Update Dates 1311

1311 * *3D Imaging, Modeling, Processing, Visualization and Transmission
* *Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition
* *International Workshop on Image and Data Fusion (IWIDF)
* *ISPRS International Symposium on Spatial Data Quality
* *ISPRS Symposium CIPA
* *ISPRS Symposium SMPR
* *ISPRS Symposium UAV-g
* 2D Hyperspectral Frame Imager Camera Data in Photogrammetric Mosaicking
* 2D/3D semantic annotation towards a set of spatially-oriented photographs
* 3D Architectural Videomapping
* 3D Digital Model Database Applied to Conservation and Research of Wooden Construction in China
* 3D Digital Simulation of Minnan Temple Architecture Caisson's Craft Techniques
* 3D Documentation of a Historical Monument Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning Case Study: Byzantine Water Cistern, Istanbul
* 3D Face Template Registration Using Normal Maps
* 3D GIS Method Applied to Cataloging and Restoring: The Case Of Aurelian Walls at Rome, A
* 3D Human Tracking in a Top View Using Depth Information Recorded by the Xtion Pro-Live Camera
* 3D Implicit Shape Models Using Ray Based Hough Voting for Furniture Recognition
* 3D Information System for the Documentation of Archaeological Excavations, A
* 3D Interest Points Detection Using Symmetric Surround-Based Surface Saliency
* 3D Mesh Decomposition Using Protrusion and Boundary Part Detection
* 3D Modeling and Data Enrichment in Digital Reconstruction of Architectural Heritage
* 3D Modeling of Headstones of the 2nd and 3rd Century by Low Cost Photogrammetric Techniques
* 3D Modeling of Historical Doger Caravansaries by Digital Photogrammetry
* 3D Object Class Geometry Modeling with Spatial Latent Dirichlet Markov Random Fields
* 3D Object Coordinates Extraction by Radargrammetry and Multi Step Image Matching
* 3D Object Pose Estimation Using Viewpoint Generative Learning
* 3D Object Recognition by Surface Registration of Interest Segments
* 3D Photographs in Cultural Heritage
* 3D Reconstruction and Modeling of Subterranean Landscapes in Collaborative Mining Archeology Projects: Techniques, Applications and Experiences
* 3D Reconstruction of Ancient Egyptian Rock-Cut Tombs: The Case of MIDAN05
* 3D Semantic Parameterization for Human Shape Modeling: Application to 3D Animation
* 3D Shape Estimation Based on Sparsity in Stereo Matching
* 3D Tracking of Honeybees Enhanced by Environmental Context
* 3D-RTK Capability of Single GNSS Receivers
* 3DVEM Software Modules for Efficient Management of Point Clouds and Photorealistic 3D Models
* Abnormal acoustic event localization based on selective frequency bin in high noise environment for audio surveillance
* About the Applications of Unmixing-Based Denoising for Hyperspectral Data
* Accuracy Assessment of a Canal-Tunnel 3D Model by Comparing Photogrammetry and Laserscanning Recording Techniques
* Accuracy Comparison of Digital Surface Models Created by Unmanned Aerial Systems Imagery and Terrestrial Laser Scanner
* Accuracy to Differentiate Mild Cognitive Impairment in Parkinson's Disease Using Cortical Features
* Accurate 3D Multi-marker Tracking in X-ray Cardiac Sequences Using a Two-Stage Graph Modeling Approach
* Accurate Fibre Orientation Measurement for Carbon Fibre Surfaces
* Accurate Georegistration of Point Clouds Using Geographic Data
* Acquire High Quality Meshes of Scale Models for an Automatic Modelling Process
* Acquisition of Agronomic Images with Sufficient Quality by Automatic Exposure Time Control and Histogram Matching
* Action Recognition with HOG-OF Features
* Activity recognition and localization on a truck parking lot
* Activity recognition and uncertain knowledge in video scenes
* Adaptation of Audiovisual Contents and Their Delivery Means
* adaptive bandwidth nonlocal means image denoising in wavelet domain, An
* Adaptive Compression of Stereoscopic Images
* Adaptive Edge Detection Using Adjusted Ant Colony Optimization
* Adaptive H-Extrema for Automatic Immunogold Particle Detection
* Adaptive Learning Rate Method for Improving Adaptability of Background Models, An
* Adaptive Semantic Visualization for Bibliographic Entries
* Adaptive Spatial Filtering of Interferometric Data Stack Oriented to Distributed Scatterers
* Adaptive Spatio-temporal Filtering of 4D CT-Heart
* Adaptive Two Phase Sparse Representation Classifier for Face Recognition
* Adding Discriminative Power to Hierarchical Compositional Models for Object Class Detection
* Advances in Texture Analysis for Emphysema Classification
* Adverse Driving Conditions Alert: Investigations on the SWIR Bandwidth for Road Status Monitoring
* Aerosol Variability Observed with RPAS
* Age Estimation Using Local Binary Pattern Kernel Density Estimate
* Agricultural Land Classification Based on Statistical Analysis of Full Polarimetric SAR Data
* Airborne Based High Performance Crowd Monitoring for Security Applications
* Airborne Downward Looking Sparse Linear Array 3-D SAR Heterogeneous Parallel Simulation
* All-in-One Laser Scanning Methods for Surveying, Representing and Sharing Information on Archaeology. via Flaminia and the Furlo Tunnel Complex
* Alternating Optimization for Lambertian Photometric Stereo Model with Unknown Lighting Directions
* Amplitude-only log Radon transform for geometric invariant shape descriptor
* Analysing the Law of Dynamic Subsidence in Mining Area by Fusing INSAR and Leveling Measurements
* Analysing User Needs for a Unified 3D Metadata Recording and Exploitation of Cultural Heritage Monuments System
* Analysis and Inter-Calibration of Wet Path Delay Datasets to Compute the Wet Tropospheric Correction for CryoSat-2 over Ocean
* Analysis control middleware for large-scale video surveillance
* Analysis of Bat Wing Beat Frequency Using Fourier Transform
* Analysis of Dynamic Processes by Statistical Moments of High Orders
* Analysis of the Influence of Distance on Data Acquisition Intensity Forestry Targets by a LIDAR Technique with Terrestrial Laser Scanner
* Analysis of the Phenology in the Mongolian Plateau by Inter-Comparison of Global Vegetation Datasets
* Analysis of WD Face Dictionary for Sparse Coding Based Face Recognition
* Analysis on the Change of Vegetation Coverage in Qinghai Province from 2000 to 2012
* Analytic Model of Energy-Absorption Response Functions in Compound X-ray Detector Materials
* Analyzing computational imaging systems
* Ancient Rome Worldwide Links: Sharing Knowledge to Preserve the Roots
* Anisotropic Diffusion and Curve Evolution for Segmentation of Color Images in Cultural Heritage
* Ants Crawling to Discover the Community Structure in Networks
* APFel: The intelligent video analysis and surveillance system for assisting human operators
* Application of 3D Laser Scanning in the Protection of Grottoes and Carvings in China, The
* Application of a Minimum-Disturbance Description to Constrained Adaptive Filters
* Application of ALOS and Envisat Data in Improving Multi-Temporal InSAR Methods for Monitoring Damavand Volcano and Landslide Deformation in the Center of Alborz Mountains, North Iran
* Application of Data Fusion in the Production and Updating of Spatial Data
* Application of Local Binary Pattern to Windowed Nonlocal Means Image Denoising
* Application of radar polarimetry techniques for retrieval snow and rain characteristics in remote sensing
* Application of Remote Sensing and Aero-Geophysics Data Fusion on Metallogenic Prognosis in Qimantage of East Kunlun Montain Area, The
* Application of Survey in Er Wang Temple Restituting, The
* Applications of Integrated Survey for Historical Heritage's Knowledge: Digital Modeling of the Villa Rufolo's Moorish Cloister in Ravello
* Apprenticeship Learning: Transfer of Knowledge via Dataset Augmentation
* Approximate polytope ensemble for one-class classification
* Approximate Sorting
* Approximated Overlap Error for the Evaluation of Feature Descriptors on 3D Scenes
* Approximating the Skeleton for Fine-to-Coarse Shape Representation
* Approximations of Gaussian Process Uncertainties for Visual Recognition Problems
* Arabic font recognition based on diacritics features
* Arabic Optical Character Recognition System Using Restricted Boltzmann Machines, An
* Arabic Printed Word Recognition Using Windowed Bernoulli HMMs
* Archaeological Rescue Excavation and Digitalization of Cultural Heritage
* Architecture for Automated Fire Detection Early Warning System Based on Geoprocessing Service Composition, An
* Are Haar-Like Rectangular Features for Biometric Recognition Reducible?
* Area-Based Approach for Mapping and Monitoring Riverine Vegetation Using Mobile Laser Scanning
* Articulated Human Detection with Flexible Mixtures of Parts
* Aspects of DEM Generation from UAS Imagery
* Assesment and Evluation of the Impact of Using Polsar Imageries with Diferent Incident Angles in Forest Classification
* Assessing Uncertainties in Accuracy of Landuse Classification Using Remote Sensing Images
* Assessing Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) Quality Based on Contributors' Mapping Behaviours
* Assessing Water Stress of Desert Tamarugo Trees Using in situ Data and Very High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing
* Assessment of Cardiac Motion Effects on the Fiber Architecture of the Human Heart In Vivo
* Assisted Multi-view Stereo Reconstruction
* Astronomical Image Data Reduction for Moving Object Detection
* Asymmetry as a Measure of Visual Saliency
* Attributed Relational SIFT-Based Regions Graph for Art Painting Retrieval
* Audio surveillance using a bag of aural words classifier
* Augmented Motion History Volume for Spatiotemporal Editing of 3-D Video in Multiparty Interaction Scenes
* Auto-encoder Based Data Clustering
* Automated Cell Counting in Bürker Chamber
* Automated Cognitive Health Assessment Using Smart Home Monitoring of Complex Tasks
* Automated Ground-Plane Estimation for Trajectory Rectification
* Automated Tracing of Retinal Blood Vessels Using Graphical Models
* Automated Visual Inspection System for the Classification of the Phases of Ti-6Al-4V Titanium Alloy, An
* Automatic 3D Mapping Using Multiple Uncalibrated Close Range Images
* Automatic Annotation of Medical Records in Spanish with Disease, Drug and Substance Names
* Automatic Camera Calibration for Cultural Heritage Applications Using Unstructured Planar Objects
* Automatic Cryptosporidium and Giardia viability detection in treated water
* Automatic Deformation Inspection Method for Digital Aerial Imagery Based on Statistical Characteristics
* Automatic Graph Building Approach for Spectral Clustering
* Automatic Isolation of Blurred Images from UAV Image Sequences
* Automatic lane detection from vehicle motion trajectories
* Automatic Level Set Based Cerebral Vessel Segmentation and Bone Removal in CT Angiography Data Sets
* Automatic Model Selection for 3D Reconstruction of Buildings from Satellite Imagary
* Automatic Monitoring of Pig Activity Using Image Analysis
* Automatic Music Stretching Resistance Classification Using Audio Features and Genres
* Automatic Optimization of Alignment Parameters for Tomography Datasets
* Automatic Pain Intensity Estimation with Heteroscedastic Conditional Ordinal Random Fields
* Automatic Procedural Modeling of Tree Structures in Point Clouds Using Wavelets
* Automatic Rail Extraction in Terrestrial and Airborne LiDAR Data
* Automatic Registration of Smooth Object Image to 3D CAD Model for Industrial Inspection Applications
* automatic system for sports analytics in multi-camera tennis videos, An
* Automatic User-Specific Avatar Parametrisation and Emotion Mapping
* Automatic Verification of Parent-Child Pairs from Face Images
* Automatically Extracting Hairstyles from 2D Images
* Automating the Measurement of Red Coral in Situ Using Underwater Photogrammetry and Coded Targets
* Average Common Submatrix: A New Image Distance Measure
* AWARE: A video monitoring library applied to the Air Traffic Control context
* BabyTalk: Understanding and Generating Simple Image Descriptions
* Balloon Shapes: Reconstructing and Deforming Objects with Volume from Images
* Basic Shape Classification Using Spatially Normalised Fourier Shape Signature
* Bayesian Approach to Tracking Learning Detection, A
* Bayesian Non-parametric Image Segmentation with Markov Random Field Prior
