* 2-D Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) on Meshes with Hierarchical Control Modes
* 2D Shape Measurement of Multiple Moving Objects by GMM Background Modeling and Optical Flow
* 3-D Face Modeling from Two Views and Grid Light
* 3D building model generation from airborne laserscanner data using 2D GIS data and orthogonal point cloud projections
* 3D City Models: An Operational Approach using Aerial Images and Cadastral Maps
* 3D Database Population from Single Views of Surfaces of Revolution
* 3D Dynamic Model of Human Actions for Probabilistic Image Tracking, A
* 3D Face Matching Using the Surface Interpenetration Measure
* 3D Face Modeling Based on Structured-Light Assisted Stereo Sensor
* 3D Functional Models of Monkey Brain Through Elastic Registration of Histological Sections
* 3D Geometry Reconstruction from a Stereoscopic Video Sequence
* 3D mapping of Switzerland - Challenges and experiences
* 3D Modeling of Humans with Skeletons from Uncalibrated Wide Baseline Views
* 3D Surface Reconstruction by Combination of Photopolarimetry and Depth from Defocus
* 3D Surface Reconstruction from Scattered Data Using Moving Least Square Method
* 3D Surface Reconstruction of a Moving Object in the Presence of Specular Reflection
* 3D Triangular Mesh Parametrization Using Locally Linear Embedding
* 3D-Scene Modeling from Image Sequences
* 4D Reconstruction of Coronary Arteries from Monoplane Angiograms
* 6D-Vision: Fusion of Stereo and Motion for Robust Environment Perception
* Accelerated Motion Estimation of H.264 on Imagine Stream Processor
* Accelerometer Based Gesture Recognition Using Continuous HMMs
* Accuracy analysis of the Leica HDS3000 and feasibility of tunnel deformation monitoring
* Accuracy of 3D city models: EuroSDR comparison
* Accuracy of MLP Based Data Visualization Used in Oil Prices Forecasting Task
* Active Shape Models with Invariant Optimal Features (IOF-ASMs)
* Adaptive Colorimetric Characterization of Digital Camera with White Balance
* Adaptive Fuzzy Text Segmentation in Images with Complex Backgrounds Using Color and Texture
* Adaptive Optimization with Constraints: Convergence and Oscillatory Behaviour
* Adaptive Signal Models for Wide-Band Speech and Audio Compression
* Adaptive Smoothing via Contextual and Local Discontinuities
* Adaptive Window Growing Technique for Efficient Image Matching
* Adding Subsurface Attenuation to the Beckmann-Kirchhoff Theory
* Addressing the Vulnerabilities of Likelihood-Ratio-Based Face Verification
* Adjacency Grammar to Recognize Symbols and Gestures in a Digital Pen Framework, An
* Advanced Correlation Filters for Face Recognition Using Low-Resolution Visual and Thermal Imagery
* Advances in Background Updating and Shadow Removing for Motion Detection Algorithms
* Affine Invariant, Model-Based Object Recognition Using Robust Metrics and Bayesian Statistics
* Agglomerative Grouping of Observations by Bounding Entropy Variation
* Airborne laser scanning: Exploratory data analysis indicates potential variables for classification of individual trees or forest stands according to species
* Airborne Laser Swath Mapping: Quantifying changes in sandy beaches over time scales of weeks to years
* Airborne laserscanning data for determination of suitable areas for photovoltaics
* Airborne Non-metric Video Image Orientation Determination Using Two GPS Receivers
* Aircraft Conflict Prediction in the Presence of a Spatially Correlated Wind Field
* Algorithm for Binary Image Segmentation Using Polygonal Markov Fields, An
* Algorithm for Crest Detection Based on Graph Contraction
* Algorithm for the Detection of Multiple Concentric Circles, An
* Algorithms for Detecting Clusters of Microcalcifications in Mammograms
* All-in-Focus Imaging Using a Series of Images on Different Focal Planes
* Analysis and synthesis of the sounds of impact based on shape-invariant properties of materials
* Analysis of Automatic Road Extraction Results from Airborne SAR Imagery
* Analysis of Facial Description in Static Images and Video Streams, An
* Analysis of Means to Improve Cooperative Disparity Estimation
* Analysis of Meso Textures of Geomaterials Through Haralick Parameters
* Analysis of Response Performance Characteristics for Identification Using a Matching Score Generation Model
* Analysis of Urban Land Cover and Population Density in the United States
* analytical algorithm for generalized low-rank approximations of matrices, An
* Analyzing TCP Traffic Patterns Using Self Organizing Maps
* Anisotropic 3D Reconstruction and Restoration for Rotation-Scanning 4D Echocardiographic Images Based on MAP-MRF
* Appearance-Based Recognition of Words in American Sign Language
* Applicability of first pulse derived digital terrain models for boreal forest zone
* Application of Automatic Image Registration in a Segmentation Framework of Pelvic CT Images
* Application of feature space trajectory classifier to identification of multi-aspect radar signals
* Application of multi-temporal high-resolution imagery and GPS in a study of the motion of a canyon rim landslide
* Application of Neural and Probabilistic Unsupervised Methods to Environmental Factor Analysis of Multi-spectral Images, An
* Application of Wavelet Transforms and Bayes Classifier to Segmentation of Ultrasound Images
* Approach to Improve Online Hand-Eye Calibration, An
* Approach to Tune Fuzzy Controllers Based on Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Vehicle Control, An
* Approach to Vision-Based Person Detection in Robotic Applications, An
* Approximation of the Maximal Inscribed Convex Set of a Digital Object, An
* Articulated motion capture from 3-D points and normals
* Artificial Life Feature Selection Techniques for Prostrate Cancer Diagnosis Using TRUS Images
* Artificial Neural Networks for the Detection of Road Junctions in Aerial Images
* Assesment of sensor characteristics of an airborne laser scanner using geometric reference targets
* Asymmetric 3D/2D Processing: A Novel Approach for Face Recognition
* Asymmetric Fingerprint Matching Algorithm for Java Card TM, An
* Atom Position Coding in a Matching Pursuit Based Video Coder
* Audio-Visual Speaker Identification via Adaptive Fusion Using Reliability Estimates of Both Modalities
* Augmenting Grid-Based Contours to Improve Thin-Plate DEM Generation
* Authenticating Corrupted Facial Images on Stand-Alone DSP System
* Auto-Calibration and Motion Recovery from Silhouettes for Turntable Sequences
* AutoAssign: An Automatic Assignment Tool for Independent Components
* Automated Audio-visual Activity Analysis
* Automated delineation of roof planes from LiDAR data
* Automated extraction of pair wise structure lines using airborne laserscanner data in coastal areas
* Automated Modeling of the Great Buddha Statue in Bamiyan, Afghanistan
* Automated Quality Control for Orthoimages and DEMs
* Automated Snake Initialization for the Segmentation of the Prostate in Ultrasound Images
* Automated Update of Road Databases using Aerial Imagery and Road Construction Data
* Automatic 3D object recognition and reconstruction based on neuro-fuzzy modelling
* Automatic Classification of Breast Tissue
* Automatic Detection of Spiculated Masses Using Fractal Analysis in Digital Mammography
* Automatic detection of the optic disc, fovea and vacular arch in digital color photographs of the retina
* Automatic Determination of the Optimum Generic Sensor Model Based on Genetic Algorithm Concepts
* Automatic Extraction of Trees from Aerial Images and Surface Models
* Automatic Foreground Propagation in Image Sequences for 3D Reconstruction
* Automatic Hepatic Tumor Segmentation Using Composite Hypotheses
* Automatic Human Model Generation
* Automatic Image Registration for Applications in Remote Sensing, An
* Automatic machine vision calibration using statistical and neural network methods
* Automatic Mask Extraction for PIV-Based Dam-Break Analysis
* Automatic Matching and Motion Estimation from Two Views of a Multiplane Scene
* Automatic Quality Surveillance of GIS Data with GEOAIDA
* Automatic Recognition of Road Sign Passo-Carrabile
* Automatic Roadway Geometry Measurement Algorithm Using Video Images
* Automatic seeded region growing for color image segmentation
* Automatic Segmentation and Registration of Lung Surfaces in Temporal Chest CT Scans
* Automatic Segmentation of Bilingual Corpora: A Comparison of Different Techniques
* Automatic Selection of Multiple Texture Feature Extraction Methods for Texture Pattern Classification
* Automatic Selection of Parameters for Vessel/Neurite Segmentation Algorithms
* Automatic tie elements detection for laser scanner strip adjustment
* Automatic Updating of Urban Vector Maps
* Automatically Detecting Symmetries in Decorative Tiles
* Autonomous Operators for Direct Use on Irregular Image Data
* Autonomous Surveillance Vehicle for People Tracking, An
* Background Removal of Document Images Acquired Using Portable Digital Cameras
* Backward-Compatible Interleaving Technique for Robust JPEG2000 Wireless Transmission
* Bayesian Differentiation of Multi-scale Line-Structures for Model-Free Instrument Segmentation in Thoracoscopic Images
* Bayesian Method for Motion Segmentation and Tracking in Compressed Videos
* Bayesian Reconstruction for Transmission Tomography with Scale Hyperparameter Estimation
* Bayesian Reconstruction of Color Images Acquired with a Single CCD
* Between-Source Modelling for Likelihood Ratio Computation in Forensic Biometric Recognition
* bigVAT: Visual assessment of cluster tendency for large data sets
* Biometric Authentication System Using Reduced Joint Feature Vector of Iris and Face
* Biometric Recognition Using Feature Selection and Combination
* Biometric Recognition: How Do I Know Who You Are?
