Journals starting with spie

SPIE PRESS * Hands-on Morphological Image Processing
* Introduction to Image Stabilization

SPIE * *Performance Evaluation of Signal And Image Processing Systems
* Color indexing with weak spatial constraints
* Rapid Texture Identification
* Selected Papers on Digital Image Processing
* Vision-Based Mobility Using Optical Flow

SPIE( volume ) * *SPIE Conferences

SPIE(10) * Computerized Imaging Techniques

SPIE(1001) * *Visual Communications and Image Processing '88
* Fusion of Edge Maps in Color Images

SPIE(1002) * *Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision VII

SPIE(1003) * *Sensor Fusion: Spatial Reasoning and Scene Interpretation

SPIE(1007) * *Mobile Robots III

SPIE(1008) * ROBOSIGHT: Robotic Vision System for Inspection and Manipulation

SPIE(101) * Airborne Reconnaissance: Tactical/Real-Time

SPIE(1012) * Extracting Depth by Binocular Stereo in a Robot Vision System

SPIE(1083) * Computer-generated barrier-strip autostereography

SPIE(1095) * *Applications of Artificial Intelligence VII
* Analysis of Thermal Infrared and Visual Images for Industrial Inspection Tasks
* On Extending Capabilities of a Robotic Vision System

SPIE(1099) * *Advances in Image Compression and Automatic Target Recognition
* Analysis of High Resolution Imagery for Object Detection

SPIE(1100) * *Sensor Fusion II

SPIE(1153) * *Applications of Digital Image Processing

SPIE(117) * Data Extraction and Classification from Film

SPIE(1192) * *Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision VIII: Algorithms And Techniques
* Dynamic Motion Vision

SPIE(1193) * *Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision VIII: Systems And Applications

SPIE(1194) * Depth from Focus of Structured Light

SPIE(1195) * *Mobile Robots IV
* Part II: Template Matching Algorithms

SPIE(1198) * *Sensor Fusion II: Human and Machine Strategies
* Robust Estimation of Image Flow

SPIE(1199) * *Visual Communications and Image Processing IV
* Color-Edge Detectors for a VLSI Convolver

SPIE(1244) * *Image Processing Algorithms and Techniques

SPIE(1247) * *Nonlinear Image Processing

SPIE(1260) * *Sensing and Reconstruction of Three-Dimensional Objects and Scenes

SPIE(1293) * *Applications of Artificial Intelligence VIII
* Design and Evaluation of a Multistage Object Detection Approach
* Design and Implementation of an Autonomous Spill Cleaning Robotic System
* Edge Segment Based Stereo Analysis
* Tactile Sensory Analysis for Robotic Applications

SPIE(1306) * *Sensor Fusion III
* Paradigms for Information Processing in Multisensor Environments

SPIE(131) * Airborne Reconnaissance III: Collection and Exploitation of Reconnaissance Data

SPIE(1349) * 3-D Object Orientation from Partial Contour Feature Data

SPIE(134X) * *Applications of Digital Image Processing

SPIE(1350) * *Image Algebra and Morphological Image Processing

SPIE(1360) * *Visual Communications and Image Processing '90
* Digital Euclidean Skeletons

SPIE(1381) * *Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision IX

SPIE(1382) * *Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision IX

SPIE(1383) * *Sensor Fusion III: 3-D Perception and Recognition
* Towards Tactile Sensor-Based Exploration in Robotic Environment

SPIE(1386) * *Machine Vision Systems Integration in Industry

SPIE(1388) * *Mobile Robots V
* LANELOK: An Algorithm for Extending the Lane Sensing Operating Range to 100 Feet

SPIE(1406) * *AIPR Image Understanding in the '90s: Building Systems That Work
* Machine-Vision Applications of Image Invariants: Real-Time Processing Experiments

SPIE(1451) * *Nonlinear Image Processing II

SPIE(1452) * *Image Processing Algorithms and Techniques II

SPIE(1461) * Real-time holography using the high-resolution LCTV-SLM

SPIE(1468) * *Applications of Artificial Intelligence IX
* Integrated Vision System for Object Identification and Localization Using 3-D Geometrical Models
* Range Image Based Object Detection and Localization for HERMIES III Mobile Robot
* Scale-Space Features for Object Detection
* Studies in Robust Approaches to Object Detection in High Clutter Background

SPIE(1471) * *Automatic Object Recognition

SPIE(1472) * *Image Understanding and the Man-Machine Interface III
* Focusing on Targets Through Exclusion
* SCORPIUS: Final Report

SPIE(1483) * *Signal and Image Processing Systems Performance Evaluation, Simulation, and Modeling
* Computer-Aided Performance Evaluation System for the On-Board Data Compression System in HIRIS
* Dynamic End-to-End Model Testbed for IR Detection Algorithms
* Evaluation of Image Tracker Algorithms
* Experimental Comparison of Optical Binary Phase-Only Filter and High-Pass Matched Filter Correlation
* Multisensor Fusion Methodologies Compared
* Neural networks for ATR parameters adaptation
* Parametric Analysis of Target/Decoy Performance
* Performance Evaluation of a Texture-Based Segmentation Algorithm
* Technique for Ground/Image Truthing Using a Digital Map to Reduce the Number of Required Measurements
10 for SPIE(1483)

SPIE(149) * *Applications of Digital Image Processing

SPIE(1521) * *Image Understanding for Aerospace Applications

SPIE(1526) * Three-Dimensional Gauging with Stereo Computer Vision

SPIE(155) * Image Understanding Systems and Industrial Applications

SPIE(1567) * *Applications of Digital Image Processing
* Linear Resection, Intersection, and Perspective-Independent Model-Matching in Photogrammetry: Theory

SPIE(1568) * *Image Algebra and Morphological Image Processing II

SPIE(1570) * *Geometric Methods in Computer Vision
* Contour Estimation Using Global Shape Constraints and Local Forces
* Coupled Depth-Slope Model Based on Augmented Lagrangian Techniques
* Deformable Surfaces: A Free-Form Shape Representation
* Deformable Templates, Robust Statistics, and Hough Transforms
* Differential Properties from Adaptive Thin-Plate Splines
* Direct Computation of Geometric Features from Motion Disparities and Shading
* Direct Method for Reconstructing Shape from Shading
* Direct method for reconstructing shape from shading
* Efficient Visual Representation and Reconstruction from Generalized Curvature Measures
* Energy Functions for Regularization Algorithms
* Face Recognition Based on Depth Maps and Surface Curvature
* From Points to Surfaces
* From Voxel to Curvature
* Hierarchical Decomposition and Axial Representation of Shape
* Image Representation by Integrating Curvatures and Delaunay Triangulations
* Invariant Feature Matching in Parameter Space with Application to Line Features
* Matching 3-D Smooth Surfaces with Their 2-D Projections Using 3-D Distance Maps
* Mathematical Theories of Shape: Do They Model Perception?
* Model-based Surface Classification
* New Method for Sensor Data Fusion in Machine Vision
* On Seeing Spaghetti: A Novel Self-Adjusting Seven Parameter Hough Space for Analyzing Flexible Extruded Objects
* Orientation-Based Differential Geometric Representations for Computer Vision Applications
* Physically Based and Probabilistic Models for Computer Vision
* Primary Set of Characteristic Views for 3-D Objects
* Recognition and Positioning of Rigid Objects Using Algebraic Moment Invariants
* Recognizing Human Eyes
* Shape Metrics from Curvature-Scale Space and Curvature-Tuned Smoothing
* Shape Representation and Nonrigid Motion Tracking Using Deformable Superquadrics
* Spatial and Temporal Surface Interpolation Using Wavelet Bases
* Stereo Vision for Planetary Rovers: Stochastic Modeling to Near Real-Time Implementation
31 for SPIE(1570)