* Beat Synchronous Dance Animation Based on Visual Analysis of Human Motion and Audio Analysis of Music Tempo
* Benchmarking Datasets for Breast Cancer Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CADx)
* Benchmarking GPU-Based Phase Correlation for Homography-Based Registration of Aerial Imagery
* Benchmarking HEp-2 Cells Classification Methods
* Bi-clustering via MDL-Based Matrix Factorization
* Bi-level Relative Information Analysis for Multiple-Shot Person Re-Identification
* BIM for Cultural Heritage
* Binocular video object tracking with fast disparity estimation
* Biologically Inspired Anomaly Detection in Pap-Smear Images
* Blind Deconvolution Using Alternating Maximum a Posteriori Estimation with Heavy-Tailed Priors
* Blind Invisible Watermarking Technique in DT-CWT Domain Using Visual Cryptography
* Bone Age Assessment Using the Classifying Generalized Hough Transform
* Boruvka Meets Nearest Neighbors
* Boundary Based Supervised Classification of Hyperspectral Images with Limited Training Samples
* Boundary reconstruction in binary images using splines
* Breast Parenchymal Pattern Analysis in Digital Mammography: Associations between Tabár and Birads Tissue Compositions
* Bringing it All Together: Networking Heritage Inventories in England
* Building facade detection, segmentation, and parameter estimation for mobile robot stereo vision
* Bundle Methods for Structured Output Learning: Back to the Roots
* Bus Detection for Intelligent Transport Systems Using Computer Vision
* Camera Distance from Face Images
* Canopy Density Mapping on Ultracam-D Aerial Imagery in Zagros Woodlands, Iran
* Cascaded Random Forest for Fast Object Detection
* central profile-based 3D face pose estimation, A
* Cervical Cell Classification Using Features Related to Morphometry and Texture of Nuclei
* Change Detection and Dynamic Analysis Based on Remote Sensing Images
* Change Detection of Multi-Polarimetric SAR Data Based on Principal Component Analysis
* Characterizing Spatters in Laser Welding of Thick Steel Using Motion Flow Analysis
* CICE-BCubed: A New Evaluation Measure for Overlapping Clustering Algorithms
* Circleless 2D/3D Total Station: A Low Cost Instrument for Surveying, Recording Point Clouds, Documentation, Image Acquisition and Visualisation, A
* Circularity and self-similarity analysis for the precise location of the pupils
* Class Representative Computation Using Graph Embedding
* Classification of Polarimetric SAR Image Based on the Subspace Method
* Classification of Pollen Apertures Using Bag of Words
* Classification of RGB-D and Motion Capture Sequences Using Extreme Learning Machine
* classification-oriented dictionary learning model: Explicitly learning the particularity and commonality across categories, A
* Classified-Distance Based Shape Descriptor for Application to Image Retrieval
* Classifier Comparison for Repeating Motion Based Video Classification
* Classifier Fusion of Hyperspectral and Lidar Remote Sensing Data for Improvement of Land Cover Classifcation
* Cleaning Up Multiple Detections Caused by Sliding Window Based Object Detectors
* Close Range Photogrammetry Applied to the Documentation of an Archaeological Site in Gaza Strip, Palestine
* Close-Range Photogrammetric Tools for Small 3D Archeological Objects
* Cloud Detection Method Based on Feature Extraction in Remote Sensing Images
* Cloud GIS and 3D Modelling to Enhance Sardinian Late Gothic Architectural Heritage
* Clustering-Based Approach for Evaluation of EO Image Indexing, A
* Co-occurrence-based adaptive background model for robust object detection
* Coded 3d Calibration Method for Line-Scan Cameras, A
* Color Image Compression by Riemannian B-Tree Triangular Coding
* Color Transfer Based on Earth Mover's Distance and Color Categorization
* Color-Based Selective and Interactive Filter Using Weighted TV, A
* Combined Supervised / Unsupervised Algorithm for Skin Detection: A Preliminary Phase for Face Detection
* Combining Texture and Shape Descriptors for Bioimages Classification: A Case of Study in ImageCLEF Dataset
* Combining Unsupervised Clustering with a Non-linear Deformation Model for Efficient Petroglyph Recognition
* Comparative Analysis of Low-Level Radio Frequency Interference in SMOS and Aquarius Microwave Radiometer Measurements, A
* Comparative Study Between Pair-Point Clique and Multi-Point Clique Markov Random Field Models for Land Cover Classification, A
* Comparing Binary Iris Biometric Templates Based on Counting Bloom Filters
* Comparing Quality Measures for Contrast Pattern Classifiers
* Comparing Urban Impervious Surface Identification Using Landsat and High Resolution Aerial Photography
* Comparison between SAR Soil Moisture Estimates and Hydrological Model Simulations over the Scrivia Test Site
* Comparison of 3D Reconstruction Services and Terrestrial Laser Scanning for Cultural Heritage Documentation
* Comparison of Different Classifiers Architectures for Electrocardiogram Artefacts Recognition, A
* Comparison of Directional Distances for Hand Pose Estimation, A
* Comparison of Empirical and Inteligent Methods for Dust Detection Using Modis Satellite Data, A
* Comparison of LASER Scanning and Structure from Motion as Applied to the Great Barn at Harmondsworth, UK, A
* Comparison of Myoelectric Pattern Recognition Methods to Control an Upper Limb Active Exoskeleton, A
* Comparison of Point Matching Techniques for Road Network Matching
* Comparison of Three Approaches for Scenario Classification for the Automotive Field
* Comparison of two 3D tracking paradigms for freely flying insects
* Comparison of Two Fusion Based Building Change Detection Methods Using Satellite Stereo Imagery and DSMS
* Comparison of Two Phase Unwrapping Methods for PSP Time Series Analysis
* Complexity Outage Probability of MIMO Detection in Multiple-User Scenario
* Composable Strategy for Shredded Document Reconstruction, A
* Computational Methods for Selective Acquisition of Depth Measurements: An Experimental Evaluation
* Concepts and Technologies for a Comprehensive Information System for Historical Research and Heritage Documentation
* Conditional Bayesian networks for action detection
* Confidence-Based Surface Prior for Energy-Minimization Stereo Matching
* Conformal Hough Transform for 2D and 3D Cloud Points
* Conic Based Camera Re-calibration after Zooming
* Conservation of Stone Cladding on the Façade of Royal Palace in Caserta
* Constraint Acquisition Method for Data Clustering, A
* Constraint Inductive Learning-Spectral Clustering Methodology for Personalized 3D Navigation, A
* Constructing Local Binary Pattern Statistics by Soft Voting
* Content Aware Image Resizing with Constraint of Object Aspect Ratio Preservation
* Contextual Image Classification Approach for Monitoring of Agricultural Land Cover by Support Vector Machines and Markov Random Fields
* Continuous Generalized Procrustes analysis
* Continuous-Space Gaussian Process Regression and Generalized Wiener Filtering with Application to Learning Curves
* Contours Based Approach for Thermal Image and Terrestrial Point Cloud Registration
* Control-Point Representation and Differential Coding Affine-Motion Compensation
* Convenient and Fast Method of Endoscope Calibration under Surgical Environment, A
* Cooperating Mobile GIS and Wireless Sensor Networks for Managing Transportation Infrastructures in Urban areas
* Cooperative Energy Harvesting Networks With Spatially Random Users
* Coprime Blur Scheme for Data Security in Video Surveillance, A
* CopyMe3D: Scanning and Printing Persons in 3D
* Correction and Characterization of Radio Frequency Interference Signatures in L-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar Data
* Correction of Atmospheric Haze in Resourcesat-1 LISS-4 MX Data for Urban Analysis: An Improved Dark Object Subtraction Approach
* Cortical Graph Smoothing: A Novel Method for Exploiting DWI-Derived Anatomical Brain Connectivity to Improve EEG Source Estimation
* Coseismic and Poseismic Gravity Changes Obtained from Grace Satellite Data During the Powerful Tohoku-Oki Earthquake of 11 March 2011
* Crack's Detection, Measuring and Counting for Resistance's Tests Using Images
* CrowdCam: Instantaneous Navigation of Crowd Images Using Angled Graph
* Cultural Heritage and Floods Risk Preparedness
* Cultural Heritage Documentation and Integrated Geomatics Techniques in an Educational Context: Case Bois-du-Luc (Belgium)
* Current Trends in the Algebraic Image Analysis: A Survey
* Curvelet fusion of panchromatic and SAR satellite imagery using fractional lower order moments
* Curvelet Transform and Local Texture Based Image Forgery Detection
* CWMA: Circular Window Matching Algorithm
* Daily Living Activities Recognition via Efficient High and Low Level Cues Combination and Fisher Kernel Representation
* Damage to Buildings in Large Slope Rock Instabilities Monitored with the PSInSAR™ Technique
* Data fusion of high-resolution satellite imagery and GIS data for automatic building extraction
* Data Fusion Technology of Multi-Platform Earth Observation on Agriculture
* Data Mining Meets the Needs of Disaster Information Management
* Data Quality in the Integration and Analysis of Data from Multiple Sources: Some Research Challenges
* Data-Driven MRSI Spectral Localization Via Low-Rank Component Analysis
* Database for Arabic Printed Text Recognition Research
* Database for the Architectural Heritage Recovery Between Italy and Switzerland, A
* Decision Level Fusion Method for Object Recognition Using Multi-Angular Imagery, A
* Decomposing and Sketching 3D Objects by Curve Skeleton Processing
* Deeply Optimized Hough Transform: Application to Action Segmentation
* Deletion Rules for Equivalent Sequential and Parallel Reductions
* Demographics versus Biometric Automatic Interoperability
* Dense Tracking and Mapping with a Quadrocopter
* Density Driven Diffusion
* Depth and Intensity Based Edge Detection in Time-of-Flight Images
* Depth Map Inpainting under a Second-Order Smoothness Prior
* Depth Super-Resolution by Enhanced Shift and Add
* Depth-Guided Inpainting Scheme Based on Foreground Depth-Layer Removal for High Quality 2D to 3D Video Conversion, A
* Derivation of Daily Evaporative Fraction Based on Temporal Variations in Surface Temperature, Air Temperature, and Net Radiation
* Deriving Motion Constraints in Finger Joints of Individualized Hand Model for Manipulation by Data Glove
* Design and Implementation of an Optical Astronomical Satellite Tracking System, The
* Design of Intelligent Workflow for GIS Functions: A Data Quality Perspective, The
* Design of MWIR Continuous Zoom with Light Weight
* Design on Validation Network of Remote Sensing Products in China
* Detecting and tracking honeybees in 3D at the beehive entrance using stereo vision
* Detecting and Tracking Unknown Number of Objects with Dirichlet Process Mixture Models and Markov Random Fields
* Detecting Hand-Head Occlusions in Sign Language Video
* Detecting Objects in Scene Point Cloud: A Combinational Approach
* Detection and tracking of groups in crowd
* Detection of Curvilinear Structures by Tensor Voting Applied to Fiber Characterization
* Detection of High Local Groundwater Inflow to Rock Tunnels using ASTER Satellite Images
* Detection of Periodic Signals in Noise Based on Higher-Order Statistics Joined to Convolution Process and Spectral Analysis
* Detection of Small Roof Details in Image Sequences
* Detection of the Vanishing Line of the Ocean Surface from Pairs of Scale-Invariant Keypoints
* Detection of Tree Crowns Based on Reclassification Using Aerial Images and LIDAR Data
* Determination of Object Directions Using Optical Flow for Crowd Monitoring
* Determination of UAS Trajectory in a Known Environment from FPV Video
* Development and Experimental Verification of Key Techniques to Validate Remote Sensing Products
* Development and Industrialization Recommendation of Current Aerial Remote Sensing Technology, The
* Development of a Family of Lightweight and Wide Swath UAV Camera Systems Around an Innovative Dual-Sensor on-Single-Chip Detector, The
* Development of New Hyperspectral Angle Index for Estimation of Soil Moisture Using in Situ Spectral Measurments
* Deviation-Time-Space-Thermal (DTS-T) Method for Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS)-Based Earthquake Anomaly Recognition: Criterions and Quantify Indices, A
