* 3D Digital Topology under Binary Transformation with Applications
* 3D Object Classification Using Multiobject Kohonen Networks
* Admission Control for Variable Bit-Rate Video in Banyan Switches
* Analysis of Error in Depth Perception with Vergence and Spatially Varying Sensing
* At What Price Inaccuracy
* Augmenting Corner Descriptors
* auto-term representation by the reduced interference distributions; The procedure for a kernel design, The
* Autofocus camera
* Automated Aerotriangulation Using Multiple Image Multipoint Matching
* Automatic recognition of Individual trees in Aerial Images of Forests Based on a Synthetic Tree Crown Image Model, The
* Bayesian Morphological Peak Estimation and Its Application to Chromosome Counting Via Fluorescence in-Situ Hybridization
* Character Image-Enhancement by Selective Region-Growing
* Comparison of Several Approaches for the Segmentation of Texture Images
* Comparison of Two Image Compression Techniques for Softcopy Photogrammetry, A
* Computer imaging system and method for remote in-flight aircraft refueling
* Concept, Implementation, and Results of an Automatic Aerotriangulation System
* Continuous-Functions on Fuzzy Digital Pictures
* Current Status and Future-Directions of Digital Photogrammetry: A Personal View
* Deriving Stopping Rules for the Probabilistic Hough Transform by Sequential-Analysis
* Design of Large Intelligent Image Database-Systems
* Determining intersection curves between surfaces of two solids
* Digital Photogrammetry: Challenge and Potential
* Digital System for Surface Reconstruction, A
* Dithering optimization techniques
* Effect of Morphological Filters on Texture Boundary Localization, The
* Evaluating Image Metrics for Target Discrimination using Psychophysical Experiments
* Extraction of Parametric Descriptions of Circular GCs from a Pair of Contours for 3-D Shape-Recognition
* Face Recognition Using Artificial Neural-Network Group-Based Adaptive Tolerance (GAT) Trees
* Face-Texture Model-Based on SGLD and Its Application in Face Detection in a Color Scene
* Fast and Automatic Stereo Vision Matching Algorithm-Based on Dynamic-Programming Method
* Finite-State Vector Quantization with Multipath Tree-Search Strategy for Image/Video Coding
* Focus of Attention in Video Conferencing
* From Chinese Rooms to Irish Rooms: New Words on Visions for Language
* From the Kelsh to the Digital Photogrammetric Workstation, and Beyond
* Fuzzy Connectedness and Object Definition: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications in Image Segmentation
* Generation of depth image through interpolation and extrapolation of intermediate images derived from stereo image pair using disparity vector fields
* Genetic Lloyd-Max Image Quantization Algorithm, A
* Graph Matching Using a Direct Classification of Node Attendance
* Grounding Symbols into Perceptions
* Grouping Symmetrical Structures for Object Segmentation and Description
* Handwritten Word Recognition Using Segmentation-Free Hidden Markov Modeling and Segmentation-Based Dynamic-Programming Techniques
* High-Speed Algorithm For Line Detection, A
* Holistic Handwritten Word Recognition Using Temporal Features Derived from Off-Line Images
* Hybrid Hyperquadric Model for 2-D and 3-D Data Fitting, A
* Illumination Planning for Photometric Measurements
* Image Filtering, Edge-Detection, and Edge Tracing Using Fuzzy-Reasoning
* Image Representations for Visual Learning
* Image tracking device and image tracking method
* Incorporation of Gray-Level Imprecision in Representation and Processing of Digital Images
* Integrated Approach for Range Image Segmentation and Representation, An
* Integration of Natural-Language and Vision Processing: Grounding Representations
* Iterative Pose Estimation Using Coplanar Feature Points
* Learning to Select Useful Landmarks
* Maximum-Likelihood Stereo Algorithm, A
* Measurement of Motion Deformation in a Sequence of Images
