* *3D Imaging, Modeling, Processing, Visualization and Transmission
* *Advances in Visual Computing
* *CVS
* *eHeritage and Digital Art Preservation
* *International Journal of Computer Vision and Signal Processing
* *International Workshop on the Analysis of Multi-temporal Remote Sensing Images
* *Machine Learning in Medical Imaging
* *Subspace Methods
* *VS
* *Workshop on Application of Computer Vision for Mixed and Augmented Reality
* *Workshop on Computational Photography and Aesthetics
* *Workshop on Computer Vision in Vehicle Technology: From Earth to Mars
* *Workshop on Gaze Sensing and Interactions
* *Workshop on Video Event Categorization, Tagging and Retrieval
* 1D approach to correlation-based stereo matching, A
* 3D Cascade of Classifiers for Open and Closed Eye Detection in Driver Distraction Monitoring
* 3d Catenary Curve Fitting For Geometric Calibration
* 3D Data Segmentation by Local Classification and Markov Random Fields
* 3D estimation of road cartography using vehicle localization and observers
* 3D Facial Feature Detection Using Iso-Geodesic Stripes and Shape-Index Based Integral Projection
* 3D Gestural Interaction for Stereoscopic Visualization on Mobile Devices
* 3D Human Action Recognition for Multi-view Camera Systems
* 3D map construction using heterogeneous robots
* 3D Model Retrieval Using the Histogram of Orientation of Suggestive Contours
* 3D Object Modeling with Graphics Hardware Acceleration and Unsupervised Neural Networks
* 3D Object Presentation Mapping
* 3D object recognition via multi-view inspection in unknown environments
* 3D Reconstruction of a Collapsed Historical Site from Sparse Set of Photographs and Photogrammetric Map
* 3D Reconstruction of Buildings with Automatic Facade Refinement
* 3D Reconstruction of Interior Wall Surfaces under Occlusion and Clutter
* 3D Reconstruction of Urban Areas
* 3D reconstruction system based on improved spacetime stereo, A
* 3D Saliency for Abnormal Motion Selection: The Role of the Depth Map
* 3D Segmentation in CT Imagery with Conditional Random Fields and Histograms of Oriented Gradients
* 3D Shape Restoration via Matrix Recovery
* 3D-City Modeling: A Semi-automatic Framework for Integrating Different Terrain Models
* 6DoF Registration of 2D Laser Scans
* Abnormal Behavior Detection via Sparse Reconstruction Analysis of Trajectory
* Abnormal Event Recognition in Crowd Scene, An
* Accelerating Vehicle Detection in Low-Altitude Airborne Urban Video
* Accuracy Analysis Of Kinect Depth Data
* Accuracy and Reliability Assessment of GLAS Measurements Over Israel
* Accurate and Practical Calibration of a Depth and Color Camera Pair
* Accurate Estimation of Gaussian and Mean Curvature in Volumetric Images
* Accurate Foreground Segmentation without Pre-learning
* Accurate Regression-Based 4D Mitral Valve Surface Reconstruction from 2D+t MRI Slices
* Achievable safety of driverless ground vehicles
* Acquiring human skeleton proportions from monocular images without posture estimation
* Active Learning Based on Locally Linear Reconstruction
* Active Sampling of Gaze-Shifts, The
* Active-learning based cascade classification of multitemporal images for updating land-cover maps
* Activity Discovery Using Compressed Suffix Trees
* Activity Recognition in Pervasive Intelligent Environments
* Adaptive and Nonlinear Techniques for Visibility Improvement of Hazy Images
* Adaptive Approach for Segmentation of 3D Laser Point Cloud, An
* Adaptive Background Model for Arbitrary-Long Stationary Target
* Adaptive Background Modeling for Paused Object Regions
* Adaptive Bilateral Filter Considering Local Characteristics
* Adaptive Coded Aperture Photography
* Adaptive Discrete Laplace Operator
* Adaptive filter for speckle reduction with feature preservation in medical ultrasound images
* Adaptive Matrices for Color Texture Classification
* Adaptive Medical Image Denoising Using Support Vector Regression
* Adaptive Model for Object Detection in Noisy and Fast-Varying Environment
* adaptive region boundary-based control scheme for an autonomous underwater vehicle, An
* Adaptive region tracking control for autonomous underwater vehicle
* Adaptive ROC-based ensembles of HMMs applied to anomaly detection
* Adaptive Two-Step Adjustable Partial Distortion Search Algorithm for Motion Estimation
* Adaptive video watermarking algorithm based on MPEG-4 streams
* Adding explicit content classification to nonlinear filters
* Advance in triangular mesh simplification study
* Advanced algorithms for real-time video tracking with multiple targets
* Advanced Cooperative Path Prediction Algorithm for Safety Applications in Vehicular Networks, An
* Advanced Safety Sensor for Gate Automation
* Aerial Video Images Registration Based on Optimal Derivative Filters with Scene-Adaptive Corners
* Aerotriangulation Supported By Camera Station Position Determined Via Physical Integration Of Lidar And SLR Digital Camera
* Aesthetics and Emotions in Images
* Affective Video Classification Based on Spatio-temporal Feature Fusion
* affine invariant interest point and region detector based on Gabor filters, An
* Agnostic Domain Adaptation
* Airborne Lidar: A Fully-Automated Self-Calibration Procedure
* Algorithm and Architecture Co-Design of Hardware-Oriented, Modified Diamond Search for Fast Motion Estimation in H.264/AVC
* Algorithm for Discriminating Aggregate Gaze Points: Comparison with Salient Regions-Of-Interest
* Algorithm for License Plate Recognition Applied to Intelligent Transportation System, An
* Algorithm of Planar Coded Pattern Recognition for Camera Calibration, An
* Alternating Scheme for Supervised Parameter Learning with Application to Image Segmentation
* Ambulatory Assessment of Human Body Kinematics and Kinetics
* Analysis And Application Of Lidar Waveform Data Using A Progressive Waveform Decomposition Method
* Analysis of earth observation time series to investigate the relation between rainfall, vegetation dynamic and streamflow in the Uele' basin (Central African Republic)
* Analysis of Impostor Based Level of Detail Approximations for LIDAR Data, An
* Analysis of LULC changes and urban expansion of the resort city of Al Ain using remote sensing and GIS
* Analysis of NOAA/AVHRR multitemporal images, climate conditions and cultivated land of sugarcane fields applied to agricultural monitoring
* Analysis of stressed human speech
* Analysis of Two Triangle-Based Multi-Surface Registration Algorithms of Irregular Point Clouds
* Analysis of Visual Adaptation and Contrast Perception for Tone Mapping, An
* Analytical description of pseudo-invariant features (PIFs)
* Analyzing Diving: A Dataset for Judging Action Quality
* Anatomical Regularization on Statistical Manifolds for the Classification of Patients with Alzheimer's Disease
* Ancient Porcelain Shards Classifications Based on Color Features
* Appearance-Based Approach to Assistive Identity Inference Using LBP and Colour Histograms, An
* Appearance-Based Smile Intensity Estimation by Cascaded Support Vector Machines
* Application of Multi-modal Features for Terrain Classification on a Mobile System
* Applying 3d Affine Transformation And Least Squares Matching For Airborne Laser Scanning Strips Adjustment Without GNSS/IMU Trajectory Data
* Applying training hidden features to joint curve evolution for brain MRI segmentation
* Approach for Shape from Surface Normals with Local Discontinuity Detection, An
* approach of Canny edge detection with virtual hexagonal image structure, An
* Approach to Point Based Approximate Color Bleeding with Volumes, An
* Approximation of Volume and Branch Size Distribution of Trees from Laser Scanner Data
* AR Cultural Heritage Reconstruction Based on Feature Landmark Database Constructed by Using Omnidirectional Range Sensor
* Arc Segmentation in Linear Time
* Archaeology via underwater robots: Mapping and localization within maltese cistern systems
* Architectural Style Classification of Building Facade Windows
* Are Current Monocular Computer Vision Systems for Human Action Recognition Suitable for Visual Surveillance Applications?
* Are Performance Differences of Interest Operators Statistically Significant?
* Area-Based Snow Damage Classification of Forest Canopies Using Bi-Temporal Lidar Data
* Artist-Led Suggestions towards an Approach in Content Aware 3D Non-photorealistic Rendering
* Asphalt Concrete Surfaces Macrotexture Determination From Still Images
* Assessing the impact of the orbital drift of SPOT-VGT1 by comparing with SPOT-VGT2 data
* Assessment of the Absolute Planimetric Accuracy of Airborne Laserscanning, The
* Assessment of Visibility Quality in Adverse Weather and Illumination Conditions
* Attempt to Segment Foreground in Dynamic Scenes, An
* Attenuated Sequential Importance Resampling (A-SIR) Algorithm for Object Tracking
* Audio-Video Analysis of Musical Expressive Intentions
* Augmented Reality System for Visualizing 3-D Region of Interest in Unknown Environment
* Augmented Reality-Based On-Site Tour Guide: A Study in Gyeongbokgung
* Augmenting Heteronanostructure Visualization with Haptic Feedback
* Auto-focusing technique in a projector-camera system
* Automated backdating of transportation networks with Landsat imagery
* Automated Cephalometric Landmark Localization Using Sparse Shape and Appearance Models
* Automated Detection of Major Thoracic Structures with a Novel Online Learning Method
* Automated Fish Taxonomy Using Evolution-COnstructed Features
* Automated Identification of Photoreceptor Cones Using Multi-scale Modelling and Normalized Cross-Correlation
* Automated Identification of Thoracolumbar Vertebrae Using Orthogonal Matching Pursuit
* Automated Nuclear Segmentation of Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering Microscopy Images by Coupling Superpixel Context Information with Artificial Neural Networks
* Automated Selection of Standardized Planes from Ultrasound Volume
* Automatic Bridge Extraction for Optical Images
* Automatic building detection in aerial and satellite images
* Automatic Burned Land Mapping From MODIS Time Series Images: Assessment in Mediterranean Ecosystems
* Automatic Bus Line Number Localization and Recognition on Mobile Phones: A Computer Vision Aid for the Visually Impaired
* Automatic Classification of Ultraviolet Aurora Images Based on Texture and Shape Features
* Automatic Color Detection of Archaeological Pottery with Munsell System
* Automatic Conic and Line Grouping for Calibration of Central Catadioptric Camera
* Automatic Craniofacial Structure Detection on Cephalometric Images
* Automatic Extraction of Rock Joints From Laser Scanned Data By Moving Least Squares Method And Fuzzy K-Means Clustering
* Automatic eye fixations identification based on analysis of variance and covariance
* Automatic Facial Expression Recognition Using Statistical-Like Moments
* Automatic gait characterization for a mobility assistance system
* Automatic Generation of Aesthetic Patterns with the Use of Dynamical Systems
* Automatic Generation of Subject-Based Image Transitions
* Automatic Human Action Recognition in Videos by Graph Embedding
* Automatic Human Knee Cartilage Segmentation from Multi-contrast MR Images Using Extreme Learning Machines and Discriminative Random Fields
* Automatic interpolation of phenological phases in Germany
* Automatic Keypoint Detection on 3D Faces Using a Dictionary of Local Shapes
* Automatic Localization and Quantification of Intracranial Aneurysms
* Automatic Matching Algorithm Based on SIFT Descriptors for Remote Sensing Ship Image, An
* Automatic Morphological Classification of Lung Cancer Subtypes with Boosting Algorithms for Optimizing Therapy
* Automatic Recognition Of Piping System From Large-Scale Terrestrial Laser Scan Data
* Automatic Registration of Multiple Laser Scans Using Panoramic RGB and Intensity Images
* Automatic Relocalization and Loop Closing for Real-Time Monocular SLAM
* Automatic remote evaluation system for biometric testing
* Automatic Segmentation of Digital Orthopantomograms for Forensic Human Identification
* Automatic Segmentation of Vertebrae from Radiographs: A Sample-Driven Active Shape Model Approach
* Automatic segmentation of VHR images using type information of local structures acquired by mathematical morphology
* automatic system for multi-view face detection and pose estimation, An
* Automatic Template Labeling in Extensible Multiagent Biometric Systems
* Automatic traffic monitoring using neural networks from satellite images
* Automatically Detecting Protruding Objects When Shooting Environmental Portraits
* Automatically Searching for Optimal Parameter Settings Using a Genetic Algorithm
* Autonomous contour tracking using staircase method for industrial robot
* Avoiding Mesh Folding in 3D Optimal Surface Segmentation
* Background Modeling via Incremental Maximum Margin Criterion
* Background Subtraction for PTZ Cameras Performing a Guard Tour and Application to Cameras with Very Low Frame Rate
* Bag-of-Feature Model for Video Semantic Annotation, A
* Bag-of-Features Based Classification of Breast Parenchymal Tissue in the Mammogram via Jointly Selecting and Weighting Visual Words
* Bag-of-Visual-Words Approach to Abnormal Image Detection in Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Videos
* basic method for classifying humans based on an EEG analysis, A
* Bathymetry from fusion of multi-temporal Landsat and radar altimetery
* Bayesian Approach for Scene Interpretation with Integrated Hierarchical Structure, A
* Bayesian Loop for Synergistic Change Detection and Tracking
* Bayesian Network Model for Automatic and Interactive Image Segmentation, A
* benchmarking tool for MAV visual pose estimation, A
* Best-Next-View-Selection Algorithm for Multi-view Rendering, A
* Bias Field Inconsistency Correction of Motion-Scattered Multislice MRI for Improved 3D Image Reconstruction
* BiCluster Viewer: A Visualization Tool for Analyzing Gene Expression Data
* Bilateral Filtering Based User-Controllable Multi-exemplars Texture Synthesis
* Binary-Partition-Assisted MAC-Layer Broadcast for Emergency Message Dissemination in VANETs
* Biologically Motivated Feature Extraction
* Biomass Estimation of Individual Trees Using Stem and Crown Diameter TLS Measurements
* Biometric recognition using online uppercase handwritten text
* BlenSor: Blender Sensor Simulation Toolbox
* BOLD Contrast and Noise Characteristics of Densely Sampled Multi-Echo fMRI Data
* Boosted Co-Training Algorithm for Human Action Recognition, A
* Boosted Learning of Visual Word Weighting Factors for Bag-of-Features Based Medical Image Retrieval
* Braided river dynamics determined using satellite imagery: Upper Rakaia River, Canterbury, New Zealand
* Brain MR Image Tumor Segmentation with Ventricular Deformation
* Branches and Roots: Project Selection in Graphics Courses for Fourth Year Computer Science Undergraduates
* Brief History of the Subspace Methods, A
* Building compact recognizers of handwritten Chinese characters using precision constrained Gaussian model, minimum classification error training and parameter compression
* Calibration Of Full-Waveform ALS Data Based On Robust Incidence Angle Estimation
* Calibration of Nodal and Free-Moving Cameras in Dynamic Scenes for Post-Production
* Camera motion estimation via optimization-on-a-manifold
* Can Saliency Map Models Predict Human Egocentric Visual Attention?