* Devising a Visual Inspection System for Canal Tunnels: Preliminary Studies
* DevStaR: High-Throughput Quantification of C. elegans Developmental Stages
* Dhaksha, The Unmanned Aircraft System in its New Avatar-Automated Aerial Inspection of India's Tallest Tower
* Diagnosis and Repair of Random Noise in The Sensor's Chris-Proba
* Dictionary Learning for Sparse Representation: A Novel Approach
* Differential Method for Representing Spinal MRI for Perceptual-CBIR, A
* Differential Progressive Path Tracing for High-Quality Previsualization and Relighting in Augmented Reality
* Digital Documentation in the Conservation of Cultural Heritage: Finding the Practical in Best Practice
* Digital Elevation Model Approximation from Stream Networks: A Reversed Approach
* Digital-Map Aided Target Location in an Aerial Image, A
* Direct Encoding for Sampled Color Pictures with Location Consideration
* Direct Orthophoto Generation from Color Point Clouds of Complex Scenes
* Direct Photogrammetry Using UAV: Tests and First Results
* Direct Shape Recovery from Photometric Stereo with Shadows
* Directional Chamfer Matching in 2.5 Dimensions
* Directional Convexity Measure for Binary Tomography
* Discriminable Points That Stick Out of Their Environment
* Discriminant Analysis Based Level Set Segmentation for Ultrasound Imaging
* Discriminative Detection and Alignment in Volumetric Data
* Discriminative Joint Non-negative Matrix Factorization for Human Action Classification
* Distance Estimation with a Two or Three Aperture SLR Digital Camera
* Distance Transform Separable by Mathematical Morphology in GPU
* Distances Based on Non-rigid Alignment for Comparison of Different Object Instances
* Distortion Adaptive Image Classification: An Alternative to Barrel-Type Distortion Correction
* distributed heterogeneous sensor network for tracking and monitoring, A
* Distributed Spectrum Estimation for Small Cell Networks Based on Sparse Diffusion Adaptation
* Divide and Segment Method for Parallel Image Segmentation, The
* Documentation and Monitoring of Built Heritage in Abu Dhabi, UAE
* Documentation for Emergency Stabilization and the Integrated Conservation Planning of Earthen Architecture Settlements: The Kasbah of Taourirt (Ouarzazate, Morocco)
* Documentation of Historic Maps of World Heritage Site City Suzhou, The
* Documentation of Historical Building via Virtual Tour: The Complex Building of Baths in Strasbourg
* Documentation Project for the Historical Garden Complex of Mofakham in Bojnourd, IRAN
* Documentation Protocols to Generate Risk Indicators Regarding Degradation Processes for Cultural Heritage Risk Evaluation
* Documenting a Complex Modern Heritage Building Using Multi Image Close Range Photogrammetry and 3D Laser Scanned Point Clouds
* Documenting Architectural Heritage in Bahia, Brazil, Using Spherical Photogrammetry
* Documenting Living Monuments in Indonesia: Methodology for Sustainable Utility
* Domain Adaptation for Sequential Detection
* Dominant Set Approach to ECG Biometrics
* Drug Activity Characterization Using One-Class Support Vector Machines with Counterexamples
* Dynamic 3D Facial Expression Recognition Using Robust Shape Features
* Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI-Based Early Detection of Acute Renal Transplant Rejection
* Dynamic Hierarchical Segmentation of Remote Sensing Images
* Dynamic K: A Novel Satisfaction Mechanism for CAR-Based Classifiers
* Dynamically Constrained Vector Field Convolution for Active Contour Model
* Easy Categorization of Attributes in Decision Tables Based on Basic Binary Discernibility Matrix
* Edge Detection on Polynomial Texture Maps
* Edge-segment-based Background Modeling: Non-parametric online background update
* Effect of Digital Fringe Projection Parameters on 3D Reconstruction Accuracy
* Effective Communication with Cultural Heritage Using Virtual Technologies
* Effective Diversification for Ambiguous Queries in Social Image Retrieval
* efficient 3D face recognition approach using local geometrical signatures, An
* Efficient Boosted Weak Classifiers for Object Detection
* Efficient Detection and Tracking of Road Signs Based on Vehicle Motion and Stereo Vision
* Efficient HMM-Based Feature Enhancement Method With Filter Estimation for Reverberant Speech Recognition, An
* Efficient Human Pose Estimation from Single Depth Images
* Efficient Indexing Scheme Based on Linked-Node m-Ary Tree Structure, An
* Efficient Low Complexity SVC Video Transrater with Spatial Scalability
* Efficient Multi-cue Scene Segmentation
* Efficient Normal-Error Iterative Algorithm for Line Triangulation, An
* efficient pixel-wise method for moving object detection in complex scenes, An
* Efficient representation of distributions for background subtraction
* Efficient Retrieval for Large Scale Metric Learning
* Eliminating and Modelling Non-metric Camera Sensor Distortions Caused by Sidewise and Forward Motion of the UAV
* Emergency Radiation Survey Device Onboard the UAV
* Empirical and Physical Estimation of Canopy Water Content from CHRIS/PROBA Data
* Empirical Comparison of Visual Descriptors for Multiple Bleeding Spots Recognition in Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Video
* Empirical Study of Oversampling and Undersampling for Instance Selection Methods on Imbalance Datasets, An
* Encoding Classes of Unaligned Objects Using Structural Similarity Cross-Covariance Tensors
* Energy-aware and robust task (re)assignment in embedded smart camera networks
* Energy-transfer features and their application in the task of face detection
* Energy-Transfer Features for Pedestrian Detection
* Enforcing privacy through usage-controlled video surveillance
* Enhanced Algorithms for Estimating Tree Trunk Diameter Using 2D Laser Scanner
* Enhanced Spatial and Temporal Data Fusion Model for Fusing Landsat and MODIS Surface Reflectance to Generate High Temporal Landsat-Like Data, An
* Enhanced Weighted Median Filter for Noise Reduction in SAR Interferograms, An
* Enhancements in UAV Flight Control and Sensor Orientation
* Enhancing Frequency Shifted Speech Signals in Single Side-Band Communication
* Enhancing human detection using crowd density measures and an adaptive correction filter
* Enriching Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) by User Generated Contents for Transportation
* Ensemble Algorithm Framework for Automated Stereology of Cervical Cancer, An
* Ensemble clustering by means of clustering embedding in vector spaces
* Estimating Complex Refractive Index Using Ellipsometry
* Estimating the Serial Combination's Performance from That of Individual Base Classifiers
* Estimation of Actual Evapotranspiration along the Middle Rio Grande of New Mexico Using MODIS and Landsat Imagery with the METRIC Model
* Estimation of Single-Gaussian and Gaussian Mixture Models for Pattern Recognition
* Estimation of Tree Cover in an Agricultural Parkland of Senegal Using Rule-Based Regression Tree Modeling
* Evaluating 3D Vision for Command and Control Applications
* Evaluating and Comparing of 3D Shape Descriptors for Object Recognition
* Evaluating Damage Assessment of Breaches Along the Embankments of Indus River During Flood 2010 Using Remote Sensing Techniques
* Evaluating Local Feature Detectors in Salient Region Detection
* Evaluating Temporal Information for Social Image Annotation and Retrieval
* Evaluating the Accuracy of DEM Generation Algorithms from UAV Imagery
* Evaluation and Analysis of a Parametric Approach for Simultaneous Space Resection-Intersection of High Resolution Satellite Images Without Using Ground Control Points
* Evaluation of 3D Feature Descriptors for Multi-modal Data Registration
* Evaluation of a monitoring system for event recognition of older people
* Evaluation of Clear-Sky Incoming Radiation Estimating Equations Typically Used in Remote Sensing Evapotranspiration Algorithms
* Evaluation of Data Costs for Optical Flow, An
* Evaluation of Different Change Detection Techniques in Forestry for Improvement of Spatial Objects Extraction Algorithms by Very High Resolution Remote Sensing Digital Imagery
* Evaluation of Image Forgery Detection Using Multi-scale Weber Local Descriptors
* Evaluation of Imaging Systems Using the Posterior Variance of Emission Counts
* Evaluation of Interactive Segmentation Algorithms Using Densely Sampled Correct Interactions
* Evaluation of Land Surface Models in Reproducing Satellite-Derived LAI over the High-Latitude Northern Hemisphere. Part I: Uncoupled DGVMs
* Evaluation of Low-Level Image Representations for Illumination-Insensitive Recognition of Textureless Objects
* Evaluation of Methods for Optical 3-D Scanning of Human Pinnas
* Evaluation of multiple motion models for multiple pedestrian visual tracking
* Evaluation of Radar Backscattering Models IEM, OH, and Dubois using L and C-Bands SAR Data over different vegetation canopy covers and soil depths
* Evaluation of Statistical Features for Medical Image Retrieval
* Evaluation of Traffic Sign Recognition Methods Trained on Synthetically Generated Data
* Evolutionary Optimisation of JPEG2000 Part 2 Wavelet Packet Structures for Polar Iris Image Compression
* Evolutionary Techniques for Procedural Texture Automation
* Exact Reconstruction Analysis of Log-Sum Minimization for Compressed Sensing
* Examination of Hybrid Image Feature Trackers
* Examining the Satellite-Detected Urban Land Use Spatial Patterns Using Multidimensional Fractal Dimension Indices
* Exemplar-based Texture Synthesis: the Efros-Leung Algorithm
* Experience in Cultural Heritage Documentation in Iran Using a Low-Cost Technique, An
* Experiencing the Spirit of Place as a Design Task: The Street of Hamra in the Heart of Beirut
* Experimental Research on Accuracy of Aerotriangulation for UAV Imagery
* Experimental Study on the Performance of RFI Detection Algorithms in Microwave Radiometry: Toward an Optimum Combined Test
* Exploiting Object Characteristics Using Custom Features for Boosting-Based Classification
* Exploiting the Golden Ratio on Human Faces for Head-Pose Estimation
* Exploration of Oil Seepages Using Target Detection Algorithms in Hyperspectral Images
* Exploring Interest Points and Local Descriptors for Word Spotting Application on Historical Handwriting Images
* Extended 3D Line Segments from RGB-D Data for Pose Estimation
* Extended GrabCut for 3D and RGB-D Point Clouds
* Extended NLCS Algorithm of BiSAR Systems With a Squinted Transmitter and a Fixed Receiver: Theory and Experimental Confirmation
* Extending a local matching face recognition approach to low-resolution video
* Extension of STFT Uncertainty Propagation for GMM-Based Super-Gaussian a Priori Models, An
* Externally Navigated Bronchoscopy Using 2-D Motion Sensors: Dynamic Phantom Validation
* Extracting Local Binary Patterns from Image Key Points: Application to Automatic Facial Expression Recognition
* Extracting Road Features from Aerial Videos of Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
* Extracting sparse error of robust PCA for face recognition in the presence of varying illumination and occlusion
* Extraction of Accidents Prediction Maps Modeling Hot Spots in Geospatial Information System
* Extreme Learning Classifier with Deep Concepts
* Eye pupil localization with an ensemble of randomized trees
* Eyewitness Face Sketch Recognition Based on Two-Step Bias Modeling
* Face detection method based on photoplethysmography
* Facial Landmarks Detection Using Extended Profile LBP-Based Active Shape Models
* Facial recognition: recent progress, remaining challenges
* Facilitating the Funding for the Conservation Through Tradeable Development Rights: An Approach Through Mapping and Analyzing the Built Heritage at Ahmedabad, India
* Facts and Narrative: The Concept of 4D Capturing of Heritage Building; A Case Study of Sompur Mahavihara, Bangladesh
* Fast and accurate 3D object recognition directly from digital holograms
* Fast and Accurate Calibration of a Kinect Sensor
* Fast and Accurate Unknown Object Segmentation for Robotic Systems
* Fast and Robust Edge-Guided Exemplar-Based Image Inpainting
* Fast and robust face recognition via coding residual map learning based adaptive masking
* Fast and Stable Algebraic Solution to L2 Three-View Triangulation
