* *Acquisition and Modelling of Indoor and Enclosed Environments
* *CVS
* *European Calibration and Orientation Workshop
* *Geoinformation for Disaster Management
* *International Conference on 3D GeoInformation
* *International Conference on Geomatic and Geospatial Technology
* *International Conference on Smart Data and Smart Cities
* *International Scientific Committee on Heritage Documentation
* *International Workshop on Image and Data Fusion (IWIDF)
* *ISPRS Geomatics and Restoration: Conservation of Cultural Heritage in the Digital Era
* *ISPRS International Conference on Smart City Applications
* *ISPRS International Symposium on Spatial Data Quality
* *ISPRS Photogrammetric techniques for video surveillance, biometrics and biomedicine
* *ISPRS Symposium SMPR
* *ISPRS Symposium UAV-g
* *ISPRS Workshop Hyperspectral Sensing Meets Machine Learning and Pattern Analysis
* *ISPRS Workshop on Advanced Geospatial Applications for Smart Cities and Regions
* *ISPRS Workshop on CHGCS
* *ISPRS Workshop on Collaborative Crowdsourced Cloud Mapping and Geospatial Big Data
* *ISPRS Workshop on LowCost3D, Sensors, Algorithms, Applications
* *ISPRS Workshop on LowCost3D, Sensors, Algorithms, Applications
* *ISPRS Workshop on PRSM
* *ISPRS Workshop on Semantic Scene Analysis and 3D Reconstruction from Images and Image Sequences
* *ISPRS Workshop SAR Con
* *Photogrammetric Image Analysis
* *Workshop on Laser Scanning
* 2d and 3d Reconstruction Workflows From Archive Images, Case Study Of Damaged Monuments in Bosra Al-sham City (Syria)
* 360° Images for UAV Multisensor Data Fusion: First Tests and Results
* 3d Change Detection in Urban Areas Based on DCNN Using a Single Image
* 3d Convolutional Long-Short Term Memory Network for Spatiotemporal Modeling of fMRI Data
* 3d Data Interpretation Using Treatises Geometric Rules to Built Coffered Domes
* 3d Digital and Physical Reconstruction of a Collapsed Dome Using Sfm Techniques From Historical Images
* 3d Digitization of Complex Exhibition Items (mounted Skeletons Of Dinosaurs) and Generation of Virtual Replicas for Biomechanical Studies
* 3d Documentation and Virtual Archaeological Restoration of Macedonian Tombs
* 3d Documentation of Frail Archaeological Finds Using Low-cost Instrumentation
* 3d Geospatial Database Schema for Istanbul 3d City Model
* 3d Hand Tracking by Employing Probabilistic Principal Component Analysis to Model Action Priors
* 3d Hazard Analysis and Object-based Characterization of Landslide Motion Mechanism Using UAV Imagery
* 3d High-quality Modeling of Small and Complex Archaeological Inscribed Objects: Relevant Issues and Proposed Methodology
* 3d Images for Automated Digital Odontometry
* 3d Indoor Documentation of The Winter Garden in The Earthenware Museum At Sarreguemines (france)
* 3d Inspection of The Restoration and Conservation of Stained Glass Windows Using High Resolution Structured Light Scanning
* 3d Integrated Surveys and Stratigraphic Methods for a Deeper Understanding of Historical Buildings. a Case-study of The Franciscan Monastery and The Immacolata Church in Troina, Sicily
* 3d Interpretation and Fusion of Multidisciplinary Data for Heritage Science: a Review
* 3d Low-cost Acquisition for The Knowledge of Cultural Heritage: The Case Study of The Bust of San Nicola Da Tolentino
* 3d Mapping of Serial Histology Sections with Anomalies Using a Novel Robust Deformable Registration Algorithm
* 3d Model for Indoor Spaces Using Depth Sensor
* 3D Modeling of a Complex Building: From Multi-view Image Fusion To Google Earth Publication
* 3d Modeling of Roman Bridge By The Integration of Terrestrial and UAV Photogrammetric Survey for Structural Analysis Purpose
* 3d Modelling Between Ideation, Geometry, and Surveyed Architecture: The Case of The Vaulted System of appartamento Di Mezzanotte in Palazzo Carignano
* 3d Modelling for Valorizing 20th Century Architectural Archives: The Case of The Unbuilt Project for a Theatre in Cagliari By Carlo Mollino
* 3d Modelling of Architectural Blocks and Antique Sculptures for The Conservation and The Promotion of Archaeological Heritage - Experiments In Alsace
* 3d Modelling of The Mamari Tablet From The Rongorongo Corpus: Acquisition, Processing Issues, And Outcomes
* 3D object classification based on deep belief networks and point clouds
* 3D object recognition and pose estimation for random bin-picking using Partition Viewpoint Feature Histograms
* 3d Object Reconstruction in a Pre-digital Era: Case Study in The History of Restoration
* 3d Reconstruction of The Ancient Egyptian Mummy Skeleton From The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts (i,1 1240)
* 3d Reconstruction of The Roman Domus in The Archaeological Site Of Lylibaeum (Marsala, Italy)
* 3D Reconstruction system for collaborative scanning based on multiple RGB-D cameras
* 3d Survey of The Roman Bridge of San Lorenzo in Padova (italy): A Comparison Between SFM and TLS Methodologies Applied to The Arch Structure, The
* 3D Surveying and 3d Reconstruction of Architecture of The Royal Park Of Tirana
* 3d Surveying and Modelling of Roman Monument with Arch
* 3d Thermal Mapping of Building Roofs Based On Fusion of Thermal And Visible Point Clouds in UAV Imagery
* 3d Virtualization of An Underground Semi-submerged Cave System
* 3d-cnn Based Tree Species Classification Using Mobile Lidar Data
* 3dmover 2.0: Low-cost Application for Usability Testing of 3d Geovisualisations
* 3DSportNet: 3D sport reconstruction by quality-aware deep multi-video summation
* 4D objects-by-change: Spatiotemporal segmentation of geomorphic surface change from LiDAR time series
* 6d Gripper Pose Estimation from RGB-D Image
* Aberration balancing using an image-sharpness metric
* Accelerating block-matching and 3D filtering method for image denoising on GPUs
* Accumulative Errors Optimization for Visual Odometry of ORB-SLAM2 Based on RGB-D Cameras
* Accuracy of Unsupervised Classification to Determine Coral Health Using Spot-6 and Sentinel-2a
* accurate and real-time multi-view face detector using ORFs and doubly domain-partitioning classifier, An
* Accurate Building Extraction from Fused DSM and UAV Images Using a Chain Fully Convolutional Neural Network
* Accurate Calibration Scheme for a Multi-Camera Mobile Mapping System
* ACFT: adversarial correlation filter for robust tracking
* Action Recognition Using Undecimated Dual Tree Complex Wavelet Transform From Depth Motion Maps / Depth Sequences
* Active Learning to Extend Training Data for Large Area Airborne Lidar Classification
* Active Semi-Supervised Random Forest for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Active Shape Model Precision Analysis of Vehicle Detection in 3d Lidar Point Clouds
* Active SLAM for Autonomous Underwater Exploration
* Adaptive Augmentation of Medical Data Using Independently Conditional Variational Auto-Encoders
* Adaptive Biometric Systems: Review and Perspectives
* Adaptive Choropleth Mapper: An Open-Source Web-Based Tool for Synchronous Exploration of Multiple Variables at Multiple Spatial Extents
* Adaptive Construction Method of Hierarchical Spatio-Temporal Index for Vector Data under Peer-to-Peer Networks, An
* Adaptive Convolution for Object Detection
* Adaptive Feature Recombination and Recalibration for Semantic Segmentation With Fully Convolutional Networks
* Adaptive Gaussian Weighted Laplace Prior Regularization Enables Accurate Morphological Reconstruction in Fluorescence Molecular Tomography
* adaptive high-throughput edge detection filtering system using dynamic partial reconfiguration, An
* Adaptive Label Propagation for Facial Appearance Transfer
* Adaptive learning feature pyramid for object detection
* Adaptive lossless compression of skeleton sequences
* Adaptive model updating for robust object tracking
* Adaptive Strategy-based Tightly-coupled INS/GNSS Integration System Aided By Odometer and Barometer
* Adaptive Variational Model for Medical Images Restoration, An
* Adjustable automation and manoeuvre control in automated driving
* Adjustment of Cadastral Network Using Least-squares Variance Component Estimation
* Advanced 3d Modeling Versus Building Information Modeling: The Case Study of Palazzo Ettoreo in Sacile (Italy)
* Advanced 3D Technology in Support of The BIM Processes in The Cultural Heritage: In-depth Analysis of The Case Study of The Roman Fluvial Port Of Aquileia (Italy)
* Advanced Benchmarking for Image Compositing Evaluation, An
* Advanced Cyberinfrastructure to Enable Search of Big Climate Datasets in THREDDS
* Advanced Geomatics and Conservation Management Plan for Preserving 20th Century Architectural Heritage
* Adversarial approach to domain adaptation for reinforcement learning on dialog systems
* Adversarial auto-encoder for unsupervised deep domain adaptation
* Adversarial image generation by combining content and style
* AER adaptive control strategy via energy prediction for PHEV
* Aerial Firefighting of Forest Fires: Spatial Data Support
* Aerial Platforms (UAV) Surveys in The VIS and TIR Range. Applications On Archaeology and Agriculture
* Aerial Point Cloud Classification With Deep Learning and Machine Learning Algorithms
* Aerial Seismology Using Balloon-Based Barometers
* Aero-optic thermal radiation effects correction with a low-frequency prior and a sparse constraint in the gradient domain
* Aerosol Optical Radiation Properties in Kunming (the Low-Latitude Plateau of China) and Their Relationship to the Monsoon Circulation Index
* Aesthetic assessment of paintings based on visual balance
* affective facial recognition task: The influence of cognitive styles and exposure times, The
* Agent-based Modelling for Ride Sharing Optimization Using A* Algorithm and Clustering Approach, An
* Aggregation Signature for Small Object Tracking
* Agricultural Land Change Detecting and Forecasting Using Combination Of Feedforward Multilayer Neural Network, Cellular Automata and Markov Chain Models
* Air Pollution Estimation Using Aerosol Optical Thickness By OLI Images In Tehran
* Airborne Technologies for Disaster Management
* Airborne to UAS Lidar: An Analysis of UAS Lidar Ground Control Targets
* Aircraft Based Real Time Bundle Adjustment and Digital Surface Model Generation
* Alba Fucens Archaeological Site: Multiscale and Multidisciplinary Approach for Risk Assessment and Conservation
* Aleppo Before and After The War 2010-2018
* algorithm and VLSI architecture of a high efficient motion estimation with adaptive search range for HEVC systems, The
* Algorithm for Estimating and Correcting Decorrelation Phase From InSAR Data Using Closure Phase Triplets, An
* Algorithm Modeling of Ancient Architecture for Heritage Documentation
* Algorithms for Adjustment of Symmetry Axis Found for 2d Shapes By The Skeleton Comparison Method
* Algorithms for The Automatic Detection and Characterization Of Pathologies in Heritage Elements From Thermographic Images
* All-optical DNA variant discovery utilizing extended DV-curve-based wavelength modulation
* All-Weather Land Surface Temperature Product Based on MSG/SEVIRI Observations, An
* Altruistic Prediction-Based Congestion Control for Strict Beaconing Requirements in Urban VANETs, An
* Analysing Student Tourist Movement Based On The Utility Maximisation In Designing Tour Package in Johor Bahru
* Analysis and Assessment of Views Under The Considerations of Historical Urban Landscape (hul). Case Study Cuenca, Ecuador
* Analysis and Classification of Natural and Human-Induced Ground Deformations at Regional Scale (Campania, Italy) Detected by Satellite Synthetic-Aperture Radar Interferometry Archive Datasets
* Analysis of active faults based on natural earthquakes in Central north China
* Analysis of Bird Flyways in 3D
* Analysis of Bundle Adjustments and Epipolar Model Accuracy According To Flight Path Characteristics of Uav
* Analysis of Clay-Induced Land Subsidence in Uppsala City Using Sentinel-1 SAR Data and Precise Leveling
* Analysis of Cold-Developed vs. Cold-Acclimated Leaves Reveals Various Strategies of Cold Acclimation of Field Pea Cultivars
* Analysis of Common Quality Problems in Coordinate Transformation Between Reference Coordinate System and Geocentric Coordinate System
* Analysis of Free Road Data in Tanzania, Uganda and Kenya Using Free And Open Source Software
* Analysis of Grassland Degradation in Zona da Mata, MG, Brazil, Based on NDVI Time Series Data with the Integration of Phenological Metrics
* Analysis of Groundwater and Total Water Storage Changes in Poland Using GRACE Observations, In-situ Data, and Various Assimilation and Climate Models
* Analysis of Jiayuguan Deformation and Its Influence Factors With The Application of Comprehensive Technology
* Analysis of Long-Term Moon-Based Observation Characteristics for Arctic and Antarctic
* Analysis of Orientation Accuracy of An UAV Image According to Camera Calibration
* Analysis of SparseHash: An efficient embedding of set-similarity via sparse projections
* Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Variability in Libya-4 with Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 Data for Optimized Ground Target Location
* Analysis of Spatial Wharf Pattern of the Yangtze River Delta Urban Agglomeration, China
* Analysis of Stochastic Distances and Wishart Mixture Models Applied on PolSAR Images
* Analysis of the Block Coordinate Descent Method for Linear Ill-Posed Problems
* Analysis of the Cycling Flow Between Origin and Destination for Dockless Shared Bicycles Based on Singular Value Decomposition
* Analysis of The Precipitation Climate Signal Using Empirical Mode Decomposition (emd) Over The Caspian Catchment Area
* Analysis of The Red Tide Occurrence Pattern When High Water Temperature
* Analysis of The Trend of The Deformation Around Kanto Region Estimated By Time Series of Palsar-2 Data
* Analysis of the Yule-Nielsen effect with the multiple-path point spread function in a frequency-modulated halftone
* Analysis of Tourism Hotspot Behaviour Based on Geolocated Travel Blog Data: The Case of Qyer
* Analysis of Urban Planning Documents With The Use of DTM in Terms Of Their Optimization to Improve Air Quality
* Analysis On 3d Reconstruction of The Monument to Heroes As a Tool for A Conceptual and Methodological Approach in The Patrimonization And Evaluation of Cultural Interest Goods
* Analyzing the Effects of Temporal Resolution and Classification Confidence for Modeling Land Cover Change with Long Short-Term Memory Networks
* Analyzing the Relationship between Perception of Safety and Reported Crime in an Urban Neighborhood Using GIS and Sketch Maps
* Analyzing the Spatiotemporal Patterns in Green Spaces for Urban Studies Using Location-Based Social Media Data
* Ancient Mining Landscapes and Habitative Sceneries in The Urban Area Of Centocelle: Geomatic Applications for Their Identification, Measurement, Documentation and Monitoring
* Animal Detection Using a Series of Images Under Complex Shooting Conditions
* Annual Large-Scale Urban Land Mapping Based on Landsat Time Series in Google Earth Engine and OpenStreetMap Data: A Case Study in the Middle Yangtze River Basin
* Annual Monitoring of Dust Storm in Iran and Adjacent Areas Using Modis Images (1396 and 1397 Hijri Shamsi)
* Anomaly Detection Performance Comparison On Anomaly-detection Based Change Detection On Martian Image Pairs
* Appearance-based Loop Closure Detection with Scale-restrictive Visual Features
* Applicability Assessment of UAV Mapping for Disaster Damage Investigation in Korea
* Applicability of Dual Polarized Sentinel-1 SAR Data for Detection Of Flooded Areas in Pol-e Dokhtar, Lorestan, Iran, The
* Applicability of Neural Networks for Image Classification on Object Detection in Mobile Mapping 3D Point Clouds
* Application of B-spline Method in Surface Fitting Problem
* Application of convolutional neural networks for low vegetation filtering from data acquired by UAVs
* Application of GeoSHM System in Monitoring Extreme Wind Events at the Forth Road Bridge
* Application of Hyperspectral Thermal Emission Spectrometer (Hytes) Data For Hyspiri Optimal Band Positioning to Characterize Surface Minerals
* Application of Machine and Deep Learning Strategies for The Classification of Heritage Point Clouds
* Application of Neural Network to GNSS-R Wind Speed Retrieval
* Application of Oblique Photography and GIS Technologies in The Integrated Conservation and Development of Historic Cities in China: Practices in Shigatse, Tibet and Quanzhou (zayton), Fujian
* Application of Off-nadir Satellite Imagery in Earthquake Damage Assessment Using Object-based Hog Feature Descriptor
* Application of Photogrammetric Techniques in Palaeoodontological Studies Trough Automated Digital Shape Analysis of Human Teeth
* Application of Probabilistic and Machine Learning Models for Groundwater Potentiality Mapping in Damghan Sedimentary Plain, Iran
* Application of Radar and Optical Satellite Imagery Data in Landslide Potential Mapping of Sheshpeer Sub-catchment in Iran
* Application of Self-organizing Map On Flight Data Analysis For Quadcopter Health Diagnosis System
* Application of Sentinel-1 Multi-temporal Data for Crop Monitoring And Mapping
* Application of The Steep Slope Risk Assessment Using Three Dimensional Information Data
* Application of UAV-Based Multi-angle Hyperspectral Remote Sensing in Fine Vegetation Classification
* Application of Worldview-3 Data in Alteration Mineral Mapping In Chadormalu Area, Central Iran
* Application research of digital image technology in graphic design
* Application Research of Lod Technology and The Shortest Path Algorithm In Trafic Geographic Information System
* Applications of Photogrammetry for Environmental Research
* Applications of Sentinel-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery for Floods Damage Assessment: a Case Study of Nakhon Si Thammarat, Thailand
* Applying Deep Learning to Hail Detection: A Case Study
* ApprGAN: Appearance-Based GAN for Facial Expression Synthesis
* Approach for Downscaling SMAP Soil Moisture by Combining Sentinel-1 SAR and MODIS Data, An
* Approach for sequential image interpretation using a priori binary perceptual topological and photometric knowledge and k-means-based segmentation
* Approach for the Analysis of the Accessibility of Fire Hydrants in Urban Territories, An
* Approach of Vicarious Calibration of Sentinel-2 Satellite Multispectral Image Based On Spectral Library for Mapping Oil Spills, An
* Approximate Fisher Information Matrix to Characterize the Training of Deep Neural Networks
* Approximate spectral clustering density-based similarity for noisy datasets
* Architectural Heritage Recognition in Historical Film Footage Using Neural Networks
* Architecture for parallel marker-free variable length streams decoding
* Architecture of a Stereo Image Based System to Measure Tree Geometric Parameters, The
* Architecture Recognition By Means of Convolutional Neural Networks
* Area Merging Method in Map Generalization Considering The Boundary Characteristics of Structured Geographic Objects, An
* Aristotle's Mirror: Combining Digital and Material Culture
* Artalive: An Android Application for Augmented Reality Without Markers, Based On Anamorphic Images
* Artificial Intelligence and Geospatial Analysis in Disaster Management
* Artificial Intelligence As a Low-cost Solution for Museum Visit Digital Content Enrichment: The Case of The Folklore Museum of Xanthi
* As-Built BIM for a Fifteenth-Century Chinese Brick Structure at Various LoDs
* As-invariant-as-possible Gl+(3)-based Statistical Shape Model, An
* As-projective-as-possible bias correction for illumination estimation algorithms
* ASiam: adaptive Siamese regression tracking with adversarial template generation and motion-based failure recovery
* Assessing and Comparing The Performance of Endmember Extraction Methods In Multiple Change Detection Using Hyperspectral Data
* Assessing Complex Damage Using Pre-disaster Optical and Post-disaster Polsar Data
* Assessing Disaster Risk and Resilience: a Case Study in Urban Flood Vulnerable Community in Kampung Asahan, Kuala Selangor
* Assessing OpenStreetMap Urban Network of Oran City
* Assessing Spatiotemporal Drought Dynamics and Its Related Environmental Issues in the Mekong River Delta
* Assessing Spatiotemporal Variations of Sentinel-1 InSAR Coherence at Different Time Scales over the Atacama Desert (Chile) between 2015 and 2018
* Assessing Sustainability Level From Social Aspects for Affordable Housing in Malaysia Using Spatial Indicators
* Assessing the Distribution of Heavy Industrial Heat Sources in India between 2012 and 2018
* Assessing the Feasibility of Using Sentinel-2 Imagery to Quantify the Impact of Heatwaves on Irrigated Vineyards
* Assessing the Impacts of Various Factors on Treetop Detection Using LiDAR-Derived Canopy Height Models
* Assessing the Potential of Geostationary Satellites for Aerosol Remote Sensing Based on Critical Surface Albedo
* Assessing Tidal Flood Upon Solar Salt Farming Area in North Part Of Java Using Hydrodynamic Model
* Assessing Visual Quality of Omnidirectional Videos
* Assessment and Mapping of Iran Desertification Intensity Using Arcgis Environment
* Assessment for a Condition Using Terrestrial Lidar Data
* Assessment of a Keypoints Detector for The Registration of Indoor And Outdoor Heritage Point Clouds
* Assessment of a Portable Tof Camera and Comparison With Smartphone Stereo Vision
* Assessment of Canopy Porosity in Avocado Trees as a Surrogate for Restricted Transpiration Emanating from Phytophthora Root Rot
* Assessment of Categorical Triple Collocation for Sea Ice/Open Water Observations: Application to the Gulf of Saint Lawrence
* Assessment of Different Unmanned Aerial Vehicle System for Production Of Photogrammerty Products
* Assessment of Earthquake-induced Damage Level On Buildings: Analysis Of Two Different Survey Methods for a Case Study
* Assessment of Feature Detectors and Descriptors in Remote Images Of Planetary Bodies
* Assessment of Geocentric Datum of Malaysia 2000 (GDM2000)
* Assessment of Green Infrastructure in Riparian Zones Using Copernicus Programme
* Assessment of Influence of Image Processing On Fully Automatic UAV Photogrammetry
* Assessment of Land Cover Change Dynamics of Gaja Cyclone in Coastal Tamil Nadu, India Using Sentinel 1 Sar Dataset, An
* Assessment of Land Use and Land Cover Change Detection By Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques in The Coastal Deserts, South of Iran
* Assessment of Landslide-induced Morphology Changes Using An Object-based Image Analysis Approach: a Case Study of HÍtardalur, Iceland
* Assessment of Low-cost Particulate Matter Sensors
* Assessment of Post-Earthquake Damaged Building with Interferometric Real Aperture Radar
* Assessment of Precipitation Estimation from the NWP Models and Satellite Products for the Spring 2019 Severe Floods in Iran
* Assessment of Rgb and Hyperspectral UAV Remote Sensing for Grass Quantity and Quality Estimation
* Assessment of Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Black Spruce Bud Phenology across Quebec Based on MODIS-NDVI Time Series and Field Observations
* Assessment of Sustainability of Affordable Housing in Malaysia
* Assessment of The Baroque Vault Construction Technique By Scan-to-bim Process: St. Bernard's Chapel in The Plasy Monastery, The
* Assessment of the Biomass Productivity Decline in the Lower Mekong Basin
* Assessment of the Degree of Building Damage Caused by Disaster Using Convolutional Neural Networks in Combination with Ordinal Regression
* Assessment of The Effects of Air Pollutants On Blood Glucose Control In Patients With Type 2 Diabetes
* Assessment of the Hyperspectral Infrared Atmospheric Sounder (HIRAS)
* Assessment, Monitoring and Early Warning System for Desertification Based On Water Criterion (case Tudy: Kashan, Iran)
* ASTER Cloud Coverage Assessment and Mission Operations Analysis Using Terra/MODIS Cloud Mask Products
* asynchronous method for cloud-based rendering, An
* Atmospherically Compensated Shape From Shading On The Martian Surface: Towards The Perfect Digital Terrain Model of Mars
* Atomic Clock Performance Assessment of BeiDou-3 Basic System with the Noise Analysis of Orbit Determination and Time Synchronization
* Attended End-to-End Architecture for Age Estimation From Facial Expression Videos
* Attention Based Convolutional Neural Network for Building Extraction From Very High Resolution Remote Sensing Image
* Attention-Aware Multi-Task Convolutional Neural Networks
* Attention-based spatial-temporal hierarchical ConvLSTM network for action recognition in videos
* Attention-Guided Region Proposal Network for Pedestrian Detection
* Attention-Guided Spatial Transformer Networks for Fine-Grained Visual Recognition
* Attentive Sequences Recurrent Network for Social Relation Recognition from Video
* Augmented Annotations: Indoor Dataset Generation With Augmented Reality
* Augmented Reality for Cultural Heritage: The Rebirth of a Historical Square
* Augmented reality for robocars
* Augmented Reality Game for Energy Awareness, An
* Augmenting a 3D morphable model of the human head with high resolution ears
* Auto-detection of epileptic seizure events using deep neural network with different feature scaling techniques
* Automated Bottom Up Hydrologic Coding System for Dendritic River System, An
* Automated Chain for Large-scale 3d Reconstruction of Urban Scenes From Satellite Images
* Automated Detection of Lunar Ridges Based on DEM Data
* Automated Digital Odontometric Study of Manual and Computer-aided Methods of Tooth Crown Modelling in Dentistry
* Automated Extraction of Buildings From Aerial Lidar Point Clouds And Digital Imaging Datasets
* Automated Extraction of Liver Outlines From Computed Tomography Scan Images Using a Cuda-based Segmentation Method
* Automated Mechanical Multi-sensorial Scanning
* Automated Method for Detection of Missing Road Point Regions in Mobile Laser Scanning Data
* Automated Road Curb Break Lines Extraction from Mobile LiDAR Point Clouds
* Automated Visibility Field Evaluation of Traffic Sign Based On 3d Lidar Point Clouds
* Automatic Annotation Method for Discovering Semantic Information of Geographical Locations from Location-Based Social Networks, An
* Automatic Apple Tree Blossom Estimation From UAV Rgb Imagery
* Automatic Assessment of Depression Based on Visual Cues: A Systematic Review
* Automatic Building Extraction From Lidar Point Cloud Data in The Fusion Of Orthoimage
* Automatic Building Extraction Using a Decision Tree Object-based Classification On Joint Use of Aerial and Lidar Data
* Automatic Calibration and Co-registration for a Stereo Camera System And a Thermal Imaging Sensor Using a Chessboard
* Automatic Camera System Calibration With a Chessboard Enabling Full Image Coverage
* Automatic Classification of Bridges and Continental Water Bodies From 3d Point Clouds (aerial Lidar)
* Automatic Co-registration of Aerial Imagery and Untextured Model Data Utilizing Average Shading Gradients
* Automatic Damage Detection of Stone Cultural Property Based On Deep Learning Algorithm
* Automatic Detection and Characterisation of Power Lines and Their Surroundings Using Lidar Data
* Automatic Detection and Labelling of Photogrammetric Control Points In A Calibration Test Field
* Automatic Detection and Recognition of 3d Manual Gestures For Human-machine Interaction
* Automatic detection of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia based on extending the multifractal features
* Automatic Detection of Forest-road Distances to Improve Clearing Operations in Road Management
* Automatic Detection of Obstacles in Railway Tracks Using Monocular Camera
* Automatic Detection of Road Edges From Aerial Laser Scanning Data
* Automatic Extraction Method for The Parameters of Multi-lod BIM Models for Typical Components of Wooden Architectural Heritage, An
* Automatic Extraction of Built-Up Areas from Very High-Resolution Satellite Imagery Using Patch-Level Spatial Features and Gestalt Laws of Perceptual Grouping
* Automatic Generation of An Adaptive Navigation Model for Indoor Map Matching, The
* Automatic Generation of Geometric Parameters of Individual Cauliflower Plants for Rapid Phenotyping Using Drone Images
* Automatic Heritage Building Point Cloud Segmentation and Classification Using Geometrical Rules
* Automatic Land-Cover Mapping using Landsat Time-Series Data Based on Google Earth Engine
* Automatic Lip-reading of Hearing Impaired People
* Automatic Mucous Glands Segmentation in Histological Images
* Automatic music transcription for traditional woodwind instruments sopele
* Automatic Object Extraction From High Resolution Aerial Imagery With Simple Linear Iterative Clustering and Convolutional Neural Networks
* Automatic optical-to-SAR image registration using a structural descriptor
* Automatic Precipitation Measurement Based on Raindrop Imaging and Artificial Intelligence
* Automatic rectification of warped Bangla document images
* Automatic Road Markings Extraction, Classification and Vectorization From Mobile Laser Scanning Data
* Automatic Road Structure Detection and Vectorization Using Mls Point Clouds
* Automatic scale estimation of structure from motion based 3D models using laser scalers in underwater scenarios
* Automatic Vehicle Recognition for Urban Traffic Management
* Automatic Video Object Segmentation Based on Visual and Motion Saliency
* Automatically Locate Tropical Cyclone Centers Using Top Cloud Motion Data Derived From Geostationary Satellite Images
* Automating Photogrammetry for The 3d Digitisation of Small Artefact Collections
* Autonomous MAV Navigation in Underground Mines Using Darkness Contours Detection
* Autonomous Swarm of Heterogeneous Robots for Surveillance Operations
* Autonomous UAV Cinematography: A Tutorial and a Formalized Shot-Type Taxonomy
* Autonomous UAV-Based 3D-Reconstruction of Structures for Aerial Physical Interaction
* Background subtraction via time continuity and texture consistency constraints
* Backpack Mobile Mapping Solution for DTM Extraction of Large Inaccessible Spaces
* Badland Erosion and Its Morphometric Features in the Tropical Monsoon Area
* Band to Band Registration of Multi-spectral Aerial Imagery - Relief Displacement and Miss-registration Error
* Barzilai-Borwein-based adaptive learning rate for deep learning
* Bayesian Neural Networks with Weight Sharing Using Dirichlet Processes
* Bayesian receiver operating characteristic metric for linear classifiers
* Bayesian Sea Ice Detection With the ERS Scatterometer and Sea Ice Backscatter Model at C-Band
* Beech Tree Density Estimation Using Sentinel-2 Data (case Study: Khyroud Forest)
* Benchmark of Metric Quality Assessment in Photogrammetric Reconstruction for Historical Film Footage
* Benchmarking deep learning techniques for face recognition
* Beneficial Role of Surveys in The Investment Analysis for Public Built Cultural Heritage Concessions, The
* Benefit of Spectral and Point-cloud Data for Herbage Yield And Quality Assessment of Grasslands, The
* BEP and Mapping Process for The Restoration Building Site
* Best Before? Advanced Geomatics for Preservation and Preservation Of Advanced Geomatics
* Bidirectional Convolutional Recurrent Sparse Network (BCRSN): An Efficient Model for Music Emotion Recognition
* Bifocal Pairs of Images for Low-cost Survey in Close Range Photogrammetry
* Big Data Processing and Analysis Using Multi-temporal Sentinel 1 Data To Manage Floods in North of Morocco
* BIM for Museums: An Integrated Approach From The Building to the Collections
* BIM Process, Ontologies and Interchange Platform for Cultural Architectural Heritage Management: State of Art and Development Perspectives
* BIM Reconstruction: Automated Procedural Modeling From Point Cloud Data
* BIM-oriented Algorithmic Reconstruction of Building Components For Existing Heritage
* Binary tomography on the isometric tessellation involving pixel shape orientation
* Binocular holographic three-dimensional display using a single spatial light modulator and a grating
* Bio Optical Modelling of Laguna Lake Using Bomber Tool and Wasi-derived Inverted Parameters
* Biological Knowledge Guided Deep Neural Network for Brain Genotype-phenotype Association Study
* Biomass Estimation for Semiarid Vegetation and Mine Rehabilitation Using Worldview-3 and Sentinel-1 SAR Imagery
* Biometric Palmprint Verification: A Dynamical System Approach
* Blind image blur metric based on orientation-aware local patterns
* Blind Quality Metric of DIBR-Synthesized Images in the Discrete Wavelet Transform Domain
* Blind text images deblurring based on a generative adversarial network
* Block Adjustment of Large-scale High-resolution Optical Satellite Imagery Without GCPS Based on the GPU
* Blocking of operation of unauthorised software using MQTT
* Blood Vessels Segmentation Method for Retinal Fundus Images Based On Adaptive Principal Curvature and Image Derivative Operators
* Book Retrieval and Location System Based on Real-Scene 3D, A
* Boundary Re-assessment of The Meter Reading Unit (MRU) for Tenaga Nasional Berhad, Tnb Cheras
* Brainpainter: A Software for the Visualisation of Brain Structures, Biomarkers and Associated Pathological Processes
* BranchGAN: Unsupervised Mutual Image-to-Image Transfer With A Single Encoder and Dual Decoders
* Buddhist Stele of Swat Valley: Point Cloud Analysis and Interpretation
* Building Assessment Using Shadow Analysis for The Architectural Documentation
* Building Change Detection Through Comparison of a Lidar Scan With A Building Information Model
* Building Detection From Lidar Data Using Entropy and The K-means Concept
* Building Extraction from Very High Resolution Aerial Imagery Using Joint Attention Deep Neural Network
* Building Facade and Rooftop Segmentation By Normal Estimation From UAV Derived RGB Point Cloud
* Building Floor Plan Reconstruction From Slam-based Point Cloud Using Ransac Algorithm
* Building Footprint Extraction from Multispectral, Spaceborne Earth Observation Datasets Using a Structurally Optimized U-Net Convolutional Neural Network
* Building Information Modelling of a Multi Storey Building Using Terrestrial Laser Scanner and Visualisation Using Potree: An Open Source Point Cloud Renderer
* Building Naturalistic Emotionally Balanced Speech Corpus by Retrieving Emotional Speech from Existing Podcast Recordings
* Building Outline Extraction From Aerial Images Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Building Segmentation From Airborne VHR Images Using Mask R-CNN
* Building segmentation through a gated graph convolutional neural network with deep structured feature embedding
* Building Survey and Energy Modelling: An Innovative Restoration Project For Casa Del Fascio in Como
* Built Environment: Modelling The Urban Space
* Built Up Change Detection Based On Structural Classification of Digital Elevation Models
* Bundle Adjustment Accuracy Assessment of Unordered Aerial Dataset Collected Through Kite Platform
* Bundle Adjustment of Spaceborne Double-camera Push-broom Imagers And Its Application to Lroc Nac Imagery
* Bunkers of The Spanish War: From The Rearguard to The Technical Culture Of The Inter-war Period. The Case of Clot De Galvany
* C-arm Pose Estimation and Navigation in Surgeries for Augmented Reality Application
* CA Markov Modeling of Land Use Land Cover Dynamics and Sensitivity Analysis to Identify Sensitive Parameter(s)
* CAD-Net: A Context-Aware Detection Network for Objects in Remote Sensing Imagery
* Cadastral Positioning Accuracy Improvement (pai): a Case Study Of Pre-requisite Data Quality Assurance
* Calculation for Multidimensional Topological Relations in 3D Cadastre Based on Geometric Algebra
* Calibrating Photogrammetric Airborne Camera Systems With Diffractive Optical Elements
* Calibration Improvements in S-NPP VIIRS DNB Sensor Data Record Using Version 2 Reprocessing
* Calibration of a Ground-Based Array Radar for Tomographic Imaging of Natural Media
* Calibration Workflow for Prosumer UAV Cameras, A
* Camera Calibration Using Multiple Unordered Coplanar Chessboards
* Camera Calibration With Irrational Radial Distortion Model With Analytical Solutions
* Camera orientation, calibration and inverse perspective with uncertainties: A Bayesian method applied to area estimation from diverse photographs
* Can Categories and Attributes Be Learned in a Multi-Task Way?
