Index for khal

Khalaf, A.A.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abd Ellah, M.K.: TPUAR-Net: Two Parallel U-Net with Asymmetric Residua...
     with: Awad, A.I.: TPUAR-Net: Two Parallel U-Net with Asymmetric Residual-Bas...
     with: Hamed, H.F.A.: TPUAR-Net: Two Parallel U-Net with Asymmetric Residual-...

Khalaf, A.F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Yassine, I.A.: Novel features for microcalcification detection in digi...

Khalaf, E.T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Mohammad, M.N.: Robust partitioning and indexing for iris biometric da...
     with: Moorthy, K.: Robust partitioning and indexing for iris biometric datab...

Khalaf, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Al Jumeily, D.: Advance flood detection and notification system based ...
     with: Al Jumeily, D.: utilisation of social media for bridging the gap betwe...
     with: Fergus, P.: Advance flood detection and notification system based on s...
     with: Fergus, P.: utilisation of social media for bridging the gap between p...
     with: Hussain, A.J.: Advance flood detection and notification system based o...
     with: Hussain, A.J.: utilisation of social media for bridging the gap betwee...
     with: Idowu, I.O.: Advance flood detection and notification system based on ...
     with: Lennon, U.: utilisation of social media for bridging the gap between p...
     with: Radi, N.: utilisation of social media for bridging the gap between pat...
9 for Khalaf, M.

Khalaf, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Beldados, A.: Remote Sensing for Biocultural Heritage Preservation in ...
     with: Lane, P.J.: Remote Sensing for Biocultural Heritage Preservation in an...
     with: M'Mbogori, F.N.: Remote Sensing for Biocultural Heritage Preservation ...
     with: Merlo, S.: Remote Sensing for Biocultural Heritage Preservation in an ...
     with: Ochungo, P.: Remote Sensing for Biocultural Heritage Preservation in a...
     with: Tiki, W.: Remote Sensing for Biocultural Heritage Preservation in an A...

Khalaf, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abdelguerfi, M.: Parallel bit-level pipelined VLSI processing unit for...
     with: Sood, A.K.: Parallel bit-level pipelined VLSI processing unit for the ...

Khalaf, Y.H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abdulateef, N.A.: Out of Plumb Assessment for Cylindrical-Like Minaret...
     with: Alsadik, B.: Out of Plumb Assessment for Cylindrical-Like Minaret Stru...
     with: Alsadik, B.: Potential Use of Drone Ultra-High-Definition Videos for D...

Khalafalla, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Feng, H.: Pentagram Arrays: A New Paradigm for DOA Estimation of Wideb...
     with: Feng, H.: Two-Dimensional Target Localization Approach via a Closed-Fo...
     with: Jiang, K.: Pentagram Arrays: A New Paradigm for DOA Estimation of Wide...
     with: Jiang, K.: Two-Dimensional Target Localization Approach via a Closed-F...
     with: Tang, B.: Pentagram Arrays: A New Paradigm for DOA Estimation of Wideb...
     with: Tang, B.: Two-Dimensional Target Localization Approach via a Closed-Fo...
     with: Tian, K.L.: Pentagram Arrays: A New Paradigm for DOA Estimation of Wid...
     with: Tian, K.L.: Two-Dimensional Target Localization Approach via a Closed-...
     with: Xiong, Y.: Pentagram Arrays: A New Paradigm for DOA Estimation of Wide...
     with: Xiong, Y.: Two-Dimensional Target Localization Approach via a Closed-F...
10 for Khalafalla, M.

Khalaj, B.H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aghajan, H.K.: Automated direct patterned wafer inspection
     with: Aghajan, H.K.: Estimation of Multiple 2-D Uniform Motions by SLIDE: Su...
     with: Aghajan, H.K.: Estimation of Skew Angle in Text-Image Analysis by SLID...
     with: Aghajan, H.K.: Patterned Wafer Inspection By High-Resolution Spectral ...
     with: Kailath, T.: Automated direct patterned wafer inspection
     with: Kailath, T.: Estimation of Multiple 2-D Uniform Motions by SLIDE: Subs...
     with: Kailath, T.: Estimation of Skew Angle in Text-Image Analysis by SLIDE:...
     with: Kailath, T.: Patterned Wafer Inspection By High-Resolution Spectral Es...
8 for Khalaj, B.H.

Khalak, H.G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Barbour, G.S.: Multiscale Edge Detection and Feature Binding: An Integ...
     with: Blackwell, K.T.: Multiscale Edge Detection and Feature Binding: An Int...
     with: Brown, M.A.: Multiscale Edge Detection and Feature Binding: An Integra...
     with: Vogl, T.P.: Multiscale Edge Detection and Feature Binding: An Integrat...

Khalatbarisoltani, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Boulon, L.: Energy Management Strategies for Fuel Cell Vehicles: A Com...
     with: Boulon, L.: Integrating Model Predictive Control With Federated Reinfo...
     with: Han, J.: Energy Management in Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles: Prehea...
     with: Hu, X.S.: Energy Management in Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles: Prehe...
     with: Hu, X.S.: Energy Management Strategies for Fuel Cell Vehicles: A Compr...
     with: Hu, X.S.: Integrating Model Predictive Control With Federated Reinforc...
     with: Kandidayeni, M.: Energy Management Strategies for Fuel Cell Vehicles: ...
     with: Tang, X.L.: Energy Management Strategies for Fuel Cell Vehicles: A Com...
     with: Yang, Y.: Energy Management in Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles: Prehe...
     with: Zhou, H.T.: Energy Management Strategies for Fuel Cell Vehicles: A Com...
10 for Khalatbarisoltani, A.

Khaldi, B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aiadi, O.: Combining colour and grey-level co-occurrence matrix featur...
     with: Kherfi, M.L.: Combining colour and grey-level co-occurrence matrix fea...

Khaldi, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aloui, R.: Tackling Domain Shifts in Person Re-Identification: A Surve...
     with: Boudraa, A.O.: HHT-based audio coding
     with: Chonavel, T.: HHT-based audio coding
     with: Gupta, A.: Tackling Domain Shifts in Person Re-Identification: A Surve...
     with: Mantini, P.: Contrastive Viewpoint-aware Shape Learning for Long-term ...
     with: Mantini, P.: Tackling Domain Shifts in Person Re-Identification: A Sur...
     with: Mantini, P.: Unsupervised Person Re-identification Based on Skeleton J...
     with: Mantini, P.: Unsupervised Person Re-Identification in Aerial Imagery
     with: Merchant, F.: Tackling Domain Shifts in Person Re-Identification: A Su...
     with: Mirza, S.: Tackling Domain Shifts in Person Re-Identification: A Surve...
     with: Nguyen, D.: Contrastive Viewpoint-aware Shape Learning for Long-term P...
     with: Nguyen, V.D.: Contrastive Viewpoint-aware Shape Learning for Long-term...
     with: Nguyen, V.D.: Tackling Domain Shifts in Person Re-Identification: A Su...
     with: Nguyen, V.D.: Unsupervised Person Re-Identification in Aerial Imagery
     with: Shah, S.: Unsupervised Person Re-Identification in Aerial Imagery
     with: Shah, S.K.: Contrastive Viewpoint-aware Shape Learning for Long-term P...
     with: Shah, S.K.: Tackling Domain Shifts in Person Re-Identification: A Surv...
     with: Shah, S.K.: Unsupervised Person Re-identification Based on Skeleton Jo...
     with: Torresani, B.: HHT-based audio coding
     with: Zakeri, A.: Tackling Domain Shifts in Person Re-Identification: A Surv...
20 for Khaldi, K.

Khaled, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ben Ali, Y.: Induced guided acoustic waves by the presence of a defect...
     with: Bria, D.: Induced guided acoustic waves by the presence of a defective...
     with: Elamri, F.Z.: Induced guided acoustic waves by the presence of a defec...
     with: Kadmiri, I.E.: Induced guided acoustic waves by the presence of a defe...
     with: Miad, A.K.E.: Induced guided acoustic waves by the presence of a defec...

Khaled, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Zytoune, O.: Contribution to the optimization of the flight duration o...

Khaled, K.B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Oeldenberger, S.: African Geospatial Sciences Institute (AGSI): A New ...

Khaled, O.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Adorni, F.: Towards an Engaging Mobile Food Record for Teenagers
     with: Caon, M.: Democratizing 3D dynamic gestures recognition
     with: Caon, M.: Extending the interaction area for view-invariant 3D gesture...
     with: Caon, M.: Towards an Engaging Mobile Food Record for Teenagers
     with: Carrino, S.: Towards an Engaging Mobile Food Record for Teenagers
     with: Ciociola, V.: Towards an Engaging Mobile Food Record for Teenagers
     with: Condon, L.: Towards an Engaging Mobile Food Record for Teenagers
     with: Lafortuna, C.: Towards an Engaging Mobile Food Record for Teenagers
     with: Lalanne, D.: Gesture recognition corpora and tools: A scripted ground ...
     with: Mugellini, E.: Democratizing 3D dynamic gestures recognition
     with: Mugellini, E.: Extending the interaction area for view-invariant 3D ge...
     with: Mugellini, E.: Gesture recognition corpora and tools: A scripted groun...
     with: Mugellini, E.: Towards an Engaging Mobile Food Record for Teenagers
     with: Prinelli, F.: Towards an Engaging Mobile Food Record for Teenagers
     with: Ruffieux, S.: Gesture recognition corpora and tools: A scripted ground...
     with: Serrano, J.: Towards an Engaging Mobile Food Record for Teenagers
     with: Tabozzi, S.: Towards an Engaging Mobile Food Record for Teenagers
     with: Tscherrig, J.: Democratizing 3D dynamic gestures recognition
     with: Tscherrig, J.: Extending the interaction area for view-invariant 3D ge...
     with: Yue, Y.: Democratizing 3D dynamic gestures recognition
     with: Yue, Y.: Extending the interaction area for view-invariant 3D gesture ...
21 for Khaled, O.A.

Khaled, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alrahmawy, M.: Thyroid Cancer Diagnostic System using Magnetic Resonan...
     with: El Baz, A.: Thyroid Cancer Diagnostic System using Magnetic Resonance ...
     with: Elmougy, S.: Thyroid Cancer Diagnostic System using Magnetic Resonance...
     with: Elsharkawy, M.: Thyroid Cancer Diagnostic System using Magnetic Resona...
     with: Ghazal, M.: Thyroid Cancer Diagnostic System using Magnetic Resonance ...
     with: Hussein, M.M.: Thyroid Cancer Diagnostic System using Magnetic Resonan...
     with: Khalifa, F.: Thyroid Cancer Diagnostic System using Magnetic Resonance...
     with: Marti, R.: Deep Learning Based Segmentation of Breast Lesions in DCE-MRI
     with: Naglah, A.: Thyroid Cancer Diagnostic System using Magnetic Resonance ...
     with: Shaffie, A.: Thyroid Cancer Diagnostic System using Magnetic Resonance...
     with: Sharafeldeen, A.: Thyroid Cancer Diagnostic System using Magnetic Reso...
     with: Soliman, A.: Thyroid Cancer Diagnostic System using Magnetic Resonance...
     with: Vidal, J.: Deep Learning Based Segmentation of Breast Lesions in DCE-MRI
     with: Yousaf, J.: Thyroid Cancer Diagnostic System using Magnetic Resonance ...
14 for Khaled, R.

Khaled, S.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Efat, M.I.A.: Dynamic Blocks for Face Verification
     with: Ibrahim, M.: Dynamic Blocks for Face Verification
     with: Imran, A.: Combinatorial Color Space Models for Skin Detection in Sub-...
     with: Islam, M.S.: Combinatorial Color Space Models for Skin Detection in Su...
     with: Islam, M.S.: Dynamic Blocks for Face Verification
     with: Islam, S.: Combinatorial Color Space Models for Skin Detection in Sub-...
     with: Kamal, M.M.: Combinatorial Color Space Models for Skin Detection in Su...
     with: Muctadir, H.M.: Combinatorial Color Space Models for Skin Detection in...
     with: Rabbani, M.G.: Combinatorial Color Space Models for Skin Detection in ...
     with: Shakir, A.K.: Combinatorial Color Space Models for Skin Detection in S...
     with: Shoyaib, M.: Dynamic Blocks for Face Verification
     with: Tabassum, M.R.: Combinatorial Color Space Models for Skin Detection in...
     with: Toma, T.R.: Dynamic Blocks for Face Verification
     with: Ul Gias, A.: Combinatorial Color Space Models for Skin Detection in Su...
14 for Khaled, S.M.

Khaledian, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Erricolo, D.: power-efficient implementation of in-band full-duplex co...
     with: Farzami, F.: power-efficient implementation of in-band full-duplex com...
     with: Smida, B.: power-efficient implementation of in-band full-duplex commu...

Khaledzadeh, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bugajska Jedraszek, N.: Uncovering a Seismogenic Fault in Southern Ira...
     with: Milczarek, W.: Uncovering a Seismogenic Fault in Southern Iran through...
     with: Motavalli Anbaran, S.H.: Uncovering a Seismogenic Fault in Southern Ir...
     with: Namdarsehat, P.: Uncovering a Seismogenic Fault in Southern Iran throu...

Khaleel, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: de Groen, P.: Training Strategy for Limited Labeled Data by Learning f...
     with: Idris, A.: Training Strategy for Limited Labeled Data by Learning from...
     with: Oh, J.: Training Strategy for Limited Labeled Data by Learning from Co...
     with: Tavanapong, W.: Training Strategy for Limited Labeled Data by Learning...

Khalefa, W. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bassiouni, M.M.: Intelligent hybrid approaches for human ECG signals i...
     with: El Dahshan, E.S.A.: Intelligent hybrid approaches for human ECG signal...
     with: Salem, A.M.: Intelligent hybrid approaches for human ECG signals ident...

Khaleghi Bizaki, H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Fakhredanesh, M.: Reversible data hiding with automatic contrast enhan...
     with: Mansouri, S.: Reversible data hiding with automatic contrast enhanceme...

Khaleghi, B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ahuja, S.: improved real-time miniaturized embedded stereo vision syst...
     with: Ahuja, S.: New Miniaturized Embedded Stereo-Vision System (MESVS-I), A
     with: Golestan, K.: Attention Assist: A High-Level Information Fusion Framew...
     with: Kamel, M.S.: Attention Assist: A High-Level Information Fusion Framewo...
     with: Karray, F.: Attention Assist: A High-Level Information Fusion Framewor...
     with: Karray, F.: Distributed Soft-Data-Constrained Multi-Model Particle Fil...
     with: Seifzadeh, S.: Distributed Soft-Data-Constrained Multi-Model Particle ...
     with: Wu, Q.M.J.: improved real-time miniaturized embedded stereo vision sys...
     with: Wu, Q.M.J.: New Miniaturized Embedded Stereo-Vision System (MESVS-I), A
9 for Khaleghi, B.

Khaleghi, L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Etemad, A.: Learning Sequential Contexts using Transformer for 3D Hand...
     with: Marshall, J.: Learning Sequential Contexts using Transformer for 3D Ha...

Khaleghian, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Eltoft, T.: Sea Ice Classification of SAR Imagery Based on Convolution...
     with: Hughes, N.: Sea Ice Classification of SAR Imagery Based on Convolution...
     with: Krĉmer, T.: Sea Ice Classification of SAR Imagery Based on Convolution...
     with: Marinoni, A.: Sea Ice Classification of SAR Imagery Based on Convoluti...
     with: Rabiee, H.R.: Face recognition across large pose variations via Booste...
     with: Rohban, M.H.: Face recognition across large pose variations via Booste...
     with: Ullah, H.: Sea Ice Classification of SAR Imagery Based on Convolution ...
7 for Khaleghian, S.

