Update Dates 1004

1004 * 2D-3D-based on-board pedestrian detection system
* 3D facial feature location based on local shape map
* 3D point clouds processing and precise surface reconstruction of the face
* 4D nth-order Walsh orthogonal transform algorithm used for color image coding, A
* Accelerated cone beam CT reconstruction based on OpenCL
* Accurate and Efficient Method for Smoothly Space-Variant Gaussian Blurring
* Accurate time interval measurement method based on Vernier caliper principle
* Acoustic research on long and short vowels in Tibetan Lhasa dialect
* Adaptive digital image watermark scheme based on Fuzzy Neural Network for copyright protection
* adaptive threshold for the Canny Operator of edge detection, An
* Advanced Tracking Systems for the Military
* Affine invariant matching of broken boundaries based on simple genetic algorithm and contour reconstruction
* Affine iterative closest point algorithm for point set registration
* Angle estimation of coherent multi-target for MIMO bistatic radar
* Application of blind deconvolution approach with image quality metric in underwater image restoration
* Application of particle swarm optimization method in fractional Fourier transform
* Application Of The Topological Gradient Method To Color Image Restoration
* Application of wavelet packet transform in the knock detection of gasoline engines
* Approximation-free running SVD and its application to motion detection
* Arm motion perception and interaction platform design and implementation
* Automated handwashing assistance for persons with dementia using video and a partially observable Markov decision process
* Automatic classification algorithm of urban building based on corner analysis
* Automatic Correction of Ma and Sonka's Thinning Algorithm Using P-Simple Points
* Automatic detection of vocal folds from high-speed imaging
* Automatic personalized facial sketch based on ASM
* Automatic segmentation of focused objects from images with low depth of field
* Automatic video mosaicing for surveillance using vanishing points
* Award winning papers from the 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR)
* Bandpass filter design based on wavelet packet
* beamforming method for cylindrical array based on synthetic pattern of subarray, A
* biologically-inspired vision architecture for resource-constrained intelligent vehicles, A
* Blind adaptive beamforming algorithm based on cyclostationary signals
* Blind separation of instantaneous linear mixtures of cyclostationary signals
* Block Matching Algorithm based on RANSAC Algorithm
* Block-recursive filtering for offset nonuniformity estimation in infrared imaging systems: Theory and implementation
* Blood vessel segmentation using multi-scale quadrature filtering
* Calculation of 3-D acoustic scattering characteristics of a target in near-field at high-frequency
* Cluster validation using information stability measures
* Clustering based on random graph model embedding vertex features
* Colonic fold detection from computed tomographic colonography images using diffusion-FCM and level sets
* Color image enhancement with a human visual system based adaptive filter
* combined image denoising method, A
* Comparative analysis of various Matrix Pencil methods for direction of arrival estimation
* Comparison and analysis research on geometric correction of remote sensing images
* Components classification of the clastic rock thin-sections based on GIS
* Computational Model of Multidimensional Shape, A
* Computer aided orthodontics treatment by virtual segmentation and adjustment
* Computer vision-based multiple-lane detection on straight road and in a curve
* Contact-free measurement of heartbeat signal via a doppler radar using adaptive filtering
* Context information from search engines for document recognition
* Contourlet transform based algorithm of shadow compensation for face recognition
* Correction of Spatially Varying Image and Video Motion Blur Using a Hybrid Camera
* Cost-conscious multiple kernel learning
* Coupled Duration-Focused Architecture for Real-Time Music-to-Score Alignment, A
* Critical line-set configurations to epipolar geometry determination and application to image line transfer
* curvature constraint Exemplar-based image inpainting, A
* Data clustering: 50 years beyond K-means
* Deformable 3-D model based vehicle matching with weighted Hausdorff and EDA in traffic surveillance
* Design and Evaluation of More Accurate Gradient Operators on Hexagonal Lattices
* Design and implementation of MPEG audio layer III decoder using graphics processing units
