest Point Detector Learned from Human Eye Movements
* How to Reduce the Size of Bank Check Image Archive?
* HRD Conformance for Real-time H.264 Video Encoding
* Hue-Shift Modeling and Correction Method for High-Luminance Display
* Human activity recognition with action primitives
* Human Appearance Change Detection
* Human body gesture recognition using adapted auxiliary particle filtering
* Human Body Posture Classification by a Neural Fuzzy Network and Home Care System Application
* Human Computer Interaction: Legibility and Contrast
* Human Identification based on 3D Ear Models
* Human Image Preference and Document Degradation Models
* Human Pose Extraction from Monocular Videos using Constrained Non-Rigid Factorization
* Human-Centric Off-Line Signature Verification System, A
* Hybrid Approach for Off-Line Arabic Handwriting Recognition Based on a Planar Hidden Markov Modeling, A
* Hybrid attribute reduction based on a novel fuzzy-rough model and information granulation
* hybrid genetic algorithm for feature selection wrapper based on mutual information, A
* Hybrid Mathematical Symbol Recognition Using Support Vector Machines
* Hybrid Multi-Expert Systems for HEp-2 Staining Pattern Classification, A
* Hybrid Resolution Switching Method for Low Bit Rate Video Coding
* Hybrid Stereo Sensor with Omnidirectional Vision Capabilities: Overview and Calibration Procedures
* Hybrid System for Robust Recognition of Ethiopic Script, A
* Hybrid Variable Length Coding in Video Compression using Variable Breakpoint
* Hybrid-Polarity SAR Architecture
* Hypercomplex Color Affine Filters
* hyperspectral band selector for plant species discrimination, A
* Hyperspectral Image Classification by Bootstrap AdaBoost With Random Decision Stumps
* Icesat Fullwaveform Altimetry Compared to Airborne Laser Altimetry over the Netherlands
* Identification of Latin-Based Languages through Character Stroke Categorization
* Identification of Non-Black Inks Using HSV Colour Space
* Identifying Common Source Digital Camera from Image Pairs
* Identifying Lens Distortions in Image Registration by Learning from Examples
* iGesture: A General Gesture Recognition Framework
* Illumination Invariant Face Recognition: A Survey
* Illumination-Robust Variational Optical Flow with Photometric Invariants
* Image analysis by discrete orthogonal dual Hahn moments
* Image Analysis for Validation of Simulations of a Fluid Mix Problem
* Image Authentication Based on Distributed Source Coding
* Image Based Metrology for Quantitative Analysis of Local Structural Similarity of Nanostructures
* Image Blur Reduction for Cell-Phone Cameras Via Adaptive Tonal Correction
* Image Coding using 2-D Anisotropic Dual-Tree Discrete Wavelet Transform
* Image Coding with Parameter-Assistant Inpainting
* Image Completion Using Efficient Belief Propagation Via Priority Scheduling and Dynamic Pruning
* Image Denoising Algorithm with an Adaptive Window, An
* Image Denoising Based on Adapted Dictionary Computation
* Image Denoising by Sparse 3-D Transform-Domain Collaborative Filtering
* Image Denoising Through Support Vector Regression
* Image Denoising with Directional Bases
* Image Denoising with Nonparametric Hidden Markov Trees
* Image Enhancement Algorithm Based on a Contrast Measure in the Wavelet Domain for Screening Mammograms, An
* Image enhancement in multi-resolution multi-sensor fusion
* Image Enhancement Using Elastic Manifolds
* Image Enhancement using Sorted Histogram Specification and POCS Postprocessing
* Image Enhancement Using Vector Quantisation Based Interpolation
* Image Inpainting Based on Geometrical Modeling of Complex Wavelet Coefficients
* Image Matting in the Framework of Quantification IV
* Image Pixel Force Fields and their Application for Color Map Vectorisation
* Image Quality Enhancement for Low Backlight TFT-LCD Displays
* Image Quality Measure using Curvature Similarity
* Image Recognition for Mobile Applications
* Image Recovery from Broken Image Streams
* Image Resolution Enhancement using Inter-Subband Correlation in Wavelet Domain
* Image Resolution Enhancement using Wavelet Domain Hidden Markov Tree and Coefficient Sign Estimation
* Image Restoration using Geometrically Stabilized Reverse Heat Equation
* Image Retrieval through Qualitative Representations over Semantic Features
* Image Segmentation Using Active Contours Driven by the Bhattacharyya Gradient Flow
* Image Similarity Based on Intensity Scaling
* Image Spam Filtering Using Visual Information
* Image Stabilization Based on Fusing the Visual Information in Differently Exposed Images
* Image Statistics and Local Spatial Conditions for Nonstationary Blurred Image Reconstruction
* Image Tamper Detection using Mathematical Morphology
* Image-Based Color Schemes
* Image-Based Modeling by Joint Segmentation
* Image-Based Rendering (IBR) Approach for Realistic Stereo View Synthesis of TV Broadcast Based on Structure from Motion, An
* Image-based shape model for view-invariant human motion recognition
* Image-Matching for Revision Detection in Printed Historical Documents
* Imitation of Human-Eye Motion: How to Fix Gaze of an Active Vision System
* Impact of an Improved Combination of Signals From Array Coils in Diffusion Tensor Imaging
* Impact of Lidar Nominal Post-spacing on DEM Accuracy and Flood Zone Delineation
* Impact of the Resolution on the Difference of Perceptual Video Quality Between CRT and LCD
* Implementation of Content Analysis System for Recognition of Journals' Table of Contents
* Implementation of the ASPRS LAS Standard, An
* Implicit Active Model using Radial Basis Function Interpolated Level Sets
* Implicit Evolution of Open Ended Curves
* Importance of Scale in Object-based Mapping of Vegetation Parameters with Hyperspectral Imagery, The
* Improved 2DLPP Method on Gabor Features for Palmprint Recognition, An
* Improved Agent-Oriented Middleware for Distributed Smart Cameras
* Improved Capacity Reversible Watermarking
* Improved Face Model Fitting on Video Sequences
* Improved Feedback Compensation Mechanisms for Multiple Video Object Encoding Rate Control
* Improved Harris' Algorithm for Corner and Edge Detections
* Improved Image Segmentation using Photonic Mixer Devices
* Improved Motion Classification Techniques for Adaptive Multi-Pattern Fast Block-Matching Algorithm
* Improved Motion Compensation in the Enhancement Layer for Spatially Scalable Video Coding
* Improved one-class SVM classifier for sounds classification
* Improved Rate Control and Motion Estimation for H.264 Encoder
* Improved Snake-Based Method for Object Contour Detection, An
* Improved VHR Urban Area Mapping Exploiting Object Boundaries
* Improved Zero-Block Mode Decision Algorithm for H.264/AVC, An
* Improvement of AdaBoost for Face-Detection with Motion and Color Information, An
* Improvement of Retrieval Speed and Required Amount of Memory for Geometric Hashing by Combining Local Invariants
* Improvement of the Background Subtraction and Shadow Detection in Grayscale Video Sequences, The
* Improving Biometric Device Interoperability by Likelihood Ratio-based Quality Dependent Score Normalization
* Improving Embedding Payload in Binary Images with Super-Pixels
* Improving GPR Image Resolution in Lossy Ground Using Dispersive Migration
* Improving Pixel-based VHR Land-cover Classifications of Urban Areas with Post-classification Techniques
* Improving Segmentation Maps using Polarization Imaging
* Improving Spatial Support for Objects via Multiple Segmentations
* Improving the Morphological Analysis for Tree Extraction: A Dynamic Approach to Lidar Data
* Improving the robustness of particle filter-based visual trackers using online parameter adaptation
* Incorporating Depth-Image Based View-Prediction into H.264 for Multiview-Image Coding
* Incorporating Feature Based Priors into the Geodesic Active Contour Model and its Application in Biomedical Imagery
* Incorporating Primal Sketch Based Learning Into Low Bit-Rate Image Compression
* Incorporation of Texture Information for Joint Spatio-Temporal Probabilistic Video Object Segmentation
* Incremental LDA Learning by Combining Reconstructive and Discriminative Approaches
* Incremental Learning of First Order Logic Theories for the Automatic Annotations of Web Documents
* Incremental On-line Parsing Algorithm for Recognizing Sketching Diagrams, An
* Incremental Refinement of Computation for the Discrete Wavelet Transform
* Indexing Historical Documents by Word Shape Signatures
* Indexing Method for Graphical Documents, An
* Indoor Place Recognition using Online Independent Support Vector Machines
* Infinite Hidden Markov Models and ISA Features for Unusual-Event Detection in Video
* Infinity-Norm Rotation for Reversible Data Hiding
* Information Management System Using Structure Analysis of Paper/Electronic Documents and Its Applications
* information theoretic rule for sample size adaptation in particle filtering, An
* Information-Based Color Feature Representation for Image Classification
* Information-Theoretic Content Selection for Automated Home Video Editing
* Infrared image processing and its application to forest fire surveillance
* Ink Annotations and their Anchoring in Heterogeneous Digital Documents
* Ink Discrimination Based on Co-occurrence Analysis of Visible and Infrared Images
* Integrated Bundle Adjustment with Variance Component Estimation: Fusion of Terrestrial Laser Scanner Data, Panoramic and Central Perspective Image Data
* Integrated Edge and Corner Detection
* Integrated Segmentation and Recognition of Mixed Chinese/English Document
* Integrating Boundary Information in Pairwise Segmentation
* Integrating Color Constancy Into JPEG2000
* Integrating Fine Scale Information in Super-resolution Land-cover Mapping
* Integrating Stereo with Shape-from-Shading derived Orientation Information
* Integration of Ikonos and QuickBird Imagery for Geopositioning Accuracy Analysis
* Integration of Laser Scanning and Photogrammetry
* Intelligent LIDAR scanning region selection for satellite pose estimation
* Intelligent vision sensor: Turning video into information, The
* Inter Frame Coding with Template Matching Averaging
* Interactive Reception Desk with Face Recognition-Based Access Control
* Interconversion Between Truncated Cartesian and Polar Expansions of Images
* Interest-point Based Face Recognition from Range Images
* Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Microscopy: Physics-Based Image Reconstruction from Optical Coherence Tomography Data
* Interframe Motion Deblurring using Spatio-Temporal Regularization
* Interlacing Intraframes in Multiple-Description Video Coding
* Interpolation Specific Resolution Synthesis
* Interval-Based Linear Hybrid Dynamical System for Modeling Cross-Media Timing Structures in Multimedia Signals
* Intra-Frame Dyadic Spatial Scalable Coding Based on a Subband/Wavelet Framework for MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 Scalable Video Coding
* Intrinsic Mean for Semi-metrical Shape Retrieval Via Graph Cuts
* Introduction Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery
* Introduction to the Special Section on 3DTV
* Introduction to the Special Section on Multiview Video Coding
* Inverse Bit Plane Decoding Order for Turbo Code Based Distributed Video Coding
* Investigation of Methodologies for the Segmentation of Squamous Epithelium from Cervical Histological Virtual Slides
* Isolating Motion and Color in a Motion Blurred Image