* Cartography of Spatial Relationships in a Symbolic Image Database, A
* Cascade-Based License Plate Localization with Line Segment Features and Haar-Like Features
* Categorization of Camera Captured Documents Based on Logo Identification
* Cell imaging beyond the diffraction limit using sparse deconvolution spatial light interference microscopy
* Centered Subset Kernel PCA for Denoising
* Change detection in very high resolution imagery based on dynamic time warping: An implementation for Haiti earthquake damage assessment
* Change Detection Method for Man-Made Objects in SAR Images Based on Curvelet and Level Set, A
* Channel Coding for Joint Colour and Depth Segmentation
* Character Segmentation for License Plate Recognition by K-Means Algorithm
* Characterizing Obstacle-Avoiding Paths Using Cohomology Theory
* Classification Algorithm to Distinguish Image as Haze or Non-haze, A
* Classification Approach with a Reject Option for Multi-label Problems, A
* Classification of abnormalities in digitized mammograms using Extreme Learning Machine
* Classification of Driving Postures by Support Vector Machines
* Classification of dynamic evolutions from satellitar image time series based on similarity measures
* Classification of Vehicle Make by Combined Features and Random Subspace Ensemble
* Classifying Small Lesions on Breast MRI through Dynamic Enhancement Pattern Characterization
* Closed Form Algorithm for Superresolution, A
* Closed-Form Approximation of the Exact Unbiased Inverse of the Anscombe Variance-Stabilizing Transformation, A
* Clustering analysis applied to NDVI/NOAA multitemporal images to improve the monitoring process of sugarcane crops
* Clustering of satellite image time series under Time Warping
* Clutter-aware dynamic projection system using a handheld projector
* CNNC: a common nearest neighbour clustering approach for gene expression data
* Coarse to fine patches-based multitemporal analysis of very high resolution satellite images
* Codebook Reconstruction with Word Correlation Feedback Mechanism
* Cognitive Vision System for Nuclear Fusion Device Monitoring, A
* Collaborative Track Analysis, Data Cleansing, and Labeling
* CollisionExplorer: A Tool for Visualizing Droplet Collisions in a Turbulent Flow
* Color Compensation Using Nonlinear Luminance-RGB Component Curve of a Camera
* Color Contribution to Part-Based Person Detection in Different Types of Scenarios
* Color Histogram-Based Image Segmentation
* Color image demosaicking: An overview
* Color Image Segmentation Based on an Iterative Graph Cut Algorithm Using Time-of-Flight Cameras
* Color Information Presentation for Color Vision Defective by Using a Projector Camera System
* Color Line Detection
* color management system for textile based on HSV model and bayesian classifier, A
* Color rank and census transforms using perceptual color contrast
* Color Texture Classification Using Rao Distance between Multivariate Copula Based Models
* color-based approach for disparity refinement, A
* Color-Based Extensions to MSERs
* Colour Image Coding with Matching Pursuit in the Spatio-frequency Domain
* Combined Head Localization and Head Pose Estimation for Video-Based Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
* Combining Mean-Shift and Particle Filter for Object Tracking
* Combining Perceptual Features With Diffusion Distance for Face Recognition
* Combining Probabilistic Shape-from-Shading and Statistical Facial Shape Models
* Combining Re-Ranking and Rank Aggregation Methods
* Combining Structure and Appearance for Anomaly Detection in Wire Ropes
* Common Scab Detection on Potatoes Using an Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging System
* Compactly Supported Basis Functions as Support Vector Kernels for Classification
* Comparative Evaluation of Feature Detectors on Historic Repeat Photography, A
* comparative study of age-invariant face recognition with different feature representations, A
* comparative study of local feature extraction for age estimation, A
* Comparative Study of Two Vertical Road Modelling Techniques, A
* Comparing human faces using edge weighted dissimilarity measure
* Comparison of clustering methods: A case study of text-independent speaker modeling
* Comparison of two remote sensing time series analysis methods for monitoring forest decline
* Comparison Study of Inferences on Graphical Model for Registering Surface Model to 3D Image, A
* Composite feature modeling and retrieval
* Compound Mutual Subspace Method for 3D Object Recognition: A Theoretical Extension of Mutual Subspace Method
* Compounded Regularization and Fast Algorithm for Compressive Sensing Deconvolution
* comprehensive sclera image quality measure, A
* Compressed Illumination Sensing
* Computational Color Constancy: Survey and Experiments
* Computationally efficient application of the generic shape-illumination invariant to face recognition from video
* Computed tomography guided laparoscopy: Proof of concept
* Computed Tomography: Fundamentals, System Technology, Image Quality, Applications, 3rd Edition
* Computer Vision Based Smart Lane Departure Warning System for Vehicle Dynamics Control
* Computer Vision Technology Applied to MR-Based Pre-visualization in Filmmaking
* Computer Vision Using Local Binary Patterns
* Computer-Aided Detection of Polyps in CT Colonography with Pixel-Based Machine Learning Techniques
* Computer-Assisted Intramedullary Nailing Using Real-Time Bone Detection in 2D Ultrasound Images
* Computing Morse Decompositions for Triangulated Terrains: An Analysis and an Experimental Evaluation
* Computing Range Flow from Multi-modal Kinect Data
* Computing Smooth Time Trajectories for Camera and Deformable Shape in Structure from Motion with Occlusion
* Confidence- and margin-based MMI/MPE discriminative training for off-line handwriting recognition
* Content Adaptive Image Matching by Color-Entropy Segmentation and Inpainting
* Content-Based Design Patent Image Retrieval Using Structured Features and Multiple Feature Fusion
* Content-Based Dissemination Protocol for VANETs: Exploiting the Encounter Probability, A
* ContextRank: Personalized Tourism Recommendation by Exploiting Context Information of Geotagged Web Photos
* Continuous Learning in a Changing Environment, A
* Contourlet-Based Texture Retrieval Using a Mixture of Generalized Gaussian Distributions
* Contrast enhancement dynamic histogram equalization for medical image processing application
* Control of Ensembles of Aerial Robots
* Controllable Simulation of Particle System
* Converting 2D soccer video to 3D cartoon
* Convex Active Contour Region-Based Model for Image Segmentation, A
* Cooperative avoidance control for UAVs
* Cooperative ground target tracking with input constraints
* Correction of paradoxical vision by simulated depth cue and inverted mirror image for laparoscopic surgery
* coupled implicit shape-based deformable model for segmentation of MR images, A
* Covariance Matching for PDE-based Contour Tracking
* Crop Detection through Blocking Artefacts Analysis
* CSS-AFFN: A Dataset Representation Model for Active Recognition Systems
* Curvature diffusion evolution in image filtering
* Cutting-Plane Training of Non-associative Markov Network for 3D Point Cloud Segmentation
* C^4: Exploring Multiple Solutions in Graphical Models by Cluster Sampling
* D-Note: Computer-Aided Digital Note Taking System on Physical Book
* DART: A Practical Reconstruction Algorithm for Discrete Tomography
* Data Management Method For Efficient Search and Rendering of Multiple Large Scale Point Clouds, A
* Data-Driven Approach to Understanding Skill in Photographic Composition, A
* Data-Driven Cortex Segmentation in Reconstructed Fetal MRI by Using Structural Constraints
* DCE-MRI Analysis Using Sparse Adaptive Representations
* DCT Approximation for Image Compression, A
* Deconvolving Poissonian images by a novel hybrid variational model
* Deformable Object Shape Refinement and Tracking Using Graph Cuts and Support Vector Machines
* Deformable Registration for Geometric Distortion Correction of Diffusion Tensor Imaging
* Denoising Time-Of-Flight Data with Adaptive Total Variation
* Dense 3D Reconstruction of Symmetric Scenes from a Single Image
* Dense SIFT and Gabor descriptors-based face representation with applications to gender recognition
* Depth Based View Synthesis with Artifacts Removal for FTV
* Depth Map Enhancement Using Adaptive Steering Kernel Regression Based on Distance Transform
* Depth map estimation based on linear regression using image focus
* Deriving plant phenology from remote sensing
* Describable Visual Attributes for Face Verification and Image Search
* Design and Evaluation of Context-Aware and Location-Based Service Discovery Protocols for Vehicular Networks
* Design and implementation of a contactless palm print and palm vein sensor
* Design for Embedded Image Processing on FPGAs
* Design of an Airborne Three-Dimensional Separation Assistance Display
* Design of New Unitary Transforms for Perceptual Video Encryption
* Designing compact Gabor filter banks for efficient texture feature extraction
* Detecting Customers' Buying Events on a Real-Life Database
* Detecting Frequent Patterns in Video Using Partly Locality Sensitive Hashing
* Detecting local features in complex images: A combination of Hough transform and moment-based approximations
* Detecting Motion Patterns in Dynamic Crowd Scenes
* Detection and Classification of Traffic Anomalies Using Microscopic Traffic Variables
* Detection and segmentation of near-duplicate fragments in random images
* Detection and Tracking Faces in Unconstrained Color Video Streams
* Detection Human Motion with Heel Strikes for Surveillance Analysis
* Detection method and filters for blocking effect reduction of highly compressed images
* Detection of Collapsed Buildings by Classifying Segmented Airborne Laser Scanner Data
* Detection of Defect in Textile Fabrics Using Optimal Gabor Wavelet Network and Two-Dimensional PCA
* Detection of Retinal Vascular Bifurcations by Trainable V4-Like Filters
* Detection of Road Curb from Mobile Terrestrial Laser Scanner Point Cloud
* Detection of small changes in airborne hyperspectral imagery: Experimental results over urban areas
* Detection of soldering defects in Printed Circuit Boards with Hierarchical Marked Point Processes
* Detection of unfocused raindrops on a windscreen using low level image processing
* Determining Spatial Motion Directly from Normal Flow Field: A Comprehensive Treatment
* Determining the Cause of Negative Dissimilarity Eigenvalues
* Development of a 3D Haptic Rendering System with the String-Based Haptic Interface Device and Vibration Speakers, A
* Development of glass bottle inspector based on machine vision
* Development of motion analysis protocols based on inertial sensors
* Dice Recognition in Uncontrolled Illumination Conditions by Local Invariant Features
* Diffeomorphic Matching Based Characterization of the Pelvic Organ Dynamics, A
* Dimensionality Based Scale Selection in 3D LIDAR Point Clouds
* Direct Spherical Parameterization of 3D Triangular Meshes Using Local Flattening Operations
* Directed Graph Based Image Registration
* Disambiguation of Horizontal Direction for Video Conference Systems
* Discontinuity-based registration of depth and video data in depth image based rendering
* Discrete Point Based Signatures and Applications to Document Matching
* Discriminative Features for Image Classification and Retrieval
* Discriminative Human Pose Estimation Based on the Bandelet2 Image Descriptor
* Discriminative Video Pattern Search for Efficient Action Detection
* Display Pixel Caching
* Dissimilarity Representation in Multi-feature Spaces for Image Retrieval
* Distortion Compensation for Movement Detection Based on Dense Optical Flow
* Distributed Media-Aware Rate Allocation for Video Multicast Over Wireless Networks
* Distribution-Based Active Contour Model for Medical Image Segmentation
* Diversifying the Image Relevance Reranking with Absorbing Random Walks
* Does evapotranspiration influence the strength of the North American monsoon? Multitemporal satellite analysis of evapotranspiration and its effects
* Double Compression Detection Based on Markov Model of the First Digits of DCT Coefficients
* Double-Layer Model for Foreground Detection from Video Sequence, A
* Driver's Fatigue and Drowsiness Detection to Reduce Traffic Accidents on Road
* DTTM: A Discriminative Temporal Topic Model for Facial Expression Recognition
* Dynamic and Contextual Information in HMM Modeling for Handwritten Word Recognition
* Dynamic Background Subtraction Using Spatial-Color Binary Patterns
* Dynamic mapping of cropland areas in Sub-Saharan Africa using MODIS time series
* Dynamic Niching Quantum Genetic Algorithm for Automatic Evolution of Clusters, A
* Dynamic Radial Contour Extraction by Splitting Homogeneous Areas
* Dynamic Shape Capture via Periodical-Illumination Optical Flow Estimation and Multi-view Photometric Stereo
* Dynamic Subspace Update with Incremental Nyström Approximation
* Dynamic Vehicle Routing for Robotic Systems
* Dynamic Video Segmentation via a Novel Recursive Kernel Density Estimation
* Ecological Vehicle Control on Roads With Up-Down Slopes
* Edge detection comparison for license plate detection
* Edge Saliency Map Detection with Texture Suppression
* Edge-Directed Image Interpolation Using Color Gradient Information
* Edge-region information measure based on deformed and displaced pixel for image quality assessment
* Editorial preface: Special issue on ICDAR2009 selected and extended papers
* EDLines: A Real-Time Line Segment Detector with a False Detection Control
* Effect of font size, italics, and colour count on web usability
* Effect of Model Misspecification on Semi-Supervised Classification, The
* Effect of the learning algorithm on the accuracy of sub-pixel land use classifications with multilayer perceptrons
* Effective Classification Approach for EEG-based BCI System, An
* effective dissolve detection approach with temporal and spatial considerations, An
* Effective Image Retrieval Technique Based on Color Perception, An
* Effective Supervised Framework for Retinal Blood Vessel Segmentation Using Local Standardisation and Bagging, An
* Effective Unconstrained Face Recognition by Combining Multiple Descriptors and Learned Background Statistics
* Effects of facial alignment for age estimation
* Effects of JPEG XR Compression Settings on Iris Recognition Systems
* Effects of Laser Reflection Angle on Radiometric Correction Of The Airborne Lidar Intensity Data, The
* Effects of multitemporal scene changes on pansharpening fusion
* Effects of watermarking on iris recognition performance
* Efficient and Robust Alignment of Unsynchronized Video Sequences
* Efficient and Robust Shape Matching for Model Based Human Motion Capture
* Efficient Approach to Semantic Segmentation, An
* Efficient architecture for collision detection between heterogeneous data structures application for vision-guided robots
* Efficient Authorship Protection Scheme for Shared Multimedia Content, An
* Efficient character segmentation on car license plates
* Efficient City-Sized 3D Reconstruction from Ultra-High Resolution Aerial and Ground Video Imagery
* Efficient Computation of Convolution of Huge Images
* Efficient Data Propagation in Traffic-Monitoring Vehicular Networks
* Efficient Detection of Consecutive Facial Expression Apices Using Biologically Based Log-Normal Filters
* Efficient discriminative multiresolution cascade for real-time human detection applications
* efficient edge and corner detector, An
* Efficient Encoder Rate Control Solution for Transform Domain Wyner-Ziv Video Coding, An
* Efficient face recognition with a large database