* Can Geoinformation Help to Better Protect Informal Settlements? A Concept for The City of Medellin
* Can I Shift My Load? Optimizing the Selection of the Best Electrical Tariff for Tertiary Buildings
* Can We Use the QA4ECV Black-sky Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (FAPAR) using AVHRR Surface Reflectance to Assess Terrestrial Global Change?
* Canopy Height Estimation from Single Multispectral 2D Airborne Imagery Using Texture Analysis and Machine Learning in Structurally Rich Temperate Forests
* Capabilities of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for Slope Classification, The
* Capability of Matterport 3d Camera for Industrial Archaeology Sites Inventory
* Capacity Building for Geo-information Driven Emergency Response In China
* Capturing the spatio-temporal continuity for video semantic segmentation
* Cara Valle Abbey and Its Refectory, The
* Castle of Assoro: The Integrated Survey for The Knowledge And Conservation of Ruins, The
* Cathedral Norte Dame in Paris - The Inscription of The South Transepts Façade: Medieval Relict Or 19th Century Recreation?
* Cathedral of S. Lorenzo in Perugia and The Hypogeal Spaces. Geomatic Techniques for Spatial Investigations Aimed At The Knowledge And Interpretation of The Origin of The Transept, The
* Cauchy Aperture and Perfect Reconstruction Filters for Extending Depth-of-Field from Focal Stack
* Centochiese: a Hundred Churches in Rome. An Archival Photogrammetric Project
* Challenges of Using Drones and Virtual/augmented Reality for Disaster Risk Management
* Challenging The Invisibility of Mobile Cultures Remote Sensing, Environment and Archaeology in The Near East
* Change Vector Analysis Method to Monitor Drought Using Landsat Data, A
* Changes in Evapotranspiration and The Potential Drivers in Asian Arid Regions During 2003 to 2017
* Changes in Lake Area in Response to Climatic Forcing in the Endorheic Hongjian Lake Basin, China
* Characterisation of Sand Accumulations in Wadi Fatmah and Wadi Ash Shumaysi, KSA, Using Multi-Source Remote Sensing Imagery
* Characteristics of Warm Clouds and Precipitation in South China during the Pre-Flood Season Using Datasets from a Cloud Radar, a Ceilometer, and a Disdrometer
* Characterization and Modeling Surface Soil Physicochemical Properties Using Landsat Images: a Case Study in The Iraqi Kurdistan Region
* Characterization of the Kinematics of Three Bears Landslide in Northern California Using L-band InSAR Observations
* Characterization of the ocular surface temperature dynamics in glaucoma subjects using long-wave infrared thermal imaging
* Characterization of the ocular surface temperature dynamics in glaucoma subjects using long-wave infrared thermal imaging
* Characterizing Spatial and Temporal Trends of Soil and Surface Properties Changes in An Area With Urban, Bare Soil and Wetland Covers: A 30-year Case Study in Gomishan, Iran
* Characterizing the information capacity of volume holograms with the Holevo bound
* Church of Sant'andrea in Bergamo: An Integrated Survey For Knowledge and Conservation, The
* Circumpolar Thin Arctic Sea Ice Thickness and Small-Scale Roughness Retrieval Using Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity and Soil Moisture Active Passive Observations
* City Modelling Using Geoinformatics: a Case Study of The College Of Engineering Campus, Salahaddin University, Iraq
* CityGML-Based Road Information Model for Route Optimization of Snow-Removal Vehicle
* Classification Accuracy Assessment for Regional Vector Data Product Based On Spatial Sampling: a Case Study of Japan
* Classification and Integration of Massive 3d Points Clouds in a Virtual Reality (VR) Environment
* Classification of Aerial Laser Scanning Point Clouds Using Machine Learning: a Comparison Between Random Forest and Tensorflow
* Classification of Aerial Point Clouds With Deep Learning
* Classification of Anomalous Pixels in the Focal Plane Arrays of Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 and -3 via Machine Learning
* Classification of Data from Airborne Lidar Bathymetry With Random Forest Algorithm Based On Different Feature Vectors
* Classification of Drones with a Surveillance Radar Signal
* Classification of Mobile Lidar Data Using Vox-net and Auxiliary Training Samples
* Classification of Mobile Terrestrial Lidar Point Cloud in Urban Area Using Local Descriptors
* Classification of Oil Painting Using Machine Learning With Visualized Depth Information
* Classification of Tree Species On The Basis of Tree Bark Texture
* Classification-Based Model for Multi-Objective Hyperspectral Sparse Unmixing, A
* Classifier Fusion of Polsar, Hyperspectral and Pan Remote Sensing Data For Improving Land Use Classification
* Classifying Stages of Mild Cognitive Impairment via Augmented Graph Embedding
* Close-range Photogrammetry Practice: Graphic Documentation of The Interior of The Walls of Avila (Spain)
* Cloud Deep Networks for Hyperspectral Image Analysis
* Cloud Detection from FY-4A's Geostationary Interferometric Infrared Sounder Using Machine Learning Approaches
* Cloud-based Solution for Nationwide Power Line Mapping
* Clustering Complex Trajectories Based on Topologic Similarity and Spatial Proximity: A Case Study of the Mesoscale Ocean Eddies in the South China Sea
* Clustering Time Series of Repeated Scan Data of Sandy Beaches
* Cnn-based Feature-level Fusion of Very High Resolution Aerial Imagery And Lidar Data
* CNN-based temporal detection of motion saliency in videos
* CNN-based two-stage cell segmentation improves plant cell tracking
* Coastal Vulnerability Index Development: a Review
* Collaborative and geometric multi-kernel learning for multi-class classification
* Collective Spatial Cognition of Kids in Community Mappings
* Color brightness model and its imaging applications
* Color Calibration of Proximal Sensing RGB Images of Oilseed Rape Canopy via Deep Learning Combined with K-Means Algorithm
* Color Calibration on Human Skin Images
* Color-difference formula for evaluating color pairs with no separation: DeltaENS
* Color-guided Adaptive Support Weights for Active Stereo Systems
* Colour image encryption scheme based on enhanced quadratic chaotic map
* Combination of Aerial, Satellite, and UAV Photogrammetry for Mapping the Diachronic Coastline Evolution: The Case of Lefkada Island
* Combination of an Automated 3D Field Phenotyping Workflow and Predictive Modelling for High-Throughput and Non-Invasive Phenotyping of Grape Bunches
* Combination of Meteorological Indices and Satellite Data for Drought Monitoring in Two Different Environments in Iran
* Combination of modified U-Net and domain adaptation for road detection
* Combination of Terrestrial Laserscanning, UAV and Close-range Photogrammetry for 3d Reconstruction of Complex Churches in Georgia
* Combination of Terrestrial Lidar and UAV Photogrammetry For Interactive Architectural Heritage Visualization Using Unity 3d Game Engine, The
* Combination of The Image and Range-based 3d Acquisition In Archaeological and Architectural Research in The Royal Castle in Warsaw, The
* Combination of Thermal and Geometric Information for BIM Enrichment
* Combined Precise Documentation and Virtual Reconstruction of Prophet Nahum Shrine in Alqosh, Iraq
* Combined Study of Art Works Preserved in The Archaeological Museums: 3d Survey, Spectroscopic Approach and Augmented Reality, A
* Combined Use of Long-term Multi-sensor Insar Analysis and Finite Element Simulation to Predict Land Subsidence, The
* Combining dissimilarity measures for image classification
* Combining Earth Observations, Cloud Computing, and Expert Knowledge to Inform National Level Degradation Assessments in Support of the 2030 Development Agenda
* Combining Landsat images with historic records to estimate the live coral cover of Luhuitou fringing reef in Northern South China Sea
* Combining Measurements of Built-up Area, Nighttime Light, and Travel Time Distance for Detecting Changes in Urban Boundaries: Introducing the BUNTUS Algorithm
* Combining Satellite Imagery and Numerical Modelling to Study the Occurrence of Warm Upwellings in the Southern Baltic Sea in Winter
* Combining Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Satellite Image Time Series for land cover mapping via a multi-source deep learning architecture
* Combining Social Media and Authoritative Data for Crisis Mapping: A Case Study of a Wildfire Reaching Croatian City of Split
* Combining Total Variation Regularization with Window-Based Time Delay Estimation in Ultrasound Elastography
* Comments on The definition of half-Gabor filter by Lunke Fei
* Comparative Analysis of Planetscope and Sentinel Sentinel-2 Space-borne Sensors in Mapping Striga Weed Using Guided Regularised Random Forest Classification Ensemble, A
* Comparative Analysis of Svm, Ann and Cnn for Classifying Vegetation Species Using Hyperspectral Thermal Infrared Data
* Comparative Analysis of Taxonomy, Standardisation and Availability Of Cartographic Symbol Sets for Crisis Mapping
* Comparative Analysis of Various Camera Input for Videogrammetry
* Comparative Study Between WMMS and TLS for The Stability Analysis Of The San Pedro Church Barrel Vault By Means of The Finite Element Method, A
* comparative study of CNN-based super-resolution methods in MRI reconstruction and its beyond, A
* Comparative study of multi-look processing for phase map de-noising in digital Fresnel holographic interferometry
* Comparative Study of RGB and Multispectral Sensor-Based Cotton Canopy Cover Modelling Using Multi-Temporal UAS Data, A
* Comparative Study of Utilizing Mobile-GIS Technology to Collect Online Crime, A
* Comparing Ellipse Detection and Deep Neural Networks for the Identification of Drinking Glasses in Images
* Comparing Innovative Xr Systems in Cultural Heritage. a Case Study
* Comparing Johnson's SB and Weibull Functions to Model the Diameter Distribution of Forest Plantations through ALS Data
* Comparing partial least squares (PLS) discriminant analysis and sparse PLS discriminant analysis in detecting and mapping Solanum mauritianum in commercial forest plantations using image texture
* Comparison of Analytical Hierarchy Process and Fuzzy Method In Deforestation Risk Zoning
* Comparison of Aqua/Terra MODIS and Himawari-8 Satellite Data on Cloud Mask and Cloud Type Classification Using Split Window Algorithm
* Comparison of Computational Intelligence Techniques for Real-time Discrete Multivariate Time Series Classification of Conducting Gestures, A
* Comparison of Continuous In-Situ CO2 Measurements with Co-Located Column-Averaged XCO2 TCCON/Satellite Observations and CarbonTracker Model Over the Zugspitze Region
* Comparison of Decomposition Methods Over Agricultural Fields Using The Uavsar Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Comparison of Efficiency of The Optimization Approach for Clustering of Trajectories, A
* Comparison of Hyperspectral Versus Traditional Field Measurements of Fractional Ground Cover in the Australian Arid Zone
* Comparison of Lake Optical Water Types Derived from Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-3
* Comparison of Machine-learning Regression Algorithms for The Estimation of LAI Using Landsat-8 Satellite Data, A
* Comparison of multi-seasonal Landsat 8, Sentinel-2 and hyperspectral images for mapping forest alliances in Northern California
* Comparison of Object Based Machine Learning Classifications Of Planetscope and Worldview-3 Satellite Images for Land Use / Cover
* Comparison of Pixel and Region-based Approaches for Tree Species Mapping in Atlantic Forest Using Hyperspectral Images Acquired By Uav
* Comparison of Point and Segment Based Point Cloud Classification Method In Urban Scenes
* Comparison of Satellite-Derived Precipitable Water Vapor Through Near-Infrared Remote Sensing Channels
* Comparison of terrestrial LiDAR and digital hemispherical photography for estimating leaf angle distribution in European broadleaf beech forests
* Comparison of the GPM DPR Single- and Double-Frequency Products Over the Mediterranean Area
* Comparison of Traditional and Machine Learning Base Methods for Ground Point Cloud Labeling
* Comparison of Training Strategies for Convnets On Multiple Similar Datasets for Facade Segmentation
* Comparison of UAV Lidar and Imagery for Beach Monitoring
* Comparison of Uavs Performance for a Roman Amphitheatre Survey: The Case of Avella (Italy)
* Comparison of Uwb and Motion Capture UAV Indoor Positioning, A
* Compensating Changes in the Penetration Depth of Pulse-Limited Radar Altimetry Over the Greenland Ice Sheet
* component-based video content representation for action recognition, A
* Composite Method for Predicting Local Accuracies in Remotely Sensed Land-Cover Change Using Largely Non-Collocated Sample Data, A
* Comprehensive Comparison Between The Qing Imperial Garden and The English Landscape Garden in The 18th Century: A Cultural Heritage Studies Approach
* Comprehensive Digital Documentation and Preliminary Structural Assessment of Satunsat: a Unique Maya Architectural Labyrinth At Oxkintok, Yucatan, Mexico
* comprehensive evaluation of disturbance agent classification approaches: Strengths of ensemble classification, multiple indices, spatio-temporal variables, and direct prediction, A
* Comprehensive Study of Continuous Orthogonal Moments: A Systematic Review
* Computational Modeling of the Dynamics of Human Trust During Human-Machine Interactions
* Computational Time Modelling for Tree Crown Extraction From High Resolution Imagery Using Geographic Object-based Image Analysis
* Computer Vision System Supporting Blind People: The Supermarket Case, A
* Concept for An Automated Approach of Public Transport Vehicles to A Bus Stop, A
* Conceptual Model of CityGML Restful Web Service
* Concrete Preliminary Damage Inspection by Classification of Terrestrial Laser Scanner Point Clouds through Systematic Threshold Definition
* Condition Assessment of RC Bridges. Integrating Machine Learning, Photogrammetry and BIM
* Configuration and Simulation Tool for 360-degree Stereo Camera Rig
* Connected filters on generalized shape-Spaces
* Conserving Built Heritage for Posterity: a Conservation Approach In Bagan
* Consideration and Exploration On The Demand Changes of Surveying And Mapping Geographic Information
* Considerations for a Contemporary 3d Cadastre for Our Times
* Consistency in Remote Sensing-based Urban Mapping for Growth And Mobility Analysis
* Consistent estimation of rotational optical flow in real environments using a biologically-inspired vision algorithm on embedded hardware
* Constructing The Flood Evacuation Zones Based On User-centric Time-distance Representation
* Construction and Verification of a High-Precision Base Map for an Autonomous Vehicle Monitoring System
* Construction of Obstacle Element Map Based On Indoor Scene Recognition
* Content-based Immersive Experience of Basilica of Sant'ambrogio In Milan: From 3d Survey to Virtual Reality, A
* Content-based medical image retrieval of CT images of liver lesions using manifold learning
* Context-Aware Deep Spatiotemporal Network for Hand Pose Estimation From Depth Images
* Context-Supported Deep Learning Framework for Multimodal Brain Imaging Classification, A
* Continuum Limits of Nonlocal p-Laplacian Variational Problems on Graphs
* Contrastive-Regulated CNN in the Complex Domain: A Method to Learn Physical Scattering Signatures From Flexible PolSAR Images
* Contribution of Earthquakes to The Deformation of Zagros Tectonic Province, The
* Converse Trends of The Terrestrial and Ground Water Storage Changes In Canada and The United States
* Convolutional Neural Network for Flood Mapping Using Sentinel-1 And Srtm Dem Data: Case Study in Poldokhtar-iran, A
* Convolutional Neural Network-Based Block Up-Sampling for HEVC
* Cooperative Moving-Target Enclosing of Networked Vehicles With Constant Linear Velocities
* Cooperative Training of Descriptor and Generator Networks
* Correction of complex purple fringing by green-channel compensation and local luminance adaptation
* Correction of Mobile Mapping Trajectories in Gnss-denied Environments Using Aerial Nadir and Aerial Oblique Images
* Corresponding Points Screening Algorithm Based On Gaussian Kernel Fuzzy Clustering, The
* Coseismic Slip Distribution of the 2019 Mw 7.5 New Ireland Earthquake from the Integration of Multiple Remote Sensing Techniques
* Crack Width Measurement for Non-planar Surfaces By Triangle Mesh Analysis in Civil Engineering Material Testing
* Crafting a 1.5mu-m pixel pitch spatial light modulator using Ge2Sb2Te5 phase change material
* Creating Strategic Business Value From Big Data Analysis: Application Telecom Network Data and Planning Documents
* Creation of a Virtual Reality Environment of a University Museum Using 3d Photogrammetric Models
* Critical Infrastructure Security Against Drone Attacks Using Visual Analytics
* Critical Review of Quality Assessment Protocols in Pan-sharpening, A
* Crop Row Detection Procedure Using Low-cost UAV Imagery System
* Cross-Data Set Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on Deep Domain Adaptation
* Cross-Domain Deep Feature Combination for Bird Species Classification with Audio-Visual Data
* Cross-domain Interpolation for Unpaired Image-to-image Translation
* Crowd4ems: a Crowdsourcing Platform for Gathering and Geolocating Social Media Content in Disaster Response
* Crown Diameter Estimation From Fixed Wing Type of UAV Imagery, The
* Crustal Deformation of Northeastern China Following the 2011 Mw 9.0 Tohoku, Japan Earthquake Estimated from GPS Observations: Strain Heterogeneity and Seismicity
* Cu-net: Cascaded U-net with Loss Weighted Sampling for Brain Tumor Segmentation
* Cuboid Model for Assessing Surface Soil Moisture, A
* Cultural Heritage Monitoring By Low-cost GNSS Receivers: A Feasibility Study for San Gaudenzio's Cupola, Novara
* Cultural Projects and Geomatic Surveys for The Resilience of School Heritage
* CVABS: moving object segmentation with common vector approach for videos
* Cybersecurity Strategy for Smart City Implementation
* Damage Estimation of Explosions in Urban Environments By Simulation
* Damage Risk Assessment of Painting On The Wood Construction in Typical Taiwanese Temple By Hot and Humid Climate
* Data Anonymization for Data Protection on Publicly Recorded Data
* Data Capture Framework for Improving The Quality of Subsurface Utility Information, A
* Data Fusion and Accuracy Analysis of Multi-Source Land Use/Land Cover Datasets along Coastal Areas of the Maritime Silk Road
* Data Fusion for Drawing and Analysis of An Ancient Roman Boat In Herculaneum
* Data Optimization for 3d Modeling and Analysis of a Fortress Architecture
* Data-path unrolling with logic folding for area-time-efficient FPGA-based FAST corner detector
* Dead Wood Detection Based On Semantic Segmentation of VHR Aerial CIR Imagery Using Optimized Fcn-densenet
* Debris Flow Susceptibility Mapping Using Machine-Learning Techniques in Shigatse Area, China
* Decision Making On Disaster Management in Agriculture With Sentinel Applications
* Decision Model for Predicting Social Vulnerability Using Artificial Intelligence
* Deep Architectures and Ensembles for Semantic Video Classification
* Deep Attentive Features for Prostate Segmentation in 3D Transrectal Ultrasound
* Deep autoencoders for attribute preserving face de-identification
* Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Sentiment Analysis of Cultural Heritage
* Deep Coupled ISTA Network for Multi-Modal Image Super-Resolution
* deep learning approach for face recognition based on angularly discriminative features, A
* Deep Learning Approach for Urban Underground Objects Detection From Vehicle-borne Ground Penetrating Radar Data in Real-Time, A
* Deep Learning Approach to Writer Identification Using Inertial Sensor Data of Air-Handwriting, A
* Deep Learning Based Skin Lesions Diagnosis
* Deep learning classifiers for hyperspectral imaging: A review
* Deep learning for conifer/deciduous classification of airborne LiDAR 3D point clouds representing individual trees
* Deep Learning for Semantic Segmentation of 3d Point Cloud
* Deep Learning for Single Image Super-Resolution: A Brief Review
* Deep Learning Framework for Roads Network Damage Assessment Using Post-earthquake Lidar Data, A
* Deep Learning Semantic Segmentation-Based Approach for Field-Level Sorghum Panicle Counting, A
* Deep Learning-based Analysis of The Relationships Between Climate Change and Crop Yield in China
* Deep Lidar Odometry
* Deep Network for Automatic Video-based Food Bite Detection, A
* Deep Neural Network for Real-Time Driver Drowsiness Detection, A
* Deep Non-Local Kalman Network for Video Compression Artifact Reduction
* Deep Progressive Hashing for Image Retrieval
* Deep reinforcement learning-based patch selection for illuminant estimation
* Deep Residual Temporal Convolutional Networks for Skeleton-based Human Action Recognition
* Deep Spatial and Temporal Network for Robust Visual Object Tracking
* Deep spectral reflectance and illuminant estimation from self-interreflections
* Deep Unbiased Embedding Transfer for Zero-Shot Learning
* Deep-learning-based Computer Vision System for Surface-defect Detection
* Defect Detection of Historic Structures in Dark Places Based On The Point Cloud Analysis By Modified OPTD Method
* Defect inspection research on fabric based on template correction and primitive decomposition
* Deformation Monitoring of High-latitude Permafrost Region Of Northeastern China With Time Series Insar Technique
* DEM-Based Vs30 Map and Terrain Surface Classification in Nationwide Scale: A Case Study in Iran
* Denoising of 3d Point Clouds
* Denoising of Diffusion MRI Data via Graph Framelet Matching in x-q Space
* Dense Multi-view Image Matching for DSM Generation From Satellite Images
* Dense small face detection based on regional cascade multi-scale method
* Densely connected convolutional network block based autoencoder for panorama map compression
* Depth Corrected Edge Detection of Magnetic Data
* Depth from Defocus Technique Based on Cross Reblurring
* Depth-map completion for large indoor scene reconstruction
* Depth-resolved and auto-focus imaging through scattering layer with wavelength compensation
* Deriving Individual-Tree Biomass from Effective Crown Data Generated by Terrestrial Laser Scanning
* Deriving Particulate Organic Carbon in Coastal Waters from Remote Sensing: Inter-Comparison Exercise and Development of a Maximum Band-Ratio Approach
* Deriving the Reservoir Conditions for Better Water Resource Management Using Satellite-Based Earth Observations in the Lower Mekong River Basin
* Dermatological Image Denoising Using Adaptive Henlm Method
* Descent Trajectory Recovery of Chang'e-4 Lander Based On Descent Images
* Description generation of open-domain videos incorporating multimodal features and bidirectional encoder
* Design and Evaluation of a Controller to Achieve Optimum Seeding Rate With Specific Spatial Management in Agricultural Machinery
* Design and Implementation of Crowdsourcing Based China's National Public Geospatial Information Collection System
* Design of Application Architecture for 3d Safety Status Information Platform
* Design of high-resolution quantization scheme with exp-Golomb code applied to compression of special images
* Design of Orientation Assessment Functions for Gestalt-grouping Utilizing Labeled Sample-data
* Designing a Context-aware Recommender System in The Optimization of The Relief and Rescue
* Designing and Construction of The Spectral Library for Typical Pigments Used in Chinese Paintings
* Designing Geovisual Analytics Environments and Displays with Humans in Mind
* Detecting and Mapping Slag Heaps at Ancient Copper Production Sites in Oman
* Detecting Citrus Huanglongbing in Brazilian Orchards Using Hyperspectral Aerial Images
* Detecting Coherent Groups in Crowd Scenes by Multiview Clustering
* Detecting Events in Video Sequence of Video-EEG Monitoring
* Detecting Probable Rockfalls in Open Pit Mines Based On UAV Point Clouds
* Detecting Protrusion Lesion in Digestive Tract Using a Single-stage Detection Method
* Detecting Thermal Discomfort of Drivers Using Physiological Sensors and Thermal Imaging
* Detecting Video Anomaly with a Stacked Convolutional LSTM Framework
* Detection and Delineation of Subsurface Coal Mine Fire From Spaceborne Thermal Infrared Data in Jharia Coalfield, Dhanbad, India
* Detection and Extraction of Water Bottom Topography From Laserbathymetry Data By Using Full-waveform-stacking Techniques
* Detection and Monitoring of Beach Litter Using UAV Image and Deep Neural Network
* Detection of a Human Head On a Low-quality Image and Its Software Implementation
* Detection of Building Roofs and Facades From Aerial Laser Scanning Data Using Deep Learning
* Detection of New Zealand Kauri Trees with AISA Aerial Hyperspectral Data for Use in Multispectral Monitoring
* Detection of Residual Hot Spots in RFI-Filtered SMAP Data