* Fast Background Subtraction Based on a Multilayer Codebook Model for Moving Object Detection
* Fast fingerprint identification for large databases
* Fast Jensen-Shannon Subgraph Kernel, A
* Fast Road Network Extraction from Remotely Sensed Images
* FAST-PVE: Extremely Fast Markov Random Field Based Brain MRI Tissue Classification
* Feature Set Decomposition Method for the Construction of Multi-classifier Systems Trained with High-Dimensional Data, A
* Feature Space Reduction for Graph-Based Image Classification
* Feature Weight Optimization and Pruning in Historical Text Recognition
* Feature-Based Adaptive Model for Realtime Face Tracking on Smart Phones, A
* Field Accuracy Test of RPAS Photogrammetry
* Finger Tracking for Gestural Interaction in Mobile Devices
* First Quantization Coefficient Extraction from Double Compressed JPEG Images
* First, Do No Harm: Eliminating Systematic Error in Analytical Results of GIS Applications
* Flexible Multi-modal Graph-Based Segmentation
* Focus Fusion with Anisotropic Depth Map Smoothing
* Forest Stand Delineation Using a Hybrid Segmentation Approach Based on Airborne Laser Scanning Data
* Foreword to the Special Issue on Radio Frequency Interference: Identification, Mitigation, and Impact Assessment
* Forward Basis Selection for Pursuing Sparse Representations over a Dictionary
* Fractional Vegetation Cover Estimation In Urban Environments
* FractVis: Visualizing Microseismic Events
* Frame-by-frame crowd motion classification from affine motion models
* Framework for Generation of Synthetic Ground Truth Data for Driver Assistance Applications
* Framework for Quick and Accurate Access of Interesting Visual Events in Surveillance Videos, A
* Framework for the Visualization of Finite-Time Continuum Mechanics Effects in Time-Varying Flow, A
* From Panoramic Photos to a Low-Cost Photogrammetric Workflow for Cultural Heritage 3D Documentation
* From Point Cloud To BIM: A Survey of Existing Approaches
* From the Questioning of the Archaeologists to the Builders'. The Example of the Mediaeval Quarry of sol de Roques
* FUEGO: Fire Urgency Estimator in Geosynchronous Orbit: A Proposed Early-Warning Fire Detection System
* Full body human attribute detection in indoor surveillance environment using color-depth information
* Fully Automatic Approach for the Accurate Localization of the Pupils, A
* Fusion of ALS Point Cloud and Optical Imagery for 3D Reconstruction of Building's Roof
* Fusion of Facial Regions Using Color Information in a Forensic Scenario
* Fusion of Hyperspectral and Panchromatic Images Using Spectral Unmixing Results
* Fusion of Iris Segmentation Results
* Fusion of local normalization and Gabor entropy weighted features for face identification
* Fusion of Multi-biometric Recognition Results by Representing Score and Reliability as a Complex Number
* Fusion of Multi-Resolution Digital Surface Models
* Gait recognition based on marker-less 3D motion capture
* Gait-Based Gender Classification Using Persistent Homology
* Gaussian Segmentation and Tokenization for Low Cost Language Identification
* Gender Recognition Using Fusion of Local and Global Facial Features
* Gender Recognition Using Nonsubsampled Contourlet Transform and WLD Descriptor
* General Analyzing and Research on Uncertainty of Multi-Scale Representation for Street-Block Settlement
* Generalized local N-ary patterns for texture classification
* Generating Erroneous Human Behavior From Strategic Knowledge in Task Models and Evaluating Its Impact on System Safety With Model Checking
* Generation of Multitemporal Thermal Orthophotos from UAV Data
* Genetic Algorithm-Evolved 3D Point Cloud Descriptor, A
* Genetic Programming of Heterogeneous Ensembles for Classification
* Genus Zero Graph Segmentation: Estimation of Intracranial Volume [Conf]
* Geometric Accuracy Validation of the ZY-3 Mapping Satellite, The
* Geometric and Color Calibration of Multiview Panoramic Cameras for Life-Size 3D Immersive Video
* GIS Based System for Post-Earthquake Crisis Managment Using Cellular Network
* Global Trends in Seasonality of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), 1982-2011
* Global-Local Approach to Saliency Detection, A
* Globally Segmentation Using Active Contours and Belief Function
* GPU Based Implementation of Film Flicker Reduction Algorithms
* GPU-Accelerated Human Motion Tracking Using Particle Filter Combined with PSO
* Gradient Vector Flow and Grouping-Based Method for Arbitrarily Oriented Scene Text Detection in Video Images
* Graph Based Bundle Adjustment for INS-Camera Calibration, A
* Graph-Based Hierarchical Image Segmentation Method Based on a Statistical Merging Predicate, A
* Grassmannian Spectral Regression for Action Recognition
* Gravitational Based Texture Roughness for Plant Leaf Identification
* Green Coverage Detection on Sub-orbital Plantation Images Using Anomaly Detection
* Hand Pose Estimation from a Single RGB-D Image
* Hand-Held 3-D Display System with Haptic Sensation, A
* Hand-Raising Gesture Detection with Lienhart-Maydt Method in Videoconference and Distance Learning
* Handling Imprecision in Qualitative Data Warehouse: Urban Building Sites Annoyance Analysis Use Case
* Handling missing weak classifiers in boosted cascade: application to multiview and occluded face detection
* Handwritten word image matching based on Heat Kernel Signature
* Head Direction Estimation from Silhouette
* Head Pose Estimation for Sign Language Video
* Head Pose Estimation Using Multi-scale Gaussian Derivatives
* Heat of Mars is Love of Life?! Two Ways to Look at Mars
* Heterogeneity Index for Directed Graphs
* Hidden Markov Models for Modeling Occurrence Order of Facial Temporal Dynamics
* Hierarchical Image Geo-location on a World-Wide Scale
* Hierarchical Image Matching Method for Stereo Satellite Imagery, A
* Hierarchical Image Representation Simplification Driven by Region Complexity
* Hierarchical Layered Mean Shift Methods
* Hierarchical Models for Rescoring Graphs vs. Full Integration
* Hierarchical Voxel Hash for Fast 3D Nearest Neighbor Lookup, A
* Hierarchized Block Wise Image Approximation by Greedy Pursuit Strategies
* High Capacity Reversible Watermarking for Images Based on Classified Neural Network
* High Precision Restoration Method for Non-uniformly Warped Images
* High Resolution POLSAR Image Classification Based on Genetic Algorithm and Support Vector Machine
* High Throughput Signature Based Platform for Network Intrusion Detection
* High-Efficiency Fusion Method of Multi-Spectral Image and Panchromatic Image, A
* High-Performance Visualization of UAS Sensor and Image Data with Raster Maps And Topography in 3D
* High-Precision Lens Distortion Correction Using Smoothed Thin Plate Splines
* High-Quality Stereo Video Matching via User Interaction and Space-Time Propagation
* High-Resolution Multisensor Infrastructure Inspection with Unmanned Aircraft Systems
* Highly Accurate Depth Estimation for Objects at Large Distances
* Histogram-Based Approach to Mathematical Line Segmentation, A
* Human Action Recognition Using Temporal Segmentation and Accordion Representation
* Human Action Retrieval via efficient feature matching
* Human activity recognition in videos using a single example
* Human Motion Capture Using Data Fusion of Multiple Skeleton Data
* Human recognition based on retinal images and using new similarity function
* Human Tracking and Counting Using the KINECT Range Sensor Based on Adaboost and Kalman Filter
* Human visual perception and dissimilarity
* Hybrid Representation of Digital Mockup for Heritage Buildings Management
* Hybrid User-Assisted Incremental Model Adaptation for Activity Recognition in a Dynamic Smart-Home Environment
* Hyperspectral Remote Sensing with the UAS Stuttgarter Adler: Challenges, Experiences and First Results
* Identification of Active Areas of Earthquake by Thermal Remote Sensing
* Identification Using Encrypted Biometrics
* Identify the Benefits of the Different Steps in an i-Vector Based Speaker Verification System
* Identifying Loose Connective and Muscle Tissues on Histology Images
* Ilac-Project: Supporting Ancient Coin Classification by Means of Image Analysis, The
* Illumination Effects in Quantitative Virtual Microscopy
* Illumination Robust Optical Flow Model Based on Histogram of Oriented Gradients
* Illumination-Robust Foreground Detection in a Video Surveillance System
* Image Annotation by Learning Label-Specific Distance Metrics
* Image Based 6-DOF Camera Pose Estimation with Weighted RANSAC 3D
* Image Based Approach for Content Analysis in Document Collections, An
* Image Denoising Games
* Image Enhancement and Speckle Reduction of Full Polarimetric SAR Data by Gaussian Markov Random Field
* Image Fusion and Image Quality Assessment of Fused Images
* Image Registration of High-Resolution UAV Data: The New HYPARE Algorithm
* Image Segmentation Using Active Contours and Evidential Distance
* Image-Based 3D Modeling vs Laser Scanning for the Analysis of Medieval Architecture: The Case of St. Croce Church in Bergamo
* Image-Based Modeling Techniques for Architectural Heritage 3D Digitalization: Limits and Potentialities
* Image-Based Separation of Reflective and Fluorescent Components Using Illumination Variant and Invariant Color
* IMM-Based Tracking and Latency Control with Off-the-Shelf IP PTZ Camera
* Immersive Visualization of the Quality of Dimensionality Reduction
* Impact of Stylistic Features, Architectural and Urban Rules of the Algiers Architectural Heritage Dating Between 1830 and 1930 on the Strength of its Buildings During the Earthquake
* Implementation and Testing of Low Cost UAV Platform for Orthophoto Imaging
* Implementation of 3D Tools and Immersive Experience Interaction for Supporting Learning in a Library-Archive Environment. Visions and Challenges
* Implementation of a Low Cost Structured Light Scanner
* Implementation of Non Local Means Filter in GPUs
* Implementation of Source Engine for Virtual Tours in Manufacturing Factories
* Improved action recognition by combining multiple 2D views in the bag-of-words model
* improved evolutionary algorithm for fundamental matrix estimation, An
* Improved Model for Estimating the Meteorological Visibility from a Road Surface Luminance Curve, An
* Improved Model of Ant Colony Optimization Using a Novel Pheromone Update Strategy, An
* Improved Object Detection and Pose Using Part-Based Models
* Improved UAV-Borne 3D Mapping by Fusing Optical and Laserscanner Data
* Improvement and Application of the Conifer Forest Multiangular Hybrid GORT Model MGeoSAIL
* Improvement of the real-time gesture analysis by a new mother wavelet and the application for the navigation inside a scale-one 3D system
* Improvements to the HNR Estimation Based-on Generalized Variogram
* Improving Accessibility of Virtual Worlds by Automatic Object Labeling
* Improving Dysarthria Classification by Pattern Recognition Techniques Based on a Bionic Model
* Improving Gender Classification Accuracy in the Wild
* Improving Image Segmentation for Boosting Image Annotation with Irregular Pyramids
* Improving the Correspondence Establishment Based on Interactive Homography Estimation
* Improving the Efficiency of MECoMaP: A Protein Residue-Residue Contact Predictor
* Improving the Quality of Color Image Segmentation Using Genetic Algorithm
* Improving Traditional Building Repair Construction Quality Using Historic Building Information Modeling Concept
* Improving Volunteered Geographic Data Quality Using Semantic Similarity Measurements
* Including Spatial Information in Nonlinear Inversion MR Elastography Using Soft Prior Regularization
* Incorporating Land-Use Mapping Uncertainty in Remote Sensing Based Calibration of Land-Use Change Models
* Incorporating Texture Intensity Information into LBP-Based Operators
* Incremental Principal Component Analysis-Based Sparse Representation for Face Pose Classification
* Incremental Real-Time Bundle Adjustment for Multi-Camera Systems with Points at Infinity
* Indoor RGB-D Dataset for the Evaluation of Robot Navigation Algorithms, An
* Industrial Phase-Shifting Profilometry in Motion
* INSAR and Finite Element Analysis of Ground Deformation at Lake Urmia Causeway (LUC), Northwest Iran
* Integrated Digital Survey of the Fontana Rustica in the Gardens of the Quirinale.