* Isomap Tracking with Particle Filtering
* Issues in video analytics and surveillance systems: Research/prototyping vs. applications/user requirements
* Iterated Document Content Classification
* Iterative Blind Image Motion Deblurring via Learning a No-Reference Image Quality Measure
* Iterative Cross Section Sequence Graph for Handwritten Character Segmentation
* Iterative Feature Selection for Color Texture Classification
* Iterative Method for Vector Median Filtering, An
* Iterative Methods for Searching Optimal Classifier Combination Function
* Iterative relative fuzzy connectedness for multiple objects with multiple seeds
* Iterative sliced inverse regression for segmentation of ultrasound and MR images
* Joint Bi-Watermarking and Halftoning Technique Capability for Both Tampered Areas Localization and Recovery of Still Image
* Joint Estimation for Nonlinear Dynamic System from FMRI Time Series
* Joint Exact Histogram Specification and Image Enhancement Through the Wavelet Transform
* Joint Localization and Parameter Estimation for Localized Calcium Release Events in Video Microscopy
* Joint Optimization of Run-Length Coding, Huffman Coding and Quantization Table with Complete Baseline JPEG Compatibility
* Joint Optimization of Transform Coefficients for Hierarchical B Picture Coding in H.264/AVC
* Joint Segmentation and Recognition of License Plate Characters
* Joint Segmentation of Moving Object and Estimation of Background in Low-Light Video using Relaxation
* Joint Source-Channel Rate Allocation in Parallel Channels
* journey from signal processing to surveillance, A
* k-dimensional Size Functions for Shape Description and Comparison
* K-Nearest Oracle for Dynamic Ensemble Selection
* Kalman Filtering Approach to 3-D IR Scene Prediction using Single-Camera Range Video, A
* Kernel Modified Quadratic Discriminant Function for Online Handwritten Chinese Characters Recognition
* kernelHMM: Learning Kernel Combinations in Structured Output Domains, The
* Kernelised Relaxation Labelling using Fokker-Planck Diffusion
* Kernels on Bags of Fuzzy Regions for Fast Object retrieval
* Key-Places Detection and Clustering in Movies Using Latent Aspects
* Keyword Spotting and Retrieval of Document Images Captured by a Digital Camera
* KLDA: An Iterative Approach to Fisher Discriminant Analysis
* Knowledge Structuring Technique for Image Classification, A
* Knowledge-based part correspondence
* Knowledge-Based Recognition of Utility Map Sub-Diagrams
* Kullback-Leibler Distance Optimization for Non-rigid Registration of Echo-Planar to Structural Magnetic Resonance Brain Images
* Lagrange Multiplier Selection for 3-D Wavelet Based Scalable Video Coding
* Land-use/Land-cover Classification with Multispectral and Hyperspectral EO-1 Data
* Language Models for Handwritten Short Message Services
* Laplacian Affinity Propagation for Semi-Supervised Object Classification
* Laplacian Operators for Direct Processing of Range Data
* Large Scale Learning of Active Shape Models
* Large-Scale Systematic Evaluation of Algorithms Using Ground-Penetrating Radar for Landmine Detection and Discrimination, A
* Laser Scanner Simulator for System Analysis and Algorithm Development: a Case with Forest Measurements
* Layer-Adaptive Mode Decision and Motion Search for Scalable Video Coding with Combined Coarse Granular Scalability (CGS) and Temporal Scalability
* Layered Active Contours for Tracking
* Layered image model using binary PCA transparency masks
* Layered Predictive Coding of Time-Consistent Dynamic 3D Meshes using a Non-Linear Predictor
* Layout Analysis of Handwritten Historical Documents for Searching the Archive of the Cabinet of the Dutch Queen
* Layout Based Information Extraction from HTML Documents
* LDA-Based Compound Distance for Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition
* Learning Appearance Primitives of Iris Images for Ethnic Classification
* Learning gender from human gaits and faces
* Learning Handwritten Digit Recognition by the Max-Min Posterior Pseudo-Probabilities Method
* Learning Multimodal Dictionaries
* Learning object classes from structure
* Learning of Pattern-Based Rules for Document Classification
* Learning Repetitive Patterns for Classifying Non-Rigidly Deforming Texture Surfaces
* Learning Robust Objective Functions with Application to Face Model Fitting
* Learning to Group Text Lines and Regions in Freeform Handwritten Notes
* Learning to predict gender from iris images
* Learning to Recognize Faces Incrementally
* Least-Squares Based Switched Adaptive Predictors for Lossless Video Coding
* Length-weighted string kernels for sequence data classification
* Lidar-Derived Site Index in the U.S. Pacific Northwest: Challenges and Opportunities
* Lifetime-Distortion Trade-off in Image Sensor Networks
* Lifting Wavelet Coding with Permutation and Coefficients Modification for Structured 3-D Geometry with Expanded Nodes
* Lifting-Based Directional DCT-Like Transform for Image Coding
* Light Field Acquisition using Programmable Aperture Camera
* Light-Weight Event-Driven Protocol for Sensor Clustering in Wireless Camera Networks, A
* Lightweight People Counting and Localizing in Indoor Spaces Using Camera Sensor Nodes
* Linear Dynamic Data Fusion Techniques for Face Orientation Estimation in Smart Camera Networks
* Linear-Time Two-Scan Labeling Algorithm, A
* Lipreading by Locality Discriminant Graph
* Live 3D Video in Soccer Stadium
* Local Absolute Binary Patterns as Image Preprocessing for Grip-Pattern Recognition in Smart Gun
* Local characterization of a maximum set of digital (26, 6)-surfaces
* Local configurations in discrete combinatorial surfaces
* Local Feature Extraction for Image Super-Resolution
* Local Image Features for Shoeprint Image Retrieval
* Local or Global 3D Face and Facial Feature Tracker
* Locality Sensitive Pseudo-Code for Document Images
* Localization of ahead vehicles with on-board stereo cameras
* Localization of Shapes Using Statistical Models and Stochastic Optimization
* Localization of the Interfaces of a Slab Hidden Behind a Wall
* Locally Adaptive Intra-Subband Interpolation of Lost Low Frequency Coefficients In Wavelet Coded Images
* Locally Adaptive Wavelet-Based Image Denoising using the Gram-Charlier Prior Function
* Locally Competitive Algorithms for Sparse Approximation
* Locally-Adaptive Image Contrast Enhancement without Noise and Ringing Artifacts
* Locating Charts from Scanned Document Pages
* Locating Nosetips and Estimating Head Pose in Images by Tensorposes
* Location-Map Free Reversible Data Hiding Method using Block-Based Single Parameter, A
* Logical Representation of a Conceptual Model for Spatial Data Warehouses
* Logical Structure Analysis for Form Images with Arbitrary Layout by Belief Propagation
* Looking at people
* Lossless Coding of Color Images using Block-Adaptive Inter-Color Prediction
* Lossless Compression Algorithms for Post-OPC IC Layout
* Lossless Data Hiding for Medical Images with Patient Information
* Lossless FMO and Slice Structure Modification for Compressed H.264 Video
* Lossless Image Compression and Selective Encryption using a Discrete Radon Transform
* Lossless Microarray Image Compression using Region Based Predictors
* Lossy Compression of Bilevel Images Based on Markov Random Fields
* Low Bit-Rate Compression of Facial Images
* Low Bit-Rate Image Coding Using Adaptive Geometric Piecewise Polynomial Approximation
* Low Power Lookup Tables for Huffman Decoding
* Low-Cost, Tiled Embedded Smart Camera System for Computer Vision Applications, A
* Low-Drift Fixed-Point 8X8 IDCT Approximationwith 8-Bit Transform Factors
* LQR spatiotemporal fusion technique for face profile collection in smart camera surveillance, A
* Lung Nodule Detection using Eye-Tracking
* Machine Dating of Handwritten Manuscripts
* Machine Learning Framework for Adaptive Combination of Signal Denoising Methods, A
* Magic Paper: Sketch-Understanding Research
* Man-Made Structure Segmentation using Gaussian Processes and Wavelet Features
* Managing Particle Spread via Hybrid Particle Filter/Kernel Mean Shift Tracking
* MAP Estimation of Epipolar Geometry by EM Algorithm and Local Diffusion
* MAP Particle Selection in Shape-Based Object Tracking
* Mapping Defoliation with Lidar
* Mapping Vision Algorithms on SIMD Architecture Smart Cameras
* Marginal Fisher Analysis and Its Variants for Human Gait Recognition and Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Markov Random Field Model-Based Edge-Directed Image Interpolation
* Marrying Level-Line Junctions for Obstacle Detection
* Matching Local Descriptors for Image Identification on Cultural Databases
* Matching of 3D surfaces and their intensities
* Matching Relational Structures using the Edge-Association Graph
* Material Classification using Passive Polarimetric Imagery
* Mathematical Formulae Recognition Using 2D Grammars
* Mathpad: A Fuzzy Logic-Based Recognition System for Handwritten Mathematics
* MATRIS project: real-time markerless camera tracking for Augmented Reality and broadcast applications, The
* Maximum Likelihood Approach to Parallel Imaging With Coil Sensitivity Noise, A
* MCMC based multi-body tracking using full 3D model of both target and environment
* Mean-Shift Blob Tracking with Adaptive Feature Selection and Scale Adaptation
* Measurement of Layer Thickness and Permittivity Using a New Multilayer Model From GPR Data
* Measures for Benchmarking of Automatic Correspondence Algorithms
* Median Filtering in Constant Time
* Mesh-Based Depth Coding for 3D Video using Hierarchical Decomposition of Depth Maps
* Meta-Analysis of Third-Party Evaluations of Iris Recognition
* Method and system for detecting conscious hand movement patterns and computer-generated visual feedback for facilitating human-computer interaction
* Method for Blur and Similarity Transform Invariant Object Recognition, A
* Method for determining visibility
* Method for Image Local-Difference Visualization, A
* Method for the Synthesis of Dynamic Biometric Signature Data, A
* Method of Annotation Extraction from Paper Documents Using Alignment Based on Local Arrangements of Feature Points, A
* Method of Clustering Combination Applied to Satellite Image Analysis, A
* Method of Directly Estimating Stemwood Volume from GLAS Waveform Parameters, A
* Method to Enhance Face Biometric Security, A
* Microcalcification Classification Assisted by Content-Based Image Retrieval for Breast Cancer Diagnosis
* Middle Zone Component Extraction and Recognition of Telugu Document Image
* Midground object detection in real world video scenes
* Minimal Shape and Intensity Cost Path Segmentation
* Minimization of a Detail-Preserving Regularization Functional for Impulse Noise Removal
* Minimum Error Discriminative Training for Radical-Based Online Chinese Handwriting Recognition
* Minimum Volume Ellipsoid Metric, The
* Mining Auxiliary Objects for Tracking by Multibody Grouping
* Minutiae-Based Template Synthesis and Matching Using Hierarchical Delaunay Triangulations
* Mirror-Based Multi-View Analysis of Facial Motions
* Mixed Effects Model to Estimate Stand Volume by Means of Small Footprint Airborne Lidar Data for an American and German Study Site, A
* Mixed-Initiative Human-Robot Interaction Using Hierarchical Bayesian Networks
* ML Nonlinear Smoothing for Image Segmentation and its Relationship to the Mean Shift
* Mobility Estimation and Analysis in Medical X-ray Images Using Corners and Faces Contours Detection