SPIE(1571) * *International Symposium on Intelligent Robotics
* Region and Edge Segment Based Stereo Analysis
* Task Planner for Sensor-Based Inspection and Manipulation Robots, A

SPIE(1606) * *Visual Communication and Image Processing '91: Image Processing
* Three-Dimensional Orientation from Texture Using Gabor Wavelets

SPIE(1607) * *Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision X: Algorithms and Techniques
* Linear Signal Decomposition Approach to Affine Invariant Contour Identification, A
* Segmenting Text Images with Massively Parallel Machines

SPIE(1608) * *Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision X: Neural, Biological, and 3D Methods

SPIE(1609) * *Model-Based Vision Development and Tools

SPIE(1611) * *Sensor Fusion IV: Control Paradigms and Data Structures

SPIE(1613) * *Mobile Robots VI

SPIE(1615) * *Machine Vision Systems: Integration and Applications

SPIE(1652) * Texture Based Classification of Cell Imagery

SPIE(1657) * *Image Processing Algorithms and Techniques III
* Subpixel Edge Detector Using Expectation of First-Order Derivatives

SPIE(1658) * *Nonlinear Image Processing III

SPIE(1661) * *Machine Vision Applications in Character Recognition and Industrial Inspection
* Characteristics of Digitized Images of Technical Articles
* Extraction of Text boxes from Engineering Drawings
* Massively Parallel Implementation of Character Recognition Systems

SPIE(1697) * *Acquisition, Tracking, and Pointing VI
* IMM Algorithms and Aperiodic Data, The

SPIE(1698) * *Signal and Data Processing of Small Targets 1992
* IMM Algorithms for Tracking Targets that Maneuver Through Coordinated Turns

SPIE(1699) * *Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition

SPIE(1700) * *Automatic Object Recognition II
* Optimal Polarizations for Radar Detection and Recognition of Targets in Clutter

SPIE(1705) * *Visual Information Processing

SPIE(1708) * *Applications of Artificial Intelligence X: Machine Vision and Robotics
* AUC Robot Camera Head
* Boundary Detection Using Quadratic Filters: Performance Criteria and Experimental Assessment
* Detecting Wings in Quadric Surface Scenes
* Edge Detection and Labeling by Fusion of Intensity and Range Images
* From Image Edges to Geons to Viewpoint-Invariant Object Models: A Neural Net Implementation
* Harvard Binocular Head, The
* Heads, Eyes, and Head-Eye Systems
* Integrated Approach for Surface and Volumetric Segmentation of Range Images Using Biquadrics and Superquadrics
* Layered Control of a Binocular Camera Head
* Lightweight Camera Head for Robotic-Based Binocular Stereo Vision: An Integrated Engineering Approach
* Obtaining Generic Parts from Range Images Using a Multiview Representation
* Performance Characterization of Edge Detectors
* Robust Method of Edge Detection
* Sampling and Surface Reconstruction with Adaptive-Size Meshes
* Texture Defect Detection: A Review
* Tracking Image Features Using a Parallel Computational Model
* TRISH: The Toronto-IRIS Stereo Head
* Unified Approach to the Recognition of Expected and Unexpected Geon-Based Objects
19 for SPIE(1708)

SPIE(1766) * *Neural and Stochastic Methods in Image and Signal Processing

SPIE(1769) * *Image Algebra and Morphological Image Processing III

SPIE(1770) * Tree-Structured Wavelet Transform for Textured Image Segmentation

SPIE(1771) * *Applications of Digital Image Processing
* Projectively Invariant Structures in Multi-Sensor Imagery

SPIE(178) * Smart Sensors

SPIE(18) * Pattern Recognition Studies

SPIE(1808) * Probabilistic Multiscale Image Segmentation: Setup and First Results

SPIE(1818) * *Visual Communications and Image Processing '92
* Euclidean Skeletons and Conditional Bisectors
* Filters for Directly Detecting Surface Orientation in an Image

SPIE(182) * Imaging Applications for Automated Industrial Inspection and Assembly
* Robust Feature Matching Through Maximal Cliques

SPIE(1822) * Application of Spatial-Domain Convolution/Deconvolution Transform for Determining Distance from Image Defocus

SPIE(1825) * *Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XI: Algorithms, Techniques, and Active Vision
* Bee-bot: Using Peripheral Optical Flow to Avoid Obstacles
* Comparison of Massively Parallel Hand-Print Segmentors
* Disparity Filtering: Proximity Detection and Segmentation
* Using Self-Organizing Recognition as a Mechanism for Rejecting Segmentation Errors

SPIE(1826) * *Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XI: Biological, Neural Net, and 3D Methods

SPIE(1827) * *Model-Based Vision
* Image-Data-Based Matching for Affine Transformed Pictures

SPIE(1828) * *Sensor Fusion V
* Real and Virtual Robot Head for Active Vision Research, A
* Three-Dimensional Sensing, Graphics, and Interactive Control in a Human-Machine System for Decontamination and Decommissioning Applications
* Versatile Multi-Modal System for Surface Profile Measurements Using a Wrist-Mounted Laser Device

SPIE(1830) * *Curves and Surfaces in Computer Vision and Graphics III
* Suggestive Modeling for Machine Vision

SPIE(1831) * *Mobile Robots VII
* LaneLok: Robust Line and Curve Fitting of Lane Boundaries
* Range Image Segmentation, Free Space Determination, and Position Estimate for a Mobile Vehicle

SPIE(1832) * *Vision Geometry

SPIE(1838) * *AIPR Workshop on Interdisciplinary Computer Vision

SPIE(186) * Automatic Stereo Reconstruction of Man-Made Targets
* Digital Processing of Aerial Images
* High Accuracy Model Matching for Scenes Containing Man-Made Structures

SPIE(1902) * *Nonlinear Image Processing IV

SPIE(1903) * *Image and Video Processing

SPIE(1904) * *Image Modeling
* 3D Object Recognition by Combination of Perspective Images
* Comparison Levels for Iterative Estimators for Model-Based Recognition of Manmade Objects in Remote Sensing Images

SPIE(1906) * *Character Recognition Technologies
* Cross Validation Comparison of NIST OCR Databases
* Effectiveness of Feature and Classifier Algorithms in Character Recognition Systems
* Machine-Assisted Human Classification of Segmented Characters for OCR Testing and Training
* Neew Method for Word Recognition Without Segmentation, A
* OCR Error Rate Versus Rejection Rate for Isolated Handprint Characters

SPIE(1907) * *Machine Vision Applications in Industrial Inspection

SPIE(1908) * *Storage and Retrieval for Image and Video Databases
* Feature Management for Large Video Databases
* Interactive Indexing into Image Databases
* Knowledge-Guided Parsing in Video Databases
* QBIC Project: Querying Image by Content Using Color, Texture, and Shape, The

SPIE(1943) * *State-of-the-Art Mapping

SPIE(1944) * *Integrating Photogrammetric Techniques with Scene Analysis and Machine Vision
* Conceptual Design for a Model-Supported Exploitation Workstation for Imagery Analysts
* Extension of Three-Dimensional Invariant Methods to Noncentral-Projection Imaging Systems
* Incorporating Vanishing-Point Geometry in Building Extraction Techniques
* Integration of Photogrammetric Cues into Cartographic Feature Extraction
* Linear Features for Photogrammetric Restitution and Object Completion