* Design of digital parametric equalizer based on second-order function
* Detecting and tracking of small moving target in avian radar images
* detection and recognition method for prohibition traffic signs, A
* Detection and tracking of coronal mass ejections based on supervised segmentation and level set
* detection model for driver's unsafe states based on real-time face-vision, A
* Detection of LSB matching steganography based on distribution of pixel differences in natural images
* Development and Optimization of Regularized Tomographic Reconstruction Algorithms Utilizing Equally-Sloped Tomography
* digital watermark scheme for vector graphics, A
* Dinkelbach NCUT: An Efficient Framework for Solving Normalized Cuts Problems with Priors and Convex Constraints
* Discrete Shearlet Transform: A New Directional Transform and Compactly Supported Shearlet Frames, The
* Distributed Video Coding: Trends and Perspectives
* diverging radial-type stereoscopic camera for small mobile devices, A
* document clustering algorithm for discovering and describing topics, A
* Dynamic hierarchical algorithms for document clustering
* Echo-to-interference ratio of bistatic sonar in shallow water
* Edge-based text localization and character segmentation algorithms for automatic slab information recognition
* efficient design of a nearest neighbor classifier for various-scale problems, An
* Enhanced point descriptors for dense stereo matching
* Evaluation for repeatability and reproducibility of information poor process
* evaluation of direct attacks using fake fingers generated from ISO templates, An
* Examplar-Based Approach for Texture Compaction Synthesis and Retrieval, An
* Face and iris localization using templates designed by particle swarm optimization
* Face blind separation using wavelet packet independent component analysis
* Face recognition using a color tensor framework
* Face verification with a kernel fusion method
* Fast and robust 3D face matching approach
* Fast gradient-aware upsampling for cartoon video
* Fast image segmentation based on two-dimensional minimum Tsallis-cross entropy
* Fast location of corn images based on position features
* fast motion segmentation algorithm based on hypothesis test for surveillance video coding, A
* Feature extraction and soft segmentation of texture images
* Feature extraction of hyperspectral images based on preserving neighborhood discriminant embedding
* Flocking algorithm with multi-target tracking for multi-agent systems
* Fractal dimension and multifractal spectra of the surface shape of textile patterns
* fragile watermarking algorithm based on logistic system and JPEG, A
* frame synchronization method for underwater acoustic communication on mobile platform, A
* Full and Partial Symmetries of Non-rigid Shapes
* Fusing Local Patterns of Gabor Magnitude and Phase for Face Recognition
* Gaussian mixture learning via robust competitive agglomeration
* Generalized external indexes for comparing data partitions with overlapping categories
* Generic Lossless Visible Watermarking: A New Approach
* Geometrically local isotropic independence and numerical analysis of the Mahalanobis metric in vector space
* Gesture segmentation based on monocular vision using skin color and motion cues
* Gradient operators for feature extraction and characterisation in range images
* Gradient vector flow active contours with prior directional information
* Groupwise Medial Axis Transform for Fuzzy Skeletonization and Pruning, The
* Hierarchical Bayesian Modeling of Topics in Time-Stamped Documents
* Hierarchical organization for medical video summarization using latent visual and semantic analysis
* High-Accuracy Sub-Pixel Motion Estimation From Noisy Images in Fourier Domain
* High-Resolution Imaging Using a Wideband MIMO Radar System With Two Distributed Arrays
* Higher-Order Feature-Preserving Geometric Regularization
* Horizon detection in foggy aerial image
* hybrid biometric cryptosystem for securing fingerprint minutiae templates, A
* hybrid optimization strategy for simplifying the solutions of support vector machines, A
* Hyperspectral image classification using wavelet packet analysis and gray prediction model
* illumination normalization model for face recognition under varied lighting conditions, An
* Image denoising using Contourlet and two-dimensional Principle Component Analysis
* Image inpainting based on scene transform and color transfer
* Image Inpainting by Patch Propagation Using Patch Sparsity
* Image Reconstruction Using Particle Filters and Multiple Hypotheses Testing