* Mode Selection and Optimal Rate Control for Video Coding using an and-or Tree Representation
* Model Based Book Dewarping Method to Handle 2D Images Captured by a Digital Camera, A
* Model Limitations and Parameter-Estimation Methods for Agricultural Applications of Polarimetric SAR Interferometry
* Model-based Edge Tracking for Segmentation of Low Contrast Images
* Model-based human posture estimation for gesture analysis in an opportunistic fusion smart camera network
* Model-Based Signature Verification System, A
* Modeling Gabor Coefficients via Generalized Gaussian Distributions for Face Recognition
* Modeling human-like intelligent image processing: An information processing perspective and approach
* Modeling of Front Evolution with Graph Cut Optimization
* Modeling Time-Varying Illumination Patterns in Video
* Modeling vs. Segmenting Images Using A Probabilistic Approach
* Modelling Canopy Gap Fraction from Lidar Intensity
* Models from image triplets using epipolar gradient features
* Modified Dynamic Time Warping for Stroke-Based On-line Signature Verification
* Modified Level Transformation for Bit Inversion in Watermarking
* Modular Approach to Recognition of Strokes in Telugu Script
* MoM Analysis of Dipole Antennas in Crosshole Borehole Radar and Field Experiments
* Monocular Tracking 3D People By Gaussian Process Spatio-Temporal Variable Model
* Monotonic Vector Forces and Green's Theorem for Automatic Area Calculation
* Morphological Component Analysis: An Adaptive Thresholding Strategy
* Morphological Processing of Severely Occluded Digital Elevation Images to Extract and Connect Stream Channels
* Morphological-Based License Plate Location, A
* MOTEXATION: Multiple Object Tracking with Expectation-Maximization Algorithm
* Motion and Disparity Compensated Coding for Multiview Video
* Motion Capture Moves into New Realms
* Motion Correction Strategies for Interventional Angiography Images: A Comparative Approach
* Motion Detection using a Model of Visual Attention
* Motion Estimation in the 3-D Gabor Domain
* Motion Estimation using a Joint Optimisation of the Motion Vector Field and a Super-Resolution Reference Image
* Motion Estimation using Tangent Distance
* Motion Estimation via Belief Propagation
* Motion Modeling with Geometry and Quad-tree Leaf Merging
* Motion Segmentation Using Inference in Dynamic Bayesian Networks
* Motion-Based Geometry Compensation for DWT Compression of 3D mesh Sequences
* Motion-Based Side-Information Generation for a Scalable Wyner-Ziv Video Coder
* Motion-Based Video Object Tracking in the Compressed Domain
* Movie Denoising by Average of Warped Lines
* Moving Object Detection for Real-Time Applications
* MPEG-2 to H.264 Transcoding for DVB-H Applications
* MSD-HMM Approach to Pen Trajectory Modeling for Online Handwriting Recognition, A
* MuFeSaC: Learning When to Use Which Feature Detector
* Multi-Agent System for Hand-drawn Diagram Recognition, A
* Multi-Bits Biometric String Generation based on the Likelihood Ratio
* Multi-camera Control through Constraint Satisfaction for Persistent Surveillance
* Multi-Camera Scene Analysis using an Object-Centric Continuous Distribution Hidden Markov Model
* Multi-Camera Surveillance System that Estimates Quality-of-View Measurement, A
* Multi-Camera Surveillance with Visual Tagging and Generic Camera Placement
* Multi-Camera Topology Recovery from Coherent Motion
* Multi-Camera Visual Surveillance System for Tracking of Reoccurrences of People, A
* multi-class SVM classifier for automatic hand washing quality assessment, A
* Multi-Frame Post-Processing Approach to Improved Decoding of H.264/AVC Video, A
* Multi-Frame Super-Resolution for Face Recognition
* Multi-Layer MRF Model for Object-Motion Detection in Unregistered Airborne Image-Pairs, A
* Multi-Level Discrete Cosine Transform for Content-Based Image Retrieval by Support Vector Machines
* Multi-level Topological Relations Between Spatial Regions Based Upon Topological Invariants
* Multi-modal non-rigid registration of medical images based on mutual information maximization
* Multi-Modal Particle Filtering Tracking using Appearance, Motion and Audio Likelihoods
* Multi-Objective Optimization for SVM Model Selection
* Multi-Resolution Local Histogram Analysis for Edge Detection
* Multi-resolution Morse-Smale Complexes for Terrain Modeling
* Multi-resolution system for artifact removal and edge enhancement in computerized tomography images
* Multi-scale Adaptive Mask 3D Rigid Registration of Ultrasound and CT Images
* Multi-Scale Probabilistic Dithering for Suppressing Banding Artifacts in Digital Images
* Multi-Scale Semi-Transparent Blotch Removal on Archived Photographs using Bayesian Matting Techniques and Visibility Laws
* Multi-Scale Statistical Detection and Ballistic Imaging Through Turbid Media
* Multi-Sensor Fusion Tracking Using Visual Information and WI-Fl Location Estimation
* Multi-stage 3D reconstruction under circular motion
* Multi-Stage Strategy to Perspective Rectification for Mobile Phone Camera-Based Document Images, A
* Multi-stream Approach to Off-Line Handwritten Word Recognition, A
* Multi-User Collusion Behavior Forensics: Game Theoretic Formulation of Fairness Dynamics
* Multi-Vector Color-Image Filters
* Multi-view Camera System for the Generation of Real-Time Occlusion-Free Scene Video, A
* Multi-View Distributed Video Coding with Low-Complexity Inter-Sensor Communication Over Wireless Video Sensor Networks
* Multi-View Video Plus Depth Representation and Coding
* Multi-Viewpoint Synthesis from Uncalibrated Stereo Cameras
* Multichannel Image Decomposition by using Pseudo-Linear Haar Wavelets
* Multicriteria Spatial Decision Analysis in Web GIS Environment
* Multicues 2D Articulated Pose Tracking using Particle Filtering and Belief Propagation on Factor Graphs
* Multicues 3D Monocular Upper Body Tracking Using Constrained Belief Propagation
* Multidimensional Histogram Equalization and Modification
* Multifocus Image Fusion by Establishing Focal Connectivity
* Multiframe Error Concealment for Whole-Frame Loss in H.264/AVC
* Multiple appearance models for face tracking in surveillance videos
* Multiple Color and Depth Video Coding Using a Hierarchical Representation
* Multiple Description Coding of Plane-Based 3-D Surfaces
* Multiple Description Image Coding with Prediction Compensation
* Multiple Description Video Coding With 3D-SPIHT Employing a New Tree Structure
* Multiple Description Video Transcoding
* Multiple View Camera Calibration for Localization
* Multiple-Hypothesis Approach for Multiobject Visual Tracking, A
* Multiscale Random Projections for Compressive Classification
* Multiscale Sparse Image Representation with Learned Dictionaries
* Multiscale Variance-Stabilizing Transform for Mixed-Poisson-Gaussian Processes and its Applications in Bioimaging
* Multisegment Detection
* Multispectral Local Binary Pattern Histogram for Component-based Color Face Verification
* Multistatic Ground-Penetrating Radar Experiments
* MultiStencils Fast Marching Methods: A Highly Accurate Solution to the Eikonal Equation on Cartesian Domains
* Multitarget association and tracking in 3-D space based on particle filter with joint multitarget probability density
* Multitemporal fuzzy classification model based on class transition possibilities
* Multiterminal Video Coding
* Multiview Image Coding Based on Geometric Prediction
* Multiview Video Coding Using View Interpolation and Color Correction
* Mumford-Shah Model for One-to-One Edge Matching
* Mutual Information Based Automatic Registration and Analysis Algorithm for Defect Identification in Printed Documents, A
* Natural Human-Machine Interface using an Interactive Virtual Blackboard
* Natural scenes categorization by hierarchical extraction of typicality patterns
* Navier-Stokes formulation for modelling turbulent optical flow
* Near-Circular Corner and Edge Detection Operators
* Near-Lossless Image Compression Based on Maximization of Run Length Sequences
* Network-Adaptive Image and Video Transmission in Camera-Based Wireless Sensor Networks
* Networked High-Speed Vision System for 1,000-FPS Visual Feature Communication, A
* Neural Network for the Recognition of Handwritten Tunisian City Names
* new and reliable Poisson noise estimator for radiographic images, A
* New Angle-Based Spatial Modeling for Query by Visual Thesaurus Composition, A
* New Application for PolSAR Imagery in the Field of Moving Target Indication/Ship Detection, A
* New Approach to Geometrical Feature Assessment for ICP-Based Pose Measurement: Continuum Shape Constraint Analysis, A
* New Approach to Image Copy Detection Based on Extended Feature Sets, A
* New Architecture for MPEG Video Streaming System With Backward Playback Support
* New Aspects of InkML for Pen-Based Computing
* New CAD System for Early Diagnosis of Detected Lung Nodules, A
* New Class of Filters for Image Interpolation and Resizing, A
* New Coding Tools for Illumination and Focus Mismatch Compensation in Multiview Video Coding
* New Concept of Scattered Radiation Imaging with High Sensitivity
* New Descriptor for 2D Depth Image Indexing and 3D Model Retrieval, A
* New Directions in Contact Free Hand Recognition
* New fast normalized neural networks for pattern detection
* New Features to Identify Computer Generated Images
* New Framework for Automatic Registration of 2D/3D Texture Images, A
* New Framework for FMRI Data Analysis: Modeling, Image Restoration, and Activation Detection, A
* New Manifold Representation for Visual Speech Recognition, A
* New Method for Fingerprint Antispoofing using Pulse Oxiometry, A
* New Method for Writer Identification and Verification Based on Farsi/Arabic Handwritten Texts, A
* New Methodology of Illumination Estimation/Normalization Based on Adaptive Smoothing for Robust Face Recognition, A
* New Metrics for Evaluating Performance in Document Analysis Tasks: Application to the Table Case
* New Model for Cloud Tracking and Analysis on Satellite Images, A
* New Nonlinear Diffusion Method to Improve Image Quality, A
* New Objective Quality Metric for Frame Interpolation using in Video Compression, A
* New Perspectives on the Sources of White Matter DTI Signal
* New Physically Motivated Warping Model for Form Drop-Out, A
* new probabilistic Iris Quality Measure for comprehensive noise detection, A
* new regions matching for color stereo images, A
* New Scheme for Automatic Initialization of Deformable Models, A
* New Security Scheme based on Palmprint Biometrics for Signature, A
* New Shape Signature for Fourier Descriptors, A
* New Spatial Activity Metric for Film Contents, A
* New Standardized Extensions of MPEG4-AVC/H.264 for Professional-Quality Video Applications
* new steganographic method for color and grayscale image hiding, A
* New Stereo Algorithm Integrating Luminance, Gradient and Segmentation Informations in a Belief-Propagation Framework, A
* New Stereo Correspondence Method for Snake-Based Object Segmentation, A
* New Strategy for the On-Line Handwriting Modelling
* New Syntactic Approach to Graphic Symbol Recognition, A
* New Vectorial Signature for Quick Symbol Indexing, Filtering and Recognition, A
* NICE.I: Noisy Iris Challenge Evaluation - Part I, The
* Nighttime Pedestrian Detection with Near Infrared using Cascaded Classifiers
* No-Reference Objective Image Sharpness Metric Based on Just-Noticeable Blur and Probability Summation, A
* Noise and Signal Activity Maps for Better Imaging Algorithms