* Integrated Fisher linear discriminants: An empirical study
* Integrating Color Sampling into Depth Based Bilayer Segmentation
* Integrating Multi-Source Imagery Data in a GIS System
* Integrating multiple character proposals for robust scene text extraction
* Integrating Orientation Cue With EOH-OLBP-Based Multilevel Features for Human Detection
* Integration of Different Filter Algorithms for Improving the Ground Surface Extraction from Airborne LIDAR Data
* Interactive Depth-Aware Effects for Stereo Image Editing
* Interactive Segmentation of Media-Adventitia Border in IVUS
* Interactive Stereoscopic Video Conversion
* Interactive Video Retrieval Approach Based on Latent Topics, An
* Interactive Web Based Spatio-Temporal Visualization System, An
* Interdisciplinary Conservation Module for Condition Survey on Cultural Heritages with a 3D Information System, An
* Interest Region Description Using Local Binary Pattern of Gradients
* Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (INSAR) Technology and Geomorphology Interpretation
* Interoperable Architecture for Air Pollution Early Warning System Based on Sensor Web, An
* Intrinsic Image Decomposition Using a Sparse Representation of Reflectance
* Introducing a Inter-frame Relational Feature Model for Pedestrian Detection
* Introducing an Agent-Based Object Recognition Operator for Proximity Analysis
* Intuitive Large Image Database Browsing Using Perceptual Similarity Enriched by Crowds
* Investigation of Different Classification Models to Determine the Presence of Leukemia in Peripheral Blood Image
* Investigation of Polarization Phase Difference Related to Forest Fields Characterizations
* Investigation of Sensitivity of SVM Classifier Respect to the Number of Fetures and the Number of Training Samples, The
* Invexity of the Minimum Error Entropy Criterion
* Iris-Biometric Fuzzy Commitment Schemes under Image Compression
* Irreversibility Analysis of Feature Transform-Based Cancelable Biometrics
* Isometrically Invariant Description of Deformable Objects Based on the Fractional Heat Equation
* Iterative Closed-Loop Phase-Aware Single-Channel Speech Enhancement
* Iterative Method for Improving Feature Matches, An
* Iterative Quantization: A Procrustean Approach to Learning Binary Codes for Large-Scale Image Retrieval
* Jeddah Historical Building Information Modeling Jhbim old Jeddah: Saudi Arabia
* Joint Action Segmentation and Classification by an Extended Hidden Markov Model
* Joint Land Cover Mapping and Image Registration Algorithm Based on a Markov Random Field Model, A
* Joint Processing of UAV Imagery and Terrestrial Mobile Mapping System Data for Very High Resolution City Modeling
* Joint Shape Classification and Labeling of 3-D Objects Using the Energy Minimization Framework
* K-Smallest Spanning Tree Segmentations
* Keeping the vehicle on the road: A survey on on-road lane detection systems
* Kernel Maximum Mean Discrepancy for Region Merging Approach
* Kernel Spectral Clustering for Dynamic Data
* Kernel-Based Unsupervised Change Detection of Agricultural Lands Using Multi-Temporal Polarimetric SAR Data
* Kernels for Visual Words Histograms
* Key-Pose Similarity Algorithm for Motion Data Retrieval, A
* Keynote lecture 2: Video synopsis
* Keynote lecture 3: On gait and soft biometrics for surveillance
* Knowledge modeling for privacy-by-design in smart surveillance solution
* Laas Geel (Somaliland): 5000 Year-Old Paintings Captured in 3D
* Labeling Examples That Matter: Relevance-Based Active Learning with Gaussian Processes
* Laplacian Derivative Based Regularization for Optical Flow Estimation in Driving Scenario
* Large Scale Image Indexing Using Online Non-negative Semantic Embedding
* Large Structures: Which Solutions for Health Monitoring?
* Laser optical feedback imaging controlled by an electronic feedback loop
* Layered RC Circuit Model for Background Subtraction
* Layered Self-Organizing Map for Image Classification in Unrestricted Domains
* Layout-Based Document-Retrieval System by Radon Transform Using Dynamic Time Warping
* Lazy Nonlinear Diffusion Parameter Estimation
* Leaf Area Index (LAI) Estimation in Boreal Mixedwood Forest of Ontario, Canada Using Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) and WorldView-2 Imagery
* Learned Joint Depth and Intensity Prior Using Markov Random Fields, A
* Learning a bag of features based nonlinear metric for facial similarity
* Learning and Propagation of Dominant Colors for Fast Video Segmentation
* Learning Context Cues for Synapse Segmentation
* Learning Frequent Behaviors of the Users in Intelligent Environments
* Learning from Ideal Edge for Image Restoration
* Learning group-based dictionaries for discriminative image representation
* Learning How to Combine Internal and External Denoising Methods
* Learning Iterative Strategies in Multi-Expert Systems Using SVMs for Digit Recognition
* Learning Multi-view Correspondences via Subspace-Based Temporal Coincidences
* Learning Part-Based Models for Animation from Surface Motion Capture
* Learning Precise Local Boundaries in Images from Human Tracings
* Learning Stability Features on Sigmoid Fuzzy Cognitive Maps through a Swarm Intelligence Approach
* Least-Squares Transformations between Point-Sets
* LED Backlight Adjustment for Backward-Compatible Stereoscopic Display
* Light Random Sprays Retinex: Exploiting the Noisy Illumination Estimation
* Light-Weight Sensor Package for Precision 3D Measurement with Micro UAVS e.g. Power-Line Monitoring
* Link functions and Matérn kernel in the estimation of reflectance spectra from RGB responses
* Local and Global Statistics-Based Explicit Active Contour for Weld Defect Extraction in Radiographic Inspection
* Local Image Descriptor Robust to Illumination Changes, A
* Local Intrinsic Dimensionality Based Features for Clustering
* Locality based discriminative measure for multiple-shot person re-identification
* Localized anomaly detection via hierarchical integrated activity discovery
* Localizing Parts of Faces Using a Consensus of Exemplars
* Long-Term Monitoring and Correction of FY-2 Infrared Channel Calibration Using AIRS and IASI
* Longitudinal Image Registration With Temporally-Dependent Image Similarity Measure
* Low Cost Surveying Using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
* Low-Rank Constraint for Parallel Stereo Cameras, A
* Lumbar Spine Segmentation Using a Statistical Multi-Vertebrae Anatomical Shape+Pose Model
* L_inf Norm Based Solution for Visual Odometry
* Magnitude Type Preserving Similarity Measure for Complex Wavelet Based Image Registration
* Managing Imbalanced Data Sets in Multi-label Problems: A Case Study with the SMOTE Algorithm
* Map of Nasca Geoglyphs
* Mapping Forest Species Composition Using Imaging Spectrometry and Airborne Laser Scanner Data
* Mapping from space: Ontology Based Map Production Using Satellite Imageries
* Mapping from space: Ontology Based Map Production Using Satellite Imageries
* Mapping Spatial Patterns of Posidonia oceanica Meadows by Means of Daedalus ATM Airborne Sensor in the Coastal Area of Civitavecchia (Central Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy)
* Mapping Svalbard Glaciers with the Cryowing UAS
* Martian Swarm Exploration and Mapping Using Laser SLAM
* Matching Folded Garments to Unfolded Templates Using Robust Shape Analysis Techniques
* Maximum Margin Clustering of Hyperspectral Data
* Mean Shift with Flatness Constraints
* Meaningful Features for Computerized Detection of Breast Cancer
* Measurement of Individual Changes in the Performance of Human Stereoscopic Vision for Disparities at the Limits of the Zone of Comfortable Viewing
* Measuring Sandy Bottom Dynamics by Exploiting Depth from Stereo Video Sequences
* Merging Overlapping Depth Maps into a Nonredundant Point Cloud
* Mesh Generation from Layered Depth Images Using Isosurface Raycasting
* MESIP: A Configurable and Data Reusable Motion Estimation Specific Instruction-Set Processor
* Meta-tracking for video scene understanding
* Method to Correct Artifacts in Multilead ECG Using Signal Entropy
* Method to Select Coherence Window Size for forest height estimation using PolInSAR Data, A
* Methodological Developments in 3D Scanning and Modelling of Archaeological French Heritage Site: The Bronze Age Painted Cave of les Fraux, Dordogne (France)
* Methodology for Interactive Spatial Visualization of Automotive Function Architectures for Development and Maintenance, A
* Micro UAV Based Georeferenced Orthophoto Generation in VIS + NIR for Precision Agriculture
* Micro-UAV System for Forest Management, A
* Micro-UAV with the Capability of Direct Georeferencing, A
* Minimal Solution for Uncalibrated Absolute Pose Problem with a Known Vanishing Point
* Minimum Entropy Models for Laser Line Extraction
* Minimum Memory Vectorisation of Wavelet Lifting
* Minimum Volume Covering Approach with a Set of Ellipsoids, A
* Misalignment Identification in Induction Motors Using Orbital Pattern Analysis
* Missing Values in Dissimilarity-Based Classification of Multi-way Data
* Mixed Data Balancing through Compact Sets Based Instance Selection
* Mixing Geometrically Diverse Window Managers
* Mobile Applications as Tool for Exploiting Cultural Heritage in the Region of Turin and Milan
* Mobile Imaging System for Medical Diagnostics, A
* MoCap Data Segmentation and Classification Using Kernel Based Multi-channel Analysis
* Model-Based Vehicle Pose Estimation and Tracking in Videos Using Random Forests
* Modeling of urban growth using cellular automata (CA) optimized by Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)
* Modelling Line and Edge Features Using Higher-Order Riesz Transforms
* Modification of Diffusion Distance for Clustering and Image Segmentation, A
* Modified Method for Polarimetric SAR Calibration Algorithm, A
* Modified Polarimetric Decompostion for Applicabilty in Complex Agricultural Environment, A
* Modified SIFT Descriptor for Image Matching under Spectral Variations, A
* Monitoring of Glacier Volume Variation from Multi-Source Data over Geladandong Area
* Monitoring of Snow Cover Variation Using MODIS Snow Product
* Monitoring the Changes of Lakes in the Source Region of Three Rivers with Remote Sensing Data from 1976 To 2009
* Monitoring the Deterioration of Stone at Mindener Museum's Lapidarium
* Monitoring Volumetric Surface Soil Moisture Content at the La Grande Basin Boreal Wetland by Radar Multi Polarization Data
* Monocular Pose Capture with a Depth Camera Using a Sums-of-Gaussians Body Model
* Monte Carlo Strategy to Integrate Detection and Model-Based Face Analysis, A
* More than a Mouse
* Motion Estimation from RGB-D Images Using Graph Homomorphism
* Moving Average Bidirectional Texture Function Model, A
* Moving Horizon Estimation of Pedestrian Interactions Based on Multiple Velocity Fields
* Moving Object Detection System in Aerial Video Surveillance
* Multi-Dimensional Quality Assessment of Photogrammetric and Lidar Datasets Based on a Vector Approach
* Multi-Level and Multi-Scale Factor Analysis for Soil Moisture Information Extraction by Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data, The
* Multi-linear neighborhood preserving projection for face recognition
* Multi-local model image set matching based on domain description
* Multi-resolution feature fusion for face recognition
* Multi-Resolution Range Data Fusion for Multi-View Stereo Reconstruction
* Multi-scale Image Segmentation Using MSER
* Multi-sensor Fusion Using Dempster's Theory of Evidence for Video Segmentation
* Multi-Sensor Micro UAV Based Automatic Rapid Mapping System for Damage Assessment in Disaster Areas, A
* Multi-shot SURF-based person re-identification via sparse representation
* Multi-Source Remote Sensing Images Matching Based on Improved Kaze Algorithm
* Multi-spectral Material Classification in Landscape Scenes Using Commodity Hardware
* Multi-step-ahead, Short-Term Prediction of Wind Speed Using a Fusion Approach
* Multi-task Forest for Human Pose Estimation in Depth Images
* Multi-Wavelength Airborne Laser Scanning for Archaeological Prospection
* Multicamera object detection and tracking with object size estimation
* Multimodal Affect Recognition Using Boltzmann Zippers
* Multimodal Biometric Fusion: A Study on Vulnerabilities to Indirect Attacks
* Multimodal Bone Cancer Detection Using Fuzzy Classification and Variational Model
* Multiple cue indexing and summarization of surveillance video
* Multiple feature kernel hashing for large-scale visual search
* Multiplicative Updates for Learning with Stochastic Matrices
* Multiscale Blob Representation of Mammographic Parenchymal Patterns and Mammographic Risk Assessment, A
* multisensor surveillance system for Automated Border Control (eGate), A
* Multispectral Image Capturing with Foveon Sensors
* Multispectral Stereo Image Correspondence
* Multisubjects Tracking by Time-of-Flight Camera