SPIE(1955) * *Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition II

SPIE(1956) * Active Vision System for Multi-Primitive Hierarchical Stereo Analysis and Multi-Cue Depth Extraction, An

SPIE(1957) * *Architecture, Hardware, and Forward-Looking Infrared Issues in Automatic Target Recognition
* CORPS: Class Overlap Region Partitioning Scheme: A Tool for Feature Assessment
* Development of Distortion-Invariant Texture Operators

SPIE(1960) * *Automatic Object Recognition III

SPIE(1961) * *Visual Information Processing II

SPIE(1963) * *Applications of Artificial Intelligence 1993: Knowledge-Based Systems in Aerospace and Industry

SPIE(1964) * *Applications of Artificial Intelligence 1993: Machine Vision and Robotics
* Affine-Invariant Moments and B-Splines for Object Recognition from Image Curves
* Dynamic Threshold Determination by Local and Global Edge Evaluation
* Feature Extraction and Matching as Signal Detection
* HIPS-2 Software for Image Processing: Goals and Directions
* Integration of Geometric and Non-Geometric Attributes for Fast Object Recognition
* Non-Parametric Multi-Scale Curve Smoothing
* Shape Reconstruction from Shading with Perspective Projection
* Using Symmetry, Ellipses, and Perceptual Groups for Detecting Generic Surfaces of Revolution in 2D Images
9 for SPIE(1964)

SPIE(1967) * Quantitative Characterization of Image Clutter: Problems, Progress, and Promises

SPIE(2028) * *Applications of Digital Image Processing
* Image Texture Classification with Digital Filter Banks and Transforms

SPIE(2030) * *Image Algebra and Morphological Image Processing IV

SPIE(2031) * *Geometric Methods in Computer Vision II
* 3D Projective Invariants from Two Images
* Combining Stereo, Shading, and Geometric Constraints for Surface Reconstruction from Multiple Views
* Direct Surface Reconstruction from Textured Images
* Geometric Methods for Building CAD Models from Range Data
* Global Surface Reconstruction Through Regularized B-Spline Patches
* Local Features of Smooth Shapes: Ridges and Courses
* Nonrigid Motion Analysis Using Nonlinear Finite Element Modeling
* Object Recognition Based on Reflectance and Geometry
* Parametric Eigenspace Representation for Visual Learning and Recognition
* Physically Based Analysis of Deformations in 3D Images
* Reconstruction of Digital Terrain Model with a Lake
* Sub-Pixel Distance Maps and Weighted Distance Transforms
13 for SPIE(2031)

SPIE(2032) * *Neural and Stochastic Methods in Image and Signal Processing II

SPIE(2034) * *Mathematical Imaging: Wavelet Applications in Signal and Image Processing

SPIE(205) * *Image Understanding Systems II

SPIE(2055) * *Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XII: Algorithms and Techniques

SPIE(2056) * *Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XII: Active Vision and 3D Methods
* Scene Interpretation Module For An Active Vision System, A
* Using Color to Computer Optical Flow

SPIE(2058) * *Mobile Robots VIII

SPIE(2059) * *Sensor Fusion VI
* Coping with delays for Real-Time Gaze Control
* Outlier Detection and Motion Segmentation

SPIE(2060) * *Vision Geometry

SPIE(2064) * *Machine Vision Applications, Architectures, and Systems Integration II

SPIE(207) * *Applications of Digital Image Processing

SPIE(2094) * *Visual Communications and Image Processing '93
* Entropy Criterion for Optimal Bit Allocation between Motion and Prediction Error Information
* Flexible Search-Based Approach for Morphological Shape Decomposition
* Novel Approaches to Multichannel Filtering for image texture segmentation
* Pedestrian Counting System Robust Against Illumination Changes
* Segmentation and Image Enhancement Using Coupled Anisotropic Diffusion

SPIE(2103) * *AIPR Workshop: Interdisciplinary Computer Vision: Applications and Changing Needs

SPIE(2180) * *Nonlinear Image Processing V
* Fast Watershed Algorithms: Analysis and Extensions

SPIE(2181) * *Document Recognition
* Need for Information Metrics: With Examples from Document Analysis
* Self-Correcting 100-Font Classifier, A
* Text Line Characterization by Connected Component Transformations
* Unconstrained Handprint Recognition Using a Limited Lexicon
* Use of Synthesized Images to Evaluate the Performance of Optical Character Recognition Devices and Algorithms, The

SPIE(2182) * *Image and Video Processing II

SPIE(2183) * *Machine Vision Applications in Industrial Inspection II

SPIE(2185) * *Storage and Retrieval for Image and Video Databases
* Photobook: Tools for Content-Based Manipulation of Image Databases
* Visual Image Retrieval for Applications in Art and Art History

SPIE(2186) * *Image and Video Compression

SPIE(2187) * *Digital Video Compression on Personal Computers: Algorithms and Techniques

SPIE(219) * Information Processing for Target Recognition from Autonomous Vehicles

SPIE(2220) * *Image Sensing, Processing, and Understanding for Control and Guidance of Aerospace Vehicles
* Matching of Road Segments Using Probabilistic Relaxation: Reducing the Computational Requirements

SPIE(2223) * Gabor vs. Circular Mellin Fuction Based Approaches for Texture Segmentation
* Novel Unsupervised Multiresolution Texture Segmentation Approach, A

SPIE(2224) * *Infrared Imaging Systems: Design, Analysis, Modeling, and Testing

SPIE(2232) * *Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition III

SPIE(2233) * *Sensor Fusion and Aerospace Applications II
* Motion Estimation using Spatiotemporal Frequency Channels
* Recursive Strategies for Decision Fusion in Imperfect Multisensor Environments: I Fusion Benefits
* Recursive Strategies for Decision Fusion in Imperfect Multisensor Environments: II Relative Assessments

SPIE(2234) * *Automatic Object Recognition IV
* Adaptive Learning Concepts and Methodology for Enhanced Recognition System Performance
* Feature Assessment in Imperfectly Supervised Environment

SPIE(2239) * *Visual Information Processing III

SPIE(2242) * *Wavelet Applications

SPIE(2244) * *Knowledge-Based Artificial Intelligence Systems in Aerospace and Industry
* Integrated Mobile Robotic System for Environmental Mapping and Object Localization, An

SPIE(2252) * *Optical 3D Measurement Techniques II: Applications in Inspection, Quality Control, and Robotics

SPIE(2277) * *Automatic Systems for the Identification and Inspection of Humans

SPIE(2298) * *Applications of Digital Image Processing

SPIE(2300) * *Image Algebra and Morphological Image Processing V

SPIE(2302) * *Image Reconstruction and Restoration

SPIE(2303) * *Mathematical Imaging: Wavelet Applications in Signal and Image Processing

SPIE(2304) * *Neural and Stochastic Methods in Image and Signal Processing III
* Matching of Road Segments Using Probabilistic Relaxation: A Hierarchical Approach

SPIE(2308) * *Visual Communications and Image Processing '94

SPIE(2315) * *Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing
* Mixed Pixel Classification in Remote Sensing
* model-based approach to automatically locating tree crowns in high spatial resolution images, A

SPIE(2344) * *Intelligent Vehicle Highway Systems
* Feature Selection for Object Tracking in Traffic Scenes

SPIE(2347) * *Machine Vision Applications, Architectures, and Systems Integration III

SPIE(2350) * *Videometrics

SPIE(2352) * *Mobile Robots IX
* VaMoRs-P An Advanced Platform for Visual Autonomous Road Vehicle Guidance

SPIE(2353) * *Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XIII: Algorithms and Computer Vision
* New Method for Straight Line and Circular Arc Extraction, A