* Efficient Generation of Multi-perspective Panoramas
* Efficient Head Tracking Using an Integral Histogram Constructing Based on Sparse Matrix Technology
* efficient illumination compensation based on plane-fit for face recognition, An
* efficient illumination normalization method in a transformed domain, An
* Efficient Image Denoising by MRF Approximation with Uniform-Sampled Multi-spanning-tree
* Efficient Image Segmentation Using Weighted Pseudo-Elastica
* efficient method for content based image retrieval using histogram graph, An
* Efficient Multi-resolution Histogram Matching for Bag-of-Features
* Efficient Starting Point Decision for Enhanced Hexagonal Search
* Efficient Stereo and Optical Flow with Robust Similarity Measures
* Efficient Switching Median Filter Based on Local Outlier Factor, An
* Efficient Use of Geometric Constraints for Sliding-Window Object Detection in Video
* Efficient video sequences alignment using unbiased bidirectional dynamic time warping
* Efficient visual memory based navigation of indoor robot with a wide-field of view camera
* Elastic Ratio: Introducing Curvature Into Ratio-Based Image Segmentation, The
* Electric Appliance Parts Classification Using a Measure Combining the Whole Shape and Local Shape Distribution Similarities
* Ellipse Detection through Decomposition of Circular Arcs and Line Segments
* EM+TV Based Reconstruction for Cone-Beam CT with Reduced Radiation
* EM-Type Algorithms for Image Reconstruction with Background Emission and Poisson Noise
* Embedding Gestalt Laws on Conditional Random Field for Image Segmentation
* Emotion indexing using hidden Markov expert rule model (HMER) for autism children
* Empirical Framework to Control Human Attention by Robot, An
* Empowering the end-user in biometrics
* Energy-Efficient Cooperative Techniques for Infrastructure-to-Vehicle Communications
* Enhanced 'Optimization-on-a-Manifold' Framework for Global Registration of 3D Range Data, An
* Enhancing Identity Prediction Using a Novel Approach to Combining Hard- and Soft-Biometric Information
* Entropy-Based Localization of Textured Regions
* Error Bounds on the Reconstruction of Binary Images from Low Resolution Scans
* Error Compensation by Sensor Re-calibration in Fringe Projection Based Optical 3D Stereo Scanners
* Error Decreasing of Background Subtraction Process by Modeling the Foreground
* Error Resilient Coding Based on Reversible Data Hiding and Redundant Slice
* Estimating Human Body and Head Orientation Change to Detect Visual Attention Direction
* Estimation Theoretical Approach to Ambrosio-Tortorelli Image Segmentation, An
* Evaluating Feature Combination in Object Classification
* Evaluation methodology for analyzing environment influence in biometrics
* Evaluation of Facial Reconstructive Surgery on Patients with Facial Palsy Using Optical Strain
* Evaluation of Global Descriptors for Large Scale Image Retrieval
* Evaluation of Histogram-Based Similarity Functions for Different Color Spaces
* Evaluation of Local Descriptors for Action Recognition in Videos
* Evaluation Of Real-Time Hand Motion Tracking Using A Range Camera And The Mean-Shift Algorithm
* Evaluation of the Impetuses of Scan Path in Real Scene Searching
* Evaluation of the surface finish of ground components and study on lighting conditions in machine vision system
* Evaluation of Volumetric Interest Points, An
* Event-Based Stereo Matching Approaches for Frameless Address Event Stereo Data
* Evolving Content-Driven Superpixels for Accurate Image Representation
* Exemplar-Based Image Inpainting with Collaborative Filtering
* Experiences in Disseminating Educational Visualizations
* Experimental Comparison of Different Methods for Combining Biometric Identification Systems, An
* Experimental Evaluation of Autonomous Driving Based on Visual Memory and Image-Based Visual Servoing
* Experimental Framework for Evaluating PTZ Tracking Algorithms, An
* Exploiting Depth Information for Indoor-Outdoor Scene Classification
* Exploiting feature dynamics for active object recognition
* Exploiting Image Collections for Recovering Photometric Properties
* Explore and Model Better I-Frames for Video Coding
* Exploring Alternative Spatial and Temporal Dense Representations for Action Recognition
* Exploring Cascade Classifiers for Detecting Clusters of Microcalcifications
* Exploring the capacity to grasp multi-annual seasonal variability of winter wheat in Continental Climates with MODIS
* Extensible Interactive 3D Visualization Framework for N-Dimensional Datasets Used in Heterogeneous Software Display Environments, An
* Extracting Noise Elements while Preserving Edges in Spatial Domain
* Extracting Scene-Dependent Discriminant Features for Enhancing Face Recognition under Severe Conditions
* Extraction of Teeth Shapes from Orthopantomograms for Forensic Human Identification
* Eye feature extraction using K-means clustering for low illumination and iris color variety
* Eye-gaze detection with a single WebCAM based on geometry features extraction
* Eyes in the Sky: Decentralized Control for the Deployment of Robotic Camera Networks
* Face Analysis Using Curve Edge Maps
* Face Image Enhancement Taking into Account Lighting Behavior on a Face
* Face obscuration in a video sequence by integrating kernel-based mean-shift and active contour
* Face occlusion detection by using B-spline active contour and skin color information
* Face recognition based on neighbourhood discriminant preserving embedding
* Face Recognition Based on Projected Color Space With Lighting Compensation
* Face recognition using discrete cosine transform and Fisher linear discriminant
* Face Recognition Using Nonlinear Regression
* Face Recognition With an Improved Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Sugeno Integral and Modular Neural Networks
* Face Recognition with Multi-feature Joint Representation
* Face Sketch-Photo Synthesis under Multi-dictionary Sparse Representation Framework
* Facial expression recognition from near-infrared videos
* Facial Expression Recognition Using Nonrigid Motion Parameters and Shape-from-Shading
* Facial expression recognition using radial encoding of local Gabor features and classifier synthesis
* Facial part displacement effect on template-based gender and ethnicity classification
* Fake finger detection using an electrotactile display system
* family of methods for quality-based multimodal biometric fusion using generative classifiers, A
* Fast Alternating Minimization Method for Compressive Sensing MRI under Wavelet Sparsity and TV Sparsity
* Fast and Accurate 3D Scanning Using Coded Phase Shifting and High Speed Pattern Projection
* Fast and Accurate Pedestrian Detection Using a Cascade of Multiple Features
* Fast and Robust Face Recognition for Incremental Data
* Fast Bilateral Filter With Arbitrary Range and Domain Kernels
* Fast Exact Euclidean Distance Transform Algorithm, A
* Fast H.264 Encoding Based on Statistical Learning
* fast intra prediction mode decision using DCT and quantization for H.264/AVC, A
* Fast Local Scale Control Based Blur Edge Detection
* Fast Model Predictive Control for Urban Road Networks via MILP
* Fast Pedestrian Detection with Laser and Image Data Fusion
* fast scan matching for grid-based laser SLAM using streaming SIMD extensions, A
* Fast Shape Re-Ranking with Neighborhood Induced Similarity Measure
* Fast Stereo Matching of Feature Links
* Fast Video Stabilization System Based on Speeded-up Robust Features, A
* Fast Vision-Based Road Tunnel Detection
* Fast Wavelet-Based Reconstruction Method for Magnetic Resonance Imaging, A
* Faster Segmentation Algorithm for Optical Coherence Tomography Images with Guaranteed Smoothness
* Façade Segmentation in a Multi-view Scenario
* Feature extraction for NDVI AVHRR/NOAA time series classification
* Feature extraction through generalization of histogram refinement technique for local region-based object attributes
* Feature Relevance Network-Based Transfer Learning for Indoor Location Estimation
* Feature Trajectory Retrieval with Application to Accurate Structure and Motion Recovery
* Feature-Based Object Tracking Method Using Online Template Switching and Feature Adaptation, A
* Feature-Preserved Canonical Form for Non-rigid 3D Meshes, A
* Features and Ground Automatic Extraction from Airborne Lidar Data
* Finding distinctive facial areas for face recognition
* Finding the Best Feature Detector-Descriptor Combination
* Fingerprints for Machines: Characterization and Optical Identification of Grinding Imprints
* Finite Element Blob Detector for Robust Features, A
* Flexible Content-Adaptive Mesh-Generation Strategy for Image Representation, A
* Flight Tested Wake Turbulence Aware Altimeter, A
* Focus of Expansion Localization through Inverse C-Velocity
* Foot Contact Detection for Sprint Training
* Forest Species Classification Based On Statistical Point Pattern Analysis Using Airborne Lidar Data
* Foreword to the Special Issue on the 11th Specialist Meeting on Microwave Radiometry and Remote Sensing Applications (MicroRad 2010)
* Free Boundary Conditions Active Contours with Applications for Vision
* Frequency domain regularization of d-dimensional structure tensor-based directional fields
* From operational to tactical driving: A hybrid learning approach for autonomous vehicles
* From Points to Nodes: Inverse Graph Embedding through a Lagrangian Formulation
* From Saliency to Eye Gaze: Embodied Visual Selection for a Pan-Tilt-Based Robotic Head
* From the Physical Restoration for Preserving to the Virtual Restoration for Enhancing
* Frontal face classifier using AdaBoost with MCT features
* Frontal Face Generation from Multiple Low-Resolution Non-frontal Faces for Face Recognition
* Fruit detection, tracking, and 3D reconstruction for crop mapping and yield estimation
* Fully Automatic Image-Based Registration of Unorganized TLS Data
* Fully Implicit Framework for Sobolev Active Contours and Surfaces, A
* Functional Brain Mapping by Methods of Evolutionary Natural Selection
* Fusing laser and vision data with a genetic ICP algorithm
* Fusion Algorithm for Infrared-Visual Image Sequences
* Fusion of Audio- and Visual Cues for Real-Life Emotional Human Robot Interaction
* Fusion of Individual Tree Detection and Visual Interpretation in Assessment of Forest Variables from Laser Point Clouds, The
* Fusion of Mobile Laser Scanning and Panoramic Images for Studying River Environment Topography And Changes
* Fusion of Object and Scene Based on IHS Transform and SFIM
* Fuzzy Logic Based Sensor Fusion for Accurate Tracking
* Fuzzy Segmentation for the Exploratory Analysis of Multidimensional Signals: Example From a Study on Driver Overtaking Behavior
* Fuzzy Statistical Unsupervised Learning Based Total Lesion Metabolic Activity Estimation in Positron Emission Tomography Images
* Gabor Texture Information for Face Recognition Using the Generalized Gaussian Model
* Gabor-LBP Based Region Covariance Descriptor for Person Re-identification
* Gaining colour stability in live image capturing
* Gaussian Specific Compensation for Channel Distortion in Speech Recognition
* Gaze Estimation Using Regression Analysis and AAMs Parameters Selected Based on Information Criterion
* Generating cancelable biometric templates using a projection line
* Generating Descriptive Visual Words and Visual Phrases for Large-Scale Image Applications
* Generating EPI Representations of 4D Light Fields with a Single Lens Focused Plenoptic Camera
* Generation of 250m MODIS LAI time series by temporal regression
* Genetic Normalized Convolution
* Geo-Referenced Mapping Using An Airborne 3d Time-Of-Flight Camera
* Geodesics on the Manifold of Multivariate Generalized Gaussian Distributions with an Application to Multicomponent Texture Discrimination
* Geometric Latent Dirichlet Allocation on a Matching Graph for Large-scale Image Datasets
* Geometric Motion Flow (GMF): A New Feature for Traffic Surveillance
* Georeferencing of TLS Data for Industrial Indoor Complex Scenes: Beyond Current Solutions
* Getting Robust Observation for Single Object Tracking: A Statistical Kernel-Based Approach
* Girgit: A Dynamically Adaptive Vision System for Scene Understanding
* Glaucoma Classification Based on Histogram Analysis of Diffusion Tensor Imaging Measures in the Optic Radiation
* global decentralized control strategy for urban vehicle platooning using monocular vision and a laser rangefinder, A
* Global Image Registration by Fast Random Projection
* Global Trajectory Construction across Multi-cameras via Graph Matching
* Goal event detection in broadcast soccer videos by combining heuristic rules with unsupervised fuzzy c-means algorithm
* GPU Based Implementation of 3DTV System
* GPU-Based Ray Casting of Stacked Out-of-Core Height Fields
* Gradient Flows for Optimizing Triangular Mesh-based Surfaces: Applications to 3D Reconstruction Problems Dealing with Visibility
* Graph Aggregation Based Image Modeling and Indexing for Video Annotation
* Graph application on face for personal authentication and recognition
* Graph Clustering Using the Jensen-Shannon Kernel
* Graph Partition Based Bundle Adjustment for Structured Dataset
* Graph-Based Framework for Thermal Faceprint Characterization, A
* Grassmannian Subspace Prediction for Precoded Spatial Multiplexing MIMO With Delayed Feedback
* Greenland inland ice melt-off: Analysis of global gravity data from the GRACE satellites
* Ground Truth Estimation by Maximizing Topological Agreements in Electron Microscopy Data
* Ground Truth Evaluation of Stereo Algorithms for Real World Applications
* Ground-plane classification for robot navigation: Combining multiple cues toward a visual-based learning system
* Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Pattern Recognition Technologies for Anti-Terrorism Applications
* Guide to Geometric Algebra in Practice
* Half Ellipse Detection
* Hand Detection Using Robust Color Correction and Gaussian Mixture Model
* Hand movement detection using monocular camera for robot cooperation
* Handbook of Face Recognition
* Handling Complex Events in Surveillance Tasks
* Handymap: A Selection Interface for Cluttered VR Environments Using a Tracked Hand-Held Touch Device
* Hardware Architecture Optimized for Iris Recognition
* Hardware Coprocessor Integrated with OpenCV for Edge Detection Using Cellular Neural Networks, A
* hardware system for extracting canonical faces from exemplar images, A
* Head plane estimation improves the accuracy of pedestrian tracking in dense crowds
* Heuristical Feature Extraction From Lidar Data And Their Visualization
* Hierarchical B-picture mode decision in H.264/SVC
* hierarchical extension to 3D non-parametric surface relief completion, A
* hierarchical feature fusion framework for adaptive visual tracking, A
* Hierarchical Foreground Detection in Dynamic Background
* Hierarchical Joint Bilateral Filtering for Depth Post-Processing
* Hierarchical Representation of Discrete Data on Graphs
* Hierarchical Shape Matching for Temporally Consistent 3D Video
* High Dimensional Correspondences from Low Dimensional Manifolds: An Empirical Comparison of Graph-Based Dimensionality Reduction Algorithms
* High level sensor data fusion for automotive applications using occupancy grids
* High Level Video Temporal Segmentation
* High Order Structural Matching Using Dominant Cluster Analysis
* High-quality non-blind image deconvolution with adaptive regularization
* High-Quality Shadows with Improved Paraboloid Mapping
* Higher Order CRF for Surface Reconstruction from Multi-view Data Sets
* Higher Order Markov Networks for Model Estimation
* Histogram-Based Optical Flow for Functional Imaging in Echocardiography
* Historical Survey of Geometric Computer Vision, A