* Bit-Rate Control Algorithm for ROI Enabled Video Coding
* Blind Background Subtraction in Dental Panoramic X-Ray Images: An Application Approach
* Boosting Statistical Local Feature Based Classifiers for Face Recognition
* Border Irregularity Measure Using a Modified Conditional Entropy Method as a Malignant Melanoma Predictor, A
* Breast Segmentation with Pectoral Muscle Suppression on Digital Mammograms
* Building k Edge-Disjoint Spanning Trees of Minimum Total Length for Isometric Data Embedding
* Building k-edge-connected neighborhood graph for distance-based data projection
* Calculation of a Composite DET Curve
* Calibration Algorithm for POX-Slits Camera, A
* Calibration of Curvature of Field for Depth from Focus
* Calibration-Free Hand-Eye Calibration: A Structure-from-Motion Approach
* Camera Self-localization Using Uncalibrated Images to Observe Prehistoric Paints in a Cave
* CamShift-Based Tracking in Joint Color-Spatial Spaces
* Car License Plates Extraction and Recognition Based on Connected Components Analysis and HMM Decoding
* Carotid Artery Ultrasound Image Segmentation Using Fuzzy Region Growing
* Challenges in document recognition bottom up and top down processes
* Change detection on point cloud data acquired with a ground laser scanner
* Characterising Graphs using the Heat Kernel
* Characterization, Similarity Score and Uniqueness Associated with Perspiration Pattern
* Classification Algorithm Based on Regions' Luminance Distribution Applying to Fractal Image Compression, A
* Classification Approach Based on SVM for Electromagnetic Subsurface Sensing, A
* Classification Approach to Multi-biometric Score Fusion, A
* Classification Enhancement via Biometric Pattern Perturbation
* Classification of Moving Humans Using Eigen-Features and Support Vector Machines
* Classification of Natural Images Using Supervised and Unsupervised Classifier Combinations
* Classification of Spatial Properties for Spatial Allocation Modeling
* Classifier Combination for Face Localization in Color Images
* Classifier-based Contour Tracking for Rigid and Deformable Objects
* Clique of Active Appearance Models by Minimum Description Length, A
* Cluster-Based Point Cloud Analysis for Rapid Scene Interpretation
* Clustered Blockwise PCA for Representing Visual Data
* Clustering Algorithm for the Fast Match of Acoustic Conditions in Continuous Speech Recognition, A
* Clustering Improvement for Electrocardiographic Signals
* Clustering of time series data: A survey
* Coarse iris classification using box-counting to estimate fractal dimensions
* Coding with Temporal Layers or Multiple Descriptions for Lossy Video Transmission
* Color Distribution Tracking for Facial Analysis
* Color Fourier Descriptor for Defect Image Retrieval
* Color Image Compression: Early Vision and the Multiresolution Representations
* Color Image Segmentation Using Acceptable Histogram Segmentation
* Color Image Segmentation using the Dempster-Shafer Theory of Evidence for the Fusion of Texture
* Color Indexing by Nonparametric Statistics
* Color transfer based remote sensing image fusion using non-separable wavelet frame transform
* Color Transfer Using Motion Estimations and Its Application to Video Compression
* Color-Contrast Landmark Detection and Encoding in Outdoor Images
* Colour Constrained 4D Flow
* Colour Morphological Scale-Spaces for Image Segmentation
* Combination of Tangent Distance and an Image Distortion Model for Appearance-Based Sign Language Recognition
* Combined Color and Texture Segmentation Based on Fibonacci Lattice Sampling and Mean Shift
* Combining Character Level Classifier and Probabilistic Lexicons in Handwritten Word Recognition: Comparative Analysis of Methods
* Combining Colour and Orientation for Adaptive Particle Filter-Based Tracking
* Combining Fuzzy Clustering and Morphological Methods for Old Documents Recovery
* Combining Genetic-Based Misuse and Anomaly Detection for Reliably Detecting Intrusions in Computer Networks
* Combining Global and Local Threshold to Binarize Document of Images
* Combining Multiple Matchers for Fingerprint Verification: A Case Study in FVC2004
* Combining Verification Decisions in a Multi-vendor Environment
* Commute Times for Graph Spectral Clustering
* Commute Times, Discrete Green's Functions and Graph Matching
* Compact and Robust Fingerprints Using DCT Coefficients of Key Blocks
* Compact System for Real-Time Detection of Line Segments, A
* Comparative Assessment of Content-Based Face Image Retrieval in Different Color Spaces
* Comparative Evaluation of Microscopic Car-Following Behavior
* Comparative Evaluation of Template and Histogram Based 2D Tracking Algorithms, A
* Comparative Pixel-Level Exudate Recognition in Colour Retinal Images
* Comparative Study of 3D Face Acquisition Techniques
* Comparative Study of Highlights Detection and Elimination by Color Morphology and Polar Color Models, A
* Comparative Study of Skin-Color Models, A
* Comparing Variants of the Beckmann Model
* Comparison of 2-D Moment-Based Description Techniques, A
* Comparison of Feature Extraction Methods for Breast Cancer Detection
* comparison of global, recurrent and smoothed-piecewise neural models for Istanbul stock exchange (ISE) prediction, A
* Comparison of Image Segmentation Algorithms, A
* Comparison of Multiclass SVM Decomposition Schemes for Visual Object Recognition
* Comparison of the Image Distortion Correction Methods for an X-Ray Digital Tomosynthesis System
* Comparison of Three Algorithms for Filtering Airborne Lidar Data
* Comparison of Two Different Prediction Schemes for the Analysis of Time Series of Graphs
* Complexity-Controllable Motion Estimation for Real-Time Video Encoder
* Comprehensive Study on Urban True Orthorectification, A
* Compressed Telesurveillance Video Database Retrieval Using Fuzzy Classification System
* Compressing 2-D Shapes Using Concavity Trees
* Computation of Homographies
* Computer Vision Based System for Interactive Cooperation of Multiple Users
* Computer Vision for Interactive Skewed Video Projection
* Computer Vision Sensor for Panoramic Depth Perception, A
* Computer-Aided Diagnostic Scheme for Distinction Between Benign and Malignant Nodules in Thoracic Low-Dose CT by Use of Massive Training Artificial Neural Network
* Computerized Extraction of Craniofacial Anatomical Structures for Orthodontic Analysis
* Computing Disparity on Demand: Disparity based Classification using Error-Tolerant Decision Tree Ensembles
* Computing Homographies from Three Lines or Points in an Image Pair
* Conceptual Analysis of Intrusion Alarms
* Conceptual Model for a Feature-Based Virtual Network, A
* Conditional Mutual Infomation Based Boosting for Facial Expression Recognition
* Configuring an Airborne Laser Scanner for Detecting Airport Obstructions
* Conflict Reduction in Map Generalization Using Iterative Improvement
* Congestion-distortion optimized video transmission over ad hoc networks
* Conservative Visual Learning for Object Detection with Minimal Hand Labeling Effort
* Consistent Labeling for Multi-camera Object Tracking
* Construction of the Planar Partition Postal Code Map Based on Cadastral Registration
* Content Adaptation Tools in the CAIN Framework
* Content Based Image Retrieval Using a Metric in a Perceptual Colour Space
* Content-Based Image Retrieval Using Color and Pattern Histogram Adaptive to Block Classification Characteristics
* Content-Based Image Retrieval Using Perceptual Shape Features
* content-based system for human identification based on bitewing dental X-ray images, A
* Contextual Encoding in Uniform and Adaptive Mesh-Based Lossless Compression of MR Images
* Contextual Soccer Detection Using Mosaicing Techniques
* Contour Co-occurrence Matrix: A Novel Statistical Shape Descriptor
* Contour Tracking Using Modified Canny Edge Maps with Level-of-Detail
* Contour-Based Image Registration Using Mutual Information
* Contribution of External Features to Face Recognition, The
* Controlled Line Smoothing by Snakes
* Controlling the diversity in classifier ensembles through a measure of agreement
* Conversion into Three-Dimensional Implicit Surface Representation from Topological Active Volumes Based Segmentation
* Conversion Scheme for DCT-Domain Transcoding of MPEG-2 to H.264/AVC
* Coordinated Road-Junction Traffic Control by Dynamic Programming
* Correcting Bulk In-Plane Motion Artifacts in MRI Using the Point Spread Function
* Correcting Radial Distortion by Circle Fitting
* Correlation-Based Approach to Recognition and Localization of the Preceding Vehicle in Highway Environments, A
* Correspondence and segmentation of multiple rigid motions via epipolar geometry
* Counting Pedestrians in Crowds Using Viewpoint Invariant Training
* Coupled Statistical Face Reconstruction
* Covariance matrix estimation for appearance-based face image processing
* Cross-Layer Scheduling with Content and Packet Priorities for Optimal Video Streaming over 1xEV-DO
* Cryptographic-Speech-Key Generation Architecture Improvements
* Curvature Based Clustering for DNA Microarray Data Analysis
* Curvature Correlograms for Content Based Retrieval of 3D Objects
* Cylinder Rotational Orientation Based on Circle Detection
* Data Characterization for Effective Prototype Selection
* Data Fusion for Photorealistic 3D Models
* Dealing with Multiple Motions in Optical Flow Estimation
* Decision Fusion for Target Detection Using Multi-spectral Image Sequences from Moving Cameras
* Decomposition of 3D Convex Structuring Element in Morphological Operation for Parallel Processing Architectures
* Dense DTM generalization aided by roads extracted from LiDAR data
* Description of Digital Images by Region-Based Contour Trees
* Description of Evolutional Changes in Image Time Sequences Using MPEG-7 Visual Descriptors
* Description Selection Scheme for Intermediate Frame Based Multiple Description Video Streaming
* Design and Implementation of Parallel Video Encoding Strategies Using Divisible Load Analysis
* Design of a Query Language for Accessing Spatial Analysis in the Web Environment
* Design of Statistical Measures for the Assessment of Image Segmentation Schemes
* Design of Tree Filter Algorithm for Random Number Generator in Crypto Module
* Designing Mathematical Morphology Algorithms on FPGAs: An Application to Image Processing
* Detection and Tracking of Face by a Walking Robot
* Detection and Tracking of Humans by Probabilistic Body Part Assembly
* Detection of Microcalcification Clusters in Mammograms Using a Difference of Optimized Gaussian Filters
* Detector of image orientation based on Borda Count
* Determination of Fabric Viscosity Parameters Using Iterative Minimization
* Determining Multiscale Image Feature Angles from Complex Wavelet Phases
* Development of Transport Telematics in Europe
* Diachronic Analysis of Fuzzy Objects
* Different Approaches to Bilingual Text Classification Based on Grammatical Inference Techniques
* Digital Subtraction CT Lung Perfusion Image Based on 3D Affine Registration
* Digital Terrain Model Computation from Contour Lines: How to Derive Quality Information from Artifact Analysis
* Digital Video Scrambling Using Motion Vector and Slice Relocation
* Direct Method for Real-Time Tracking in 3-D Under Variable Illumination, A
* Discovery of Activity Structures using the Hierarchical Hidden Markov Model
* Discrete 3D Tools Applied to 2D Grey-Level Images
* Discrete Average of Two-Dimensional Shapes
* Discrete Conformal Shape Representation and Reconstruction of 3D Mesh Objects
* Discriminant Analysis Based on Kernelized Decision Boundary for Face Recognition
* Discriminant Low-dimensional Subspace Analysis for Face Recognition with Small Number of Training Samples
* Discriminative Face Recognition Through Gabor Responses and Sketch Distortion
* Dissimilarity Measures for Visual Pattern Partitioning