* Detection of Shallow Water Area With Machine Learning Algorithms
* Determination of Plant Nitrogen Content in Wheat Plants via Spectral Reflectance Measurements: Impact of Leaf Number and Leaf Position
* Determination of Surface Velocity of a River Using Videos Captured From Unmanned Aerial System (uas)
* Determining ellipses from low-resolution images with a comprehensive image formation model
* Determining Morphometric Properties of Radiata Pine Using Long Wave Infrared Sensing and Biologically-inspired Vision
* Determining the appropriate lane width at urban signalised intersections- a case study in Beijing
* Developing a Cellular Automata Model for Simulating Rainfall-runoff Process (case Study: Babol Catchment)
* Developing a Monitoring Workflow for The Temples of Java
* Developing Affordable Bathymetric Analysis Techniques Using Non-conventional Payload for Cultural Heritage Inspections
* Developing the Chinese Academic Map Publishing Platform
* Development and Evaluation of a New Snow Water Index (SWI) for Accurate Snow Cover Delineation
* Development of 3d City Model Using Videogrammetry Technique
* Development of a CityGML Application Domain Extension for Simulating the Building Construction Process
* Development of a Low-cost Centimetric GNSS Positioning Solution For Android Applications
* Development of a Multi Camera Calibration for An Analysis And Manipulation System of Biological Samples in Petri Dishes
* Development of Augmented Reality Pipeline Visualiser (ARPV) Application For Visualising Underground Water Pipeline
* Development of Geodatabase for Archaeological Site in Bujang Valley Kedah
* Development of Geospatial Techniques for Natural Hazard Risk Assessment In Thailand
* Development of GIS Database and Facility Management System: Asset and Space in UKM
* Development of GPS Satellite Visibility Simulation Method Under Urban Canyon Environment
* Development of Mobile Application for Gated and Guarded Community Management
* Development of Multi-view Stereo Considering Accuracy of Exterior Orientation Elements
* Development of Positron Emission Tomography With Wobbling and Zooming for High Sensitivity and High-Resolution Molecular Imaging
* Development of Smart Cities in Taiwan From The Perspective of Cloud Computing Security
* Development of translation telephone system by using MQTT protocol
* Diagnosis Processes for Desert Rose Domes of The Souf Region in Algeria
* Dictionary Learning for Adaptive GPR Landmine Classification
* Dielectric Behavior of Sodic Solonchak at 1.41 GHz in the South of Western Siberia
* Diffeomorphic Metric Learning and Template Optimization for Registration-based Predictive Models
* Differential Ground-Based Radar Interferometry for Slope and Civil Structures Monitoring: Two Case Studies of Landslide and Bridge
* Differentially Deep Subspace Representation for Unsupervised Change Detection of SAR Images
* Diffraction-limited superresolution ptychography in the Rayleigh-Sommerfeld regime
* Digital Cultural Heritage Meets Digital Humanities
* Digital Diagnosis for The Autumn Statue (Marseille, France) : Photogrammetry, Digital Cartography and Construction of a Thesaurus, A
* Digital Documentation and Monitoring Hub in Climate-sensitive Territories: The Albenga Case Study (San Clemente Site)
* Digital Heritage Documentation of Modern Architecture in Cuenca - Ecuador
* Digital Heritage: Academic Research in Brazil in The Last Five Years
* Digital holography and 3D imaging: Introduction to the Applied Optics and Journal of the Optical Society of America A joint feature issue 2018
* Digital Holography and 3D Imaging: Introduction to the joint feature issue in Applied Optics and Journal of the Optical Society of America A 2019
* Digital Modelling and Analysis of Masonry Vaults
* Digital Models of Stone Samples for Didactical Purposes
* Digital Restitution of Lot 3317: Using Underwater Image Based Modelling to Generate Value in Virtual Heritage Experiences, The
* Digital Soil Mapping Using Geomorphometric Analysis and Case-based Fuzzy Logic Approach
* Digital Soil Mapping With Regression Tree Classification Approaches By Rs and Geomorphometry Covariate in The Qazvin Plain, Iran
* Digital Storage and The Data Collection for The Seismic Prevention: A Comparison From The Italian Recent Experiences
* Digital Survey in Bramante's Masterpieces
* Digital Twin: a HBIM-based Methodology to Support Preventive Conservation of Historic Assets Through Heritage Significance Awareness
* Digital Watermarking of 3d Medical Visual Objects
* Digitalization of Ancient Egyptian Coffins: a Discussion Over Different Techniques for Recording Fine Details, The
* Dilated Light-Head R-CNN using tri-center loss for driving behavior recognition
* Directional and Zonal Analysis of Urban Thermal Environmental Change in Fuzhou as an Indicator of Urban Landscape Transformation
* Directional Compactly Supported Tensor Product Complex Tight Framelets with Applications to Image Denoising and Inpainting
* Discover Points of Interest Based On Users' Internet Searches Through An Online Shopping Website
* Discovering and Communicating The Rationalist Architecture of ForlÌ. An Integrated Process
* Discovering and Preserving The Military Landscape. Ict for The German Bunkers of The Galla Placidia Line
* Discovering Potential Settlement Areas around Archaeological Tells Using the Integration between Historic Topographic Maps, Optical, and Radar Data in the Northern Nile Delta, Egypt
* Discrete Bargmann transform
* Discrete Graphical Models: An Optimization Perspective
* Discrete-Continuous Transformation Matching for Dense Semantic Correspondence
* Discrimination Aerosol Form Clouds Using Cats-iss Lidar Observations Based On Random Forest and Svm Algorithms Over The Eastern Part Of Middle East
* Discrimination between Genuine and Cloned Gait Silhouette Videos via Autoencoder-Based Training Data Generation
* Discrimination of Cultural Relics Similarity Based On Phash Algorithm And Sift Operator
* Discrimination of Tomato Plants (solanum Lycopersicum) Grown Under Anaerobic Baffled Reactor Effluent, Nitrified Urine Concentrate And Commercial Hydroponic Fertilizer Regimes Using Multi-source Satellite
* Discriminative Convolutional Neural Network for Image Quality Assessment with Fixed Convolution Filters
* Discussion On Restoration Design of Landscape Site Based On 3dTerrestrial Laser Scanning: a Case Study of Qiwang Hall in Summer Palace, Beijing, China
* Discussion On The Problem of Regularized Reconstruction in HBIM
* Diseases Spread Prediction in Tropical Areas By Machine Learning Methods Ensembling and Spatial Analysis Techniques
* Disparity-selective stereo matching using correlation confidence measure
* dissimilarity-based multiple instance learning approach for protein remote homology detection, A
* Distance-training for Image-based 3d Modelling of Archeological Sites In Remote Regions
* Distributed Radar Sounder: A Novel Concept for Subsurface Investigations Using Sensors in Formation Flight
* Distributed Storage and Access Approach for Massive Remote Sensing Data in MongoDB, A
* Documentation of Historical Architectures Through The Combined Use Of Digital Surveying Techniques
* Documentation, Analysis and Representation of Modernist Heritage Through Building Information Modeling
* Documenting Historical Research for a Collection Information Modelling. A Proposal for a Digital Asset Management System
* Documenting Hydraulic Devices At Risk in Defensive Heritage Of Al-andalus Through Photogrammetric Techniques
* Documenting Large Archaeological Sites, Managing Data, Planning Conservation and Maintenance: The Herculaneum Conservation Project Experience
* Documenting The Conservative Evolution of The City Walls Thanks to The Integration of Digital Systems of Various Typologies. The Case Study Of Valbona Gate
* Documenting The Cultural Heritage Routes. The Creation of Informative Models of Historical Russian Churches On Upper Kama Region
* Domain Progressive 3D Residual Convolution Network to Improve Low-Dose CT Imaging
* Double-layer conditional random fields model for human action recognition
* Double-Receiver-Based Pure Rotational Raman LiDAR for Measuring Atmospheric Temperature at Altitudes Between Near Ground and Up To 35 km
* Doubly Stochastic Neighbor Embedding on Spheres
* Downscaling of GRACE-Derived Groundwater Storage Based on the Random Forest Model
* Drift-of-Stay Pattern Extraction Method for Indoor Pedestrian Trajectories for the Error and Accuracy Assessment of Indoor Wi-Fi Positioning, A
* Drivers' Attentional Instability on a Winding Roadway
* Drone Based Near Real-time Human Detection With Geographic Localization
* Drought Assessment of Iran Using The Mdi Index
* DRU-net: a novel U-net for biomedical image segmentation
* DSM and DTM for Extracting 3d Building Models: Advantages and Limitations
* Dual-dissimilarity measure-based statistical video cut detection
* Dual-Path and Lightweight Convolutional Neural Network for High-Resolution Aerial Image Segmentation, A
* Dual-supervised attention network for deep cross-modal hashing
* Dust Storm Detection Using Modis Data Over The Middle East
* Dynamic 3D Simulation of Flood Risk Based on the Integration of Spatio-Temporal GIS and Hydrodynamic Models
* Dynamic auto-weighted multi-view co-clustering
* Dynamic Convergence Algorithm for Thermal Comfort Modelling, A
* Dynamically enhanced static handwriting representation for Parkinson's disease detection
* Dynamics of Spatio-temporal Urban Expansion in South West Delhi Region: A Geo-spatial Approach for Urban Disaster Management
* e-Approximation of the Time-Dependent Shortest Path Problem Solution for All Departure Times, The
* Early termination for fast intra mode decision in depth map coding using DIS-inheritance
* Earthquake Damage Detection Using Satellite Images (Case Study: Sarpol-zahab Earthquake)
* Eco-Friendly Estimation of Heavy Metal Contents in Grapevine Foliage Using In-Field Hyperspectral Data and Multivariate Analysis
* Edge Enhanced SRGAN for MRI Super Resolution in Slice-selection Direction, An
* Edge, Ridge, and Blob Detection with Symmetric Molecules
* Editorial for Special Issue Advances in Satellite Altimetry and Its Application
* Editorial for Special Issue: Remote Sensing for Urban Morphology
* Educational and Training Experiences in Geomatics: Tailored Approaches For Different Audience
* EEG & Eye Tracking User Experiments for Spatial Memory Task on Maps
* Effect of luminosity on color discrimination of dichromatic marmosets (Callithrix jacchus)
* Effect of NDVI Time Series Density Derived from Spatiotemporal Fusion of Multisource Remote Sensing Data on Crop Classification Accuracy, The
* Effect of Satellite Temporal Resolution on Long-Term Suspended Particulate Matter in Inland Lakes
* Effective 3-D Shape Retrieval by Integrating Traditional Descriptors and Pointwise Convolution
* Effective and efficient indexing in cross-modal hashing-based datasets
* effective fragile watermarking scheme for color image tampering detection and self-recovery, An
* Effectiveness of Classification Method and Color Symbol Scheme On Choropleth Map of Population Density in Special Region of Yogyakarta
* Effects of Aerosols On The Korean Peninsila Caised By Fireworks In China During Chinese Lunar New Year
* Effects of Climate Factors and Human Activities on the Ecosystem Water Use Efficiency throughout Northern China
* Effects of Distinguishing Vegetation Types on the Estimates of Remotely Sensed Evapotranspiration in Arid Regions
* Effects of GPS-Based Buffer Size on the Association between Travel Modes and Environmental Contexts, The
* Effects of Physical, Social, and Housing Disorder on Neighborhood Crime: A Contemporary Test of Broken Windows Theory, The
* Effects of Solar Invasion on Earth Observation Sensors at a Moon-Based Platform
* Efficiency Improvement of Bridge Maintenance and Inspection By An Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
* Efficient and Accurate Method for Different Configurations Railway Extraction Based on Mobile Laser Scanning, An
* Efficient and Scene-Adaptive Algorithm for Vehicle Detection in Aerial Images Using an Improved YOLOv3 Framework, An
* Efficient Compressive Hyperspectral Imaging Algorithm Based on Sequential Computations of Alternating Least Squares, An
* efficient content-based medical image indexing and retrieval using local texture feature descriptors, An
* Efficient data handover and intelligent information assessment in software-defined vehicular social networks
* efficient edge detection algorithm for fast intra-coding for 3D video extension of HEVC, An
* Efficient Encoding Voxel-Based Segmentation (EVBS) Algorithm Based on Fast Adjacent Voxel Search for Point Cloud Plane Segmentation, An
* Efficient Evaluation of Image Quality via Deep-Learning Approximation of Perceptual Metrics
* Efficient Flight Planning for Building Façade 3d Reconstruction
* efficient FLIP and shape matching coupled method for fluid-solid and two-phase fluid simulations, An
* Efficient Imaging Algorithm for GNSS-R Bi-Static SAR, An
* Efficient Inter-Geodesic Distance Computation and Fast Classical Scaling
* Efficient multiview video plus depth coding for 3D-HEVC based on complexity classification of the treeblock
* Efficient nearest neighbor search in high dimensional hamming space
* Efficient Prediction Methods With Enhanced Spatial-Temporal Correlation for HEVC
* efficient reversible authentication scheme for demosaiced images with improved detectability, An
* Efficient Segmentation-Based PatchMatch for Large Displacement Optical Flow Estimation
* Efficient Variable Rate Image Compression with Multi-Scale Decomposition Network
* Efficient velocity estimation for MAVs by fusing motion from two frontally parallel cameras
* Egocentric visitors localization in natural sites
* Electroencephalographic Phase-Amplitude Coupling in Simulated Driving With Varying Modality-Specific Attentional Demand
* Electroencephalography-based classification of human emotion: A hybrid strategy in machine learning paradigm
* Eliciting Knowledge on Technical and Legal Aspects of Participatory Toponym Handling
* embarrassingly simple approach to neural multiple instance classification, An
* EMCM: A Novel Binary Edge-Feature-Based Maximum Clique Framework for Multispectral Image Matching
* EMG-based online classification of gestures with recurrent neural networks
* Emotion-based diversity crowd behavior simulation in public emergency
* Empirical Evaluation of Data Interoperability: A Case of the Disaster Management Sector in Uganda, An
* Encoder-decoder with densely convolutional networks for monocular depth estimation
* End-to-End Local-Global-Fusion Feature Extraction Network for Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification, An
* Endoscopic Vision Augmentation Using Multiscale Bilateral-Weighted Retinex for Robotic Surgery
* Energy Consumption Patterns of Residential Users: A Study in Greece
* Energy Function Algorithm for Detection of Openings in Indoor Point Clouds
* Enhanced Aerosol Estimations From Suomi-NPP VIIRS Images Over Heterogeneous Surfaces
* Enhanced Deep Convolutional Model for Spatiotemporal Image Fusion, An
* Enhancing Video QoE Over High-Speed Train Using Segment-Based Prefetching and Caching
* ensemble image quality assessment algorithm based on deep feature clustering, An
* Ensemble-Based Hybrid Context-Aware Misbehavior Detection Model for Vehicular Ad Hoc Network
* Entire frame image display employing monotonic convergent nonnegative matrix factorization
* Entropy-Based Selection of Cluster Representatives for Document Image Compression
* Environmental Data Delivery for Automotive Simulations By Laser Scanning
* Environmental Microclimate Management and Risk in The Unesco World Heritage Site of Villa Barbaro Maser (Italy)
* Environmental Reservoirs of Vibrio cholerae: Challenges and Opportunities for Ocean-Color Remote Sensing
* Epileptic seizure detection and prediction using stacked bidirectional long short term memory
* Equal Proportion Reproduction Method of Grotto Based On Point Cloud
* Establishing New Foundations for The Use of Remotely-piloted Aircraft Systems for Civilian Applications
* Establishment of Plot-Yield Prediction Models in Soybean Breeding Programs Using UAV-Based Hyperspectral Remote Sensing
* Estimating Aboveground Biomass in Zagros Forest, Iran, Using Sentinel-2 Data
* Estimating Canola's Biophysical Parameters From Temporal, Spectral, And Polarimetric Imagery Using Machine Learning Approaches
* Estimating Crop Density From Multi-spectral UAV Imagery in Maize Crop
* Estimating Penetration-Related X-Band InSAR Elevation Bias: A Study over the Greenland Ice Sheet
* Estimating The Forest Stand Volume and Basal Area Using Pleiades Spectral and Auxiliary Data
* Estimating Water Level in The Urmia Lake Using Satellite Data: A Machine Learning Approach
* Estimation and analysis of along-track attitude jitter of ZiYuan-3 satellite based on relative residuals of tri-band multispectral imagery
* Estimation of 3D human hand poses with structured pose prior
* Estimation of affective dimensions using CNN-based features of audiovisual data
* Estimation of ergodicity limits of bag-of-words modeling for guaranteed stochastic convergence
* Estimation of Land Surface Heat Fluxes Based on Landsat 7 ETM+ Data and Field Measurements over the Northern Tibetan Plateau
* Estimation of Origin-Destination Flows of Passenger Cars in 1925 in Old Tokyo City, Japan
* Estimation of Secondary Soil Properties by Fusion of Laboratory and On-Line Measured Vis-NIR Spectra
* Estimation of Soil Moisture and Earth's Surface Temperature Using Landsat-8 Satellite Data
* Estimation of soil surface water contents for intertidal mudflats using a near-infrared long-range terrestrial laser scanner
* Estimation of the Antenna Phase Center Correction Model for the BeiDou-3 MEO Satellites
* Estimation of the camera spectral sensitivity function using neural learning and architecture
* Estimation of Wildfire Size and Location Using a Monocular Camera on a Semi-autonomous Quadcopter
* Ethical Framework for Heritage Recording Specialists Applying Digital Workflows for Conservation
* EU-Net: An Efficient Fully Convolutional Network for Building Extraction from Optical Remote Sensing Images
* Eurosdr GeoBIM Project a Study in Europe On How to Use The Potentials Of BIM and Geo Data in Practice
* Evaluating Combinations of Sentinel-2 Data and Machine-Learning Algorithms for Mangrove Mapping in West Africa
* Evaluating Glacier Dynamics Using Temporal Remote Sensing Images: A Case Study of Hunza Valley, Northern Pakistan
* Evaluating HF Coastal Radar Site Performance for Tsunami Warning
* Evaluating Imagery-derived Bathymetry of Seabed Topography to Support Marine Cadastre
* Evaluating Potential Free Software for Web-based Multimedia Cartography
* Evaluating Smartphones Color Fidelity and Metric Accuracy for The 3d Documentation of Small Artifacts
* Evaluating The Accuracy of 3d Object Reconstruction From Thermal Images
* Evaluating The Effect of Using Mirrors in 3d Reconstruction of Small Artefacts
* Evaluating the performance of face sketch generation using generative adversarial networks
* Evaluating The Possibility of Tree Species Classification With Dual-Wavelength ALS Data
* Evaluation and Calibration of Fixed-wing Multisensor UAV Mobile Mapping System: Improved Results
* Evaluation and Comparison of Four Dense Time Series Change Detection Methods Using Simulated Data, An
* Evaluation and Intercomparison of SMOS, Aquarius, and SMAP Sea Surface Salinity Products in the Arctic Ocean
* Evaluation of a Psi-based Change Detection Regarding Simulation, Comparison, and Application
* Evaluation of Advanced Data Mining Algorithms in Land Use/land Cover Mapping
* Evaluation of An Integrative Approach Between HBIM and Architecture History
* Evaluation of Brightness Temperature Sensitivity to Snowpack Physical Properties Using Coupled Snow Physics and Microwave Radiative Transfer Models
* Evaluation of Camera Positions and Ground Points Quality in a Gnss-nrtk Based UAV Survey: Preliminary Results From a Practical Test In Morphological Very Complex Areas
* Evaluation of Digital Elevation Models for Geomorphometric Analyses On Different Scales for Northern Chile
* Evaluation of Five Satellite Top-of-Atmosphere Albedo Products over Land
* Evaluation of GPM-era Global Satellite Precipitation Products over Multiple Complex Terrain Regions
* Evaluation of Historical Heritage Documentation: Reality Based Survey and Derivative Models
* Evaluation of HY-2A Scatterometer Ocean Surface Wind Data during 2012-2018
* Evaluation of Long Term Trend of Different Drought Indices Using Mann-kendall and Sen's Slope Estimator Over Iran
* Evaluation of Machine Learning Techniques in Vine Leaves Disease Detection: a Preliminary Case Study On Flavescence DorÉe
* Evaluation of Multiple Linear Regression Model to Obtain Dbh of Trees Using Data From a Lightweight Laser Scanning System On-board a Uav
* Evaluation of PERSIANN-CDR Constructed Using GPCP V2.2 and V2.3 and A Comparison with TRMM 3B42 V7 and CPC Unified Gauge-Based Analysis in Global Scale
* Evaluation of Selected Cost Aggregation Methods On High Resolution Satellite Stereo Images
* Evaluation of Sentinel-3A Wave Height Observations Near the Coast of Southwest England
* Evaluation of Six Directional Canopy Emissivity Models in the Thermal Infrared Using Emissivity Measurements
* Evaluation of Spaceborne GNSS-R Retrieved Ocean Surface Wind Speed with Multiple Datasets
* Evaluation of Spatial Justice in Accessibility of Urban Facilities: A Case Study of Accessibility of Public Parks in District # 11 of Tehran, Iran
* Evaluation of the Accuracy of the Field Quadrat Survey of Alpine Grassland Fractional Vegetation Cover Based on the Satellite Remote Sensing Pixel Scale
* Evaluation of The Impacts of Lack of Geoinformation Data in Crisis Management During The 2018 Kuwait Flood
* Evaluation of the LSA-SAF gross primary production product derived from SEVIRI/MSG data (MGPP)
* Evaluation of the Multi-Angle Implementation of Atmospheric Correction (MAIAC) Aerosol Algorithm for Himawari-8 Data
* Evaluation of The Preservation State of Historical Peninsula In Istanbul Based On Geospatial Data
* Evaluation of The Spatial Distribution of Evacuation Centers in Metro Manila, Philippines
* Evaluation of TRMM-3B42V7 and Persiann-CDR Daily-precipitation Products For The Southern Slopes of Alborz Mountains, Iran
* Evaluation of Two SMAP Soil Moisture Retrievals Using Modeled- and Ground-Based Measurements
* Evaluation of UAV LiDAR for Mapping Coastal Environments
* Evaluation of Uncrewed Aircraft Systems' Lidar Data Quality
* Evaluation of Water Pollution With The Help of Remote Sensing Tools, The
* Events Recognition for a Semi-automatic Annotation of Soccer Videos: A Study Based Deep Learning
* Evolution of Modelling Practices On Canada's Parliament Hill: An Analysis of Three Significant Heritage Building Information Models (HBIM), The
* Evolution of Surge-Type Glaciers in the Yangtze River Headwater Using Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data
* Evolvable fuzzy systems from data streams with missing values: With application to temporal pattern recognition and cryptocurrency prediction
* Examining Associations of The Socioeconomic Characteristics With The Number of Geo-tagged Tweets in Census Block Level (case Study: Boston)
* Examining The Origin of Flowerpot Motifs in The Buildings of Qajar Era
* Exemplar based regular texture synthesis using LSTM
* Expeditious Methods of Urban Survey for Seismic Vulnerability Assessments
* Experiences in Cadastral Restitution At a Town Affected By a Natural Disaster. The Case of Volcan, Jujuy Province, Argentina
* Experiencing Heritage Dynamic Through Visualization
* Experiencing The Inaccessible. a Framework for Virtual Interpretation And Visualization of Remote, Risky or Restricted Access Heritage Places
* Experimental Research on the Use of Recurrent Neural Networks in Landslide Susceptibility Mapping, An
* Experimental Validation of GNSS Interferometric Radio Occultation
* Exploitation of Mcda to Learn The Radial Base Neural Network (rbfnn) Aim Physical and Social Vulnerability Analysis Versus The Earthquake (case Study: Sanandaj City, Iran)
* Exploiting the Potential of VGI Metadata to Develop A Data-Driven Framework for Predicting User's Proficiency in OpenStreetMap Context
* Exploring Brain Hemodynamic Response Patterns via Deep Recurrent Autoencoder
* Exploring credentials of Wi-Fi sensors as a complementary transport data: an Indian experience
* Exploring Driving Factors of Higher Paid Taxi Trips Using Origin-destination GPS Data (case Study: Green Taxis of New York City)
* Exploring Functional Connectivity Biomarker in Autism Using Group-wise Sparse Representation
* Exploring Spatio-temporal Wave Pattern Using Unsupervised Technique
* Exploring the Characteristics of an Intra-Urban Bus Service Network: A Case Study of Shenzhen, China