Khalek, A.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Caramanis, C.: Loss Visibility Optimized Real-Time Video Transmission ...
     with: Heath, R.W.: Loss Visibility Optimized Real-Time Video Transmission Ov...

Khalfallah, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abdmouleh, M.K.: Chaotic Cryptosystem for Color Image with Dynamic Loo...
     with: Abdmouleh, M.K.: Crypto-compression scheme based on the DWT for medica...
     with: Bouhlel, M.S.: Chaotic Cryptosystem for Color Image with Dynamic Look-...
     with: Bouhlel, M.S.: Crypto-compression scheme based on the DWT for medical ...
     with: Bouhlel, M.S.: New scheme of digital watermarking using an adaptive em...
     with: Kammoun, F.: New scheme of digital watermarking using an adaptive embe...

Khalfaoui, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, M.: DiffHPE: Robust, Coherent 3D Human Pose Lifting with Diffusion
     with: Cord, M.: DiffHPE: Robust, Coherent 3D Human Pose Lifting with Diffusion
     with: Fofi, D.: View Planning Approach for Automatic 3D Digitization of Unkn...
     with: Fougerolle, Y.: View Planning Approach for Automatic 3D Digitization o...
     with: Marlet, R.: DiffHPE: Robust, Coherent 3D Human Pose Lifting with Diffu...
     with: Perez, P.: DiffHPE: Robust, Coherent 3D Human Pose Lifting with Diffus...
     with: Rommel, C.: DiffHPE: Robust, Coherent 3D Human Pose Lifting with Diffu...
     with: Seulin, R.: View Planning Approach for Automatic 3D Digitization of Un...
     with: Valle, E.: DiffHPE: Robust, Coherent 3D Human Pose Lifting with Diffus...
9 for Khalfaoui, S.

Khalfi, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Assemat, L.: Weed Recognition by Color Image Processing
     with: Boissard, P.: Weed Recognition by Color Image Processing
     with: Chapron, M.: Weed Recognition by Color Image Processing

Khalgui, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Al Ahmari, A.: Performance evaluation of vehicular platoons using Webots
     with: Guerfala, E.: Performance evaluation of vehicular platoons using Webots
     with: Karoui, O.: Performance evaluation of vehicular platoons using Webots
     with: Koubaa, A.: Performance evaluation of vehicular platoons using Webots
     with: Li, Z.W.: Fairness concern-based coordinated vehicle route guidance us...
     with: Li, Z.W.: Performance evaluation of vehicular platoons using Webots
     with: Li, Z.W.: unified model for the fairness mechanism-based coordinated v...
     with: Tovard, E.: Performance evaluation of vehicular platoons using Webots
     with: Wu, N.: Performance evaluation of vehicular platoons using Webots
     with: Zhang, L.: Fairness concern-based coordinated vehicle route guidance u...
     with: Zhang, L.: unified model for the fairness mechanism-based coordinated ...
     with: Zhang, Y.S.: Fairness concern-based coordinated vehicle route guidance...
     with: Zhang, Y.S.: unified model for the fairness mechanism-based coordinate...
     with: Zheng, S.S.: unified model for the fairness mechanism-based coordinate...
14 for Khalgui, M.

Khalid, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Adebisi, B.: Image transmission using unequal error protected multi-fo...
     with: Arif, S.: Control Schemes for Quadrotor UAV: Taxonomy and Survey
     with: Bakshi, S.: Control Schemes for Quadrotor UAV: Taxonomy and Survey
     with: Honary, B.: Image transmission using unequal error protected multi-fol...
     with: Khan, E.: Image transmission using unequal error protected multi-fold ...
     with: Khan, M.A.: Control Schemes for Quadrotor UAV: Taxonomy and Survey
     with: Khan, S.U.: Image transmission using unequal error protected multi-fol...
     with: Mujtaba, H.: Data Processing Issues in Cloud Computing
     with: Mushtaq, Z.: Control Schemes for Quadrotor UAV: Taxonomy and Survey
     with: Sreenan, C.J.: Optimizing Video QoE for Mobile eMBMS Users in Cellular...
     with: Zahran, A.H.: Optimizing Video QoE for Mobile eMBMS Users in Cellular ...
     with: Zeb, K.: Control Schemes for Quadrotor UAV: Taxonomy and Survey
12 for Khalid, A.

Khalid, A.R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Hassan, A.: Efficient 2D human pose estimation using mean-shift
     with: Taj, M.: Efficient 2D human pose estimation using mean-shift

Khalid, B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Akram, M.U.: Multistage Deep Neural Network Framework for People Detec...
     with: Alvim, D.S.: Evaluating Carbon Monoxide and Aerosol Optical Depth Simu...
     with: Amine, K.: Knowledge discovery in WSN using mobile agents
     with: Amine, R.: Knowledge discovery in WSN using mobile agents
     with: Boian, C.: Evaluating Carbon Monoxide and Aerosol Optical Depth Simula...
     with: Capistrano, V.B.: Evaluating Carbon Monoxide and Aerosol Optical Depth...
     with: Chiquetto, J.B.: Evaluating Carbon Monoxide and Aerosol Optical Depth ...
     with: Correa, S.M.: Evaluating Carbon Monoxide and Aerosol Optical Depth Sim...
     with: d'Amelio, M.T.S.: Evaluating Carbon Monoxide and Aerosol Optical Depth...
     with: Elhoussaine, Z.: Knowledge discovery in WSN using mobile agents
     with: Figueroa, S.N.: Evaluating Carbon Monoxide and Aerosol Optical Depth S...
     with: Frassoni, A.: Evaluating Carbon Monoxide and Aerosol Optical Depth Sim...
     with: Herdies, D.L.: Evaluating Carbon Monoxide and Aerosol Optical Depth Si...
     with: Khan, A.M.: Multistage Deep Neural Network Framework for People Detect...
     with: Kubota, P.Y.: Evaluating Carbon Monoxide and Aerosol Optical Depth Sim...
     with: Mohammed, O.: Knowledge discovery in WSN using mobile agents
     with: Nobre, P.: Evaluating Carbon Monoxide and Aerosol Optical Depth Simula...
     with: Pendharkar, J.: Evaluating Carbon Monoxide and Aerosol Optical Depth S...
18 for Khalid, B.

Khalid, C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Driss, G.: Face recognition using Nuclear Norm-based Angle Two-Dimensi...
     with: Jamal, E.: Face recognition using Nuclear Norm-based Angle Two-Dimensi...
     with: Mohammed, B.: Combination of R1-PCA and median LDA for anomaly network...
     with: Zyad, E.: Combination of R1-PCA and median LDA for anomaly network det...

Khalid, E.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Brahim, A.: Using content-based image retrieval to automatically asses...
     with: Mohammed, O.: Using content-based image retrieval to automatically ass...
     with: Radeva, P.: Using content-based image retrieval to automatically asses...

Khalid, F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Affendey, L.S.: Video abstraction using density-based clustering algor...
     with: Anas, B.: imapct of temporal features in anomaly detection in smart ci...
     with: Chamasemani, F.F.: Video abstraction using density-based clustering al...
     with: El Mehdi, A.M.: imapct of temporal features in anomaly detection in sm...
     with: Mustapha, N.: Video abstraction using density-based clustering algorithm

Khalid, F.B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Liu, Y.: Elegantly Written: Disentangling Writer and Character Styles ...
     with: Wang, C.: Elegantly Written: Disentangling Writer and Character Styles...
     with: Wang, L.: Elegantly Written: Disentangling Writer and Character Styles...
     with: Zhang, Y.: Elegantly Written: Disentangling Writer and Character Style...

Khalid, H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ahmed, N.: Gaussian Process-based Feature-Enriched Blind Image Quality...
     with: Al Jawher, W.A.M.: RAVEN: Robust Anonymous Vehicular End-to-End Encryp...
     with: Ali, D.M.: Gaussian Process-based Feature-Enriched Blind Image Quality...
     with: Altarturi, H.H.M.: RAVEN: Robust Anonymous Vehicular End-to-End Encryp...
     with: Chaudhary, M.A.: RAVEN: Robust Anonymous Vehicular End-to-End Encrypti...
     with: Hashim, F.: RAVEN: Robust Anonymous Vehicular End-to-End Encryption an...
     with: Hashim, S.J.: RAVEN: Robust Anonymous Vehicular End-to-End Encryption ...
     with: Woo, S.S.: OC-FakeDect: Classifying Deepfakes Using One-class Variatio...
8 for Khalid, H.

Khalid, H.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ahmad, F.: Smart transportation solutions for faster emergency medical...
     with: Alblushi, I.G.M.: Smart transportation solutions for faster emergency ...
     with: Amir, M.: Smart transportation solutions for faster emergency medical ...
     with: Gupta, H.: Smart transportation solutions for faster emergency medical...
     with: Zaheeruddin: Smart transportation solutions for faster emergency medic...

Khalid, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ahmad, A.R.: Lexicon-Based Word Recognition Using Support Vector Machi...
     with: Ahmad, N.: Beacon trust management system and fake data detection in v...
     with: Arshad, M.: Beacon trust management system and fake data detection in ...
     with: Cao, Y.: Beacon trust management system and fake data detection in veh...
     with: Khairuddin, A.S.M.: Fuzzy logic-based pre-classifier for tropical wood...
     with: Khalid, W.: Beacon trust management system and fake data detection in ...
     with: Knerr, S.: analytical handwritten word recognition system with word-le...
     with: Lallican, P.M.: analytical handwritten word recognition system with wo...
     with: Murtaza, K.: Image de-fencing using histograms of oriented gradients
     with: Rosli, N.R.: Tropical Wood Species Recognition Based on Gabor Filter
     with: Sarwar, S.M.: Image de-fencing using histograms of oriented gradients
     with: Shahwar, D.: Beacon trust management system and fake data detection in...
     with: Tay, Y.H.: analytical handwritten word recognition system with word-le...
     with: Ullah, Z.: Beacon trust management system and fake data detection in v...
     with: Viard Gaudin, C.: analytical handwritten word recognition system with ...
     with: Viard Gaudin, C.: Lexicon-Based Word Recognition Using Support Vector ...
     with: Yousaf, M.M.: Image de-fencing using histograms of oriented gradients
     with: Yusof, R.: Fuzzy logic-based pre-classifier for tropical wood species ...
     with: Yusof, R.: Tropical Wood Species Recognition Based on Gabor Filter
     with: Zineb, E.A.: simple tool for automatic extraction of the Moroccan coas...
20 for Khalid, M.

Khalid, M.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Khan, A.A.: Novel Robust Laser Tracking System with Automatic Environm...
     with: Mahmood, M.H.: Novel Robust Laser Tracking System with Automatic Envir...
     with: Malhi, A.G.: Novel Robust Laser Tracking System with Automatic Environ...

Khalid, M.U. Standard Author Listing
     with: Seghouane, A.: Adaptive 2DCCA Based Approach for Improving Spatial Spe...
     with: Shah, A.: Adaptive 2DCCA Based Approach for Improving Spatial Specific...
     with: Yu, J.: Multi-Modal Three-Stream Network for Action Recognition

Khalid, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aslam, B.: Urban Overheating Assessment through Prediction of Surface ...
     with: Khan, N.: Developments in Distributed Video Coding
     with: Maqsoom, A.: Urban Overheating Assessment through Prediction of Surfac...
     with: Sepasgozar, S.: Urban Overheating Assessment through Prediction of Sur...
     with: Ullah, F.: Urban Overheating Assessment through Prediction of Surface ...

Khalid, N.F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Din, A.H.M.: Acceleration of Sea Level Rise over Malaysian Seas from S...
     with: Din, A.H.M.: Open-Source Digital Elevation Model (DEMs) Evaluation wit...
     with: Hamid, A.I.A.: Acceleration of Sea Level Rise over Malaysian Seas from...
     with: Hamid, A.I.A.: Open-Source Digital Elevation Model (DEMs) Evaluation w...
     with: Khanan, M.F.A.: Open-Source Digital Elevation Model (DEMs) Evaluation ...
     with: Omar, A.H.: Open-Source Digital Elevation Model (DEMs) Evaluation with...
     with: Omar, K.M.: Acceleration of Sea Level Rise over Malaysian Seas from Sa...
     with: Omar, K.M.: Open-Source Digital Elevation Model (DEMs) Evaluation with...
     with: Pa'suya, M.F.: Open-Source Digital Elevation Model (DEMs) Evaluation w...
9 for Khalid, N.F.

Khalid, N.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Belilovsky, E.: Simulated Annealing in Early Layers Leads to Better Ge...
     with: Chaudhary, M.: Simulated Annealing in Early Layers Leads to Better Gen...
     with: Karimpour, Z.: Simulated Annealing in Early Layers Leads to Better Gen...
     with: Mudur, S.: Simulated Annealing in Early Layers Leads to Better General...
     with: Ravanelli, M.: Simulated Annealing in Early Layers Leads to Better Gen...
     with: Sarfi, A.M.: Simulated Annealing in Early Layers Leads to Better Gener...

Khalid, O. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cavallaro, A.: Detecting tracking errors via forecasting
     with: Cavallaro, A.: Multi-Tracker Partition Fusion
     with: Rinner, B.: Detecting tracking errors via forecasting
     with: SanMiguel, J.C.: Multi-Tracker Partition Fusion