* Music Genre Recognition Using Gabor Filters and LPQ Texture Descriptors
* Narrow-Band Interference Suppression for SAR Based on Independent Component Analysis
* National Commitment Towards Conserving the Heritage (Documentation of Historical and Cultural Sites in GCC Countries), The
* Natural Interface for the Training of Medical Personnel in an Immersive and Virtual Reality System, A
* Navigation and Remote Sensing Payloads and Methods of the Sarvant Unmanned Aerial System
* Navigation Recommendations for Exploring Hierarchical Graphs
* New Adaptive Zoning Technique for Handwritten Digit Recognition, A
* New Approach for Hand Augmentation Based on Patch Modelling, A
* New Approach to Detect Splice-Sites Based on Support Vector Machines and a Genetic Algorithm, A
* New Calibration Method of Airborne Interferometric SAR, A
* New Color Image Database TID2013: Innovations and Results, A
* New Developed GIHS-BT-SFIM Fusion Method Based On Edge and Class Data, A
* New Distance for Data Sets in a Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space Context, A
* new evaluation measure for color image segmentation based on genetic programming approach, A
* New Fuzzy Skeletonization Algorithm and Its Applications to Medical Imaging, A
* New Iris Recognition Approach Based on a Functional Representation, A
* New Penalty Scheme for Optimal Subsequence Bijection
* New Prompt for Building Extraction in High Resolution Remotely Sensed Imagery, A
* new relative chain code in 3D, A
* New Tool for Facilitating the Retrieval and Recording of the Place Name Cultural Heritage, A
* New Triangular Matching Approach for Latent Palmprint Identification, A
* Newtonian Imperialist Competitve Approach to Optimizing Observation of Multiple Target Points in Multisensor Surveillance Systems
* Niha Sites (Lebanon) Cultural Landscape: A 3D Model of Sanctuaries and Their Context, The
* NLP EAC Recognition by Component Separation in the Eye Region
* Noise Robustness Analysis of Point Cloud Descriptors
* Non Maximal Suppression in Cascaded Ranking Models
* Non-Invasive Survey of Old Paintings Using VNIR Hyperspectral Sensor
* Non-rigid Shape Registration Using Similarity-Invariant Differential Coordinates
* Non-temporal Approach for Gesture Recognition Using Microsoft Kinect, A
* None
* Normalized Matting of Interest Region
* Novel Adaptive Algorithm for Intra Prediction With Compromised Modes Skipping and Signaling Processes in HEVC
* Novel Approach to Retrieval of Similar Patterns in Biological Images, A
* Novel Criterion for Earthquake Risk Assessment, the Case of Bushehr Catastrophe in April 9, 2013, A
* Novel Graph Based Clustering Technique for Hybrid Segmentation of Multi-spectral Remotely Sensed Images, A
* Novel Image Registration Algorithm for SAR and Optical Images Based on Virtual Points, A
* Novel Method for Cloud Detection in MODIS Imagery, A
* Novel Right Ventricle Segmentation Approach from Local Spatio-temporal MRI Information, A
* NSGA Based Approach for Content Based Image Retrieval, A
* Object class detection: A survey
* Object Class Recognition in Mobile Urban Lidar Data Using Global Shape Descriptors
* Object Recognition and Modeling Using SIFT Features
* Object Tracking in Nonuniform Illumination Using Space-Variant Correlation Filters
* Objective Evaluation of Image Object Segmentation Quality, The
* Oblique Aerial Images and Their Use in Cultural Heritage Documentation
* Occlusion Handling in Video-Based Augmented Reality Using the Kinect Sensor for Indoor Registration
* Oil spill detection from SAR image using SVM based classification
* Omnidirectional Perception for Lightweight UAVS Using a Continuously Rotating 3D Laser Scanner
* Omnistereo Video Textures without Ghosting
* On Computing Amplitude, Phase, and Frequency Modulations Using a Vector Interpretation of the Analytic Signal
* On Differential Photometric Reconstruction for Unknown, Isotropic BRDFs
* On Minimum Feedback Vertex Sets in Bipartite Graphs and Degree-Constraint Graphs
* On Optimized Color Image Coding Using Correlation of Primary Colors
* On Stopping Rules in Dependency-Aware Feature Ranking
* On the design of an ECOC-Compliant Genetic Algorithm
* On the Generalization of the Mahalanobis Distance
* On the Impact of Alterations on Face Photo Recognition Accuracy
* On the Performance of Negentropy Approximations as Test Statistics for Detecting Sinusoidal RFI in Microwave Radiometers
* On the Stability of Ranks to Low Image Quality in Biometric Identification Systems
* On the Use of RPAS in National Mapping: The EUROSDR Point of View
* On-Line Reconstruction of CAD Geometry
* On-line Stereo Self-calibration through Minimization of Matching Costs
* One-Shot DTW-Based Method for Early Gesture Recognition, A
* One-to-Two Digital Earth
* Online Building Segmentation from Ground-Based LiDAR Data in Urban Scenes
* Online Matrix Factorization for Space Embedding Multilabel Annotation
* Online multiperson tracking with occlusion reasoning and unsupervised track motion model
* Online tracking parameter adaptation based on evaluation
* Onset and Peak Pattern Recognition on Photoplethysmographic Signals Using Neural Networks
* Open Source Software Platform for Visualizing and Teaching Conservation Tasks in Architectural Heritage Environments, An
* OPF-MRF: Optimum-Path Forest and Markov Random Fields for Contextual-Based Image Classification
* Optimazation of Multi Resolution Segmentation of Remotely Sensed Data Using Genetic Alghorithm, The
* Optimized Aperture for Estimating Depth from Projector's Defocus
* Optimized Nonlinear Discriminant Analysis (ONDA) for Supervised Pixel Classification
* Optimizing Contextual-Based Optimum-Forest Classification through Swarm Intelligence
* Optimizing Distributed Source Coding for Interactive Multiview Video Streaming Over Lossy Networks
* Ordinal Random Forests for Object Detection
* Organizing Visual Data in Structured Layout by Maximizing Similarity-Proximity Correlation
* Oriented Polar Snakes for Phase Contrast Cell Images Segmentation
* Ortho Image and DTM Generation with Intelligent Methods
* Orthonormal Diffusion Decompositions of Images for Optical Flow Estimation
* Painting Scene Recognition Using Homogenous Shapes
* Paired Regions for Shadow Detection and Removal
* Pairwise Kernels for Human Interaction Recognition
* Pairwise Similarity for Line Extraction from Distorted Images
* Palladiolibrary Geo-Models: An Open 3D Archive to Manage and Visualize Information-Communication Resources About Palladio, The
* Parallel Visualization with Global Data Based Distributed Cache Framework
* Partial Near-Duplicate Detection in Random Images by a Combination of Detectors
* Patch Volumes: Segmentation-Based Consistent Mapping with RGB-D Cameras
* Path Planning of an Autonomous Mobile Multi-Sensor Platform in a 3D Environment Using Newtonian Imperialist Competitive Optimization Method
* Pattern Recognition Systems under Attack
* Pedestrian detection in single frame by edgelet-LBP part detectors
* Pedestrian Path Prediction with Recursive Bayesian Filters: A Comparative Study
* People counting across spatially disjoint cameras by flow estimation between foreground regions
* people counting system for business analytics, A
* People Tracking Based on Predictions and Graph-Cuts Segmentation
* Perception-Based Interpretation of the Kernel-Based Object Tracking, A
* Perceptually-Inspired Artistic Genre Identification System in Digitized Painting Collections
* Performance Analysis of a UAV Based Mobile Mapping System Platform, The
* Performance Anchored Score Normalization for Multi-biometric Fusion
* Performance Evaluation of a Light-Weight Multi-Echo LIDAR for Unmanned Rotorcraft Applications
* Performance Evaluation of Narrow Band Methods for Variational Stereo Reconstruction
* Performance Evaluation of Video Analytics for Surveillance On-Board Trains
* Performance Profile of Online Training Assessment Based on Virtual Reality:
* Performance Review of Reflectance Based Algorithms for Predicting Phycocyanin Concentrations in Inland Waters, A
* Performance Study of a Regularization-Based Deformable Handwritten Recognition Approach
* Person Detection with a Computation Time Weighted AdaBoost
* Person Re-Identification by Regularized Smoothing KISS Metric Learning
* Person Re-identification Using Partial Least Squares Appearance Modeling
* Person tracking-by-detection with efficient selection of part-detectors
* Personalization and Evaluation of a Real-Time Depth-Based Full Body Tracker
* Personalized Emotion Recognition Considering Situational Information and Time Variance of Emotion
* Perspective Multiscale Detection of Vehicles for Real-Time Forward Collision Avoidance Systems
* Phonetic-Based Approach to Query-by-Example Spoken Term Detection, A
* Photo Realistic 3D Modeling With UAV: Gedik Ahmet Pasha Mosque in Afyonkarahisar
* Photogrammetric Techniques for 3-D Underwater Record of the Antique Time Ship From Phanagoria
* Photographer-Friendly Work-Flows for Image-Based Modelling of Heritage Artefacts
* Phrasal Recognition
* Pixel Level Data Fusion of Mars Express HRSC Linear Pushbroom Imagery Based on the Rigorous Geometric Model
* Planar Segmentation by Time-of-Flight Cameras
* Plant Leaf Classification Using Color on a Gravitational Approach
* Point Cloud Metrics for Separating Standing Archaeological Remains and Low Vegetation in ALS Data
* Polyps Flagging in Virtual Colonoscopy
* POS-Supported Automatic Digital Surface Model (DSM) Generation
* Pose-Robust Recognition of Low-Resolution Face Images
* Positioning Based on Integration of Muti-Sensor Systems Using Kalman Filter and Least Square Adjustment
* Posterior Cramer-Rao Bound for Anchorless Tracking
* Precise 3D Reconstruction of Cultural Objects Using Combined Multi-component Image Matching and Active Contours Segmentation
* Precise Position and Attitude Determination System for Lightweight Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, A
* Predicting HIV-1 Protease and Reverse Transcriptase Drug Resistance Using Fuzzy Cognitive Maps
* Predictive Potential Field-Based Collision Avoidance for Multicopters
* Predominant Melody Extraction from Polyphonic Music Signals Based on Harmonic Structure
* Primitive Human Action Recognition Based on Partitioned Silhouette Block Matching
* Probabilistic Hough Voting for Attitude Estimation from Aerial Fisheye Images
* Probabilistic pseudo-morphology for grayscale and color images
* Probabilistic Range Image Integration for DSM and True-Orthophoto Generation
* Problems in Distortion Corrected Texture Classification and the Impact of Scale and Interpolation
* Procedural Solution to Model Roman Masonry Structures, A
* Processing and Assessment of Spectrometric, Stereoscopic Imagery Collected Using a Lightweight UAV Spectral Camera for Precision Agriculture
* Processing, Cataloguing and Distribution of UAS Images in Near Real Time
* Projection on Suitable Sub-surface Selected in Indoor Environment
* proposal of a solution for age band prediction from human faces, A
* Prostate Histopathology: Learning Tissue Component Histograms for Cancer Detection and Classification
* Protection of Cultural Heritage in Urban Areas During Peace and Conflict Times from Threats to Risk Preparedness as a Shared Responsibility
* Qualitative and Quantitative Evaluation of the Luminance of Laser Scanner Radiation for the Classification of Materials
* Qualitative Transfer for Reinforcement Learning with Continuous State and Action Spaces
* Quality Analysis and Uncertainty Modeling Approach for Crowd-Sourcing Location Check-in Data, A
* Quality Analysis of Open Street Map Data
* Quality Assessment in River Network Generalisation by Preserving the Drainage Pattern
* Quality Assessment of Pre-Classification Maps Generated from Spaceborne/Airborne Multi-Spectral Images by the Satellite Image Automatic Mapper™ and Atmospheric/Topographic Correction™-Spectral Classification Software Products: Part 2: Experimental Results
* Quality Assessment: Example of Digital Products of Fundamental Geographic Information of China
* Quality Control of DLG and MAP Product
* Quality Management of Reference Geo-Information
* Quality of 3D Point Clouds from Highly Overlapping UAV Imagery
* Quantitative Measurement of Soil Erosion from TLS and UAV Data
* Quaternion Bessel-Fourier moments and their invariant descriptors for object reconstruction and recognition
* Radio Frequencies: Policy and Management
* Re-Using of the Historical Buildings in the Context of Sustainablity: An Architectural Design Studio Study on Old Girls Teacher Training School
* Reading between the turns: Statistical modeling for identity recognition and verification in chats
* Real Time Inventory Management: Visual Survey of Interior Architecture Elements and Space Making Crafts of Gujarat, India
* Real time video fire detection using spatio-temporal consistency energy
* Real-Time 3D Reconstruction in Dynamic Scenes Using Point-Based Fusion