* Noise Features for Image Tampering Detection and Steganalysis
* Noise versus Facial Expression on 3D Face Recognition
* Noisy Image Decomposition: A New Structure, Texture and Noise Model Based on Local Adaptivity
* Non-Additive Approach for Gradient-Based Edge Detection
* Non-Cooperative Persons Identification at a Distance with 3D Face Modeling
* Non-Geometric Energy Formulation for Adaptive Image Compression
* Non-Gibbsian Markov random field models for contextual labelling of structured scenes
* Non-Linear Approaches for the Classification of Facial Expressions at Varying Degrees of Intensity
* Non-Local Text Image Reconstruction
* Non-Separable Wavelet-Like Lifting Structure for Image and Video Compression with Aliasing Suppression
* Non-Stationarity Detection in Natural Images
* Non-Uniform Slant Correction for Handwritten Text Line Recognition
* Nonconvex Regularization for Shape Preservation
* Nonlinear Contour Preserving Transform for Geometrical Image Compression, A
* Nonlinear Feature Extractor for Texture Segmentation, A
* Nonlinear Least Square Technique for Simultaneous Image Registration and Super-Resolution, A
* Nonlinear Poisson Image Completion using Color Manifold
* Nonlinear-Shift Approach to Object Tracking Based on Shape Information, A
* Nonparametric Snakes
* Nonrigid Coregistration of Diffusion Tensor Images Using a Viscous Fluid Model and Mutual Information
* Nonstationary Background Removal Via Multiple Camera Collaboration
* Nonstationary Blind Image Restoration using Variational Methods
* Novel Anchorperson Detection Algorithm Based on Spatio-temporal Slice, A
* Novel Approach for Automatic Follow-Up of Detected Lung Nodules, A
* Novel Binarization System for Degraded Document Images, A
* novel cascade ensemble classifier system with a high recognition performance on handwritten digits, A
* Novel Direction-Finding Algorithm for Directional Borehole Radar, A
* Novel Directional Borehole Radar System Using Optical Electric Field Sensors, A
* Novel Error Concealment Method for Stereoscopic Video Coding, A
* Novel Facial Feature Point Localization Method on 3D Faces, A
* Novel Fast and Reduced Redundancy Structure for Multiscale Directional Filter Banks, A
* Novel Fingerprint Matching Algorithm Based on Minutiae and Global Statistical Features, A
* Novel Hierarchical Classification Scheme for Online Tamil Character Recognition, A
* Novel Image Re-Indexing by Self Organizing Motor Maps, A
* Novel Kernel Discriminant Analysis for Face Verification, A
* Novel Multi-Stage Motion Vector Processing Method for Motion Compensated Frame Interpolation, A
* Novel Paradigm for Optimized Scalable Video Transmission Based on JPEG2000 with Motion, A
* Novel Reversible Watermarking Based on an Integer Transform, A
* Novel Secure H.264 Transcoder using Selective Encryption, A
* Novel Technique to Model the Variation of the Intrinsic Parameters of an Automatic Zoom Camera using Adaptive Delaunay Meshes Over Moving Least-Squares Surfaces, A
* Novel Transmitter-Based Selective-Precoding Technique for DS/CDMA Systems, A
* Novel Video Mining System, A
* Novel Video Object Tracking Approach Based on Kernel Density Estimation and Markov Random Field, A
* Novel Video Parsing Algorithm Utilizing the Pleasure-Arousal-Dominance Emotional Information, A
* Number-Driven Perceptual Segmentation of Natural Color Images for Easy Decision of Optimal Result
* Numerical Mode-Matching Method for Tilted-Coil Antennas in Cylindrically Layered Anisotropic Media With Multiple Horizontal Beds
* Object Coding using a Shape Adaptive Wavelet Transform with Scalable WDR Method
* Object Detection Using Shape Codebook
* Object Extraction by Spatio-Temporal Assembling
* Object Extraction Combining Image Partition with Motion Detection
* Object Reacquisition and Tracking in Large-Scale Smart Camera Networks
* Object Recognition Based on Dependent Pachinko Allocation Model
* Object Recognition by Learning Informative, Biologically Inspired Visual Features
* Object segmentation using graph cuts based active contours
* Object Tracking at Multiple Levels of Spatial Resolutions
* Object-Based Multiple Sprite Coding of Unsegmented Videos using H.264/AVC
* Object-oriented Approach to Urban Forest Mapping in Phoenix, An
* Object-Respecting Color Image Segmentation
* Occlusion Modeling by Tracking Multiple Objects
* OCR Accuracy Improvement through a PDE-Based Approach
* Off-Line Handwritten Character Recognition of Devnagari Script
* Off-line Handwritten Signature GPDS-960 Corpus
* Off-line Signature Verification System Performance against Image Acquisition Resolution
* Off-line Signature Verification Using Enhanced Modified Direction Features in Conjunction with Neural Classifiers and Support Vector Machines
* On 3D Partial Matching of Meaningful Parts
* On a Watermarking Scheme in the Logarithmic Domain and its Perceptual Advantages
* On Building a Hierarchical Region-Based Representation for Generic Image Analysis
* On Cluster Validity Indexes in Fuzzy and Hard Clustering Algorithms for Image Segmentation
* On Computing Strength of Evidence for Writer Verification
* On Genuine Connectivity Relations Based on Logical Predicates
* On Model-Based Analysis of Ear Biometrics
* On Modeling Mismatch Errors Induced by Different Quantizers
* On New View Synthesis Using Multiview Stereo
* On Optimal Watermarking Schemes in Uncertain Gaussian Channels
* On Segmentation of Documents in Complex Scripts
* On some applications of generalized functionality for arithmetic discrete planes
* On Surface Topography Reconstruction from Gradient Fields
* On the 2D Teager-Kaiser Operator
* On the Applicability of Off-Line Signatures to the Fuzzy Vault Construction
* On the Application of a Modified Self-Organizing Neural Network to Estimate Stereo Disparity
* On the Bayes fusion of visual features
* On the Detection of Temporal Field Order in Interlaced Video Data
* On the development of an autonomous and self-adaptable moving object detector
* On the Development of Digital Signatures for Author Identification
* On the Discrete Maximum Principle for the Beltrami Color Flow
* On the effect of motion segmentation techniques in description based adaptive video transmission
* On The Effects of Sampling Rate and Interpolation in HMM-Based Dynamic Signature Verification
* On the Resolution Limits of Superimposed Projection
* On the Unequal Error Protection for Progressive Image Transmission
* On the Use of Context-Dependent Modeling Units for HMM-Based Offline Handwriting Recognition
* On the Use of JPEG 2000 to Achieve Minimum L-Infinity Error when Specifying a Compression Ratio
* On the Use of Lexeme Features for Writer Verification
* On Uncertainties, Random Features and Object Tracking
* On Using Classical Poetry Structure for Indian Language Post-Processing
* On-Line Handwritten Text Line Detection Using Dynamic Programming
* On-Site Self-Calibration Using Planar Features for Terrestrial Laser Scanners
* Online Handwritten Japanese Character String Recognition Incorporating Geometric Context
* Online Handwritten Kanji Recognition Based on Inter-stroke Grammar
* Online Parsing of Sports Coaching Video Through Intrinsic Motion Analysis
* Online Smoothing for Markerless Motion Capture
* Optical Flow Computation on Compute Unified Device Architecture
* Optimal Approach for Fast Object-Template Matching
* Optimal Carrier Loading for Maximizing Visual Entropy Over OFDMA Cellular Networks
* Optimal Denoising in Redundant Bases
* Optimal deployment of cameras for video surveillance systems
* Optimal Dominant Motion Estimation Using Adaptive Search of Transformation Space
* Optimal Geometric Matching for Patch-Based Object Detection
* Optimal Iris Fuzzy Sketches
* Optimal Joint Source-Channel Coding using Unequal Error Protection for the Scalable Extension of H.264/MPEG-4 AVC
* Optimal Particle Allocation in Particle Filtering for Multiple Object Tracking
* Optimal Pruning Quad-Tree Block-Based Binary Shape Coding
* Optimal Rate Allocation For Logo Watermarking
* Optimal ROS-Based Symmetric Phase-Only Filter for Fingerprint Verification, The
* Optimal Selection of Encoding Configuration for Scalable Video Coding
* Optimised Compression Strategy in Wavelet-Based Video Coding using Improved Context Models
* Optimizing Image Resolution to Maximize the Accuracy of Hard Classification
* Optimum Detection for Spread-Spectrum Watermarking that Employs Self-masking
* Orientation Adaptive Discrete Packet Wavelet Decomposition via Shifting Operators for Image Compression
* Orthogonal Diagonal Projections for Gait Recognition
* Orthogonal Neighborhood Preserving Embedding for Face Recognition
* Orthogonal Polynomials Supported by Regional Growing Segmentation for the Extraction of Terrain from Lidar Data
* Outer-Layer Based Tracking using Entropy as a Similarity Measure
* Overcoming Parallax and Sampling Density Issues in Image Mosaicing of Non-Planar Scenes
* Overlapped Quasi-Arithmetic Codes for Distributed Video Coding
* Overview of Multiview Video Coding and Anti-Aliasing for 3D Displays
* Overview of the Tesseract OCR Engine, An
* P-Frame Transcoding in VC-1 to H.264 Transcoders
* P-Laplacian Driven Image Processing
* Packet Loss Resilient Transmission of 3D Models
* Page Segmentation Competition
* Palmprint Verification using Complex Wavelet Transform
* Panchromatic sharpening of remote sensing images using a multiscale Kalman filter
* Panoramic mosaicing optimization
* Parallel CBIR Implementation using Perceptual Grouping of Block-Based Visual Patterns, A
* Parallel Magnetic Resonance Imaging using Neural Networks
* Parametric Deformable Block Matching for Ultrasound Imaging
* parametric gradient descent MRI intensity inhomogeneity correction algorithm, A
* Parametric Spectral-Based Method for Verification of Text in Videos, A
* Parsimonious Model Selection for Tissue Segmentation and Classification Applications: A Study Using Simulated and Experimental DTI Data
* Parsing Silhouettes without Boundary Curvature
* particle filter based fusion framework for video-radio tracking in smart spaces, A
* Passive sensor based dynamic object association with particle filtering
* Pattern Matching for Heterogeneous Geodata Sources Using Attributed Relational Graph and Probabilistic Relaxation
* Pattern-Based Error Recovery of Low Resolution Subbands in JPEG2000
* Pattern-Based Inter-/Extra-Polation Approach for Image Scaling, A
* Patterned Fabric Defect Detection using a Motif-Based Approach
* Patterns in Forest Clearing Along the Appalachian Trail Corridor
* PCA-Based Image Registration: Application to On-Line MR Temperature Monitoring of Moving Tissues
* PDE Method to Segment Image Linear Objects with Application to Lens Distortion Removal, A
* PDE-Based Enhancement of Low Quality Documents
* Peak Transform: A Nonlinear Transform for Efficient Image Representation and Coding
* Pedestrian Recognition from a Moving Catadioptric Camera
* Peer Group Vector Median Filter
* Pen-Based Interface for Real-Time Document Edition, A
* People tracking across two distant self-calibrated cameras
* Perception-Based Image Segmentation Using the Bounded Irregular Pyramid
* Perceptive Vision for Headline Localisation in Bangla Handwritten Text Recognition
* Perceptual Image Coding Based on a Maximum of Minimal Structural Similarity Criterion
* Perceptual Quality Evaluation on Periodic Frame-Dropping Video
* Performance Analysis Framework for Layout Analysis Methods