Khalid, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ahmed, W.: Automated diagnosis system for age-related macular degenera...
     with: Akram, M.U.: Automated diagnosis system for age-related macular degene...
     with: Akram, M.U.: Identification and classification of microaneurysms for e...
     with: Akram, M.U.: Improved automated detection of glaucoma by correlating f...
     with: Akram, M.U.: Improved automated detection of glaucoma from fundus imag...
     with: Akram, M.U.: study to identify limitations of existing automated syste...
     with: Ali, N.: study to identify limitations of existing automated systems t...
     with: Aslam, M.: Real-time imaging-based assessment model for improving teac...
     with: Carlson, A.K.: Proceedings of the Workshop on 3D Geometry Generation f...
     with: Chang, H.: Accurate and efficient shape matching approach using vocabu...
     with: Chen, B.: Canopy-Level Photochemical Reflectance Index from Hyperspect...
     with: Chen, J.M.: Canopy-Level Photochemical Reflectance Index from Hyperspe...
     with: Chou, S.: Canopy-Level Photochemical Reflectance Index from Hyperspect...
     with: Colella, P.: Proceedings of the Workshop on 3D Geometry Generation for...
     with: Croft, H.: Canopy-Level Photochemical Reflectance Index from Hyperspec...
     with: Dar, S.H.: study to identify limitations of existing automated systems...
     with: Darrell, T.J.: Proceedings of the Workshop on 3D Geometry Generation f...
     with: de Chanlatte, M.R.: Proceedings of the Workshop on 3D Geometry Generat...
     with: de With, P.H.N.: Proceedings of the Workshop on 3D Geometry Generation...
     with: Deng, H.Y.: Proceedings of the Workshop on 3D Geometry Generation for ...
     with: Djeddi, C.: Recognition of Urdu ligatures - a holistic approach
     with: Farhan, M.: Real-time imaging-based assessment model for improving tea...
     with: Guan, S.: Proceedings of the Workshop on 3D Geometry Generation for Sc...
     with: Haider, K.Z.: Deepgender: real-time gender classification using deep l...
     with: Hays, J.: Proceedings of the Workshop on 3D Geometry Generation for Sc...
     with: Houben, T.: Proceedings of the Workshop on 3D Geometry Generation for ...
     with: Hu, Q.Y.: SensatUrban: Learning Semantics from Urban-Scale Photogramme...
     with: Hu, Q.Y.: Towards Semantic Segmentation of Urban-Scale 3D Point Clouds...
     with: Huisman, T.: Proceedings of the Workshop on 3D Geometry Generation for...
     with: Jabbar, S.: Accurate and efficient shape matching approach using vocab...
     with: Jabbar, S.: Deepgender: real-time gender classification using deep lea...
     with: Jabbar, S.: Real-time imaging-based assessment model for improving tea...
     with: Jaipuria, N.: Proceedings of the Workshop on 3D Geometry Generation fo...
     with: Jameel, A.: Improved automated detection of glaucoma from fundus image...
     with: Jamil, U.: Deep learning based Glaucoma Network Classification (GNC) u...
     with: Johansen, H.: Proceedings of the Workshop on 3D Geometry Generation fo...
     with: Khalil, T.: Improved automated detection of glaucoma from fundus image...
     with: Khalil, T.: study to identify limitations of existing automated system...
     with: Khan, S.A.: Identification and classification of microaneurysms for ea...
     with: Khattak, I.U.: Recognition of Urdu ligatures - a holistic approach
     with: Kim, M.: Real-time imaging-based assessment model for improving teachi...
     with: Kiyani, I.A.: Deep learning based Glaucoma Network Classification (GNC...
     with: Krishnan, A.: Proceedings of the Workshop on 3D Geometry Generation fo...
     with: Li, C.: Proceedings of the Workshop on 3D Geometry Generation for Scie...
     with: Li, M.: Canopy-Level Photochemical Reflectance Index from Hyperspectra...
     with: Malik, K.R.: Deepgender: real-time gender classification using deep le...
     with: Manzoor, M.: Automated diagnosis system for age-related macular degene...
     with: Markham, A.: SensatUrban: Learning Semantics from Urban-Scale Photogra...
     with: Markham, A.: Towards Semantic Segmentation of Urban-Scale 3D Point Clo...
     with: Muhammad, N.: Automatic measurement of the traffic sign with digital s...
     with: Naftel, A.: Classifying spatiotemporal object trajectories using unsup...
     with: Naftel, A.: Evaluation of Matching Metrics for Trajectory-Based Indexi...
     with: Naftel, A.: Motion Trajectory Learning in the DFT-Coefficient Feature ...
     with: Nasreen, S.: Improved automated detection of glaucoma by correlating f...
     with: Nawaz, T.: Deepgender: real-time gender classification using deep lear...
     with: Nosheen, N.: Automated diagnosis system for age-related macular degene...
     with: Perwaiz, A.: Improved automated detection of glaucoma by correlating f...
     with: Pisarenco, M.: Proceedings of the Workshop on 3D Geometry Generation f...
     with: Raj, A.: Proceedings of the Workshop on 3D Geometry Generation for Sci...
     with: Razzaq, S.: Frameworks for multivariate m-mediods based modeling and c...
     with: Rudzicz, F.: Proceedings of the Workshop on 3D Geometry Generation for...
     with: Sadiq, M.: Automated diagnosis system for age-related macular degenera...
     with: Sajjad, S.: Accurate and efficient shape matching approach using vocab...
     with: Schoonbeek, T.J.: Proceedings of the Workshop on 3D Geometry Generatio...
     with: Sharif, M.: Automatic measurement of the traffic sign with digital seg...
     with: Shaukat, A.: Improved automated detection of glaucoma by correlating f...
     with: Shehryar, T.: Automated diagnosis system for age-related macular degen...
     with: Shehryar, T.: Deep learning based Glaucoma Network Classification (GNC...
     with: Shehryar, T.: Improved automated detection of glaucoma by correlating ...
     with: Shi, Q.: Canopy-Level Photochemical Reflectance Index from Hyperspectr...
     with: Siddiqi, I.: Recognition of Urdu ligatures - a holistic approach
     with: Sridhar, S.: Proceedings of the Workshop on 3D Geometry Generation for...
     with: Syed, A.M.: Deep learning based Glaucoma Network Classification (GNC) ...
     with: Tariq, A.: Improved automated detection of glaucoma by correlating fun...
     with: Trigoni, N.: SensatUrban: Learning Semantics from Urban-Scale Photogra...
     with: Trigoni, N.: Towards Semantic Segmentation of Urban-Scale 3D Point Clo...
     with: Tseng, N.: Proceedings of the Workshop on 3D Geometry Generation for S...
     with: van der Sommen, F.: Proceedings of the Workshop on 3D Geometry Generat...
     with: Wang, C.: Proceedings of the Workshop on 3D Geometry Generation for Sc...
     with: Wang, Y.: Proceedings of the Workshop on 3D Geometry Generation for Sc...
     with: Wu, T.: Proceedings of the Workshop on 3D Geometry Generation for Scie...
     with: Xiao, W.: SensatUrban: Learning Semantics from Urban-Scale Photogramme...
     with: Xiao, W.: Towards Semantic Segmentation of Urban-Scale 3D Point Clouds...
     with: Yang, B.: SensatUrban: Learning Semantics from Urban-Scale Photogramme...
     with: Yang, B.: Towards Semantic Segmentation of Urban-Scale 3D Point Clouds...
     with: Yang, X.K.: Proceedings of the Workshop on 3D Geometry Generation for ...
     with: Yao, J.W.: Proceedings of the Workshop on 3D Geometry Generation for S...
     with: Young, D.: Proceedings of the Workshop on 3D Geometry Generation for S...
     with: Yu, H.: Canopy-Level Photochemical Reflectance Index from Hyperspectra...
     with: Zhang, X.: Canopy-Level Photochemical Reflectance Index from Hyperspec...
     with: Zhang, X.L.: Proceedings of the Workshop on 3D Geometry Generation for...
91 for Khalid, S.

Khalid, S.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Akbari, A.: Novel Ground Metric for Optimal Transport-Based Chronologi...
     with: Akbari, A.: NPT-Loss: Demystifying Face Recognition Losses With Neares...
     with: Akbari, A.: RAgE: Robust Age Estimation Through Subject Anchoring With...
     with: Awais, M.: Novel Ground Metric for Optimal Transport-Based Chronologic...
     with: Awais, M.: NPT-Loss: Demystifying Face Recognition Losses With Nearest...
     with: Awais, M.: RAgE: Robust Age Estimation Through Subject Anchoring With ...
     with: Chan, C.H.: NPT-Loss: Demystifying Face Recognition Losses With Neares...
     with: Farooq, A.: NPT-Loss: Demystifying Face Recognition Losses With Neares...
     with: Fatemifar, S.: Novel Ground Metric for Optimal Transport-Based Chronol...
     with: Fatemifar, S.: RAgE: Robust Age Estimation Through Subject Anchoring W...
     with: Feng, Z.H.: NPT-Loss: Demystifying Face Recognition Losses With Neares...
     with: Kittler, J.V.: Novel Ground Metric for Optimal Transport-Based Chronol...
     with: Kittler, J.V.: NPT-Loss: Demystifying Face Recognition Losses With Nea...
     with: Kittler, J.V.: RAgE: Robust Age Estimation Through Subject Anchoring W...
14 for Khalid, S.S.

Khalid, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Khan, A.A.: GESCAM: A Dataset and Method on Gaze Estimation for Classr...
     with: Mathew, A.M.: GESCAM: A Dataset and Method on Gaze Estimation for Clas...
     with: Souissi, R.: GESCAM: A Dataset and Method on Gaze Estimation for Class...

Khalid, U. Standard Author Listing
     with: Arafat, A.A.: Augmented Neural Fine-tuning for Efficient Backdoor Puri...
     with: Chen, C.: 3DEGO: 3d Editing on the Go!
     with: Chen, C.: Free-editor: Zero-shot Text-driven 3d Scene Editing
     with: Chen, C.: Latenteditor: Text Driven Local Editing of 3d Scenes
     with: Esmaeili, A.: CNLL: A Semi-supervised Approach For Continual Noisy Lab...
     with: Esmaeili, A.: RODD: A Self-Supervised Approach for Robust Out-of-Distr...
     with: Farooq, A.: 3DEGO: 3d Editing on the Go!
     with: Guo, Z.: Augmented Neural Fine-tuning for Efficient Backdoor Purificat...
     with: Hua, J.: 3DEGO: 3d Editing on the Go!
     with: Hua, J.: Free-editor: Zero-shot Text-driven 3d Scene Editing
     with: Hua, J.: Latenteditor: Text Driven Local Editing of 3d Scenes
     with: Iqbal, H.: 3DEGO: 3d Editing on the Go!
     with: Iqbal, H.: Free-editor: Zero-shot Text-driven 3d Scene Editing
     with: Iqbal, H.: Latenteditor: Text Driven Local Editing of 3d Scenes
     with: Karim, N.: Augmented Neural Fine-tuning for Efficient Backdoor Purific...
     with: Karim, N.: CNLL: A Semi-supervised Approach For Continual Noisy Label ...
     with: Karim, N.: Free-editor: Zero-shot Text-driven 3d Scene Editing
     with: Karim, N.: Latenteditor: Text Driven Local Editing of 3d Scenes
     with: Karim, N.: RODD: A Self-Supervised Approach for Robust Out-of-Distribu...
     with: Rahnavard, N.: Augmented Neural Fine-tuning for Efficient Backdoor Pur...
     with: Rahnavard, N.: CNLL: A Semi-supervised Approach For Continual Noisy La...
     with: Rahnavard, N.: RODD: A Self-Supervised Approach for Robust Out-of-Dist...
     with: Tayyab, M.: Latenteditor: Text Driven Local Editing of 3d Scenes
23 for Khalid, U.

Khalid, W. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ahmad, N.: Beacon trust management system and fake data detection in v...
     with: Arshad, M.: Beacon trust management system and fake data detection in ...
     with: Cao, Y.: Beacon trust management system and fake data detection in veh...
     with: Khalid, M.: Beacon trust management system and fake data detection in ...
     with: Shahwar, D.: Beacon trust management system and fake data detection in...
     with: Ullah, Z.: Beacon trust management system and fake data detection in v...

Khalid, Z. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ahmad, I.: Analysis of Landslide Movements Using Interferometric Synth...
     with: Ahmad, S.: Analysis of Landslide Movements Using Interferometric Synth...
     with: Aslam, A.: Joint SO(3)-Spectral Domain Filtering of Spherical Signals ...
     with: Aslam, A.: Linear Transformations and Signal Estimation in the Joint S...
     with: Aslam, A.: Multiscale Optimal Filtering on the Sphere
     with: Bates, A.P.: Optimal Dimensionality Sampling Scheme on the Sphere with...
     with: Catani, F.: Analysis of Landslide Movements Using Interferometric Synt...
     with: Chowdhury, J.: Fast and Accurate Spherical Harmonic Transform for Spat...
     with: Durrani, S.: Gauss-Legendre Sampling on the Rotation Group
     with: Elahi, U.: Optimal-Dimensionality Sampling for Spin-s-Functions on the...
     with: Genton, M.G.: Fast and Accurate Spherical Harmonic Transform for Spati...
     with: Hakim, E.F.: Gray level image compression using a set of separable 2D ...
     with: Hassan, Q.: Gray level image compression using a set of separable 2D d...
     with: Imad, B.: Gray level image compression using a set of separable 2D dis...
     with: Imran, S.: Deep Unfolded Prior-Aided RPCA Network for Cloud Removal, A
     with: Kennedy, R.A.: Gauss-Legendre Sampling on the Rotation Group
     with: Kennedy, R.A.: Optimal Dimensionality Sampling Scheme on the Sphere wi...
     with: Kennedy, R.A.: Optimal-Dimensionality Sampling for Spin-s-Functions on...
     with: Kennedy, R.A.: Signal analysis on the ball: Design of optimal basis fu...
     with: McEwen, J.D.: Gauss-Legendre Sampling on the Rotation Group
     with: McEwen, J.D.: Multiscale Optimal Filtering on the Sphere
     with: McEwen, J.D.: Optimal-Dimensionality Sampling for Spin-s-Functions on ...
     with: Meng, X.: Updating Inventory, Deformation, and Development Characteris...
     with: Meng, X.M.: Analysis of Landslide Movements Using Interferometric Synt...
     with: Nafees, W.: Signal analysis on the ball: Design of optimal basis funct...
     with: Rachid, B.: Gray level image compression using a set of separable 2D d...
     with: Rehman, G.: Analysis of Landslide Movements Using Interferometric Synt...
     with: Rehman, M.U.: Updating Inventory, Deformation, and Development Charact...
     with: Su, X.J.: Analysis of Landslide Movements Using Interferometric Synthe...
     with: Su, X.J.: Updating Inventory, Deformation, and Development Characteris...
     with: Tahir, M.: Deep Unfolded Prior-Aided RPCA Network for Cloud Removal, A
     with: Uppal, M.: Deep Unfolded Prior-Aided RPCA Network for Cloud Removal, A
     with: Ur Rehman, M.: Analysis of Landslide Movements Using Interferometric S...
     with: Wiaux, Y.: Gauss-Legendre Sampling on the Rotation Group
     with: Yue, D.X.: Analysis of Landslide Movements Using Interferometric Synth...
     with: Yue, D.X.: Updating Inventory, Deformation, and Development Characteri...
     with: Zhang, Y.: Analysis of Landslide Movements Using Interferometric Synth...
     with: Zhang, Y.: Updating Inventory, Deformation, and Development Characteri...
38 for Khalid, Z.

Khalidi Idrissi, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bennani, S.: Mobile Serious Game easy Html: Scenarios and Perspectives...
     with: Meftah, C.: Mobile Serious Game easy Html: Scenarios and Perspectives,...
     with: Retbi, A.: Mobile Serious Game easy Html: Scenarios and Perspectives, ...

Khalidov, I. Standard Author Listing
     with: d'Asseler, Y.: Dynamic PET Reconstruction Using Wavelet Regularization...
     with: Jacob, M.: BSLIM: Spectral Localization by Imaging With Explicit B{0} ...
     with: Lazeyras, F.: BSLIM: Spectral Localization by Imaging With Explicit B{...
     with: Lemahieu, I.: Dynamic PET Reconstruction Using Wavelet Regularization ...
     with: Unser, M.: BSLIM: Spectral Localization by Imaging With Explicit B{0} ...
     with: Unser, M.: Dynamic PET Reconstruction Using Wavelet Regularization Wit...
     with: van de Ville, D.: BSLIM: Spectral Localization by Imaging With Explici...
     with: van de Ville, D.: Dynamic PET Reconstruction Using Wavelet Regularizat...
     with: Verhaeghe, J.: Dynamic PET Reconstruction Using Wavelet Regularization...
9 for Khalidov, I.

Khalidov, V. Standard Author Listing
     with: McCarthy, M.S.: Transferring Dense Pose to Proximal Animal Classes
     with: Neverova, N.: Transferring Dense Pose to Proximal Animal Classes
     with: Sanakoyeu, A.: Transferring Dense Pose to Proximal Animal Classes
     with: Vedaldi, A.: Transferring Dense Pose to Proximal Animal Classes

Khalifa, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Al Agamy, A.O.: Greedy framework for optical flow tracking of myocardi...
     with: Alsalman, A.: Morpho-tectonic Assessment of the Abu-Dabbab Area, Easte...
     with: Alsalman, A.: Paradigm of Geological Mapping of the Adiyaman Fault Zon...
     with: Bashir, B.: Morpho-tectonic Assessment of the Abu-Dabbab Area, Eastern...
     with: Bashir, B.: Paradigm of Geological Mapping of the Adiyaman Fault Zone ...
     with: Cakir, Z.: Paradigm of Geological Mapping of the Adiyaman Fault Zone o...
     with: Dominguez, S.: Platooning of Car-Like Vehicles in Urban Environments: ...
     with: Fahmy, A.S.: Greedy framework for optical flow tracking of myocardium ...
     with: Henaish, A.: Paradigm of Geological Mapping of the Adiyaman Fault Zone...
     with: Kaya, S.: Paradigm of Geological Mapping of the Adiyaman Fault Zone of...
     with: Kermorgant, O.: Platooning of Car-Like Vehicles in Urban Environments:...
     with: Martinet, P.: Platooning of Car-Like Vehicles in Urban Environments: A...
     with: Ogretmen, N.: Morpho-tectonic Assessment of the Abu-Dabbab Area, Easte...
13 for Khalifa, A.