* Exploring The Potential of Crowd Sourced Data to Map Commuter Points Of Interest: a Case Study of Johannesburg
* Exploring The Potential of Full Waveform Airborne Lidar Features And Its Fusion With Rgb Image in Classification of a Sparsely Forested Area
* Exploring The Relationship Between Travel Pattern And Social-demographics Using Smart Card Data and Household Survey
* Exposure of Marine Turtle Nesting Grounds to Named Storms Along the Continental USA
* Extending Accuracy Assessment Procedures of Global Coverage Land Cover Maps Through Spatial Association Analysis
* extensive evaluation of deep features of convolutional neural networks for saliency prediction of human visual attention, An
* extensive review on spectral imaging in biometric systems: Challenges and advancements, An
* Extent Mapping of a Major Flooding Event On The Island of Trinidad Using Space-borne Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Extracting Dimensions and Locations of Doors, Windows, and Door Thresholds Out of Mobile Lidar Data Using Object Detection to Estimate The Impact of Floods
* Extracting Point of Interests From Movement Data Using Kernel Density And Weighted K-means
* Extracting Taklimakan Dust Parameters from AIRS with Artificial Neural Network Method
* Extracting the Inertia Properties of the Human Upper Body Using Computer Vision
* Extraction and Shape Reconstruction of Guardrails Using Mobile Mapping Data
* Extraction and Transformation of IFC Data to Citygml Format
* Extraction and Visualization of 3d Building Models in Urban Areas For Flood Simulation
* Extraction of Digital Wavefront Sets Using Applied Harmonic Analysis and Deep Neural Networks
* Extraction of Leaf Angle Distribution From An Individual Broadleaf Tree Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data
* Extraction of Rivers and Lakes On Tibetan Plateau Based On Google Earth Engine
* Extraction of urban building damage using spectral, height and corner information from VHR satellite images and airborne LiDAR data
* Eye Tracking: A Process-Oriented Method for Inferring Trust in Automation as a Function of Priming and System Reliability
* Facade's Dome of The St. Anthony's Basilica in Padua, The
* Face completion with Hybrid Dilated Convolution
* Face Recognition With Low False Positive Error Rate
* Farmhouses of The Roman Countryside: Census and Catalog. The Case Of The Estate of Farnesiana, The
* Fast Adaptive Smoothing and Thresholding for Improved Activation Detection in Low-Signal fMRI
* Fast and efficient calculations of structural invariants of chirality
* Fast and general density peaks clustering
* Fast and High-Resolution Three-Dimensional Hybrid-Domain Photoacoustic Imaging Incorporating Analytical-Focused Transducer Beam Amplitude
* Fast and Robust Disparity Estimation from Noisy Light Fields Using 1-D Slanted Filters
* Fast computation of 2D and 3D Legendre moments using multi-core CPUs and GPU parallel architectures
* Fast depth intra coding based on spatial correlation and rate distortion cost in 3D-HEVC
* Fast Edge Preserving 2D Smoothing Filter Using Indicator Function
* Fast Fabric Defect Detection Framework for Multi-Layer Convolutional Neural Network Based on Histogram Back-Projection, A
* Fast image similarity search by distributed locality sensitive hashing
* Fast iterative tomographic wavefront estimation with recursive Toeplitz reconstructor structure for large-scale systems
* Fast mode decision and early termination based on perceptual visual quality for HEVC encoders
* Fast Nonoverlapping Block Jacobi Method for the Dual Rudin-Osher-Fatemi Model
* Fast Pairwise Coarse Registration Between Point Clouds of Construction Sites Using 2d Projection Based Phase Correlation
* Fast sample adaptive offset algorithm for 360-degree video coding
* Fast SAR Target Indexing Method Based on Geometric Models, A
* Fast Single Image Dehazing Using Saturation Based Transmission Map Estimation
* Fast Single-Image Super-Resolution via Deep Network With Component Learning
* Faster R-CNN Approach for Extracting Indoor Navigation Graph From Building Designs, A
* Fault recognition using an ensemble classifier based on Dempster-Shafer Theory
* Feasibility of a BIM-Driven Approach to Support Building Subdivision Workflows: Case Study of Victoria, Australia, The
* Feasibility Study on Incremental Bundle Adjustment with Fisheye Images and Low-Cost Sensors, A
* Feature Filtering and Selection for Dry Matter Estimation On Perennial Ryegrass: a Case Study of Vegetation Indices
* Feature Line Generation and Regularization From Point Clouds
* Feature refinement for image-based driver action recognition via multi-scale attention convolutional neural network
* Feature Selection of Optical Satellite Images for Chlorophyll-a Concentration Estimation
* Feature-agnostic Low-cost Place Recognition for Appearance-based Mapping
* Features of the Cloud Base Height and Determining the Threshold of Relative Humidity over Southeast China
* Few-shot hypercolumn-based mitochondria segmentation in cardiac and outer hair cells in focused ion beam-scanning electron microscopy (FIB-SEM) data
* Field Work Monitoring and Heritage Documentation for The Conservation Project. The Foro Emiliano in Terracina (Italy)
* Filtering the NPP-VIIRS Nighttime Light Data for Improved Detection of Settlements in Africa
* Finer Classification of Crops by Fusing UAV Images and Sentinel-2A Data
* Fire Modelling to Assess Spatial Patterns of Wildfire Exposure In Ardabil, Nw Iran
* Fire Risk Assessment in Dense Urban Areas Using Information Fusion Techniques
* First Approach to UAV-based Contact Inspection: a Smart Payload For Navigation in The Neighbourhood of Structures
* First Assessments On Heritage Science Oriented Image-based Modeling Using Low-cost Modified and Mobile Cameras
* First Provisional Land Surface Reflectance Product from Geostationary Satellite Himawari-8 AHI
* First Vegetation Optical Depth Mapping from Sentinel-1 C-band SAR Data over Crop Fields
* First-Person Action Recognition With Temporal Pooling and Hilbert-Huang Transform
* Fisheye Lens Image Capture Analysis for Indoor 3d Reconstruction And Evaluation
* Fisheye Photogrammetry to Generate Low-cost DTMS
* Floating Car Data (fcd) for Mobility Applications
* Flood Analysis With Remote Sensing Data - a Case Study: Maritsa River, Edirne
* Flood Detection in Norway Based On Sentinel-1 Sar Imagery
* Flood Evacuation Routes Mapping Based On Derived- Flood Impact Analysis From Landsat 8 Imagery Using Network Analyst Method
* Flood Hazard Assessment Using Participatory Approach and Weighted Overlay Methods
* Flood Hazard Mapping At Long Xuyen Quadrangle in 2015 Using Geographic Information and Remote Sensing
* Flood Impact-based Forecasting for Early Warning and Early Action In Tana River Basin, Kenya
* Flood Mapping and Permanent Water Bodies Change Detection Using Sentinel Sar Data
* Flood Mapping Using Synthetic Aperture Radar: a Case Study of Ramsar Flash Flood
* Flood Monitoring Using Ndwi and Mndwi Spectral Indices: a Case Study Of Aghqala Flood-2019, Golestan Province, Iran
* Flood Risk Zonation Using a Multi-criteria Spatial Group Fuzzy-ahp Decision Making and Fuzzy Overlay Analysis
* Focusing High-Squint Synthetic Aperture Radar Data Based on Factorized Back-Projection and Precise Spectrum Fusion
* Forced-node route guidance system: Incorporating both user equilibrium and system optimal benefits
* Foreground extraction via dual-side cameras on a mobile device using long short-term trajectory analysis
* Forest Degradation Analysis Using Geospatial Techniques Approach In Tropical Region of Pahang, Malaysia
* Forgotten Architecture: Smart Tools for Cultural Tourism in The Cloister of The Prior (santa Maria Delle Grazie, Milan)
* Formalism of Compact Polarimetric Descriptors and Extension of the Delta-alpha_B/alpha_B Method for General Compact-Pol SAR
* Formalizing a Multi-dimensional Land Management System: The Stakeholders' Perspective
* Formalizing Human-Machine Interactions for Adaptive Automation in Smart Manufacturing
* Formap: a Simple and Fast Photogrammetry Framework for Direct Geo-referencing Systems
* Forward-stagewise clustering: An algorithm for convex clustering
* Foss4g Date for DSM Generation: Sensitivity Analysis of The Semi-global Block Matching Parameters
* FPGA implementation of an adaptive window size image impulse noise suppression system
* Framework for 3D Point Cloud Modelling Aimed at Road Sight Distance Estimations
* Framework for Estimating Representative Area of a Ground Sample Using Remote Sensing, A
* Free Global DEM: Converting DSM to DTM and Its Applications
* Frequency Ratio Landslide Susceptibility Estimation in a Tropical Mountain Region
* Frequency subspace amplitude flow for phase retrieval
* From Fienup's phase retrieval techniques to regularized inversion for in-line holography: tutorial
* From Lidar Data Towards HBIM for Structural Evaluation
* From Perspective Drawing to Low Cost Photogrammetry: Application in Architectural Studies
* From Reality to Parametric Models of Cultural Heritage Assets for HBIM
* From The Elaboration Process of Point Cloud to Information Systems Both For Planning and Design Management of Cultural Heritage
* From The Extraordinary Nature of The Great Pompeii Project to Planned Conservation
* From The General Documentation of Hadrian's Villa to Design Analysis Of Complex Cupolas: a Procedural Approach
* From TLS to FE Analysis: Points Cloud Exploitation for Structural Behaviour Definition. The San Ciriaco's Bell Tower
* Frustum-based probabilistic framework for 3D object detection by fusion of LiDAR and camera data, A
* Full Polarimetric Uavsar Image Change Detection Based On Change Indices
* Full-spectrum denoising of high-SNR hyperspectral images
* Fully Adaptive Radar for Variable Resolution Imaging
* Fully Convolutional Networks for Street Furniture Identification In Panorama Images
* Fusing dynamic deep learned features and handcrafted features for facial expression recognition
* Fusing HOG and convolutional neural network spatial-temporal features for video-based facial expression recognition
* Fusing texture, edge and line features for smoke recognition
* Fusion of Feature Based and Deep Learning Methods for Classification Of MMS Point Clouds
* Fusion of Hyperspectral, Multispectral, Color and 3d Point Cloud Information for The Semantic Interpretation of Urban Environments
* Fusion of Multiple Edge-Preserving Operations for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Fusion of Multiple Person Re-id Methods With Model and Data-Aware Abilities
* Fusion-based Workflow for Turning SLAM Point Clouds and Fisheye Data Into Texture-enhanced 3d Models, A
* Futuregan: Anticipating The Future Frames of Video Sequences Using Spatio-temporal 3d Convolutions in Progressively Growing GANs
* Fuzzy Logic Approach for Drone Capability Analysis On Disaster Risk Assessment, A
* Fuzzy Logic Based Burned Severity Classification and Mapping With Landsat-8 Data
* gait skeleton model extraction method based on the fusion between vision and tactility, A
* Gamher Research Project for Metric Documentation of Cultural Heritage: Current Developments, The
* Gaming Approach for Cultural Heritage Knowledge and Dissemination, A
* General External Uncertainty Models of Three-Plane Intersection Point for 3D Absolute Accuracy Assessment of Lidar Point Cloud
* Generalization of Wirtinger Flow for Exact Interferometric Inversion, A
* Generalized Latent Multi-View Subspace Clustering
* Generalized N-way iterative scanline fill algorithm for real-time applications
* Generalized quantification of three-dimensional resolution in optical diffraction tomography using the projection of maximal spatial bandwidths
* Generating labels for regression of subjective constructs using triplet embeddings
* Generation of a Benchmark Dataset Using Historical Photographs for An Automated Evaluation of Different Feature Matching Methods
* Generation of Airy vortex beam arrays using computer-generated holography
* Generation of personalized video summaries by detecting viewer's emotion using electroencephalography
* Generative image deblurring based on multi-scaled residual adversary network driven by composed prior-posterior loss
* Generative Modeling, Virtual Reality and Hbim Interaction: Immersive Environment for Built Heritage: Case Study of Shaikh Isa Bin Ali House, Bahrain
* Generic Approach toward Indoor Navigation and Pathfinding with Robust Marker Tracking, A
* Generic Rigorous Sensor Model for Photogrammetric Processing Of Pushbroom Planetary Images, A
* Genetic Algorithm Based Feature Selection for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping in Northern Iran
* Geo-information Technologies for a Multimodal Access On Historical Photographs and Maps for Research and Communication in Urban History
* Geo-referenced Database to Manage The Landscape Areas Under Preservation in Lombardy Region, A
* Geo-referenced XIX Century Cartography: An Analysis Tool and A Project Reference for The Preservation and Management of Built And Landscape Heritage, The
* Geo-Tagged Photo Metadata Processing Method for Beijing Inbound Tourism Flow
* GEOBIA Achievements and Spatial Opportunities in the Era of Big Earth Observation Data
* GeoBIM Benchmark 2019: Design and Initial Results
* GeoBIM Benchmark 2019: Intermediate Results
* Geodatabase for Multisource Data Management Applied to Cultural Heritage: The Case Study of Villa Buonaccorsi's Historical Garden, A
* Geodesic Mixed Effects Model in Kendall's Shape Space, A
* Geodetic Model of the 2017 Mw 6.5 Mainling Earthquake Inferred from GPS and InSAR Data
* Geographic Object-Based Image Analysis for Automated Landslide Detection Using Open Source GIS Software
* Geoinformation for Research of Ongoing Geodynamic Processes in The Republic of Croatia
* Geomatic Methods Applied to The Change Study of The La Paúl Rock Glacier, Spanish Pyrenees
* Geomatic Techniques for Monitoring and Verifying of The Wear Condition Of The Runways of The Bridge Cranes
* Geomatic Techniques for The Colonnade Structural Analysis of The Historical Chiaramonte Steri Building
* Geomatics and Archaeometric Investigations for The Sustainable Reuse Of Ruins. The Santa Chiara Convent Ruin in Cagliari (Sardinia)
* Geomatics in Bridge Structural Health Monitoring, Integrating Terrestrial Laser Scanning Techniques and Geotechnical Inspections On A High Value Cultural Heritage
* Geomatics Techniques for The Enhancement and Preservation of Cultural Heritage
* Geometric Features Analysis for The Classification of Cultural Heritage Point Clouds
* Geometric Object Based Building Reconstruction From Satellite Imagery Derived Point Clouds
* Geometric Primitives Assessing Italian-Czech Vault Construction Techniques in Baroque Period
* Geometric Survey Data and Historical Sources Interpretation for HBIM Process: The Case of Mantua Cathedral Façade
* Geometric Targets for UAS Lidar
* Geophysical Investigation of the Neolithic Calanais Landscape
* Geophysical Prospecting Using ERT and IP Techniques to Locate Galena Veins
* Georeferencing and Reprojection Error Investigation On Image Based 3d Digitization and Mapping of Historical Buildings
* Geospatial Approach for Groundwater Exploration At UTM Johor Bahru Campus
* Geospatial Assessment and Modeling of Urban Heat Islands in Quezon City, Philippines Using Ols and Geographically Weighted Regression
* Geospatial Machine Learning Datasets Structuring and Classification Tool: Case Study for Mapping LULC From Rasat Satellite Images
* Geospatial Model for Large Scale Sea Cliff Rockfall Susceptibility Mapping
* Gesture recognition for human-machine interaction in table tennis video based on deep semantic understanding
* Giardino Delle Camelie in The Boboli Monumental Garden: Integrated Survey, Structural Reinforcement and Restoration Project of The Architecture, The Decorations and The Hydraulic System, The
* Gis Analysis of The Seismic Damage On Historical Masonry Spires
* GIS Based Solar Power Plants Site Selection Using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) in Istanbul, Turkey
* GIS or BIM? a Comparison Applied to The Conservation Management Plan Of A 20th Century Architectural Heritage
* GIS Tool for The Management of Seismic Emergencies in Historical Centers: How to Choose The Optimal Routes for Civil Protection Interventions, A
* GIS-based Mapping of Estimated Flood Inundation Area, Geometrical Aspect
* GIS-Based Tool for Automatic Bankfull Detection from Airborne High Resolution DEM, A
* Global Ambitions, Local Contexts: Alternative Ways of Knowing the World
* Global Mapping of GDP at 1 km2 Using VIIRS Nighttime Satellite Imagery
* Global Optimality in Separable Dictionary Learning with Applications to the Analysis of Diffusion MRI
* GPU-based elastic shape registration approach in implicit spaces, A
* Gradient-based kernel selection technique for tumour detection and extraction of medical images using graph cut
* Gradient-region Constrained Level Set Method for Autonomous Rock Detection From Mars Rover Image, A
* Grafted network for person re-identification
* Grapes Visual Segmentation for Harvesting Robots Using Local Texture Descriptors
* Graph Sequence Recurrent Neural Network for Vision-Based Freezing of Gait Detection
* Graph-matching Approach to Indoor Localization Using a Mobile Device And a Reference BIM, A
* Graphical Data Flow Based in Tls and Photogrammetry for Consolidation Studies of Historical Sites. The Case Study of Juromenha Fortress In Portugal
* Grasping Unknown Objects by Exploiting Complementarity with Robot Hand Geometry
* Gravimetric Geoid Modelling Over Peninsular Malaysia Using Two Different Gridding Approaches for Combining Free Air Anomaly
* Green Architecture As An Effective Strategy to Preserve Culture Heritage - Special Mention Vancouver City - Canada
* Grey System Theory in Research into Preferences Regarding the Location of Place of Residence within a City
* Ground Based 3d Modelling (photogrammetry and TLS) - Survey, Documentation and Structural Assessment of XX Century Cultural Heritage In India - a Case Study of The Masonry Vaults in Dehradun
* Ground Point Filtering From Airborne Lidar Point Clouds Using Deep Learning: a Preliminary Study
* Groundwater Vulnerability Mapping Using a Modified-drastic Model In Ajabshir Plain, Southeast Coast of Urmia Lake, Iran
* Guided thinning
* H-BIM and The Domains of Data Investigations of Heritage Buildings Current State of The Art
* Half a Percent of Labels is Enough: Efficient Animal Detection in UAV Imagery Using Deep CNNs and Active Learning
* Hand-Dorsa Vein Recognition Based on Task-Specific Cross-Convolutional-Layer Pooling
* Handheld Volumetric Scanner for 3d Printed Integrations of Historical Elements: Comparison and Results
* Handwritten Music Recognition for Mensural notation with convolutional recurrent neural networks
* Hardware Accelerated Image Processing on an Fpga-soc Based Vision System for Closed Loop Monitoring and Additive Manufacturing Process Control
* Harmful Algal Blooms Monitoring Using Sentinel-2 Satellite Images
* Hazy Image Decolorization With Color Contrast Restoration
* HBIM Analysis of The Geometry to Understand The Constructive Technique: The Use of The Trompe Volume in a Brick Vault, The
* HBIM for The Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Traditional Bell Towers
* Hbim for The Surveying, Analysis and Restoration of The Saint John The Theologian Cathedral in Nicosia (Cyprus)
* HBIM Generation: Extending Geometric Primitives and BIM Modelling Tools For Heritage Structures and Complex Vaulted Systems
* HBIM Implementation for An Ottoman Mosque. Case of Study: Sultan Mehmet Fatih Ii Mosque in Kosovo
* HBIM in a Semantic 3D GIS Database
* HBIM Level of Detail-geometry-accuracy and Survey Analysis For Architectural Preservation
* HBIM Methodologies for The Architectural Restoration. The Case of The Ex-church of San Quirico All'olivo in Lucca, Tuscany
* HBIM Oriented Towards The Master Plan of The Charterhouse of Jerez (Cádiz, Spain)
* HD number plate localization and character segmentation on the Zynq heterogeneous SoC
* HDRANet: Hybrid Dilated Residual Attention Network for SAR Image Despeckling
* Hedging static saliency models to predict dynamic saliency
* Heritage and Development Strategy On Historic Urban Landscape (HUL): The Added Value of Multi-temporal Hub Application
* Heritage At Risk in Brazil: What Lessons Can We Learn From The Regeneration of Royal Arsenal, East London?
* Heritage Landscape Information Model (HLIM): Towards a Contextualised Framework for Digital Landscape Conservation in China
* Hermite-Gaussian mode detection via convolution neural networks
* Heterogeneous Multireference Alignment for Images With Application to 2D Classification in Single Particle Reconstruction
* Heterogeneous oblique random forest
* HGR-Net: a fusion network for hand gesture segmentation and recognition
* Hidden Graffiti Identification On Marble Surfaces Through Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Techniques
* Hierarchical Data Model for Storage and Indexing of Massive Street View
* Hierarchical Image Inpainting by a Deep Context Encoder Exploiting Structural Similarity and Saliency Criteria
* Hierarchical Integration of Rich Features for Video-Based Person Re-Identification
* Hierarchical Semantic Correspondence Analysis on Feature Classes between Two Geospatial Datasets Using a Graph Embedding Method
* High confidence detection for moving target in aerial video
* High Precision DTM and DOM Generating Using Multi-source Orbital Data On Chang'e-4 Landing Site
* High Resolution 3d Acquisition and Modelling in Cultural Heritage Knowledge and Restoration Projects: The Survey of The Fountain Of Neptune in Bologna
* High Throughput Phenotyping of Physiological Growth Dynamics From Uas-based 3d Modeling in Soybean
* High-capacity reversible data hiding in encrypted image based on specific encryption process
* High-dimensional data clustering by using local affine/convex hulls
* High-Performance Airborne Imaging Spectrometer HyPlant: From Raw Images to Top-of-Canopy Reflectance and Fluorescence Products: Introduction of an Automatized Processing Chain, The
* High-Precision Phase-Derived Velocity Measurement Method for High-Speed Targets Based on Wideband Direct Sampling LFM Radar, A
* High-Rate Monitoring of Satellite Clocks Using Two Methods of Averaging Time
* High-Resolution and Accurate Topography Reconstruction of Mount Etna from Pleiades Satellite Data
* High-resolution augmented reality 3D display with use of a lenticular lens array holographic optical element
* High-Resolution Imagery Classification Based on Different Levels of Information
* High-Resolution Intertidal Topography from Sentinel-2 Multi-Spectral Imagery: Synergy between Remote Sensing and Numerical Modeling
* High-Resolution Optical Remote Sensing Image Registration via Reweighted Random Walk Based Hyper-Graph Matching
* High-Spatial-Resolution Population Exposure to PM2.5 Pollution Based on Multi-Satellite Retrievals: A Case Study of Seasonal Variation in the Yangtze River Delta, China in 2013
* High-Throughput Architecture for Both Lossless and Near-lossless Compression Modes of LOCO-I Algorithm
* High-Throughput Onboard Hyperspectral Image Compression With Ground-Based CNN Reconstruction
* High-throughput parallel DWT hardware architecture implemented on an FPGA-based platform
* High-Throughput Phenotyping of Indirect Traits for Early-Stage Selection in Sugarcane Breeding
* Higher precision range estimation for context-based adaptive binary arithmetic coding
* Highly Accurate Matching of Weakly Localized Features
* Highly Discrete Mapping of The Growing Season Time Frames and Time Dynamics
* Historical Photos and Visualizations: Potential for Research
* History and Applications of Space-borne Lidars
* History, Geometry, Structure: Interdisciplinary Analysis of A Historical Bridge
* Holistic Heritage Building Information Modelling (HHBIM): From Nodes To Hub Networking, Vocabularies and Repositories
* Homography-based traffic sign localisation and pose estimation from image sequence
* Hotine Oblique Mercator Map Projection in Proj4js Library
* How accurately do different computer-based texture characterization methods predict material surface coarseness? A guideline for effective online inspection
* How anisotropy of CIELAB color space affects the separation effect: an experimental study
* How Data-Poor Countries Remain Data Poor: Underestimation of Human Settlements in Burkina Faso as Observed from Nighttime Light Data
* How Is the Confidentiality of Crime Locations Affected by Parameters in Kernel Density Estimation?
* How to Estimate Global Motion Non-Iteratively From a Coarsely Sampled Motion Vector Field
* How to Extract Useful Information About The Decay of Bass Relieves In Archaeological Area
* How Will Climate Change Impact The Storm Magnitude and Throufall In Several Forest Areas in Iran?