* HOG based multi-stage object detection and pose recognition for service robot
* HOG-Based Descriptors on Rotation Invariant Human Detection
* Home environment fall detection system based on a cascaded multi-SVM classifier
* Homological-Based Description of Subdivided n-D Objects, A
* Hot Buried Object Detection Technique Using a Temperature Sensor, A
* Hot Spots Conjecture and Its Application to Modeling Tubular Structures
* Hourly Traffic Forecasts Using Interacting Multiple Model (IMM) Predictor
* How quantization based schemes can be used in image steganographic context
* Human Action Recognition by Extracting Features from Negative Space
* Human Body Shape and Motion Tracking by Hierarchical Weighted ICP
* Human Body Shape Prediction and Analysis Using Predictive Clustering Tree
* Human detection using local shape and Non-Redundant binary patterns
* Human face detection using color spaces and region property measures
* Human Pose Estimation Using Consistent Max Covering
* Human Visual System for Complexity Reduction of Image and Video Restoration
* Human-Computer Interaction through Time-of-Flight and RGB Cameras
* Hybrid Codec-Based Intra-Frame Joint Rate Control for Stereoscopic Video
* Hybrid Face Recognition Based on Real-Time Multi-camera Stereo-Matching
* Hybrid Filter Based Simultaneous Localization and Mapping for a Mobile Robot
* Hybrid Strategy for Real-Time Traffic Signal Control of Urban Road Networks, A
* Hypergraph-Based Approach to Feature Selection, A
* hyperspectral reflectance data based model inversion methodology to detect reniform nematodes in cotton, A
* Hypersurface Fitting via Jacobian Nonlinear PCA on Riemannian Space
* IDEA: Intrinsic Dimension Estimation Algorithm
* Identification of grazed and mown grasslands using a time series of high-spatial-resolution remote sensing images
* Identifying Corresponding Segments From Repeated Scan Data
* Illuminated face normalization technique by using wavelet fusion and local binary patterns
* Illumination Invariant Cost Functions in Semi-Global Matching
* Illumination-Robust Dense Optical Flow Using Census Signatures
* Image Annotation with Multiple Quantization
* Image Class Segmentation via Conditional Random Field over Weighted Histogram Classifier
* Image clustering by incorporating adaptive spatial connectivity
* Image Comparison on the Base of a Combinatorial Matching Algorithm
* Image De-noising by Bayesian Regression
* Image Denoising Using Bilateral Filter in High Dimensional PCA-Space
* Image Information in Digital Photography
* Image Interpolation Using Autoregressive Model and Gauss-Seidel Optimization
* Image Processing & Communications Challenges 3
* Image Processing and a Virtual Restoration Hypothesis for Mosaics and Their Cartoons
* Image processing of particle detection for asbestos qualitative analysis support method: Particle counting system based on classification of background area
* Image processing techniques for quality inspection of gelatin capsules in pharmaceutical applications
* Image Quality Assessment Based on S-CIELAB Model
* Image Relighting by Analogy
* Image Retrieval Based on Gaussian Mixture Approach to Color Localization
* Image Segmentation Based on k-Means Clustering and Energy-Transfer Proximity
* Image segmentation of UV pattern for automatic paper-money inspection
* Image Segmentation Using Normalized Cuts and Efficient Graph-Based Segmentation
* Image Set-Based Hand Shape Recognition Using Camera Selection Driven by Multi-class AdaBoosting
* Image Super Resolution Using Sparse Image and Singular Values as Priors
* Image Super-Resolution Based Wavelet Framework with Gradient Prior
* Image Synthesis Based on Manifold Learning
* image-based visual servoing scheme for following paths with nonholonomic mobile robots, An
* Image-Space Marker Detection and Recognition Using Projective Invariants
* Immersive Out-of-Core Visualization of Large-Size and Long-Timescale Molecular Dynamics Trajectories
* Immersive Visualization and Interactive Analysis of Ground Penetrating Radar Data
* impact of inter-annual variability in remote sensing time series on modeling tree species distributions, The
* Implicit Scene Context for Object Segmentation and Classification
* improved algorithm for segmenting and recognizing connected handwritten characters, An
* Improved Content-Based Watermarking Using Scale-Invariant Feature Points
* Improved Gaussian Mixture Model for the Task of Object Tracking
* Improved library shelf reading using color feature matching of book-spine images
* improved Markov-based localization approach by using image quality evaluation, An
* Improved Non-local Iterative Back-Projection Method for Image Super-Resolution
* Improved prediction methods for scalable predictive animated mesh compression
* Improved SalBayes Model with GMM, An
* Improved Working Set Selection for LaRank
* Improvement and Evaluation of Real-Time Tone Mapping for High Dynamic Range Images Using Gaze Information
* Improvement of a Traffic Sign Detector by Retrospective Gathering of Training Samples from In-Vehicle Camera Image Sequences
* Improvement of Virtual View Rendering Based on Depth Image
* Improving 3D Reconstruction for Digital Art Preservation
* Improving Collaborative Visualization of Structural Biology
* Improving DBSCAN's execution time by using a pruning technique on bit vectors
* Improving Denoising Algorithms via a Multi-scale Meta-procedure
* Improving Detector of Viola and Jones through SVM
* Improving Image Categorization by Using Multiple Instance Learning with Spatial Relation
* Improving path planning and mapping based on stereo vision and lidar
* Improving Propagation Modeling in Urban Environments for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
* Improving Retake Detection by Adding Motion Feature
* Improving the classification accuracy of streaming data using SAX similarity features
* Improving the Classification Accuracy of the Classic RF Method by Intelligent Feature Selection and Weighted Voting of Trees with Application to Medical Image Segmentation
* Incorporating user quality for performance improvement in hand identification
* Increasing pattern recognition accuracy for chemical sensing by evolutionary based drift compensation
* Incremental-Decremental Algorithm for Computing AT-Models and Persistent Homology
* Indented Pixel Tree Browser for Exploring Huge Hierarchies
* Indoor Calibration Using Segment Chains
* Inertial and Magnetic Sensing of Human Motion
* Inertial Sensing of Human Movement
* Inferring the Performance of Medical Imaging Algorithms
* initial edge point selection and segmental contour following for object contour extraction, An
* Integrated Approach To Accurate DEM Generartion Using Airborne Full Waveform Lidar Data, An
* Integrated video object tracking with applications in trajectory-based event detection
* integrated visual saliency-based watermarking approach for synchronous image authentication and copyright protection, An
* Integrating Boundary Cue with Superpixel for Image Segmentation
* Integrating kAS and SIFT-like Descriptor for Image Description
* Integrating LIDAR into Stereo for Fast and Improved Disparity Computation
* Integrating Low-level and Semantic Features for Object Consistent Segmentation
* Integration Insights: Into the Depths
* Integration of Terrestrial Laser Scanning Points and 2D Floor Plans Based on Maximum Sequential Similarity
* Intelligent Overhead Sensor for Sliding Doors: A Stereo Based Method for Augmented Efficiency
* intelligent space for mobile robot navigation with on-line calibrated vision sensors, An
* Intensity-Based Image Registration by Nonparametric Local Smoothing
* Inter-view Coding Correlation Based Error Concealment for Stereoscopic Video Transmission
* Interacting multiple models based classification of moving objects
* Interactive building and augmentation of piecewise planar environments using the intersection lines
* Interactive Classification of Remote Sensing Images by Using Optimum-Path Forest and Genetic Programming
* Interactive Editing Framework for Electron Microscopy Image Segmentation, An
* Interactive Motion Analysis for Video Surveillance and Long Term Scene Monitoring
* Interactive Object Graphs for Debuggers with Improved Visualization, Inspection and Configuration Features
* Interactive Video Layer Decomposition and Matting
* Interpreting Dynamic Meanings by Integrating Gesture and Posture Recognition System
* Intervehicle Transmission Rate Control for Cooperative Active Safety System
* Intervertebral Disc Shape Analysis with Geodesic Metric in Shape Space
* Introducing Confidence Maps to Increase the Performance of Person Detectors
* Introduction to the Special Section on Real-World Face Recognition
* Intuitive robot tool path teaching using laser and camera in Augmented Reality environment
* Invariant Image Recognition Using Radial Jacobi Moment Invariants
* Inverse-degree Sampling for Spectral Clustering
* Investigation into the Use of Partial Face in the Mobile Environment, An
* Investigation of evolutionary feature subset selection in multi-temporal datasets for harmful algal bloom detection
* Investigation of Secondary Views in a Multimodal VR Environment: 3D Lenses, Windows, and Mirrors
* Involve Me and I Will Understand!: Abstract Data Visualization in Immersive Environments
* Iris Matching Based on Personalized Weight Map
* Iris recognition failure over time: The effects of texture
* Isolating top-k dense regions with filtration of sparse background
* Iterative adaptive spatial filtering for noise-suppression in functional magnetic resonance imaging time-series
* JBoost Optimization of Color Detectors for Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Navigation
* Joint Approach to Global Motion Estimation and Motion Segmentation From a Coarsely Sampled Motion Vector Field, A
* Joint optimization coding for level and map information in H.264/AVC
* JPEG2000-Based Scalable Interactive Video (JSIV) with Motion Compensation
* K-means: Clustering by gradual data transformation
* K-nn Queries in Graph Databases Using M-Trees
* Kernel Discriminant Embedding in face recognition
* Kernel-Based Motion-Blurred Target Tracking
* Kernelising the Ihara Zeta Function
* KLT Feature Based Vehicle Detection and Tracking in Airborne Videos
* Knowing What Happened: Automatic Documentation of Image Analysis Processes
* Knowledge Representation and Inference for Grasp Affordances
* Land cover change detection thresholds for Landsat data samples
* Land cover classification by using multi-temporal COSMO-SkyMed data
* Land-Based Mobile Laser Scanning Systems: A Review
* Landmark-free posture invariant human shape correspondence
* Lane boundaries detection algorithm using vector lane concept
* Lane Detection Based on Visual Attention
* Lane Detection Using Steerable Filters and FPGA-based Implementation
* Large Displacement Optical Flow for Volumetric Image Sequences
* Large object detection in cluttered background using boosted Markov Chain Monte Carlo
* large scale footstep database for biometric studies created using cross-biometrics for labelling, A
* Large-Scale Manifold Learning Approach for Brain Tumor Progression Prediction, A
* Large-scale monocular SLAM by local bundle adjustment and map joining
* Laser Line Segmentation with Dynamic Line Models
* Laser Pulse Variations And Their Influence On Radiometric Calibration Of Full-Waveform Laser Scanner Data
* Lattice Boltzmann Method of Active Contour for Image Segmentation
* Layered Graphical Models for Tracking Partially Occluded Objects
* LBP-based biometric hashing scheme for human authentication
* Learning Based Adaptive Denoising Approach for Image Interpolation
* Learning from Mistakes: Object Movement Classification by the Boosted Features
* Learning general Gaussian kernel hyperparameters of SVMs using optimization on symmetric positive-definite matrices manifold
* Learning Image Transformations without Training Examples
* Learning informative point classes for the acquisition of object model maps
* Learning Neighborhood Discriminative Manifolds for Video-Based Face Recognition
* Learning on the Fly: A Font-Free Approach Toward Multilingual OCR
* Learning Optical Flow Propagation Strategies Using Random Forests for Fast Segmentation in Dynamic 2D and 3D Echocardiography
* Learning Statistical Correlation of Prostate Deformations for Fast Registration
* Learning What Matters: Combining Probabilistic Models of 2D and 3D Saliency Cues
* License plate localisation based on morphological operations
* Lidar and INS Fusion in Periods of GPS Outages for Mobile Laser Scanning Mapping Systems
* lidar perception scheme for intelligent vehicle navigation, A
* Lidar Photogrammetry And Its Data Organization
* LIDAR-based Long Range Road Intersection Detection
* Lifting Factorization and Construction of Wavelet Bi-Frames With Arbitrary Generators and Scaling, The
* Lightweight 3D Modeling of Urban Buildings from Range Data
* Linear Clutter Removal from Urban Panoramas
* Linear Regression and Adaptive Appearance Models for Fast Simultaneous Modelling and Tracking
* Local Dominant Orientation Based Mutual Information for Multisensor Template Matching
* Local features by intensity increasing tendency for face recognition
* Local image feature matching for object recognition
* Local Regression Model for Automatic Face Sketch Generation
* Local Semantic Classification of Natural Image Based on Spatial Context
* Localization Framework under Non-rigid Deformation for Robotic Surgery, A
* Localized Multiple Kernel Learning for Realistic Human Action Recognition in Videos
* Locally Adaptive Shearlet Denoising Based on Bayesian MAP Estimate
* Locally Deformable Statistical Shape Model, A
* Location of iris based on circular and linear filters
* Log-Polar Based Scheme for Revealing Duplicated Regions in Digital Images
* Log-Polar transform in 3D environment
* Logitboost Extension for Early Classification of Sequences
* Looking at the surprise: Bottom-up attentional control of an active camera system
* Lossy Image Compression: Domain Decomposition-Based Algorithms
* Low and high spatial resolution time series fusion for improved land cover map production
* Low Bit Rate Compression for SAR Image Based on Blocks Reordering and 3D Wavelet Transform
* Low Budget Mobile Laser Scanning Solution Using on Board Sensors and Field Bus Systems of Today's Consumer Automobiles, A
* Low Complexity Motion Segmentation Based on Semantic Representation of Encoded Video Streams, A
* Machine Learning Approach to Tongue Motion Analysis in 2D Ultrasound Image Sequences, A
* Machine Vision Gets Moving: Part I
* MAESTRO: Making Art-Enabled Sketches through Randomized Operations
* Magic Marker: A Color Analytics Interface for Image Annotation
* Markov Models for Handwriting Recognition
* Matching Triangle Chain Codes
* Material Information Acquisition Using a ToF Range Sensor for Interactive Object Recognition
* Maximal Linear Embedding for Dimensionality Reduction
* Maximum Likelihood and James-Stein Edge Estimators for Left Ventricle Tracking in 3D Echocardiography
* Maximum Margin One Class Support Vector Machines for multiclass problems
* MCC: A baseline algorithm for fingerprint verification in FVC-onGoing
* MCF Model: Utilizing Multiple Colors for Face Recognition, The
* Measurement Matrix of Compressive Sensing Based on Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization
* Measurement of Safe Driving Distance Based on Stereo Vision
* Measuring Shape Ellipticity
* Medial Axis Extraction Algorithm for the Processing of Combustion Flame Images, A
* Median-based image thresholding
* Medical Image Processing: Techniques and Applications
* Medical Ultrasound Imaging: To GPU or Not to GPU?