* Performance Analysis of Text Halftone Modulation
* Performance Evaluation of Scale-Interpolated Hessian-Laplace and Haar Descriptors for Feature Matching
* Performance of Sparse Representation Algorithms Using Randomly Generated Frames
* Person Identification Using Text and Image Data
* Personal identification using Eigenfeet, Ballprint and Foot geometry biometrics
* phase field model incorporating generic and specific prior knowledge applied to road network extraction from VHR satellite images, A
* Phase PCA for Dynamic Texture Video Compression
* Phase-Based Image Registration Algorithm for Dental Radiograph Identification, A
* Physical Structure Segmentation with Projection Profile for Mathematic Formulae and Graphics in Academic Paper Images
* PI-Line Based Fan-Beam Lambda Imaging without Singularities
* PKCS: A Polynomial Kernel Family With Compact Support for Scale- Space Image Processing
* Planar Feature Extraction in Terrestrial Laser Scans Using Gradient Based Range Image Segmentation
* POCS-Based Iterative Reconstruction Algorithm of Missing Textures
* Point Matching Constraints in Two and Three Views
* Polarimetric and Interferometric SAR Image Partition Into Statistically Homogeneous Regions Based on the Minimization of the Stochastic Complexity
* Polarimetric Azimuthal Spectral Histogram Exposes Types of Mixed Scatterers and the Cause for Unexpected Polarimetric Averages
* Polyp Detection in Colonoscopy Video using Elliptical Shape Feature
* Possibilistic fuzzy co-clustering of large document collections
* Post-Processing Deconvolution Step for Wavelet-Based Image Denoising Methods, A
* Postprocessing of Low Bit-Rate Block DCT Coded Images Based on a Fields of Experts Prior
* PRAAD: Preprocessing and Analysis Tool for Arabic Ancient Documents
* Practical Approach for Super-Resolution using Photometric cue and Graph Cuts, A
* Practical Security of Non-Invertible Watermarking Schemes
* Precise 3-D Measurement using Uncalibrated Pattern Projection
* Precise Localization of Landmarks on 3D Faces using Gabor Wavelets
* Prediction of sweetness and amino acid content in soybean crops from hyperspectral imagery
* Predictive DP Matching for On-Line Character Recognition
* Preliminary experiments in layout analysis of handwritten letters based on textural and spatial information and a 2D Markovian approach
* Primal-Dual Active-Set Method for Non-Negativity Constrained Total Variation Deblurring Problems, A
* Priority pixel queue algorithm for geodesic distance transforms
* prism-based single-lens stereovision system: From trinocular to multi-ocular, A
* probabilistic approach for 3D shape retrieval by characteristic views, A
* Probabilistic egomotion from a statistical framework
* Probabilistic Framework for Geometry Reconstruction using Prior Information, A
* Probabilistic Framework for Recognizing Similar Actions using Spatio-Temporal Features, A
* Probabilistic Inference on Q-ball Imaging Data
* Probabilistic Model-Based Approach to Consistent White Matter Tract Segmentation, A
* Problems Related to the Generation of True-Orthophotos with Lidar DDSMs
* Processing Fine Digital Terrain Models by Markovian Regularization from 3D Airborne Lidar Data
* Processing Full-Waveform Lidar Data: Modelling Raw signals
* Processing of Bistatic SAR Data From Quasi-Stationary Configurations
* profile of MPEG-7 for visual surveillance, A
* Progressive Coding of Surface Light Fields for Efficient Image Based Rendering
* Projection onto a Shape Manifold for Image Segmentation with Prior
* Projective Transformations for Image Transition Animations
* Propagating Image-Level Part Statistics to Enhance Object Detection
* Proposed FPGA Hardware Architecture for High Frame Rate (> 100 fps) Face Detection Using Feature Cascade Classifiers
* Proposition of Retrieval Tools for Historical Document Images Libraries, A
* PSF Recovery from Examples for Blind Super-Resolution
* Pàtrà: A Novel Document Architecture for Integrating Handwriting with Audio-Visual Information
* QoS Evaluation Testbed for Mac Protocols for Wireless Camera Networks, A
* Quality Analysis of 3D Road Reconstruction
* Quality Assessment of Gaussian Blurred Images Using Symmetric Geometric Moments
* Quality Enhancement for Motion JPEG Using Temporal Redundancies
* Quality-Aware Video
* Quantile Linear Algorithm for Robust Binarization of Digitalized Letters
* Quantitative Analysis of 3D Face Reconstruction using Annealing based Approach
* Quantitative Evaluation of Symmetry Detection Algorithms, A
* Query translation based on equivalence classes for heterogeneous multimedia repositories using XML and semantic annotation
* Query-Driven Locally Adaptive Fisher Faces and Expert-Model for Face Recognition
* R-D Optimized Multi-Layer Encoder Control for SVC
* Radar scan conversion for plan position indicator
* Radial Basis Functions Collocation Methods for Model Based Level-Set Segmentation
* Radial Deblurring with FFTs
* Radio Echo Sounding of Pine Island Glacier, West Antarctica: Aperture Synthesis Processing and Analysis of Feasibility From Space
* Radiometric Calibration of ALS Intensity
* Range Image Feature Extraction with Varying Degrees of Data Irregularity
* RASCor: Realtime Associative Stereo Correspondence
* Rate-Distortion Analysis and Bit Allocation Strategy for Motion Estimation at the Decoder using Maximum Likelihood Technique in Distributed Video Coding
* Rate-Distortion Analysis of Motion-Compensated Interpolation at the Decoder in Distributed Video Coding
* Rate-Distortion Based Piecewise Planar 3D Scene Geometry Representation
* Rate-distortion based real-time wireless video streaming
* Rate-Distortion Optimal Depth Maps in the Wavelet Domain for Free-Viewpoint Rendering
* Ray Tracing for Modeling of Small Footprint Airborne Laser Scanning Returns
* RBF-Based Multiphase Level Set Method for Segmentation in Echocardiography using the Statistics of the Radiofrequency Signal, A
* RD-Optimized View Synthesis Prediction for Multiview Video Coding
* Re-quantization Based Semi-Fragile Authentication for General Uniform Quantizer
* Reactive Learning Strategy for AsymBoost Based Face Detectors
* Real time detection of stopped vehicles in traffic scenes
* Real time face recognition using decision fusion of neural classifiers in the visible and thermal infrared spectrum
* Real-time 3D Hand Shape Estimation based on Image Feature Analysis and Inverse Kinematics
* Real-Time Automatic Detection of Violent-Acts by Low-Level Colour Visual Cues
* Real-time camera tracking using sports pitch markings
* Real-Time Decentralized Articulated Motion Analysis and Object Tracking From Videos
* Real-time detection of illegally parked vehicles using 1-D transformation
* Real-Time Human Motion Detection with Distributed Smart Cameras
* Real-Time Humans Detection in Urban Scenes
* Real-Time Moving Object Classification with Automatic Scene Division
* Real-Time Multiple Description Video Streaming over QoS-Based Wireless Networks
* Real-Time Pedestrian Detection using Eigenflow
* Real-Time SLAM with a High-Speed CMOS Camera
* Real-time tracking and identification on an intelligent IR-based surveillance system
* Real-Time Vessel Segmentation and Tracking for Ultrasound Imaging Applications
* Real-time view-based pose recognition and interpolation for tracking initialization
* Real-time vision-based tracking and reconstruction
* Recognition of Broken Characters from Historical Printed Books Using Dynamic Bayesian Networks
* Recognition of Fragmented Characters Using Multiple Feature-Subset Classifiers
* Recognition of Unstained Live Drosophila Cells in Microscope Images
* Recognition Strategies in Machine Vision Applications
* Recognition through constructing the Eigenface classifiers using conjugation indices
* Recognition, Understanding and Aestheticization of Freehand Drawing Flowcharts
* Recognizing 3D Objects using Ray-Triangle Intersection Distances
* Reconstruction of a High Dynamic Range and High Resolution Image from a Multisampled Image Sequence
* Reconstruction of Underwater Image by Bispectrum
* Recovering Intrinsic Images using an Illumination Invariant Image
* Recovering Plot-Specific Diameter Distribution and Height-Diameter Curve Using ALS Based Stand Characteristics
* Recovering Surface Layout from an Image
* Recovering the linguistic components of the manual signs in American Sign Language
* Recovery of Seismic Events by Time-Frequency Peak Filtering
* Rectification of 3D Data Obtained from Moving Range Sensors by using Multiple View Geometry
* Rectification of the chordal axis transform skeleton and criteria for shape decomposition
* Recursive Camera Autocalibration with the Kalman Filter
* Recursive Estimation with Implicit Constraints
* Reduced-Complexity Delayed-Decision Algorithm for Context-Based Image Processing Systems
* Reducing Illumination Based on Nonlinear Gamma Correction
* Redundant Bit Vectors for Robust Indexing and Retrieval of Electronic Ink
* Refining implicit function representations of 3-D scenes
* region and gradient based active contour model and its application in boundary tracking on anal canal ultrasound images, A
* Region Segmentation and Feature Point Extraction on 3D Faces using a Point Distribution Model
* Region-Based Dense Depth Extraction from Multi-View Video
* Registration and Matching of Perspective Surface Normal Maps
* Registration of Agia Sanmarina Lidar Data Using Surface Elements
* Registration of Geometric Deformations in the Presence of Varying Illumination
* Registration of Terrestrial Laser Scans via Image Based Features
* Regularized Data Fusion Improves Image Segmentation
* Regularized fuzzy c-means method for brain tissue clustering
* Regularized Image Recovery in Scattering Media
* Regularized Spectral Matched Filter for Target Detection in Hyperspectral Imagery
* REIN Algorithm and the Influence of Point Cloud Density on nDSM and DTM Precision in a Submediterranean Forest
* Relative Position-Based Spatial Relationships using Mathematical Morphology
* Relative Representation of Trajectories in Geogaphical Spaces, A
* Relaxation Matching for Georegistration of Aerial and Satellite Imagery
* Removal of Correlated Noise by Modeling Spatial Correlations and Interscale Dependencies in the Complex Wavelet Domain
* Removal of Noise by Wavelet Method to Generate High Quality Temporal Data of Terrestrial MODIS Products
* Removing Shading Distortions in Camera-based Document Images Using Inpainting and Surface Fitting With Radial Basis Functions
* Rendering-Oriented Decoding for Distributed Multi-View Coding System
* Representative Image Thumbnails for Good Browsing
* Representing and Characterizing Handwritten Mathematical Symbols through Succinct Functional Approximation
* Representing and recognizing complex events in surveillance applications
* Representing Diffusion MRI in 5-D Simplifies Regularization and Segmentation of White Matter Tracts
* Research on Offline Palmprint Image Enhancement
* Resolution limits of closely spaced random signals given the desired success rate
* Resource Allocation for Downlink Multiuser Video Transmission Over Wireless Lossy Networks
* Restoration of Biomedical Images using Locally Adaptive B-Spline Smoothing
* Restoration of Variable Area Soundtracks
* Results of a Space-Surface Bistatic SAR Image Formation Algorithm
* Retina Layer Segmentation and Spatial Alignment of Antibody Expression Levels
* Retina Sampling Feature Detection and Saccades; A Statistical Perspective.