* Image restoration of infrared focal plane array
* image segmentation method based on Type-2 fuzzy Gaussian Mixture Models, An
* Images based human volumetric model reconstruction and animation
* Images de-noising with Mapshrink estimate and dual-threshold in Curvelet Domain
* imaging analysis of asynchronous bistatic SAR with parallel tracks, The
* Improbability of Harris Interest Points, The
* improved active noise control system without secondary path model, An
* improved DFT-SOFDM scheme based on inter-carrier interference cancellation, An
* Improved local accumulate histogram-based Thangka Image Retrieval
* Improved PGA algorithm based on adaptive range bins selection
* improved region-growth algorithm for disparity estimation, An
* improved RHT algorithm to detect line segments, An
* Improving fuzzy c-means clustering based on local membership variation
* Improving Shape Retrieval by Spectral Matching and Meta Similarity
* In Defense of Exact Matching for Object Recognition
* Individual facial expression transferring using Active Appearance Model and FAP in MPEG-4
* Information visibility using transmission methods
* Information-Theoretic Derivation of Min-Cut-Based Clustering, An
* Instrumentation design of an image fusion based on biorthogonal wavelet
* intelligent knitted garment defect detection and classification model based on Gabor filter and Modified Elman neural network, An
* interventional treatment plan system design on liver tumor, An
* Joint discriminative-generative modelling based on statistical tests for classification
* Joint radiometric calibration and feature tracking system with an application to stereo
* Learning a Hierarchical Deformable Template for Rapid Deformable Object Parsing
* Learning explicit and implicit visual manifolds by information projection
* MAP-based image tag recommendation using a visual folksonomy
* Mapping surface soil organic matter based on multispectral image
* Marker-based watershed segmentation embedded with edge information
* Maximum Likelihood Orientation Estimation of 1-D Patterns in Laguerre-Gauss Subspaces
* Method of phase unwrapping-free DEM reconstruction of InSAS
* Mining osmotic stress response genes from Arabidopsis genome
* Model Fitting with Sufficient Random Sample Coverage
* Motion Estimation for Nonoverlapping Multicamera Rigs: Linear Algebraic and L_infty Geometric Solutions
* Motion-Aligned Auto-Regressive Model for Frame Rate Up Conversion, A
* Moving object detection based on Kirsch operator combined with Optical Flow
* Multi-beam steering for 3D audio rendering in linear phased loudspeaker arrays
* multi-classifier for grading knee osteoarthritis using gait analysis, A
* Multi-view Superpixel Stereo in Urban Environments
* Multibody Structure-from-Motion in Practice
* Multiscale AM-FM Demodulation and Image Reconstruction Methods With Improved Accuracy
* Multiscale geometric feature extraction and selection algorithms of similar objects
* Multiscenario Multienvironment BioSecure Multimodal Database (BMDB), The
* Multistatic Synthetic Aperture Radar Image Formation
* new algorithm for signal emitter recognition, A
* new approach of high resolution direction finding using single channel receiver, A
* new feature descriptor and selection method to space image registration, A
* new image fusion algorithm based on Wavelet Transform and the Second Generation Curvelet Transform, A
* New Learning Based Super-Resolution: Use of DWT and IGMRF Prior
* new method based on the BP neural network to improve the accuracy of inversion of the vegetation height, A
* new method of MCI extraction with multi-temporal MODIS EVI data, A
* new method of target recognition based on Rough Set and Support Vector Machine, A
* new method to distinguish between irrigated dry land and rain-fed dry land using multi-temporal MODIS and ancillary data: An application example in China, A
* new moving sound source localization method based on the time difference of arrival, A
* NN-based algorithm for estimation of water vapor content using AVHRR data over ocean, A
* NN-based atmospheric correction algorithm for Landsat/TM thermal infrared data, An
* Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction by Topologically Constrained Isometric Embedding
* Nonlinear filtering with multiple packet dropouts
* Nonnegative Matrix Factorization on Orthogonal Subspace
* novel eye movement detection algorithm for EOG driven human computer interface, A
* novel filtering model for the erotic images embedded in web pages, A