* Metazoa Ludens: Mixed-Reality Interaction and Play for Small Pets and Humans
* MethMorph: Simulating Facial Deformation Due to Methamphatamine Usage
* Method for Asteroids 3D Surface Reconstruction from Close Approach Distances, A
* method for change detection with multi-temporal satellite images based on Principal Component Analysis, A
* Method for Data Extraction from Video Sequences for Automatic Identification of Football Players Based on Their Numbers, A
* Method for Detection and Classification of Glass Defects in Low Resolution Images, A
* Method for Identification and Visualization of Histological Image Structures Relevant to the Cancer Patient Conditions, A
* Method for Scribe Distinction in Medieval Manuscripts Using Page Layout Features, A
* method for the segmentation of connected handwritten Persian digits, A
* method to combine visual and infrared face image verification systems, A
* metric of identification performance of biometrics based on information content, A
* Metric Structures on Datasets: Stability and Classification of Algorithms
* Metrics for Objective Evaluation of Background Subtraction Algorithms
* Microgeometry Capture using an Elastomeric Sensor
* Minimizing Calibration Time for Brain Reading
* Minimum Spanning Tree Hierarchically Fusing Multi-feature Points and High-Dimensional Features for Medical Image Registration
* Missing-Feature Reconstruction With a Bounded Nonlinear State-Space Model
* Mitotic HEp-2 Cells Recognition under Class Skew
* Mobile sensing and simultaneously node localization in wireless sensor networks for human motion tracking
* Mobile Surveillance by 3D-Outlier Analysis
* Model Based Pose Estimation Using SURF
* model driven 3D lane detection system using stereovision, A
* Model free head pose estimation using stereovision
* Model-Based 3D Hand Pose Estimation from Monocular Video
* Model-Based Chart Image Classification
* Modeling and Recognition of Landmark Image Collections Using Iconic Scene Graphs
* Modeling Multi-Object Activities in Phase Space
* Modeling Rates and Distortions Based on a Mixture of Laplacian Distributions for Inter-Predicted Residues in Quadtree Coding of HEVC
* Modelling of an Inexpensive 9M Satellite Dish from 3D Point Clouds Captured By Terrestrial Laser Scanners
* Modification Based on Butterfly Subdivision Scheme, A
* Monitoring a fuzzy object: The case of Lake Naivasha
* Monitoring African surface water dynamic using medium resolution daily data allows anomalies detection in nearly real time
* Monitoring crop growth inter-annual variability from MODIS time series: Performance comparison between crop specific green area index and current global leaf area index products
* Monitoring environmental change in the Andes based on SPOT-VGT and NOAA-AVHRR time series analysis
* Monitoring global vegetation with the Yearly Land Cover Dynamics (YLCD) method
* Monitoring land cover changes in Hulun Buir by using object-oriented method
* Monocular Human Detection System Based on EOH and Oriented LBP Features, A
* Monocular Online Learning for Road Region Labeling and Object Detection from a Moving Platform
* Monocular Template-based Reconstruction of Inextensible Surfaces
* Monte Carlo Expectation Maximization with Hidden Markov Models to Detect Functional Networks in Resting-State fMRI
* Motion Capture of Hand Movements Using Stereo Vision for Minimally Invasive Vascular Interventions
* motion controller for a pan-tilt camera on an autonomous helicopter, A
* Motion level control in reconstruction of 3D human translation
* motion-based visual interface for 3D visualization and robotic control applications, A
* Moving object tracking via one-dimensional optical flow using queue
* MRI image segmentation based on fast global minimization of snake model
* Multi features models for robust lip tracking
* Multi Level Time Model for Interactive Multiple Dataset Visualization: The Dataset Sequencer, A
* Multi-1D Block Matching Algorithm based motion estimation processor using mixed-signal approach
* Multi-body Segmentation and Motion Number Estimation via Over-Segmentation Detection
* Multi-camera 3D Scanning with a Non-rigid and Space-Time Depth Super-Resolution Capability
* Multi-camera People Localization and Height Estimation Using Multiple Birth-and-Death Dynamics
* Multi-camera, Multi-projector Super-Resolution Framework for Structured Light, A
* Multi-class Object Detection with Hough Forests Using Local Histograms of Visual Words
* Multi-class Object Layout with Unsupervised Image Classification and Object Localization
* Multi-cue-Based Crowd Segmentation in Stereo Vision
* Multi-focus Image Fusion by Nonsubsampled Shearlet Transform
* Multi-Kernel Classification for Integration of Clinical and Imaging Data: Application to Prediction of Cognitive Decline in Older Adults
* Multi-label Classification for Image Annotation via Sparse Similarity Voting
* Multi-person Localization and Track Assignment in Overlapping Camera Views
* multi-processed salient point detection system for autonomous navigation, A
* Multi-scale and Multi-orientation Local Feature Extraction for Lane Detection Using High-Level Information
* Multi-scale image contrast enhancement
* Multi-sensor image fusion with ICA bases and region rule
* Multi-target Tracking and Segmentation via Discriminative Appearance Model
* Multi-target Tracking in Crowded Scenes
* Multi-task Learning via Non-sparse Multiple Kernel Learning
* Multi-temporal analysis of a mangrove ecosystem in Southeastern Brazil using object-based classification applied to IKONOS II data
* Multi-temporal damage assessment of linear infrastructural objects using Dynamic Bayesian Networks
* Multi-temporal SAR classification according to change detection operators
* Multi-view Active Appearance Models for the X-Ray Based Analysis of Avian Bipedal Locomotion
* Multi-view Head Detection and Tracking with Long Range Capability for Social Navigation Planning
* Multi-View Stereo Point Clouds Visualization
* Multibeam Echosounder Simulator Applying Noise Generator for the Purpose of Sea Bottom Visualisation
* Multicamera Video Summarization from Optimal Reconstruction
* MultiCost: Multi-stage Cost-sensitive Classification of Alzheimer's Disease
* Multidimensional X-Space Magnetic Particle Imaging
* multilevel approach to change detection for port surveillance with very high resolution SAR images, A
* Multilevel Parallel Intra Coding for H.264/AVC Based on CUDA, A
* Multilinear Model Estimation with L2-Regularization
* Multiple Component Matching Framework for Person Re-identification, A
* Multiple Instance Boosting for Face Recognition in Videos
* Multiple Kernel Learning Algorithm for Cell Nucleus Classification of Renal Cell Carcinoma, A
* Multiple Line Skew Estimation of Handwritten Images of Documents Based on a Visual Perception Approach
* Multiple Object Tracking Using K-Shortest Paths Optimization
* Multiple Random Subset-Kernel Learning
* Multiple Region Categorization for Scenery Images
* Multiple target tracking with an efficient compact colour correlogram
* Multiresolution Optical Flow Computation of Spherical Images
* Multiscale 3D Feature Extraction and Matching
* Multispectral Imaging and Digital Restoration for Paintings Documentation
* Multitemporal classification of natural vegetation cover in Brazilian Cerrado
* Multitemporal data management and exploitation infrastructure
* Multitemporal fusion of Landsat and MERIS images
* Multiview 3D Pose Estimation of a Wand for Human-Computer Interaction
* Multiview Approach to Robust Detection in the Presence of Cast Shadows, A
* Mutual Information Based Gesture Recognition
* Nano-imaging and Its Applications to Biomedicine
* NDVI time series and Markov chains to model the change of fuzzy vegetative drought classes
* Near Infrared Face Image Quality Assessment System of Video Sequences
* Near-Optimal Time Function for Secure Dynamic Visual Cryptography
* Neighborhood Dependent Approximation by Nonlinear Embedding for Face Recognition
* neighborhood elimination approach for block matching in motion estimation, A
* Network-Based Classification Using Cortical Thickness of AD Patients
* Neuromorphic Approach to Object Detection and Recognition in Airborne Videos with Stabilization, A
* New 3D Imaging System Using a Portable Two-Camera Omni-Imaging Device for Construction and Browsing of Human-Reachable Environments, A
* New Algorithm for 3D Shape Recognition by Means of the 2D Point Distance Histogram, A
* new algorithm for calibrating a combined camera and IMU sensor unit, A
* New Algorithm for Image Segmentation via Watershed Transformation, A
* New Algorithm for Processing Interferometric Data-Stacks: SqueeSAR, A
* New Approach for Optimal Multiple Watermarks Injection, A
* new denoising method of SAR images in curvelet domain, A
* New Dissimilarity Measure for Clustering Seismic Signals, A
* New Ensemble-Based Cascaded Framework for Multiclass Training with Simple Weak Learners, A
* New Error Measures to Evaluate Features on Three-Dimensional Scenes
* New Feedforward Hybrid Active Noise Control System, A
* new framework for on-line object tracking based on SURF, A
* New Graph Constructor for Semi-supervised Discriminant Analysis via Group Sparsity, A
* New hand posture classification strategy for finding kinematically-feasible precision grasps
* New Image Steganography via Secret-Fragment-Visible Mosaic Images by Nearly-Reversible Color Transformation
* New Image Super-Resolution Method in the Wavelet Domain, A
* New Method for Passive Millimeter Wave Image Registration by Applying Super Resolution, A
* New Method of Image Classification Based on Local Appearance and Context Information, A
* new multi-purpose audio-visual UNMC-VIER database with multiple variabilities, A
* New Pedestrian Detection Descriptor Based on the Use of Spatial Recurrences, A
* New Perception-Based Segmentation Approach Using Combinatorial Pyramids, A
* New pixel based approach for reverse play of MPEG video for streaming system
* new Pixel-Chaotic-Shuffle method for image encryption, A
* new protocol for multi-biometric systems' evaluation maintaining the dependencies between biometric scores, A
* New Super-resolution Reconstruction Method Combining Narrow Quantization Constraint Set and Motion Estimation for H.264 Compressed Video, A
* New Tree Structure for Weighted Dynamic Programming Based Stereo Algorithm, A
* New Two-Dimensional Direction Histogram Based Entropic Thresholding, A
* Nissan Developing Mind-Reading Cars That Anticipate Drivers' Next Moves and Act Accordingly
* No-Reference Image Blur Metric Based on the Cumulative Probability of Blur Detection (CPBD), A
* No-reference measurement of perceptually significant blurriness in video frames
* No-reference Quality Metrics for Eye Fundus Imaging
* Noise reduction in high dynamic range images
* Noisy Motion Vector Elimination by Bi-directional Vector-Based Zero Comparison
* Non-cooperative Game for 3D Object Recognition in Cluttered Scenes, A
* Non-destructive Detection of Hollow Heart in Potatoes Using Hyperspectral Imaging
* Non-intrusive Method for Copy-Move Forgery Detection, A
* Non-Parametric Sequential Frame Decimation for Scene Reconstruction in Low-Memory Streaming Environments
* Non-rigid Registration Framework That Accommodates Pathology Detection, A
* Nonlinear 3-D trajectory guidance for unmanned aerial vehicles
* Nonlocal Means With Dimensionality Reduction and SURE-Based Parameter Selection
* Normalized Joint Mutual Information Measure for Image Segmentation Evaluation with Multiple Ground-Truth Images
* Novel Algorithm for Ship Detection Based on Dynamic Fusion Model of Multi-feature and Support Vector Machine, A
* novel ant colony optimization algorithm for large-distorted fingerprint matching, A
* novel approach to motion modeling using fuzzy cognitive map and artificial potential fields, A
* Novel Cued-recall Graphical Password Scheme, A
* Novel Face Recognition Approach under Illumination Variations Based on Local Binary Pattern, A
* novel fractional-order signal processing based edge detection method, A
* novel Position-Based Visual Servoing approach for robust global stability with feature points kept within the Field-of-View, A
* Novel Probabilistic Linear Subspace Approach for Face Applications, A
* Novel Robust Algorithm for Image Segmentation, A
* Novel Robust Laser Tracking System with Automatic Environment Adaptation and Keystone Correction, A
* Novel Ship Detection Method Based on Sea State Analysis from Optical Imagery, A
* Novel Smile Feature Extraction Algorithm Using Improved Gabor for Mobile Phone Platform
* novel SVM+NDA model for classification with an application to face recognition, A
* Novel T-CAD Framework to Support Medical Image Analysis and Reconstruction, A
* Object Discrimination and Tracking in the Surroundings of a Vehicle by a Combined Laser Scanner Stereo System
* Object Flow: Learning Object Displacement
* Object Recognition System Guided by Gaze of the User with a Wearable Eye Tracker
* Object Recognition with the HOSVD of the Multi-model Space-Variant Pattern Tensors
* Observability analysis of SLAM using fisher information matrix
* Obstacle-free range determination for rail track maintenance vehicles
* Occlusion-Aware Motion Layer Extraction Under Large Interframe Motions
* Off-axis quantitative phase imaging processing using CUDA: Toward real-time applications