* Retinal Vessel Detection using Self-Matched Filtering
* Retracted Paper: Invariance image analysis using modified Zernike moments
* Retrieval of Handwritten Lines in Historical Documents
* Retrieving 3-D Topography by Using a Single-Antenna Squint-Mode Airborne SAR
* Reversible Data Hiding in the VQ-Compressed Domain
* Reversible vectorisation of 3D digital planar curves and applications
* Review of Low Frame Rate Effects on Human Performance
* Review of Shape Descriptors for Document Analysis, A
* Rigid Image Registration based on Pixel Grouping
* Rigid Motion Constraints for Tracking Planar Objects
* Road Environment Mapping System of the Finnish Geodetic Institute: FGI Roamer
* Robust Active Appearance Models with Iteratively Rescaled Kernels
* Robust Approach for Eye Localization Under Variable Illuminations, A
* Robust Auto-Calibration using Fundamental Matrices Induced by Pedestrians
* Robust Binarization for Video Text Recognition
* Robust Blind Separation of Statistically Dependent Sources using Dual Tree Wavelets
* Robust Circle Detection
* Robust Document Warping with Interpolated Vector Fields
* Robust Estimation of Knee Kinematics After Total Knee Arthroplasty with Evolutional Computing Approach
* robust eyelash detection based on iris focus assessment, A
* Robust Face Matching Under Large Occlusions
* Robust Focused Image Estimation from Multiple Images in Video Sequences
* Robust GPU-assisted camera tracking using free-form surface models
* Robust GrayScale Distribution Estimation for Contactless Palmprint Recognition
* Robust Hand Geometry Measurements for Person Identification using Active Appearance Models
* Robust Hash for Detecting and Localizing Image Tampering
* Robust High-Speed Melt Pool Measurements for Laser Welding with Sputter Detection Capability
* Robust Homography-Based Trajectory Transformation for Multi-Camera Scene Analysis
* Robust Image Segmentation with Mixtures of Student's t-Distributions
* Robust Image Watermarking Based on Multiband Wavelets and Empirical Mode Decomposition
* robust incremental learning framework for accurate skin region segmentation in color images, A
* Robust Iris Localization and Tracking based on Constrained Visual Fitting
* Robust Iterative Super-Resolution Reconstruction of Image Sequences using a Lorentzian Bayesian Approach with Fast Affine Block-Based Registration, A
* robust joint source channel coding scheme for image transmission over the ionospheric channel, A
* Robust lip Localization on Multi-View Faces in Video
* Robust lip region segmentation for lip images with complex background
* Robust Low-Delay Video Transmission using H.264/AVC Redundant Slices and Flexible Macroblock Ordering
* Robust Matching Method for Distorted Fingerprints, A
* robust measure for visual correspondence, A
* Robust Multi-Modal Group Action Recognition in Meetings from Disturbed Videos with the Asynchronous Hidden Markov Model
* Robust Multi-View Change Detection
* Robust Multiscale AM-FM Demodulation of Digital Images
* Robust Object Segmentation using Adaptive Thresholding
* Robust Object Tracking Against Template Drift
* Robust Object Tracking using Local Kernels and Background Information
* Robust Page Segmentation Based on Smearing and Error Correction Unifying Top-down and Bottom-up Approaches
* Robust Part-Based Face Recognition Using Boosting and Transduction
* Robust Point Spread Function Estimation for Out-of-Focus Blurred and Noisy Images Based on a Distribution of Gradient Vectors on the Polar Plane, A
* Robust real-time tracking by fusing measurements from inertial and vision sensors
* Robust Road Extraction for High Resolution Satellite Images
* Robust Spatial Phase Unwrapping for On-Line MR-Temperature Monitoring
* Robust Target Detection by Spatial/Spectral Restoration Based on Tensor Modelling
* Robust Vehicle Detection Through Multidimensional Classification for on Board Video Based Systems
* ROCAS: A Robust Online Algorithm for Spatial Partitioning in Distributed Smart Camera Systems
* Rotated Constellations for Video Transmission Over Rayleigh Fading Channels
* Rotation Detection using the Curl Equation
* Rotation, Rescaling and Occlusion Invariant Object Retrieval
* Rotation-Independent IRIS Matching by Motion Estimation
* Royalty Cost Based Optimization for Video Compression
* Rule-based classification of multi-temporal satellite imagery for habitat and agricultural land cover mapping
* salienShrink: Saliency-Based Wavelet Shrinkage
* Sample Selection in Textured Images
* Sample-size adaptive self-organization map for color images quantization
* SAR and SPOT Image Registration Based on Mutual Information with Contrast Measure
* SAR Image Autofocus By Sharpness Optimization: A Theoretical Study
* Scalable Coding of High Dynamic Range Video
* Scale Model Experimental Validation and Calibration of the Half-Space Green's Function Born Approximation Model Applied to Cross-Well Radar Sensing
* Scaling and rotation invariant analysis approach to object recognition based on Radon and Fourier-Mellin transforms
* Scaling functions for landscape pattern metrics derived from remotely sensed data: Are their subpixel estimates really accurate?
* ScanSAR-to-Stripmap Mode Interferometry Processing Using ENVISAT/ASAR Data
* Scene Representation Technologies for 3DTV: A Survey
* Schedule-based Pathfinding Algorithm for Transit Networks Using Pattern First Search, A
* Score-level fusion of fingerprint and face matchers for personal verification under stress conditions
* Scream and gunshot detection and localization for audio-surveillance systems
* Searching for Tables in Digital Documents
* Searching Human Behaviors using Spatial-Temporal Words
* Searching surveillance video
* Security Analysis of Impostor Attempts with Respect to Gender in Gait Biometrics
* Security and Accuracy Trade-off in Anonymous Fingerprint Recognition
* Segmentation and Detection of Nuclei in Silver Stained Cell Specimens for Early Cancer Diagnosis
* Segmentation and Modeling of Full Human Body Shape From 3-D Scan Data: A Survey
* Segmentation and Quantification of Human Vessels Using a 3-D Cylindrical Intensity Model
* Segmentation and Recognition of Continuous Gestures
* Segmentation and region of interest based image retrieval in low depth of field observations
* Segmentation Based Recovery of Arbitrarily Warped Document Images
* Segmentation of heterogeneous blob objects through voting and level set formulation
* Segmentation of Images on Polar Coordinate Meshes
* Segmentation of Medical Ultrasound Images using Active Contours
* Segmentation of Multivariate Mixed Data via Lossy Data Coding and Compression
* Segmentation of Retinal Vessels Using Nonlinear Projections
* Segmentation of Text and Graphics from Document Images
* Segmentation of three-dimensional objects from background in digital holograms
* Segmentation of Very Low Resolution Screen-Rendered Text
* Segmentation of Wheat Grains in Thermal Images Based on Pulse Coupled Neural Networks
* Segmentation-Driven Direction-Adaptive Discrete Wavelet Transform
* Segmented AAMs Improve Person-Indepedent Face Fitting
* Segmenting Highly Textured Nonstationary Background
* Segmenting Microarray Image Spots using an Active Contour Approach
* Segmenting Moving Objects in MPEG Videos in the Presence of Camera Motion
* Selection of Local Optical Flow Models by Means of Residual Analysis
* Selective Streaming of Multi-View Video for Head-Tracking 3D Displays
* Self-calibration with Partially Known Rotations
* Self-Defense-Technologies for Automated Teller Machines
* Self-Initializing PolInSAR Classifier Using Interferometric Phase Differences, A
* Semantic-associative visual content labelling and retrieval: A multimodal approach
* Semantics-Based Video Indexing using a Stochastic Modeling Approach
* Semi-Supervised Learning of Switched Dynamical Models for Classification of Human Activities in Surveillance Applications
* Semi-supervised Tumor Detection in Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Images Using Discriminative Random Fields
* Sensitivity Analysis Attacks Against Randomized Detectors
* Separating Rigid Motion for Continuous Shape Evolution
* Sequential, Irregular and Complex Object Contour Tracing on FPGA
* Shape and Reflectance Recovery using Multiple Images with Known Illumination Conditions
* Shape Detection Method Based on the Radial Symmetry Nature and Direction-Discriminated Voting, A
* Shape from Shading for Hybrid Surfaces
* Shape from Texture: Fast Estimation of Planar Surface Orientation via Fourier Analysis
* shape interpolation technique based on inclusion relationships and median sets, A
* Shape Prior Integrated in an Automated 3D Region Growing Method
* Shape Priors by Kernel Density Modeling of PCA Residual Structure
* Shape Recovery Using Stochastic Heat Flow
* Shape-Based Alphabet for Off-line Arabic Handwriting Recognition
* Shared Parts Model for Document Image Recognition, A
* Sharing multiple secrets in visual cryptography
* Shoeprint Image Retrieval by Topological and Pattern Spectra
* Shoreline Based Feature Extraction and Optimal Feature Selection for Segmenting Airborne LiDAR Intensity Images
* Short-Term Tide Prediction
* Show-Through Cancellation in Scanned Images using Blind Source Separation Techniques
* Side Information Generation for Distributed Video Coding
* SIFT Features Tracking for Video Stabilization
* Sight enhancement through video fusion in a surveillance system
* Sign language detection using 3D visual cues
* Signal Processing for FMCW SAR
* Simple Computer Vision Method for Automatic Detection of Melanin Spots in Atlantic Salmon Fillets, A
* Simple Method for Fitting Sphere-Like Surfaces, A
* Simple Method to Build Oversampled Filter Banks and Tight Frames, A
* Simple Representation and Approximate Search of Feature Vectors for Large-Scale Object Recognition
* Simplified Dual-Bitstream MPEG Video Streaming System with VCR Functionalities, A
* Simulating Sampling Efficiency in Airborne Laser Scanning Based Forest Inventory
* Simulations of Short-Time Diffusivity in Lung Airspaces and Implications for S/V Measurements Using Hyperpolarized-Gas MRI
* Simultaneous Estimation of Super-Resolved Image and 3D Information using Multiple Stereo-Pair Images
* Simultaneous Estimation of Surface Motion, Depth and Slopes Under Changing Illumination
* Simultaneous Layout Style and Logical Entity Recognition in a Heterogeneous Collection of Documents
* Simultaneous View Interpolation and Multiplexing Method using Stereo Image Pairs for Lenticular Display, A
* Single camera calibration for trajectory-based behavior analysis
* Single-Pass Polarimetric SAR Interferometry for Vessel Classification
* single-perspective novel panoramic view from radially distorted non-central images, A
* Single-Semantic Multi-Instance Fusion of Handwriting Based Biometric Authentication Systems
* Single-Tree Forest Inventory Using Lidar and Aerial Images for 3D Treetop Positioning, Species Recognition, Height and Crown Width Estimation
* Size-density spectra and their application to image classification
* Skeleton-Based Compression of 3-D Tele-Immersion Data
* Skeleton-Based Tornado Hook Echo Detection
* Skeletonization by Gradient Diffusion and Regularization
* Skeletonization by Gradient Regularization and Diffusion
* Skeletonization using SSM of the Distance Transform
* Skew Detection for Chinese Handwriting by Horizontal Stroke Histogram
* Skin-Aware Local Contrast Enhancement
* Small Baseline Stereovision
* SMARTCLASSYSURV: A Smart Camera Network for Distributed Tracking and Activity Recognition and its Application to Assisted Living
* SNR-Adaptive Linear Fusion of Hyperspectral Images for Color Display
* Soft Color Segmentation and Its Applications
* Software Pipelines Design for Variable Block-Size Motion Estimation with Large Search Range
* Some Techniques for Wow Effect Reduction
* Sound from Gramophone Record Groove Surface Orientation
* Source Camera Identification Based on Camera Gain Histogram
* Space-Frequency Quantization using Directionlets
* Sparse and Locally Shift Invariant Feature Extractor Applied to Document Images, A