* HPILN: a feature learning framework for cross-modality person re-identification
* HsgNet: A Road Extraction Network Based on Global Perception of High-Order Spatial Information
* Huffman Coding
* Human action recognition based on action relevance weighted encoding
* Human Detection Based On a Sequence of Thermal Images Using Deep Learning
* Human Gait Recognition Based on Deterministic Learning and Data Stream of Microsoft Kinect
* Human-Centric Data Science for Urban Studies
* Human-Induced and Climate-Driven Contributions to Water Storage Variations in the Haihe River Basin, China
* Human-robot interaction based on gesture and movement recognition
* Hybrid Bio-Optical Transformation for Satellite Bathymetry Modeling Using Sentinel-2 Imagery, A
* Hybrid camera array based calibration for computer-generated integral photography display
* Hybrid Geometric Similarity and Local Consistency Measure for GPR Hyperbola Detection
* Hybrid method for speckle noise reduction in digital holography
* Hybrid Mobile Augmented Reality: Web-like Concepts Applied to High Resolution 3d Overlays
* Hybrid Optimization Method for Vehicle Routing Problem Using Artificial Bee Colony and Genetic Algorithm, A
* Hybrid phase-amplitude superoscillation element for nonscanning optical superresolution imaging
* hybrid swarm intelligence based approach for abnormal event detection in crowded environments, A
* Hybridization of An Improved Particle Swarm Optimization and Fuzzy K-means Algorithm for Hyperspectral Image Classification, A
* Hydrological Impacts of Large Fires and Future Climate: Modeling Approach Supported by Satellite Data
* Hyperbolic Distortion Model for Radial Distortion Correction
* Hypergraph isomorphism using association hypergraphs
* Hypergraph Matching Labeled Multi-Bernoulli Filter for Group Targets Tracking, A
* Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection with Harmonic Analysis and Low-Rank Decomposition
* Hyperspectral Change Detection in Wetland and Water-body Areas Based On Machine Learning
* Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on Two-Phase Relation Learning Network
* Hyperspectral Image Classification By Exploiting Convolutional Neural Networks
* Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution by Deep Spatial-Spectral Exploitation
* Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution via Adaptive Dictionary Learning and Double L_1 Constraint
* Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution with 1D-2D Attentional Convolutional Neural Network
* Hyperspectral imaging in color vision research: tutorial
* Hyperspectral Recovery from RGB Images using Gaussian Processes
* Hyperspectral Restoration via L_0 Gradient Regularized Low-Rank Tensor Factorization
* Ice Flow Velocity Mapping of East Antarctica From 1963 to 1989
* Ice Sheet Elevation Mapping and Change Detection With The Ice, Cloud And Land Elevation Satellite-2
* iDeLog: Iterative Dual Spatial and Kinematic Extraction of Sigma-Lognormal Parameters
* Identification of Abnormal Cortical 3-hinge Folding Patterns on Autism Spectral Brains
* Identification of Hydrothermal Alteration Minerals for Exploring Gold Deposits Based on SVM and PCA Using ASTER Data: A Case Study of Gulong
* IIRNet: A lightweight deep neural network using intensely inverted residuals for image recognition
* Illuminant-invariant stereo matching using cost volume and confidence-based disparity refinement
* Image alignment based perceptual image hash for content authentication
* Image authentication using a vector beam with sparse phase information
* image denoising approach based on adaptive nonlocal total variation, An
* Image encryption algorithm based on image hashing, improved chaotic mapping and DNA coding
* Image Enhancing in Poorly Illuminated Subterranean Environments for Mav Applications: A Comparison Study
* Image fusion method based on spatially masked convolutional sparse representation
* Image quality assessment based on adaptive multiple Skyline query
* Image quality recognition technology based on deep learning
* Image quality study of CT imaging examination in children with childhood tumors under ultrasound-guided puncture
* Image retrieval based on ASIFT features in a Hadoop clustered system
* Image Sharpening With Blur Map Estimation Using Convolutional Neural Network
* Image sorting via a reduction in travelling salesman problem
* Image Super-Resolution as a Defense Against Adversarial Attacks
* Image super-resolution using conditional generative adversarial network
* Image-Based Gating of Intravascular Ultrasound Sequences Using the Phase Information of Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform Coefficients
* Image-based Vehicle Tracking From Roadside Lidar Data
* Image-independent optimal non-negative integer bit allocation technique for the DCT-based image transform coders
* Imaging through distributed-volume aberrations using single-shot digital holography
* Imbalanced Learning in Land Cover Classification: Improving Minority Classes' Prediction Accuracy Using the Geometric SMOTE Algorithm
* Impact of a Vicinity of Airport on the Prices of Single-Family Houses with the Use of Geospatial Analysis
* Impact of Artificial Wetland Expansion on Local Temperature in the Growing Season: the Case Study of the Sanjiang Plain, China, The
* Impact of Different Trajectories On Extrinsic Self-calibration For Vehicle-based Mobile Laser Scanning Systems
* Impact of ECOM Solar Radiation Pressure Models on Multi-GNSS Ultra-Rapid Orbit Determination
* Impact of Gap Filling On Quality of Road Networks
* Impact of Polarimetric SAR Speckle Reduction On Classification Of Agriculture Lands
* Impact of the New ERA5 Reanalysis in the Computation of Radar Altimeter Wet Path Delays
* Impact of Virtual Reality Experience On Accessibility of Cultural Heritage
* Impacts and Contributors of Representativeness Errors of In~Situ Albedo Measurements for the Validation of Remote Sensing Products
* Impacts of Rapid Socioeconomic Development on Cropping Intensity Dynamics in China during 2001-2016
* Implementation and First Evaluation of An Indoor Mapping Application Using Smartphones and AR Frameworks
* Implementation of 3d Cadastre With Indigenous Knowledge Concept of tri Hita Karana in Bali Island, Indonesia
* Implementation of a Satellite Based Inland Water Algal Bloom Alerting System Using Analysis Ready Data
* Implementation of Modern Geocentric Datum: a Review, The
* Implementation of Survey and Three-dimensional Monitoring Of Archaeological Excavations of The Khirbat Al-dusaq Site, Jordan
* Implementing Functional Modularity for Processing of General Photogrammetric Data With The Damped Bundle Adjustment Toolbox (DBAT)
* implicit radar convolutional burn index for burnt area mapping with Sentinel-1 C-band SAR data, An
* Importance of Vertices in Complex Networks Applied to Texture Analysis
* Improved Coherent Point Drift Method for TLS Point Cloud Registration of Complex Scenes, An
* Improved Faraday Rotation Estimation in Spaceborne PolSAR Data Using Total Variation Denoising
* Improved Hybrid Segmentation Method for Remote Sensing Images, An
* Improved Indoor Positioning Technique Based On a Geographic Weighted Regression
* Improved Low-Bitrate HEVC Video Coding Using Deep Learning Based Super-Resolution and Adaptive Block Patching
* Improved Mapping of Mountain Shrublands Using the Sentinel-2 Red-Edge Band
* Improved Mobile Mapping System to Detect Road-Killed Amphibians and Small Birds, An
* Improved person re-identification based on saliency and semantic parsing with deep neural network models
* improved reversible watermarking scheme using weighted prediction and watermarking simulation, An
* Improvement and Performance Evaluation of a System for Monitoring Rotations and Displacements of Bridges Based On Laser Pointer And Digital Photogrammetry
* Improvement of Air Pollution in China Inferred from Changes between Satellite-Based and Measured Surface Solar Radiation
* Improvement of Existing and Development of Future Copernicus Land Monitoring Products - The Ecolass Project
* Improvement of safe stopping distance and accident risk coefficient based on active driver sight field on real road conditions
* Improvement of Split-Window Algorithm for Land Surface Temperature Retrieval from Sentinel-3A SLSTR Data Over Barren Surfaces Using ASTER GED Product
* Improving 3d Mesh Quality Using Multi-directional UAV Images
* Improving Automatic Reconstruction of Interior Walls From Point Cloud Data
* Improving Forest Aboveground Biomass Estimation of Pinus densata Forest in Yunnan of Southwest China by Spatial Regression using Landsat 8 Images
* Improving holographic search algorithms using sorted pixel selection
* Improving Performance of Feature Extraction in Sfm Algorithms for 3d Sparse Point Cloud
* Improving Slice-Based Model for Person Re-ID with Multi-Level Representation and Triplet-Center Loss
* Improving the AMSR-E/NASA Soil Moisture Data Product Using In-Situ Measurements from the Tibetan Plateau
* Improving the estimation of fractional vegetation cover from UAV RGB imagery by colour unmixing
* Improving the RST-OIL Algorithm for Oil Spill Detection under Severe Sun Glint Conditions
* Improving the uniformity of holographic recording using multi-layer photopolymer: Part II. Experimental results
* Improving the uniformity of holographic recording using multilayer photopolymer. Part I. Theoretical analysis
* Improving Traversability Estimation Through Autonomous Robot Experimentation
* In Vivo Measurement of Brain Tissue Response After Irradiation: Comparison of T2 Relaxation, Apparent Diffusion Coefficient, and Electrical Conductivity
* Inclusive Cultural Heritage Sites: Ict As a Tool to Support The Design Process and Share Knowledge
* Increasing Tracking Robustness for Low-complexity Real-time Reconstructions With Handheld Optical Scanners
* Indicator-based Approach for Micro-scale Physical Flood Vulnerability Mapping, An
* Individual Tree Detection and Determination of Tree Parameters Using Uav-based Lidar Data
* Individual Tree Detection From UAV Lidar Data in a Mixed Species Woodland
* Individual Tree Species Classification Based On Terrestrial Laser Scanning Using Curvature Estimation and Convolutional Neural Network
* Indoor 3d Interactive Asset Detection Using a Smartphone
* Indoor Location Prediction Method for Shopping Malls Based on Location Sequence Similarity
* Indoor Mapping Eyewear: Geometric Evaluation of Spatial Mapping Capability of Hololens
* Indoor Positioning Based-on Images Aided By Artificial Neural Networks
* Indoor Positioning Using Convolution Neural Network to Regress Camera Pose
* Influence of driver characteristics on emissions and fuel consumption
* Influence of Land-use Land-cover Changes On Urban Bird Communities, The
* Influence of the description of the scattering matrix on permittivity reconstruction with a quantitative imaging procedure: polarization effects
* Influence of Tropical Cyclone Intensity and Size on Storm Surge in the Northern East China Sea
* Influence of Vegetation Characteristics on Individual Tree Segmentation Methods with Airborne LiDAR Data, The
* Information Constrained Control Analysis of Eye Gaze Distribution Under Workload
* Informative Content 3d Model for The Hall Holding The Resurrection Of Christ By Piero Della Francesca Mural Painting At Sansepolcro, Italy, An
* Informative Content Models for Infrastructure Load Testing Management: The Azzone Visconti Bridge in Lecco
* Infrared Small-Faint Target Detection Using Non-i.i.d. Mixture of Gaussians and Flux Density
* Infrared Thermal Imaging As a Non-destructive Investigation Method For Building Archaeological Purposes
* Initial Design Framework for Virtual Historic Dublin, An
* Initial Evaluation of The Potential of Smartphone Stereo-vision In Museum Visits
* Initial Investigation of a Low-cost Automotive Lidar System
* Innovative Tools for Managing Historical Buildings: The Use Of Geographic Information System and Ontologies for Historical Centers
* Innovative Virtual Simulation Teaching Platform on Digital Mapping with Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for Remote Sensing Education, An
* Inpainting Occlusion Holes in 3d Built Environment Point Clouds
* INS-aided 3D Lidar Seamless Mapping in Challenging Environment For Future High Definition Map
* INSAR Analysis of Ayvacik 2017 (mw 5.3) Earthquake Swarm (canakkale, Nw-turkey)
* INSAR Time Series Investigation of Land Surface Deformation in Azar Oil Field
* Instrumental Basis for Multispectral Lidar With Spectrally-resolved Distance Measurements, An
* Integrated Approach Combining Direct Survey and Observation in Damage Analysis in Case of Soil Settlement
* Integrated Knowledge On a Three-dimensional Basis: The Foundation Of The Conservation Project and Possible Implications in The Bim Area The Case of The Portrait Room of Palazzo Borea d'Olmo in Sanremo
* Integrated Management and Visualization of Static and Dynamic Properties of Semantic 3d City Models
* Integrated Network-constrained Spatial Analysis for Car Accidents: A Case Study of Tehran City, Iran, An
* integrated photogrammetric and photoclinometric approach for illumination-invariant pixel-resolution 3D mapping of the lunar surface, An
* Integrated Study of The Beata Vergine Assunta Dome With Structure From Motion and Diagnostic Approaches
* Integrated Survey for Tensional Analysis of The Vault of The Church Of San Nicola in Montedoro
* Integrated Survey Techniques: Preliminary Studies for The Conservation Of Villa Galvagnina
* Integrated system for automatic detection of representative video frames in wireless capsule endoscopy using adaptive sliding window singular value decomposition
* Integrated Use of GIS, Remote Sensing Data and a Set of Models For Operational Flood Forecasting
* Integrating a Low-cost Mems Imu Into a Laser-based Slam for Indoor Mobile Mapping
* Integrating Activity-Based Geographic Information and Long-Term Remote Sensing to Characterize Urban Land Use Change
* Integrating Heterogeneous Datasets in Hbim of Decorated Surfaces
* Integrating Network Concept Into Multi Criteria Analysis for Suggesting Bus Rapid Transit Routes
* Integrating word embeddings and document topics with deep learning in a video classification framework
* Integration Between Surface and Subsurface Spatial Objects For Developing Oman 3D SDI Based on the CityGML Standard
* Integration Between Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and Terrestrial Laser Scanner in Producing 3d Model
* Integration of 3D Model from UAV Survey in BIM Environment
* Integration of 3d Spatial and Non-Spatial Component for Strata Management, The
* Integration of a Low-cost Multisensory UAV System for Forest Application
* Integration of a Scan-to-hbim Process in BIM Application: The Development of An Add-in to Guide Users in Autodesk Revit, The
* Integration of Active Sensors for Geometric Analysis of The Chapel Of The Holy Shroud
* Integration of Mobile GIS and Linked Data Technology For Spatio-temporal Transport Data Model
* Integration of Multi-Camera Video Moving Objects and GIS
* Integration of Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8 Data for Surface Reflectance Time-series Analysis
* Integrative IRT for Documentation and Interpretation of Archaeological Structures
* Intelligent and vision-based fire detection systems: A survey
* Intelligent attack defense scheme based on DQL algorithm in mobile fog computing
* Intelligent Management Occurrence and Spread of Front Fire in GIS by Using Cellular Automata. Case Study: Golestan Forest
* Inter-class angular margin loss for face recognition
* Interactions among the Phenological Events of Winter Wheat in the North China Plain-Based on Field Data and Improved MODIS Estimation
* Interactive 3d City Visualization From Structure Motion Data Using Game Engine
* Interactive Context-Aware Anomaly Detection Guided by User Feedback
* Interactive Design Tool for Urban Planning Using The Size of The Living Space As Unit of Measurement, An
* Interactive GPU active contours for segmenting inhomogeneous objects
* Interferometric Path Models for GNSS Ground-based Phase Altimetry
* Interferometric Point Target Analysis (ipta) for Landslide Monitoring
* Interpretation of ASCAT Radar Scatterometer Observations Over Land: A Case Study Over Southwestern France
* Interpretation of The Function of The Obelisk of Augustus in Rome From Antique Texts to Present Time Virtual Reconstruction
* Intersection Recognition Using Results of Semantic Segmentation for Visual Navigation
* Intersection-First Approach for Road Network Generation from Crowd-Sourced Vehicle Trajectories, An
* Introducing a Novel Method to Solve Shortest Path Problems Based On Structure of Network Using Genetic Algorithm
* Invariant phi-Minimal Sets and Total Variation Denoising on Graphs
* Inventory Project for The Cultural Assets of Istanbul: A Model for Digitization of Cultural Heritage
* Investigating Contextual Effects on Burglary Risks: A Contextual Effects Model Built Based on Bayesian Spatial Modeling Strategy
* Investigating for 3d Turkey Cadastre With International Standards
* Investigating Mangrove Fragmentation Changes Using Landscape Metrics
* Investigating of Forest Change in Golestan Province Using Landsat Image
* Investigating Temporal and Spatial Effects of Urban Planning Variables On Crime Rate: a GWR and OLS Based Approach
* Investigating The Effect of Capacity Criterion On The Optimal Allocation of Emergency Facilities in Gis Environment
* Investigating The Effect of Pso Algorithm On Reducing Control Points In Camera Calibration
* Investigating The Possibility of Preparing Small Scale Soil Moisture Map From Coupled Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Data
* Investigating the resolution capability of terrestrial laser scanners and its impact on the effective number of measurements
* Investigating The Rhythms of Human Movements in Geneva Lake Region Using MDC Data
* Investigating The Usability of UAV Obtained Multispectral Imagery In Tree Species Segmentation
* Investigating Water Storage Changes in Iran Using Grace and Chirps Data In The Google Earth Engine System
* Investigation Into The Behaviour And Modelling of Chromatic Aberrations In Non-metric Digital Cameras
* Investigation Into The Potential of Single Photon Airborne Laser Scanning Technology
* Investigation of Filtering and Objects Detection Algorithms for A Multizone Image Sequence
* Investigation of Forest Canopy Density Changes in Hyrcanian Forest Resources During 1987 to 2002 Using Remote Sensing Technology
* Investigation of Mountain Glacier Storage and Its Changes During 2000-2016 in The Western Tibetan Plateau Using Combined Ground And Satellite Observations
* Investigation of Potential Dust Sources Using Sentinel-1 and Neural Network: a Case Study From Bandar-e Emam-omidiye
* Investigation of Spectral Characteristics of Carbonate Rocks - a Case Study On Posht Moleh Mount in Iran
* Investigation of Sustainable Urban Development Direction Using Geographic Information Systems (case Study: Zanjan City)
* Investigation of The Correlation Between Grace Tws and Soil Moisture In Sarakhs Catchment
* Investigation of wildfire impacts on land surface phenology from MODIS time series in the western US forests
* Investigations Into The Quality of Image-based Point Clouds From UAV Imagery
* Investigations On The Design Process of Eladio Dieste: 3d Parametric Modelling of Modern Latin American Architectural Heritage
* Investigations On The Geometric Quality of Cameras for UAV Applications Using The High Precision UAV Test Field Zollern Colliery
* Investigations On Vertical Land Movements Along The North Sea And Baltic Sea Coast in Germany With Ps Interferometry
* IR Feature Embedded BOF Indexing Method for Near-Duplicate Video Retrieval
* Iranian Land Cover Mapping Using Landsat-8 Imagery and Random Forest Algorithm
* Iris Image Key Points Descriptors Based On Phase Congruency
* Is multiplexed off-axis holography for quantitative phase imaging more spatial bandwidth-efficient than on-axis holography?
* Isolation Forests to Evaluate Class Separability and the Representativeness of Training and Validation Areas in Land Cover Classification
* Isotropic wavevector domain image filters by a photonic crystal slab device
* Issues with Common Assumptions about the Camera Pipeline and Their Impact in HDR Imaging from Multiple Exposures
* Iterative Multiple Hypothesis Tracking With Tracklet-Level Association
* Iterative phase retrieval for digital holography: tutorial
* Jacobi circle and annular polynomials: modal wavefront reconstruction from wavefront gradient
* Joint Calibration Method of 3d Images Acquired By Common Optical Path Payload, A
* Joint Classification of ALS and DIM Point Clouds
* Joint Geometric Calibration of Color And Thermal Cameras For Synchronized Multimodal Dataset Creating
* Joint Research Project Ankommen: Exploration Using Automated UAV and UGV, The
* Joint Stereo Video Deblurring, Scene Flow Estimation and Moving Object Segmentation
* Joint Texture/Depth Power Allocation for 3-D Video SoftCast
* July/August 2019 Lava Flows at the Sciara del Fuoco, Stromboli-Analysis from Multi-Sensor Infrared Satellite Imagery, The
* K-nearest Neighbour Query Performance Analyses On a Large Scale Taxi Dataset: Postgresql Vs. Mongodb
* Kernel Entropy Component Analysis-Based Robust Hyperspectral Image Supervised Classification
* Keynote: The Biography of Objects
* Keynote: Using The Getty Vocabularies to Connect Resources in a Linked And Open World: Growing Potential Through Contributions
* Keypoint based weakly supervised human parsing
* Lab Non Destructive Test to Analyze the Effect of Corrosion on Ground Penetrating Radar Scans
* LADM-Based 3D Underground Utility Mapping: Case Study in Singapore, The
* LAMB-DASH: a DASH-HEVC adaptive streaming algorithm in a sharing bandwidth environment for heterogeneous contents and dynamic connections in practice
* Laminated Wood and Multimaterial Wood - Adhesive Meshas Replacements Of Solid Wood in Restoration of Historical Buildings
* Land Cover Change Detection from High-Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery Using Multitemporal Deep Feature Collaborative Learning and a Semi-supervised Chan-Vese Model
* Land Use and Land Cover Classification Using Hyperspectral Imagery: Evaluating The Performance of Spectral Angle Mapper, Support Vector Machine and Random Forest
* Land Use Classification Based On Multi-structure Convolution Neural Network Features Cascading
* Land Use versus Land Cover: Geo-Analysis of National Roads and Synchronisation Algorithms
* Land Use/land Cover Assessment in a Seismically Active Region In Kundasang, Sabah
* Land-cover Maps Using Multiple Classifier System for Post-disaster Landscape Monitoring
* Landsat Capability to Mapping of Total Solid Suspended (tss) And Coastal Ecosystem
* Landslide Deformation Monitoring By Three-camera Imaging System
* Landslide Hazard Mapping Using a Radial Basis Function Neural Network Model: a Case Study in Semirom, Isfahan, Iran
* Landslide Investigation Using Differential Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry: a Case Study of Balloran Dam Area in Syria
* Lane-keeping control based on an improved artificial potential method and coordination of steering/braking systems
* Large-scale and adaptive service composition based on deep reinforcement learning
* Large-Scale Bayesian Spatial-Temporal Regression with Application to Cardiac MR-Perfusion Imaging
* Large-scale multi-label classification using unknown streaming images
* Laser and Multi-image Reverse Engineering Systems for Accurate 3d Modelling of Complex Cultural Artefacts
* Laser-visual-inertial Odometry Based Solution for 3d Heritage Modeling: The Sanctuary of The Blessed Virgin of Trompone
* Latest Geodetic Changes of Austre Lovénbreen and Pedersenbreen, Svalbard
* Lattice Identification and Separation: Theory and Algorithm
* Lava Dome Changes Detection At Agung Mountain During High Level Of Volcanic Activity Using UAV Photogrammetry
* LB-LSD: A length-based line segment detector for real-time applications
* Le Corbusier's Apartment-studio: 3D Model Data of Preliminary Research for the Restoration
* Leaf Canopy Layers Affect Spectral Reflectance in Silver Birch
* Learning a strong detector for action localization in videos
* Learning attentive dynamic maps (ADMs) for Understanding Human Actions
* Learning Compact Features for Human Activity Recognition Via Probabilistic First-Take-All
* Learning Control Policies of Driverless Vehicles from UAV Video Streams in Complex Urban Environments
* Learning cost function for graph classification with open-set methods
* Learning disentangling and fusing networks for face completion under structured occlusions
* Learning full-reference quality-guided discriminative gradient cues for lane detection based on neural networks
* Learning Human Cognition via fMRI Analysis Using 3d Cnn and Graph Neural Network
* Learning Interleaved Cascade of Shrinkage Fields for Joint Image Dehazing and Denoising
* Learning mean progressive scattering using binomial truncated loss for image dehazing
* Learning Object Detectors With Semi-Annotated Weak Labels
* Learning one-to-many stylised Chinese character transformation and generation by generative adversarial networks
* Learning part-aware attention networks for kinship verification
* Learning Semantic Text Features for Web Text-Aided Image Classification
* Learning Siamese networks for laser vision seam tracking
* Learning to Grasp Familiar Objects Based on Experience and Objects' Shape Affordance
* Learning to propagate labels on graphs: An iterative multitask regression framework for semi-supervised hyperspectral dimensionality reduction
* Learning-based method for lane detection using regionlet representation
* Lesson Learned On Monitoring Cultural Heritage At Risk Under Climate Changes: Strategy, Techniques and Results
* Leukocyte recognition in human fecal samples using texture features
* Level set based shape prior and deep learning for image segmentation
* Leveraging Pre-trained CNN Models for Skeleton-based Action Recognition
* Leveraging Symmetries to Improve Object Detection and Pose Estimation from Range Data
* LGCN: Learnable Gabor Convolution Network for Human Gender Recognition in the Wild
* Lidar and Photogrammetry Approaches for Monitoring Land Surface Morphology in Ephemeral Gully System
* LiDAR and UAV System Data to Analyse Recent Morphological Changes of a Small Drainage Basin
* Lidar Data Analyses for Assessing The Conservation Status of The So-called Baths-church in Hierapolis of Phrygia (tr)
* LiDAR, Territory and Archaeological Areas: New Results and Perspectives For The Knowledge, Analysis and Preservation of Complex Contexts
* Lifecycle Management, Monitoring and Assessment for Safe Large-scale Infrastructures: Challenges and Needs
* Light Field Coding Using Weighted Binary Images
* Likelihood learning in modified Dirichlet Process Mixture Model for video analysis
* Linearized kernel dictionary learning with group sparse priors for action recognition
* Listen to Your Face: Inferring Facial Action Units from Audio Channel
* Lithological Classification Using Multi-sensor Data and Convolutional Neural Networks
* Lithological Mapping Using Landsat 8 Oli and Aster Multispectral Data In Imini-ounilla District South High Atlas of Marrakech
* Local Binary Graph Feature Reduction for Three-dimensional Gabor Filter Based Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Local Maximum Density Approach for Small-scale Clustering of Urban Taxi Stops
* Local model-based hyperspectral pansharpening algorithm via optimization constraint equation and sliding window
* local thresholding approach to flood water delineation using Sentinel-1 SAR imagery, A
* Local Versus Global Variational Approaches to Enhance Watershed Transformation Based Individual Tree Crown Segmentation of Digital Surface Models From 3k Optical Imagery
* Locally Joint Sparse Marginal Embedding for Feature Extraction
* Long Line Cliff Topography Measurement By Using Structure From Motion Algorithm in Photogrammetry
* Long Term Changes in Flooding Around Gifu City
* Long Wave Infrared Image Colorization for Person Re-identification
* Long-Term Change of the Secchi Disk Depth in Lake Maninjau, Indonesia Shown by Landsat TM and ETM+ Data
* Long-Term High-Resolution Sediment and Sea Surface Temperature Spatial Patterns in Arctic Nearshore Waters Retrieved Using 30-Year Landsat Archive Imagery
* Long-Term Water Surface Area Monitoring and Derived Water Level Using Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) at Altevatn, a Medium-Sized Arctic Lake
* Longitudinal Prediction of Infant Diffusion MRI Data via Graph Convolutional Adversarial Networks
* Lost Heritage of Roman Iron and Steel Bridges. Virtual Reconstruction of Two Case Studies, The
* Low Cost Techniques for The Digital Survey of a Minoan Architecture In The Archeological Site of Phaistos (crete)
* Low Cost Underwater Test Environment, A
* Low Cost Web-application for Management of 3d Digital Building And Complex Based on BIM and GIS
* Low Data Requirements Framework for Landslide Susceptibility Prediction Using 3d Alos Palsar Images and Neural Networks
* Low-cost 4d BIM Modelling: a Comparison Between Freecad and Commercial Software
* Low-cost Development of An Interactive, Immersive Virtual Reality Experience of The Historic City Model Stade 1620
* Low-cost Technological Implementations Related to Integrated Application Experiments
* Low-cost Wheeled Robot-borne Laser Scanning System for Indoor And Outdoor 3d Mapping Application
* Low-Rank Model for Compressive Spectral Image Classification, A
* Low-rank tensor completion for visual data recovery via the tensor train rank-1 decomposition
* Lunar Surface Sampling Feasibility Evaluation Method for Chang'e-5 Mission
* Machine Learning Dataset for Large-scope High Resolution Remote Sensing Image Interpretation Considering Landscape Spatial Heterogeneity, A
* Machine Learning for Sea Ice Monitoring From Satellites
* Machine Learning in Big Lidar Data: a Review
* Macro Photogrammetry for The Damage Assessment of Artwork Painted Surfaces
* Magnifying Subtle Facial Motions for Effective 4D Expression Recognition
* Mago: a New Approach for Orthophotos Production Based On Adaptive Mesh Reconstruction
* Making Virtual Archeology Great Again (without Scientific Compromise)
* Management of 20th Century Hydroelectric Plants As Industrial Heritage
* Management Plans and Web-gis Software Applications As Active And Dynamic Tools to Conserve and Valorize Historic Public Gardens
* Management Processes Reconstruction of Historical Buildings Supported By Smart Technology - a Case Study of Fuzhou City
* Managing Cultural Heritage With Integrated Services Platform
* Mapping Artificial Terraces From Image Matching Point Cloud in Loess Plateau of China
* Mapping at 30 m Resolution of Soil Attributes at Multiple Depths in Midwest Brazil
* Mapping Bathymetry By Landsat Data in Shallow Coastal Environment (case Study: The Southeast of The Caspian Sea)
* Mapping Creative Industries: A Case Study on Supporting Geographical Information Systems in the Olomouc Region, Czech Republic
* Mapping Evolving Historical Landscape Systems
* Mapping Glacier Changes Using Clustering Techniques On Cloud Computing Infrastructure
* Mapping Grassland Frequency Using Decadal MODIS 250 m Time-Series: Towards a National Inventory of Semi-Natural Grasslands
* Mapping large-area tidal flats without the dependence on tidal elevations: A case study of Southern China
* Mapping of Burned Area Using Presence and Background Learning Framework On The Google Earth Engine Platform
* Mapping of Snow Depth by Blending Satellite and In-Situ Data Using Two-Dimensional Optimal Interpolation: Application to AMSR2
* Mapping of Soil Total Nitrogen Content in the Middle Reaches of the Heihe River Basin in China Using Multi-Source Remote Sensing-Derived Variables