SPIE(2354) * *Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XIII: 3D Vision, Product Inspection, and Active Vision
* Using Angle Densities for 3-D Recognition

SPIE(2355) * *Sensor Fusion VII

SPIE(2356) * *Vision Geometry

SPIE(2357) * *ISPRS Symposium on Spatial Information from Digital Photogrammetry and Computer Vision
* Photogrammetric Analysis of Image Invariance

SPIE(2368) * *AIPR Workshop: Image and Information Systems: Applications and Opportunities
* Bayes Nets for Selective Perception and Data Fusion
* Fast Correlation Matching in Large (Edge) Image Databases
* Image Understanding Architecture: A Status Report
* Photobook: Tools for Content-Based Manipulation of Image Databases
* Use of Collateral Text in Understanding Photos in Documents
* Visual Road Following Without 3D Reconstruction
7 for SPIE(2368)

SPIE(238) * Geometric Constraints in Stereo Vision

SPIE(2416) * Image Acquisition System for Traffic Monitoring Applications, An

SPIE(2418) * *Still-Image Compression

SPIE(2419) * *Digital Video Compression: Algorithms and Technologies 1995
* Performance Evaluation of Spatial Dynamic Motion Compensation Algorithms
* Scene Change Detection in a MPEG Compressed Video Sequence
* Variable Block Size Video Coding with Motion Prediction and Motion Segmentation

SPIE(2420) * *Storage and Retrieval for Image and Video Databases
* Adaptive Filtering and Indexing for Image Databases
* Automatic and Semiautomatic Methods for Image Annotation and Retrieval in Query by Image Content (QBIC)
* Feature Identification as an Aid to Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Indexing in Video Databases
* Local Structural Association for Retrieval and Recognition of Signature Images
* Similarity Measures for Image Databases
* Statistical Approach to Scene Change Detection
8 for SPIE(2420)

SPIE(2421) * *Image and Video Processing III
* Fuzzy Approach for Smoothing and Edge Detection in Color Images, A
* Invariant Methods for Model Transfer and Object Reconstruction Based on Multiple Reference Images
* Runway Detection in an Image Sequence
* Scene Partitioning via Statistic-Based Region Growing

SPIE(2422) * *Document Recognition II
* Evaluation of an Automatic Markup System, An
* Script Determination in Document Images
* Separable Source Models for Document Image Decoding
* Spotting Phrases in Lines of Imaged Text

SPIE(2424) * *Nonlinear Image Processing VI
* Edge Detection of Color Images Using the HSL Color Space
* Estimation of Morphological Degradation Parameters

SPIE(2425) * Automatic Grading of Textured Ceramic Tiles

SPIE(2469) * *Targets and Backgrounds: Characterization and Representation
* Psychophysical Experiments for Evaluating a Selected Image Clutter Measures
* Target Ranging Using Passive Sensing Approaches

SPIE(2484) * *Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition IV

SPIE(2485) * *Automatic Object Recognition V
* Implementation of Jump-Diffusion Algorithms for Understanding FLIR Scenes

SPIE(2486) * *Integrating Photogrammetric Techniques with Scene Analysis and Machine Vision II
* 3-D Reconstruction of Buildings from Stereo Images Using Both Monocular Analysis and Stereo Matching: An Assessment within the Context of Cartographic Production
* Automated Building Height Estimation and Object Extraction from Multiresolution Imagery
* Bundle Adjustment with Object Space Constraints for Site Modeling
* Comparison Between Invariance and Photogrammetry for Image and Object Transfer
* Hierarchical Approach to Automatic Road Extraction from Aerial Imagery, A
* Multi-Image Camera Calibration and Object-Point Estimation
* Performance Analysis of Object Space Matching for Building Extraction Using Several Images
* SAR Interferometric Technique for Scene Analysis
* Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry: A Markovian Approach for Phase Unwrapping
* System for Automated Site Model Acquisition
* Terrain Reconstruction from Widely Separated Images
12 for SPIE(2486)

SPIE(2488) * *Visual Information Processing IV
* Fast Algorithms for Object Orientation Determination

SPIE(2493) * Fuzzy Understanding of Neighborhoods with Nearest Unlike Neighbor Sets
* Intelligent Robots: Control and Cooperation
* Motion Control of a Mobile Vehicle Travelling in a Convoy Using Fuzzy Logic

SPIE(2495) * Edge of Light: A new enhanced optical NDI technique

SPIE(2496) * Adaptive Configuration and Control in an ATR System

SPIE(2501) * *Visual Communications and Image Processing '95

SPIE(2562) * Unification of Detection, Tracking, and Recognition for Millimeter Wave and Infrared Sensors, The

SPIE(2564) * *Applications of Digital Image Processing

SPIE(2567) * Automatic Calibration and Removal of Distortion from Scenes of Structured Environments

SPIE(2569) * *Mathematical Imaging: Wavelet Applications in Signal and Image Processing, III
* Image enhancements with symmetric Daubechies' Wavelets
* Tracker Fusion for Robustness in Visual Feature Tracking

SPIE(2572) * *Remote Sensing and Reconstruction for Three-Dimensional Objects and Scenes
* Robust Algebraic Invariant Methods with Applications in Geometry and Imaging

SPIE(2573) * *Vision Geometry
* Perceptual Convexity

SPIE(2579) * *Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing II

SPIE(2588) * *Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XIV: Algorithms, Techniques, Active Vision, and Materials Handling

SPIE(2591) * *Mobile Robots X

SPIE(2597) * *Machine Vision Applications, Architectures, and Systems Integration IV

SPIE(2599) * Real-Time Implementation of Depth from Defocus

SPIE(260) * Image Indexing Using a Texture Dictionary

SPIE(2606) * *Digital Image Storage and Archiving Systems

SPIE(2645) * *AIPR Workshop on Tools and Techniques for Modeling and Simulation

SPIE(2656) * *Visual Data Exploration and Analysis III
* Interactive Data Inspection and Program Development for Computer Vision

SPIE(2660) * *Document Recognition III
* Document Image Decoding in the Berkeley Digital Library Project
* Document Specific Character Template Estimation
* Efficient Chain Code Based Image Manipulation for Handwritten Word Recognition
* Method and Evaluation of Character Stroke Preservation on Handprint Recognition

SPIE(2662) * *Nonlinear Image Processing VII

SPIE(2666) * *Image and Video Processing IV

SPIE(2669) * *Still-Image Compression II

SPIE(2670) * *Storage and Retrieval for Image and Video Databases
* Comparison of Video Shot Boundary Detection Techniques

SPIE(2727) * *Visual Communications and Image Processing '96
* Color Scene Recognition Using Relational Distance Measurement
* Image Coding for Content-Based Retrieval
* Stereo Image Compression with Disparity Compensation Using the MRF Model

SPIE(2736) * *Enhanced and Synthetic Vision
* Detection of Linear Objects for Synthetic Vision Applications
* Exploiting Temporal Context in Vision-Based Navigation
* Video Mosaic Displays
* Vision-Based Multisensor Machine Perception System for Autonomous Aircraft Landing Approach

SPIE(2742) * *Targets and Backgrounds: Characterization and Representation
* Novel Multiple Wide-Baseline Stereo Approach for Target Ranging
* Texture Perception in Humans and Computers: Models and Psychophysical Experiments

SPIE(2753) * *Visual Information Processing V

SPIE(2755) * *Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition V

SPIE(2756) * *Automatic Object Recognition VI
* Representations of Thermodynamic Variability in the Automated Understanding of FLIR Scenes
* Three-Dimensional Moment Invariants for Automated Target Recognition