* Sparse Gradient Image Reconstruction Done Faster
* Sparse MRF Appearance Models for Fast Anatomical Structure Localisation
* Sparse view stereo matching
* Sparseness Achievement in Hidden Markov Models
* Sparsity and Morphological Diversity in Blind Source Separation
* Spatial Features Based No Reference Image Quality Assessment for JPEG2000
* Spatial modelling of multi-layered LiDAR images using reversible jump MCMC
* Spatial Random Tree Grammars for Modeling Hierarchal Structure in Images with Regions of Arbitrary Shape
* Spatial Texture Models for Video Compression
* Spatially Adaptive Wavelet Transform for Video Coding with Multi-Scale Motion Compensation
* Spatially Variant Apodization for Squinted Synthetic Aperture Radar Images
* Spatio-Spectral Color Filter Array Design for Enhanced Image Fidelity
* Spatio-Temporal Autoregressive Frame Rate Up Conversion Scheme, A
* Spatio-Temporal Defect Pixel Interpolation using 3-D Frequency Selective Extrapolation
* Spatio-Temporal Frequency Analysis of Motion Blur Reduction on LCDs
* Spatio-Temporal Markov Random Field-Based Packet Video Error Concealment
* Spatio-Temporal Registration Techniques for Relightable 3D Video
* Spatiotemporal Independent Component Analysis for the Detection of Functional Responses in Cat Retinal Images
* Spatiotemporal Inpainting for Recovering Texture Maps of Occluded Building Facades
* Spatiotemporal Selective Extrapolation for 3-D Signals and Its Applications in Video Communications
* Special Issue: Celebrating Kanade's Vision
* Speckle reduction using the discrete Fourier filtering technique
* Spectral Generative Models for Graphs
* Sphere detection and tracking for a space capturing operation
* Spline-Based Elastic Image Registration with Matrix-Valued Basis Functions Using Landmark and Intensity Information
* Spoken Handwriting Verification Using Statistical Models
* Stability results for the reconstruction of binary pictures from two projections
* Stationary objects in multiple object tracking
* Stationary target detection using the ObjectVideo surveillance system
* Statistical Analysis of a Linear Algebra Asymmetric Watermarking Scheme
* Statistical analysis of ground truth in human labeled data
* Statistical Approach for Intensity Loss Compensation of Confocal Microscopy Images, A
* Statistical CLEAN Technique for ISAR Imaging
* Statistical Method for People Counting in Crowded Environments, A
* Statistical Multiscale Image Segmentation via Alpha-Stable Modeling
* Statistical Performance Evaluation of Biometric Authentication Systems Using Random Effects Models
* Statistical Properties of Mean Stand Biomass Estimators in a Lidar-Based Double Sampling Forest Survey Design
* Statistical Reconstruction for Cosmic Ray Muon Tomography
* Statistically Driven Sparse Image Approximation
* Steganalysis of LSB Greedy Embedding Algorithm for JPEG Images using Coefficient Symmetry
* Steganalysis of Plus/Minus-1 Embedding using Lossless Image Compression
* Steganalysis using Noise Variance Estimation
* Steganalyzing Texture Images
* Steganography using Sensor Noise and Linear Prediction Synthesis Filter
* Stereo for Image-Based Rendering using Image Over-Segmentation
* Stereo matching using iterative reliable disparity map expansion in the color-spatial-disparity space
* Stereo Matching using Multi-Directional Dynamic Programming and Edge Orientations
* Stereo Matching using Reduced-Graph Cuts
* Stereo vision and segmentation
* Stereo-based 3D Face Modeling using Annealing in Local Energy Minimization
* Stereoscopic System for 3-D Seabed Mosaic Reconstruction
* Stochastic Optimization of Multiple Texture Registration Using Mutual Information
* Strategies for Large Handwritten Farsi/Arabic Lexicon Reduction
* Stream Authentication Based on Generalized Butterfly Graph
* Streaming-Archival InkML Conversion
* Structural Image Segmentation with Interactive Model Generation
* Structural Texture Segmentation using Affine Symmetry
* Structure from Motion via Two-State Pipeline of Extended Kalman Filters
* Structure Preserving Image Interpolation via Adaptive 2D Autoregressive Modeling
* Sub-Pixel Stereo Correspondence Technique Based on 1D Phase-only Correlation, A
* Subiteration-Based Surface-Thinning Algorithm with a Period of Three, A
* Subjective Quality Analysis of Bit Rate Exchange Between Temporal and SNR Scalability in the MPEG4 SVC Extension
* Subspace Extension to Phase Correlation Approach for Fast Image Registration
* Subspace Reduction for Appearance-Based Navigation of a Mobile Robot
* Subspace-Based and DIRECT Algorithms for Distorted Circular Contour Estimation
* Suffix Tree Based Handwritten Chinese Address Recognition System, A
* Summarization of 3D Video by Rate-Distortion Trade-off
* Super Hi-Vision Codec, The
* Super-Resolution Image Reconstruction using the ICM Algorithm
* Super-resolution of faces using the epipolar constraint
* Super-Resolution using Motion and Defocus Cues
* Super-Resolved Facial Texture Under Changing Pose and Illumination
* Superresolution Parallel MRI
* Supervised Classification of Water Regions from Lidar Data in the Wadden Sea Using a Fuzzy Logic Concept
* Supervised Texture Classification Using Characteristic Generalized Gaussian Density
* Support Vector Domain Description Approach to Supervised Classification of Remote Sensing Images, A
* SURE-LET Approach to Image Denoising, The
* Surface Estimation and Tracking using Sequential MCMC Methods for Video Based Rendering
* Surface Harmonics for Shape Modeling
* Surface Integration: Two Statistical Approaches
* Surface Segmentation through Concentrated Curvature
* Survey of 3DTV Displays: Techniques and Technologies, A
* Survey of Computer-Based Deformable Models, A
* Survey of Signal Processing Problems and Tools in Holographic Three-Dimensional Television, A
* SVD-Based Modeling for Image Texture Classification Using Wavelet Transformation
* SVM Based Scheme for Thai and English Script Identification
* SVM-based cursive character recognizer, A
* SVM-Based High-accurate Recognition Approach for Handwritten Numerals by Using Difference Features, An
* Symbol Recognition Using a 2-class Hierarchical Model of Choquet Integrals
* Symmetric Distributed Coding of Stereo Video Sequences
* Synchronised Encoding of GPS NMEA Messages onto High Definition Video Streams
* Synchronization of Processed Audio-Video Signals using Time-Stamps
* Synthesis of Chinese Character Using Affine Transformation
* system for face detection and tracking in unconstrained environments, A
* Systematic Multi-Path HMM Topology Design for Online Handwriting Recognition of East Asian Characters
* Table Recognition and Understanding from PDF Files
* Tamper Detection Based on Regularity of Wavelet Transform Coefficients
* TanDEM-X: A Satellite Formation for High-Resolution SAR Interferometry
* Target Detection and Texture Segmentation in Polarimetric SAR Images Using a Wavelet Frame: Theoretical Aspects
* Target Detection Through Robust Motion Segmentation and Tracking Restrictions in Aerial FLIR Images
* Technology, applications and innovations in physical security: A home office perspective
* Telegraph-Diffusion Operator for Image Enhancement
* Template Tracking with Observation Relevance Determination
* Temporally Consistent Gaussian Random Field for Video Semantic Analysis
* Ten Years of Digital Visual Restoration Systems
* Tensor Splines for Interpolation and Approximation of DT-MRI With Applications to Segmentation of Isolated Rat Hippocampi
* Tensor Voting Fields: Direct Votes Computation and New Saliency Functions
* Tensor-Based Filter Design using Kernel Ridge Regression
* Terrestrial Laser Scanning Versus Traditional Forest Inventory First Results from the Polish Forests
* Terrestrial Lidar Measurents for Analysing Canopy Structure in an Old-Growth Forest
* Texas Two-Step: A Framework for Optimal Multi-Input Single-Output Deconvolution
* Text and Layout Information Extraction from Document Files of Various Formats Based on the Analysis of Page Description Language
* Text Extraction and Document Image Segmentation Using Matched Wavelets and MRF Model
* Text Input System Using Online Overlapped Handwriting Recognition for Mobile Devices
* Text Line Detection in Unconstrained Handwritten Documents Using a Block-Based Hough Transform Approach
* Text Line Segmentation of Historical Arabic Documents
* Text search for medieval manuscript images
* Text Segmentation from Complex Background Using Sparse Representations
* Text-Independent Writer Identification and Verification on Offline Arabic Handwriting
* Text/Non-text Ink Stroke Classification in Japanese Handwriting Based on Markov Random Fields
* Texture Classification Based on Discriminative Features Extracted in the Frequency Domain
* Texture Synthesis Method for Generic Video Sequences
* Texture-Based Infrared Image Segmentation by Combined Merging and Partitioning
* Theory of Automatic Parameter Selection for Feature Extraction With Application to Feature-Based Multisensor Image Registration, A
* Thin-Pavement Thickness Estimation Using GPR With High-Resolution and Superresolution Methods
* Thousand Words in a Scene, A
* Three decision levels strategy for Arabic and Latin texts differentiation in printed and handwritten natures
* Three Dimensional Face Recognition using Wavelet Decomposition of Range Images
* Three-Step Nonlinear Lifting Scheme for Lossless Image Compression, A
* Time Reversal Beamforming for Microwave Breast Cancer Detection
* Time Varying Volumetric Scene Reconstruction Using Scene Flow
* Time-Reversal MUSIC Imaging of Extended Targets
* Time-Varying Linear Autoregressive Models for Segmentation
* Time-Varying Mesh Compression Using an Extended Block Matching Algorithm
* Tomographic Approach for Parametric Estimation of Local Diffusive Sources and Application to Heat Diffusion
* Topdown Algorithm for Computation of Level Line Trees, A
* Topological Gradient Operators for Edge Detection
* Topological-Stabilization Based Threshold Quantization for Robust Change Detection
* Topology Estimation for Thousand-Camera Surveillance Networks
* Topology Preserving Marching Cubes-like Algorithms on the Face-Centered Cubic Grid
* Topology-Preserved Diffusion Distance for Histogram Comparison
* Toponym Recognition in Scanned Color Topographic Maps
* Total Occlusion Correction using Invariant Wavelet Features
* Total Variation Image Restoration and Parameter Estimation using Variational Posterior Distribution Approximation
* Toward a Human-Like Approach to Face Recognition
* Toward an Optimal Solution for Multitarget Tracking
* Towards Automated Visual Assessment of Progress in Construction Projects
* Towards Explainable Writer Verification and Identification Using Vantage Writers
* Towards fast 3D ear recognition for real-life biometric applications
* Towards Quality of Service for Peer-to-Peer Video Multicast
* Towards Real-Time Traffic Sign Recognition by Class-Specific Discriminative Features
* Towards Real-World Face De-Identification
* Towards robust face recognition for Intelligent-CCTV based surveillance using one gallery image
* Towards the Estimation of Tree Structural Class in Northwest Coastal Forests Using Lidar Remote Sensing
* Tracing Curvilinear Structures in Live Cell Images
* Tracking by Combining Photometric Normalization and Color Invariants According to their Relevance
* Tracking by using dynamic shape model learning in the presence of occlusion
* Tracking of two acoustic sources in reverberant environments using a particle swarm optimizer
* Tracking Persons using Particle Filter Fusing Visual and Wi-Fi Localizations for Widely Distributed Camera
* Tracking Through Clutter Using Graph Cuts
* Tracking Using Online Feature Selection and a Local Generative Model
* trainable system for face detection in unconstrained environments, A
* Trained Bilateral Filters and Applications to Coding Artifacts Reduction
* Transcoding from H.264/AVC to SVC with CGS Layers
* Transform Coder Classification for Digital Image Forensics
* Transform-Invariance in Local Averaging Classifier for Handwritten Digit Pattern Recognition