* Distance measure between intuitionistic fuzzy sets
* Distributed Spatial Catalog Service on the CORBA Object Bus
* Document Image De-warping Based on Detection of Distorted Text Lines
* Domain Knowledge Extension with Pictorially Enriched Ontologies
* Domain-Specific Codesign for Automated Visual Inspection Systems
* Double Contour Active Shape Models
* DR-tree: A Main Memory Data Structure for Complex Multi-dimensional Objects, The
* Driver-Vehicle-Interface (DVI) Development of a Drowsy Driver Detection and Warning System for Commercial Vehicles
* DTM Generation and Building Detection from Lidar Data
* Dynamic and Static Weighting in Classifier Fusion
* Dynamic Approach for Face Recognition Using Digital Image Skin Correlation
* Dynamic Photometric Stereo
* Dynamic Programming Approach for Semi-Automated Road Extraction from Medium- and High-Resolution Images
* Dynamic Stroke Segmentation Technique for Sketched Symbol Recognition, A
* Dynamic Texture Recognition Using Normal Flow and Texture Regularity
* Dynamic Water Motion Analysis and Rendering
* Ear Biometrics by Force Field Convergence
* Easy-to-Use Object Selection by Color Space Projections and Watershed Segmentation
* Edge Detection Models
* Editorial: Object Dynamics
* Effect of Facial Expression Recognition Based on the Dimensions of Emotion Using PCA Representation and Neural Networks, The
* Effective Bail-out Test for RANSAC Consensus Scoring, An
* Effective transductive learning via objective model selection
* Effectiveness of Generative Attacks on an Online Handwriting Biometric, The
* Effects of JPEG2000 on the Information and Geometry Content of Aerial Photo Compression
* Effects of LiDAR DEM resolution in flood modelling: A model sensitivity study for the city of Tegucigalpa, Honduras
* Effects of Terrain Morphology, Sampling Density, and Interpolation Methods on Grid DEM Accuracy
* Efficient Bandwidth Resource Allocation for Low-Delay Multiuser Video Streaming
* Efficient Combination of Histograms for Real-Time Tracking Using Mean-Shift and Trust-Region Optimization
* Efficient Digital Pre-filtering for Least-Squares Linear Approximation
* Efficient Face and Facial Feature Tracking Using Search Region Estimation
* Efficient Global Weighted Least-Squares Translation Registration in the Frequency Domain
* Efficient Hardware Architecture for EBCOT in JPEG 2000 Using a Feedback Loop from the Rate Controller to the Bit-Plane Coder
* Efficient Hough transform for automatic detection of cylinders in point clouds
* Efficient integration of aerial and terrestrial laser data for virtual city modeling using lasermaps
* Efficient Moving Object Segmentation Algorithm for Illumination Change in Surveillance System
* Efficient Multiscale Shape-Based Representation and Retrieval
* Efficient Object-Class Recognition by Boosting Contextual Information
* Efficient Off-Line Verification and Identification of Signatures by Multiclass Support Vector Machines
* Efficient pattern synthesis for nearest neighbour classifier
* Efficient Shape Matching Using Weighted Edge Potential Functions
* Efficient Texture Analysis of SAR Imagery
* Efficient Video Watermarking Scheme Using Adaptive Threshold and Minimum Modification on Motion Vectors, An
* Efficient wavelet adaptation for hybrid wavelet-large margin classifiers
* Eigenspaces from Seriated Graphs
* Energy Tensors: Quadratic, Phase Invariant Image Operators
* EnFilter: A Password Enforcement and Filter Tool Based on Pattern Recognition Techniques
* Enhanced Facial Feature Extraction Using Region-Based Super-Resolution Aided Video Sequences
* Enhancement and Cleaning of Handwritten Data by Using Neural Networks
* Enhancement of Noisy Images with Sliding Discrete Cosine Transform
* Envelope Detection of Multi-object Shapes
* Environment Topological Structure Recognition for Robot Navigation
* Error-Resilient Region-of-Interest Video Coding
* Estimates of Error Probability for Complex Gaussian Channels with Generalized Likelihood Ratio Detection
* Estimating Planar Patches for Light Field Reconstruction
* Estimating statistics in arbitrary regions of interest
* Estimating the Natural Number of Classes on Hierarchically Clustered Multi-spectral Images
* Estimating the ROC Curve of Linearly Combined Dichotomizers
* Estimation of Face Depths by Conditional Densities
* Estimation of Geometric Entities and Operators from Uncertain Data
* Estimation of Moments of Digitized Objects with Fuzzy Borders
* Estimation of Target Density Functions by a New Algorithm
* Euclidean Distance Transform Applied to the FCC and BCC Grids, The
* Evaluating Minimum Spanning Tree Based Segmentation Algorithms
* Evaluation and Improvements of a Real-Time Background Subtraction Method
* Evaluation of 3D Face Recognition Using Registration and PCA
* Evaluation of Biometric Identification in Open Systems
* Evaluation of Color Image Segmentation Algorithms Based on Histogram Thresholding
* Evaluation of Distances Between Color Image Segmentations
* Evaluation of Lidar-derived Elevation and Terrain Slope in Leaf-off Conditions, An
* Evaluation of Local Shape-Based Features for Pedestrian Detection, An
* Evolving Spanning Trees Using the Heat Equation
* Exact performance of error estimators for discrete classifiers
* Expected Distortion of DCT-Coefficients in Video Streaming over Unreliable Channel
* Experimental Evaluation of Eye Location Accuracies and Time-Lapse Effects on Face Recognition Systems
* Experiments in Mental Face Retrieval
* Exploiting Glottal Information in Speaker Recognition Using Parallel GMMs
* Exploring Similarity Measures for Biometric Databases
* Extended Application of Scalable Video Coding Methods
* Extended Bi-gram Features in Text Categorization
* Extended Gaussian images for the registration of terrestrial scan data
* Extended Visual Secret Sharing Schemes with High-Quality Shadow Images Using Gray Sub Pixels
* External Evaluation of Road Networks
* Extracting 3D Free-Form Surface Boundaries of Man-Made Objects from Multiple Calibrated Images: A Robust, Accurate and High Resolving Power Edgel Matching and Chaining Approach
* Extracting Landmarks for Car Navigation Systems using Existing GIS Databases and Laser Scanning
* Extracting Motion Features for Visual Human Activity Representation
* Extraction of 3D Vascular Tree Skeletons Based on the Analysis of Connected Components Evolution
* Extraction of planar patches from point clouds to retrieve dip and dip direction of rock discontinuities
* Extrapolating Side Information for Low-Delay Pixel-Domain Distributed Video Coding
* Eye Perturbation Approach for Robust Recognition of Inaccurately Aligned Faces
* Face and Facial Feature Localization
* Face detecting camera and method
* Face Detection Based on the Manifold
* Face Detection Using Look-Up Table Based Gentle AdaBoost
* Face Modeling and Adaptive Texture Mapping for Model Based Video Coding
* Face Recognition Based on Recursive Bayesian Fusion of Multiple Signals and Results from Expert Classifier Sets
* Face Recognition Using a Surface Normal Model
* Face Recognition Using Active Near-IR Illumination
* Face Recognition Using Optimized 3D Information from Stereo Images
* Face Recognition with the Multiple Constrained Mutual Subspace Method
* Face Recognition: Combine Generic and Specific Solutions
* Face Reconstruction Across Different Poses and Arbitrary Illumination Conditions
* Face Verification Advances Using Spatial Dimension Reduction Methods: 2DPCA & SVM
* Facial Asymmetry: A New Robust Biometric in the Frequency Domain
* Facial Component Detection for Efficient Facial Characteristic Point Extraction
* Facial Expression Recognition Based on the Belief Theory: Comparison with Different Classifiers
* Facial Features Detection by Coefficient Distribution Map
* Factors affecting the quality of DTM generation in forested areas
* Fast Algorithm for Statistically Optimized Orientation Estimation, A
* Fast and Accurate Hand Pose Detection for Human-Robot Interaction
* Fast and effective characterization for classification and similarity searches of 2D and 3D spatial region data
* Fast and Exact Algorithm for Total Variation Minimization, A
* Fast correspondence search for 3D surface matching
* Fast Edge Preserving Picture Recovery by Finite Markov Random Fields
* Fast Image-based Rendering using Hierarchical Texture Priors
* Fast Intra 4X4 Mode Elimination Approaches for H.264
* Fast Isometric Parametrization of 3D Triangular Mesh
* Fast Learning of Sprites using Invariant Features
* Fast Mode Decision Based on Activity Segmentation in H.264/AVC Encoding
* Fast Motion Estimation Algorithm Based on Diamond and Triangle Search Patterns, A
* Fast Pixel Classification by SVM Using Vector Quantization, Tabu Search and Hybrid Color Space
* Fast Real-Time Skin Detector for Video Sequences, A
* Fast Run-Length Algorithm for Wavelet Image Coding with Reduced Memory Usage, A
* Fast Surface Grading Using Color Statistics in the CIE Lab Space
* Fast Video Mixing Method for Multiparty Video Conference, A
* Fast Viseme Recognition for Talking Head Application
* Fast, robust and efficient 2D pattern recognition for re-assembling fragmented images
* FCM with Spatial and Multiresolution Constraints for Image Segmentation
* Feasibility and problems of TLS in modeling rock faces for hazard mapping
* Feasibility of Half-Data Image Reconstruction in 3-D Reflectivity Tomography With a Spherical Aperture
* Feature Extraction for Classification of Thin-Layer Chromatography Images
* Feature Extraction Used for Face Localization Based on Skin Color
* Feature Map Consisting of Orientation and Inter-ridge Spacing for Fingerprint Retrieval, A
* Feature Matching and Pose Estimation Using Newton Iteration
* Feature Selection for Graph-Based Image Classifiers
* Feature selection methods for hidden Markov model-based speech recognition
* Feature Space Reduction for Face Recognition with Dual Linear Discriminant Analysis
* Filter Selection and Identification Similarity Using Clustering Under Varying Illumination
* Filtering of airborne laser scanner data based on segmented point clouds
* Finding the Number of Clusters for Nonparametric Segmentation
* Fingerprint Authentication System Based on Mobile Phone, A
* Fingerprint Image Segmentation Based on Quadric Surface Model
* Fingerprint Image Segmentation Method Based on MCMC&GA
* Fingerprint Matching Algorithm Based on Radial Structure and a Structure-Rewarding Scoring Strategy, A
* Fingerprint Matching Using Minutiae Coordinate Systems
* Fingerprint Matching Using the Distribution of the Pairwise Distances Between Minutiae
* Fingerprint Mosaicking by Rolling and Sliding
* Fingerprint Quality Indices for Predicting Authentication Performance
* Fingerprint Singular Points Detection and Direction Estimation with a T Shape Model
* Fish-eye-stereo calibration and epipolar rectification
* Fitting 3D Cartesian Models to Faces Using Irradiance and Integrability Constraints
* Fitting Constrained 3D Models in Multiple Aerial Images
* Fixed Pixel Threshold PDC Algorithm and Its Implementation for Full Search Block Matching Motion Estimation
* Flexible Object Model for Recognising and Synthesising Facial Expressions, A
* Fluid Registration of Ultrasound using Multi-scale Phase Estimates
* Four-Component Efficiency Index for Assessing Land Development Using Remote Sensing and GIS, A
* Foveated Figure-Ground Segmentation and Its Role in Recognition
* framework for position uncertainty of unorganised three-dimensional point clouds from near-monostatic laser scanners using covariance analysis, A
* Framework to Integrate Particle Filters for Robust Tracking in Non-stationary Environments, A
* Frequency Determined Homomorphic Unsharp Masking Algorithm on Knee MR Images
* From Moving Edges to Moving Regions
* FSVC: A New Fully Scalable Video Codec