* Mapping Quality Evaluation of Monocular Slam Solutions for Micro Aerial Vehicles
* Mapping Spatial Quality of Slow Routes With a GIS-based Method A Comparative Assessment of Alternative Routes
* Mapping Spatial Variations of Structure and Function Parameters for Forest Condition Assessment of the Changbai Mountain National Nature Reserve
* Mapping System and Photogrammetric Processing Method for Tethered Balloon Platform
* Mapping The Effects of Agricultural Development to Water Yield Using Remote Sensing
* Mapping the Spatio-temporal Functional Coherence in the Resting Brain
* Mapping Velocity of The Potsdam Glacier, East Antarctica Using Landsat-8 Data
* Mapping Water Surface Elevation and Slope in the Mississippi River Delta Using the AirSWOT Ka-Band Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar
* MapReduce-Based D_ELT Framework to Address the Challenges of Geospatial Big Data
* Marked Point Processes for The Automatic Detection of Bomb Craters In Aerial Wartime Images
* Mask OBB: A Semantic Attention-Based Mask Oriented Bounding Box Representation for Multi-Category Object Detection in Aerial Images
* Mass Balance of Antarctic Ice Sheet From 2003 to 2008: a Systematically Improved New Estimation
* Mass Movements Detection From UAV Images Analysis
* Mass Movements of An Alpine Rock Glacier
* MASS-UMAP: Fast and Accurate Analog Ensemble Search in Weather Radar Archives
* Matching of TerraSAR-X derived ground control points to optical image patches using deep learning
* Matching RGB and Infrared Remote Sensing Images with Densely-Connected Convolutional Neural Networks
* Mathematical Sensor Model for Indoor Use of a Multi-beam Rotating 3d Lidar, A
* Maximization of The 4th Dimension of The Building Site, The
* Mean gradient descent: an optimization approach for single-shot interferogram analysis
* Measurement Accuracy On 3d Point Cloud Generated Using Multispectral Imagery By Different Calibration Methods
* Measurement of Fluid-structure Interaction of Wind Turbines in Wind Tunnel Experiments: Concept And First Results
* Measurement of Mobility-Based Accessibility: The Impact of Floods on Trips of Various Length and Motivation, The
* Measurement of the diffusion of light within paper
* Measuring SDG 15 at the County Scale: Localization and Practice of SDGs Indicators Based on Geospatial Information
* Melting Layer Detection and Characterization based on Range Height Indicator-Quasi Vertical Profiles
* Mems Based Bridge Monitoring Supported By Image-assisted Total Station
* Mensiochronology Analysis Supported By New Advanced Survey Techniques: Field Tests in Milanese Area, The
* Merging Photogrammetry and Augmented Reality: The Canadian Library Of Parliament
* meta-learning approach for selecting image segmentation algorithm, A
* Metaheuristic pansharpening based on symbiotic organisms search optimization
* Methane Mapping with Future Satellite Imaging Spectrometers
* Method for 3D City Building Continuous Transformation Based on an Improved LOD Topological Data Structure
* Method for Assessing The Symmetry of Objects On Digital Binary Images Based On Fourier Descriptor
* Method for Road Network Extraction from High-Resolution SAR Imagery Using Direction Grouping and Curve Fitting, A
* Method of Population Spatialization Considering Parametric Spatial Stationarity: Case Study of the Southwestern Area of China, A
* Method of Urban Road Network Extraction Based On Floating Car Trajectory Data, A
* Method of Watershed Delineation for Flat Terrain Using Sentinel-2A Imagery and DEM: A Case Study of the Taihu Basin, A
* Methodology for 3d Acquisition of Highly Reflective Goldsmithing Artefacts
* Methodology for the Automatic Extraction and Generation of Non-Verbal Signals Sequences Conveying Interpersonal Attitudes, A
* Metric learning-based kernel transformer with triplets and label constraints for feature fusion
* Metrology and The BIM Approach: A New Cognitive Paradigm About the Ancient Construction, The
* Microwave SAIR Imaging Approach Based on Deep Convolutional Neural Network
* Midterm Fire Danger Prediction Using Satellite Imagery and Auxiliary Thematic Layers
* Minimal-time Trajectories for Interception of Malicious Drones in Constrained Environments
* Mining discriminative spatial cues for aerial image quality assessment towards big data
* Mitigation of Ionospheric Scintillation Effects on GNSS Signals with VMD-MFDFA
* Mixture Probabilistic Principal Geodesic Analysis
* Mixture variational autoencoders
* MLS Point Cloud Segmentation Based On Feature Points of Scanlines
* Mobile Indoor Laser Scanning for 3d Strata Registration Purposes Based On Indoorgml
* Mobile Laser Scan Data for Road Surface Damage Detection
* Mobile Laser Scanning for Estimating Tree Stem Diameter Using Segmentation and Tree Spine Calibration
* Mobile Phone Imaging for Ch Façade Modelling
* Modal-based phase retrieval using Gaussian radial basis functions
* Model Ensembles of Artificial Neural Networks and Support Vector Regression for Improved Accuracy in the Prediction of Vegetation Conditions and Droughts in Four Northern Kenya Counties
* Model for an Affective Non-Expensive Utility-Based Decision Agent, A
* Model for Animal Home Range Estimation Based on the Active Learning Method, A
* Modeling and optimization of a geometrical calibration procedure for stereoscopic video endoscopes
* Modeling and optimization of closed-loop retinal motion tracking in scanning light ophthalmoscopy
* Modeling Hyperspectral Response of Water-Stress Induced Lettuce Plants Using Artificial Neural Networks
* Modeling Spatio-Temporal Evolution of Urban Crowd Flows
* Modeling The Impact of Surface Characteristics On The Near Surface Temperature Lapse Rate
* Modeling the occlusion problem in thermal imaging to allow seeing through mist and foliage
* Modeling Urban Crime Patterns Using Spatial Space Time and Regression Analysis
* Modelling and Visualizing Holographic 3D Geographical Scenes with Timely Data Based on the HoloLens
* Modelling in Hbim to Document Materials Decay By a Thematic Mapping To Manage The Cultural Heritage: The Case of Chiesa Della PietÀ in Fermo
* Modelling of Population Exposure to Landslide Risk in Sukabumi, Indonesia Using Gis
* Modelling the Altitude Dependence of the Wet Path Delay for Coastal Altimetry Using 3-D Fields from ERA5
* Modelling The Amount of Carbon Stock Using Remote Sensing in Urban Forest and Its Relationship With Land Use Change
* Modelling Three-Dimensional Spatiotemporal Distributions of Forest Photosynthetically Active Radiation Using UAV-Based Lidar Data
* Modelling Urban Heat Island Using Remote Sensing and City Morphological Parameters
* Models of Images With Radial-circular Structure
* Modified Search Strategies Assisted Crossover Whale Optimization Algorithm with Selection Operator for Parameter Extraction of Solar Photovoltaic Models
* Modified Three-dimensional Gray-level Co-occurrence Matrix for Image Classification With Digital Surface Model, A
* Modified tropical algebra based median filter for removing salt and pepper noise in digital image
* Monitoring 2.0: Update on the Halyomorpha halys Invasion of Trentino
* Monitoring Alpine Glaciers From Close-range to Satellite Sensors
* Monitoring and Preservation of The Kyiv Pechersk Lavra Caves
* Monitoring Method of Color Decaying for Colored Patterns In Architectural Heritage, A
* Monitoring Movement At Makli
* Monitoring of Deformation of The Foguang Temple's East Main Hall Under The Concept of Preventive Conservation
* Monitoring of Egyptian Coastal Lakes Using Remote Sensing Techniques
* Monitoring Post-Fire Recovery of Chaparral and Conifer Species Using Field Surveys and Landsat Time Series
* Monitoring SDG 9 with Global Open Data and Open Software - a Case Study From Rural Tanzania
* Monitoring Sub-weekly Evolution of Surface Velocity and Elevation for A High-latitude Surging Glacier Using Sentinel-2
* Monitoring The Surface Subsidence of Handan City Using Sentinel-1a Images and Sbas-insar Technology
* Monitoring the Water Quality of Small Water Bodies Using High-Resolution Remote Sensing Data
* Monitoring Within-Field Variability of Corn Yield using Sentinel-2 and Machine Learning Techniques
* Monte Carlo Tree Search on Directed Acyclic Graphs for Object Pose Verification
* MorpheuS: Generating Structured Music with Constrained Patterns and Tension
* Mosaicing Fidelity Geometrical Assessment Based On Surf Point Classification
* Motion energy image for evaluation of video stabilization
* Motion Segmentation Multiple Object Tracking by Correlation Co-Clustering
* Moving Morphable Components Based Shape Reconstruction Framework for Electrical Impedance Tomography, A
* Moving Object Detection Using Spatial Correlation in LAB Colour Space
* Moving Obstacles Planner Algorithm for a Six-wheeled Surveying Robot, A
* Moving vehicle tracking based on improved tracking-learning-detection algorithm
* Multi Criteria Recommendation Model for Jaunt, A
* Multi Parametric Micro-level Vulnerability Assessment Model For Mountain Habitat: a Case Example From Bhilangana Block, Uttarakhand Himalaya, India, A
* multi-branch hand pose estimation network with joint-wise feature extraction and fusion, A
* Multi-Channel Algorithm for Mapping Volcanic Thermal Anomalies by Means of Sentinel-2 MSI and Landsat-8 OLI Data, A
* Multi-dimensional Analytics Platform to Support Planning and Design For Liveable and Sustainable Urban Environment, A
* Multi-disnet: Machine Learning-based Object Distance Estimation from Multiple Cameras
* Multi-distance support matrix machines
* Multi-frame stereo matching with edges, planes, and superpixels
* Multi-Grained Deep Feature Learning for Robust Pedestrian Detection
* Multi-Grained Parallel Solution for HEVC Encoding on Heterogeneous Platforms, A
* Multi-hazard Risk Assessment in Urban Planning and Development Using Ahp
* Multi-Hypothesis Prediction Scheme Based on the Joint Sparsity Model
* Multi-Layer Abstraction Saliency for Airport Detection in SAR Images
* Multi-level rate-constrained successive elimination algorithm tailored to suboptimal motion estimation in HEVC
* Multi-level thresholding based on differential evolution and Tsallis Fuzzy entropy
* Multi-modal deep learning for landform recognition
* Multi-model ensemble with rich spatial information for object detection
* Multi-purpose Chestnut Clusters Detection Using Deep Learning: A Preliminary Approach
* Multi-scalar Photogrammetric Recording Approach in Termez (Uzbekistan), A
* Multi-scalar Surveys for Complex Architectures
* Multi-scale and Scale Dimension Properties in Spatial Raster Modelling: Concept and Current Implementation
* Multi-scale Feature Fused Single Shot Detector for Small Object Detection in UAV Images
* Multi-scale Relation Network for Few-shot Learning Based on Meta-learning
* Multi-Scale Relationship between Land Surface Temperature and Landscape Pattern Based on Wavelet Coherence: The Case of Metropolitan Beijing, China
* Multi-Scale Rotation-Invariant Haar-Like Feature Integrated CNN-Based Ship Detection Algorithm of Multiple-Target Environment in SAR Imagery
* Multi-Scale Validation of MODIS LAI Products Based on Crop Growth Period
* Multi-sensor 3d Recording Pipeline for The Documentation of Javanese Temples
* Multi-source Approaches for Complex Architecture Documentation: The Palazzo Ducale in Gubbio (Perugia, Italy)
* Multi-source Satellite Observations Reveal Evolution Pattern of Rifts In The Filchner-ronne Ice Shelf, Antarctica
* Multi-Temporal and Multi-Frequency SAR Analysis for Forest Land Cover Mapping of the Mai-Ndombe District (Democratic Republic of Congo)
* Multi-temporal High-resolution Landslide Monitoring Based On Uas Photogrammetry and Uas Lidar Geoinformation
* Multi-view Stereo With Semantic Priors
* Multi-wavelengths 3d Laser Scanning for Pigment and Structural Studies On The Frescoed Ceiling the Triumph of Divine Providence
* Multidimensional and Multiscale GIS
* Multidisciplinary Documental Representation Method for Kinetic and Environmental Art, A
* Multifeature extracting CNN with concatenation for image denoising
* Multilevel Eigenvector Spatial Filtering Model of House Prices: A Case Study of House Sales in Fairfax County, Virginia, A
* Multilevel fusing paired visible light and near-infrared spectral images for face anti-spoofing
* Multilevel weighted enhancement for underwater image dehazing
* Multimodal Brain Tumor Segmentation Using Encoder-decoder with Hierarchical Separable Convolution
* Multimodal Deep Learning Framework for Enhanced Accuracy of UAV Detection
* Multimodal Human-Human-Robot Interactions (MHHRI) Dataset for Studying Personality and Engagement
* Multiobjective optimization for recognition of isolated handwritten Indic scripts
* Multiple Kernel Feature Line Embedding for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Multiple object tracking in soccer videos using topographic surface analysis
* Multiple vector representations of images and robust dictionary learning
* Multiple Vehicles and People Tracking in Aerial Imagery Using Stack of Micro Single-Object-Tracking CNNs
* Multiple-image encryption based on chaotic phase mask and equal modulus decomposition in quaternion gyrator domain
* Multiprocessor architecture for real-time applications using mean shift clustering
* Multiresolution Compressive Feature Fusion for Spectral Image Classification
* Multiresolution-based weighted regularization for denoised image interpolation from scattered samples with application to confocal microscopy
* Multiscale Productivity Assessment of High Andean Peatlands across the Chilean Altiplano Using 31 Years of Landsat Imagery, A
* Multiscale Symmetric Dense Micro-Block Difference for Texture Classification
* Multisource surveillance video coding with synthetic reference frame
* Multispectral Airborne Laser Scanning Point-clouds for Land Cover Classification Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Multispectral and Hyperspectral Satellite Data for Alteration Mapping Using Partial-Subpixel Algorithm in an Unexplored Region
* Multispectral Image Segmentation Based on a Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm Combined with Tsallis Entropy and a Gaussian Mixture Model
* Multitarget Tracking Control for Coupled Heterogeneous Inertial Agents Systems Based on Flocking Behavior
* Multitask Representation Learning for Multimodal Estimation of Depression Level
* Multivariate Myriad Filters Based on Parameter Estimation of Student-t Distributions
* Mumford-Shah Loss Functional for Image Segmentation With Deep Learning
* nCREANN: Nonlinear Causal Relationship Estimation by Artificial Neural Network; Applied for Autism Connectivity Study
* NDEI-based Mapping of Land Surface Changes
* Near Real-Time Characterization of Spatio-Temporal Precursory Evolution of a Rockslide from Radar Data: Integrating Statistical and Machine Learning with Dynamics of Granular Failure
* Near-Real Time Automatic Snow Avalanche Activity Monitoring System Using Sentinel-1 SAR Data in Norway
* Near-Real-Time Tephra Fallout Assessment at Mt. Etna, Italy
* Needles in a Haystack: Tracking City-Scale Moving Vehicles From Continuously Moving Satellite
* Negro Tower: Documentation, Conservation, and Restoration
* Neighbor-rank densities for non-metric data
* Network Through Centuries: From The Byzantine Era to Present Days
* Neural aesthetic image reviewer
* Neural Machine Translation with Deep Attention
* Neural Network Method for Drought Modeling Using Satellite Data
* Neural Networks for Shape Recognition By Medial Representation
* New Algorithm for the Retrieval of Atmospheric Profiles from GNSS Radio Occultation Data in Moist Air and Comparison to 1DVar Retrievals, A
* new color image encryption scheme based on DNA encoding and spatiotemporal chaotic system, A
* New Fuzzy-Cluster-Based Cycle-Slip Detection Method for GPS Single-Frequency Observation, A
* New Handheld Scanner for 3d Survey of Small Artifacts: The Stonex F6, A
* New Hybrid Pan-sharpening Method Based On Type-1 Fuzzy-DWT Strategy
* new hybrid-parameter recurrent neural network for online handwritten chinese character recognition, A
* New Multiple Classifier System Based on a PSO Algorithm for The Classification of Hyperspectral Images, A
* New over-relaxed monotone fast iterative shrinkage-thresholding algorithm for linear inverse problems
* New Realities for Canada's Parliament: a Workflow for Preparing Heritage Bim for Game Engines and Virtual Reality
* New Remote Sensing Approach to Enrich Hydropower Dams' Information and Assess Their Impact Distances: A Case Study in the Mekong River Basin, A
* New Restoration Method for Radio Frequency Interference Effects on AMSR-2 over North America, A
* New Strategy for Phase Unwrapping in Insar Time Series Over Areas With High Deformation Rate: Case Study On The Southern Tehran Subsidence, A
* New Thinking of LULC Classification Accuracy Assessment, A
* New Tools for Cultural Heritage Tourism: Accessible Virtual Reality For Milan's Basilica Sant'ambrogio
* New Typhoon-Monitoring Method Using Precipitation Water Vapor, A
* New Variational Model for Joint Image Reconstruction and Motion Estimation in Spatiotemporal Imaging, A
* Next Generation Mapping: Combining Deep Learning, Cloud Computing, and Big Remote Sensing Data
* No-reference image quality assessment based on neighborhood co-occurrence matrix
* NO2 Retrieval from the Environmental Trace Gases Monitoring Instrument (EMI): Preliminary Results and Intercomparison with OMI and TROPOMI
* Noise Reduction and Interpretation of Ice-penetrating Radar Data In Antarctic Ice Sheet Based On Variational Mode Decomposition
* Non-Employment Activity Type Imputation from Points of Interest and Mobility Data at an Individual Level: How Accurate Can We Get?
* non-fuzzy interferometric phase estimation algorithm based on modified Fully Convolutional Network, A
* Non-rigid Registration of White Matter Tractography Using Coherent Point Drift Algorithm
* Non-Temporal Point Cloud Analysis for Surface Damage in Civil Structures
* Nonlinear Distribution Regression for Remote Sensing Applications
* Nonparametric Estimation of DEM Error in Multitemporal InSAR
* Nonstationary Least-Squares Decomposition With Structural Constraint for Denoising Multi-Channel Seismic Data
* Normalization of unconstrained handwritten words in terms of Slope and Slant Correction
* Normalized Projection Models for Geostationary Remote Sensing Satellite: A Comprehensive Comparative Analysis (January 2019)
* Normalized Surf for Multispectral Image Matching and Band Co-registration, A
* novel 2D and 3D multimodal approach for in-the-wild facial expression recognition, A
* Novel Adaptive Histogram Trend Similarity Approach for Land Cover Change Detection by Using Bitemporal Very-High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* Novel Approach to Optimize The Ridesharing Problem Using Genetic Algorithm, A
* Novel calibration method for camera array in spherical arrangement
* Novel Denoising Algorithm for Airborne Lidar Point Cloud Based On Empirical Mode Decomposition, A
* Novel Ensemble Approach for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping (LSM) in Darjeeling and Kalimpong Districts, West Bengal, India, A
* novel fast fractal image compression based on reinforcement learning, A
* Novel Geometric Framework on Gram Matrix Trajectories for Human Behavior Understanding, A
* Novel High-Capacity Reversible Data Hiding Scheme for Encrypted JPEG Bitstreams, A
* Novel Image Restoration Method Based on Multi-Frame Super-Resolution for Atmospherically Distorted Images
* Novel Method for Plane Extraction from Low-Resolution Inhomogeneous Point Clouds and its Application to a Customized Low-Cost Mobile Mapping System, A
* Novel Method for the Absolute Pose Problem with Pairwise Constraints, A
* Novel Motion Detection Method Using 3D Discrete Wavelet Transform, A
* Novel Spectra-Derived Features for Empirical Retrieval of Water Quality Parameters: Demonstrations for OLI, MSI, and OLCI Sensors
* Novel Tensor Technique for Simultaneous Narrowband and Wideband Interference Suppression on Single-Channel SAR System, A
* Novel Tie Point Based Strategy for Point Cloud and Imagery Data Fine Registration, A
* novel unsupervised Globality-Locality Preserving Projections in transfer learning, A
* Novel Water Index (SWI) for Salty Water from Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS, A
* NRLI-UAV: Non-rigid registration of sequential raw laser scans and images for low-cost UAV LiDAR point cloud quality improvement
* Numerical Quadrature for Probabilistic Policy Search
* Object detection in optical remote sensing images: A survey and a new benchmark
* Object-based Approach for Monitoring The Evolution Of Landslide-dammed Lakes and Detecting Triggering Landslides in Taiwan, An
* Object-Based Hierarchical Compound Classification Method for Change Detection in Heterogeneous Optical and SAR Images, An
* Object-Based Markov Random Field Model with Anisotropic Penalty for Semantic Segmentation of High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery, An
* Object-Based Strategy for Improving the Accuracy of Spatiotemporal Satellite Imagery Fusion for Vegetation-Mapping Applications, An
* Object-specific optimization of hierarchical multiscale segmentations for high-spatial resolution remote sensing images
* Occluded Area Removing From Handheld Laser Scanner Data During 3d Building Modelling
* Occupancy Inference Through Energy Consumption Data: A Smart Home Experiment
* Ocean Surface Cross Section for Bistatic HF Radar Incorporating a Six DOF Oscillation Motion Model
* Octagon of The Nidaros Cathedral in Trondheim: Constructive, Historical and Technical Studies About Its Restoration Procedures Until The 19th Century, The
* Old and Low-cost Sensor for Microphotogrammetry. Case Study: The Emperor Maximianus Herculeus' Medallion At The Correr Museum (Venice)
* On the Adequacy of Representing Water Reflectance by Semi-Analytical Models in Ocean Color Remote Sensing
* On the Coherency of Ocean and Land Surface Specular Scattering for GNSS-R and Signals of Opportunity Systems
* On The Fusion of Camera and Lidar for 3d Object Detection And Classification
* On the importance of local and global analysis in the judgment of similarity and dissimilarity of faces
* On The Relationship Between Geomatics and Conservation: Lessons Learned From Integrated Restoration Laboratories
* On the use of local ray termination for efficiently constructing qualitative BSPs, BIHs and (S)BVHs
* On The Use of Sentinel-2 Images and High Resolution Dtm for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping in a Developing Urban Settlement (Mamak, Ankara, Turkey)
* On the value of corner reflectors and surface models in InSAR precise point positioning
* Online Information Augmented SiamRPN
* Online Tool Condition Monitoring Based on Parsimonious Ensemble+
* Ontological Assessment and Significance of Semantic Levels of Tags In OpenStreetMap
* Ontology-Driven Cyberinfrastructure for Intelligent Spatiotemporal Question Answering and Open Knowledge Discovery, An
* Open Space Attraction Based Navigation in Dark Tunnels for Mavs
* Open-source Image-based 3d Reconstruction Pipelines: Review, Comparison And Evaluation
* Operator Strategy Model Development in UAV Hacking Detection
* Opportunities of UAVS in Orchard Management
* Optical image processing with metasurface dark modes
* Optimal Assimilation of Daytime SST Retrievals from SEVIRI in a Regional Ocean Prediction System
* Optimal storage and loading zones within surface parking facilities for privately owned automated vehicles
* Optimal Threshold and Vegetation Index Time Series for Retrieving Crop Phenology Based on a Modified Dynamic Threshold Method, The
* Optimisation of linear dependence energy for object co-segmentation in a set of images with heterogeneous contents
* Optimisation of The Calibration Process of a K-TLS Based Multi-sensor-system By Genetic Algorithms
* Optimised Workflow for The Interactive Experience With Cultural Heritage Through Reality-based 3d Models: Cases Study in Archaeological And Urban Complexes, An
* Optimising Sampling Strategies in Coral Reefs Using Large-Area Mosaics
* Optimization model for multiplicative noise and blur removal based on Gaussian curvature regularization
* Optimization of Emergency Evacuation in Fire Building By Integrated BIM and GIS
* Optimization of Shortest-Path Search on RDBMS-Based Graphs
* Optimization of Sugarcane Harvest Using Remote Sensing
* Optimizing Energy Consumption of Vehicle Sensor Networks Based On The K-means Clustering Method and Ant Colony Algorithm
* Orientation of UAV Image Blocks By Surface Matching
* Orientation-based Pairwise Coarse Registration With Markerless Terrestrial Laser Scans
* Original Algorithm for BIM Generation From Indoor Survey Point Clouds, An
* Orthographic Reflectance Image for Planar Target Localization in Low Density TLS Point Clouds
* Overall Methodology Design for the United States National Land Cover Database 2016 Products
* Overview of Legacy AC Automation for Energy-efficient Thermal Comfort Preservation
* Overview of The Planetary Atmospheric Spectral Telescope (PAST) In The Scientific Experimental System in Near-space (SENSE), The
* Panoramic SLAM from a multiple fisheye camera rig
* Parallax Tolerant Light Field Stitching for Hand-Held Plenoptic Cameras
* Parameters Derived from and/or Used with Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping and Landslide Risk Assessment: A Review
* Parametric Heritage. The Digital Reconstruction of P.l. Nervi's Palazzo Del Lavoro in The 3dmodelling Age
* Partially coherent microscope imaging system in phase space: Effect of defocus and phase reconstruction
* Partially coherent microscope in phase space
* Pattern generation strategies for improving recognition of Handwritten Mathematical Expressions
* PCCT: a Point Cloud Classification Tool to Create 3d Training Data To Adjust and Develop 3d Convnet
* PCL: Proposal Cluster Learning for Weakly Supervised Object Detection
* Pedestrian Dead Reckoning Using Smartphones Sensors: An Efficient Indoor Positioning System in Complex Buildings of Smart Cities
* Perceived speed of changing color in chroma and hue directions in CIELAB
* Perceiving Motion From Dynamic Memory for Vehicle Detection in Surveillance Videos
* Perception of human skin conditions and image statistics
* Perceptual hashing for image authentication: A survey
* Performance Assessment of Sub-Daily and Daily Precipitation Estimates Derived from GPM and GSMaP Products over an Arid Environment
* Performance Evaluation of 3DPD, The Photogrammetric Pipeline for The Cassis Stereo Images
* Performance Evaluation of Sequential Band Orientation By Polynomial Models in Hyperspectral Cubes Collected With Uav
* Performance of Gnss Carrier-tracking Loop Based On Kalman Filter in A Challenging Environment
* Performance Testing of istSOS under High Load Scenarios
* Persistence Paths and Signature Features in Topological Data Analysis
* Persistent Scatterer Interferometry Procedure to Monitor Urban Subsidence, A
* Person Recognition in Personal Photo Collections
* Personalization Envisaged in Museum Application Guides and Their Implications: Understanding The Contextualization of The Virtual Museum Within The Museums of Korea
* Personalized Food Image Classifier Considering Time-Dependent and Item-Dependent Food Distribution
* Personalized Trip Planning Considering User Preferences and Environmental Variables with Uncertainty
* Perspectives on stability and mobility of transit passenger's travel behaviour through smart card data
* Phase curvature compensation in digital holographic microscopy based on phase gradient fitting and optimization
* Phase-error correction in digital holography using single-shot data
* Phenology Patterns Indicate Recovery Trajectories of Ponderosa Pine Forests After High-Severity Fires
* Photogrammetric Assessment and Comparison of DJI Phantom 4 Pro and Phantom 4 RTK Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems
* Photogrammetric Solutions for 3d Modeling of Cultural Heritage Sites In Remote Areas
* Photogrammetric Wireframe and Dense Point Cloud 3d Modelling Of Historical Structures: The Study of Sultan Selim Mosque and Yusuf Aga Library in Konya, Turkey
* Photogrammetric Workflow for Rapid Site Documentation At Stobi, Republic of North Macedonia, A
* Photogrammetry As a Method for Retrieving Geometrical Information On The 20th Century Heritage. The Agip Colony in Cesenatico
* Photogrammetry As a Participatory Recovery Tool After Disasters: A Grounded Framework for Future Guidelines
* Photogrammetry As a Tool for Living Architecture
* Photogrammetry for Quick Survey in Emergency Conditions: The Case Of Villa Galvagnina
* Photogrammetry: Methods of Survey and Applications On Restoration Works
* Photometric Stereo Assisted Drawing of Architectural Reliefs
* Photon efficiency of computational ghost imaging with single-photon detection
* Physical and Virtual Reconstruction for An Integrated Archaeological Model: 3d Print and Maquette
* Physics Based Generative Adversarial Network for Single Image Defogging, A
* Pia19+mrss19 - Photogrammetric Image Analysis 2019 & Munich Remote Sensing Symposium 2019: Preface
* Pictionary-Style Word Guessing on Hand-Drawn Object Sketches: Dataset, Analysis and Deep Network Models
* Pixel-level alignment of facial images for high accuracy recognition using ensemble of patches
* PixTextGAN: structure aware text image synthesis for license plate recognition
* Placement Optimization of Positioning Nodes: Maximizing The Distinction Of Indoor Zones
* Planar Pose Estimation Using Object Detection and Reinforcement Learning
* Plenoptic camera calibration based on microlens distortion modelling
* Point Cloud Classification by Fusing Supervoxel Segmentation with Multi-Scale Features
* Point Cloud Dataset and FEM for a Complex Geometry: The San Luzi Bell Tower Case Study
* Point Cloud Segmentation and Filtering to Verify The Geometric Genesis Of Simple and Composed Vaults
* Point Cloud Segmentation Using Image Processing Techniques For Structural Analysis
* Point Clouds to Direct Indoor Pedestrian Pathfinding
* Point Pair Feature Matching: Evaluating Methods to Detect Simple Shapes
* Point Set Multi-Level Aggregation Feature Extraction Based on Multi-Scale Max Pooling and LDA for Point Cloud Classification
* Point sets joint registration and co-segmentation
* Point-Wise LiDAR and Image Multimodal Fusion Network (PMNet) for Aerial Point Cloud 3D Semantic Segmentation, A
* Polarization Dependence of Azimuth Cutoff From Quad-Pol SAR Images
* Pole-Like Street Furniture Segmentation and Classification in Mobile LiDAR Data by Integrating Multiple Shape-Descriptor Constraints
* Polinsar Based Scattering Information Retrieval for Forest Aboveground Biomass Estimation
* Polyfit Assisted Monoscopic Multi-image Measurement Systems
* Post-fire Forestry Recovery Monitoring Using High-resolution Multispectral Imagery From Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
* Potential and Limitations of Terrestrial Laser Scanning For Discontinuity Roughness Estimation
* Potential Fish Ground Breeding Area Based On Localized Criteria For Sustainable Food Security
* Potential Geologic Issues of Von Kármán Crater Revealed By Multisource Remote Sensing Data
* Potential of Building Detection from SAR and Lidar Using Deep Learning, The
* Potential of Dual-wavelength Terrestrial Laser Scanning in 3d Canopy Fuel Moisture Content Mapping, The
* Potential of Non-calibrated Uav-based Rgb Imagery for Forage Monitoring: Case Study At The Rengen Long-term Grassland Experiment (RGE), Germany
* Practical Drone Delivery
* Practical Terrestrial Laser Scanning Field Procedure and Point Cloud Processing for BIM Application: TNB Control and Relay Room 132/22kv
* Pre- and Post-storm Lidar Surveys for Assessment of Impact On Coastal Erosion
* Precipitation Characteristics at Two Locations in the Tropical Andes by Means of Vertically Pointing Micro-Rain Radar Observations