SPIE(2759) * *Signal and Data Processing of Small Targets 1996
* Speckle Noise Reduction of Airborne SAR Images with Symmetric Daubechies Wavelets

SPIE(281) * Line Finding with Subpixel Precision

SPIE(2825) * *Wavelet Applications in Signal and Image Processing IV
* General Stereo Image Matching Using Symmetric Complex Wavelets

SPIE(2826) * *Vision Geometry
* Universal Pyramid Segmentation Algorithm, A

SPIE(283) * Numerical Stereo Camera, The

SPIE(2845) * Automatic Target Recognition System Using High Resolution Radar

SPIE(2847) * *Applications of Digital Image Processing
* Analysis of Skin Oil by FTIR Spectroscopy

SPIE(29) * Imaging Techniques for Testing and Inspection

SPIE(2903) * *Mobile Robot and Automated Vehicle Control Systems

SPIE(2908) * *Machine Vision Applications, Architectures, and Systems Integration V

SPIE(2955) * *Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing III

SPIE(2960) * *Remote Sensing for Geography, Geology, Land Planning, and Cultural Heritage
* Synthesizing Maps of 3D Scenes From Multiple Reference Views Without Constructing the DEM

SPIE(29X) * Elector-Optical Technology for Autonomous Vehicles

SPIE(3016) * Photometric Stereo Without Multiple Images

SPIE(3017) * *Visual Data Exploration and Analysis IV
* Real-time Visualization of Interactive Parameter Changes in Image Processing Systems

SPIE(3022) * *Storage and Retrieval for Image and Video Databases
* Virage Video Engine

SPIE(3024) * *Visual Communications and Image Processing '97

SPIE(3026) * *Nonlinear Image Processing VIII
* Color Segmentation in the HSI Color Space Using the k-Means Algorithm

SPIE(3027) * *Document Recognition IV
* Multilevel Character Templates for Document Image Decoding

SPIE(3029) * *Machine Vision Applications in Industrial Inspection V

SPIE(3061) * Infrared Technology and Applications XXIII
* Multi-Scale Adaptive Gain Control of IR Images

SPIE(3062) * *Targets and Backgrounds: Characterization and Representation

SPIE(3067) * *Sensor Fusion: Architectures, Algorithms, and Applications
* Asymmetric Fusion strategies for target detection in multisensor environments
* Decision Fusion Strategies for Target Detection with a Three-Sensor Suite

SPIE(3068) * *Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition VI

SPIE(3071) * *Algorithms for Multispectral and Hyperspectral Imagery III
* Soccer player recognition by pixels classification in an hybrid color space

SPIE(3072) * *Integrating Photogrammetric Techniques with Scene Analysis and Machine Vision III
* Acquisition of 3D Urban Models by Analysis of Aerial Images, Digital Surface Models, and Existing 2D Building Information
* Geometric Constraints on Hypothesis Generation for Monocular Building Extraction
* Model-to-SAR Image Registration
* Object Model Construction by Invariance and Photogrammetry
* Object-Oriented Software Design in Semiautomatic Building Extraction
* Preliminary Results on the Analysis of HYDICE Data for Information Fusion in Cartographic Feature Extraction
* Processes to Support Error Estimation for Model Supported Positioning
* Semantic Objects and Context for Finding Roads
* Surface Microstructure Extraction from Multiple Aerial Images
10 for SPIE(3072)

SPIE(3074) * *Visual Information Processing VI

SPIE(3078) * *Wavelet Applications IV

SPIE(3087) * advanced control architecture for autonomous vehicles, An

SPIE(3088) * *Enhanced and Synthetic Vision 1997
* Synthesizing Perspective Views of 3D Scenes From Multiple Reference Images Using a Synergy of Point and Line Invariant Transfer Algorithms

SPIE(3161) * Classification of Ships in Airborne SAR Imagery Using Backpropagation Neural Networks
* Radar Processing, Technology, and Applications II

SPIE(3164) * *Applications of Digital Image Processing
* Ship Silhouette Recognition Using Principal Components Analysis

SPIE(3168) * *Vision Geometry
* Geometric Interpretations of Algebraic Invariants in Images of 3D Scenes

SPIE(3169) * *Wavelet Applications in Signal and Image Processing V
* Speckle Filtering of SAR Images: A Comparative Study Between Complex-Wavelet-Based and Standard Filters

SPIE(3174) * *Videometrics

SPIE(3205) * *Machine Vision Applications, Architectures, and Systems Integration VI

SPIE(3208) * *Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XVI: Algorithms, Techniques, Active Vision, and Materials Handling

SPIE(3210) * *Mobile Robots XII

SPIE(3304) * *Nonlinear Image Processing IX

SPIE(3305) * *Document Recognition V

SPIE(3306) * *Machine Vision Applications in Industrial Inspection VI

SPIE(3309) * *Visual Communications and Image Processing '98

SPIE(3312) * *Storage and Retrieval for Image and Video Databases

SPIE(3313) * Three-Dimensional Image Capture and Applications

SPIE(336) * Characteristic Views as a Basis for Three-Dimensional Object Recognition
* Efficient Segmentation Method for Range Date

SPIE(3364) * *Enhanced and Synthetic Vision 1998

SPIE(3365) * *Acquisition, Tracking, and Pointing XII

SPIE(3370) * Flexible Histograms: A Multiresolution Target Discrimination Model

SPIE(3371) * *Automatic ObjectTarget Recognition VIII
* Hierarchical Classifier Design for Airborne SAR Images of Ships
* Structure-driven SAR image registration

SPIE(3373) * *Signal and Data Processing of Small Targets 1998

SPIE(3374) * *Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition VII

SPIE(3375) * *Targets and Backgrounds: Characterization and Representation

SPIE(3376) * *Sensor Fusion: Architectures, Algorithms, and Applications II

SPIE(3387) * *Visual Information Processing VII

SPIE(3391) * *Wavelet Applications V

SPIE(3454) * *Vision Geometry

SPIE(3456) * Mathematics of Data/Image Coding, Compression, and Encryption

SPIE(3457) * Mathematical Modeling and Estimation Techniques in Computer Vision

SPIE(3458) * *Wavelet Applications in Signal and Image Processing VI

SPIE(3460) * *Applications of Digital Image Processing

SPIE(3500) * *Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing IV

SPIE(3520) * Three-Dimensional Imaging, Optical Metrology, and Inspection IV

SPIE(3521) * Experimentical Measurement System for Industrial Inspection of 3D Parts, An
* Machine Vision Systems for Inspection and Metrology VII

SPIE(3522) * Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XVII: Algorithms, Techniques, and Active Vision

SPIE(3576) * Automatic Method for the Removal of Unwanted, Non-periodic Patterns from Forensic Images, An
* Investigation and Forensic Science Technologies

SPIE(3584) * 27th AIPR Workshop: Advances in Computer-Assisted Recognition

SPIE(359) * *Applications of Digital Image Processing
* Machine recognition of cursive Arabic words

SPIE(3640) * Three-Dimensional Image Capture and Applications II

SPIE(3641) * *Videometrics
* Photogrammetric calibration and accuracy evaluation of a cross-pattern stripe projector

SPIE(3643) * Visual Data Exploration and Analysis VI

SPIE(3646) * *Nonlinear Image Processing X

SPIE(3651) * *Document Recognition and Retrieval VI

SPIE(3652) * Machine Vision Applications in Industrial Inspection VII

SPIE(3656) * *Storage and Retrieval for Image and Video Databases

SPIE(3657) * Security and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents

SPIE(367) * *Processing and Display of Three-Dimensional Data

SPIE(3691) * *Enhanced and Synthetic Vision 1999

SPIE(3699) * *Targets and Backgrounds: Characterization and Representation

SPIE(3719) * *Sensor Fusion: Architectures, Algorithms, and Applications III

SPIE(3720) * *Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition VIII

SPIE(3723) * *Wavelet Applications VI

SPIE(3751) * Airborne Reconnaissance XXIII

SPIE(3808) * *Applications of Digital Image Processing

SPIE(3811) * *Vision Geometry

SPIE(3813) * *Wavelet Applications in Signal and Image Processing VII
* Modeling the Joint Statistics of Images in the Wavelet Domain
* Predictive depth coding of wavelet transformed images

SPIE(3814) * Mathematics of Data/Image Coding, Compression, and Encryption, II

SPIE(3836) * Machine Vision Systems for Inspection and Metrology VIII

SPIE(3837) * Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XVIII: Algorithms, Techniques, and Active Vision

SPIE(3838) * Mobile Robots XIV

SPIE(3871) * *Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing V

SPIE(3966) * *Machine Vision Applications in Industrial Inspection

SPIE(397) * Locating fast-moving objects in TV-images in the presence of motion blur
* Structured Approach to Segmentation of Aerial Photographs, A

SPIE(3972) * *Storage and Retrieval for Media Databases

SPIE(40??) * Random Cascades on Wavelet Trees and Their Use in Modeling and Analyzing Natural Imagery

SPIE(4023) * *Enhanced and Synthetic Vision 2000
* Combining Computer Graphics and Computer Vision for Probabilistic Visual Robot Navigation

SPIE(4029) * *Targets and Backgrounds: Characterization and Representation

SPIE(4115) * *Applications of Digital Image Processing

SPIE(4117) * *Vision Geometry

SPIE(4119) * Image Denoising Using a Local Gaussian Scale Mixture Model in the Wavelet Domain

SPIE(4298) * 3D Imaging in the Studio

SPIE(4301) * *Machine Vision Applications in Industrial Inspection

SPIE(4310) * *Visual Communications and Image Processing 2001
* Video Object Extraction Based on Adaptive Background and Statistical Change Detection

SPIE(4315) * *Storage and Retrieval for Media Databases

SPIE(432) * *Applications of Digital Image Processing
* On the representation of moving objects in real-time computer vision systems

SPIE(435) * *Architecture and Algorithms for Digital Image Processing

SPIE(4370) * *Targets and Backgrounds: Characterization and Representation

SPIE(442) * *Robotics and Robot Sensing Systems

SPIE(4472) * *Applications of Digital Image Processing

SPIE(4476) * *Vision Geometry

SPIE(449) * *Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision III
* Practical Real-Time Imaging Stereo Matcher

SPIE(4664) * *Machine Vision Applications in Industrial Inspection

SPIE(4676) * *Storage and Retrieval for Media Databases

SPIE(4714) * Impact of tracking system knowledge on multi-sensor 3D triangulation

SPIE(4718) * *Targets and Backgrounds: Characterization and Representation

SPIE(4724) * Multi-Target Tracking in Clutter

SPIE(4790) * *Applications of Digital Image Processing

SPIE(4794) * *Vision Geometry

SPIE(48) * Acquisition and Analysis of Pictorial Data: The Hidden Science of Imagery

SPIE(485) * *Applications of Artificial Intelligence
* Incorporating Spectral and Spatial Knowledge in the Identification of Unique Objects in High Resolution Aerial Images

SPIE(5013) * *Videometrics
* review of 20 years of range sensor development, A

SPIE(5021) * *Storage and Retrieval for Media Databases

SPIE(504) * *Applications of Digital Image Processing

SPIE(507) * *Processing and Display of Three-Dimensional Data 84

SPIE(5075) * *Targets and Backgrounds: Characterization and Representation

SPIE(5203) * *Applications of Digital Image Processing

SPIE(5267) * Improving Object Recognition Accuracy and Speed Through Non-Uniform Sampling

SPIE(528) * *Digital Image Processing: Critical Review of Technology

SPIE(5300) * *Vision Geometry

SPIE(5303) * *Machine Vision Applications in Industrial Inspection
* *Machine Vision Applications in Industrial Inspection

SPIE(5404) * Biometric Technology for Human Identification

SPIE(5431) * *Targets and Backgrounds: Characterization and Representation

SPIE(548) * *Applications of Artificial Intelligence II
* Detection of Objects in High Resolution Multispectral Aerial Images
* Texture Operators in Segmentation

SPIE(5558) * *Applications of Digital Image Processing

SPIE(5665) * *Videometrics

SPIE(5666) * Do humans discount the illuminant?

SPIE(5675) * *Vision Geometry

SPIE(5679) * *Machine Vision Applications in Industrial Inspection

SPIE(575) * *Applications of Digital Image Processing

SPIE(5779) * Off-line signature recognition based on dynamic methods

SPIE(579) * *Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision IV

SPIE(5811) * *Targets and Backgrounds: Characterization and Representation

SPIE(5909) * *Applications of Digital Image Processing

SPIE(5914) * Sparse multidimensional representation using shearlets

SPIE(595) * *Computer Vision for Robots

SPIE(6066) * *Vision Geometry

SPIE(6070) * *Machine Vision Applications in Industrial Inspection

SPIE(6239) * *Targets and Backgrounds: Characterization and Representation

SPIE(6312) * *Applications of Digital Image Processing

SPIE(635) * *Applications of Artificial Intelligence III
* Integrating Information from Thermal and Visual Images for Scene Analysis

SPIE(6392) * Stereo-photography with hand phone

SPIE(6492) * Veiling glare: the dynamic range limit of HDR images

SPIE(6499) * *Vision Geometry
* Alternative face models for 3D face registration

SPIE(6503) * *Machine Vision Applications in Industrial Inspection

SPIE(6542) * EO system concepts in the littoral

SPIE(657) * *Applications of Artificial Intelligence IV

SPIE(6696) * *Applications of Digital Image Processing

SPIE(6805) * Denoising techniques for raw 3D data of TOF cameras based on clustering and wavelets

SPIE(697) * *Applications of Digital Image Processing
* Document Image Binarization: Evaluation of Algorithms

SPIE(6974) * Portable real-time color night vision

SPIE(7) * Digital Registration of Multispectral Video Data

SPIE(707) * *Visual Communications and Image Processing

SPIE(7073) * *Applications of Digital Image Processing

SPIE(7233) * Computer simulation of reconstructed image for computer-generated holograms

SPIE(7246) * Image zooming with contour stencils

SPIE(7257) * Contour stencils for edge-adaptive image interpolation

SPIE(726) * *Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision V

SPIE(7260) * Segmentation based microscope autofocusing for blood smears

SPIE(727) * *Mobile Robots
* Curvature-Based Scheme for Improving Road Vehicle Guidance by Computer Vision, A
* Detection and Control of Mobile Robot Motion by Real-Time Computer Vision

SPIE(7329) * Stereo images in millimeter-wave regime

SPIE(7332) * Stereo vision and laser odometry for autonomous helicopters in GPS-denied indoor environments

SPIE(7345) * TRICLOBS portable triband low-light color observation system

SPIE(7528 * Pixel and spatial mechanisms of color constancy

SPIE(7528) * Artist's colour rendering of HDR scenes in 3-D Mondrian colour-constancy experiments

SPIE(754) * *Optical and Digital Pattern Recognition
* Object Detection Using Their Multispectral Characteristics
* Stereo Matching as Constrained Optimization Using Scale Continuation Methods