* Fully Integrated Solution for Aerial Surveys: Design, Development, and Performance Analysis, A
* Functional Simplification of the BCS/FCS Image Segmentation, A
* Fusion for Multimodal Biometric Identification
* Fusion of Appearance and Depth Information for Face Recognition
* Fuzzy Hierarchical Attributed Graph Approach for Handwritten Hieroglyphs Description, A
* Fuzzy Vault for Fingerprints
* G-wire: A livewire segmentation algorithm based on a generalized graph formulation
* Gabor Feature Based Classification Using 2D Linear Discriminant Analysis for Face Recognition
* Gabor Parameter Selection for Local Feature Detection
* Gait Recognition by Combining Classifiers Based on Environmental Contexts
* Gait Recognition Using Spectral Features of Foot Motion
* Gaussian and Laplacian of Gaussian weighting functions for robust feature based tracking
* General Exact Reconstruction for Cone-Beam CT via Backprojection-Filtration, A
* Generalized 2D Fisher Discriminant Analysis
* Generalizing relevance weighted LDA
* generic method for determining up/down orientation of text in Roman and non-Roman scripts, A
* Generic Protocol for Multibiometric Systems Evaluation on Virtual and Real Subjects, A
* Generic Shape Matching with Anchoring of Knowledge Primitives of Object Ontology, A
* Genetic Model-Based Segmentation of Chest X-Ray Images Using Free Form Deformations
* Geometric Characterisation of Graphs
* GIS and ITS Traffic Assignment: Issues in Dynamic User-Optimal Assignments
* GIS and Transportation: Status and Challenges
* GIS Software for Measuring Space-Time Accessibility in Transportation Planning and Analysis
* Global Color Image Features for Discrete Self-Localization of an Indoor Vehicle
* Global-to-Local Matching Strategy for Registering Retinal Fundus Images, A
* Globally Exponential Stability of Non-autonomous Delayed Neural Networks
* Goal-Directed Search with a Top-Down Modulated Computational Attention System
* Good Sample Consensus Estimation of 2D-Homographies for Vehicle Movement Detection from Thermal Videos
* Graph Clustering Using Heat Content Invariants
* Graph Matching Based Approach to Fingerprint Classification Using Directional Variance, A
* Graph Matching: Challenges and Potential Solutions
* Graph-Based Multiple Classifier Systems A Data Level Fusion Approach
* Graphical Information Portals: The Application of Smart Maps in GeoNet4D
* Grayscale Two-Dimensional Lempel-Ziv Encoding
* Greedy Algorithm for Local Contrast Enhancement of Images
* Grouping of Non-connected Structures by an Irregular Graph Pyramid
* Groupwise Construction of Appearance Models using Piece-Wise Affine Deformations
* Guided-MLESAC: Faster Image Transform Estimation by Using Matching Priors
* H.264/AVC Based Video Coding Using Multiscale Recurrent Patterns: First Results
* Half-Pixel Correction for MPEG-2/H.264 Transcoding
* Hamiltonian path based shadow removal
* Hand tracking in a natural conversational environment by the interacting multiple model and probabilistic data association (IMM-PDA) algorithm
* Handling Disaggregate Spatiotemporal Travel Data in GIS
* Hardware-Accelerated Template Matching
* Hardware-Software Codesign of a Fingerprint Identification Algorithm
* Head Gesture Recognition Based on Bayesian Network
* Headprint: Person Reacquisition Using Visual Features of Hair in Overhead Surveillance Video
* Height Estimation using Aerial Side Looking Image Sequences
* Height texture of low vegetation in airborne laser scanner data and its potential for DTM correction
* Hermite Filter-Based Texture Analysis with Application to Handwriting Document Indexing
* Hidden annotation for image retrieval with long-term relevance feedback learning
* Hidden Markov models with factored Gaussian mixtures densities
* Hierarchical Associative Memories: The Neural Network for Prediction in Spatial Maps
* Hierarchical clustering based on ordinal consistency
* Hierarchical Face Behavior Model for a 3D Face Tracking Without Markers, A
* Hierarchical Object Representation: Comparative Multi-Scale Mapping of Anthropogenic and Natural Features
* Hierarchical Part-Based Human Body Pose Estimation
* Hierarchical Recovery of Digital Terrain Models from Single and Multiple Return Lidar Data
* High Order Extrapolation Using Taylor Series for Color Filter Array Demosaicing
* High Speed Computation of the Optical Flow
* High-Performance Architecture for Embedded Block Coding in JPEG 2000, A
* Highlight Detection and Removal Based on Chromaticity
* HMM-Based Gesture Recognition for Robot Control
* Hole Filling Through Photomontage
* Hopfield neural network with prespecified time convergence for the segmentation of brain MR images
* How to Get 3-D for the Price of 2-D: Topology and Consistency of 3-D Urban GIS
* How to Make Business with Computer Vision Technology
* How to Put Probabilities on Homographies
* Human Figure Segmentation Using Independent Component Analysis
* Human Posture Sequence Estimation Using Two Un-calibrated Cameras
* Human Recognition at a Distance in Video by Integrating Face Profile and Gait
* Hybrid Framework for Medical Image Segmentation
* Hybrid image segmentation using LiDAR 3D planar primitives
* Hybrid Surface- and Voxel-Based Registration for MR-PET Brain Fusion
* Hybrid Swipe Fingerprint Mosaicing Scheme, A
* Identifying contents page of documents
* Identity Verification Utilizing Finger Surface Features
* Illumination Estimation Using a Multilinear Constraint on Dichromatic Planes
* Illumination Intensity, Object Geometry and Highlights Invariance in Multispectral Imaging
* Illumination Invariant Color Texture Analysis Based on Sum- and Difference-Histograms
* Illumination Invariant Face Recognition Approach Using Exemplar-Based Synthesis Technique, An
* Illumination Invariant Face Recognition Using Linear Combination of Face Exemplars
* Illusory Surface Perception Using a Hierarchical Neural Network Model of the Visual Pathways
* Image Analysis by Discrete Orthogonal Hahn Moments
* Image Corner Detection Using Hough Transform
* Image Deformation Using Velocity Fields: An Exact Solution
* Image Denoising Using Complex Wavelets and Markov Prior Models
* Image Denoising Using Neighbor and Level Dependency
* Image Enhancement via Fusion Based on Laplacian Pyramid Directional Filter Banks
* Image Evaluation Factors
* Image Processing Application Development: From Rapid Prototyping to SW/HW Co-simulation and Automated Code Generation
* Image retrieval based on incremental subspace learning
* Image Segmentation Based on Genetic Algorithms Combination
* Image Segmentation Evaluation by Techniques of Comparing Clusterings
* Image Segmentation for the Application of the Neugebauer Colour Prediction Model on Inkjet Printed Ceramic Tiles
* Image Segmentation Through Dual Pyramid of Agents
* Image Segmentation using Commute times
* Image Space I 3 and Eigen Curvature for Illumination Insensitive Face Detection
* Image-Based Relighting of Moving Objects with Specular Reflection
* Implementation of an Equal-area Gridding Method for Global-scale Image Archiving
* Improved Algorithm for Anchor Shot Detection, An
* Improved Face Shape Recovery and Re-illumination Using Convexity Constraints
* Improved Image Annotation and Labelling through Multi-Label Boosting
* Improved Method for Locating and Extracting the Eye in Human Face Images, An
* Improved Rotation-Invariant Thinning Algorithm, An
* Improvement of a Person Labelling Method Using Extracted Knowledge on Costume
* Improvement of a Temporal Video Index Produced by an Object Detector
* Improving a Discriminative Approach to Object Recognition Using Image Patches
* Improving ASM Search Using Mixture Models for Grey-Level Profiles
* Improving Correspondence Matching Using Label Consistency Constraints
* Improving feature extraction by replacing the Fisher criterion by an upper error bound
* Improving Fusion with Margin-Derived Confidence in Biometric Authentication Tasks
* Improving Shape-Based CBIR for Natural Image Content Using a Modified GFD
* Improving SIFT-Based Object Recognition for Robot Applications
* Improving Speaker Verification Using ALISP-Based Specific GMMs
* Improving the Discrimination Capability with an Adaptive Synthetic Discriminant Function Filter
* In Traffic Jam IVC-RVC System for ITS Using Bluetooth
* In-Route Nearest Neighbor Queries
* Incorporating Geometry Information with Weak Classifiers for Improved Generic Visual Categorization
* Incremental Learning of Temporally-Coherent Gaussian Mixture Models
* Incremental Modelling of the Posterior Distribution of Objects for Inter and Intra Camera Tracking
* Indeterminacy and Spatiotemporal Data: Basic Definitions and Case Study
* Indexing Biometric Databases Using Pyramid Technique
* Indexing the Trajectories of Moving Objects in Networks
* Inexact graph matching for model-based recognition: Evaluation and comparison of optimization algorithms
* Influence of System Calibration on Direct Sensor Orientation
* Influences of Image Disturbances on 2D Face Recognition
* InfoBoost for Selecting Discriminative Gabor Features
* Information Theoretic Text Classification Using the Ziv-Merhav Method
* Infrared Face Recognition by Using Blood Perfusion Data
* Input and Display of Hand Drawn Pattern Onto Planar Board of Arbitrary Position and Pose Utilizing a Projector and Two Cameras
* Integrated laser scanner and intensity image calibration and accuracy assessment
* Integrated Prediction Model for Biometrics, An
* Integrating Local and Global Features for Vehicle Detection in High Resolution Aerial Imagery
* Integrating Relevance Feedback Techniques for Image Retrieval Using Reinforcement Learning
* intelligent modified fuzzy c-means based algorithm for bias estimation and segmentation of brain MRI, An
* Intelligent Target Recognition Based on Wavelet Adaptive Network Based Fuzzy Inference System
* Interactive, Mobile, Distributed Pattern Recognition
* Intermediate Expressions Generator System in the MPEG-4 Framework, An
* Interpretive Tools for 3-D Structural Geological Modelling Part II: Surface Design from Sparse Spatial Data
* Invariant and Compact Representation for Unrestricted Pose Estimation, An
* Inverse Fisher discriminate criteria for small sample size problem and its application to face recognition
* Iris Recognition at a Distance
* Iris Recognition Based on Quadratic Spline Wavelet Multi-scale Decomposition
* Iris Recognition Using Fourier-Wavelet Features
* Isotropic Blur Identification for Fully Digital Auto-focusing
* Iterative Factorization Method Based on Rank 1 for Projective Structure and Motion, An
* Iterative Stereo Reconstruction from CCD-Line Scanner Images
* Joint Texture-Shape Optimization for MPEG-4 Multiple Video Objects
* Kalman Filter Based Background Updating Algorithm Robust to Sharp Illumination Changes, A
* Kernel Based Symmetry Measure
* Kernel Enhanced Informative Gabor Features for Face Recognition
* Kernel Spectral Correspondence Matching Using Label Consistency Constraints
* Laboratory calibration of backscattered intensity for laser scanning land targets
* Landmark-Based Stereo Vision
* Lane Keeping Based on Location Technology
* Large Baseline Matching of Scale Invariant Features
* Large Deformation Diffeomorphic Metric Mapping of Vector Fields
* Laser DTM generation for South-Tyrol and 3D-visualization
* Laser Pulse Analysis for Reconstruction and Classification of Urban Objects
* Layer Based Multiple Description Packetized Coding
* Layered Fingerprint Recognition Method, A
* layered stereo matching algorithm using image segmentation and global visibility constraints, A
* Leaf Optical Property Changes Associated with the Occurrence of Spartina alterniflora Dieback in Coastal Louisiana Related to Remote Sensing Mapping
* Learning Framework for Object Recognition on Image Understanding, A
* Learning Intrusion Detection: Supervised or Unsupervised?
