Update Dates 0305

0305 * *Video Registration
* 3D Line Reconstruction from Airborne Three-Line Scanner Data
* 3D Modeling and Registration Under Wide Baseline Conditions
* 3D Resampling for Airborne Laser Data of Urban Areas
* Decision Fusion (H3)
* Active Testing and Edge Analysis for Road Centreline Extraction
* Application of Computer Vision Techniques to Support in the Restoration of Historical Buildings
* Application of Modified Counter-Propagation for Satellite Image Classification
* Application of the Photogrammetric and the Geographic Information Systems in the Urban Environment: A Case of Study
* Applications of the Robust Interpolation for DTM Determination
* Assessing Height Precision of Laser Altimetry DEMs
* Assessing the Possibility of Land-Cover Classification Using LIDAR Intensity Data
* Assessment of Forest Parameters by Means of Laser Scanning
* Assessment of Two Cheap Close-Range Feature Extraction Systems
* Automated Image Registration Using Geometrical Invariant Parameter Space Clustering (GIPSC)
* Automatic DTM Generation from Three-Line-Scanner (TLS) Images
* Automatic Pose Estimation of Imagery Using Free-Form Control Linear Features
* Basic Theory of Intelligent Photogrammetron, A
* Bayesian Object Recognition for the Analysis of Complex Forest Scenes in Airborne Laser Scanner Data
* Biological Model of Object Recognition with Feature Learning, A
* Building Detection from High Resolution Digital Elevation Models in Urban Areas
* Building Extraction from Laser Data by Reasoning on Image Segments in Elevation Slices
* Building Reconstruction Based on MDL Principle from 3D Feature Points
* Calibration of Digital Consumer Cameras for Photogrammetric Applications
* Canonical Representation and Three View Geometry of Cylinders
* Characterizing Image Quality: Blind Estimation of the Point Spread Function from a Single Image
* Combined Estimation-Deformation Model for Area Detection: Application to Topographic Area Feature Update, A
* Comparison of Neuro-Fuzzy and Traditional Image Segmentation Methods for Automated Detection of Buildings in Aerial Photos, A
* Comparison of Quality and Information Content of Digital and Film-Based Images
* Computational Models of Perceptual Organization
* Concept and Algorithm for 3D City Surface Modeling, A
* Detection of Buildings in Colour and Colour-Infrared Aerial Photos for Semi-Automated Revision of Topographic Databases
* Development for the Enhancement of Digital Photogrammetric Images to Improve DEM Generation Algorithm
* Development of Real-time 3D Measurement System Using Intensity Ratio Method
* Dhamek Stupa: Documentation of a Cultural Heritage in India
* Differential coordinates for local mesh morphing and deformation
* Digital Terrain Models from Airborne Laserscanner Data: A Grid Based Approach
* Dynamic mesh optimization for polygonized implicit surfaces with sharp features
* Efficient Methods and Interfaces for Road Tracking
* Engineering and Environmental Applications of Laser Scanner Techniques
* Enhancement, Detection, and Visualization of 3D Volume Data
* Estimation of and View Synthesis with the Trifocal Tensor
* Extracting 3D Edgels Hypotheses From Multiple Calibrated Images: A Step Towards Curved Objects Boundary Lines Reconstruction
* Extracting Built-Up Areas from Multitemporal Interferometric SAR Images
* Facade Classification for Damage Detection
* Factorization with Erroneous Data
* Feature Extraction for Quality Assessment of Aerial Image Segmentation
* Filtering Method of Airborne Laser Scanner Data for Complex Terrain, A
* Filtering Strategy: Working Towards Reliability
* Flexible Net Approach for Stereo Matching
* Fundamental Principles of Image Orientation Using Orthogonal Projection Model
* Fusion of LIDAR Data and Aerial Imagery for a More Complete Surface Description
* Generalized Factored Stochastic Model for Optimal Registration of LIDAR Range Images, A
* Generalized Laplacian Pyramid-Based Fusion of MS + P Image Data with Spectral Distortion Minimization
* Global Optimal Registration Method for Satellite Remote Sensing Images, A
* Ground Surface Estimation from Airborne Laser Scanner Data Using Active Shape Models
* Heuristic Filtering and 3D Feature Extraction from LIDAR Data
* High-precision panoramic imaging system
* High-Quality Geo-Referencing of GPS/IMU-Supported Multi-Spectral Airborne Scanner Data: Experiences and Results
* Hybrid Matching Based on Polynomial Transformation
* Ill-Configured Object Representation by Neighbour Set with Applications to Aerial Image Analyses
* Image Processing Based Calibration of High Precision Laser Projection Systems
* Impact of Conformal Map Projections on Direct Georeferencing, The
* Implementation of a Single Photo Shape from Shading Method for the Automatic DTM Generation
* Implicit modeling using subdivision curves
* Improvement of Road Crossing Extraction and External Evaluation of the Extraction Results
* Improvement the Positional Accuracy of the 3D Terrain Data Extracted from IKONOS-2 Satellite Imagery
* Improving Cartographic Road Databases by Image Analysis
* Indirect Georeferencing of Airborne Multi-Line Array Sensors: A Simulated Case Study
* Inductive Clustering: Automating Low-level Segmentation in High Resolution Images
* Integrated Techniques for Low-Cost Surveying of Urban Areas
* Investigation of the MPEG-7 Homogeneuos Texture Descriptor for the Automatic Extraction of Trees
* Investigations on System Calibration of GPS/IMU and Camera for Direct Georeferencing
* Junction Extraction by Artificial Neural Network System - JEANS
* Knowledge Based Multitemporal Interpretation
* Knowledge-Based Building Detection Based on Laser Scanner Data and Topographic Map Information