* Real-time acquisition of high quality face sequences from an active pan-tilt-zoom camera
* Real-Time Depth Map Based People Counting
* Real-Time Face Pose Estimation in Challenging Environments
* Real-Time Hand Gesture Recognition for Uncontrolled Environments Using Adaptive SURF Tracking and Hidden Conditional Random Fields
* Real-time online camera synchronization for volume carving on GPU
* Real-Time RFI Detection and Mitigation System for Microwave Radiometers
* Recent Progress on Object Classification and Detection
* Recognising Tabular Mathematical Expressions Using Graph Rewriting
* Recognition of Chinese artists via windowed and entropy balanced fusion in classification of their authored ink and wash paintings (IWPs)
* Recognition of signed expressions observed by Kinect Sensor
* Recognizing Conversational Interaction Based on 3D Human Pose
* Reconstructing Reflective and Transparent Surfaces from Epipolar Plane Images
* Reconstruction and Enumeration of hv-Convex Polyominoes with Given Horizontal Projection
* Recording and Analysis of the Rec Yard at Alcatraz Island
* Recording Cultural Heritage Using Terrestrial Laserscanning: Dealing with the System, the Huge Datasets They Create and Ways to Extract the Necessary Deliverables You Can Work with
* RECORDS: Reaching Recording Data Technologies
* Recovering the Subpixel PSF from Two Photographs at Different Distances
* Recurrent Leaky Bucket
* Reducing camera vibrations and photometric changes in surveillance video
* Reference-based person re-identification
* Reflection Layer Extension to the Stereoscopic Highlight Technique for Node-Link Diagrams: An Empirical Study, The
* Refractive Plane Sweep for Underwater Images
* Region Based Contour Detection by Dynamic Programming
* Regularized discriminant entropy analysis
* Rehabilitation Closure Criteria Assessment Using High Resolution Photogrammetrically Derived Surface Models
* Relative and Absolute Calibration of a Multihead Camera System with Oblique and Nadir Looking Cameras for a UAS
* Relative Spatial Weighting of Features for Localizing Parts of Faces
* Relics of Mining Activities in West Bohemia: Mapping by Airborne Laser Scanning
* ReliefF-ML: An Extension of ReliefF Algorithm to Multi-label Learning
* Remote Sensing Classification Method of Wetland Based on an Improved SVM
* Remote Sensing Image Fusion Based on Discrete Fractional Random Transform for Modified IHS
* Representation Learning for Cloud Classification
* Research of Multi-Baseline INSAR Elevation Inversion Based on MLHE Method
* Research on Digital Technology's Application in Preservation Planning of Wenming Historical and Cultural Block in Kunming, A
* Research on Estimation Crop Planting Area by Integrating the Optical and Microwave Remote Sensing Data
* Research on the Methods of Quality Inspection for Published Charts Based on Entity Rules and Cartographic Specifications
* Researches on the Land-Use Change Detection of Mine Area Based on TM/ETM Images
* Resolution-aware Constrained Local Model with mixture of local experts
* Resource Allocation Framework for Adaptive Selection of Point Matching Strategies, A
* Response of Spectral Reflectances and Vegetation Indices on Varying Juniper Cone Densities
* Restoration and Conservation of Egyptian Alabaster Vessels from the Early Era in Atfiyah Museum Store, Helwan, Egypt, The
* Restoration of Blurred Binary Images Using Discrete Tomography
* Revealing the Secrets of Stonehenge Through the Application of Laser Scanning, Photogrammetry and Visualisation Techniques
* Revisiting LBP-Based Texture Models for Human Action Recognition
* Revisiting Loss-Specific Training of Filter-Based MRFs for Image Restoration
* RFI Characterization and Mitigation for the SMAP Radar
* Ripplet Transform Based Statistical Framework for Natural Color Image Retrieval, A
* Risk Based Methodology to Assess the Energy Efficiency Improvements in Traditionally Constructed Buildings, A
* Road Traffic Conflict Analysis from Geo-referenced Stereo Sequences
* Road traffic density estimation using microscopic and macroscopic parameters
* Robot Trajectory Planning Using OLP and Structured Light 3D Machine Vision
* Robust and Accurate One-Shot 3D Reconstruction by 2C1P System with Wave Grid Pattern
* Robust Autofocusing Approach for Highly Squinted SAR Imagery Using the Extended Wavenumber Algorithm
* Robust Background Subtraction for Network Surveillance in H.264 Streaming Video
* Robust Human Body Shape and Pose Tracking
* robust method for coarse classifier construction from a large number of basic recognizers for on-line handwritten Chinese/Japanese character recognition, A
* Robust Multi-Bernoulli Sensor Selection for Multi-Target Tracking in Sensor Networks
* Robust Multi-camera People Tracking Using Maximum Likelihood Estimation
* Robust Optical Flow Estimation
* Robust PCT Method Based on Complex Least Squares Adjustment Method, A
* Robust Realtime Motion-Split-And-Merge for Motion Segmentation
* Robust Scale-Adaptive Mean-Shift for Tracking
* Robust Selective Stereo SLAM without Loop Closure and Bundle Adjustment
* Robust Silhouette Extraction from Kinect Data
* Robust video-based face recognition by sequential sample consensus
* Robust Visual Object Tracking via Sparse Representation and Reconstruction
* Robust Visual Tracking Using Local Sparse Appearance Model and K-Selection
* Robustness of Point Feature Detection
* Role of diversity on the singular values of linear scattering operators: the case of strip objects
* Route Planning for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) on the Sea Using Hybrid Differential Evolution and Quantum-Behaved Particle Swarm Optimization
* Ruins and Urban Context: Analysis Towards Conservation and Enhancement
* Rule-Based Classification of a Hyperspectral Image Using MSSC Hierarchical Segmentation
* Saliency Based Image Cropping
* Saliency Detection Using Joint Temporal and Spatial Decorrelation
* SALSA Project: High-End Aerial 3D Camera, The
* SAMSLAM: Simulated Annealing Monocular SLAM
* Scale-Aware Object Tracking with Convex Shape Constraints on RGB-D Images
* Scottish Ten Project: Collaborative Heritage Documentation, The
* SDALF+C: Augmenting the SDALF Descriptor by Relation-Based Information for Multi-shot Re-identification
* Segmentation Based Urdu Nastalique OCR
* Segmentation of Skin Spectral Images Using Simulated Illuminations
* Selecting Features with SVM
* Selective attention automatic focus for cognitive crowd monitoring
* Selective Contrast Adjustment by Poisson Equation
* Semantic Approach in Image Change Detection
* Semantic Concept Detection Using Dense Codeword Motion
* Semi-automatic Image Annotation
* Semi-supervised clustering via multi-level random walk
* Semi-supervised multi-feature learning for person re-identification
* Sensing floors for privacy-compliant surveillance of wide areas
* Sensitivity Analysis of Ordered Weighted Averaging Operator in Earthquake Vulnerability Assessment
* Sentiment visualization and classification via semi-supervised nonlinear dimensionality reduction
* Seperation of IKONOS Sensor's Electronic Noise from Atmospheric Induced Effects
* Sequential Gaussian Mixture Models for Two-Level Conditional Random Fields
* Set Distance Functions for 3D Object Recognition
* SfM with MRFs: Discrete-Continuous Optimization for Large-Scale Structure from Motion
* Shape and Pose Space Deformation for Subject Specific Animation
* Shape and Reflectance from Scattering in Participating Media
* Shape Descriptor Based on Trainable COSFIRE Filters for the Recognition of Handwritten Digits, A
* Shared Web Information Systems for Heritage in Scotland and Wales: Flexibility in Partnership
* Shrinkage Linear Minimum Mean Square Error Estimator, A
* Sieve Bootstrap Prediction Intervals for Contaminated Non-linear Processes
* SIFT-Realistic Rendering
* Simple and Robust Facial Portraits Recognition under Variable Lighting Conditions Based on Two-Dimensional Orthogonal Transformations
* Simple-Graphs Fusion in Image Mosaic: Application to Automated Cell Files Identification in Wood Slices
* Simulation of Land-Use Policies on Spatial Layout with the CLUE-S Model
* Simulation Study on the Effect of Sand Digging and Heaping on SAR Imaging in the Pearl River Estuary
* Simultaneous Bidirectional Geometric Model Synchronization between CAD and VR Applications
* Simultaneous Truth and Performance Level Estimation Through Fusion of Probabilistic Segmentations
* Single and Multi-Date Landsat Classifications of Basalt to Support Soil Survey Efforts
* Single Image Super-resolution With Detail Enhancement Based on Local Fractal Analysis of Gradient
* Single Parameter Logarithmic Image Processing for Edge Detection
* Single View Reconstruction of Piecewise Swept Surfaces
* Single-Layer Laser Scanner for Detection and Localization of Unmanned Swarm Members
* Single-Step-Ahead and Multi-Step-Ahead Prediction with Evolutionary Artificial Neural Networks
* Sky Segmentation by Fusing Clustering with Neural Networks
* Small Target Detection Improvement in Hyperspectral Image
* Smart Homecare Surveillance System: Behavior Identification Based on State-Transition Support Vector Machines and Sound Directivity Pattern Analysis
* SMOS Radiometer in the 1400-1427-MHz Passive Band: Impact of the RFI Environment and Approach to Its Mitigation and Cancellation
* Soccer Ball Detection with Isophotes Curvature Analysis
* Social Groups Detection in Crowd through Shape-Augmented Structured Learning
* Softmax Regression for ECOC Reconstruction
* Software Tools for In-Situ Documentation of Built Heritage
* Some Aspects in Height Measurement by UAV Photogrammetry
* Sound source localization for video surveillance camera
* Space-Time Parameterized Variety Manifolds: A Novel Approach for Arbitrary Multi-perspective 3D View Generation
* Sparse Canonical Correlation Analysis: New Formulation and Algorithm
* Sparse Coding and Mid-Level Superpixel-Feature for l0-Graph Based Unsupervised Image Segmentation
* sparse nonnegative matrix factorization technique for graph matching problems, A
* Sparse Point Cloud Densification by Combining Multiple Segmentation Methods
* Sparsity-Driven Approach to Multi-Camera Tracking in Visual Sensor Networks, A
* Spatial Deforestation Modelilng Using Cellular Automata (Case Study: Central Zagros Forests)
* Spatial mixture of Gaussians for dynamic background modelling
* Spatial Patch Blending for Artefact Reduction in Pattern-Based Inpainting Techniques
* Spatial Pattern Templates for Recognition of Objects with Regular Structure
* Spatio-temporal Support for Range Flow Based Ego-Motion Estimators
* Spatiotemporal Modelling of Dust Storm Sources Emission in West Asia
* Speaker Verification Using Accumulative Vectors with Support Vector Machines
* Spectral Imaging from UAVS Under Varying Illumination Conditions
* Speeding Up Local Patch Dissimilarity
* Speeding Up SURF
* Sphere Detection in Kinect Point Clouds via the 3D Hough Transform
* Spherical Center-Surround for Video Saliency Detection Using Sparse Sampling
* Stabilization of endangered part of structures by building dry brunt brick buttressing, critical case study of plane wall in DKG-North Area, Mohenjo daro
* Stationary foreground detection for video-surveillance based on foreground and motion history images
* Statistical Analysis of 3D Faces in Motion
* Statistical Analysis of Visual Attentional Patterns for Video Surveillance
* Statistical Evaluation of Fitting Accuracy of Global and Local Digital Elevation Models in Iran
* Statistical Quality Assessment of Pre-fried Carrots Using Multispectral Imaging
* Stereo+Kinect for High Resolution Stereo Correspondences
* Stixel-Based Target Existence Estimation under Adverse Conditions
* Stochastic Reasoning for UAV Supported Reconstruction of 3D Building Models
* Stopping Criterion for the Mean Shift Iterative Algorithm
* STORM: a sounding and tracking observatory for regional meteorology
* Storygraph: Telling Stories from Spatio-temporal Data
* Structural Cues in 2D Tracking: Edge Lengths vs. Barycentric Coordinates
* Structure from Motion Estimation with Positional Cues
* Structure from Motion Using Rigidly Coupled Cameras without Overlapping Views
* Structured learning for detection of social groups in crowd
* Structured Multi-class Feature Selection for Effective Face Recognition
* Study of Electric and Mechanic Properties of the Implanted Artificial Cardiac Tissue Using a Whole Heart Model
* Study of Point Cloud Registration with Probability Product Kernel Functions, A
* Study on algorithm for panoramic image basing on high sensitivity and high resolution panoramic surveillance camera
* Study on Increasing the Accuracy of Classification Based on Ant Colony algorithm
* Study on Safety Technology Scheme of the Unmanned Helicopter
* Study on the Quality Control Methods of Cluster-Based Remote Sensing Image Processing