* Learning over Sets using Boosted Manifold Principal Angles (BoMPA)
* Least squares 3D surface and curve matching
* Least Squares Adjustment of Multi-temporal InSAR Data: Application to the Ground Deformation of Paris, A
* Least Squares-Based Method for Adjusting the Boundaries of Area Objects, A
* Leather Inspection Based on Wavelets
* Lens Model Selection for Visual Tracking
* License Plate Character Segmentation Using Hidden Markov Chains
* Lightweight Protection of Visual Data Using High-Dimensional Wavelet Parametrization
* Lineal Feature Detection Using Multiresolution Wavelet Filters
* Linear Algorithm and Hexagonal Search Based Two-Pass Algorithm for Motion Estimation
* Linear Algorithm for Polygonal Approximations of Thick Curves, A
* Lip Reading Based on Sampled Active Contour Model
* Local and Global Feature Extraction for Face Recognition
* Local Feature Based 3D Face Recognition
* Local Single-Patch Features for Pose Estimation Using the Log-Polar Transform
* Localization Scale Selection for Scale-Space Segmentation
* Locating regions in a target image using color matching, luminance pattern matching and hue plane pattern matching
* Lossless Compression of Correlated Images/Data with Low Complexity Encoder Using Distributed Source Coding Techniques
* Low-Hardware-Cost Motion Estimation with Large Search Range for VLSI Multimedia Processors
* Machine Learning on Historic Air Photographs for Mapping Risk of Unexploded Bombs
* Machine Learning with Seriated Graphs
* Machine-Learning-Based Image Categorization
* Magnitude and Phase Spectra of Foot Motion for Gait Recognition
* Maintaining momentum in terrestrial laser scanning: A UK case study
* Maintaining Trajectories of Salient Objects for Robust Visual Tracking
* Mammogram Analysis Using Two-Dimensional Autoregressive Models: Sufficient or Not?
* Managing Resolution in Digital Elevation Models Using Image Processing Techniques
* Mapping Detailed Biotic Communities in the Upper San Pedro Valley of Southeastern Arizona using Landsat 7 ETM+ Data and Supervised Spectral Angle Classifier
* Mapping Local Image Deformations into Depth
* Mapping Spatial Thematic Accuracy with Fuzzy Sets
* Markov random fields for textures recognition with local invariant regions and their geometric relationships
* Markovian Energy-Based Computer Vision Algorithms on Graphics Hardware
* Marrying Level Lines for Stereo or Motion
* Matching Attributed Graphs: 2nd-Order Probabilities for Pruning the Search Tree
* Matching Deformable Regions Using Local Histograms of Differential Invariants
* Mathematical Morphology in Polar-Logarithmic Coordinates. Application to Erythrocyte Shape Analysis
* Maximum Flow Approach to the Volumetric Reconstruction Problem, A
* MDL Spline Models: Gradient and Polynomial Reparameterisations
* Measuring the growth of individual trees using multi-temporal airborne laser scanning point clouds
* Medial Grey-Level Based Representation for Proteins in Volume Images
* Method and system for generating facial animation values based on a combination of visual and audio information
* Method for Automatically Segmenting the Spinal Cord and Canal from 3D CT Images
* Method for Determining Geometrical Distortion of off-the-Shelf Wide-Angle Cameras, A
* Method for Fast Search of Variable Regions on Dynamic 3D Point Clouds, A
* Method for finding contours in an image of an object
* Method for simultaneous visual tracking of multiple bodies in a closed structured environment
* Method of and apparatus for searching corresponding points between images, and computer program
* Method of describing object region data, apparatus for generating object region data, video processing apparatus and video processing method
* Method of Estimating Oriented Surface Elements from Stereo Images, A
* method of N-grams in large-scale clustering of DNA texts, The
* Metrical neighborhood sequences in Zn
* Minimizing the Statistical Impact of LSB Steganography
* Minimum-Length Polygons of First-Class Simple Cube-Curves
* Minutiae Matching Based Fingerprint Verification Using Delaunay Triangulation and Aligned-Edge-Guided Triangle Matching
* Minutiae Quality Scoring and Filtering Using a Neighboring Ridge Structural Analysis on a Thinned Fingerprint Image
* MOC via TOC Using a Mobile Agent Framework
* Model-Based Hematopoietic Stem Cell Tracker, A
* Model-Based Method for Face Shape Recovery, A
* Modeling of Elastic Articulated Objects and Its Parameters Determination from Image Contours
* Modeling the MTI Electro-Optic System Sensitivity and Resolution
* Modelling Spatial Correlation and Image Statistics for Improved Tracking of Human Gestures
* Modelling the Time-Variant Covariates for Gait Recognition
* Modification of Intersession Variability in On-Line Signature Verifier
* Moment Invariants for Recognizing Symmetric Objects
* Monitoring the morphological evolution of the Sciara del Fuoco during the 2002-2003 Stromboli eruption using multi-temporal photogrammetry
* Monoscale Dual Ridgelet Frame
* Monte Carlo Localization Using SIFT Features
* MORFO3D Foot Database, The
* Morphological Edge Detector for Gray-Level Image Thresholding, A
* morphological reconstruction algorithm for separating off-terrain points from terrain points in laser scanning data, A
* Morphological Refinement of an Image Segmentation
* Motion Compensated Frame Rate Up-Conversion for Low Frame Rate Video
* Motion Layer Extraction in the Presence of Occlusion Using Graph Cuts
* Motion Segmentation Using a K-Nearest-Neighbor-Based Fusion Procedure of Spatial and Temporal Label Cues
* Motion Texture
* Motion-Based Hierarchical Active Contour Model for Deformable Object Tracking
* Movement Analysis for Interactive Dance Using Motion Capture Data Part I: Real-Time Tracking of Multiple People from Unlabelled Markers
* MPEG-2 Test Stream with Static Test Patterns in DTV System
* Multi-biometrics 2D and 3D Ear Recognition
* Multi-camera Person Tracking in a Cluttered Interaction Environment
* Multi-classifier framework for atlas-based image segmentation
* Multi-component image segmentation in homogeneous regions based on description length minimization: Application to speckle, Poisson and Bernoulli noise
* Multi-dimensional Color Histograms for Segmentation of Wounds in Images
* Multi-Dimensional Scattered Ranking Methods for Geographic Information Retrieval
* Multi-level Framework for Video Shot Structuring, A
* Multi-lingual and Multi-modal Speech Processing and Applications
* Multi-Modal Face Image Super-Resolutions in Tensor Space
* Multi-modal Face Tracking in Multi-camera Environments
* Multi-resolution Histograms of Local Variation Patterns (MHLVP) for Robust Face Recognition
* Multi-resolution Image Analysis for Vehicle Detection
* Multi-scale Cortical Keypoint Representation for Attention and Object Detection
* Multi-Stage Approach to Fast Face Detection, A
* Multi-stage Combination of Geometric and Colorimetric Detectors for Eyes Localization
* Multi-stimuli multi-channel data and decision fusion strategies for dyslexia prediction using neonatal ERPs
* Multidimensional Management of Geospatial Data Quality Information for its Dynamic Use Within GIS
* Multimodal Perceptual User Interface for Collaborative Environments, A
* Multimodal Speaker Verification Using Ear Image Features Extracted by PCA and ICA
* Multiple Face Detection at Different Resolutions for Perceptual User Interfaces
* Multiple Feature Domains Information Fusion for Computer-Aided Clinical Electromyography
* Multiple Fisher Classifiers Combination for Face Recognition based on Grouping AdaBoosted Gabor Features
* Multiresolution Histograms for SVM-Based Texture Classification
* Multiscale Approach for Thinning Ridges of Fingerprint
* Multispectral Image Segmentation by Energy Minimization for Fruit Quality Estimation
* Multispectral Integration for Segmentation of Chromosome Images
* Multispectral Thermal Imager: Mission and Applications Overview
* Multiview Segmentation and Tracking of Dynamic Occluding Layers
* Mutual Information-Based Methods to Improve Local Region-of-Interest Image Registration
* Narrow-Band Level-Set Method with Dynamic Velocity for Neural Stem Cell Cluster Segmentation, A
* Neighborhood Decomposition of 3D Convex Structuring Elements for Morphological Operations
* Neighborhood Sequences and Their Applications in the Digital Image Processing
* Nested Hyper-Rectangle Learning Model for Remote Sensing: Land Cover Classification
* Network Intrusion Detection by Combining One-Class Classifiers
* Network Snakes-Supported Extraction of Field Boundaries from Imagery
* Network-embedded FEC for optimum throughput of multicast packet video
* Neural Adaptive Algorithm for Feature Selection and Classification of High Dimensionality Data, A
* Neural Network Adaptive Switching Median Filter for the Restoration of Impulse Noise Corrupted Images
* Neural Network for Nonuniformity and Ghosting Correction of Infrared Image Sequences, A
* Neural Network-Based Algorithm for 3-D Multispectral Scanning Applied to Multimedia, A
* new adaptive framework for unbiased orientation estimation in textured images, A
* New Algorithm for Pattern Optimization in Protein-Protein Interaction Extraction System, A
* New Algorithms for Example-Based Super-Resolution
* new approach for predicting drought-related vegetation stress: Integrating satellite, climate, and biophysical data over the U.S. central plains, A
* New Approach to Automatically Detecting Grids in DNA Microarray Images, A
* New Approach to Camera Image Indexing, A
* new approach to clustering data with arbitrary shapes, A
* New Approach to the Template Update Problem, A
* New Aspect Ratio Invariant Visual Secret Sharing Schemes Using Square Block-Wise Operation
* New Color Constancy Algorithm Based on the Histogram of Feasible Mappings, A
* New Efficient Method for Producing Global Affine Invariants, A
* New Fuzzy Multi-channel Filter for the Reduction of Impulse Noise, A
* New Generic Texture Synthesis Approach for Enhanced H.264/MPEG4-AVC Video Coding, A
* New Key Frame Representation for Video Segment Retrieval, A
* New Method for DNA Microarray Image Segmentation, A
* New Method for the Estimation of the Image Jacobian for the Control of an Uncalibrated Joint System, A
* New Methodology for Determination and Correction of Lens Distortion in 3D Measuring Systems Using Fringe Projection, A
* New On-Line Model Quality Evaluation Method for Speaker Verification, A