* OmegaDesk: Towards a Hybrid 2D and 3D Work Desk, The
* omnidirectional Time-of-Flight camera and its application to indoor SLAM, An
* Omnidirectional video stabilisation on a virtual camera using sensor fusion
* On biometric encryption using fingerprint and it's security evaluation
* On intelligent surveillance systems and face recognition for mass transport security
* On line quality inspection in tailor welded blank based on laws texture energy and structured light
* On realistic human motion simulation for virtual manipulation tasks
* On the Behavior of Kernel Mutual Subspace Method
* On the Duality of Forward and Inverse Light Transport
* On the problem of classifying Vietnamese online handwritten characters
* On the problem of gradient calibration in diffusion weighted imaging
* On the representation of a digital contour with an unordered point set for visual perception
* On the Spatial Extents of SIFT Descriptors for Visual Concept Detection
* On Variable Density Compressive Sampling
* On-line Signature Verification Using Graph Representation
* Online background learning for illumination-robust foreground detection
* Online Multiperson Tracking-by-Detection from a Single, Uncalibrated Camera
* Online Three-Stage Method for Facial Point Localization, An
* Ontology-Based Realtime Activity Monitoring Using Beam Search
* Open-Source Medical Image Processing and Visualization Tool to Analyze Cardiac SPECT Images, An
* Optical and Digital Image Processing: Fundamentals and Applications
* Optical Flow with Harmonic Constraint and Oriented Smoothness
* Optimal Choice of Regularization Parameter in Image Denoising
* Optimal Decision Trees Generation from OR-Decision Tables
* Optimal Image Restoration Using HVS-Based Rate-Distortion Curves
* Optimal Multiclass Classifier Threshold Estimation with Particle Swarm Optimization for Visual Object Recognition
* Optimization of Quadrature Filters Based on the Numerical Integration of Improper Integrals
* Optimization of Transit Priority in the Transportation Network Using a Genetic Algorithm
* optimized transmultiplexer using combinational window functions, An
* Optimized-SSIM Based Quantization in Optical Remote Sensing Image Compression
* Optimizing Terrestrial Laser Scanning Measurement Set-Up
* Orthographic Stereo Correlator on the Terrain Model for Apollo Metric Images
* Orthophotoplan Segmentation and Colorimetric Invariants for Roof Detection
* P Systems in Stereo Matching
* Packed Dense Interest Points for Scene Image Retrieval
* PACP: An Efficient Pseudonymous Authentication-Based Conditional Privacy Protocol for VANETs
* Painterly rendering with content-dependent natural paint strokes
* Palmprint identification using Sobel operator
* Panoramic Background Generation and Abnormal Behavior Detection in PTZ Camera Networks
* Parallel Hybrid Video Coding Method Based on Noncausal Prediction with Multimode, A
* Parallel implementation of 3D object reconstruction in a Robotic navigational environment
* Parallel Implementation of the Thresholding Problem by Using Tissue-Like P Systems, A
* Parallel Proximal Algorithm for Image Restoration Using Hybrid Regularization
* Parameter-Free Locality Sensitive Discriminant Analysis and Its Application to Coarse 3D Head Pose Estimation, A
* Parametric Active Polygon for Leaf Segmentation and Shape Estimation, A
* Particle filter based human motion tracking
* Particle swarm based stereo algorithm and disparity map evaluation
* Partitioning Histopathological Images: An Integrated Framework for Supervised Color-Texture Segmentation and Cell Splitting
* Passenger monitoring in moving bus video
* Path Analysis in Multiple-Target Video Sequences
* Pattern- and Network-Based Classification Techniques for Multichannel Medical Data Signals to Improve Brain Diagnosis
* PCA Enhanced Training Data for Adaboost
* PDE-Based Random-Valued Impulse Noise Removal Based on New Class of Controlling Functions
* Pedestrian detection for mobile bus surveillance
* People Tracking Algorithm for Human Height Mounted Cameras
* Perceptual Saliency Driven Total Variation for Image Denoising Using Tensor Voting
* Performance Analysis of a Pole and Tree Trunk Detection Method for Mobile Laser Scanning Data
* Performance Evaluation for IR Small Target Tracking Algorithm
* Performance Evaluation of 3D Keypoint Detectors, A
* Performance evaluation of re-acquisition methods for public transport surveillance
* Persistent Betti Numbers for a Noise Tolerant Shape-Based Approach to Image Retrieval
* Person Localization and Soft Authentication Using an Infrared Ceiling Sensor Network
* Person Re-identification Based on Global Color Context
* Personal Identification Using Multibiometrics Rank-Level Fusion
* PFT Visual Attention Detection Model Using Bayesian Framework, A
* Phenology of the natural vegetation: A land cover specific approach for a reference dataset in Central Africa
* PhenoSat: A tool for vegetation temporal analysis from satellite image data
* Photographic Composite Detection Using Two Circles
* Physical Navigation to Support Graph Exploration on a Large High-Resolution Display
* Pick Your Neighborhood: Improving Labels and Neighborhood Structure for Label Propagation
* picturephone is here. Really, The
* pitfall in fingerprint features extraction, A
* Pixel Vs Object-Based Image Classification Techniques For Lidar Intensity Data
* Players tracking and ball detection for an automatic tennis video annotation
* Point-Based Versus Plane-Based Self-Calibration Of Static Terrestrial Laser Scanners
* Points Classification By A Sequential Higher-Order Moments Statistical Analysis Of Lidar Data
* Pole-Like Objects Recognition From Mobile Laser Scanning Data Using Smoothing And Principal Component Analysis
* Polynomial based approach in analysis and detection of surgeon's motions
* Porous Media Precise Reconstruction and Porosity Fluid Animated Simulation
* Pose Alignment for 3D Models and Single View Stereo Point Clouds Based on Stable Planes
* Pose-Consistent 3D Shape Segmentation Based on a Quantum Mechanical Feature Descriptor
* Pose-invariant 2.5D face recognition using Geodesic Texture Warping
* practical design of digital video watermarking in H.264/AVC for content authentication, A
* Practical Image and Video Processing Using MATLAB
* Pre-emptive Camera Activation for Video-Surveillance HCI
* Precise Eye Detection Using Discriminating HOG Features
* Precision motion control for the parallel mechanism of a virtual axis machine tool
* Predicting Clinical Scores Using Semi-supervised Multimodal Relevance Vector Regression
* Primitive-based 3D structure inference from a single 2D image for insect modeling: Towards an electronic field guide for insect identification
* Primitive-Based Building Reconstruction By Integration Of Lidar Data And Optical Imagery
* Principle of Superposition by Direction Images
* Probabilistic Atlas Based Segmentation Using Affine Moment Descriptors and Graph-Cuts
* Probabilistic Framework for Complex Wavelet Based Image Registration, A
* Probabilistic Graphical Model of SPECT/MRI
* Probabilistic Image Modeling With an Extended Chain Graph for Human Activity Recognition and Image Segmentation
* Probabilistic Index Histogram for Robust Object Tracking
* Probabilistic Object Models for Pose Estimation in 2D Images
* Probabilistic Recognition of Complex Event
* Procedural 3D Building Reconstruction Using Shape Grammars and Detectors
* Producing global land cover maps consistent over time to respond the needs of the climate modelling community
* Profile-based 3D-aided face recognition
* Pseudo-Immersive Real-Time Display of 3D Scenes on Mobile Devices
* Psychophysically Inspired Bayesian Occlusion Model to Recognize Occluded Faces
* Putting MAP Back on the Map
* QR Iterative Subspace Identification and Its Application in Image Denoising
* Quality Prediction Method for Building Model Reconstruction Using LiDAR Data and Topographic Maps, A
* Quantification of LAI interannual anomalies by adjusting climatological patterns
* Quantitative analysis of cerebrospinal fluid flow in complex regions by using phase contrast magnetic resonance imaging
* Quantitative analysis of the SN in Parkinson's disease implementing 3D modeling at 7.0-T MRI
* Quantitative Comparison of Segmentation Results from ADS40 Images in Swiss NFI
* Quantitative Comparison of Speed and Reliability for Log-Polar Mapping Techniques, A
* Quasi-convex Optimization of Metrics in Biometric Score Fusion
* Query by Virtual Example: Video Retrieval Using Example Shots Created by Virtual Reality Techniques
* Radial Symmetry Guided Particle Filter for Robust Iris Tracking
* Radiometric Calibration of TLS Intensity: Application To Snow Cover Change Detection
* Random Forest-Based Manifold Learning for Classification of Imaging Data in Dementia
* Random Forests Based Multiple Classifier System For Power-Line Scene Classification
* Rapidly Adaptive Cell Detection Using Transfer Learning with a Global Parameter
* Rational filter design for depth from defocus
* Raydiance: A Tangible Interface for Teaching Computer Vision
* RBF-Based QP Estimation Model for VBR Control in H.264/SVC
* RDVideo: A New Lossless Video Codec on GPU
* Reading 1D Barcodes with Mobile Phones Using Deformable Templates
* Real Time Detection of Repeated Structures in Point Clouds of Urban Scenes
* Real Time Head Pose Estimation from Consumer Depth Cameras
* Real Time Motion Changes for New Event Detection and Recognition
* Real-Time Accurate Stereo Matching Using Modified Two-Pass Aggregation and Winner-Take-All Guided Dynamic Programming
* Real-Time Camera Tracking Using a Global Localization Scheme
* Real-Time Hand Gesture Recognition Using a Color Glove
* Real-Time Isoline Tracing Algorithm Based on CUDA, A
* Real-Time Long-Range Lane Detection and Tracking for Intelligent Vehicle
* Real-Time Multiple Vehicles Tracking with Occlusion Handling
* Real-Time Object Tracking on iPhone
* Real-time reconstruction of symmetrical image using Cellular Neural Network
* Realistic Modeling of Water Droplets for Monocular Adherent Raindrop Recognition Using Bézier Curves
* Reasoning About Threats: From Observables to Situation Assessment
* Recognition and Analysis of Objects in Medieval Images
* Recognition technique for character cube stacking robot
* Recognizing face profiles in the presence of hairs/glasses interferences
* Recognizing Human Action at a Distance in Video by Key Poses
* Recognizing human motions from surrounding viewpoints employing hierarchical eigenspaces
* Recognizing multiple human activities and tracking full-body pose in unconstrained environments
* Reconstructing 3D Face Model with Associated Expression Deformation from a Single Face Image via Constructing a Low-Dimensional Expression Deformation Manifold
* Reconstruction and Accurate Alignment of Feature Maps for Augmented Reality
* Reconstruction of Consistent 3D CAD Models from Point Cloud Data Using A Priori CAD Models
* Recovery and Reasoning About Occlusions in 3D Using Few Cameras with Applications to 3D Tracking
* Rectangle Detection Method for Real-Time Extraction of Large Panel Edge, A
* Recursive 'concave-convex' Fisher Linear Discriminant with applications to face, handwritten digit and terrain recognition
* Recursive Multiscale Correlation-Averaging Algorithm for an Automated Distributed Road-Condition-Monitoring System, A
* Recursive Sparse Blind Source Separation Method for Nonnegative and Correlated Data in NMR Spectroscopy, A
* Reduced Order Explicit Dynamic Finite Element Algorithm for Surgical Simulation, A
* Reduced-Complexity Soft-Decision Aided Space-Time Shift Keying
* Reducing Number of Classifiers in DAGSVM Based on Class Similarity
* Reflection Removal for People Detection in Video Surveillance Applications
* Refractive Index Estimation of Naturally Occurring Surfaces Using Photometric Stereo
* Refractive Index Estimation Using Polarisation and Photometric Stereo
* region-based rate-control scheme using inter-layer information for H.264/SVC, A
* Region-Based Segmentation of Parasites for High-throughput Screening
* Regions Segmentation from SAR Images
* Registration for 3D Morphological Comparison of Brain Aneurysm Growth
* Registration of 3D Geometric Model and Color Images Using SIFT and Range Intensity Images
* Registration Parameter Spaces for Molecular Electron Tomography Images
* Rejection measurement based on linear discriminant analysis for document recognition
* Relative Pose Estimation for Planetary Entry Descent Landing
* Relaxed Exponential Kernels for Unsupervised Learning
* Relevance Feedback Framework for Image Retrieval Based on Ant Colony Algorithm, A
* relevance feedback-based learner for image retrieval using SIFT descriptors, A
* Removal of Moving Objects and Inconsistencies in Color Tone for an Omnidirectional Image Database
* Repairing imperfect video enhancement algorithms using classification-based trained filters
* Research of Algorithm for Handwritten Character Recognition in Correcting Assignment System, The
* Research on License Plate Detection Based on Salient Feature under Complex Background
* Resolution Improvement of Infrared Images Using Visible Image Information
* Retinal blood vessel segmentation via graph cut
* Retinal Vessel Extraction Using First-Order Derivative of Gaussian and Morphological Processing