* Study on the Technology and Method of Land Cover Classification for Geographic National Conditions Surveying
* Study toward the Evaluation of ALOS Images for LAI Estimation in Rice Fields, A
* Sub-Aperture Focusing Algorithm of Geosynchronous SAR
* Subunit-Based Dynamic Time Warping Approach for Hand Movement Recognition, A
* Superpixel-based segmentation of moving objects for low bitrate ROI coding systems
* Superresolution SAR Imaging Algorithm Based on MVM and Weighted Norm Extrapolation
* Supervised Classification of Polarimetric SAR Imagery Using Temporal and Contextual Information
* Supervised Classification Using Homogeneous Logical Proportions for Binary and Nominal Features
* Supervised Object Class Colour Normalisation
* Supporting Ancient Coin Classification by Image-Based Reverse Side Symbol Recognition
* Supporting visual quality assessment with machine learning
* Survey Methods for Earthquake Damages in the Camera Degli Sposi of Mantegna (Mantova)
* Symmetry-Based Detection and Diagnosis of DCIS in Breast MRI
* Synchronized Submanifold Embedding for Robust and Real-Time Capable Head Pose Detection Based on Range Images
* Synthesizing Real World Stereo Challenges
* System and algorithms on detection of objects embedded in perspective geometry using monocular cameras
* T.O.F. Laser Scanner for the Surveying of Statues: A Test on a Real Case
* Tamper detection for active surveillance systems
* Technical Specification for the Validation of Remote Sensing Products
* Temporal Envelope Fit of Transient Audio Signals
* Terrestrial and Aerial Ground-Penetrating Radar in Use for the Architectural Researches: Ancient 16th Century Water Supply and Drainage at the Monastery of El Escorial (Madrid, Spain)
* Terrestrial Laser Scanner Data Denoising by Dictionary Learning of Sparse Coding
* Texture Description with Completed Local Quantized Patterns
* Theoretical and Practical Framework for Assessing the Computational Behavior of Typical Testor-Finding Algorithms, A
* Three Dimensional Modeling via Photographs for Documentation of a Village Bath
* Three Pre-Processing Steps to Increase the Quality of Kinect Range Data
* Three-Dimensional Data Compression with Anisotropic Diffusion
* Three-Dimensional Modeling of the Romanesque Church of Santa Maria de Castrelos (Vigo Spain) Using Terrestrial Laser Scanner
* Threshold Estimation in Energy-Based Methods for Segmenting Birdsong Recordings
* Time-Reversal Wideband Communications
* Tool for Visualizing Large-Scale Interactions between Turbulence and Particles in 3D Space through 2D Trajectory Visualization, A
* Topology-Preserving Dimension-Reduction Methods for Image Pattern Recognition
* Toward Automated Validation of Sketch-Based 3D Segmentation Editing Tools
* Toward Nonconventional Human-Machine Interfaces for Supervisory Plant Process Monitoring
* Toward Optimal Deployment of Cloud-Assisted Video Distribution Services
* Toward Wide-Angle Microvision Sensors
* Towards a 3D Based Platform for Cultural Heritage Site Survey and Virtual Exploration
* Towards a Collaborative Knowledge Discovery System for Enriching Semantic Information About Risks of Geospatial Data
* Towards a Contextualized Visual Analysis of Heterogeneous Manufacturing Data
* Towards Cluster-Based Prototype Sets for Classification in the Dissimilarity Space
* Towards Learning Hierarchical Compositional Models in the Presence of Clutter
* Towards Linear-Time Incremental Structure from Motion
* Towards Multimodal Omnidirectional Obstacle Detection for Autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
* Towards Optimal Spectral and Spatial Documentation of Cultural Heritage. COSCH: An Interdisciplinary Action in the Cost Framework
* Towards real-time and low-latency video object tracking by linking tracklets of incomplete detections
* Towards Robust Gait Recognition
* TPAMI CVPR Special Section
* Trabasa: Traditional Architecture Recorded by Means of Building Archaeology in Saudi Arabia: Workshop in Jeddah
* Track-Before-Detect Algorithm With Thresholded Observations and Closely-Spaced Targets, A
* Tracking for Quantifying Social Network of Drosophila Melanogaster
* Tracking of a Handheld Ultrasonic Sensor for Corrosion Control on Pipe Segment Surfaces
* Traffic Flow Estimation from Single Satellite Images
* Training with Corrupted Labels to Reinforce a Probably Correct Teamsport Player Detector
* Training-Based Object Recognition in Cluttered 3D Point Clouds
* Trajectory Similarity Measures Using Minimal Paths
* Tree Crown Delineation on VHR Aerial Imagery with SVM Classification Technique Optimized by Taguchi Method: A Case Study in Zagros Woodlands
* Tree Symbols Detection for Green Space Estimation
* Tree-based vehicle color classification using spatial features on publicly available continuous data
* Two-Stage MMSE Beamformer for Underdetermined Signal Separation, A
* UAS for Archaeology: New Perspectives on Aerial Documentation
* UAS-based automatic bird count of a common gull colony
* UAV Application in Post-Seismic Environment
* UAV Photogrammetry: Block Triangulation Comparisons
* UAV-Based Low-Cost Stereo Camera System for Archaeological Surveys: Experiences from Doliche (Turkey), A
* UAV-Based Monitoring of Pedestrian Groups
* UAV-Based Photogrammetric Point Clouds: Tree Stem Mapping in Open Stands in Comparison to Terrestrial Laser Scanner Point Clouds
* Uncertain Training Data Edition for Automatic Object-Based Change Map Extraction
* Uncertainties in Navigation of Elderly People in Towns: The Assistant Project
* Uncertainty Driven Probabilistic Voxel Selection for Image Registration
* Uncertainty Management in Seismic Vulnerability Assessment Using Granular Computing Based on Covering of Universe
* unified view of class-selection with probabilistic classifiers, A
* University of Alcala de Henares (Madrid, Spain), as a Dynamic Example and Laboratory of the Recovery, Rehabilitation, and Conservation of the Cultural Heritage, The
* Unmanned Aerial Systems in the Process of Juridical Verification of Cadastral Border
* Unmanned Aircraft Systems for Rapid Near Surface Geophysical Measurements
* Unseen Appliances Identification
* Unsupervised online learning of visual focus of attention
* Unsupervised segmentation and approximation of digital curves with rate-distortion curve modeling
* Unsupervised Segmentation for Transmission Imaging of Carbon Black
* Unsupervised Segmentation of Anomalies in Sequential Data, Images and Volumetric Data Using Multiscale Fourier Phase-Only Analysis
* Unsupervised Visual Object Categorisation with BoF and Spatial Matching
* Upper-Body Pose Estimation Using Geodesic Distances and Skin-Color
* Urban Area Extraction in SAR Data
* Urban Building Collapse Detection Using Very High Resolution Imagery and Airborne LIDAR Data
* Urban Emergency Evacuation Data Fusion Based on One Map
* Urban Expansion Monitoring Using Satellite Images by Means of Decision Level Fusion of Fuzzy Change Detectors
* Urban Growth Modeling Using ANFIS Algorithm: A Case Study for Sanandaj City, Iran
* Urban Heat Island Growth Modeling Using Artificial Neural Networks and Support Vector Regression: A case study of Tehran, Iran
* Urban Structure of Rome Between History and Modern Times, The
* Use of Mobile Laser Scanning Data and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Images for 3D Model Reconstruction, The
* Use of UAS for Assessing Agricultural Systems in an Wetland in Tanzania in the Dry- and Wet-Season for Sustainable Agriculture and Providing Ground Truth For TERRA-SAR X Data, The
* Use of UAV Systems for Mapping of Built-Up Area, The
* Use of Ubiquitous Technologies in Military Logistic System In Iran
* User-Appropriate Viewer for High Resolution Interactive Engagement with 3D Digital Cultural Artefacts
* Using Aerosol Reflectance for Dust Detection
* Using Boundary Conditions for Combining Multiple Descriptors in Similarity Based Queries
* Using face morphing to protect privacy
* Using Graph Theory to Identify Aberrant Hierarchical Patterns in Parkinsonian Brain Networks
* Using MCSST Method for Measuring Sea Surface Temperature with MODIS Imagery and Modeling and Prediction of Regional Variations with Least Squares Method (Case Study: Persian Gulf, Iran)
* Using Multi Resolution Census and Ranklet Transformation in Long Base Line SAR Image Matching
* Using Region-Based Saliency for 3D Interest Points Detection
* Using Three Reassigned Spectrogram Patches and Log-Gabor Filter for Audio Surveillance Application
* Using Vertical Panoramic Images to Record a Historic Cemetery
* Validating Photogrammetric Orientation Steps by the Use of Relevant Theoretical Models. Implementation in the Arpenteur Framework
* Validating the Visual Saliency Model
* Validation Tests of Open-Source Procedures for Digital Camera Calibration and 3D Image-Based Modelling
* Variational Model for Image Segmentation
* Varying Scale and Capability of Envisat ASAR-WSM, TerraSAR-X Scansar and TerraSAR-X Stripmap Data to Assess Urban Flood Situations: A Case Study of the Mekong Delta in Can Tho Province
* Vehicle dimensions estimation scheme using AAM on stereoscopic video
* Vehicle logo recognition based on Bag-of-Words
* Vehicle make and model recognition using symmetrical SURF
* Verification of Static Signatures by Optical Flow Analysis
* Very high resolution crop surface models (CSMs) from UAV-based stereo images for rice growth monitoring In Northeast China
* Vessel Wall Segmentation Using Implicit Models and Total Curvature Penalizers
* VGI Based Urban Public Transport
* VGI for Land Administration: A Quality Perspective
* Video Segmentation Framework by Dynamic Background Modelling
* Video segmentation with spatio-temporal tubes
* Video Summarization Method Based on Spectral Clustering, A
* Video-Based Tracking, Learning, and Recognition Method for Multiple Moving Objects
* Virtual Halo Effect Using Graph-Cut Based Video Segmentation
* Virtual Heritage Archives: Building a Centralized Australian Rock Art Archive
* Virtual Top View: Towards Real-Time Agregation of Videos to Monitor Large Areas
* Vision-Based Algorithm for Parking Lot Utilization Evaluation Using Conditional Random Fields, A
* Visual Access to Optimization Problems in Strategic Environmental Assessment
* Visual Attention Based Temporally Weighting Method for Video Hashing
* Visual Data Encryption for Privacy Enhancement in Surveillance Systems
* Visual documentation process of historic building refurbishment Improving energy efficiency by insulating wall cavity
* Visual Query Specification and Interaction with Industrial Engineering Data
* Visual Statistics Cockpits for Information Gathering in the Policy-Making Process
* Visual tracking based on Distribution Fields and online weighted multiple instance learning
* Visual Turing Test for Scene Reconstruction, The
* Visual word spatial arrangement for image retrieval and classification
* Visualization of Frequent Itemsets with Nested Circular Layout and Bundling Algorithm
* Volcanic Environments Monitoring by Drones Mud Volcano Case Study
* Voluntary Activities and Online Education for Digital Heritage Inventory Development After the Great East Japan Earthquake
* Voxel-Based Harmonic Map for Voxel-Based Model Deformation/Manipulation
* VSCAN: An Enhanced Video Summarization Using Density-Based Spatial Clustering
* VTApi: An Efficient Framework for Computer Vision Data Management and Analytics
* Wall-Motion Based Analysis of Global and Regional Left Atrial Mechanics
* Watermark Optimization of 3D Shapes for Minimal Distortion and High Robustness
* Watershed-Based Segmentation Technique for Multiresolution Data, A
* Watertight Planar Surface Meshing of Indoor Point-Clouds with Voxel Carving
* Wavelet Network and Geometric Features Fusion Using Belief Functions for 3D Face Recognition
* Weibull Multiplicative Model and Machine Learning Models for Full-Automatic Dark-Spot Detection from SAR Images
* Weighted Naïve Bayes Classifiers by Renyi Entropy
* Weighted Semi-Global Matching and Center-Symmetric Census Transform for Robust Driver Assistance
* What Epipolar Geometry Can Do for Video-Surveillance
* Wide Area Camera Localization
* Wide-Angle Lens Distortion Correction Using Division Models
* Wireless Sensor Networks and Fusion of Contextual Information for Weather Outlier Detection
* Wooden Bay Window (Rowshan) Conservation in Saudi-Hejazi Heritage Buildings
* Wrapped Kalman Filter for Azimuthal Speaker Tracking, A
* Writer Identification in Old Music Manuscripts Using Contour-Hinge Feature and Dimensionality Reduction with an Autoencoder
* Wrong Roadway Detection for Multi-lane Roads
* X-Ray and 3D Data Fusion for 3D Reconstruction of Closed Receptacle Contents
* Zoning of Forest Fire Potential of Gulestan Province Forests Using Granular Computing and MODIS Images, The
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Index for "1"

Last update:15-Jan-25 15:03:25
Use price@usc.edu for comments.