Khalifa, A.F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Badr, E.: survey on human detection surveillance systems for Raspberry...
     with: Elmahdy, H.N.: survey on human detection surveillance systems for Rasp...

Khalifa, E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Al maadeed, S.: Off-line writer identification using an ensemble of gr...
     with: Boubchir, L.: Human gait recognition based on Haralick features
     with: Bouridane, A.: Human gait recognition based on Haralick features
     with: Bouridane, A.: Off-line writer identification using an ensemble of gra...
     with: Damos, M.A.: Enhancing the K-Means Algorithm through a Genetic Algorit...
     with: Damos, M.A.: Novel Urban Tourism Path Planning Approach Based on a Mul...
     with: Ei, E.: Enhancing the K-Means Algorithm through a Genetic Algorithm Ba...
     with: Elhabob, R.: Enhancing the K-Means Algorithm through a Genetic Algorit...
     with: Hassan, A.: Enhancing the K-Means Algorithm through a Genetic Algorith...
     with: Hassan, A.: Novel Urban Tourism Path Planning Approach Based on a Mult...
     with: Hm, A.: Enhancing the K-Means Algorithm through a Genetic Algorithm Ba...
     with: Jamshed, A.: Off-line writer identification using an ensemble of graph...
     with: Li, W.: Enhancing the K-Means Algorithm through a Genetic Algorithm Ba...
     with: Li, W.: Novel Urban Tourism Path Planning Approach Based on a Multiobj...
     with: Lishani, A.O.: Human gait recognition based on Haralick features
     with: Nabil, A.M.: Post classification using Cellular Automata for Landsat i...
     with: Nabil, A.M.: Road extraction framework by using cellular neural networ...
     with: Sarhan, E.: Post classification using Cellular Automata for Landsat im...
     with: Sarhan, E.: Road extraction framework by using cellular neural network...
     with: Tahir, M.A.: Off-line writer identification using an ensemble of graph...
     with: Zhu, J.: Enhancing the K-Means Algorithm through a Genetic Algorithm B...
     with: Zhu, J.: Novel Urban Tourism Path Planning Approach Based on a Multiob...
22 for Khalifa, E.

Khalifa, F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aboudessouki, A.: Automated Diagnosis of Breast Cancer Using Deep Lear...
     with: Abu El Ghar, M.: Accurate Lungs Segmentation on CT Chest Images by Ada...
     with: Abu Khalifeh, H.: Automated Diagnosis of Breast Cancer Using Deep Lear...
     with: Akinniyi, O.: Multi-Classification of Retinal Diseases Using a Pyramid...
     with: Alansary, A.: integrated geometrical and stochastic approach for accur...
     with: Alansary, A.: statistical framework for the classification of infant D...
     with: Ali, K.M.: Automated Diagnosis of Breast Cancer Using Deep Learning-Ba...
     with: Alksas, A.: Automated Diagnosis of Breast Cancer Using Deep Learning-B...
     with: Alrahmawy, M.: Thyroid Cancer Diagnostic System using Magnetic Resonan...
     with: Alrefai, R.: level set-based framework for 3D kidney segmentation from...
     with: Beache, G.: Accurate modeling of tagged CMR 3D image appearance charac...
     with: Beache, G.: Deformable model guided by stochastic speed with applicati...
     with: Beache, G.: Kidney segmentation using graph cuts and pixel connectivity
     with: Beache, G.M.: Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI-Based Early Detection of A...
     with: Beache, G.M.: new nonrigid registration approach for motion correction...
     with: Beache, G.M.: novel 4D PDE-based approach for accurate assessment of m...
     with: Beache, G.M.: novel approach for accurate estimation of left ventricle...
     with: Beache, G.M.: novel CAD system for analyzing cardiac first-pass MR ima...
     with: Casanova, M.F.: 3D shape analysis of the brain cortex with application...
     with: Casanova, M.F.: integrated geometrical and stochastic approach for acc...
     with: Casanova, M.F.: Segmentation of infant brain MR images based on adapti...
     with: Casanova, M.F.: statistical framework for the classification of infant...
     with: Chowdhury, A.S.: Kidney segmentation using graph cuts and pixel connec...
     with: Darwish, H.E.: Pyramidal CNN-Based Gleason Grading System Using Digiti...
     with: Dunlap, N.: Accurate Lungs Segmentation on CT Chest Images by Adaptive...
     with: Dunlap, N.: comprehensive framework for early assessment of lung injur...
     with: Dunlap, N.: Image-based CAD system for accurate identification of lung...
     with: Dwyer, A.C.: level set-based framework for 3D kidney segmentation from...
     with: Dwyer, A.C.: random forest-based framework for 3D kidney segmentation ...
     with: El Baz, A.: 3D automatic approach for precise segmentation of the pros...
     with: El Baz, A.: 3D shape analysis of the brain cortex with application to ...
     with: El Baz, A.: Accurate modeling of tagged CMR 3D image appearance charac...
     with: El Baz, A.: Automated Diagnosis of Breast Cancer Using Deep Learning-B...
     with: El Baz, A.: comprehensive framework for early assessment of lung injur...
     with: El Baz, A.: Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI-Based Early Detection of Acu...
     with: El Baz, A.: Image-based CAD system for accurate identification of lung...
     with: El Baz, A.: integrated geometrical and stochastic approach for accurat...
     with: El Baz, A.: Kidney segmentation using graph cuts and pixel connectivity
     with: El Baz, A.: level set-based framework for 3D kidney segmentation from ...
     with: El Baz, A.: Multi-Classification of Retinal Diseases Using a Pyramidal...
     with: El Baz, A.: new deformable model-based segmentation approach for accur...
     with: El Baz, A.: new nonrigid registration approach for motion correction o...
     with: El Baz, A.: new validation approach for the growth rate measurement us...
     with: El Baz, A.: novel 4D PDE-based approach for accurate assessment of myo...
     with: El Baz, A.: novel approach for accurate estimation of left ventricle g...
     with: El Baz, A.: novel CAD system for analyzing cardiac first-pass MR image...
     with: El Baz, A.: novel image-based approach for early detection of prostate...
     with: El Baz, A.: Pyramidal CNN-Based Gleason Grading System Using Digitized...
     with: El Baz, A.: random forest-based framework for 3D kidney segmentation f...
     with: El Baz, A.: Segmentation of infant brain MR images based on adaptive s...
     with: El Baz, A.: Segmentation of pathological lungs from CT chest images
     with: El Baz, A.: statistical framework for the classification of infant DT ...
     with: El Baz, A.: Thyroid Cancer Diagnostic System using Magnetic Resonance ...
     with: El Baz, A.S.: Accurate Lungs Segmentation on CT Chest Images by Adapti...
     with: El Baz, A.S.: Deformable model guided by stochastic speed with applica...
     with: El Baz, A.S.: Shape-Appearance Guided Level-Set Deformable Model for I...
     with: El Diasty, T.: Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI-Based Early Detection of ...
     with: El Ghar, M.A.: 3D automatic approach for precise segmentation of the p...
     with: El Ghar, M.A.: Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI-Based Early Detection of ...
     with: El Ghar, M.A.: level set-based framework for 3D kidney segmentation fr...
     with: El Ghar, M.A.: new deformable model-based segmentation approach for ac...
     with: El Ghar, M.A.: new validation approach for the growth rate measurement...
     with: El Ghar, M.A.: novel image-based approach for early detection of prost...
     with: El Ghar, M.A.: Segmentation of pathological lungs from CT chest images
     with: El Ghar, M.A.: Shape-Appearance Guided Level-Set Deformable Model for ...
     with: Elmaghraby, A.: 3D automatic approach for precise segmentation of the ...
     with: Elmaghraby, A.: comprehensive framework for early assessment of lung i...
     with: Elmaghraby, A.: Image-based CAD system for accurate identification of ...
     with: Elmaghraby, A.: novel 4D PDE-based approach for accurate assessment of...
     with: Elmaghraby, A.: novel image-based approach for early detection of pros...
     with: Elmougy, S.: Thyroid Cancer Diagnostic System using Magnetic Resonance...
     with: Elnakib, A.: 3D automatic approach for precise segmentation of the pro...
     with: Elnakib, A.: 3D shape analysis of the brain cortex with application to...
     with: Elnakib, A.: Accurate Lungs Segmentation on CT Chest Images by Adaptiv...
     with: Elnakib, A.: Accurate modeling of tagged CMR 3D image appearance chara...
     with: Elnakib, A.: integrated geometrical and stochastic approach for accura...
     with: Elnakib, A.: Kidney segmentation using graph cuts and pixel connectivity
     with: Elnakib, A.: new validation approach for the growth rate measurement u...
     with: Elnakib, A.: novel 4D PDE-based approach for accurate assessment of my...
     with: Elnakib, A.: novel image-based approach for early detection of prostat...
     with: Elnakib, A.: Segmentation of infant brain MR images based on adaptive ...
     with: Elnakib, A.: Segmentation of pathological lungs from CT chest images
     with: Elnakib, A.: statistical framework for the classification of infant DT...
     with: Elsharkawy, M.: Automated Diagnosis of Breast Cancer Using Deep Learni...
     with: Elsharkawy, M.: Thyroid Cancer Diagnostic System using Magnetic Resona...
     with: Falk, R.: new validation approach for the growth rate measurement usin...
     with: Firjani, A.: 3D automatic approach for precise segmentation of the pro...
     with: Firjani, A.: new nonrigid registration approach for motion correction ...
     with: Firjani, A.: novel image-based approach for early detection of prostat...
     with: Ghazal, M.: Automated Diagnosis of Breast Cancer Using Deep Learning-B...
     with: Ghazal, M.: comprehensive framework for early assessment of lung injur...
     with: Ghazal, M.: Pyramidal CNN-Based Gleason Grading System Using Digitized...
     with: Ghazal, M.: Thyroid Cancer Diagnostic System using Magnetic Resonance ...
     with: Gimel'farb, G.: comprehensive framework for early assessment of lung i...
     with: Gimel'farb, G.: Image-based CAD system for accurate identification of ...
     with: Gimel'farb, G.: novel 4D PDE-based approach for accurate assessment of...
     with: Gimel'farb, G.: random forest-based framework for 3D kidney segmentati...
     with: Gimel'farb, G.: Segmentation of infant brain MR images based on adapti...
     with: Gimel'farb, G.L.: 3D automatic approach for precise segmentation of th...
     with: Gimel'farb, G.L.: 3D shape analysis of the brain cortex with applicati...
     with: Gimel'farb, G.L.: Accurate Lungs Segmentation on CT Chest Images by Ad...
     with: Gimel'farb, G.L.: Accurate modeling of tagged CMR 3D image appearance ...
     with: Gimel'farb, G.L.: Deformable model guided by stochastic speed with app...
     with: Gimel'farb, G.L.: Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI-Based Early Detection ...
     with: Gimel'farb, G.L.: new deformable model-based segmentation approach for...
     with: Gimel'farb, G.L.: new nonrigid registration approach for motion correc...
     with: Gimel'farb, G.L.: new validation approach for the growth rate measurem...
     with: Gimel'farb, G.L.: novel approach for accurate estimation of left ventr...
     with: Gimel'farb, G.L.: novel CAD system for analyzing cardiac first-pass MR...
     with: Gimel'farb, G.L.: novel image-based approach for early detection of pr...
     with: Gimel'farb, G.L.: Shape-Appearance Guided Level-Set Deformable Model f...
     with: Hammouda, K.: Pyramidal CNN-Based Gleason Grading System Using Digitiz...
     with: Hussein, M.M.: Thyroid Cancer Diagnostic System using Magnetic Resonan...
     with: Ismail, M.: Segmentation of infant brain MR images based on adaptive s...
     with: Keynton, R.: Accurate Lungs Segmentation on CT Chest Images by Adaptiv...
     with: Khaled, R.: Thyroid Cancer Diagnostic System using Magnetic Resonance ...
     with: Kong, M.Y.: Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI-Based Early Detection of Acu...
     with: Liu, N.: Image-based CAD system for accurate identification of lung in...
     with: Mahmoud, A.: Automated Diagnosis of Breast Cancer Using Deep Learning-...
     with: Manning, S.: new deformable model-based segmentation approach for accu...
     with: McClure, P.: new deformable model-based segmentation approach for accu...
     with: Mostapha, M.: integrated geometrical and stochastic approach for accur...
     with: Mostapha, M.: Segmentation of infant brain MR images based on adaptive...
     with: Mostapha, M.: statistical framework for the classification of infant D...
     with: Naglah, A.: Thyroid Cancer Diagnostic System using Magnetic Resonance ...
     with: Nitzken, M.: 3D shape analysis of the brain cortex with application to...
     with: Nitzken, M.: Accurate modeling of tagged CMR 3D image appearance chara...
     with: Nitzken, M.: integrated geometrical and stochastic approach for accura...
     with: Nitzken, M.: Segmentation of infant brain MR images based on adaptive ...
     with: Nitzken, M.: statistical framework for the classification of infant DT...
     with: Ouseph, R.: level set-based framework for 3D kidney segmentation from ...
     with: Ouseph, R.: new deformable model-based segmentation approach for accur...
     with: Ouseph, R.: Shape-Appearance Guided Level-Set Deformable Model for Ima...
     with: Rahman, M.M.: Multi-Classification of Retinal Diseases Using a Pyramid...
     with: Razzak, I.: Multi-Classification of Retinal Diseases Using a Pyramidal...
     with: Rudra, A.K.: Kidney segmentation using graph cuts and pixel connectivity
     with: Sandhu, H.: Multi-Classification of Retinal Diseases Using a Pyramidal...
     with: Sethu, P.: new validation approach for the growth rate measurement usi...
     with: Shaffie, A.: comprehensive framework for early assessment of lung inju...
     with: Shaffie, A.: Image-based CAD system for accurate identification of lun...
     with: Shaffie, A.: Thyroid Cancer Diagnostic System using Magnetic Resonance...
     with: Sharafeldeen, A.: Thyroid Cancer Diagnostic System using Magnetic Reso...
     with: Shehata, M.: level set-based framework for 3D kidney segmentation from...
     with: Sliman, H.: novel 4D PDE-based approach for accurate assessment of myo...
     with: Sokhadze, G.: new deformable model-based segmentation approach for acc...
     with: Soliman, A.: Accurate Lungs Segmentation on CT Chest Images by Adaptiv...
     with: Soliman, A.: comprehensive framework for early assessment of lung inju...
     with: Soliman, A.: Image-based CAD system for accurate identification of lun...
     with: Soliman, A.: integrated geometrical and stochastic approach for accura...
     with: Soliman, A.: Kidney segmentation using graph cuts and pixel connectivity
     with: Soliman, A.: level set-based framework for 3D kidney segmentation from...
     with: Soliman, A.: novel 4D PDE-based approach for accurate assessment of my...
     with: Soliman, A.: random forest-based framework for 3D kidney segmentation ...
     with: Soliman, A.: Segmentation of infant brain MR images based on adaptive ...
     with: Soliman, A.: Segmentation of pathological lungs from CT chest images
     with: Soliman, A.: statistical framework for the classification of infant DT...
     with: Soliman, A.: Thyroid Cancer Diagnostic System using Magnetic Resonance...
     with: Switala, A.: 3D shape analysis of the brain cortex with application to...
     with: Wang, B.: Accurate Lungs Segmentation on CT Chest Images by Adaptive A...
     with: Wang, B.: comprehensive framework for early assessment of lung injury, A
     with: Wang, B.: Image-based CAD system for accurate identification of lung i...
     with: Welch, K.C.: new nonrigid registration approach for motion correction ...
     with: Yousaf, J.: Automated Diagnosis of Breast Cancer Using Deep Learning-B...
     with: Yousaf, J.: Pyramidal CNN-Based Gleason Grading System Using Digitized...
     with: Yousaf, J.: Thyroid Cancer Diagnostic System using Magnetic Resonance ...
165 for Khalifa, F.