* Precise Aerial Image Orientation Using SAR Ground Control Points For Mapping of Urban Landmarks
* Precise Disparity Estimation for Narrow Baseline Stereo Based On Multiscale Superpixels and Phase Correlation
* Precise Orbit Determination of BDS-2 and BDS-3 Using SLR
* Precise Radionuclide Localization Using UAV-based Lidar and Gamma Probe With Real-time Processing
* Predicting Biomass and Yield At Harvest of Salt-stressed Tomato Plants Using UAV Imagery
* Predicting Canopy Nitrogen Content in Citrus-Trees Using Random Forest Algorithm Associated to Spectral Vegetation Indices from UAV-Imagery
* Predicting Diverse Future Frames With Local Transformation-Guided Masking
* Predicting forest fires burned area and rate of spread from pre-fire multispectral satellite measurements
* Predicting Sugarcane Yields in Khuzestan Using a Large Time-series Of Remote Sensing Imagery Region
* Prediction and Mapping of Cochlodinium Polykrikoides Red Tide Using Machine Learning Under Imbalanced Data
* Prediction of Competition Indices in a Norway Spruce and Silver Fir-Dominated Forest Using Lidar Data
* Prediction of Future Land Use Land Cover Changes of Kelantan, Malaysia
* Prediction-Based Scale Adaptive Correlation Filter Tracker
* Predictive dynamic digital holography and image sharpening
* Predictive search algorithm for phase holography
* Preface - Isprs International Symposium On Spatial Data Quality (issdq 2019)
* Preface - Isprs Workshop Hyperspectral Sensing Meets Machine Learning And Pattern Analysis (hypermlpa 2019)
* Preface - Isprs Workshop Indoor 3d 2019
* Preface - Isprs Workshop Laser Scanning 2019
* Preface - Isprs Workshop On Advanced Geospatial Applications For Smart Cities And Regions (smartgeoapps 2019)
* Preface - Isprs Workshop On Collaborative Crowdsourced Cloud Mapping And Geospatial Big Data (c3m&gbd 2019)
* Preface - Isprs Workshop On Semantic Scene Analysis And 3d Reconstruction From Images And Image Sequences (semantics3d 2019)
* Preface - Isprs Workshop On Unmanned Aerial Vehicles In Geomatics (uav-g 2019)
* Preface of virtual special issue on Smart Pattern Recognition for Medical Informatics
* Preface: Geomatics and Restoration. Cultural Heritage: Challenges, New Perspectives And Technology Innovation. Toward Informative Content Models And Beyond
* Preliminary Evaluation of Atmospheric Temperature and Wind Profiles Obtained Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Based Acoustic Tomography
* Preliminary Evaluation of the Consistency of Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 Time Series Products in An Urban Area: An Example in Beijing, China
* Preliminary Quality Analysis of The Climate Change Initiative Land Cover Products for Continental Portugal, A
* Preliminary Results of Sea Ice Freeboard Measurements of Beaufort Sea From Cryosat-2 Altimetry
* Preliminary Study of Three-Point Onboard External Calibration for Tracking Radiometric Stability and Accuracy, A
* Prelocation image stitching method based on flexible and precise boresight adjustment using Risley prisms
* Preprocessing and Registration of Miniscope-based Calcium Imaging Of The Rodent Brain
* Presence of Geophysical Loadings in GPS Observations Using General Least Squares Approaches, The
* Preserving The Venetian Fortress of Bergamo: Quick Photogrammetric Survey for Conservation Planning
* Principal Component Analysis Based Dynamic Cone Beam X-Ray Luminescence Computed Tomography: A Feasibility Study
* Prioritizing Amyloid Imaging Biomarkers in Alzheimer's Disease via Learning to Rank
* Privacy and Civilian Drone Use: The Need for Further Regulation
* Probabilistic selection of frames for early action recognition in videos
* Probability Density Based Classification and Reconstruction of Roof Structures From 3d Point Clouds
* Probability-Based Spectral Unmixing Analysis for Mapping Percentage Vegetation Cover of Arid and Semi-Arid Areas, A
* Procedures of Visual Analysis for Multidimensional Data Volumes, The
* Process-oriented Spatiotemporal Clustering Method for Complex Trajectories, A
* Producing and Visualizing a Country-wide 3d Data Repository in Finland
* Profiling Players Using Real-World Datasets: Clustering the Data and Correlating the Results with the Big-Five Personality Traits
* Progress On Isprs Benchmark On Multisensory Indoor Mapping And Positioning
* Progressive graph-based subspace transductive learning for semi-supervised classification
* Progressive line processing of global and local real-time anomaly detection in hyperspectral images
* Progressive Spatial Recurrent Neural Network for Intra Prediction
* Properties of combinations of hierarchical watersheds
* Proposal to Implement Integrated GIS System in Disseminating Spatial Information for Malaysia Development Approval (stakeholders And Applicants) - a Concept Paper, A
* Proposed Methodology to Analyze Plant Growth and Movement from Phenomics Data, A
* Proposing a New Method for Encrypting Satellite Images Based On Hash Function and Chaos Parameters
* Prospective Upon Multi-source Urban Scale Data for 3d Documentation And Monitoring of Urban Legacies
* Proximal Activation of Smooth Functions in Splitting Algorithms for Convex Image Recovery
* Pseudo-differential representation of the metaplectic transform and its application to fast algorithms
* Public Participation in Gis Via Mobile Applications for Crisis Management Process: a Case Study of An Earthquake, Tehran, Iran
* Public Private Partnership As a Determinant Factors of Affordable Housing in Abuja Nigeria
* Puzzling Engine: a Digital Platform to Aid The Reassembling Of Fractured Fragments
* Quality Check of Crisis Maps Produced Over Five Years By Copernicus Ems
* Quality Control for Crowdsourcing Large Scale Topographic Maps
* Quality Control of As Built BIM Datasets Using the ISO 19157 Framework and a Multiple Hypothesis Testing Method Based on Proportions
* Quality Prediction of Dense Points Generated By Structure From Motion For High-quality and Efficient As-is Model Reconstruction
* Quality-guided key frames selection from video stream based on object detection
* Quantification of Soil Organic Carbon in Biochar-Amended Soil Using Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)
* Quantification of the Adjacency Effect on Measurements in the Thermal Infrared Region
* Quantifying Chlorophyll Fluorescence Parameters from Hyperspectral Reflectance at the Leaf Scale under Various Nitrogen Treatment Regimes in Winter Wheat
* Quantifying Coral Reef Composition of Recreational Diving Sites: A Structure from Motion Approach at Seascape Scale
* Quantifying DOC and Its Controlling Factors in Major Arctic Rivers during Ice-Free Conditions using Sentinel-2 Data
* Quantifying Drought Sensitivity of Mediterranean Climate Vegetation to Recent Warming: A Case Study in Southern California
* Quantifying Lodging Percentage, Lodging Development and Lodging Severity Using a Uav-based Canopy Height Model
* Quantifying PM2.5 mass concentration and particle radius using satellite data and an optical-mass conversion algorithm
* Quantifying the Congruence between Air and Land Surface Temperatures for Various Climatic and Elevation Zones of Western Himalaya
* Quantifying The Quality of Indoor Maps
* Quantitative Evaluations and Error Source Analysis of Fengyun-2-Based and GPM-Based Precipitation Products over Mainland China in Summer, 2018
* Quantitative Identification of Urban Functions with Fishers' Exact Test and POI Data Applied in Classifying Urban Districts: A Case Study within the Sixth Ring Road in Beijing
* Queueing Network Based Driver Model for Varying Levels of Information Processing
* Quick Aboveground Carbon Stock Estimation of Densely Planted Shrubs by Using Point Cloud Derived from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
* QuiltGAN: An Adversarially Trained, Procedural Algorithm for Texture Generation
* R&D of Drone-borne SAR System
* Radar Remote Sensing Applications in Landslide Monitoring With Multi-platform Insar Observations: a Case Study From China
* Radar-Based Human Gait Recognition Using Dual-Channel Deep Convolutional Neural Network
* Range Migration Algorithm in The Processing Chain of Signals of A Ground-based Sar Sensor
* Rank-Based Encoding Features for Stereo Matching
* Ranking Nodes in Complex Networks: a Case Study of The Gaubus
* Ranking of Illegal Buildings Close to Rivers: A Proposal, Its Implementation and Preliminary Validation
* Rapid 3D Digitalization of the Cultural Heritage: A Case Study On Istanbul Suleymaniye Social Complex (Kulliye)
* Rapid Prototyping for The Extension of The Accessibility to Cultural Heritage for Blind People
* Rapid Radiometric Calibration of Multiple Camera Array Using In-situ Data for UAV Multispectral Photogrammetry
* Raspberry Pi 3 Multispectral Low-cost Sensor for UAV Based Remote Sensing. Case Study in South-west Niger
* Ray-based Segmentation Algorithm for Medical Imaging
* Re-ranking with ranking-reflected similarity for person re-identification
* Real-Time and Fully Distributed Approach to Motion Planning for Multirobot Systems, A
* real-time and unsupervised face re-identification system for human-robot interaction, A
* Real-time Binocular Vision Implementation on an Soc Tms320c6678 DSP
* Real-Time Dense Semantic Labeling with Dual-Path Framework for High-Resolution Remote Sensing Image
* Real-time Drone Mapping Platform for Marine Surveillance, A
* real-time fuzzy morphological algorithm for retinal vessel segmentation, A
* Real-time Gestural Control of Robot Manipulator Through Deep Learning Human-pose Inference
* Real-time haze removal in monocular images using locally adaptive processing
* Real-Time Kinematic Precise Orbit Determination for LEO Satellites Using Zero-Differenced Ambiguity Resolution
* Real-time least-squares ensemble visual tracking
* Real-time Lightweight CNN in Robots with Very Limited Computational Resources: Detecting Ball in NAO
* Real-time multi-scale parallel compressive tracking
* Real-time multitarget tracking for sensor-based sorting
* Real-time optical flow-based video stabilization for unmanned aerial vehicles
* Real-time Powerline Corridor Inspection By Edge Computing of UAV Lidar Data
* Real-time scene reconstruction and triangle mesh generation using multiple RGB-D cameras
* Real-time Tracking in Satellite Videos Via Joint Discrimination And Pose Estimation
* Real-time Wildfire Detection From Space - a Trade-off Between Sensor Quality, Physical Limitations and Payload Size
* Realistic Natural Interaction With Virtual Statues in X-reality Environments
* Receptive Field Size Versus Model Depth for Single Image Super-Resolution
* Reciprocal 360-deg 3D light-field image acquisition and display system
* Recoloring Algorithms for Colorblind People: A Survey
* Reconstructed 3-D Ocean Temperature Derived from Remotely Sensed Sea Surface Measurements for Mixed Layer Depth Analysis
* Reconstructing The Landscape of The Past in The Agricultural Terraces Of the City of Avdat
* Reconstruction of Domains with Algebraic Boundaries from Generalized Polarization Tensors
* Reconstruction of Historical Geodetic Systems for Their Implementation In Reprojection Algorithms
* Recording and erasure of photorefractive holograms in undoped BTO crystal at moderate to high intensities of 639.7nm laser under action of 532nm laser pre-illumination
* Recovering Human Motion Patterns from Passive Infrared Sensors: A Geometric-Algebra Based Generation-Template-Matching Approach
* Recovering Lost Cultural Heritage Places of Mexico. The Case of The Temple of Jesus Maria - Masonic Lodge of Merida
* Reducing The Time to Get Emergency Assistance for Accident Vehicles On The Road Through An Intelligent Transportation System
* Reduction of Insar DEM Tropospheric Noise With GPS Observations
* Reference-free Adaptive Attitude Determination Method Using Low-cost Marg Sensors
* Refinement of Landslide Susceptibility Map Using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry in Areas of Intense Mining Activities in the Karst Region of Southwest China
* Region-Based Context Enhanced Network for Robust Multiple Face Alignment
* Registration of 2d Drawings On a 3d Point Cloud As a Support for The Modeling of Complex Architectures
* Regression with residual neural network for vanishing point detection
* Regularised IHS-based pan-sharpening approach using spectral consistency constraint and total variation
* Regularization Parameter Selection in Minimum Volume Hyperspectral Unmixing
* Regularized Reconstruction of Grid System for Traditional Chinese Timber Structure Building in HBIM
* Relation between Bayesian Fisher information and Shannon information for detecting a change in a parameter
* Relationship between the source size at the diffuser plane and the longitudinal spatial coherence function of the optical coherence microscopy system
* Relationships Between Land Use/land Cover and Land Surface Temperature In Tabriz From 2000 to 2017
* Relative Sea Level Change Along The Black Sea Coast From Tide-gauge Observations
* Relevance of the Cell Neighborhood Size in Landscape Metrics Evaluation and Free or Open Source Software Implementations
* Reliability Index for Iris Code Matching in Iris Recognition Systems
* Reliability of The Geometric Calibration of An Hyperspectral Frame Camera
* Relief of Mercury and The Moon: From Morphometry to Morphological Mapping
* Remote sensing algorithms for estimation of fractional vegetation cover using pure vegetation index values: A review
* Remote Sensing and Texture Image Classification Network Based on Deep Learning Integrated with Binary Coding and Sinkhorn Distance
* Remote Sensing Big Data Classification with High Performance Distributed Deep Learning
* Remote Sensing Data As Basis for The Modelling and Reassembly Of Dismantled Heritage Structures
* Remote Sensing of Global Monthly Evapotranspiration With An Energy Balance (EB) Model
* Remote Sensing of Human-Environment Interactions in Global Change Research: A Review of Advances, Challenges and Future Directions
* Remote Sensing Retrieval of Turbidity in Alpine Rivers based on high Spatial Resolution Satellites
* Remote Sensing Scene Classification Using Multiple Pyramid Pooling
* Remote Sensing Technologies for Linear Infrastructure Monitoring
* Remote Sensing UAV/Drone Technology as a Tool for Urban Development Measures in APCRDA
* Remote-Sensing Monitoring of Grassland Degradation Based on the GDI in Shangri-La, China
* Remotely sensed big data: evolution in model development for information extraction
* Remotely-Sensed Identification of a Transition for the Two Ecosystem States Along the Elevation Gradient: A Case Study of Xinjiang Tianshan Bogda World Heritage Site
* Removing non-significant regions in hierarchical clustering and segmentation
* Representation and Digitalization of Stone Theatres in Eastern Sicily: The Palazzolo Acreide Theater
* Research and Display of The Restoration of Zhaoxi-ling Based On VR And AR Technology
* Research and Technological Innovation for The Knowledge, Conservation and Valorization of Cultural Heritage in Sicily
* Research of Fuzhou Historical Building Management Platform Based On Data Warehouse Technology
* Research of The Camera Calibration Using Series of Images With Common Center of Projection
* Research on a hole filling algorithm of a point cloud based on structure from motion
* Research On HBIM and Level of Information for The Life Cycle Of Traditional Chinese Built Heritage in Taiwan
* Research On Non-destructive Testing Technology in Renovating Projects Of Mukden Palace
* Research On The Framework of The Smart Conservation Management System For The Historic City Fuzhou
* Research Progress On The Four-in-one Method System for Sustainable Protection of Architectural Heritage
* Residential Buildings By Giuseppe Terragni in Como: Proposals For Integration Between Research, Communication and Valorisation Of Heritage
* Residual-Based Post-Processing for HEVC
* Resnet-based Tree Species Classification Using UAV Images
* Resonation of The Vitruvius's Modular, Systematic Approach With The Computational Mindset of The Digital Age: 3d Modeling of The Ionian Temples of Aegean Turkey
* Results of Hyperspectral Analysis for The Characterization of Mudwall. Comparison Based On Normalization
* Results of Researches On Photogrammetric Calibration of The Sony Cyber-Shot DSC-RX1RM2 Camera
* Retrieval and Validation of Cloud Top Temperature from the Geostationary Satellite INSAT-3D
* Retrieval of Global Orbit Drift Corrected Land Surface Temperature from Long-term AVHRR Data
* Retrieval of NO2 Column Amounts from Ground-Based Hyperspectral Imaging Sensor Measurements
* Retrieval of Snow Depth over Arctic Sea Ice Using a Deep Neural Network
* Retrieval System of Medicine Molecules Based on Graph Similarity, A
* Retrieving Landmark Salience Based on Wikipedia: An Integrated Ranking Model
* Revealing The Everyday Landscape: Innovative Systems for Heritage Education in Schools. The SCAR (School Activates Resources) Project
* Reversible data hiding based on RSBEMD coding and adaptive multi-segment left and right histogram shifting
* Review of Earth Observation-Based Analyses for Major River Basins, A
* Review of Modelling Approaches On Tidal Analysis and Prediction, A
* Review of Regional and Global Gridded Forest Biomass Datasets, A
* Review of RFI Mitigation Techniques in Microwave Radiometry, A
* Review of the Application of Remote Sensing Data for Abandoned Agricultural Land Identification with Focus on Central and Eastern Europe, A
* Review On Measuring Entrepreneurs' Social Behaviour Via Spatial Analysis Techniques, A
* Review On Spatial Quality Assessment Methods for Evaluation Of Pan-sharpened Satellite Imagery, A
* RGB-to-RGBG conversion algorithm with adaptive weighting factors based on edge detection and minimal square error
* Rhinoceros 5 + Vray As a Tool for The Evaluation of Conditions in BIC Environments: The Cases of The Atarazanas, The Convent of San Agustin And The Plaza Nueva in Seville
* Rice Crop Mapping Using Sentinel-1 Time Series Images (case Study: Mazandaran, Iran)
* Risk Based Approach to Heritage Management in South Africa, A
* River Discharge Simulation in the High Andes of Southern Ecuador Using High-Resolution Radar Observations and Meteorological Station Data
* Road Crack Detection Using Gaussian/prewitt Filter
* Road Extraction from Very High Resolution Images Using Weakly labeled OpenStreetMap Centerline
* Road Network Comparison and Matching Techniques. a Workflow Proposal For The Integration of Traffic Message Channel and Open Source Network Datasets
* Road Recognition Based On Decision Level Fusion of SAR and Optic Data
* Robust Building Footprint Extraction From Big Multi-sensor Data Using Deep Competition Network
* robust dimensionality reduction and matrix factorization framework for data clustering, A
* Robust image retrieval by cascading a deep quality assessment network
* Robust L1-norm two-dimensional collaborative representation-based projection for dimensionality reduction
* Robust Optical Flow Estimation Using the Monocular Epipolar Geometry
* Robust Pol-ISAR Target Recognition Based on ST-MC-DCNN
* Robust Rotation Interpolation Based on So(n) Geodesic Distance
* robust visible near-infrared index for fire severity mapping in Arctic tundra ecosystems, A
* Robust Visual Tracking Using Multi-Frame Multi-Feature Joint Modeling
* Rock Art Recording in Khatm Al Melaha (United Arab Emirates): Multirange Data Scanning and Web Mapping Technologies
* Role of Geoprocessing in Mapping Crime Using Hot Streets, The
* Roles of Urban Buildings and Vegetation in Adjusting Seasonal And Daily Air Temperature, The
* RotateView: A Video Composition System for Interactive Product Display
* RPAS in The Support for Photogrammetry Education: Cases in Topographic Mapping and Documentation of Historical Monuments
* Saliency detection using Multi-layer graph ranking and combined neural networks
* Saliency Detection via Depth-Induced Cellular Automata on Light Field
* Salient object detection based on novel graph model
* Salient object detection with adversarial training
* Sampling approach for singular system computation of a radiation operator
* Sampling below the Nyquist density using spectral subtiles
* Sampling Shape Contours Using Optimization over a Geometric Graph
* Sansevero Chapel, a Three-dimensional Point of View, The
* SAR Target Detection in Complex Scene Based on 2-D Singularity Power Spectrum Analysis
* Satellite Altimetry and Tide Gauge Observed Teleconnections between Long-Term Sea Level Variability in the U.S. East Coast and the North Atlantic Ocean
* Satellite Formation Flight Simulation Using Multi-Constellation GNSS and Applications to Ionospheric Remote Sensing
* Satellite Observations of Wind Wake and Associated Oceanic Thermal Responses: A Case Study of Hainan Island Wind Wake
* Satellite-based Mapping of Above-ground Blue Carbon Storage in Seagrass Habitat Within The Shallow Coastal Water
* Scan Planning Optimization for Outdoor Archaeological Sites
* Scanning Tunnels With Two Very High-resolution Laser Devices and A Stacker
* Scattering Coefficient for Shore-to-Air Bistatic High Frequency (HF) Radar Configurations as Applied to Ocean Observations, The
* Scattering Transform Framework for Unmixing of Hyperspectral Data
* Scene categorization towards urban tunnel traffic by image quality assessment
* Scene-assisted Point-line Feature Based Visual Slam Method For Autonomous Flight in Unknown Indoor Environments, A
* Scout3d: An Underwater Laser Scanning System for Mobile Mapping
* SDCA: a novel stack deep convolutional autoencoder- an application on retinal image denoising
* SDQO and SFO, Ontologies for Spatial Data Quality Assessment
* Sea Clutter Amplitude Prediction Using a Long Short-Term Memory Neural Network
* Sea Surface Wind Speed Retrieval from the First Chinese GNSS-R Mission: Technique and Preliminary Results
* Sea-Ice Concentration Derived From GNSS Reflection Measurements in Fram Strait
* Seagrass Habitat Suitability Map At Merambong Shoal, Johor: A Preliminary Study Using Multibeam Echosounder and Maxent Modelling
* Seamless Co-registration of Images From Multi-sensor Multispectral Cameras
* Search and Inspection Archaeological Underwater Campaigns in The Framework of The European Arrows Project
* Seasons in Stuttgart: Developing a Google Earth Engine Tool for Heat Island Mapping
* Secrets of S. Maria Delle Grazie: Virtual Fruition of An Iconic Milanese Architecture, The
* Segmentation of Image Pairs for 3d Reconstruction
* Segmentation of Overlapping Cytoplasm in Cervical Smear Images via Adaptive Shape Priors Extracted From Contour Fragments
* Segmenting and Detecting Nematode in Coffee Crops Using Aerial Images
* Seismic Damage Assessment of Lifelines Based On Geospatial Analysis
* Seismic Noise Attenuation Using Unsupervised Sparse Feature Learning
* Seismic Strain Map in Malaysia Derived From Long-term Global Positioning System Data
* Seismo-magnetic Field Anomalies Detection Using Swarm Satellites (Alpha, Bravo and Charlie)
* Self-calibrated and SNR-enhanced particle holography
* Self-learning residual model for fast intra CU size decision in 3D-HEVC
* Self-Motion-Assisted Tensor Completion Method for Background Initialization in Complex Video Sequences
* Self-reference hyperspectral holographic microscopy
* Self-supervised blur detection from synthetically blurred scenes
* Self-Supervised deep homography estimation with invertibility constraints
* Self-Training Classification Framework with Spatial-Contextual Information for Local Climate Zones
* Semantic 3d Point Cloud Segmentation Approach Based On Optimal View Selection for 2d Image Feature Extraction, A
* Semantic Enrichment of Point Cloud By Automatic Extraction And Enhancement of 360° Panoramas
* Semantic Expansion Model for VGI Retrieval, A
* Semantic Labeling of Als Point Clouds for Tree Species Mapping Using The Deep Neural Network Pointnet++
* Semantic Retrieval System in Remote Sensing Web Platforms, A
* Semantic Road Scene Knowledge for Robust Self-calibration Of Environment-observing Vehicle Cameras
* Semantic Segmentation of Airborne Images and Corresponding Digital Surface Models - Additional Input Data Or Additional Task?
* Semantic Segmentation of Building in Airborne Images
* Semantic Segmentation of Indoor 3d Point Cloud With Slenet
* Semantic Segmentation of Water Bodies in Multi-spectral Satellite Images for Situational Awareness in Emergency Response
* Semantic three-stream network for social relation recognition
* Semantic Validation of Social Media Geographic Information: A Case Study On Instagram Data for Expo Milano 2015
* Semantically Enriched High Resolution LOD 3 Building Model Generation
* Semi-Calibrated Photometric Stereo
* Semi-semantic Line-cluster Assisted Monocular SLAM for Indoor Environments
* Semi-supervised domain adaptation for pedestrian detection in video surveillance based on maximum independence assumption
* Semi-supervised learning with connectivity-driven convolutional neural networks
* Sensitivity Analysis of Machine Learning Models for the Mass Appraisal of Real Estate. Case Study of Residential Units in Nicosia, Cyprus
* Sensitivity of Actual Evapotranspiration Estimation Using The Sebs Model to Variation of Input Parameters (lst, Dssf, Aerodynamics Parameters, Lai, Fvc)
* Sensitivity of Bistatic TanDEM-X Data to Stand Structural Parameters in Temperate Forests
* Sensitivity of Optimal Estimation Satellite Retrievals to Misspecification of the Prior Mean and Covariance, with Application to OCO-2 Retrievals
* Sensor Fusion for 3d Archaeological Documentation and Reconstruction: Case Study of Cueva Pintada in Galdar, Gran Canaria
* Sentinel 2 Analysis of Turbidity Patterns in a Coastal Lagoon
* Sentinel-1 Image Classification for City Extraction Based On The Support Vector Machine and Random Forest Algorithms
* Sentinel-2A Image Fusion Using a Machine Learning Approach
* Sequential Approach for Pain Recognition Based on Facial Representations, A
* Sequential InSAR Time Series Deformation Monitoring of Land Subsidence and Rebound in Xi'an, China
* Sequential PCA-based Classification of Mediterranean Forest Plants using Airborne Hyperspectral Remote Sensing
* Sequential Processing of GNSS-R Delay-Doppler Maps to Estimate the Ocean Surface Wind Field
* Service-oriented Indoor Point Cloud Processing Pipeline, A
* SeSe-Net: Self-Supervised deep learning for segmentation
* Seven-Component Model-Based Decomposition for PolSAR Data with Sophisticated Scattering Models
* SFM Photogrammetry As a Tool for The Conservation of The Cultural Heritage of Bogotá (Colombia), Within The Framework of The Adopt A Monument Program
* Shadow Detection in Hyperspectral Images Acquired By UAV
* Shape description and recognition by implicit Chebyshev moments
* Shining 3d Einscan-pro, Application And Validation in The Field Of Cultural Heritage, From The Chillida-leku Museum to The Archaeological Museum of Sarno
* Ship Detection Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for PolSAR Images
* Ship Identification and Characterization in Sentinel-1 SAR Images with Multi-Task Deep Learning
* Short-term Biometric Based System for Accurate Personalized Tracking, A
* Significant effects of ecological context on urban trees' cooling efficiency
* Similarity mapping for robust face recognition via a single training sample per person
* simple framework to leverage state-of-the-art single-image super-resolution methods to restore light fields, A
* Simple Yet Effective Fine-Tuning of Deep CNNs Using an Auxiliary Classification Loss for Remote Sensing Scene Classification
* Simplified Active Calibration
* Simulating Land Cover Change Impacts on Groundwater Recharge under Selected Climate Projections, Maui, Hawai?i
* Simulating Uneven Urban Spatial Expansion under Various Land Protection Strategies: Case Study on Southern Jiangsu Urban Agglomeration
* Simulating Unmanned-aerial-vehicle Based Laser Scanning Data For Efficient Mission Planning in Complex Terrain
* Simultaneous Localization and Mapping for Semi-sparse Point Clouds
* Simultaneous Registration and Integration of Two Sequential Velodyne Point Clouds Using Voxel-based Least Square Adjustment
* Single and multiple outputs decision tree classification using bi-level discrete-continues genetic algorithm
* Single Fingertip Detection Using Simple Geometric Properties of the Hand Image: A Case Study for Augmented Reality in an Educational App
* Single image dehazing using deep neural networks
* Single Photon Lidar in Mobile Laser Scanning: The Sampling Rate Problem And Initial Solutions Via Spatial Correlations
* Single Remote Sensing Image Dehazing Using a Prior-Based Dense Attentive Network
* Single sample description based on Gabor fusion
* Single-Image Dehazing on Aerial Imagery Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Site of San Calocero Di Albenga (sv). An Inter-disciplinary Methodological Training Ground, The
* Site Selection for New Point to Point (P2P) Bus Endpoints and Routes In Metro Manila, Philippines
* Skeleton Features-based Fall Detection Using Microsoft Kinect V2 With One Class-classifier Outlier Removal, A
* Skeleton Filter: A Self-Symmetric Filter for Skeletonization in Noisy Text Images
* Small Ship Target Detection Method Based on Polarimetric SAR, A
* Smartwall: a New Web-based Platform for The Valorization of The Medieval Wall of Avila
* Snow Depth Retrieval in Farmland Based on a Statistical Lookup Table from Passive Microwave Data in Northeast China
* Software Comparison for Underwater Archaeological Photogrammetric Applications
* Software pipelining with CGA and proposed intrinsics on a reconfigurable processor for HEVC decoders
* Soil Organic Carbon Mapping Using Multispectral Remote Sensing Data: Prediction Ability of Data with Different Spatial and Spectral Resolutions
* Solving large-scale general phase retrieval problems via a sequence of convex relaxations
* Spaceborne EO and a Combination of Inverse and Forward Modelling for Monitoring Lava Flow Advance
* Sparse Point Cloud Filtering Based On Covariance Features
* Sparse Scene Recovery for High-Resolution Automobile FMCW SAR via Scaled Compressed Sensing
* Sparse Signal Recovery in MIMO Specular Meteor Radars With Waveform Diversity
* Sparse Unmixing for Hyperspectral Image with Nonlocal Low-Rank Prior
* Spatial Adjacency Analysis of Citygml Buildings Via 3d Topological Data Structure
* Spatial Analysis of Poverty and Happiness Profiles in Special Region Of Yogyakarta Using Small Area Estimation Method
* Spatial and Temporal Variations of Particulate Organic Carbon Sinking Flux in Global Ocean from 2003 to 2018
* Spatial Database Development for Oil Spills Pollution Affecting Water Quality System in Niger Delta
* Spatial Database Model for Mobility Management, A
* Spatial Database Modeling for Speleological Inventory of The Moroccan Atlas Mountains
* Spatial Distribution of Felt Intensities for Portugal Earthquakes
* Spatial Downscaling of GRACE TWSA Data to Identify Spatiotemporal Groundwater Level Trends in the Upper Floridan Aquifer, Georgia, USA
* Spatial information inference net: Road extraction using road-specific contextual information
* Spatial Modeling of Snow Avalanche Using Machine Learning Models and Geo-Environmental Factors: Comparison of Effectiveness in Two Mountain Regions
* Spatial Prediction Models for Landslide Activity Mapping Using Vegetation Anomalies
* Spatial Variation of Urban Heat Island Intensity in Urban Cities Using Modis Satellite Data
* Spatial-spectral Morphological Feature Extraction for Hyperspectral Images Classification
* Spatio-angular fluorescence microscopy I. Basic theory
* Spatio-angular fluorescence microscopy II. Paraxial 4f imaging
* Spatio-spectral binary patterns based on multispectral filter arrays for texture classification
* Spatio-statistical Modeling of Human Brucellosis Using Environmental Parameters: a Case Study of Northern Iran
* Spatio-temporal Assessment of Mixed Land-use Impact On Travel Demand