* Method and apparatus for pattern recognition
* Method and apparatus to scan randomly oriented two-dimensional bar code symbols
* Method of Acoustic Landmark Extraction for Mobile Robot Navigation, A
* Mobile robot location determination employing error-correcting distributed landmarks
* Model-Based Object Recognition: The Role of Affine Invariants
* Modeling of Rigid Objects by Bidimensional Moments: Applications to the Estimation of 3D Rotations
* Multidimensional Cooccurrence Matrices for Object Recognition and Matching
* Multiscale Nonlinear Decomposition: The Sieve Decomposition Theorem
* New Approach to Through-the-Lens Camera Control, A
* New Geodesic Distance Transforms for Gray-Scale Images
* New Methods for the Initialization of Clusters
* New, Fast, and Efficient Image CODEC Based on Set Partitioning in Hierarchical Trees, A
* Noise reduction system
* Noisy Fingerprint Classification Using Multilayer Perceptron with Fuzzy Geometrical and Textural Features
* Normalized Weighted Levensthein Distance and Triangle Inequality in the Context of Similarity Discrimination of Bilevel Images
* Note on Comparing Classifiers, A
* Novel Four-Step Search Algorithm for Fast Block Motion Estimation, A
* On the Behavior of Artificial Neural-Network Classifiers in High-Dimensional Spaces
* Parallel Algorithms for Image Histogramming and Connected Components with an Experimental Study
* Parallel Distributed Detection of Feature Trajectories in Multiple Discontinuous Motion Image Sequences
* Parametric Shape-Recognition Using a Probabilistic Inverse-Theory
* Parametrization of Digital Planes by Least-Squares Fits and Generalizations, A
* Pattern-Recognition of Spastic Motion
* Performance Measure for Boundary Detection Algorithms, A
* Practical Reliable Bayesian Recognition of 2D and 3D Objects Using Implicit Polynomials and Algebraic Invariants
* Principled Approach Towards Symbolic Geometric Constraint Satisfaction, A
* Proposed Heuristic Procedures to Preprocess Character Patterns Using Line Adjacency Graphs
* Quantization adaptive to the human visual system
* Recognising Walkers Using Moving Light Displays
* Recovering the 3-Dimensional Motion and Structure of Multiple Moving-Objects from Binocular Image Flows
* Recursive Implementation of Erosions and Dilations Along Discrete Lines at Arbitrary Angles
* Reduction of Color Space Dimensionality by Moment-Preserving Thresholding and Its Application for Edge-Detection in Color Images
* Repeatedly Smoothing, Discrete Scale-Space Evolution and Dominant Point Detection
* Robust Distributed Computing and Sensing Algorithm
* Scale-Space from Nonlinear Filters
* Scene Recognition and Navigation Capabilities for Lane Changes and Turns in Vision-Based Vehicle Guidance
* Second-Order Implicit Polynomials for Segmentation of Range Images
* Simplified Fold Number Detector for Shapes with Monotonic Radii, A
* Softcopy Photogrammetry and GIS
* Sparse, Opaque 3-Dimensional Texture, 2B: Photometry
* Spatial-Learning for Navigation in Dynamic Environments
* Structure from Controlled Motion
* Subband DCT: Definition, Analysis, and Applications
* Text Page Recognition Using Grey-Level Features and Hidden Markov-Models
* Tomographic Reconstruction of Polygons from Knot Location and Chord Length Measurements
* Towards a General Multiview Registration Technique
* Understanding Language Through Vision
* Uniform Line Parameterization
* Use of Convolution-Operators for Detecting Contaminants in Food Images, The
* Very-Low Bit-Rate Video Coding Using H.263 Coder
* Video Color Enhancement Using Neural Networks
* Voronoi Pyramids Controlled by Hopfield Neural Networks
* Wavelet Multiresolution Representation of Curves and Surfaces
* Weighted Parzen Windows For Pattern-Classification
* Work on the Integration of Language and Vision at the University of Torino
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