Khalifa, H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Babiker, B.: Facial expression recognition using SVM classification on...
     with: Cheng, I.: Facial expression recognition using SVM classification on m...
     with: Goebel, R.: Facial expression recognition using SVM classification on ...

Khalifa, I. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kamel, M.: Range image segmentation using local approximation of scan ...
     with: Moussa, M.: Range image segmentation using local approximation of scan...

Khalifa, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Mohamed, Y.: Route optimization for school bus scheduling problem base...
     with: Mouhcine, E.: Route optimization for school bus scheduling problem bas...

Khalifa, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Benrejeb, M.: Observer based discrete-time chaotic systems synchroniza...
     with: Filali, R.L.: Observer based discrete-time chaotic systems synchroniza...

Khalifa, O.O. Standard Author Listing
     with: Elfaki, F.: Cramer-Rao Lower Bound for Parameter Estimation of Multiex...
     with: Jibia, A.U.: Cramer-Rao Lower Bound for Parameter Estimation of Multie...
     with: Salami, M.J.E.: Cramer-Rao Lower Bound for Parameter Estimation of Mul...

Khalifa, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ahmed, N.: Time-coherent 3D animation reconstruction from RGB-D video
     with: Epps, J.: Multi-Task Semi-Supervised Adversarial Autoencoding for Spee...
     with: Hassan, M.: EnTrans: Leveraging Kinetic Energy Harvesting Signal for T...
     with: Hu, W.: EnTrans: Leveraging Kinetic Energy Harvesting Signal for Trans...
     with: Jurdak, R.: Multi-Task Semi-Supervised Adversarial Autoencoding for Sp...
     with: Jurdak, R.: Multitask Learning From Augmented Auxiliary Data for Impro...
     with: Jurdak, R.: Self Supervised Adversarial Domain Adaptation for Cross-Co...
     with: Jurdak, R.: Survey of Deep Representation Learning for Speech Emotion ...
     with: Lan, G.: EnTrans: Leveraging Kinetic Energy Harvesting Signal for Tran...
     with: Latif, S.: Multi-Task Semi-Supervised Adversarial Autoencoding for Spe...
     with: Latif, S.: Multitask Learning From Augmented Auxiliary Data for Improv...
     with: Latif, S.: Self Supervised Adversarial Domain Adaptation for Cross-Cor...
     with: Latif, S.: Survey of Deep Representation Learning for Speech Emotion R...
     with: Ma, D.: EnTrans: Leveraging Kinetic Energy Harvesting Signal for Trans...
     with: Qadir, J.: Survey of Deep Representation Learning for Speech Emotion R...
     with: Rana, R.: Multi-Task Semi-Supervised Adversarial Autoencoding for Spee...
     with: Rana, R.: Multitask Learning From Augmented Auxiliary Data for Improvi...
     with: Rana, R.: Self Supervised Adversarial Domain Adaptation for Cross-Corp...
     with: Rana, R.: Survey of Deep Representation Learning for Speech Emotion Re...
     with: Schuller, B.: Self Supervised Adversarial Domain Adaptation for Cross-...
     with: Schuller, B.: Survey of Deep Representation Learning for Speech Emotio...
     with: Schuller, B.W.: Multi-Task Semi-Supervised Adversarial Autoencoding fo...
     with: Schuller, B.W.: Multitask Learning From Augmented Auxiliary Data for I...
     with: Xu, W.: EnTrans: Leveraging Kinetic Energy Harvesting Signal for Trans...
24 for Khalifa, S.

Khalifa, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alsabaan, M.: Optimization of Fuel Cost and Emissions Using V2V Commun...
     with: Naik, K.: Optimization of Fuel Cost and Emissions Using V2V Communicat...

Khalifa, W.B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ben Mabrouk, A.: Toward Multiwavelet Haar-Schauder Entropy for Biomedi...
     with: Ben Mabrouk, A.: Toward New Spherical Harmonic Shannon Entropy for Sur...
     with: Jallouli, M.: Toward Multiwavelet Haar-Schauder Entropy for Biomedical...
     with: Jallouli, M.: Toward New Spherical Harmonic Shannon Entropy for Surfac...
     with: Mahjoub, M.A.: Toward Multiwavelet Haar-Schauder Entropy for Biomedica...
     with: Mahjoub, M.A.: Toward New Spherical Harmonic Shannon Entropy for Surfa...

Khalifa, Y.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Luo, J.B.: computer vision-based approach to grade simulated cataract ...
     with: Soh, J.M.: computer vision-based approach to grade simulated cataract ...
     with: Zhu, J.H.: computer vision-based approach to grade simulated cataract ...

Khalifa, Z. Standard Author Listing
     with: Shah, S.A.A.: Large Scale Multi-View RGBD Visual Affordance Learning D...

Khalife, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abdallah, A.: Exploiting On-Demand 5G Downlink Signals for Opportunist...
     with: Jia, M.: Performance Analysis of Opportunistic ARAIM for Navigation Wi...
     with: Kassas, Z.M.: Aerial Vehicle Protection Level Reduction by Fusing GNSS...
     with: Kassas, Z.M.: Exploiting On-Demand 5G Downlink Signals for Opportunist...
     with: Kassas, Z.M.: Performance Analysis of Opportunistic ARAIM for Navigati...
     with: Kassas, Z.Z.M.: I Hear, Therefore I Know Where I Am: Compensating for ...
     with: Maaref, M.: Aerial Vehicle Protection Level Reduction by Fusing GNSS a...
     with: Morales, J.: I Hear, Therefore I Know Where I Am: Compensating for GNS...
     with: Shamaei, K.: I Hear, Therefore I Know Where I Am: Compensating for GNS...
9 for Khalife, J.

Khalife, J.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Duede, J.: Aircraft Navigation in GNSS-Denied Environments via Radio S...
     with: Hoeffner, Z.: Aircraft Navigation in GNSS-Denied Environments via Radi...
     with: Hulsey, T.: Aircraft Navigation in GNSS-Denied Environments via Radio ...
     with: Jurado, J.: Aircraft Navigation in GNSS-Denied Environments via Radio ...
     with: Kassas, Z.M.: Aircraft Navigation in GNSS-Denied Environments via Radi...
     with: Kassas, Z.M.: Information Fusion Strategies for Collaborative Inertial...
     with: Khairallah, N.: Aircraft Navigation in GNSS-Denied Environments via Ra...
     with: Lee, C.: Aircraft Navigation in GNSS-Denied Environments via Radio SLA...
     with: Morales, J.J.: Information Fusion Strategies for Collaborative Inertia...
     with: Quirarte, R.: Aircraft Navigation in GNSS-Denied Environments via Radi...
     with: Tay, R.: Aircraft Navigation in GNSS-Denied Environments via Radio SLA...
     with: Wachtel, S.: Aircraft Navigation in GNSS-Denied Environments via Radio...
12 for Khalife, J.J.

Khalifeh Soltanian, F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abbasi, M.: Flood Monitoring Using Ndwi and Mndwi Spectral Indices: a ...
     with: Riyahi Bakhtyari, H.R.: Flood Monitoring Using Ndwi and Mndwi Spectral...

Khalifeh, H.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alksas, A.: Novel Computer-Aided Diagnostic System for Early Assessmen...
     with: Bakr, A.M.: Deep Learning-Based CAD System For Renal Allograft Assessm...
     with: Dunlap, N.: Novel CT-Based Descriptors for Precise Diagnosis of Pulmon...
     with: Dwyer, A.C.: Deep Learning-Based CAD System For Renal Allograft Assess...
     with: El Baz, A.: Comprehensive Framework For Accurate Classification of Pul...
     with: El Baz, A.: Deep Learning-Based CAD System For Renal Allograft Assessm...
     with: El Baz, A.: Novel Computer-Aided Diagnostic System for Early Assessmen...
     with: El Baz, A.: Novel CT-Based Descriptors for Precise Diagnosis of Pulmon...
     with: Elmaghraby, A.: Comprehensive Framework For Accurate Classification of...
     with: Elmaghraby, A.: Novel CT-Based Descriptors for Precise Diagnosis of Pu...
     with: Ghazal, M.: Comprehensive Framework For Accurate Classification of Pul...
     with: Ghazal, M.: Deep Learning-Based CAD System For Renal Allograft Assessm...
     with: Ghazal, M.: Novel Computer-Aided Diagnostic System for Early Assessmen...
     with: Ghazal, M.: Novel CT-Based Descriptors for Precise Diagnosis of Pulmon...
     with: Keynton, R.: Comprehensive Framework For Accurate Classification of Pu...
     with: Keynton, R.: Deep Learning-Based CAD System For Renal Allograft Assess...
     with: Keynton, R.: Novel CT-Based Descriptors for Precise Diagnosis of Pulmo...
     with: Khalil, A.: Deep Learning-Based CAD System For Renal Allograft Assessm...
     with: Razek, A.A.: Novel Computer-Aided Diagnostic System for Early Assessme...
     with: Saleh, G.A.: Novel Computer-Aided Diagnostic System for Early Assessme...
     with: Shaffie, A.: Comprehensive Framework For Accurate Classification of Pu...
     with: Shaffie, A.: Novel Computer-Aided Diagnostic System for Early Assessme...
     with: Shaffie, A.: Novel CT-Based Descriptors for Precise Diagnosis of Pulmo...
     with: Shalaby, A.: Deep Learning-Based CAD System For Renal Allograft Assess...
     with: Shehata, M.: Deep Learning-Based CAD System For Renal Allograft Assess...
     with: Shehata, M.: Novel Computer-Aided Diagnostic System for Early Assessme...
     with: Soliman, A.: Comprehensive Framework For Accurate Classification of Pu...
     with: Soliman, A.: Novel Computer-Aided Diagnostic System for Early Assessme...
     with: Soliman, A.: Novel CT-Based Descriptors for Precise Diagnosis of Pulmo...
     with: Taher, F.: Comprehensive Framework For Accurate Classification of Pulm...
     with: Taher, F.: Novel CT-Based Descriptors for Precise Diagnosis of Pulmona...
31 for Khalifeh, H.A.

Khalifeh, I. Standard Author Listing
     with: Blanch, M.G.: Multi-encoder Network for Parameter Reduction of a Kerne...
     with: Izquierdo, E.: Efficient Convolution and Transformer-based Network for...
     with: Izquierdo, E.: Multi-encoder Network for Parameter Reduction of a Kern...
     with: Mrak, M.: Efficient Convolution and Transformer-based Network for Vide...
     with: Mrak, M.: Multi-encoder Network for Parameter Reduction of a Kernel-ba...
     with: Murn, L.: Efficient Convolution and Transformer-based Network for Vide...

Khaligh, S.P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Durali, L.: Hitch Angle Estimation of a Towing Vehicle With Arbitrary ...
     with: Fidan, B.: Hitch Angle Estimation of a Towing Vehicle With Arbitrary C...
     with: Khajepour, A.: Hitch Angle Estimation of a Towing Vehicle With Arbitra...
     with: Korayem, A.H.: Hitch Angle Estimation of a Towing Vehicle With Arbitra...
     with: Pazooki, A.: Hitch Angle Estimation of a Towing Vehicle With Arbitrary...
     with: Ponnuswami, A.V.: Hitch Angle Estimation of a Towing Vehicle With Arbi...

Khalighi Sigaroodi, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ghaljaee, E.: Evaluation of TRMM-3B42V7 and Persiann-CDR Daily-precipi...
     with: Malekian, A.: Evaluation of TRMM-3B42V7 and Persiann-CDR Daily-precipi...
     with: Moghaddam Nia, A.: Evaluation of TRMM-3B42V7 and Persiann-CDR Daily-pr...
     with: Zhang, F.: Evaluation of TRMM-3B42V7 and Persiann-CDR Daily-precipitat...

Khalighi, A.H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bloodworth, C.: Comprehensive Framework for the Characterization of th...
     with: Drach, A.: Comprehensive Framework for the Characterization of the Com...
     with: Jensen, M.O.: Comprehensive Framework for the Characterization of the ...
     with: Lee, C.H.: Comprehensive Framework for the Characterization of the Com...
     with: Pierce, E.L.: Comprehensive Framework for the Characterization of the ...
     with: Sacks, M.S.: Comprehensive Framework for the Characterization of the C...
     with: ter Huurne, F.M.: Comprehensive Framework for the Characterization of ...
     with: Yoganathan, A.P.: Comprehensive Framework for the Characterization of ...
8 for Khalighi, A.H.

Khalighi, M.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Deller, T.W.: Design Features and Mutual Compatibility Studies of the ...
     with: Deller, T.W.: Real-Time Gain Control of PET Detectors and Evaluation W...
     with: Delso, G.: Design Features and Mutual Compatibility Studies of the Tim...
     with: Fries, M.D.: Real-Time Gain Control of PET Detectors and Evaluation Wi...
     with: Jansen, F.: Design Features and Mutual Compatibility Studies of the Ti...
     with: Jansen, F.P.: Real-Time Gain Control of PET Detectors and Evaluation W...
     with: Lapi, S.E.: Real-Time Gain Control of PET Detectors and Evaluation Wit...
     with: Levin, C.S.: Design Features and Mutual Compatibility Studies of the T...
     with: Maramraju, S.H.: Design Features and Mutual Compatibility Studies of t...
     with: McConathy, J.E.: Real-Time Gain Control of PET Detectors and Evaluatio...
     with: Radford, L.L.: Real-Time Gain Control of PET Detectors and Evaluation ...
     with: White, S.L.: Real-Time Gain Control of PET Detectors and Evaluation Wi...
12 for Khalighi, M.M.

Khalil Hani, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bakhteri, R.: real-time near infrared image acquisition system based o...
     with: Lee, Y.H.: real-time near infrared image acquisition system based on i...
     with: Nambiar, V.P.: real-time near infrared image acquisition system based ...