* Novel Gaussianized vector representation for improved natural scene categorization
* novel image classification method based on manifold learning and Gaussian mixture model, A
* Numerical Algorithms For Polyenergetic Digital Breast Tomosynthesis Reconstruction
* Numerical sequence matching based on local sum functions
* Object Recognition Through Topo-Geometric Shape Models Using Error-Tolerant Subgraph Isomorphisms
* Object tracking based on multi-bandwidth mean shift with convergence acceleration
* object-based change detection approach using high-resolution remote sensing image and GIS data, An
* On selection and combination of weak learners in AdaBoost
* One kind of macrophages images edge detection method
* Online recognition of multi-stroke handwritten Urdu characters
* Optimal multiresolution dynamic models generation based on triangle importance
* Parameters analysis for polarimetric SAR Based on classification accuracy
* Parameters extraction of crop based on PolSAR Data
* Parametric direction of arrival estimation in the small sample-size case
* Particle filter tracking with Mean Shift and joint probability data association
* Patchy aurora image segmentation based on block threshold LBP
* pedestrian classification method based on transfer learning, A
* Peer group switching filter for impulse noise reduction incolor images
* Per-Sample Multiple Kernel Approach for Visual Concept Learning
* Perceptually Motivated Shape Evolution with Shape-Preserving Property
* Ph.D.
* Point pattern matching based on manifold embedding
* pre-clustering technique for optimizing subclass discriminant analysis, A
* Prediction of eigenvalues and regularization of eigenfeatures for human face verification
* Prediction of shear stress distribution throughout 3D bone scaffold in perfusion environment
* Projective Nonnegative Graph Embedding
* Quantum fuzzy particle swarm optimization algorithm for image clustering
* Radar mosaic based on the explicit radar ray paths
* Rate-Distortion Optimized Bitstream Extractor for Motion Scalability in Wavelet-Based Scalable Video Coding
* Re-coding ECOCs without re-training
* Real-time cartoon style video generation
* Real-time tracking algorithm based on improved Mean Shift and Kalman filter
* Recognizing faces like humans: A new approach to facial identification makes automated surveillance easier
* Recovery of audio-to-video synchronization through analysis of cross-modality correlation
* Reduced data similarity-based matching for time series patterns alignment
* Refined translation and scale Legendre moment invariants
* Registering a Multi-Sensor Ensemble of Images
* Regularized tensor discriminant analysis for single trial EEG classification in BCI
* Rejecting Mismatches by Correspondence Function
* Remote Sensing Image Enhancement Based on Wavelet and Nonlinear Iteration
* Remote sensing image interpolation via the nonsubsampled contourlet transform
* Representing Functional Data Using Support Vector Machines
* Research and simulation of spatial spectrum estimation algorithm
* Research of establishment and application for spatio-temporal data models of an open-pit stope
* Research on data mining models for the internet of things
* Research on image denoising new method based on curvelet transform
* Research on three image difference algorithm
* review of segmentation method for MR image, A
* Robust and efficient analysis of signals and images
* Robust Fuzzy Local Information C-Means Clustering Algorithm, A
* Robust image watermarking using dual tree complex wavelet transform based on Human Visual System
* Robust iris verification for key management
* Robust speaker recognition based on filtering in autocorrelation domain and sub-band feature recombination
* Robust threshold estimation for images with unimodal histograms
* Robust tracking method with drift correction
* ROC skeleton for multiclass ROC estimation, The
* Rotation, illumination invariant polynomial kernel Fisher discriminant analysis using Radon and discrete cosine transforms based features for face recognition
* salt and pepper noise fast filtering algorithm for grayscale images based on neighborhood correlation detection, A
* scene matching algorithm based on SURF feature, A
* Segmentation of complex nucleus configurations in biological images
* Segmentation of green vegetation of crop canopy images based on mean shift and Fisher linear discriminant
* Segmentation of rice disease spots based on improved BPNN
* Self-Calibrating Cameras in Video Surveillance
* Sensitivity Analysis of Multichannel Images Intended for Instantaneous Imaging Spectrometry Applications