SPIE(758) * *Image Understanding and the Man-Machine Interface

SPIE(76) * Color Edge Detection

SPIE(7668) * 3D imaging without range information

SPIE(7689) * INVIS: integrated night vision surveillance and observation system

SPIE(781) * Corrections for Atmospheric Effects in Multispectral Images

SPIE(7814) * Estimating turbulence in images

SPIE(786) * *Applications of Artificial Intelligence V
* Developing Sensor-Driven Robots for Hazardous Environments
* Incorporating Map Information in Object Detection

SPIE(7863) * 3D imaging for glasses-free multi-view 3D displays
* Implementation of autostereoscopic HD projection display with dense horizontal parallax

SPIE(7869) * Automation of digital historical map analyses

SPIE(7957) * Holographic stereogram using camera array in dense arrangement

SPIE(8043) * Development of electronic holography toward ultra-realistic communication

SPIE(8063) * Video scrambling for privacy protection in video surveillance: Recent results and validation framework

SPIE(8135) * 3D object recognition with integral imaging using neural networks
* efficient lane markers detection algorithm using log-polar transform and RANSAC, An

SPIE(829) * *Applications of Digital Image Processing

SPIE(8371) * study on quality-adjusted impact of time lapse on iris recognition, A

SPIE(845) * *Visual Communications and Image Processing II
* Orthogonal Pyramid Transforms For Image Coding

SPIE(848) * *Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision VI
* Recovery of Superquadrics from 3D Information

SPIE(852) * *Mobile Robots II
* Distributed Scene Analysis for Autonomous Road Vehicle Guidance

SPIE(856) * *Industrial Applications of Robotics and Machine Vision

SPIE(902) * *Three-Dimensional Imaging and Remote Sensing Imaging

SPIE(933) * Object Detection in High Resolution Multispectral Images

SPIE(937) * *Applications of Artificial Intelligence VI
* Representation and Recognition of Elongated Regions in Aerial Images

SPIE(938) * *Digital and Optical Shape Representation and Pattern Recognition
* CAD-Model-Based System for Object Localization, A
* Computer-Aided, Design-Based Object Recognition: Incorporating Metric and Topological Information