* New Region-Based Active Contour for Object Extraction Using Level Set Method, A
* New Secret Sharing Scheme for Images Based on Additive 2-Dimensional Cellular Automata, A
* New Snake Model Robust on Overlap and Bias Problems in Tracking a Moving Target, A
* New Vector Median Filter Based on Fuzzy Metrics, A
* New Wavelet-Domain HMTseg Algorithm for Remotely Sensed Image Segmentation, A
* NMF with Log-Gabor Wavelets for Visualization
* non-parametric model for partial volume segmentation of MR images, A
* Non-rigid 3D Factorization for Projective Reconstruction
* Nonlinear Body Pose Estimation from Depth Images
* Nonparametric Fingerprint Deformation Modelling
* note on kernel uncorrelated discriminant analysis, A
* Novel Adaptive Gaussian Mixture Model for Background Subtraction, A
* novel adaptive morphological approach for degraded character image segmentation, A
* Novel Algorithm for Distorted Fingerprint Matching Based on Fuzzy Features Match, A
* Novel Approach for Video Quantization Using the Spatiotemporal Frequency Characteristics of the Human Visual System, A
* Novel Approach to Combining Client-Dependent and Confidence Information in Multimodal Biometrics, A
* Novel Architecture for Multilane-Free-Flow Electronic-Toll-Collection Systems in the Millimeter-Wave Range, A
* Novel Color C-V Method and Its Application, A
* Novel Genetic Programming Based Approach for Classification Problems, A
* Novel One-Parameter Regularized Kernel Fisher Discriminant Method for Face Recognition, A
* Novel Palm-Line Detector, A
* Novel Parameter Decomposition Approach to Faithful Fitting of Quadric Surfaces, A
* Novel Segmentation Strategy Based on Colour Channels Coupling, A
* Novel Stereo Matching Method for Wide Disparity Range Detection, A
* Novel Tracking Framework Using Kalman Filtering and Elastic Matching, A
* Novel Verification Criterion for Distortion-Free Fingerprints, A
* Novel Watermarking Algorithm for Image Authentication: Robustness Against Common Attacks and JPEG2000 Compression, A
* Numerical Simulation on Evaluating Calibration Results of Non-Metric Digital Camera
* Object Calculus and the Object-Oriented Analysis and Design of an Error-Sensitive GIS
* Object Categorization and the Need for Many-to-Many Matching
* Object Detection in Multi-channel and Multi-scale Images Based on the Structural Tensor
* Object Image Retrieval by Shape Content in Complex Scenes Using Geometric Constraints
* Object Interface for Interoperability of Image Processing Parallel Library in a Distributed Environment, An
* Object Model of Direction and Its Implications, An
* Object Shape Extraction Based on the Piecewise Linear Skeletal Representation
* Objects based change detection in a pair of gray-level images
* Occluded Face Recognition by Means of the IFS
* Offline Generation of High Quality Background Subtraction Data
* Omnidirectional Vision with Frontal Stereo
* OMT-G: An Object-Oriented Data Model for Geographic Applications
* On Combining Textural and Geometrical Scores for Discriminative Face Authentication
* On Determining the Color of the Illuminant Using the Dichromatic Reflection Model
* On Finding Differences Between Faces
* On Matching Interest Regions Using Local Descriptors: Can an Information Theoretic Approach Help?
* On Object Classification: Artificial vs. Natural
* On Reproducibility of Ultrasound Image Classification
* On the Design of Reliable Graph Matching Techniques for Change Detection
* On the Individuality of the Iris Biometric
* On the use of airborne laser scanning data to verify and enrich road network features
* On the Use of Error Propagation for Statistical Validation of Computer Vision Software
* On Visualization and Aggregation of Nearest Neighbor Classifiers
* On-Line Signature Verification System Based on Fusion of Local and Global Information, An
* One Bit Facial Asymmetry Code (FAC) in Fourier Domain for Human Recognition, A
* Online Selection of Discriminative Tracking Features
* Online Video Behaviour Abnormality Detection Using Reliability Measure
* Ontology Infrastructure for Multimedia Reasoning, An
* Optic Flow Goes Stereo: A Variational Method for Estimating Discontinuity-Preserving Dense Disparity Maps
* Optical Flow Diffusion with Robustified Kernels
* Optimal erasure protection for scalably compressed video streams with limited retransmission on channels with IID and bursty loss characteristics
* Optimal Parameter Estimation for MRF Stereo Matching
* Optimal User Weighting Fusion in DWT Domain On-Line Signature Verification
* Optimization Framework for Real-Time Appearance-Based Tracking under Weak Perspective, An
* Optimization of the scanning angle for countrywide laser scanning
* Order Independent Image Compositing
* Orientation and Auto-Calibration of Image Triplets and Sequences
* Outdoor Image Classification Using Artificial Immune Recognition System (AIRS) with Performance Evaluation by Fuzzy Resource Allocation Mechanism
* Outlier identification in stereo correspondences using quadrics
* Over-Complete Wavelet Approximation of a Support Vector Machine for Efficient Classification
* Overlay multi-hop FEC scheme for video streaming
* Palmprint Authentication Based on Orientation Code Matching
* Palmprint Authentication Using Time Series
* Palmprint Recognition Using Fourier-Mellin Transformation Based Registration Method
* Parallel Embedded Block Coding Architecture for JPEG 2000
* parallel partial-sums computation on a pyramid machine, A
* Parallel Perceptrons, Activation Margins and Imbalanced Training Set Pruning
* Parametric Versus Non-parametric Models of Driving Behavior Signals for Driver Identification
* Partial-Result-Reuse Architecture and Its Design Technique for Morphological Operations With Flat Structuring Elements
* Pattern Analysis of Movement Behavior of Medaka (Oryzias latipes) A Decision Tree Approach
* Pattern Recognition techniques for the emerging field of bioinformatics: A review
* Pattern Selective Image Fusion for Multi-focus Image Reconstruction
* PCA Positioning Sensor Characterization for Terrain Based Navigation of UVs
* Peer-to-peer multipoint videoconferencing on the Internet
* Per-GOP Bitrate Adaptation for H.264 Compressed Video Sequences
* Performance Analysis of Homomorphic Systems for Image Change Detection
* Performance Comparison between Equal-Average Equal-Variance Equal-Norm Nearest Neighbor Search (EEENNS) Method and Improved Equal-Average Equal-Variance Nearest Neighbor Search (IEENNS) Method for Fast Encoding of Vector Quantization
* Performance Driven Facial Animation by Appearance Based Tracking
* Performance Evaluation and Prediction for 3D Ear Recognition
* Performance Evaluation of a System for Semi-Automatic Building Extraction using Adaptable Primitives
* Performance Evaluation of Local Descriptors, A
* Performance of a SCFG-Based Language Model with Training Data Sets of Increasing Size
* Performance of Fuzzy Operators on Fuzzy Classification of Urban Land Covers, The
* Phase Correlation Approach to Active Vision, A
* Phase Unwrapping via Graph Cuts
* Photogrammetric Analysis of the Mars Global Surveyor Mapping Data
* Photogrammetric and Lidar Data Registration Using Linear Features
* Photogrammetric Method for Single Image Orientation and Measurement, A
* Photometric Normalisation for Face Verification
* Phrase-Based Alignment Models for Statistical Machine Translation
* Physically Valid Shape Parameterization for Monocular 3-D Deformable Surface Tracking
* Plumbline Constraint for the Rational Function Lens Distortion Model, A
* Point Processes for Unsupervised Line Network Extraction in Remote Sensing
* Polygon Optimisation for the Modelling of Planar Range Data
* Pose Invariant Face Recognition Under Arbitrary Illumination Based on 3D Face Reconstruction
* Post-processing on LDA's Discriminant Vectors for Facial Feature Extraction
* potential of discrete return, small footprint airborne laser scanning data for vegetation density estimation, The
* Practical Biometric Authentication with Template Protection
* Practical Guide to Marker Based and Hybrid Visual Registration for AR Industrial Applications, A
* Predictive Direction Guided Fast Motion Estimation Algorithm, A
* Predictive Estimation Method to Track Occluded Multiple Objects Using Joint Probabilistic Data Association Filter
* Preprocessing Convex Polygons Using Range Trees for Recognition with Few Finger Probes
* Principal Deformations of Fingerprints
* Principled Approach to Score Level Fusion in Multimodal Biometric Systems, A
* Prior Based Cardiac Valve Segmentation in Echocardiographic Sequences: Geodesic Active Contour Guided by Region and Shape Prior
* Privacy Operating Characteristic for Privacy Protection in Surveillance Applications
* probabilistic approach for foreground and shadow segmentation in monocular image sequences, A
* Probabilistic Approach to Semantic Face Retrieval System, A
* Probabilistic Color Optical Flow
* Probabilistic Detection and Tracking of Faces in Video
* Probabilistic Image-Based Tracking: Improving Particle Filtering
* Probabilistic Model-Based Background Subtraction
* Probabilistic Object Tracking Based on Machine Learning and Importance Sampling
* Probabilistic Similarity Measures in Image Databases with SVM Based Categorization and Relevance Feedback
* Production of Urban DSMs Combining 3D Vector Data and Stereo Aerial Imagery
* Progressive Contour Coding in the Wavelet Domain
* Progressive Mesh-Based Motion Estimation Using Partial Refinement
* Progressive Transmission of Vector Map Data over the World Wide Web
* Projective Model for Central Catadioptric Cameras Using Clifford Algebra
* Pronunciation Feature Extraction
* Proposal for a Homeostasis Based Adaptive Vision System, A
* Proxy-assisted interactive-video services over networks with large delays
* Qualitative Real-Time Range Extraction for Preplanned Scene Partitioning Using Laser Beam Coding
* Quality Criteria Benchmark for Hyperspectral Imagery
* quantile-quantile plot based pattern matching for defect detection, A
* Quantitative Identification of Marbles Aesthetical Features
* Quantitative mapping of hydrodynamic vegetation density of floodplain forest using airborne laser scanning
* Queue Based Algorithm for Order Independent Anchored Skeletonisation, A
* Randomized Hough Transform for Spherical Images, The
* Range image segmentation based on randomized Hough transform