Khalil, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aboulfotouh, A.: Detecting and Localizing Prostate Cancer from Diffusi...
     with: Abraham, P.: Comparative study to analyze the effect of aging on micro...
     with: Alksas, A.: Novel Approach for 3D Renal Segmentation Using a Modified ...
     with: Badawy, M.: Novel Approach for 3D Renal Segmentation Using a Modified ...
     with: Bakr, A.M.: Deep Learning-Based CAD System For Renal Allograft Assessm...
     with: Balaha, H.M.: Novel Approach for 3D Renal Segmentation Using a Modifie...
     with: Barnes, G.: new deep-learning approach for early detection of shape va...
     with: Barnes, G.: Towards Personalized Autism Diagnosis: Promising Results
     with: Beache, G.: Role of Integrating Diffusion MR Image-Markers with Clinic...
     with: Casanova, M.: new deep-learning approach for early detection of shape ...
     with: Contractor, S.: Novel Approach for 3D Renal Segmentation Using a Modif...
     with: Dekhil, O.: Towards Personalized Autism Diagnosis: Promising Results
     with: Dwyer, A.: Role of Integrating Diffusion MR Image-Markers with Clinica...
     with: Dwyer, A.C.: Deep Learning-Based CAD System For Renal Allograft Assess...
     with: El Baz, A.: Deep Learning-Based CAD System For Renal Allograft Assessm...
     with: El Baz, A.: Detecting and Localizing Prostate Cancer from Diffusion-We...
     with: El Baz, A.: new deep-learning approach for early detection of shape va...
     with: El Baz, A.: Novel Approach for 3D Renal Segmentation Using a Modified ...
     with: El Baz, A.: Role of Integrating Diffusion MR Image-Markers with Clinic...
     with: El Baz, A.: Towards Personalized Autism Diagnosis: Promising Results
     with: El Ghar, M.A.: Detecting and Localizing Prostate Cancer from Diffusion...
     with: El Ghar, M.A.: Novel Approach for 3D Renal Segmentation Using a Modifi...
     with: El Ghar, M.A.: Role of Integrating Diffusion MR Image-Markers with Cli...
     with: El Melegy, M.: Detecting and Localizing Prostate Cancer from Diffusion...
     with: Elmaghraby, A.: Towards Personalized Autism Diagnosis: Promising Results
     with: Elmogy, M.: Detecting and Localizing Prostate Cancer from Diffusion-We...
     with: ElNakieb, Y.: Towards Personalized Autism Diagnosis: Promising Results
     with: Enderlin, E.M.: Automated Detection of Marine Glacier Calving Fronts U...
     with: Ghazal, M.: Deep Learning-Based CAD System For Renal Allograft Assessm...
     with: Ghazal, M.: Detecting and Localizing Prostate Cancer from Diffusion-We...
     with: Ghazal, M.: Novel Approach for 3D Renal Segmentation Using a Modified ...
     with: Ghazal, M.: Role of Integrating Diffusion MR Image-Markers with Clinic...
     with: Ghazal, M.: Towards Personalized Autism Diagnosis: Promising Results
     with: Hajjdiab, H.: Role of Integrating Diffusion MR Image-Markers with Clin...
     with: Hasnat, A.: Real Time Automatic Urban Traffic Management Framework Bas...
     with: Hosseini Asl, E.: new deep-learning approach for early detection of sh...
     with: Humeau Heurtier, A.: Comparative study to analyze the effect of aging ...
     with: Ismail, M.: new deep-learning approach for early detection of shape va...
     with: Keynton, R.: Deep Learning-Based CAD System For Renal Allograft Assess...
     with: Keynton, R.: Detecting and Localizing Prostate Cancer from Diffusion-W...
     with: Keynton, R.: new deep-learning approach for early detection of shape v...
     with: Keynton, R.: Towards Personalized Autism Diagnosis: Promising Results
     with: Khalifeh, H.A.: Deep Learning-Based CAD System For Renal Allograft Ass...
     with: Khata, M.: Real Time Automatic Urban Traffic Management Framework Base...
     with: Lachachi, Y.: Real Time Automatic Urban Traffic Management Framework B...
     with: Liu, J.: Automated Detection of Marine Glacier Calving Fronts Using th...
     with: Llanza, A.: Real Time Automatic Urban Traffic Management Framework Bas...
     with: Mahe, G.: Comparative study to analyze the effect of aging on microvas...
     with: Mahmoud, A.: Novel Approach for 3D Renal Segmentation Using a Modified...
     with: Mahmoud, A.: Towards Personalized Autism Diagnosis: Promising Results
     with: Marshall, H.P.: Automated Detection of Marine Glacier Calving Fronts U...
     with: Meicler, A.: Real Time Automatic Urban Traffic Management Framework Ba...
     with: Nakib, A.: Real Time Automatic Urban Traffic Management Framework Base...
     with: Nitzken, M.: new deep-learning approach for early detection of shape v...
     with: Nitzken, M.: Towards Personalized Autism Diagnosis: Promising Results
     with: Reda, I.: Detecting and Localizing Prostate Cancer from Diffusion-Weig...
     with: Sanogo, A.: Real Time Automatic Urban Traffic Management Framework Bas...
     with: Shalaby, A.: Deep Learning-Based CAD System For Renal Allograft Assess...
     with: Shalaby, A.: Detecting and Localizing Prostate Cancer from Diffusion-W...
     with: Shalaby, A.: new deep-learning approach for early detection of shape v...
     with: Shalaby, A.: Towards Personalized Autism Diagnosis: Promising Results
     with: Sharaby, I.: Novel Approach for 3D Renal Segmentation Using a Modified...
     with: Shehata, M.: Deep Learning-Based CAD System For Renal Allograft Assess...
     with: Shehata, M.: Role of Integrating Diffusion MR Image-Markers with Clini...
     with: Shvai, N.: Real Time Automatic Urban Traffic Management Framework Base...
     with: Stravoravdis, S.: H-BIM and The Domains of Data Investigations of Heri...
     with: Switala, A.: new deep-learning approach for early detection of shape v...
     with: Switala, A.: Towards Personalized Autism Diagnosis: Promising Results
     with: Younes, E.D.: Real Time Automatic Urban Traffic Management Framework B...
69 for Khalil, A.

Khalil, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Asmar, D.: OSPC: Online Sequential Photometric Calibration
     with: Haidar, J.: OSPC: Online Sequential Photometric Calibration

Khalil, F.F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cretu, A.M.: Deformable Object Segmentation and Contour Tracking in Im...
     with: Payeur, P.: Deformable Object Segmentation and Contour Tracking in Ima...
     with: Petriu, E.M.: Deformable Object Segmentation and Contour Tracking in I...

Khalil, H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Atiya, A.F.: DCT of Spatially Adaptive Subsampled Interframes for Imag...
     with: Atiya, A.F.: Lowering Frame-Buffering Requirements of 3-D Wavelet Tran...
     with: Atiya, A.F.: Three-Dimensional Video Compression Using Subband/Wavelet...
     with: Regunathan, S.L.: Asymptotic Closed-Loop Approach to Predictive Vector...
     with: Regunathan, S.L.: Open-loop design of predictive vector quantizers for...
     with: Rose, K.: Asymptotic Closed-Loop Approach to Predictive Vector Quantiz...
     with: Rose, K.: Asymptotic Closed-loop Design of Predictive Multi-stage Vect...
     with: Rose, K.: Multi-stage Vector Quantizer Design for Image Transmission O...
     with: Rose, K.: Open-loop design of predictive vector quantizers for video c...
     with: Rose, K.: Predictive multistage vector quantizer design using asymptot...
     with: Shaheen, S.: DCT of Spatially Adaptive Subsampled Interframes for Imag...
     with: Shaheen, S.: Lowering Frame-Buffering Requirements of 3-D Wavelet Tran...
     with: Shaheen, S.: Three-Dimensional Video Compression Using Subband/Wavelet...
13 for Khalil, H.

Khalil, I. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abuadbba, A.: Security-Enhanced Certificateless Conditional Privacy-Pr...
     with: Al Fuqaha, A.: Online Algorithm for Opportunistic Handling of Received...
     with: Alharbi, A.: Social Media Identity Deception Detection: A Survey
     with: Bouras, A.: context-aware approach for long-term behavioural change de...
     with: Chong, W.S.: Coral Reef Mapping of UAV: A Comparison of Sun Glint Corr...
     with: Dong, H.: Social Media Identity Deception Detection: A Survey
     with: Forkan, A.R.M.: context-aware approach for long-term behavioural chang...
     with: Foufou, S.: context-aware approach for long-term behavioural change de...
     with: Gharaibeh, A.: Online Algorithm for Opportunistic Handling of Received...
     with: Hossain, M.S.: Coral Reef Mapping of UAV: A Comparison of Sun Glint Co...
     with: Huang, X.: Security-Enhanced Certificateless Conditional Privacy-Prese...
     with: Hussini, S.J.: Online Algorithm for Opportunistic Handling of Received...
     with: Khreishah, A.: Online Algorithm for Opportunistic Handling of Received...
     with: Mohammed, I.: Online Algorithm for Opportunistic Handling of Received ...
     with: Muslim, A.M.: Coral Reef Mapping of UAV: A Comparison of Sun Glint Cor...
     with: Safuan, C.D.M.: Coral Reef Mapping of UAV: A Comparison of Sun Glint C...
     with: Tari, Z.: context-aware approach for long-term behavioural change dete...
     with: Tari, Z.: Social Media Identity Deception Detection: A Survey
     with: Xu, F.: Security-Enhanced Certificateless Conditional Privacy-Preservi...
     with: Yi, X.: Security-Enhanced Certificateless Conditional Privacy-Preservi...
     with: Yi, X.: Social Media Identity Deception Detection: A Survey
     with: Zhu, F.: Security-Enhanced Certificateless Conditional Privacy-Preserv...
22 for Khalil, I.

Khalil, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Akar, C.A.: Generative Adversarial Network Applications in Industry 4....
     with: Kamradt, M.: Generative Adversarial Network Applications in Industry 4...
     with: Makhoul, A.: Generative Adversarial Network Applications in Industry 4...
     with: Massih, R.A.: Generative Adversarial Network Applications in Industry ...
     with: Yaghi, A.: Generative Adversarial Network Applications in Industry 4.0...

Khalil, J.E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Lambert, P.: 3D Mesh coding with predefined region-of-interest
     with: Lambert, P.: Scalable Wavelet-Based Coding of Irregular Meshes With In...
     with: Munteanu, A.: 3D Mesh coding with predefined region-of-interest
     with: Munteanu, A.: Scalable Wavelet-Based Coding of Irregular Meshes With I...

Khalil, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dipanda, A.: Representing plane closed curves with Hartley descriptors
     with: Legrand, L.: Representing plane closed curves with Hartley descriptors

Khalil, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abdel Raouf, A.: Building a multi-modal Arabic corpus (MMAC)
     with: Abdel Raouf, A.: Database for Arabic Printed Character Recognition, A
     with: Adib, A.: Fusing wavelet and short-term features for speaker identific...
     with: Adib, A.: Improved Watermark Extraction Exploiting Undeterminated Sour...
     with: Adib, A.: Incep-EEGNEt: A Convnet for Motor Imagery Decoding
     with: Adib, A.: Performance analysis of ECG signal denoising methods in tran...
     with: Adib, A.: Robust audio watermarking based on multi-carrier modulation
     with: Al Ruzouq, R.: Calibrated Multi-temporal Edge Images for City Infrastr...
     with: Alamedine, D.: Selection algorithm for parameters to characterize uter...
     with: Albertsen, I.M.: Automatic analysis of human posture equilibrium using...
     with: Amirat, Y.: Automatic analysis of human posture equilibrium using empi...
     with: Bakir, N.: Light Field Image Compression Based on Convolutional Neural...
     with: Benzinou, A.: optimal elastic partial shape matching via shape geodesi...
     with: Boharoon, Z.: Calibrated Multi-temporal Edge Images for City Infrastru...
     with: Cappelle, C.: Harris, SIFT and SURF features comparison for vehicle lo...
     with: Dawood, M.: Harris, SIFT and SURF features comparison for vehicle loca...
     with: Deforges, O.: joint 3D image semantic segmentation and scalable coding...
     with: Deforges, O.: Light Field Image Compression Based on Convolutional Neu...
     with: Delechelle, E.: Automatic analysis of human posture equilibrium using ...
     with: Diab, A.: Selection algorithm for parameters to characterize uterine E...
     with: Dufor, O.: SimiNet: A Novel Method for Quantifying Brain Network Simil...
     with: El Bouny, L.: Performance analysis of ECG signal denoising methods in ...
     with: El Hamdouni, N.: Improved Watermark Extraction Exploiting Undeterminat...
     with: El Najjar, M.E.: Harris, SIFT and SURF features comparison for vehicle...
     with: Eltrass, A.: Automotive radar system for multiple-vehicle detection an...
     with: Falou, W.: joint 3D image semantic segmentation and scalable coding sc...
     with: Faour, G.: optimal elastic partial shape matching via shape geodesics,...
     with: Gracies, J.M.: Automatic analysis of human posture equilibrium using e...
     with: Gripon, V.: SimiNet: A Novel Method for Quantifying Brain Network Simi...
     with: Hamidouche, W.: Light Field Image Compression Based on Convolutional N...
     with: Hassan, M.: SimiNet: A Novel Method for Quantifying Brain Network Simi...
     with: Higgins, C.A.: Building a multi-modal Arabic corpus (MMAC)
     with: Higgins, C.A.: Database for Arabic Printed Character Recognition, A
     with: Hutin, E.: Automatic analysis of human posture equilibrium using empir...
     with: Karlsson, B.: Selection algorithm for parameters to characterize uteri...
     with: Khoder, J.: Dimension Reduction of Hyperspectral Image with Rare Event...
     with: Liu, Y.: joint 3D image semantic segmentation and scalable coding sche...
     with: Marque, C.: Selection algorithm for parameters to characterize uterine...
     with: Merhy, M.: optimal elastic partial shape matching via shape geodesics,...
     with: Mheich, A.: SimiNet: A Novel Method for Quantifying Brain Network Simi...
     with: Mohammed, S.: Automatic analysis of human posture equilibrium using em...
     with: Muszynski, C.: Selection algorithm for parameters to characterize uter...
     with: Nasreddine, K.: optimal elastic partial shape matching via shape geode...
     with: Obeid, H.: Dimension Reduction of Hyperspectral Image with Rare Event ...
     with: Pomorski, D.: Harris, SIFT and SURF features comparison for vehicle lo...
     with: Pridmore, T.: Building a multi-modal Arabic corpus (MMAC)
     with: Riyad, M.: Incep-EEGNEt: A Convnet for Motor Imagery Decoding
     with: Safi, K.: Automatic analysis of human posture equilibrium using empiri...
     with: Samrouth, K.: joint 3D image semantic segmentation and scalable coding...
     with: Samrouth, K.: Light Field Image Compression Based on Convolutional Neu...
     with: Satish Kumar, J.: Use of AHP Within GIS for Destructed Areas in Damasc...
     with: Sekkate, S.: Fusing wavelet and short-term features for speaker identi...
     with: Shanableh, A.: Calibrated Multi-temporal Edge Images for City Infrastr...
     with: Wendling, F.: SimiNet: A Novel Method for Quantifying Brain Network Si...
     with: Younes, R.: Dimension Reduction of Hyperspectral Image with Rare Event...
55 for Khalil, M.