* Laboratory Self-calibration of a Multi-Band Sensor
* Laser Strip Adjustment for Data Calibration and Verification
* Linear Recovery of the Exterior Orientation Parameters in a Planar Object Space
* Localization and Generation of Building Models
* Low Level Tracking of Multiple Objects
* Machine Learning Approach to Building Recognition in Aerial Photographs, A
* Method Based on Local Variance for Quality Assessment of Multiresolution Image Fusion, A
* Method of Vehicle Navigation System Correction Based on Processing of Distance Images Obtained by Laser Locator
* Methodical Alternatives to the Glacier Motion Measurement from Differential SAR Interferometry
* Methods and apparatuses for measuring an extent of a group of objects within an image
* METROPOGIS: A Feature Based City Modeling System
* MetropoGIS: A Semi-Automatic City Documentation System
* Minimal Set of Constraints and a Minimal Parameterization for the Trifocal Tensor, A
* Monitoring of Active Rock Glaciers by Means of Digital Photogrammetry
* Multi-Image Tie-Point Detection Applied to Multi-Angle Imagery from MISR
* Near Real-Time Road Centerline Extraction
* New Approach for Calibrating Off-the-Shelf Digital Cameras
* New Method for Building Extraction in Urban Areas from High-Resolution LIDAR Data, A
* New Modelling Technique for Object-Oriented Photogrammetric Computer Vision Algorithms, A
* New Scheme for Region Approximation and Coding With Shape Independent Transform
* Object Segmentation with Region Growing and Principal Component Analysis
* Occlusion, Clutter, and Illumination Invariant Object Recognition
* On the Calibration of Mapvision 4D system
* On the Combined Forward and Backward Anisotropic Diffusion Scheme for the Multispectral Image Enhancement
* On the Estimation of Planimetric Offsets in Laser Altimetry Data
* OSIRIS: A Simulator of Outdoor Scenes in Thermal Infrared Range
* Outlier Detection for Factorization-Based Reconstruction from Perspective Images with Occlusions
* Parallel Approach to Binocular Stereo Matching
* Perceptual Organization of 3D Surface Points
* Performance Comparison of 2D Object Recognition Techniques
* Photogrammetric Method for the Assessment of Facial Morphology in Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Screening, A
* Polygonal mesh regularization for subdivision surfaces interpolating meshes of curves
* Pose Estimation of Line Cameras Using Linear Features
* Precise Orientation of SPOT Panchromatic Images with Tie Points to a SAR Image
* Principle of Seamless Stereo Orthoimage Database and its Measurement Accuracy Analysis
* Probabilistic Approach to Roof Extraction and Reconstruction, A
* Processing of 3D Building Models for Location Aware Applications
* Quality Assessment of DTM and Orthophoto Generated by Airborne Laser Scanning System Using Automated Digital Photogrammetry
* Rate control for an MPEG transcoder without a priori knowledge of picture type
* Recognition and Reconstruction of Special Surfaces from Point Clouds
* Reconfigurable apparatus and method for inspection during a manufacturing process
* Reconstructing 3D Building Wireframes from Multiple Images
* Reconstructing 3D Buildings from LIDAR Data
* Reconstructing Tree Crowns from Laser Scanner Data for Feature Extraction
* Reconstruction of 3D Linear Primitives From Multiple Views for Urban Areas Modelisation
* Reconstruction of Registered Range Data Using Geodesic Dome Type Data Structure
* Recovering Facade Texture and Microstructure from Real-World Images
* Resolution Enhancement by Software Method of Random Shift, The
* Right Move: A Concept for a Video-Based Choreography Tool, The
* Rigorous Quality Assessment of 3D Object Reconstruction for an Arbitrary Configuration of Control Points
* Robotic Three-Dimensional Measurement System for Complex Metal Parts Using Structured Light
* Scene Analysis in Urban Areas Using a Knowledge-Based Interpretation-System
* Scene Constraints for Direct Single Image Orientation with Selfdiagnosis
* Semantic Interpretation of Remote Sensing Data
* Semi-automatic Road Extraction from High-Resolution Satellite Image
* Sensor and Data Fusion Contest: Test Imagery to Compare and Combine Airborne SAR and Optical Sensors for Mapping
* Shape understanding by contour-driven retiling
* Simultaneous Registration of Multiple Views of a 3D Object
* Single Step Calibration Procedure for INS/DGPS in Aerial Photogrammetry, A
* SRTM Data Characterization in Urban Areas
* Steps to Cognition in Image Analysis and in Philosophy: A Comparison
* Stereo Plane Matching Technique
* Strict Geometric Model Based on Affine Transformation for Remote Sensing Image with High Resolution
* Study on Calibration of Digital Camera, A
* Study on the Generation of the KOMPSAT-1 RPC Model, A
* Surface Clustering from Airborne Laser Scanning Data
* Surface Modelling of Urban 3D Objects from Vehicle-Borne Laser Range Data
* System and method for detecting interactions of people and vehicles
* System Calibration for Direct Georeferencing
* Terrain Surface Reconstruction by the Use of Tetrahedron Model with the MDL Criterion
* Towards a Seamless Robust Digital Surface Model (DSM)
* Towards shape representation using trihedral mesh projections
* Triangulation of LH Systems ADS40 Imagery Using Orima GPS/IMU
* Two New Algorithms to Retrieve the Calibration Matrix from the 3-D Projective Camera Model
* Using Mobile Systems to Transmit Location Based Information
* Utilization of LIDAR DEM for SAR Image Analysis in Dense Urban Areas
* Video image stabilization and registration
* Video-to-3D
* Wavelet-Based Fusion of Optical and SAR Image Data over Urban Area
155 for 0305

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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.