* Rank-Based Decision Fusion for 3D Shape-Based Face Recognition
* Rapid Online Learning of Objects in a Biologically Motivated Recognition Architecture
* Rate Control Algorithm for DCT-Based Video Coding Using Simple Rate Estimation and Linear Source Model, A
* Rate-Distortion Optimal Bit Allocation for Object-Based Video Coding
* Re-lighting and Compensation for Face Images
* Real Time 3D Environment Modeling for a Mobile Robot by Aligning Range Image Sequence
* Real Time Head Tracking via Camera Saccade and Shape-Fitting
* Real-Time 3-D Human Body Tracking using Variable Length Markov Models
* Real-Time 3D Hand Shape Estimation Based on Inverse Kinematics and Physical Constraints
* Real-Time and Robust Background Updating for Video Surveillance and Monitoring
* Real-Time Avatar Animation Steered by Live Body Motion
* Real-Time Camera Tracking Using a Particle Filter
* Real-Time Digital Image Warping for Display Distortion Correction
* Real-Time Driver Visual Attention Monitoring System, A
* Real-Time Fusion of Endoscopic Views With Dynamic 3-D Cardiac Images: A Phantom Study
* Real-Time Gabor Primal Sketch for Visual Attention, A
* Real-Time Hazardous Traffic Condition Warning System: Framework and Evaluation
* Real-Time Image Processing Using Graphics Hardware: A Performance Study
* Real-time Interpretation of Hand Motions using a Sparse Bayesian Classifier on Motion Gradient Orientation Images
* Real-time Speed Limit Sign Recognition Based on Locally Adaptive Thresholding and Depth-First-Search
* Real-Time Topology Modification for Finite Element Models with Haptic Feedback
* Real-Time Tracking Using Multiple Target Models
* recall or precision oriented skin classifier using binary combining strategies, A
* Recognition and Verification of Unconstrained Handwritten Words
* Recognition of 3D Objects by Learning from Correspondences in a Sequence of Unlabeled Training Images
* Recognition of Facial Gestures Based on Support Vector Machines
* Recognition of Partially Occluded and Deformed Binary Objects
* Recognition of Passports Using a Hybrid Intelligent System
* Recognizing Animals Using Motion Parts
* Recognizing Articulated Objects Using a Region-Based Invariant Transform
* Reconstruction of Buildings from Interferometric SAR Data of Built-Up Areas
* Recovery of Surface Height Using Polarization from Two Views
* Rectangular Traffic Sign Recognition
* Rectification-Free Multibaseline Stereo for Non-ideal Configurations
* Reduced Frame Quantization in Video Coding
* Region Based Detection of Occluded People for the Tracking in Video Image Sequences
* Region-based Matching for Robust 3D Face Recognition
* Registration of Fingerprints by Complex Filtering and by 1D Projections of Orientation Images
* Registration of Moving Surfaces by Means of One-Shot Laser Projection
* Registration of Remote Sensing Image Data Based on Wavelet Transform
* Registration-Assisted Segmentation of Real-Time 3-D Echocardiographic Data Using Deformable Models
* Regularization on Discrete Spaces
* Relaxed Grey-World: Computational Colour Constancy by Surface Matching
* Remote Sensing of Urban Heat Islands by Day and Night
* Removing Line Scratches in Digital Image Sequences by Fusion Techniques
* Removing Shadows from Face Images Using ICA
* Resolution Enhancement of Multilook Imagery for the Multispectral Thermal Imager
* Restitution Automation for Close-Range Applications
* Reversible data hiding and lossless reconstruction of binary images using pair-wise logical computation mechanism
* Robust Active Appearance Models and Their Application to Medical Image Analysis
* Robust Active Shape Model Construction and Fitting for Facial Feature Localization
* robust approach for automatic detection and segmentation of cracks in underground pipeline images, A
* Robust Correspondenceless 3-D Iris Location for Immersive Environments
* Robust Detector for Distorted Music Staves, A
* Robust Digital Watermarking Adopting 2D Barcode, A
* Robust Face Recognition Based on Part-Based Localized Basis Images
* Robust Face Recognition from Images with Varying Pose
* Robust Face Recognition Using Advanced Correlation Filters with Bijective-Mapping Preprocessing
* Robust Global Mosaic Topology Estimation for Real-Time Applications
* Robust Head Detection and Tracking in Cluttered Workshop Environments Using GMM
* Robust Image alignment using third-order global motion estimation
* Robust Iris Recognition Using Advanced Correlation Techniques
* Robust Matching Area Selection for Terrain Matching Using Level Set Method
* Robust Non-Rigid Object Tracking Using Point Distribution Models
* Robust Parallel Speech Recognition in Multiple Energy Bands
* Robust Particle Filtering for Object Tracking
* Robust Person-Independent Visual Sign Language Recognition
* Robust recognition of white blood cell images
* Robust Technique for Precise Registration of Radar and Optical Satellite Images, A
* Robust Two Stage Approach for Eye Detection, A
* Roof Edge Detection Model, A
* Rotation-Invariant Facial Feature Detection Using Gabor Wavelet and Entropy
* Rotation-Invariant Texture Classification Using Steerable Gabor Filter Bank
* SAR Image Segmentation Using Kernel Based Spatial FCM
* Satellite remote sensing of earthquake, volcano, flood, landslide and coastal inundation hazards
* Scalable e-Learning Multimedia Adaptation Architecture
* Scatter Search Particle Filter for 2D Real-Time Hands and Face Tracking
* Scenario Based Performance Optimisation in Face Verification Using Smart Cards
* Scene modelling from sparse 3D data
* Score Selection Techniques for Fingerprint Multi-modal Biometric Authentication
* Score-Level Fusion Benchmark Database for Biometric Authentication, A
* Secure and Efficient Transmissions of Fingerprint Images for Embedded Processors
* Secure Fingerprint Matching with External Registration
* Securing Electronic Medical Records Using Biometric Authentication
* Security Enhancement of Visual Hashes Through Key Dependent Wavelet Transformations
* Seeded Watersheds for Combined Segmentation and Tracking of Cells
* Segment Extraction Using Burns Principles in a Pseudo-color Fuzzy Hough Transform
* Segmentation Algorithm for Noisy Images, A
* Segmentation based robust interpolation: A new approach to laser data filtering
* Segmentation in Echocardiographic Sequences Using Shape-Based Snake Model
* Segmentation of external force field for automatic initialization and splitting of snakes
* Segmentation of Nanocolumnar Crystals from Microscopic Images
* Segmentation of Ultrasonic Images of the Carotid
* segmentation procedure of LiDAR data by applying mixed parametric and nonparametric models, A
* Segmentation via Graph-Spectral Methods and Riemannian Geometry
* Segmentation-Assisted Dirt Detection for the Restoration of Archived Films
* Self-learning Segmentation and Classification of Cell-Nuclei in 3D Volumetric Data Using Voxel-Wise Gray Scale Invariants
* Semantic Feature Extraction Based on Video Abstraction and Temporal Modeling
* Semantic Similarity Between Sentences Through Approximate Tree Matching
* Semi-Automatic Registration of Multi-Source Satellite Imagery with Varying Geometric Resolutions
* Semidefinite Clustering for Image Segmentation with A-priori Knowledge
* Semivariogram and SGLDM Methods Comparison for the Diagnosis of Solitary Lung Nodule
* Separable Linear Classifiers for Online Learning in Appearance Based Object Detection
* Separable Linear Discriminant Classification
* Sequential Coordinate-Wise Algorithm for the Non-negative Least Squares Problem
* Shadow Analysis in High-Resolution Satellite Imagery of Urban Areas
* Shadow Removal in Gradient Domain
* Shape from non-homogeneous, non-stationary, anisotropic, perspective texture
* Shape from Silhouettes in Discrete Space
* Shape Image Retrieval Using Elastic Matching Combined with Snake Model
* Shape model analysis of THR radiographs
* Shape Priors and Online Appearance Learning for Variational Segmentation and Object Recognition in Static Scenes
* Shape Similarity Measurement for Boundary Based Features
* Shot Boundary Detection Method for News Video Based on Rough Sets and Fuzzy Clustering, A
* Shot Detection and Motion Analysis for Automatic MPEG-7 Annotation of Sports Videos
* Signal and Noise Adapted Filters for Differential Motion Estimation
* Signal Subspace Identification in Hyperspectral Linear Mixtures
* Simple canonical views
* Simple Solvers for Large Quadratic Programming Tasks
* Simplification of Fan-Meshes Models for Fast Rendering of Large 3D Point-Sampled Scenes
* Single-example learning of novel classes using representation by similarity
* single-frame visual gyroscope, A
* Singularity Detection and Consistent 3D Arm Tracking Using Monocular Videos
* Skew Estimation and Correction for Form Documents Using Wavelet Decomposition
* Skin Detection in Videos in the Spatial-Range Domain
* Slant Correction of Vehicle License Plate Image
* SMART: Towards Spatial Internet Marketplaces
* Soccer Videos Highlight Prediction and Annotation in Real Time
* Soft-Switching Adaptive Technique of Impulsive Noise Removal in Color Images
* Solving Particularization with Supervised Clustering Competition Scheme
* Spatial Classification of Orchards and Vineyards with High Spatial Resolution Panchromatic Imagery
* Spatial Data Handling for ITS: Perspective, Issues and Approaches
* Spatio-Temporal Nonrigid Registration for Ultrasound Cardiac Motion Estimation
* Speaker Dependent ASRs for Huastec and Western-Huastec Náhuatl Languages
* Speaker Identification Using the VQ-Based Discriminative Kernels
* Special issue on video networking
* Specific Texture Analysis for Iris Recognition
* Spectral Methods in Image Segmentation: A Combined Approach
* Speed Optimization of a MPEG-4 Software Decoder Based on ARM Family Cores
* Spiders as Robust Point Descriptors
* SPIHT Image Compression on FPGAs
* Spiral Method Applied to the Study of the Microcalcifications in Mammograms, The
* Split-and-Merge Technique for Automated Reconstruction of Roof Planes, A
* Spontaneous Handwriting Text Recognition and Classification Using Finite-State Models
* Stability Analysis and Geometric Calibration of Off-the-Shelf Digital Cameras
* Stability and Local Feature Enhancement of Higher Order Nonlinear Diffusion Filtering
* Stability of the Eigenvalues of Graphs
* Stable Interest Point Detection under Illumination Changes Using Colour Invariants
* Stable Salient Contours