* Retrieval of 3D Polygonal Objects Based on Multiresolution Signatures
* Retrospective Illumination Correction of Greyscale Historical Aerial Photos
* Reverse Seam Carving
* reversible data hiding scheme for VQ indices using locally adaptive coding, A
* Reversible watermarking with localization for biometric images
* Review of Computer Vision Techniques for the Analysis of Urban Traffic, A
* Road region segmentation based on sequential Monte-Carlo estimation
* Robotic motion compensation for beating intracardiac surgery
* Robust and Compact Descriptor Based on Center-Symmetric LBP, A
* Robust Approach for Anti-jamming Target Tracking in Forward Looking Infrared Imagery, A
* robust approach for phenological change detection within satellite image time series, A
* Robust Approach to Detect Tampering by Exploring Correlation Patterns, A
* Robust Approach to Multi-feature Based Mesh Segmentation Using Adaptive Density Estimation, A
* Robust Automatic Rodent Brain Extraction Using 3-D Pulse-Coupled Neural Networks (PCNN)
* Robust Brain Extraction Across Datasets and Comparison With Publicly Available Methods
* robust change detection feature for Cosmo-SkyMed detected SAR images, A
* Robust Classification and Semi-supervised Object Localization with Gaussian Processes
* Robust Classification of Curvilinear and Surface-Like Structures in 3d Point Cloud Data
* Robust Detection of Abandoned and Removed Objects in Complex Surveillance Videos
* robust downward-looking camera based velocity estimation with height compensation for mobile robots, A
* Robust Face Recognition by Sparse Local Features from a Single Image under Occlusion
* Robust Facial Feature Tracking Using Shape-Constrained Multiresolution-Selected Linear Predictors
* robust feature-preserving semi-regular remeshing method for triangular meshes, A
* Robust Foreground Detection in Videos Using Adaptive Color Histogram Thresholding and Shadow Removal
* Robust Forensic Hash Component for Image Alignment, A
* Robust fusion using boosting and transduction for component-based face recognition
* Robust Hyperplane Fitting Based on k-th Power Deviation and a-Quantile
* Robust ICP Registration Using Bi-unique Correspondence
* Robust Model-Based Detection of Gable Roofs in Very-High-Resolution Aerial Images
* Robust Moving Cast Shadows Detection and Removal with Reliability Checking of the Color Property
* Robust object tracking using local oriented energy features and its hardware/software implementation
* Robust Point Matching in HDRI through Estimation of Illumination Distribution
* Robust regression for face recognition
* Robust Shape and Polarisation Estimation Using Blind Source Separation
* Robust Signal Generation and Analysis of Rat Embryonic Heart Rate in Vitro Using Laplacian Eigenmaps and Empirical Mode Decomposition
* Robust Sparse Tensor Decomposition by Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis
* Robust Stereoscopic Head Pose Estimation in Human-Computer Interaction and a Unified Evaluation Framework
* Robust Traffic Sign Recognition System for Intelligent Vehicles, A
* Robust Visual Tracking by Integrating Lucas-Kanade into Mean-Shift
* Robustly Aligning a Shape Model and Its Application to Car Alignment of Unknown Pose
* Robustness and Modularity of 2-Dimensional Size Functions: An Experimental Study
* Robustness Evaluation of Biometric Systems under Spoof Attacks
* Root and pre-constant signals of the 1D Teager-Kaiser operator
* Rough-Fuzzy HSV Color Histogram for Image Segmentation, A
* RSEM: An Accelerated Algorithm on Repeated EM
* RT-SLAM: A Generic and Real-Time Visual SLAM Implementation
* Run Time Adaptation of Video-Surveillance Systems: A Software Modeling Approach
* Saliency Detection: A Self-Adaption Sparse Representation Approach
* Saliency Modulated High Dynamic Range Image Tone Mapping
* Saliency ranking for benthic survey using underwater images
* Saliency-driven scaling optimization for image retargeting
* Sampling Relevant Points for Surface Registration
* SAR imagery change detection method for Land Border Monitoring
* SARC3D: A New 3D Body Model for People Tracking and Re-identification
* Scalable Face Image Retrieval with Identity-Based Quantization and Multireference Reranking
* Scalable Feature Extraction for Coarse-to-Fine JPEG 2000 Image Classification
* Scalable Object Classification Using Range Images
* Scene Analysis for Object Detection in Advanced Surveillance Systems Using Laplacian Distribution Model
* Scene Cut: Class-Specific Object Detection and Segmentation in 3D Scenes
* Scene Segmentation Assisted by Stereo Vision
* Scene segmentation based on video structure and spectral methods
* Scene Understanding through Autonomous Interactive Perception
* Score-level fusion in multiple biometrics using non-linear classification
* Second-Order Polynomial Models for Background Subtraction
* Secure and Robust Iris Recognition Using Random Projections and Sparse Representations
* Segmentation and Cell Tracking of Breast Cancer Cells
* Segmentation and Visualization of Multivariate Features Using Feature-Local Distributions
* segmentation based approach for shape recovery from multi-color images, A
* Segmentation Based Features for Lymph Node Detection from 3-D Chest CT
* Segmentation Based on Routing Image Algorithms
* Segmentation of Skull Base Tumors from MRI Using a Hybrid Support Vector Machine-Based Method
* Segmentation Strategy of Handwritten Connected Digits (SSHCD)
* Segmentation-Free, Area-Based Articulated Object Tracking
* Segmenting Hippocampus from 7.0 Tesla MR Images by Combining Multiple Atlases and Auto-Context Models
* Segmenting the Subthalamic Nucleus Using Narrow Band Limited Variational Level Set Method
* Selection of Suspicious ROIs in Breast DCE-MRI
* Semantic Segmentation of Microscopic Images Using a Morphological Hierarchy
* Semi-automated generation of a multi-temporal forest depletion layer with the Landcover Change Mapper (LCM)
* Semi-automatic Method for Vascular Image Segmentation, A
* Semi-fragile Watermarking in Biometric Systems: Template Self-Embedding
* Semi-supervised Classification via Low Rank Graph
* Sensitivity of Photon-Counting Based K-Edge Imaging in X-ray Computed Tomography
* Sensor deployment strategy for random field estimation: One-dimensional case
* Sensor Fusion and Calibration of Inertial Sensors, Vision, Ultra-Wideband and GPS
* Sequential Fusion Using Correlated Decisions for Controlled Verification Errors
* SERP: SURF Enhancer for Repeated Pattern
* Shader Based Polygon Stitching and Its Application in Deformable Terrain Simulation
* Shadow Segmentation Using Time-of-Flight Cameras
* Shadow-less segmentation of moving humans from surveillance video sequences
* Shape Abstraction through Multiple Optimal Solutions
* Shape Description by Bending Invariant Moments
* Shape Matching Using Points Co-Occurrence Pattern
* Shape Prior Embedded Geodesic Distance Transform for Image Segmentation
* Shape- and Pose-Invariant Correspondences Using Probabilistic Geodesic Surface Embedding
* Shaping the Error-Reject Curve of Error Correcting Output Coding Systems
* SHOG: Spherical HOG Descriptors for Rotation Invariant 3D Object Detection
* Shortest Path Based Planar Graph Cuts for Bi-layer Segmentation of Binocular Stereo Video
* Similarity-based multimodality image fusion with shiftable complex directional pyramid
* Simple linear vision module for micro mobile robot applications
* Simple solution for visual servoing of camera-in-hand robots in the 3d Cartesian space
* Simplified Gravitational Model for Texture Analysis, A
* Simulating Artworks through Filter Blending
* Simulation Framework to Assess Pattern Matching Algorithms in a Space Mission, A
* Simulation of the Effects of Different Urban Environments on GPS Performance Using Digital Elevation Models and Building Databases
* Simultaneous Denoising and Intrinsic Order Selection in Hyperspectral Imaging
* Simultaneous Interpolation and Deconvolution Model for the 3-D Reconstruction of Cell Images
* Simultaneous Reconstruction and Tracking of Non-planar Templates
* Single Image Multi-focusing Based on Local Blur Estimation
* Single Image Restoration of Outdoor Scenes
* Single Image Super Resolution Method Based on Edge Preservation
* Single image super-resolution using self-examples and texture synthesis
* Single-Image Super-Resolution via Sparse Coding Regression
* Six Point Algorithm Revisited, The
* Skull Assembly and Completion Using Template-Based Surface Matching
* SLAM process using Polynomial Extended Kalman Filter: Experimental assessment
* SLAM with conceptualisation
* SLAM with salient line feature extraction in indoor environments
* Slip and fall event detection using Bayesian Belief Network
* Smile Expression Classification Using the Improved BIF Feature
* Smooth adaptive fitting of 3D face model for the estimation of rigid and nonrigid facial motion in video sequences
* Snow cover monitoring in alpine regions with COSMO-SkyMed images by using a multitemporal approach and depolarization ratio
* Solving Geometric Co-registration Problem of Multi-spectral Remote Sensing Imagery Using SIFT-Based Features toward Precise Change Detection
* Sorting Atomic Activities for Discovering Spatio-temporal Patterns in Dynamic Scenes
* Space Target Recognition Method Based on Compressive Sensing, A
* Space Variant Representations for Mobile Platform Vision Applications
* Space-Time Body Pose Estimation in Uncontrolled Environments
* Space-Time Zernike Moments and Pyramid Kernel Descriptors for Action Classification
* Spanning Tree-Based Human Activity Prediction System Using Life Logs from Depth Silhouette-Based Human Activity Recognition, A
* Sparse Feature Learning for Visual Tracking by Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator
* Sparse Motion Segmentation Using Multiple Six-Point Consistencies
* Sparse representations and Random Projections for robust and cancelable biometrics
* Spatial and temporal mapping of leaf area index in Alpine pastures and meadows with satellite MODIS imagery
* Spatial light interference microscopy (SLIM)
* Spatial Nonparametric Mixed-Effects Model with Spatial-Varying Coefficients for Analysis of Populations
* Spatio-Temporal Optimization for Foreground/Background Segmentation
* Spatio-Temporal Stereo Disparity Integration
* Spatiotemporal dimensionality and time-space characterization of vegetation phenology from multitemporal MODIS EVI
* Spatiotemporal mining of ENVISAT SAR interferogram time series over the Haiyuan fault in China
* Special Issue on Exploiting Wireless Communication Technologies in Vehicular Transportation Networks
* Special Issue on Probabilistic Models for Image Understanding, Part II
* Speckle Denoising through Local Rényi Entropy Smoothing
* Speckle reduction of ultrasound images based on Rayleigh-trimmed anisotropic diffusion filter
* SPECT reconstruction with sub-sinogram acquisitions
* Spectral Clustering of ROIs for Object Discovery
* Spectral-Temporal Analysis by Response Surface applied to detect deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon
* Specularity Detection Using Time-of-Flight Cameras
* Speeding up Cloth Simulation by Linearizing the Bending Function of the Physical Mass-Spring Model
* Spherical Cover Algorithm to Reconstruct 3D Face Model, A
* Spontaneous Facial Expression Recognition Based on Feature Point Tracking
* Spot Detection in Images with Noisy Background
* Square Patch Feature: Faster weak-classifier for robust object detection
* Stability Analysis of Static Signatures for Automatic Signature Verification
* Static and dynamic fusion for outdoor vehicle localization
* Statistical Change Detection by the Pool Adjacent Violators Algorithm
* Statistical Model for Quantification and Prediction of Cardiac Remodelling: Application to Tetralogy of Fallot, A
* Statistical Modeling of 3-D Natural Scenes With Application to Bayesian Stereopsis
* Statistical Modeling of Long-Range Drift in Visual Odometry
* Statistical Multisensor Image Segmentation in Complex Wavelet Domains
* Statistical Patch-Based Observation for Single Object Tracking
* Statistical Shape Model of Legendre Moments with Active Contour Evolution for Shape Detection and Segmentation
* Statistical Tuning of Adaptive-Weight Depth Map Algorithm
* Steerable Deconvolution Feature Detection as an Inverse Problem
* Stereo for robots: Quantitative evaluation of efficient and low-memory dense stereo algorithms
* Stereo matching using gradient similarity and locally adaptive support-weight
* Stereo Matching with Reliable Disparity Propagation
* Stereo Reconstruction of Building Interiors with a Vertical Structure Prior
* Stereo Scene Flow for 3D Motion Analysis
* Stereo vision based intuitive posture input system using a portable color marked puppet
* Stereo Vision-Based Improving Cascade Classifier Learning for Vehicle Detection
* Stochastic Model-Based Heuristics for Fast Field of View Loss Recovery in Urban Traffic Management Through Networks of Video Cameras
* stream field based partially observable moving object tracking algorithm, A
* Structural Analysis of Articular Cartilage Using Multiphoton Microscopy: Input for Biomechanical Modeling
* Structure from Motion and Photometric Stereo for Dense 3D Shape Recovery
* Structure-Aware Image Completion with Texture Propagation
* study on face tracking in real-time for robot, A