* Shape and Spatially-Varying BRDFs from Photometric Stereo
* SIFT algorithm analysis and optimization
* similarity analysis and clustering algorithm for video based on moving trajectory time series wavelet transform of moving object in Video, A
* simple least squares method for fitting of ellipses and circles depends on border points of a two-tone image and their 3-D extensions, A
* Simulation of backscattering sound from submarine based on 3D-imaging sidescan sonar
* Simulation of fire based on improved particle system and texture rendering
* Single image dehazing and denoising with variational method
* Single-Image Super-Resolution Using Sparse Regression and Natural Image Prior
* Small target detection in SAR image using the Alpha-stable distribution model
* Sonar image denoising based on HMT model in morphological wavelet domain
* sorting optimization curve with quality and yield requirements, A
* Spatial context for visual vocabulary construction
* Special issue on intelligent vision systems
* Spectral analysis based fingerprint image enhancement algorithm
* Statistical Hypothesis Testing For Postreconstructed And Postregistered Medical Images
* Stereo images in millimeter-wave regime
* Stereo-photography with hand phone
* Structured Local Edge Pattern Moment for pedestrian detection
* Structured-light based joint recognition using bottom-up and top-down combined visual processing
* Study of fabric defects detection through Gabor filter based on scale transformation
* study of the relation between the land use types and urban heat island effect in Guangzhou city based on remote sensing, A
* Study on a method of compensation for the range profile of high velocity spatial targets
* Study on adaptive monopulse with reduced dimension STAP technique
* Study on feature extraction of high speed precision electric machine vibration signal
* Study on SAMPA_ST for Lhasa Tibetan and realization of automatic labelling system
* Study on seismic imaging block modeling method
* Sum-over-Paths Covariance Kernel: A Novel Covariance Measure between Nodes of a Directed Graph, The
* SVD Based Scheme for Post Processing of DCT Coded Images, A
* symmetry and bi-recursive algorithm of accurately computing Krawtchouk moments, A
* Symmetry Sensitivities of Derivative-of-Gaussian Filters
* system used for collecting and managing graphic elements of Yunnan heavy color painting, A
* task-driven intelligent workspace system to provide guidance feedback, A
* terrain rending method with GPU-based error metric, A
* Text- and speech-based phonotactic models for spoken language identification of Basque and Spanish
* Texture Classification Using Refined Histogram
* Three dimensional cartoon reconstruction based on Art rules
* Three-dimensional interactive pen based on Augmented Reality
* Topology modeling for Adaboost-cascade based object detection
* Trajectory Classification Using Switched Dynamical Hidden Markov Models
* tree-construction search approach for multivariate time series motifs discovery, A
* Tuning cost and performance in multi-biometric systems: A novel and consistent view of fusion strategies based on the Sequential Probability Ratio Test (SPRT)
* Tutor-based learning of visual categories using different levels of supervision
* Two-Dimensional Imaging via a Narrowband MIMO Radar System With Two Perpendicular Linear Arrays
* two-stage speech activity detection system considering fractal aspects of prosody, A
* Unified Direct Visual Tracking of Rigid and Deformable Surfaces Under Generic Illumination Changes in Grayscale and Color Images
* unsupervised model for image classification, An
* Unsupervised writer adaptation of whole-word HMMs with application to word-spotting
* Use of simplex search in active shape models for improved boundary segmentation
* Using dynamic time warping of T0 contours in the evaluation of cycle-to-cycle Pitch Detection Algorithms
* Variational image segmentation on implicit surface using Split-Bregman method
* video-based door monitoring system using local appearance-based face models, A
* View-Independent Human Action Recognition with Volume Motion Template on Single Stereo Camera
* Visual search for an object in a 3D environment using a mobile robot
* Weighted-Sample-Based Random Vector Generation algorithm for resampling, A
* White matter lesion segmentation based on feature joint occurrence probability and [chi]2 random field theory from magnetic resonance (MR) images
299 for 1004

Index for "1"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.