* Transformation invariant SOM clustering in Document Image Analysis
* Transmission of Post-Filter Hints for Video Coding Schemes
* Transmission-Distortion Tradeoffs in Network Channel Coding
* Transport Methods in 3DTV: A Survey
* Tree Detection and Diameter Estimations by Analysis of Forest Terrestrial Laserscanner Point Clouds
* Tree Height Estimation Methods for Terrestrial Laser Scanning in a Forest Reserve
* Tuning Asymboost Cascades Improves Face Detection
* Twister Segment Morphological Filtering. A New Method for Live Zebrafish Embryos Confocal Images Processing
* Two Approaches for Arabic Script Recognition-Based Segmentation Using the Hough Transform
* Two Level Cost-Quality Optimization of 9-7 Lifting-Based Discrete Wavelet Transform
* Two Stage Recognition Scheme for Handwritten Tamil Characters, A
* Two Statistical Measures of Similarity for Object Association and Tracking in Color Image Sequences
* Two-Stage Fusion Scheme using Multiple Fingerprint Impressions, A
* Two-Step Algorithms for Linear Inverse Problems with Non-Quadratic Regularization
* Two-way interactive refinement of segmented medical volumes
* Two-Way Video Communication Based on Network Coding
* Ultrasound image guided patient setup for prostate cancer conformal radiotherapy
* Ultrawideband Synthetic Aperture Radar Landmine Detection
* Unambiguous Dynamic Diffraction Patterns for 3D Depth Profile Measurement
* Uncalibrated View-Synthesis Pipeline, An
* Uncorrelated linear discriminant analysis based on weighted pairwise Fisher criterion
* Understanding Cognitive and Affective States Using Eyelid Movements
* Unequal Length First-Order Linear-Phase Filter Banks for Efficient Image Coding
* Unification of Evidence Theoretic Fusion Algorithms: A Case Study in Level-2 and Level-3 Fingerprint Features
* Unified Approach to Superresolution and Multichannel Blind Deconvolution, A
* Unified Computational Framework for Deconvolution to Reconstruct Multiple Fibers From Diffusion Weighted MRI, A
* Unified Framework for Symbol Segmentation and Recognition of Handwritten Mathematical Expressions, A
* Unified Hybrid Terrain Representation Based on Local Convexifications
* Unifying Energy Minimization and Mutual Information Maximization for Robust 2D/3D Registration of X-Ray and CT Images
* Universal Background Models for Dynamic Signature Verification
* Universal Camera Calibration with Automatic Distortion Model Selection
* Unscented Kalman Filter for Image Estimation in Film-Grain Noise
* Unseen Visible Watermarking
* Unsupervised Approach for Segmentation and Clustering of Soccer Players, An
* Unsupervised Category Discovery in Images Using Sparse Neural Coding
* Unsupervised Classification of Scattering Mechanisms in Polarimetric SAR Data Using Fuzzy Logic in Entropy and Alpha Plane
* Unsupervised extraction of coherent regions for image based rendering
* Unsupervised Fuzzy Clustering for Trajectory Analysis
* Unsupervised Learning of Shape Manifolds
* Unsupervised Lips Segmentation Based on ROI Optimisation and Parametric Model
* Unsupervised Modeling of Object Tracks for Fast Anomaly Detection
* Unsupervised Newspaper Segmentation Using Language Context
* Unsupervised Nonlinear Manifold Learning
* Unsupervised Segmentation With an Adaptive Number of Clusters Using the SPAN/H/alpha/A Space and the Complex Wishart Clustering for Fully Polarimetric SAR Data Analysis, An
* Unwarping scanned image of Japanese/English documents
* Usage-Oriented Performance Evaluation for Text Localization Algorithms
* Use of a Confusion Network to Detect and Correct Errors in an On-Line Handwritten Sentence Recognition System
* Use of Legal Amount to Confirm or Correct the Courtesy Amount on Farsi Bank Checks
* User Assisted Separation of Reflections from a Single Image Using a Sparsity Prior
* Using a Markov Network to Recognize People in Consumer Images
* Using a Multi-Instance Enrollment Representation to Improve 3D Face Recognition
* Using Airborne Laser-Scanner-Data in Forestry Management: A Novel Approach to Single Tree Delineation
* Using Airborne Lidar for the Assessment of Canopy Structure Influences on CO2 Fluxes
* Using Airborne Small-Footprint Laser Scanner to Assess the Quantity of Seedlings in an Uneven-Aged Spruce Forest
* Using background audio change detection for segmenting video
* Using Bayesian Network for combining classifiers
* Using behavior analysis algorithms to anticipate security threats before they impact mission critical operations
* Using Calibrated Camera for Euclidean Path Modeling
* Using DaVinci Technology for Digital Video Devices
* Using Dempster-Shafer Theory to Fuse Multiple Information Sources in Region-Based Segmentation
* Using Grammar-Based Recognizers for Symbol Completion in Diagrammatic Sketches
* Using H.264/AVC-Intra for Segmentation-Driven Compound Document Coding
* Using Hidden Markov Models as a Tool for Handwritten Text Line Segmentation
* Using Particle Filter to Track and Model Microtubule Dynamics
* Using Phase and Magnitude Information of the Complex Directional Filter Bank for Texture Image Retrieval
* Using Priors for Improving Generalization in Non-Rigid Structure-from-Motion
* Using pseudo amino acid composition to predict protein subnuclear localization: Approached with PSSM
* Using Random Forests for Handwritten Digit Recognition
* Using Smart Cameras to Localize Self-Assembling Modular Robots
* Using social effects to guide tracking in complex scenes
* Using Structured Illumination to Enhance Video-Based Eye Tracking
* Utilizing Airborne Laser Intensity for Tree Species Classification
* Utilizing HDTV Displays to its Full Potential and its Impact on Video Compression
* Validation of Airborne Lidar Intensity Values from a Forested Landscape Using HYMAP data: Preliminary Analyses
* Vanishing Point Detection in Complex Man-made Worlds
* Variability in Soft Classification Prediction and Its Implications for Sub-pixel Scale Change Detection and Super Resolution Mapping
* Variable structuring element based fuzzy morphological operations for single viewpoint omnidirectional images
* Variational Approach to Exploit Prior Information in Object-Background Segregation: Application to Retinal Images, A
* Variational Bayesian Blind Image Deconvolution with Student-T Priors
* variational framework combining level-sets and thresholding., A
* Variational Framework for Partially Occluded Image Segmentation using Coarse to Fine Shape Alignment and Semi-Parametric Density Approximation, A
* Variational Models for Image Colorization via Chromaticity and Brightness Decomposition
* Variational Recovery Method for Virtual View Synthesis, A
* VCPSS: A two-in-one two-decoding-options image sharing method combining visual cryptography (VC) and polynomial-style sharing (PSS) approaches
* Vector Model Based Indexing and Retrieval of Handwritten Medical Forms
* Vehicle Classification on Multi-Sensor Smart Cameras Using Feature- and Decision-Fusion
* Vehicle Ego-Motion Estimation by using Pulse-Coupled Neural Network
* Vehicular traffic density estimation via statistical methods with automated state learning
* Verbal aggression detection in complex social environments
* Verification of Handwritten Signatures: an Overview
* Verifying Fingerprint Match by Local Correlation Methods
* Video analytics for retail
* Video Biometrics
* Video Coding Using a Complex Wavelet Transform and Set Partitioning
* Video Content Representation by Incremental Non-Negative Matrix Factorization
* Video Face Recognition: A Physiological and Behavioural Multimodal Approach
* Video Modeling by Spatio-Temporal Resampling and Bayesian Fusion
* Video Object Motion Segmentation for Intelligent Visual Surveillance
* Video Object Tracking Based on a Chamfer Distance Transform
* Video Objects Segmentation by Robust Background Modeling
* Video Quality Assessment by Incorporating a Motion Perception Model
* Video Segmentation and Semantics Extraction from the Fusion of Motion and Color Information
* Video Semantic Content Analysis based on Ontology
* Video Surveillance and SOS Request
* Video verification of point of sale transactions
* Video Watermarking Based on 3-D Complex Wavelet, A
* Video Watermarking Scheme Resistant to Geometric Transformations, A
* Video-rate recognition and localization for wearable cameras
* View adaptive detection and distributed site wide tracking
* View on the Past and Future of Character and Document Recognition, A
* View Scalable Multiview Video Coding Using 3-D Warping With Depth Map
* View Synthesis for Robust Distributed Video Compression in Wireless Camera Networks
* View-Based Robot Localization Using Spherical Harmonics: Concept and First Experimental Results
* View-Based Web Page Retrieval using Interactive Sketch Query
* View-invariant human feature extraction for video-surveillance applications
* Virtual Mirror: Real-Time Tracking of Shoes in Augmented Reality Environments
* Vision and Rain
* Vision based anti-collision system for rail track maintenance vehicles
* Vision-based bicycle/motorcycle classification
* Vision-based hand shape estimation is a challenging
* Vision-based monitoring of pedestrian crossings
* Visual Correlates of Fixation Selection: A Look at the Spatial Frequency Domain
* Visual feature group matching for autonomous robot localization
* Visual Interactive Systems for End-User Development: A Model-Based Design Methodology
* Visualization Tool to Improve the Performance of a Classifier Based on Hidden Markov Models, A
* Volumetric Reconstruction with Compressed Data
* VQ-Based Demosaicing by Self-Similarity, A
* VSNR: A Wavelet-Based Visual Signal-to-Noise Ratio for Natural Images
* Walled LTSA Array for Rapid, High Spatial Resolution, and Phase-Sensitive Imaging to Visualize Plastic Landmines
* WarpCut: Fast Obstacle Segmentation in Monocular Video
* Water Level Detection for Functionally Layered Video Coding
* Watershed algorithm for moving object extraction considering energy minimization by snakes
* Watershed Segmentation Using a Multiscale Ramp Edge Merging Strategy
* Wave Interferometry Applied to Borehole Radar: Virtual Multioffset Reflection Profiling
* Waveform Analysis Techniques in Airborne Laser Scanning
* Waveform Features for Tree Identification
* Wavelet domain watermark embedding strategy using TTCQ quantization
* Wavelet Maxima and Moment Invariants Based Iris Feature Extraction
* Wavelet-Based Detection and Its Application to Tracking in an IR Sequence
* Wavelet-Based Noise-Aware Method for Fusing Noisy Imagery, A
* Wavelet-Based Texture Retrieval using Independent Component Analysis
* Web Document Parsing: A New Approach to Modeling Layout-Language Relations
* WEB Image Classification Based on the Fusion of Image and Text Classifiers
* WebGIS for Spatial Data Processing, Analysis, and Distribution for the MER 2003 Mission, A
* Weight-proportional Space Partitioning Using Adaptive Voronoi Diagrams
* Weighted Adaptive Lifting-Based Wavelet Transform
* Weighted Co-SVM for Image Retrieval with MVB Strategy
* Weighted Finite-State Framework for Correcting Errors in Natural Scene OCR, A
* Weighting Function Alternatives for a Subpixel Allocation Model
* What are customers looking at?
* Who are you? Real-time person identification
* Window Detection in Facades
* Window-Based Image Registration using Variable Window Sizes
* Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Images Enhancement using Contrast Driven Forward and Backward Anisotropic Diffusion
* Word Co-occurrence and Markov Random Fields for Improving Automatic Image Annotation
* Word image based latent semantic indexing for conceptual querying in document image databases
* Writer Identification in Handwritten Documents
* Writer Identification Using Steered Hermite Features and SVM
* Wrongway Drivers Detection Based on Optical Flow
* Wyner-Ziv Coding of Multi-View Omnidirectional Images with Overcomplete Decompositions
* XML Data Representation in Document Image Analysis
* Young author award special issue
* Zipf's Law in Image Coding Schemes
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Last update:15-Jan-25 15:03:25
Use price@usc.edu for comments.