* Subject-Specific Cardiac Segmentation Based on Reinforcement Learning with Shape Instantiation
* Subjective Quality Optimized Intra Mode Selection for H.264 I Frame Coding Based on SSIM
* Subspaces Indexing Model on Grassmann Manifold for Image Search
* Subsurface Sensing
* Subvoxel Super-Resolution of Volumetric Motion Field Using General Order Prior
* Sum-of-Superellipses: A Low Parameter Model for Amplitude Spectra of Natural Images
* Super resolution based on simultaneous registration and reconstruction
* Super-Resolved Imaging: Geometrical and Diffraction Approaches
* Supervised Learning Based Stereo Matching Using Neural Tree
* Supervised optimal locality preserving projection
* Supervised Sparse Patch Coding towards Misalignment-Robust Face Recognition
* Supporting Display Scalability by Redundant Mapping
* Surface Reconstruction in Photometric Stereo with Calibration Error
* Surface Reconstruction of Maltese Cisterns Using ROV Sonar Data for Archeological Study
* survey on super-resolution imaging, A
* Symmetry Computation in Repetitive Images Using Minimum-Variance Partitions
* Synchronous Detection for Robust 3-D Shape Measurement against Interreflection and Subsurface Scattering
* Synthesizing Physics-Based Vortex and Collision Sound in Virtual Reality
* System for Capturing Textured 3D Shapes Based on One-Shot Grid Pattern with Multi-band Camera and Infrared Projector, A
* System for estimating sclerosis of in vivo arteries based on ultrasound B-mode image analysis
* systematic approach for rapid 3D reconstruction from photosets, A
* Systematic Evaluation of Spatio-Temporal Features on Comparative Video Challenges
* systematic topological method for fingerprint singular point detection, A
* Target Tracking Based on Wavelet Features in the Dynamic Image Sequence
* Technical innovations for the diagnosis and the rehabilitation of motor and perceptive impairments of the child with Cerebral Palsy
* Temporal Analysis of Biometric Template Update Procedures in Uncontrolled Environment
* Temporal Frequency of Flickering-Distortion Optimized Video Halftoning for Electronic Paper
* Temporally-Consistent Phase Unwrapping for a Stereo-Assisted Structured Light System
* Tensor Discriminant Color Space for Face Recognition
* Tensor Method for Constructing 3D Moment Invariants
* Tensor Recovery via Multi-linear Augmented Lagrange Multiplier Method
* Terramechanics Based Terrain Deformation for Real-Time Off-Road Vehicle Simulation
* Tetrahedral Meshing of Volumetric Medical Images Respecting Image Edges
* Text String Detection From Natural Scenes by Structure-Based Partition and Grouping
* Textural Classification of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm after Endovascular Repair: Preliminary Results
* Texture Analysis Based on Saddle Points-Based BEMD and LBP
* Texture Analysis by a PLS Based Method for Combined Feature Extraction and Selection
* Texture Transfer in Frequency Domain
* Texture-Based Direct-Touch Interaction System for 3D Woven Cultural Property Exhibition, A
* theoretical discussion on the foundation of Stone's blind source separation, A
* Theoretical Framework for Traffic Speed Estimation by Fusing Low-Resolution Probe Vehicle Data, A
* Three Dimensional Saliency Calculation Using Splatting
* Time to Collision and Collision Risk Estimation from Local Scale and Motion
* Time-Consistent Foreground Segmentation of Dynamic Content from Color and Depth Video
* Time-series analysis of rainforest clearing in Sabah, Borneo using Landsat imagery
* Tiny block-size coding for energy-efficient image compression and communication in wireless camera sensor networks
* tinySLAM: A SLAM algorithm in less than 200 lines C-language program
* TIR/VIS Correlation for Liveness Detection in Face Recognition
* Tools for multitemporal analysis and classification of multisource satellite imagery
* Topology Extraction Using Depth First Search On Voxel Representations Of Tree Point Clouds
* Toward a 3D endoscope for minimally invasive surgery
* Toward Accurate Feature Detectors Performance Evaluation
* Toward Air Traffic Complexity Assessment in New Generation Air Traffic Management Systems
* Toward Automatic 3D Generic Object Modeling from One Single Image
* Toward coherent object detection and scene layout understanding
* Toward Development of a Face Recognition System for Watchlist Surveillance
* Toward Robotic Sensor Webs: Algorithms, Systems, and Experiments
* Towards a General Abstraction through Sequences of Conceptual Operations
* Towards a Universal and Limited Visual Vocabulary
* Towards autonomous image fusion
* Towards Cross-Modal Comparison of Human Motion Data
* Towards historical document indexing: extraction of drop cap letters
* Towards Realtime Handheld MonoSLAM in Dynamic Environments
* Towards Visual-Inertial SLAM for Mobile Augmented Reality
* Trace Norm Regularization and Application to Tensor Based Feature Extraction
* Tracking Based on SURF and Superpixel
* Training of Sparsely Connected MLPs
* Trajectory Analysis and Semantic Region Modeling Using Nonparametric Hierarchical Bayesian Models
* Tree Structured Model of Skin Lesion Growth Pattern via Color Based Cluster Analysis
* Tree-Structured MRF Based Image Segmentation Combined with Advanced Means Shift Mode Detection
* Trinocular matching realized by a monocular stereovision sensor for parallel manipulator
* Turkish fingerspelling recognition system using Generalized Hough Transform, interest regions, and local descriptors
* Twente Lower Extremity Model: Consistent Dynamic Simulation of the Human Locomoter Apparatus, The
* Two-Phase Test Sample Sparse Representation Method for Use With Face Recognition, A
* Two-Probabilistic Latent Semantic Model for Image Annotation and Retrieval
* Two-tier Emergent Self-Organizing (TtEsom) approach of understanding emotions
* Two-Way Multidimensional Scaling: A Review
* UI Generation for Data Visualisation in Heterogenous Environment
* ultrasonic imaging guided medical robot system for microwave ablation therapy, An
* Unambiguous Photometric Stereo Using Two Images
* Unconstrained Pose-Invariant Face Recognition Using 3D Generic Elastic Models
* Understanding Interactions and Guiding Visual Surveillance by Tracking Attention
* Uni-orthogonal Nonnegative Tucker Decomposition for Supervised Image Classification
* unified 2D-3D video scene change detection framework for mobile camera platforms, A
* unified architecture for the detection and classification of license plates, A
* Unified Method Based on Wavelet Transform and C-V Model for Crack Segmentation of 3D Industrial CT Images, A
* Unmixing Dynamic Fluorescence Diffuse Optical Tomography Images With Independent Component Analysis
* Unravelling long-term vegetation change patterns in a binational watershed using multitemporal land cover data and historical photography
* Unsharp Masking Sharpening Detection via Overshoot Artifacts Analysis
* Unsupervised Activity Extraction on Long-Term Video Recordings Employing Soft Computing Relations
* Unsupervised Discovery, Modeling, and Analysis of Long Term Activities
* Unsupervised Feature Selection and Category Formation for Generic Object Recognition
* Unsupervised Video Surveillance
* Upper Body Detection and Tracking in Extended Signing Sequences
* Urban vehicle platoon using monocular vision: Scale factor estimation
* Urbanization analysis by mutual information based change detection between SPOT 5 panchromatic images
* Use of High-Pass Filters and the Inpainting Method to Clouds Removal and Their Impact on Satellite Images Classification, The
* Use of multi-annual MODIS Land Surface Temperature data for the characterization of the heat requirements for grapevine varieties
* User-Steered Image Segmentation Using Live Markers
* Using Blood Vessels Location Information in Optic Disk Segmentation
* Using Conditional Random Field for Crowd Behavior Analysis
* Using Facial Symmetry to Handle Pose Variations in Real-World 3D Face Recognition
* Using Geometric Constraints to Solve the Point Correspondence Problem in Fringe Projection Based 3D Measuring Systems
* Using Landmarks as a Deformation Prior for Hybrid Image Registration
* Using NASA'S Long Term Data Record version 3 for the monitoring of land surface vegetation
* Using spherical moments for visual servoing from a special target with unique projection center cameras
* Using the Shadow as a Single Feature for Real-Time Monocular Vehicle Pose Determination
* Utilization of spectral measurements and phenological observations to detect grassland-habitats with a RapidEye intra-annual time-series
* Variable lighting face recognition using discrete wavelet transform
* Variance Minimization Criterion to Feature Selection Using Laplacian Regularization, A
* Variational Model for the Restoration of MR Images Corrupted by Blur and Rician Noise, A
* Vector Sampling Expansions and Linear Canonical Transform
* Vegetation Characteristics Using Multi-Return Terrestrial Laser Scanner
* Vehicle Class Recognition Using Multiple Video Cameras
* Vehicle Ego-Localization by Matching In-Vehicle Camera Images to an Aerial Image
* Vehicle formation analysis based on zero dynamics for road traffic system
* Verification of bank cheque images using Hamming measures
* Vertical Vegetation Structure Analysis and Hydraulic Roughness Determination Using Dense ALS Point Cloud Data: A Voxel Based Approach
* Video Grammar-Based Approach for TV News Localization and Intra-structure Identification in TV Streams, A
* Video Motion Interpolation for Special Effect Applications
* Video Normals from Colored Lights
* Video object error coding method based on compressive sensing
* Video Processing in the Cloud
* Video Reshuffling with Narratives toward Effective Video Browsing
* Video restoration and enhancement: algorithms and applications
* Violence Detection in Video Using Computer Vision Techniques
* Virtual Excavation: Combining 3D Immersive Virtual Reality and Geophysical Surveying, A
* Virtual Interrupted Suturing Exercise with the Endo Stitch Suturing Device
* Virtual Reality Models for the Preservation of the Unesco Historical and Artistical Heritage
* Virtual Testbed for Assessing Probe Vehicle Data in IntelliDrive Systems
* Visibility distance estimation based on structure from motion
* vision-based approach for surface roughness assessment at micro and nano scales, A
* Vision-Based Horizon Detection and Target Tracking for UAVs
* vision-based intelligent path following control of a four-wheel differentially driven skid steer mobile robot, A
* Vision-based lane departure detection system in urban traffic scenes
* Vision-based path planning with obstacle avoidance for mobile robots using linear matrix inequalities
* Vision-Related MLS Image Deformation Using Saliency Map
* Visual Analysis of Behaviour: From Pixels to Semantics
* Visual Blindspot Monitoring System for Safe Lane Changes, A
* Visual Hull from Imprecise Polyhedral Scene
* Visual interpretation of natural pointing gestures in 3D space for human-robot interaction
* Visual Mapping and Multi-modal Localisation for Anywhere AR Authoring
* Visual Motion Capturing for Kinematic Model Estimation of a Humanoid Robot
* Visual Object Localization in Image Collections
* Visual Object Tracking via One-Class SVM
* Visual Saliency Based Aerial Video Summarization by Online Scene Classification
* Visual Saliency by Keypoints Distribution Analysis
* Visual Sensing and its Applications: Integration of Laser Sensors to Industrial Robots
* Visual servoing using triangulation with an omnidirectional multi-camera system
* Visual topological mapping and localisation using colour histograms
* Visual Tracking Based on Log-Euclidean Riemannian Sparse Representation
* Visual Word Pairs for Similar Image Search
* Visual Words for 3D Reconstruction and Pose Computation
* Visual Words on Baggage X-Ray Images
* Visualization and Analysis of Information for Checkin in LBS Mode
* Visualization Three-Dimensional Geological Modeling Using CUDA
* Visualizing Translation Variation: Shakespeare's Othello
* VLSI Architecture for Real-Time HD1080p View Synthesis Engine
* Von Kries Model under Planckian Illuminants
* Voxel-Based Estimation Of Plant Area Density From Airborne Laser Scanner Data
* Watershed Transformation Based Identification of the Combustion Region in an Oxy-coal Flame Image
* Wavelets/multiwavelets bases and correspondence estimation problem: An analytic study
* Weighted Landmark-Based Algorithm for Skull Identification, The
* Weighted Local Binary Pattern Infrared Face Recognition Based on Weber's Law
* weighted voting scheme for recognition of faces with illumination variation, A
* What Are Soft Biometrics and How Can They Be Used?
* Wide Range Face Pose Estimation by Modelling the 3D Arrangement of Robustly Detectable Sub-parts
* Will soccer-ball tracking ever reach its goal?
* Will the Pedestrian Cross? Probabilistic Path Prediction Based on Learned Motion Features
* Word-Map Systems for Content-Based Document Classification
* Writer identification using directional ink-trace width measurements
* Wyner-Ziv Video Coding With Classified Correlation Noise Estimation and Key Frame Coding Mode Selection
* Year-to-year variability of NDVI in croplands and grasslands across a regional grasslands-forest ecotone in Central Alberta, Canada
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