Khalil, M.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Al Khayyat, G.: Spatial and Temporal Inversion of Land Surface Tempera...
     with: AL Mansoori, S.: Potential Factors That Trigger the Suspension of Calc...
     with: Al Mansoori, S.: Sensors, Features, and Machine Learning for Oil Spill...
     with: Al Mansoori, S.: Spatial and Temporal Inversion of Land Surface Temper...
     with: Al Ruzouq, R.: Integration of Deep Learning and Transfer Learning for ...
     with: Al Ruzouq, R.: Potential Factors That Trigger the Suspension of Calciu...
     with: Al Ruzouq, R.: Sensors, Features, and Machine Learning for Oil Spill D...
     with: Al Ruzouq, R.: Spatial and Temporal Inversion of Land Surface Temperat...
     with: Atzberger, C.: Integration of Deep Learning and Transfer Learning for ...
     with: Dabous, S.A.: Spatial and Temporal Inversion of Land Surface Temperatu...
     with: Flesia, C.: Potential Factors That Trigger the Suspension of Calcium C...
     with: Ghamisi, P.: Integration of Deep Learning and Transfer Learning for Ea...
     with: Ghorbanzadeh, O.: Integration of Deep Learning and Transfer Learning f...
     with: Gibril, M.B.A.: Integration of Deep Learning and Transfer Learning for...
     with: Gibril, M.B.A.: Potential Factors That Trigger the Suspension of Calci...
     with: Gibril, M.B.A.: Sensors, Features, and Machine Learning for Oil Spill ...
     with: Gibril, M.B.A.: Spatial and Temporal Inversion of Land Surface Tempera...
     with: Hamad, K.: Spatial and Temporal Inversion of Land Surface Temperature ...
     with: Hamed, O.: Sensors, Features, and Machine Learning for Oil Spill Detec...
     with: Imteaz, M.A.: Potential Factors That Trigger the Suspension of Calcium...
     with: Jena, R.: Integration of Deep Learning and Transfer Learning for Earth...
     with: Jena, R.: Spatial and Temporal Inversion of Land Surface Temperature a...
     with: Kais, A.: Sensors, Features, and Machine Learning for Oil Spill Detect...
     with: Kaloush, K.E.: Spatial and Temporal Inversion of Land Surface Temperat...
     with: Mittal, H.: Integration of Deep Learning and Transfer Learning for Ear...
     with: Pradhan, B.: Integration of Deep Learning and Transfer Learning for Ea...
     with: Shanableh, A.: Integration of Deep Learning and Transfer Learning for ...
     with: Shanableh, A.: Potential Factors That Trigger the Suspension of Calciu...
     with: Shanableh, A.: Sensors, Features, and Machine Learning for Oil Spill D...
     with: Shanableh, A.: Spatial and Temporal Inversion of Land Surface Temperat...
     with: Yilmaz, A.G.: Potential Factors That Trigger the Suspension of Calcium...
     with: Zeiada, W.: Spatial and Temporal Inversion of Land Surface Temperature...
32 for Khalil, M.A.

Khalil, M.E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Fahmy, A.S.: Correction of Left Ventricle Strain Signals Estimated fro...
     with: Osman, N.F.: Correction of Left Ventricle Strain Signals Estimated fro...

Khalil, M.I. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abbas, A.: Illumination invariant face recognition in logarithm Discre...
     with: Abbas, H.M.: BioSecure signature evaluation campaign (BSEC'2009): Eval...
     with: Abbas, H.M.: Enhanced DTW based on-line signature verification
     with: Abbas, H.M.: Fast 3D tracking and quantization of small vascular struc...
     with: Abdel Hay, S.: Illumination invariant face recognition in logarithm Di...
     with: Afifi, Y.I.: Fast 3D tracking and quantization of small vascular struc...
     with: Ahmed, I.: Time Efficient Receiver Oriented Sleep Scheduling for Under...
     with: Akter, M.: Time Efficient Receiver Oriented Sleep Scheduling for Under...
     with: Alcobe, J.R.: BioSecure signature evaluation campaign (BSEC'2009): Eva...
     with: Bayoumi, M.M.: Affine invariants for object recognition using the wave...
     with: Bayoumi, M.M.: Dyadic Wavelet Affine Invariant Function for 2D Shape R...
     with: Bayoumi, M.M.: Invariant 2D object recognition using the wavelet modul...
     with: Cardenoso Payo, V.: BioSecure signature evaluation campaign (BSEC'2009...
     with: Dai, P.: Dual Perspective Network for Audio-Visual Event Localization
     with: Dorizzi, B.: BioSecure signature evaluation campaign (BSEC'2009): Eval...
     with: Fabregas, J.: BioSecure signature evaluation campaign (BSEC'2009): Eva...
     with: Fahmy, H.M.A.: Illumination invariant face recognition in logarithm Di...
     with: Faundez Zanuy, M.: BioSecure signature evaluation campaign (BSEC'2009)...
     with: Fierrez, J.: BioSecure signature evaluation campaign (BSEC'2009): Eval...
     with: Garcia Salicetti, S.: BioSecure signature evaluation campaign (BSEC'20...
     with: Haque, M.J.: EERC-MAC: Energy efficient Receiver Centric MAC protocol ...
     with: Hasan, M.N.: EERC-MAC: Energy efficient Receiver Centric MAC protocol ...
     with: Hossain, M.A.: EERC-MAC: Energy efficient Receiver Centric MAC protoco...
     with: Hossain, M.A.: Time Efficient Receiver Oriented Sleep Scheduling for U...
     with: Houmani, N.: BioSecure signature evaluation campaign (BSEC'2009): Eval...
     with: Kholmatov, A.: BioSecure signature evaluation campaign (BSEC'2009): Ev...
     with: Li, H.: Dual Perspective Network for Audio-Visual Event Localization
     with: Lu, J.W.: Dual Perspective Network for Audio-Visual Event Localization
     with: Mamtaz, R.: Time Efficient Receiver Oriented Sleep Scheduling for Unde...
     with: Martinez Diaz, M.: BioSecure signature evaluation campaign (BSEC'2009)...
     with: Mayoue, A.: BioSecure signature evaluation campaign (BSEC'2009): Evalu...
     with: Moustafa, M.N.: BioSecure signature evaluation campaign (BSEC'2009): E...
     with: Moustafa, M.N.: Enhanced DTW based on-line signature verification
     with: Muramatsu, D.: BioSecure signature evaluation campaign (BSEC'2009): Ev...
     with: Ortega Garcia, J.: BioSecure signature evaluation campaign (BSEC'2009)...
     with: Pascual Gaspar, J.M.: BioSecure signature evaluation campaign (BSEC'20...
     with: Rao, V.: Dual Perspective Network for Audio-Visual Event Localization
     with: Vivaracho Pascual, C.: BioSecure signature evaluation campaign (BSEC'2...
     with: Yanikoglu, B.A.: BioSecure signature evaluation campaign (BSEC'2009): ...
39 for Khalil, M.I.

Khalil, M.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Al Nuzaili, Q.: Fingerprint Verification Using the Texture of Fingerpr...
     with: Al Nuzaili, Q.A.: Pixel distribution-based features for offline Arabic...
     with: Hashim, S.Z.M.: Pixel distribution-based features for offline Arabic h...
     with: Mohamad, D.B.: Pixel distribution-based features for offline Arabic ha...
     with: Muhammad, D.: Fingerprint Verification Using the Texture of Fingerprin...
     with: Saeed, F.: Pixel distribution-based features for offline Arabic handwr...

Khalil, O. Standard Author Listing
     with: Badr, Y.: Synthetic training in object detection
     with: El Kholy, D.K.: Synthetic training in object detection
     with: El Saban, M.: Synthetic training in object detection
     with: Fathy, M.E.: Synthetic training in object detection
     with: Kohli, P.: Synthetic training in object detection
     with: Shotton, J.D.J.: Synthetic training in object detection

Khalil, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abbasi, W.A.: novel unsupervised ensemble framework using concept-base...
     with: Aziz, W.: novel unsupervised ensemble framework using concept-based li...
     with: Bibi, M.: novel unsupervised ensemble framework using concept-based li...
     with: Gadekallu, T.R.: novel unsupervised ensemble framework using concept-b...
     with: Iwendi, C.: novel unsupervised ensemble framework using concept-based ...
     with: Uddin, M.: novel unsupervised ensemble framework using concept-based l...

Khalil, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Akram, M.U.: Improved automated detection of glaucoma from fundus imag...
     with: Akram, M.U.: study to identify limitations of existing automated syste...
     with: Ali, N.: study to identify limitations of existing automated systems t...
     with: Dar, S.H.: study to identify limitations of existing automated systems...
     with: Jameel, A.: Improved automated detection of glaucoma from fundus image...
     with: Khalid, S.: Improved automated detection of glaucoma from fundus image...
     with: Khalid, S.: study to identify limitations of existing automated system...
7 for Khalil, T.

Khalil, W. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bodson, P.: Modeling and Identification of Passenger Car Dynamics Usin...
     with: Chevrel, P.: Modeling and Simulating a Narrow Tilting Car Using Roboti...
     with: Gautier, M.: Modeling and Identification of Passenger Car Dynamics Usi...
     with: Gautier, M.: Modeling and Simulating a Narrow Tilting Car Using Roboti...
     with: Maakaroun, S.: Modeling and Simulating a Narrow Tilting Car Using Robo...
     with: Ripert, P.J.: Modeling and Identification of Passenger Car Dynamics Us...
     with: Venture, G.: Modeling and Identification of Passenger Car Dynamics Usi...
7 for Khalil, W.

Khalil, Y.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Al Aizari, A.R.: Assessment Analysis of Flood Susceptibility in Tropic...
     with: AL Hameedi, W.M.M.: Assessment Analysis of Flood Susceptibility in Tro...
     with: Al Masnay, Y.A.: Assessment Analysis of Flood Susceptibility in Tropic...
     with: Al Shaibah, B.: Assessment Analysis of Flood Susceptibility in Tropica...
     with: Aydda, A.: Assessment Analysis of Flood Susceptibility in Tropical Des...
     with: Habib, T.: Assessment Analysis of Flood Susceptibility in Tropical Des...
     with: Islam, A.R.M.T.: Assessment Analysis of Flood Susceptibility in Tropic...
     with: Kaku, D.U.: Assessment Analysis of Flood Susceptibility in Tropical De...
     with: Liu, X.: Assessment Analysis of Flood Susceptibility in Tropical Deser...
     with: Nizeyimana, J.C.: Assessment Analysis of Flood Susceptibility in Tropi...
     with: Ullah, K.: Assessment Analysis of Flood Susceptibility in Tropical Des...
     with: Zhang, J.Q.: Assessment Analysis of Flood Susceptibility in Tropical D...
12 for Khalil, Y.M.

Khalil, Y.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Feng, M.: DEDNet: Dual-Encoder DeeplabV3+ Network for Rock Glacier Rec...
     with: Lin, L.J.: DEDNet: Dual-Encoder DeeplabV3+ Network for Rock Glacier Re...
     with: Liu, L.: DEDNet: Dual-Encoder DeeplabV3+ Network for Rock Glacier Reco...
     with: Liu, M.: DEDNet: Dual-Encoder DeeplabV3+ Network for Rock Glacier Reco...
     with: Yin, F.: DEDNet: Dual-Encoder DeeplabV3+ Network for Rock Glacier Reco...
     with: Zhang, Q.J.: DEDNet: Dual-Encoder DeeplabV3+ Network for Rock Glacier ...

Khalili Mahani, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Holowka, E.M.: Principles for Designing an mHealth App for Participato...
     with: Pahayahay, A.: Principles for Designing an mHealth App for Participato...
     with: Roy, M.: Principles for Designing an mHealth App for Participatory Res...
     with: Woods, S.: Principles for Designing an mHealth App for Participatory R...

Khalili, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bazzi, W.M.: Incremental augmented complex adaptive IIR algorithm for ...
     with: Bazzi, W.M.: incremental LMS network with reduced communication delay,...
     with: Fijany, A.: Fast Parallel Model Estimation on the CELL Broadband Engine
     with: Fontaine, J.G.: Fast Parallel Model Estimation on the CELL Broadband E...
     with: Hosseini, F.: Fast Parallel Model Estimation on the CELL Broadband Eng...
     with: Rahmati, R.G.: Incremental augmented complex adaptive IIR algorithm fo...
     with: Rastegarnia, A.: Incremental augmented complex adaptive IIR algorithm ...
     with: Rastegarnia, A.: incremental LMS network with reduced communication de...
     with: Rastegarnia, A.: Steady-state analysis of quantized distributed increm...
     with: Safari, S.: Fast Parallel Model Estimation on the CELL Broadband Engine
     with: Sanei, S.: incremental LMS network with reduced communication delay, An
     with: Tinati, M.A.: Steady-state analysis of quantized distributed increment...
12 for Khalili, A.

Khalili, A.H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aghajan, H.: Hierarchical preference learning for light control from u...
     with: Wu, C.: Hierarchical preference learning for light control from user f...

Khalili, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Webb, P.: development and application of a multiple wavelength illumin...

Khalili, M.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Amini, A.: Mapping Kinetic Energy Hotspots in the Persian Gulf and Oma...
     with: Calcaterra, D.: Mapping of Mean Deformation Rates Based on APS-Correct...
     with: di Martire, D.: Mapping Kinetic Energy Hotspots in the Persian Gulf an...
     with: di Martire, D.: Mapping of Mean Deformation Rates Based on APS-Correct...
     with: Guerriero, L.: Mapping of Mean Deformation Rates Based on APS-Correcte...
     with: Haji Aghajany, S.: Mapping of Mean Deformation Rates Based on APS-Corr...
     with: Pirooznia, M.: Mapping Kinetic Energy Hotspots in the Persian Gulf and...
     with: Voosoghi, B.: Mapping Kinetic Energy Hotspots in the Persian Gulf and ...
     with: Voosoghi, B.: Mapping of Mean Deformation Rates Based on APS-Corrected...
9 for Khalili, M.A.

Khalili, M.H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Hasanlou, M.: Harmful Algal Blooms Monitoring Using Sentinel-2 Satelli...

Khalili, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Illingworth, J.: Curvature and torsion feature extraction from free-fo...
     with: Isgum, I.: Deep Learning Analysis of Coronary Arteries in Cardiac CT A...
     with: Leiner, T.: Deep Learning Analysis of Coronary Arteries in Cardiac CT ...
     with: Mokhtarian, F.: Curvature and torsion feature extraction from free-for...
     with: Mokhtarian, F.: Curvature Computation on Free-Form 3-D Meshes at Multi...
     with: Mokhtarian, F.: Curvature Estimation on Smoothed 3-D Meshes
     with: Mokhtarian, F.: Estimation of Error in Curvature Computation on Multi-...
     with: Mokhtarian, F.: Free-Form 3-D Object Recognition at Multiple Scales
     with: Mokhtarian, F.: Free-Form Surface Description in Multiple Scales: Exte...
     with: Mokhtarian, F.: Multi-Scale 3-d Free-Form Surface Smoothing
     with: Mokhtarian, F.: Multi-Scale 3-D Surface Description: Open and Closed S...
     with: Mokhtarian, F.: Multi-scale free-form 3D object recognition using 3D m...
     with: van Hamersvelt, R.W.: Deep Learning Analysis of Coronary Arteries in C...
     with: Viergever, M.A.: Deep Learning Analysis of Coronary Arteries in Cardia...
     with: Voskuil, M.: Deep Learning Analysis of Coronary Arteries in Cardiac CT...
     with: Wolterink, J.M.: Deep Learning Analysis of Coronary Arteries in Cardia...
     with: Yuen, P.: Curvature and torsion feature extraction from free-form 3-D ...
     with: Yuen, P.: Curvature Computation on Free-Form 3-D Meshes at Multiple Sc...
     with: Yuen, P.: Curvature Estimation on Smoothed 3-D Meshes
     with: Yuen, P.: Estimation of Error in Curvature Computation on Multi-Scale ...
     with: Yuen, P.: Free-Form 3-D Object Recognition at Multiple Scales
     with: Yuen, P.: Free-Form Surface Description in Multiple Scales: Extension ...
     with: Yuen, P.: Multi-Scale 3-d Free-Form Surface Smoothing
     with: Yuen, P.: Multi-Scale 3-D Surface Description: Open and Closed Surfaces
     with: Yuen, P.: Multi-scale free-form 3D object recognition using 3D models
     with: Zreik, M.: Deep Learning Analysis of Coronary Arteries in Cardiac CT A...
26 for Khalili, N.

Khalili, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Karl, H.: Multi-Objective Optimization Using Adaptive Distributed Rein...
     with: Tan, J.: Multi-Objective Optimization Using Adaptive Distributed Reinf...