* Spatio-Temporal Bayesian Model for Estimating the Effects of Land Use Change on Urban Heat Island, A
* Spatio-temporal Modelling and The New Urban Agenda in Post-apartheid South Africa
* Spatio-Temporal Variability of the Habitat Suitability Index for the Todarodes Pacificus (Japanese Common Squid) around South Korea
* Spatioltemporal Modeling The Impact of Surface Characteristics Variations On Land Surface Temperature Variations: A Case Study Of Samalghan Valley
* Spatiotemporal Analysis of Precipitation in the Sparsely Gauged Zambezi River Basin Using Remote Sensing and Google Earth Engine
* Spatiotemporal Analysis On Co2 Emissions From Households in Japan
* Spatiotemporal Change of Urban Agriculture Using Google Earth Imagery: A Case of Municipality of Nakhonratchasima City, Thailand
* Spatiotemporal Distribution of Nonseismic Landslides during the Last 22 Years in Shaanxi Province, China
* Spatiotemporal Knowledge Distillation for Efficient Estimation of Aerial Video Saliency
* Spatiotemporal Modeling for Image Time Series with Appearance Change: Application to Early Brain Development
* Spatiotemporal Monitoring of Thermal Environment in Isfahan Metropolitan Area
* Species-preserved Structural Connections Revealed by Sparse Tensor CCA
* Specifity of Historical Buildings and Bim Methodologies. a First Experimentation for The Federico Ii Headquarters in Naples
* Speckle Reduction by Directional Coherent Anisotropic Diffusion
* Speckle Reduction in Sar Images Using a Bayesian Multiscale Approach
* Spectral Diversity Successfully Estimates the a-Diversity of Biocrust-Forming Lichens
* Spectral DWT Multilevel Decomposition with Spatial Filtering Enhancement Preprocessing-Based Approaches for Hyperspectral Imagery Classification
* Spectral Preprocessing for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing of Heavy Metals In Water
* Spectral reconstruction of fluorescent objects with mutual illumination effects
* Spectral-spatial Classification of Hyperspectral Imagery Using a Hybrid Framework
* Spectral-spatial Classification of Hyperspectral Imagery Using Neural Network Algorithm and Hierarchical Segmentation
* Spectral-Spatial Feedback Close Network System for Hyperspectral Image Classification, A
* Speed Dependence of 22- and 118-GHz Line Shapes for Tropospheric Remote Sensing
* Speeding up spatiotemporal feature extraction using GPU
* Spill Over of Crime from Urban Centers: An Account of the Changing Spatial Distribution of Violent Crime in Guyana, The
* Standardized Database for Flood Risk Management in Morocco
* Statistical Analysis of Airborne Imagery Combined With GIS Information For Training Data Generation
* Statistical Forest Reflectance Model, A
* Statistical multidirectional line dark channel for single-image dehazing
* Statistical Observation of Thunderstorm-Induced Ionospheric Gravity Waves above Low-Latitude Areas in the Northern Hemisphere
* Statistical retrieval of atmospheric profiles with deep convolutional neural networks
* Statistical Saliency Model Can Choose Colors for Items on Maps, The
* Stereo matching based on multi-scale fusion and multi-type support regions
* Stereo Vision Applying Opencv and Raspberry Pi
* Stereoscopic Image Generation From Light Field With Disparity Scaling and Super-Resolution
* Storing An Oversized Museu De Lisboa Textile Banner Collection
* Strategies of Digital Knowledge's Representation: From De-morphogenesis At Msh-BIM. Optical, Theatrical Illusion and Perspective in The Neapolitan School's Architecture Drawing
* Structural Analysis of Wood Beams By Non-destructive Methods In Restoration Works of The Cathedral of Morelia, Mexico
* Structural Building Damage Detection with Deep Learning: Assessment of a State-of-the-Art CNN in Operational Conditions
* Structural Model of Enterprise GIS Requirement for Johor Bahru City Council, A
* Structural Rehabilitation and Real Time Monitoring of The ponte Delle Grazie Bridge in Faenza, Italy
* Structural Similarity Based Anatomical and Functional Brain Imaging Fusion
* Structure From Motion Technique for Scene Detection Using Autonomous Drone Navigation
* Study of Activation Functions in Deep Learning for Pedestrian Detection and Tracking, The
* Study of NSSDA Variability by Means of Automatic Positional Accuracy Assessment Methods
* Study of the Intensity of Tropical Cyclone Idai Using Dual-Polarization Sentinel-1 Data, A
* Study On Planning and Platform for Interactive Exhibition Of Scientific Cultural Heritage, A
* Study on Sea Clutter Suppression Methods Based on a Realistic Radar Dataset
* Study on short-term network forecasting based on SVM-MFA algorithm
* Study On Snowmelt Flood Disaster Model Based On Remote Sensing and Gis
* Study on Storm and Flood Insurance Management Mapping: Case Study of Incheon Metropolitan City, A
* Study on the Intensity and Coherence Information of High-Resolution ALOS-2 SAR Images for Rapid Massive Landslide Mapping at a Pixel Level
* Study On The Survey, Identification Criteria and Tool System Of Historical Buildings Supported By The Technology of GIS
* Sub-Annual Calving Front Migration, Area Change and Calving Rates from Swath Mode CryoSat-2 Altimetry, on Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf, Antarctica
* Sub-Pixel Waterline Extraction: Characterising Accuracy and Sensitivity to Indices and Spectra
* Super-resolution algorithm based on Richardson-Lucy deconvolution for three-dimensional structured illumination microscopy
* Super-resolution for Sentinel-2 Images
* Super-resolution image reconstruction using fractional-order total variation and adaptive regularization parameters
* SuPeR: Milano Retinex implementation exploiting a regular image grid
* SuperBE: computationally light background estimation with superpixels
* Superpixel Classification of High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Image Based On Multi-Scale CNN and Scale Parameter Estimation
* Superpixel-enhanced deep neural forest for remote sensing image semantic segmentation
* Superspectral/hyperspatial Worldview-3 As The Link Between Spaceborne Hyperspectral and Airborne Hyperspatial Sensors: The Case Study of The Complex Tropical Coast, The
* Supervised classification using graph-based space partitioning
* Supervised Detection of Bomb Craters in Historical Aerial Images Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Supervised fusion approach of local features extracted from SAR images for detecting deforestation changes
* Supervised non-parametric discretization based on Kernel density estimation
* Support Vector Machine and Decision Tree Based Classification Of Side-scan Sonar Mosaics Using Textural Features
* Surface Deformation from Sentinel-1A InSAR: Relation to Seasonal Groundwater Extraction and Rainfall in Central Taiwan
* Surface Flow Velocity Measurements From UAV-based Videos
* Surface Foliation Based Brain Morphometry Analysis
* Surface Reconstruction for Three-Dimensional Rockfall Volumetric Analysis
* Surface Shortwave Net Radiation Estimation from Landsat TM/ETM+ Data Using Four Machine Learning Algorithms
* Survey and Co-design The Urban Landscape. Innovative Digital Path For Perception Analysis and Data-driven Project
* Survey and Virtual Reconstruction of Ancient Roman Floors in An Archaeological Context
* Survey of Light Pollution of Arak City By Using of Dmsp and Suoni-npp Satellite Imagery
* Survey on 360° Video Streaming: Acquisition, Transmission, and Display, A
* Survey on Gait Recognition via Wearable Sensors, A
* Survey on GAN-based face hallucination with its model development
* Survey on the Adoption of GIS Data and Standards in Urban Application Domains, A
* survey paper on secret image sharing schemes, A
* Surveying to Gauge Stakeholders' Participation in Urban Heritage Conservation
* Sustainable Land Use Evaluation Based On Preservative Approach
* Synchronized Approach for Integrating Photos and 3d Gis in The Applications of Disaster Management, A
* Synchronized Tracking in Multiple Omnidirectional Cameras with Overlapping View
* Synthetic 3d Scene for The Validation of Photogrammetric Algorithms, A
* Synthetic Aperture Radar Remote Sensing of Operational Platform Produced Water Releases
* Synthetic Thermal Background and Object Texture Generation Using Geometric Information and GAN
* systematic evaluation of influence of image selection process on remote sensing-based burn severity indices in North American boreal forest and tundra ecosystems, A
* Systematic Review on Imbalanced Data Challenges in Machine Learning: Applications and Solutions, A
* TanDEM-X Forest Mapping Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Technical Considerations in Low-cost Heritage Documentation
* Techniques of medical image processing and analysis accelerated by high-performance computing: a systematic literature review
* Technological Innovation and New Presentation Strategies for Virtual Museum Exhibitions
* Technology 4.0 for Buildings Management: From Building Site to The Interactive Building Book
* Temperature and Emissivity Smoothing Separation with Nonlinear Relation of Brightness Temperature and Emissivity for Thermal Infrared Sensors
* Temporal Disaggregation Approach for TRMM Monthly Precipitation Products Using AMSR2 Soil Moisture Data, A
* Temporal Dynamics of Slums Employing a CNN-Based Change Detection Approach, The
* TerraBrasilis: A Spatial Data Analytics Infrastructure for Large-Scale Thematic Mapping
* Terrestrial Laser Scanning and Digital Photogrammetry for Heritage Conservation: Case Study of The Historical Walls of Lagos, Portugal
* Testing Different Interpolation Methods Based on Single Beam Echosounder River Surveying. Case Study: Siret River
* Testing of V3.sun Module Prototype for Solar Radiation Modelling On 3d Objects With Complex Geometric Structure
* Text Mining in Remotely Sensed Phenology Studies: A Review on Research Development, Main Topics, and Emerging Issues
* Theoretical Accuracy Prediction And Validation of Low-end And High-end Mobile Mapping System in Urban, Residential And Rural Areas
* Theoretical Evaluation of Anisotropic Reflectance Correction Approaches for Addressing Multi-Scale Topographic Effects on the Radiation-Transfer Cascade in Mountain Environments
* Theoretical Framework for Multi-scale Documentation of Decorated Surface, A
* Thermal 3d Models Enhancement Based On Integration With Visible Imagery
* Thermal Comfort Metabolic Rate and Clothing Inference
* Thermohaline Structures and Heat/Freshwater Transports of Mesoscale Eddies in the Bay of Bengal Observed by Argo and Satellite Data
* Thickness Measurement of Water Film/Rivulets Based on Grayscale Index
* Three-Dimensional Cloud Structure Reconstruction from the Directional Polarimetric Camera
* Three-dimensional single-pixel imaging of incoherent light with spatiotemporally modulated illumination
* Three-dimensional Survey of Guattari Cave With Traditional and Mobile Phone Cameras
* Three-way decision based reconstruction frame for fluorescence molecular tomography
* Through the Looking Glass(es): Impacts of Wearable Augmented Reality Displays on Operators in a Safety-Critical System
* Through-the-Wall Target Separation Using Low-Rank and Variational Mode Decomposition
* Thunderstorm Classification Functions Based on Instability Indices and GNSS IWV for the Sofia Plain
* Tie Point Generation in Hyperspectral Cubes for Orientation With Polynomial Models
* Tile-level rate control for tile-parallelization HEVC encoders
* Tillage Machine Control Based on a Vision System for Soil Roughness and Soil Cover Estimation
* Time-Efficient Approach for Decision-Making Style Recognition in Lane-Changing Behavior, A
* time-series classification approach based on change detection for rapid land cover mapping, A
* TLS for Detecting Small Damages On a Building Façade
* TLS Point Cloud Registration Based On ICP Algorithm Using Point Quality
* TLS Point Cloud Registration for Detecting Change in Individual Rocks of a Mountain River Bed
* Tone Compression Algorithm for High Dynamic Range Medical Images
* Tooth morphometry using quasi-conformal theory
* topic sentiment based method for friend recommendation in online social networks via matrix factorization, A
* Topographic Analysis of Chang'e-4 Landing Site Using Orbital, Descent And Ground Data
* Total generalized variation and wavelet frame-based adaptive image restoration algorithm
* Tourists Geovisualization Analysis Utilizing Instagram Data in Central Java Province and Special Region of Yogyakarta
* Toward Automated 3D Spine Reconstruction from Biplanar Radiographs Using CNN for Statistical Spine Model Fitting
* Toward Automating Oral Presentation Scoring During Principal Certification Program Using Audio-Video Low-Level Behavior Profiles
* Towards 3d Smart Campus Via 3d City Modelling
* Towards a Framework for Noctilucent Cloud Analysis
* Towards a Generic 3d Standardisation Approach for The Netherlands Supporting Different Applications and Encodings
* Towards a High-resolution Drone-based 3d Mapping Dataset to Optimise Flood Hazard Modelling
* Towards a Professional Gesture Recognition with RGB-D from Smartphone
* Towards a Semantic Based Hub Platform of Vaulted Systems: HBIM Meets A Geodb
* Towards An Accurate Low-cost Stereo-based Navigation of Unmanned Platforms in GNSS-denied Areas
* Towards An Advanced Conservation Strategy: a Structured Database For Sharing 3d Documentation Between Expert Users
* Towards Automated Order Picking Robots for Warehouses and Retail
* Towards Better Classification of Land Cover and Land Use Based On Convolutional Neural Networks
* Towards Building a Semantic Formalization of (small) Historical Centres
* Towards Continuous Control for Mobile Robot Navigation: A Reinforcement Learning and Slam Based Approach
* Towards Establishing An Open Catalogue for Geospatial Educational Resources
* Towards Meaningful Uncertainty Information for CNN Based 6d Pose Estimates
* Towards path-based semantic dissimilarity estimation for scene representation using bottleneck analysis
* Towards Post-disaster Debris Identification for Precise Damage And Recovery Assessments From UAV and Satellite Images
* Towards The Automatic 3d Parametrization of Non-planar Surfaces From Point Clouds in HBIM Applications
* Towards The Automatic Detection of Geospatial Changes Based On Digital Elevation Models Produced By UAV Imagery
* Towards Wind-simulation of Virtual 3d City Models in a Collaborative VR Environment
* Traces of The Past: Informative Tools for The Reconstruction Of Aurelian Walls in Rione Testaccio, The
* Traffic Collision Time Series Analysis (a Case Study of Karaj-Qazvin Freeway)
* Traffic Regulator Detection and Identification from Crowdsourced Data: A Systematic Literature Review
* Traffic sign recognition method for intelligent vehicles
* Trajectory Extraction for Analysis of Unsafe Driving Behaviour
* Trajectory-based Visualization of MMS Point Clouds
* Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Alters Functional Network Structure in Humans: A Graph Theoretical Analysis
* Transductive non-linear semantic embedding for multi-class classification
* Transferred Multi-Perception Attention Networks for Remote Sensing Image Super-Resolution
* Transformation Based Algorithms for Change Detection in Full Polarimetric Remote Sensing Images
* Translating Aerial Images Into Street-map-like Representations For Visual Self-localization of Uavs
* Transmission point spread function of a turbid slab
* Tree Species Classification Based On 3d Spectral Point Clouds And Orthomosaics Acquired By Snapshot Hyperspectral Uas Sensor
* Tree Species Classification Based on Hybrid Ensembles of a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Random Forest Classifiers
* Tree-Based and Optimum Cut-Based Origin-Destination Flow Clustering
* Triangle-Oriented Spatial-Temporal Phase Unwrapping Algorithm Based on Irrotational Constraints for Time-Series InSAR, A
* Trip Extraction of Shared Electric Bikes Based on Multi-Rule-Constrained Homomorphic Linear Clustering Algorithm
* Tutankhamen's Two Tombs: Replica Creation and The Preservation of Our Cultural Heritage in The Digital Age
* Two-order graph convolutional networks for semi-supervised classification
* Two-photon speckle illumination for super-resolution microscopy
* Two-stage Approach for Commonality-based Temporal Localization of Periodic Motions, A
* Types of Crime, Poverty, Population Density and Presence of Police in the Metropolitan District of Quito
* U.PH.O and MAGO: Two Useful Instruments in Support of Photogrammetric UAV Survey
* UAV and Lidar Image Registration: a Surf-based Approach for Ground Control Points Selection
* UAV and Satellite Imagery Applied to Alien Species Mapping in NW Spain
* Uav Based Multi Seasonal Deciduous Tree Species Analysis in The Hainich National Park Using Multi Temporal and Point Cloud Curvature Features
* UAV Classification with Deep Learning Using Surveillance Radar Data
* UAV Direct Georeferencing Approach in An Emergency Mapping Context. The 2016 Central Italy Earthquake Case Study
* UAV Localization Using Panoramic Thermal Cameras
* UAV Photogrammetry and HBIM for The Virtual Reconstruction of Heritage
* UAV Photogrammetry for Resilience Management in Reconstruction Plan Of Urban Historical Centres After Seismic Events. a Case Study
* UAV Survey for The Archaeological Map of Lilybaeum (Marsala, Italy)
* UAV-Aided Weather Radar Calibration
* Uav-based Cadastral Mapping: An Assessment of The Impact of Flight Parameters and Ground Truth Measurements On The Absolute Accuracy Of Derived Orthoimages
* UAV-based Hyperspectral Data Analysis for Urban Area Mapping
* UAV-based Oblique Photogrammetry for 3d Reconstruction of Transmission Line: Practices and Applications
* UAV-based panoramic oblique photogrammetry (POP) approach using spherical projection, A
* UAV-based Photogrammetry for Archaeological Heritage Site Survey and 3d Modeling of The Sardus Pater Temple (Italy)
* Uav-based Structural Damage Mapping - Results From 6 Years of Research In Two European Projects
* UAV/satellite Multiscale Data Fusion for Crop Monitoring and Early Stress Detection
* Uavs Enhanced Navigation in Outdoor Gnss Denied Environment Using Uwb And Monocular Camera Systems
* UBathy: A New Approach for Bathymetric Inversion from Video Imagery
* Ultra Light UAV Systems for The Metrical Documentation of Cultural Heritage: Applications for Architecture and Archaeology
* Ultra-high Spatial Resolution Uav-based Imagery to Predict Biomass In Temperate Grasslands
* Unbroken Digital Data Flow in The Built Environment Process - a Case Study in Sweden
* Uncertainty Modelling of Citizen-centered Group Decision Making Using Fuzzy-vikor Case Study: Site Selection of Healthcare Services
* Under-Ice Hyperspectral and RGB Imaging System to Capture Fine-Scale Biophysical Properties of Sea Ice, An
* Understanding Deep Learning Techniques for Image Segmentation
* Understanding The Effects of Documentation Detail On Diagnostics Of Historic Structures
* Underwater Image Enhancement Based on Conditional Generative Adversarial Network
* Unified description of three-dimensional optical diffraction microscopy: from transmission microscopy to optical coherence tomography: tutorial
* unified framework for interactive image segmentation via Fisher rules, A
* Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Derived Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Crown Projection Area (CP
* Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Photogrammetry and 3d Modeling Applied To Virtual Reconstruction of An Archaeological Site in The Bronce Age
* Unsupervised Automatic Building Extraction Using Active Contour Model On Unregistered Optical Imagery and Airborne Lidar Data
* Unsupervised Cross-Temporal Classification of Hyperspectral Images With Multiple Geodesic Flow Kernel Learning
* Unsupervised Deep Slow Feature Analysis for Change Detection in Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Images
* Unsupervised feature selection for large data sets
* Unsupervised Image Regression for Heterogeneous Change Detection
* Unsupervised Zoning of Cultivation Areas With Similar Cultivation Pattern in Golestan Province Based On The Vegetation Products of MODIS Sensor
* Update From The Reseed Project, An
* Updating a Road Network Dataset Exploiting The Results of Semantic Segmentation Techniques Applied to Street-level Imagery
* Urban Heritage Monitoring, Using Image Processing Techniques and Data Collection With Terrestrial Laser Scanner (tls), Case Study Cuenca - Ecuador
* Urban Impervious Surface Detection With Landsat and Full Polarimetric Alos/palsar Images
* Urban Infrastructure and Buildings in Ruins: Damage Severity Mapping Of Neighborhoods Affected By The June 2018 Windstorm in Bauchi
* Urban Scene Classification Using Features Extracted From Photogrammetric Point Clouds Acquired by UAV
* Urban Vegetation Classification with NDVI Threshold Value Method With Very High Resolution (vhr) Pleiades Imagery
* Urban Vision Development in Order to Monitor Wheelchair Users Based On The Yolo Algorithm
* Urban's River Flood Analysing Using Sentinel-1 Data Case Study: (gorganrood, Aq'qala)
* Usability, Strength and Practicality of The Upcoming Hyspiri In Detecting Maize Gray Leafy Spot in Relation to Sentinel-2 Msi, Venµs And Landsat 8 Oli Spectral Band-settings
* Usage of Geodata and Virtual Reality in The Modern Situation Visualization
* Usage of Tls and Photogrammetry During The Restoration Process Of Spanish National Monument, The
* Use of 3D Building Data for Disaster Management: A 3D SDI Perspective, The
* Use of A Neural Network-Based Ocean Body Radiative Transfer Model for Aerosol Retrievals from Multi-Angle Polarimetric Measurements
* Use of CCTV in The Emergency Response: A 3D GIS Perspective, The
* Use of Machine Learning Techniques for Rapid Detection, Assessment And Mapping The Impact of Disasters On Transport Infrastructure
* Use of Multi-temporal Sentinel Satellites in The Analysis of Land Cover/land Use Changes Caused By The Nuclear Power Plant Construction, The
* Use of New Technologies in The Restoration and Conservation Of Built Cultural Heritage/ The Case of The Statue of Fouara, Setif, Algeria, The
* Use of Remote Sensing, Geophysical Techniques and Archaeological Excavations to Define the Roman Amphitheater of Torreparedones (Córdoba, Spain)
* Use of Terrestrial Laser Scanning Techniques to Evaluate Industrial Masonry Chimney Verticality, The
* User Preferences on Route Instruction Types for Mobile Indoor Route Guidance
* User Transition Pattern Analysis for Travel Route Recommendation
* User-Centered Visual Analytics Approach for Interactive and Explainable Energy Demand Analysis in Prosumer Scenarios
* Using a Complex Network to Analyze the Effects of the Three Gorges Dam on Water Level Fluctuation in Poyang Lake
* Using a Pulse Integration Technique for Improvement of Received Signal Power in Ground Based Sar System
* Using and Improving Mapathon Data Through Hackathons
* Using Cartographic Documents to Provide Geoinformation on the Rights to Real Estate: Taking Poland as an Example
* Using Continuous Change Detection and Classification of Landsat Data to Investigate Long-Term Mangrove Dynamics in the Sundarbans Region
* Using Digital Terrestrial Photogrammetry in Cultural Heritage Case Study: The Great Wall of Gorgan in Iran
* Using DJI Phantom 4 Rtk Drone for Topographic Mapping of Coastal Areas
* Using Edgeconv to Improve 3d Object Detection From RGB-D Data
* Using EEG for Mental Fatigue Assessment: A Comprehensive Look Into the Current State of the Art
* Using fine-tuned conditional probabilities for data transformation of nominal attributes
* Using Geographic Ontologies and Geo-Characterization to Represent Geographic Scenarios
* Using Geomatics to Understand and Valorize Heritage, Three Different Contexts of Study: Syria, Italy, and France
* Using Index and Cumulative Overlay Analyses to Determine Geothermal Potential Targets in Damavand Region
* Using Landsat OLI and Random Forest to Assess Grassland Degradation with Aboveground Net Primary Production and Electrical Conductivity Data
* Using Remote Sensing Data to Create Maps of Vegetation and Relief For Natural Resource Management of a Large Administrative Region
* Using spectral Geodesic and spatial Euclidean weights of neighbourhood pixels for hyperspectral Endmember Extraction preprocessing
* Using theoretical ROC curves for analysing machine learning binary classifiers
* Using Virtual Scenarios to Produce Machine Learnable Environments For Wildfire Detection and Segmentation
* Utility Poles Extraction From Mobile Lidar Data in Urban Area Based On Density Information
* Utilization of Fine Resolution Satellite Data for Landslide Susceptibility Modelling: a Case Study of Kashmir Earthquake Induced Landslides
* Utilizing BIM and GIS for Representation and Visualization of 3D Cadastre
* UTSM: A Trajectory Similarity Measure Considering Uncertainty Based on an Amended Ellipse Model
* V-disparity Based Obstacle Avoidance for Dynamic Path Planning of a Robot-trailer
* V-RSIR: A Web-based Tool and Benchmark Dataset for Remote Sensing Image Retrieval
* Validating a Landsat Time-Series of Fractional Component Cover Across Western U.S. Rangelands
* Validation of Asmr2 Sea Ice Concentration Data Using Modis Data
* Validation of Extracted Endmembers From Hyperspectral Images
* Valuing Forest Stand At a Glance With UAV Based Lidar
* Variational Assimilation of Radio Occultation Observations into Numerical Weather Prediction Models: Equations, Strategies, and Algorithms
* VAT Method for Visualization of Mass Movement Features: An Alternative to Hillshaded DEM
* Vegetation Dynamics Trend Using Satellite Time Series Imagery
* Vegetation Mapping of Sentinel-1 and 2 Satellite Images Using Convolutional Neural Network and Random Forest With The Aid Of Dual-polarized and Optical Vegetation Indexes
* Vehicle departure pattern and queue length prediction at an isolated intersection with automatic vehicle identity detection
* Vehicle detection in intelligent transport system under a hazy environment: a survey
* Vehicle global 6-DoF pose estimation under traffic surveillance camera
* Versatil Tools: Digital Survey and Virtual Reality for Documentation, Analysis and Fruition of Cultural Heritage in Seismic Areas
* Versatile inversion tool for phaseless optical diffraction tomography
* Vertical Orientation Correction of UAV Image-based Point Clouds Using Statistical Modeling of Gable Roof Geometry
* Video classification and retrieval through spatio-temporal Radon features
* Video Image Target Recognition and Geolocation Method for UAV Based On Landmarks
* Video Saliency Prediction Based on Spatial-Temporal Two-Stream Network
* Video similarity detection using fixed-length Statistical Dominant Colour Profile (SDCP) signatures
* Video Skimming: Taxonomy and Comprehensive Survey
* Video summarisation based on motion estimation using speeded up robust features
* Videogrammetry Vs Photogrammetry for Heritage 3d Reconstruction
* Virtual Museums As a Means for Promotion and Enhancement of Cultural Heritage
* Virtual Museums: The Future of Historical Monuments Documentation and Visualization
* Virtual Past. Interactive Presentation of Late Roman Towers (Archaeological Museum, Milan Italy)
* Virtual Reconstruction in BIM Technology and Digital Inventories Of Heritage
* Virtual Reconstruction of The Birthplace of Rembrandt Van Rijn: From Historical Research Over 3d Modeling Towards Virtual Presentation
* Virtual Restitution of The Parietal Decoration in The Sala Del Mosaico De Los Amores. Castulo Archaeological Site (Linares, Spain)
* Virtual Training Sample Generation by Generative Adversarial Networks for Hyperspectral Images Classification
* Visibility Analysis of Huge Outdoor Advertisements Along Guadalupe Bridge in Edsa Highway From Structure-from-motion Photogrammetry
* Vision Based Automated Anthropological Measurements and Analysis
* Vision Based Obstacle Detection Using Rover Stereo Images
* vision-based fully automated approach to robust image cropping detection, A
* Vision-based Indoor Localization Via a Visual Slam Approach
* Visual and Cognitive Interpretation of Heterogeneous Data
* Visual appearance based person retrieval in unconstrained environment videos
* Visual Question Answering Model Based on Visual Relationship Detection
* Visual representation decoding from human brain activity using machine learning: A baseline study
* Visual simulation of a capsizing ship in stormy weather condition
* Visual tracking via dynamic weighting with pyramid-redetection based Siamese networks
* Visualization of Pedestrian Density Dynamics Using Data Extracted from Public Webcams
* Void Filling of Digital Elevation Models with a Terrain Texture Learning Model Based on Generative Adversarial Networks
* Volume holographic spatial-spectral imaging systems
* Volunteer Geographic Information in Africa
* VRDD: vehicular relevance-based data dissemination in a vehicular ad hoc network
* Vulnerability Analysis for The Integrated Coastal Zone Management Plan Of The City of KaŠtela in Croatia
* Water Level Fluctuation Assessment of Lake Chad for Environmental Sustainability Using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System Technique
* Water Salinity Mapping of Karun Basin Located in Iran Using The Svr Method
* Water Streak Detection with Convolutional Neural Networks for Scrubber Dryers
* Wave Height and Wave Period Derived from a Shipboard Coherent S-Band Wave Radar in the South China Sea
* Wavelet-based iterative perfect reconstruction in computational integral imaging
* Wavelet-Domain Low-Rank/Group-Sparse Destriping for Hyperspectral Imagery
* Weakly Supervised Dual Learning for Facial Action Unit Recognition
* Weakly Supervised Estimation of Shadow Confidence Maps in Fetal Ultrasound Imaging
* Weakly Supervised learning technique for classifying facial expressions, A
* WeatherNet: Recognising Weather and Visual Conditions from Street-Level Images Using Deep Residual Learning
* Web Platform for Crisis Management Based On Voluntary Data and Free Tools in Case of Natural Disaster, A
* Web-based Land Information System, Tool for Online Land Administration in Akure Nigeria, A
* Web-based Smart Telecare System for Early Diagnosis of Heart Attack, A
* Webly-supervised zero-shot learning for artwork instance recognition
* Weighted Point Cloud Augmentation for Neural Network Training Data Class-imbalance
* Weighted SVM-Based Approach to Tree Species Classification at Individual Tree Crown Level Using LiDAR Data, A
* Weighted two-step aggregated VLAD for image retrieval
* Well-Posedness for Photoacoustic Tomography with Fabry-Perot Sensors
* Wetland Loss Identification and Evaluation Based on Landscape and Remote Sensing Indices in Xiong'an New Area
* Wheat Lodging Assessment Using Multispectral UAV Data
* Who is the Film's Director? Authorship Recognition Based on Shot Features
* Wide-area invasive species propagation mapping is possible using phenometric trends
* Wide-field and full-focus optical microscopic imaging system
* Widening Audiences: Making Heritage Recording Data Easily Accessible Via Html Applications
* Width optimization of RBF kernels for binary classification of support vector machines: A density estimation-based approach
* Wildfire Damage Assessment Using Multi-temporal Sentinel-2 Data
* Wildfire Detection Probability of MODIS Fire Products under the Constraint of Environmental Factors: A Study Based on Confirmed Ground Wildfire Records
* Will Deepfakes Do Deep Damage?
* Workable Monitoring System Based On Spaceborne Sar Images for Mining Areas - Stings Development Project
* Workflow for Geometric Colour Photography of Painted Surfaces, A
* X-Ray Fluorescence Computed Tomography Induced by Photon, Electron, and Proton Beams
* X-ray tomography of extended objects: a comparison of data acquisition approaches
* XNORCONV: CNNs accelerator implemented on FPGA using a hybrid CNNs structure and an inter-layer pipeline method
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