* Standardized Evaluation Methodology for 2-D--3-D Registration
* State Space Reduction for Nonstationary Stochastic Shortest Path Problems With Real-Time Traffic Information
* Statistical Approach to Boar Semen Head Classification Based on Intracellular Intensity Distribution
* Statistical Displacement Analysis for Handwriting Verification
* Statistical Modeling of Huffman Tables Coding
* Statistical Object Recognition Including Color Modeling
* Statistical Ratio Rank Ordered Differences Filter for SeaWiFS Impulse Noise Removal
* Statistical Snakes for Building Extraction from Stereoscopic Aerial Images
* Steganographic Method for Digital Images Robust to RS Steganalysis, A
* Step Towards Practical Steganography Systems, A
* Stepwise Metric Adaptation Based on Semi-Supervised Learning for Boosting Image Retrieval Performance
* Stepwise Reconstruction of High-Resolution Facial Image Based on Interpolated Morphable Face Model
* Stereo Reconstruction of a Submerged Scene
* Stereo Vision Based Localization of Free Parking Site
* Stereo Vision Based Reconstruction of Huge Urban Areas from an Airborne Pushbroom Camera (HRSC)
* Stereo Vision System with the Grouping Process of Multiple Reaction-Diffusion Models
* Stochastic Approach to Wilson's Editing Algorithm, A
* Stochastic Deformable Model
* Structural Comparison of Mammograms
* Structural Damage Assessments from Ikonos Data Using Change Detection, Object-Oriented Segmentation, and Classification Techniques
* Structurally Based Template Matching of On-line Handwritten Characters
* Structure Features for Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Study of Brute-Force Break-ins of a Palmprint Verification System, A
* Study of Graph Spectra for Comparing Graphs, A
* Study of the Navigation Parameters in Appearance-Based Navigation of a Mobile Robot
* Study on Fast Iris Image Acquisition Method, A
* Study on Iris Image Restoration, A
* Study on Multi-unit Fingerprint Verification, A
* study on the performances of dynamic classifier selection based on local accuracy estimation, A
* Study on Visual Attack to BPCS-Steganography and Countermeasure, A
* Style Adaptive Bayesian Tracking Using Explicit Manifold Learning
* Sub-linear Indexing for Large Scale Object Recognition
* Sub-pixel edge localization based on laser waveform analysis
* Sub-pixel Target Mapping from Soft-classified, Remotely Sensed Imagery
* subdivision algorithm for smooth 3D terrain models, A
* Successive pattern classification based on test feature classifier and its application to defect image classification
* Super-template Generation Using Successive Bayesian Estimation for Fingerprint Enrollment
* Supervised Texture Detection in Images
* Support Vector Machines for HIV-1 Protease Cleavage Site Prediction
* Suppression of Stripe Artifacts in Mammograms Using Weighted Median Filtering
* Survey of 3D Face Recognition Methods, A
* SVM Based Regression Schemes for Instruments Fault Accommodation in Automotive Systems
* Synthesis of Median Spectral Graph
* Synthesis of Novel Views of Moving Objects in Airborne Video
* System for Marker-Less Human Motion Estimation, A
* System to Support the Integrated Management of Diagnostic Medical Images, A
* Telephone-Based Speech Dialog Systems
* Temporal Video Indexing Based on Early Vision Using Laguerre Filters
* Tennis Ball Tracking Algorithm for Automatic Annotation of Tennis Match, A
* Testing Some Improvements of the Fukunaga and Narendra's Fast Nearest Neighbour Search Algorithm in a Spelling Task
* Text Categorization Approach for Music Style Recognition, A
* Text-Pose Estimation in 3D Using Edge-Direction Distributions
* Textural Discrimination of an Invasive Plant, Schinus terebinthifolius, from Low Altitude Aerial Digital Imagery
* Texture Analysis of CT Images for Vascular Segmentation: A Revised Run Length Approach
* Texture Classification Based on the Fractal Performance of the Moment Feature Images
* Texture Granularities
* Texture Interpolation Using Ordinary Kriging
* Theme issue: Remote sensing and geospatial information for natural hazards characterization
* Theoretical Analysis of the Iterative Photogrammetric Method to Determining Ground Coordinates from Photo Coordinates and a DEM
* Theoretical and Algorithmic Framework for Hypergraph Matching
* Three-Dimensional Planar Profile Registration in 3D Scanning
* Three-Dimensional Shape Knowledge for Joint Image Segmentation and Pose Estimation
* Three-Dimensional Structure Detection from Anisotropic Alpha-Shapes
* Thresholding Methods on MRI to Evaluate Intramuscular Fat Level on Iberian Ham
* Time and Date OCR in CCTV Video
* Time Oriented Video Summarization
* Time Reduction of Stochastic Parsing with Stochastic Context-Free Grammars
* Total Variation-Based Speckle Reduction Using Multi-grid Algorithm for Ultrasound Images
* Toward Polygonalisation of Thick Discrete Arcs
* Towards ITS Map Database Interoperability-Database Error and Rectification
* Towards Scalable View-Invariant Gait Recognition: Multilinear Analysis for Gait
* Towards texture classification in real scenes
* Track Matching by Major Color Histograms Matching and Post-matching Integration
* Tracking 3D Object using Flexible Models
* Tracking Soccer Ball in TV Broadcast Video
* Traffic object detections and its action analysis
* Trajectory Indexing Using Movement Constraints
* Transmission-Efficient Image-Based Authentication for Mobile Devices
* Two-image comparison under different illumination conditions
* Type-2 Fuzzy Image Enhancement
* UBIRIS: A Noisy Iris Image Database
* Ultrafast Technique of Impulsive Noise Removal with Application to Microarray Image Denoising
* Uncertainty Analysis of Camera Parameters Computed with a 3D Pattern
* Unequal Error Protection Using Convolutional Codes for PCA-Coded Images
* Unified System For Object Detection, Texture Recognition, and Context Analysis Based on the Standard Model Feature Set, A
* unifying view for stack filter design based on graph search methods, A
* Universal demosaicking for imaging pipelines with an RGB color filter array
* Unsupervised clustering on dynamic databases
* Unsupervised image categorization
* Unsupervised Image Segmentation Using Contourlet Domain Hidden Markov Trees Model
* Unsupervised Segmentation of Text Fragments in Real Scenes
* Unsupervised Symbol Grounding and Cognitive Bootstrapping in Cognitive Vision
* Updating A Digital Geographic Database using Vehicle-borne Laser Scanners and Line Cameras
* Urban DEM Generation from Raw Lidar Data: A Labeling Algorithm and its Performance
* Use of Neural Networks in Automatic Caricature Generation: An Approach Based on Drawing Style Capture
* User Authentication Based on JPEG2000 Images
* Using genetic algorithm optimizing stack filters based on MMSE criterion
* Using individual tree crown approach for forest volume extraction with aerial images and laser point clouds
* Using Overlapping Distributions to Deal with Face Pose Mismatch
* Using phase information for symmetry detection
* Using Strings for On-Line Handwriting Shape Matching: A New Weighted Edit Distance
* Using Temporal Coherence for Gait Pose Estimation From a Monocular Camera View
* Utterance Verification Algorithm in Keyword Spotting System, An
* VALID: A New Practical Audio-Visual Database, and Comparative Results
* Variational Analysis of Spherical Images
* Variational Deblurring of Images with Uncertain and Spatially Variant Blurs
* Vector Median Root Signals Determination for cDNA Microarray Image Segmentation
* Vector Morphological Operators for Colour Images
* Vehicle Area Segmentation Using Grid-Based Feature Values
* Vehicle Detection and Tracking for Traffic Monitoring
* Verification of Biometric Palmprint Patterns Using Optimal Trade-Off Filter Classifiers
* Versatile graphical code reader that is configured for efficient decoding
* Very Low Bitrate Video: A Statistical Analysis in the DCT Domain
* Video coding by adaptively controlling the interval between successive predictive-coded frames according to magnitude of motion
* Video Object Watermarking Based on Moments
* Video Rendering: Zooming Video Using Fractals
* Video Retrieval Using an EDL-Based Timeline
* Video Stabilization Using Kalman Filter and Phase Correlation Matching
* Video Streaming in Electron Microscopy Applications
* Video Watermarking Procedure Based on XML Documents, A
* Video-Based Face Recognition Using Bayesian Inference Model
* Video-Based Face Recognition Using Earth Mover's Distance
* Virtual Garment Pre-positioning
* Virtual Keyboard Based on True-3D Optical Ranging, A
* Virtual Point Light Source Model the Practical Realisation of Photometric Stereo for Dynamic Surface Inspection, The
* Virtualized Real Object Integration and Manipulation in an Augmented Scene
* Viseme Classification for Talking Head Application
* Vision-Based 3D Object Localization Using Probabilistic Models of Appearance
* Vision-Based Interface for Integrated Home Entertainment System
* Vision-Based Registration for Augmented Reality with Integration of Arbitrary Multiple Planes
* Visual Detection of Hexagonal Headed Bolts Using Method of Frames and Matching Pursuit
* Visualization and analysis of full-waveform airborne laser scanner data
* Visualizing Demographic Trajectories with Self-Organizing Maps
* Volume Estimation from Uncalibrated Views Applied to Wound Measurement
* Volumetric Analysis of a Sinter Process in Time
* Voxel-Wise Gray Scale Invariants for Simultaneous Segmentation and Classification
* Vulnerabilities in Biometric Encryption Systems
* Watermarking Scheme Based on Discrete Non-separable Wavelet Transform, A
* watershed transformation on graphs for the segmentation of CT images, The
* Wavelet Image Denoising Using Localized Thresholding Operators
* Wavelet-Based Methods for Improving Signal-to-Noise Ratio in Phase Images
* Wavelet-FILVQ classifier for speech analysis
* Weighted Information Entropy: A Method for Estimating the Complex Degree of Infrared Images' Backgrounds
* White Matter Fiber Tractography Via Anisotropic Diffusion Simulation in the Human Brain
* Wiener Channel Smoothing: Robust Wiener Filtering of Images
* Word Translation Disambiguation Using Multinomial Classifiers
* writer identification and verification system, A
* Xilinx System Generator Based HW Components for Rapid Prototyping of Computer Vision SW/HW Systems
* Zerotree Wavelet Based Image Quilting for Fast Texture Synthesis
1186 for 0509