SPIE(974) * *Applications of Digital Image Processing

SPIE(9875) * Extraction of latent images from printed media

SPIE(Newsroom) * *Goal-line technology scores with FIFA
* *How weather satellites have changed the view from up there
* *How weather satellites have changed the view from up there
* *Hyperspectral imaging: defense technology transfers into commercial applications
* *John Asmus: Optical techniques and the mysterious Mona Lisa
* *Steve Seitz: Using 2D images to create 3D models of historic places
* 3D human gesture recognition using integral imaging
* 3D modeling using miniscule volume elements
* 3D video capturing for multiprojector realistic display
* 3D visual system using electronic holography: Towards ultra-realistic communication
* Aberration analysis of light fields in plenoptic cameras
* Accuracy of Iris Recognition Systems Degrades with Increase in Elapsed Time
* Adaptive transformations for color hologram display
* Advances in large-format visible focal plane technology
* Airborne 3D imaging possibilities for defense and security
* Airborne active remote sensor for atmospheric carbon dioxide
* Algorithms improve synthetic aperture radar coherent change detection performance
* Analysis and classification for complex scanned documents
* Analyzing computational imaging systems
* Assessing the performance of 3D-imaging systems
* Atmospheric aerosol measurements in São Paulo, Brazil
* Automated image processing of historical maps
* Automated recognition of human activities in video streams in real time
* Automatic identification of facial clues to lies
* Automatic identification of ground control points in synthetic aperture radar images
* Automatic omni-directional, high-speed, pan-tilt platform
* Automatic quality prediction of authentically distorted pictures
* Automatic video mosaicing for surveillance using vanishing points
* Autonomous ozone, aerosol, and water vapor profiling of the atmosphere
* Autonomous Remote Sensing: A Tale of Evolving, Emerging and Converging Technologies (Part 1)
* Autonomous underwater vehicle for advanced exploration of polar environments
* Bio-inspired algorithm for online visual tracking
* Building a cyber-physical fall detection system for seniors
* camera that never overexposes an image, A
* Capturing 3D hyperspectral image cubes for dynamic events
* Coherent Doppler lidar to investigate wind turbulence
* Color remapping turns night into day
* Comparing CMOS sensor technologies
* Compound-eye-based multidimensional imager
* compressibility of an electroencephalography signal may indicate Alzheimer's disease, The
* Compression coding is key to adoption of ultra-high-definition video
* Compression of hyperspectral images
* Compressive spectral imaging for accurate remote sensing
* Computational expansion of imaging from visible to IR and gamma imaging systems
* Computational intelligence in explosive hazard detection
* Computational methods for aberration correction in simple lens imaging
* Computational microscopy improves resolution, field of view
* Computational phase imaging for light microscopes
* Computational shear interferometry for digital holography
* Contact-free camera measurements of vital signs
* Continuous observations of atmospheric aerosols across East Asia
* Copy-resistant barcodes
* Correct focus cues in stereoscopic displays improve 3D depth perception
* CubeSat platform will lower cost of weather modeling and forecasting
* Data-adaptive Filtering and the State of the Art in Image Processing
* Deblurring of post-adaptive optics images
* Decoding hidden light-field information to see around corners
* Deep Zoom tool for advanced interactivity with high-resolution images
* Degraded visual environments present challenges for DARPA
* Denoising 3D images from time-of-flight cameras using extended anisotropic diffusion
* Detecting chemical threats at safe standoff distances
* Detecting co-ordinated activities from persistent surveillance
* Detection of people in military and security context images
* Digital confocal microscopy through a multimode fiber
* Digital holography for multidimensional sensing with a monochromatic image sensor
* Dimensionality reduction of multidimensional satellite imagery
* Discomfort and fatigue from stereo 3D displays
* diverging radial-type stereoscopic camera for small mobile devices, A
* dual lidar system for environmental studies, A
* Dynamic visualization of complex flow fields using digital holographic interferometry
* Effect of new radiance observations on numerical weather prediction models
* Enabling a computer to do the job of a lens
* Enhanced discrete return technology for 3D vegetation mapping
* Enhanced hyperspectral imaging for urban reconnaissance
* Enhanced IR face recognition using Bayesian unsupervised algorithm
* Enhancing space-based signal-to-noise ratios without redesigning the satellite
* Estimating the 3D fold structure of the crust-mantle boundary
* Extracting 3D images from lunar orbiter Kaguya data
* face-tracking system to detect falls in the elderly, A
* Facial recognition progress report
* Facial recognition: recent progress, remaining challenges
* Fast projection mapping onto a moving planar surface
* Fast, automated 3D modeling of building interiors
* Firearms identification through partonomy
* Fractal analysis for natural resources management
* fresh look at assessing structural performance using imaging techniques, A
* FUEGO: a satellite system for rapid location of wildfires
* Getting Started with UAV Imaging Systems: A Radiometric Guide
* Goal-line technology and the beautiful game
* Graphics processing units revolutionize hyperspectral data processing
* GRASP: a versatile algorithm for characterizing the atmosphere
* High-frame-rate real-time imaging of speech production
* High-resolution 3D light-field display
* High-resolution imaging via quantum remote sensing
* High-resolution satellite radar for mapping changes in global forest cover
* Holographic monitoring of transportation effects on canvas paintings
* How much water is seeping off the Three Gorges Reservoir?
* Human spatial processing accounts for dynamic range and color
* Human visual perception and dissimilarity
* Hybrid stereoscopic calibration
* Hybrid stereoscopic calibration
* Hyperspectral fluorescence imaging for mineral classification
* Hyperspectral, multispectral technologies find commercial applications
* Identifying endangered species from footprints
* Image and video resizing based on a multilayer approach
* Imager locates toxic liquids at stand-off distances
* Imaging data detects changes in urban areas over time
* Imaging the near-Earth space environment
* Improved integral imaging approach for 3D object recognition
* Improved nonuniformity correction using bilateral filters
* Improved pedestrian tracking for urban planning
* improved satellite imager for year-round Arctic monitoring, An
* Improved tropical rainfall potential forecasting for mountainous regions
* Improving a time-sequential autostereoscopic 3D display
* Improving light marker accuracy on camera images
* Improving navigation for groups of autonomous guided vehicles
* Improving satellite spatial resolution
* Improving vehicle tracking techniques with a new qualia-based model
* Increasing the depth of field for multiview 3D images
* Information content of a photon and how to extract it
* Infrared hyperspectral imaging of ship plumes
* Infrared imaging system monitors transportation structures in real time
* Innovative polymer technologies for flexible liquid crystal displays
* Integral imaging for 3D object detection
* intelligent flying eye, The
* Joint sparsity model improves multimodal image fusion
* Keeping an eye on the ball
* large-scale diffractive glasses-free 3D display, A
* LED-powered mini-lidar for martian atmospheric dust studies
* LiDAR for Autonomous Vehicles: The future of 3D Sensing and Perception
* Lidar measurements for water vapor vertical profiles up to the stratosphere
* low-cost visual sensor network for elderly care, A
* Low-light imaging method provides highly accurate molecule localization
* Low-rank Fourier interpolation for compressed sensing imaging
* Magnetic resonance imaging detects seeds in mandarins
* Mapping glacier flow speeds with synthetic aperture radar cross correlation
* Maximizing the efficiency and affordability of high-performance radar
* Measuring ice clouds with an airborne far-IR radiometer
* Measuring methane with a simple open-path gas sensor
* Measuring random sensor noise in cameras
* Measuring soil water potential using IR thermal imaging
* Measuring structural displacements with digital image correlation
* miniature spectral imager for lightweight satellites, A
* Mitigating the impact of signal-dependent noise on hyperspectral target detection
* Modeling targets for electromagnetic induction sensing applications
* Monitoring coastal ocean color with low-cost CubeSats
* Monitoring short-lived climate pollutants by laser absorption spectroscopy
* Monitoring the viability of coral reefs
* multi-aperture computational ultra-high-speed camera with ultra-fast charge modulators, A
* Multi-projection 3D displays using multiplexing techniques in autostereoscopic displays
* Multi-sensory surveillance for moving vehicles
* Multi-view dynamic geometry capture using structured light
* Multicore speedup for automated stitching of large images
* Multiscale and multidirectional tight frames for image analysis
* Natural stereo images from a glasses-free, 3D display
* new approach for real-time target tracking in videos, A
* new generation of hurricane-observing satellites, A
* New IR polarimeter for improved detection of oil on water
* new low-mass, low-power hyperspectral imager for the detection of atmospheric species, A
* New ophthalmic device for measuring binocular accommodation responses
* New system performs persistent wide-area aerial surveillance
* new, open standard for 3D imaging data, A
* Noncontact, depth-detailed 3D fingerprinting
* Novel 3D x-ray differential phase-contrast imaging system
* Novel approach to autofocus imaging for mobile cameras
* Novel CMOS sensors for improved quantum imaging
* Novel glasses-free tabletop 3D imaging technology for collaborative applications
* Novel monocular head-up display system
* Novel walk-through imaging system for security screening
* Object detection: From optical correlator to intelligent recognition surveillance system
* Objective evaluation of computer-generated hologram image quality
* Observing Earth's water cycle from space
* one-pass estimation algorithm for real-time video coding, A
* Optical instruments aboard GOES-16 weather satellite
* Optics of Google Earth
* Optimal spectral image fusion for detection of shoreline targets
* Optimization techniques to transform fragile watermarking
* Optimizing magnetic resonance imaging reconstructions
* Panoramic full-frame imaging with monocentric lenses and curved fiber bundles
* Physical object identification using micro-structure images
* Prints that respond to lighting direction
* Privacy-enabling technologies in video surveillance
* Protein-based optical filters for image processinge
* Quality of experience (QoE) in multimedia applications
* Random phase-free computer holography
* rapidly deformable liquid lens, A
* Real-time processing for long-range imaging
* Recognizing faces like humans: A new approach to facial identification makes automated surveillance easier
* Reconstructing complex scenes for virtual reality
* Recording Denisyuk-type holograms with multi-pulse laser exposure
* Recovering image data from JPEG file fragments
* Reducing the false alarm rate in abandoned object detection
* Reduction of phase fluctuations in swept-source optical coherence tomography
* Remote sensing aid to the Japanese earthquake and tsunami relief effort
* Remote sensing of atmospheric aerosols in South Africa
* Remote sensing of coastal habitats
* Remote sensing of ground deformation
* Remotely detecting weapons of mass destruction
* Remotely sensing the complexity of rivers and estuaries
* Reproducing deep 3D images from captured light fields
* Responding to natural disasters with satellite imagery
* Restoring lost resolution of plenoptic images
* Restoring the perception of eye contact in the visually impaired
* Robust fuzzy statistical modeling of dynamic backgrounds in IR videos
* Rough surface scattering for active-illumination systems
* Satellite altimeters for detection of oceanic internal waves
* Satellite radar reveals land subsidence over coal mines
* Satellite-based multitemporal-change detection in urban environments
* Scatter-free imaging through biological tissue
* Seeing through walls with wireless signals
* Seven challenges for image quality research
* simple model for a lane detection system, A
* Single-shot depth-camera design
* Standards institute improves remote-sensing instrument calibration
* Steerable LiDAR platform based on a 3D laser scanner using prisms
* STORM: a sounding and tracking observatory for regional meteorology
* Straightforward archeological orthophotos from oblique aerial images
* Superior vision in nocturnal insects inspires new night vision technologies
* Synthetic aperture radar for imaging through cloud layers
* Toward a 3D endoscope for minimally invasive surgery
* Turbulence compensation enhances long-range imagery
* Turbulence mitigation methods for sea scenario imaging
* Turning on to speckle imaging
* Ultrahigh-speed imaging reveals nanoscopic single-molecule dynamics
* Understanding the impact of image quality on segmentation accuracy
* Unified characterization of imaging sensors from visible through longwave IR
* Use of remote sensing to validate electro-optic prediction models
* Using a superfluid to image its own vortices
* Using lidar and rockets to explore turbulence in the atmosphere
* Using lidar networks to explore aloft plume properties
* Vehicle-tracking in wide-area motion imagery from an airborne platform
* Video analysis boosts healthcare efficiency and safety
* Video face tracking: a work in progress
* Video: Real-time situational awareness information for first responders
* vision-based collision warning system for unmanned aerial vehicles, A
* Visual Signal Analysis: Focus on Texture Similarity
* Watching photons on the fly
* Wetland change detection in the Nile swamps of southern Sudan
238 for SPIE(Newsroom)

SPIE(nnnn) * COCOA: Tracking in Aerial Imagery
* Color Binarization for Complex Camera-based Images

SPIE(xx) * Designing Vision Systems for Robotic Applications
* Temporal Analysis of Stereo Image Sequences of Traffic Scenes
* Zero-Crossing of Second Directional Derivative Edge Operator

Index for "s"

Last update:15-Jan-25 15:00:20
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