Khalili, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Feng, J.: Code-Aided Channel Tracking and Decoding Over Sparse Fast-Fa...
     with: Haimovich, A.M.: Cloud Radio-Multistatic Radar: Joint Optimization of ...
     with: Haimovich, A.M.: Code-Aided Channel Tracking and Decoding Over Sparse ...
     with: Simeone, O.: Cloud Radio-Multistatic Radar: Joint Optimization of Code...
     with: Simeone, O.: Code-Aided Channel Tracking and Decoding Over Sparse Fast...
     with: Tang, J.: Code-Aided Channel Tracking and Decoding Over Sparse Fast-Fa...
     with: Wen, Z.: Code-Aided Channel Tracking and Decoding Over Sparse Fast-Fad...
     with: Zhou, M.: Code-Aided Channel Tracking and Decoding Over Sparse Fast-Fa...
8 for Khalili, S.

Khalilia, M.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bezdek, J.: Improvements to the relational fuzzy c-means clustering al...
     with: Keller, J.M.: Improvements to the relational fuzzy c-means clustering ...
     with: Popescu, M.: Improvements to the relational fuzzy c-means clustering a...

Khalilian, H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bajic, I.V.: Video Watermarking With Empirical PCA-Based Decoding

Khalilnia, M.H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abbaspour, R.A.: Modeling of urban growth using cellular automata (CA)...
     with: Ghaemirad, T.: Modeling of urban growth using cellular automata (CA) o...

Khalilpour, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Hosseini, H.: Automatic selection and fusion of color spaces for image...
     with: Mousavi, B.S.: Automatic selection and fusion of color spaces for imag...
     with: Razmjooy, N.: Automatic selection and fusion of color spaces for image...

Khaliluzzaman, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Deb, K.: Stairways detection based on approach evaluation and vertical...

Khalin, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Casiez, G.: On Computer Mouse Pointing Model Online Identification and...
     with: Efimov, D.: On Computer Mouse Pointing Model Online Identification and...
     with: Ushirobira, R.: On Computer Mouse Pointing Model Online Identification...

Khaliq, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aimonino, D.R.: Comparison of Satellite and UAV-Based Multispectral Im...
     with: Biglia, A.: Comparison of Satellite and UAV-Based Multispectral Imager...
     with: Chiaberge, M.: Comparison of Satellite and UAV-Based Multispectral Ima...
     with: Chiaberge, M.: Domain-Adversarial Training of Self-Attention-Based Net...
     with: Chiaberge, M.: Multi-Image Super Resolution of Remotely Sensed Images ...
     with: Clark, A.F.: Generic Framework for Assessing the Performance Bounds of...
     with: Comba, L.: Comparison of Satellite and UAV-Based Multispectral Imagery...
     with: Ehsan, S.: Generic Framework for Assessing the Performance Bounds of I...
     with: Fasli, M.: Generic Framework for Assessing the Performance Bounds of I...
     with: Garg, S.: VLAD-BUFF: Burst-aware Fast Feature Aggregation for Visual P...
     with: Gay, P.: Comparison of Satellite and UAV-Based Multispectral Imagery f...
     with: Hausler, S.: VLAD-BUFF: Burst-aware Fast Feature Aggregation for Visua...
     with: Leonardis, A.: Generic Framework for Assessing the Performance Bounds ...
     with: Martini, M.: Domain-Adversarial Training of Self-Attention-Based Netwo...
     with: Mazzia, V.: Domain-Adversarial Training of Self-Attention-Based Networ...
     with: Mazzia, V.: Multi-Image Super Resolution of Remotely Sensed Images Usi...
     with: McDonald Maier, K.D.: Generic Framework for Assessing the Performance ...
     with: Milford, M.: VLAD-BUFF: Burst-aware Fast Feature Aggregation for Visua...
     with: Salvetti, F.: Multi-Image Super Resolution of Remotely Sensed Images U...
     with: ur Rehman, N.: Generic Framework for Assessing the Performance Bounds ...
     with: Xu, M.: VLAD-BUFF: Burst-aware Fast Feature Aggregation for Visual Pla...
21 for Khaliq, A.

Khaliq, A.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Omer, H.: modified POCS-based reconstruction method for compressively ...
     with: Qureshi, I.M.: modified POCS-based reconstruction method for compressi...
     with: Qureshi, I.M.: Unmixing functional magnetic resonance imaging data usi...
     with: Shah, J.A.: modified POCS-based reconstruction method for compressivel...
     with: Shah, J.A.: Unmixing functional magnetic resonance imaging data using ...

Khaliq, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ali, S.: Changes in Snow Cover Dynamics over the Indus Basin: Evidence...
     with: Arshad, A.: Observed Changes in Crop Yield Associated with Droughts Pr...
     with: Awan, U.K.: Changes in Snow Cover Dynamics over the Indus Basin: Evide...
     with: Cheema, M.J.M.: Changes in Snow Cover Dynamics over the Indus Basin: E...
     with: Dilawar, A.: Observed Changes in Crop Yield Associated with Droughts P...
     with: Mahmood, K.: Observed Changes in Crop Yield Associated with Droughts P...
     with: Mirchi, A.: Observed Changes in Crop Yield Associated with Droughts Pr...
     with: Pham, Q.B.: Observed Changes in Crop Yield Associated with Droughts Pr...
     with: Rahman, M.M.: Observed Changes in Crop Yield Associated with Droughts ...
     with: Saleem, F.: Observed Changes in Crop Yield Associated with Droughts Pr...
     with: Waqas, M.M.: Changes in Snow Cover Dynamics over the Indus Basin: Evid...
     with: Waseem, M.: Changes in Snow Cover Dynamics over the Indus Basin: Evide...
     with: Zeng, X.D.: Observed Changes in Crop Yield Associated with Droughts Pr...
13 for Khaliq, T.

Khalitov, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cheng, L.: Paramixer: Parameterizing Mixing Links in Sparse Factors Wo...
     with: Yang, Z.R.: Paramixer: Parameterizing Mixing Links in Sparse Factors W...
     with: Yu, T.: Paramixer: Parameterizing Mixing Links in Sparse Factors Works...

Khalkhali, M.B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Vahedian, A.: Multi-Target State Estimation Using Interactive Kalman F...
     with: Vahedian, A.: Situation Assessment-Augmented Interactive Kalman Filter...
     with: Yazdi, H.S.: Multi-Target State Estimation Using Interactive Kalman Fi...
     with: Yazdi, H.S.: Situation Assessment-Augmented Interactive Kalman Filter ...

Khallaghi, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abdi, H.: Biomechanically Constrained Surface Registration: Applicatio...
     with: Abdi, H.: Statistical Biomechanical Surface Registration: Application ...
     with: Abolmaesumi, P.: Biomechanically Constrained Surface Registration: App...
     with: Abolmaesumi, P.: Statistical Biomechanical Surface Registration: Appli...
     with: Black, P.C.: Statistical Biomechanical Surface Registration: Applicati...
     with: Chang, S.: Biomechanically Constrained Surface Registration: Applicati...
     with: Chang, S.D.: Statistical Biomechanical Surface Registration: Applicati...
     with: Fels, S.: Biomechanically Constrained Surface Registration: Applicatio...
     with: Fels, S.: Statistical Biomechanical Surface Registration: Application ...
     with: Fenster, A.: Biomechanically Constrained Surface Registration: Applica...
     with: Fenster, A.: Statistical Biomechanical Surface Registration: Applicati...
     with: Goksel, O.: Biomechanically Constrained Surface Registration: Applicat...
     with: Goldenberg, L.: Statistical Biomechanical Surface Registration: Applic...
     with: Imani, F.: Biomechanically Constrained Surface Registration: Applicati...
     with: Khojaste, A.: Biomechanically Constrained Surface Registration: Applic...
     with: Morris, W.J.: Statistical Biomechanical Surface Registration: Applicat...
     with: Mousavi, P.: Biomechanically Constrained Surface Registration: Applica...
     with: Nouranian, S.: Statistical Biomechanical Surface Registration: Applica...
     with: Rasoulian, A.: Biomechanically Constrained Surface Registration: Appli...
     with: Rasoulian, A.: Statistical Biomechanical Surface Registration: Applica...
     with: Romagnoli, C.: Biomechanically Constrained Surface Registration: Appli...
     with: Romagnoli, C.: Statistical Biomechanical Surface Registration: Applica...
     with: Sanchez, C.A.: Biomechanically Constrained Surface Registration: Appli...
     with: Sanchez, C.A.: Statistical Biomechanical Surface Registration: Applica...
     with: Spadinger, I.: Statistical Biomechanical Surface Registration: Applica...
     with: Sun, Y.: Biomechanically Constrained Surface Registration: Application...
     with: Ward, A.: Biomechanically Constrained Surface Registration: Applicatio...
     with: Ward, A.: Statistical Biomechanical Surface Registration: Application ...
28 for Khallaghi, S.

Khallil, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aggoun, A.: Multi-Resolution Local Histogram Analysis for Edge Detection

Khalloufi, H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Azough, A.: V-Museum: A Virtual Museum Based on Augmented and Virtual ...
     with: Kadri, M.: V-Museum: A Virtual Museum Based on Augmented and Virtual R...

Khallouki, H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bahaj, M.: Multimedia documents adaptive platform using multi-agent sy...

Khalmatova, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alanov, A.: Guide-and-rescale: Self-guidance Mechanism for Effective T...
     with: Ivanova, A.: Guide-and-rescale: Self-guidance Mechanism for Effective ...
     with: Titov, V.: Guide-and-rescale: Self-guidance Mechanism for Effective Tu...
     with: Vetrov, D.: Guide-and-rescale: Self-guidance Mechanism for Effective T...

Khalooei, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Adeli, E.: Adversarially Learned One-Class Classifier for Novelty Dete...
     with: Adeli, E.: Self-Supervised Representation Learning via Neighborhood-Re...
     with: Fathy, M.: Adversarially Learned One-Class Classifier for Novelty Dete...
     with: Sabokrou, M.: Adversarially Learned One-Class Classifier for Novelty D...
     with: Sabokrou, M.: Self-Supervised Representation Learning via Neighborhood...

Khalsa, S.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Novotny, J.: Visualisation Of Dependencies Between City Structure And ...
     with: Pivovarnik, M.: Visualisation Of Dependencies Between City Structure A...
     with: Zemek, F.: Visualisation Of Dependencies Between City Structure And Th...

Khalsa, S.J.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Jimenez Munoz, J.C.: Improved Temperature and Emissivity Separation Al...
     with: Pivovarnik, M.: Improved Temperature and Emissivity Separation Algorit...
     with: Zemek, F.: Improved Temperature and Emissivity Separation Algorithm fo...

Khalsi, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ghorbel, F.: Novel System for Deep Contour Classifiers Certification U...
     with: Sallami, M.M.: Novel System for Deep Contour Classifiers Certification...
     with: Smati, I.: Novel System for Deep Contour Classifiers Certification Und...

Khalvati, F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aagaard, M.D.: Window memoization: an efficient hardware architecture ...
     with: Aagaard, M.D.: Window memoization: toward high-performance image proce...
     with: Aich, S.: Using Large Text To Image Models with Structured Prompts for...
     with: Baig, S.: Segmentation of Prostate in Diffusion MR Images via Clustering
     with: Balasingham, S.: Automated Segmentation of Breast in 3-D MR Images Usi...
     with: Boroomand, A.: Noise-Compensated, Bias-Corrected Diffusion Weighted En...
     with: Castro, R.: Using Large Text To Image Models with Structured Prompts f...
     with: Cho, D.S.: Machine Learning-Driven Approach to Computational Physiolog...
     with: Chung, A.G.: Discovery Radiomics for Pathologically-Proven Computed To...
     with: Chung, A.G.: Discovery Radiomics via a Mixture of Deep ConvNet Sequenc...
     with: Chung, A.G.: Statistical Textural Distinctiveness in Multi-Parametric ...
     with: Clark, T.: Fully Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Segmentation o...
     with: Clausi, D.A.: Machine Learning-Driven Approach to Computational Physio...
     with: Gallego Ortiz, C.: Automated Segmentation of Breast in 3-D MR Images U...
     with: Ghodsi, A.: Discovery Radiomics via a Mixture of Deep ConvNet Sequence...
     with: Haider, M.A.: Discovery Radiomics for Pathologically-Proven Computed T...
     with: Haider, M.A.: Discovery Radiomics via a Mixture of Deep ConvNet Sequen...
     with: Haider, M.A.: Fully Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Segmentatio...
     with: Haider, M.A.: Noise-Compensated, Bias-Corrected Diffusion Weighted End...
     with: Haider, M.A.: Segmentation of Prostate in Diffusion MR Images via Clus...
     with: Haider, M.A.: Statistical Textural Distinctiveness in Multi-Parametric...
     with: Hajian, A.R.: Increasing Computational Redundancy of Digital Images vi...
     with: Karimi, A.H.: Discovery Radiomics via a Mixture of Deep ConvNet Sequen...
     with: Kumar, D.: Discovery Radiomics for Pathologically-Proven Computed Tomo...
     with: Martel, A.L.: Automated Segmentation of Breast in 3-D MR Images Using ...
     with: Rajapaksa, S.: Using Large Text To Image Models with Structured Prompt...
     with: Scharfenberger, C.: Statistical Textural Distinctiveness in Multi-Para...
     with: Shafiee, M.J.: Discovery Radiomics via a Mixture of Deep ConvNet Seque...
     with: Shafiee, M.J.: Noise-Compensated, Bias-Corrected Diffusion Weighted En...
     with: Shaifee, M.J.: Discovery Radiomics for Pathologically-Proven Computed ...
     with: Tizhoosh, H.R.: efficient architecture for hardware implementations of...
     with: Tizhoosh, H.R.: Increasing Computational Redundancy of Digital Images ...
     with: Tizhoosh, H.R.: Window memoization: toward high-performance image proc...
     with: Vianney, J.M.U.: Using Large Text To Image Models with Structured Prom...
     with: Wong, A.: Discovery Radiomics for Pathologically-Proven Computed Tomog...
     with: Wong, A.: Discovery Radiomics via a Mixture of Deep ConvNet Sequencers...
     with: Wong, A.: Fully Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Segmentation of...
     with: Wong, A.: Machine Learning-Driven Approach to Computational Physiologi...
     with: Wong, A.: Noise-Compensated, Bias-Corrected Diffusion Weighted Endorec...
     with: Wong, A.: Segmentation of Prostate in Diffusion MR Images via Clustering
     with: Wong, A.: Statistical Textural Distinctiveness in Multi-Parametric Pro...
     with: Zhang, J.J.: Segmentation of Prostate in Diffusion MR Images via Clust...
42 for Khalvati, F.

Khalyasmaa, A.I. Standard Author Listing
     with: Butusov, D.N.: Industry Experience of Developing Day-Ahead Photovoltai...
     with: Chakravarthi, T.P.: Industry Experience of Developing Day-Ahead Photov...
     with: Eroshenko, S.A.: Industry Experience of Developing Day-Ahead Photovolt...
     with: Ramachandran, H.: Industry Experience of Developing Day-Ahead Photovol...
     with: Tashchilin, V.A.: Industry Experience of Developing Day-Ahead Photovol...

Khalyavka, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chentsov, P.: Library of Sample Image Instances for the Cutting Path P...
     with: Khachay, M.: Library of Sample Image Instances for the Cutting Path Pr...
     with: Kudriavtsev, A.: Library of Sample Image Instances for the Cutting Pat...
     with: Petunin, A.: Library of Sample Image Instances for the Cutting Path Pr...
     with: Polishchuk, E.: Library of Sample Image Instances for the Cutting Path...
     with: Ukolov, S.: Library of Sample Image Instances for the Cutting Path Pro...

Index for "k"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:01:32
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