* *AIPR Workshop: Image and Information Systems: Applications and Opportunities
* *Sensor Fusion VII
* adaptive image line reconstruction method, An
* Adaptive sensitivity CCD image sensor
* Adaptive window algorithm for aerial image stereo
* Advanced Guided Vehicles: Aspects of the Oxford AGV Project
* Algebraic-Method for Detection and Recognition of Polyhedral Objects from a Single Image, An
* Algorithms for automatic disk head/slider inspection
* Analysis of feature extraction criteria for vector field visualization
* Applications of non-metric vision to some visual guided tasks
* architecture for reactive behaviour, An
* Arrays of low-level inequality based feature detecting cells
* Assessments of neural network output codings for classification of multispectral images using Hamming distance measure
* Asymptotic predictions of the finite-sample risk of the k-nearest-neighbor classifier
* Auto image analysis of particle holograms
* Automated acquisition of geographic information from scanned maps for GIS using frames and semantic networks
* Automated detection of cowhide defects using Markov random field techniques
* Automated Page Orientation and Skew Angle Detection for Binary Document Images
* automatic acquisition of hierarchical mathematical morphology procedures by GA, An
* Automatic filter design for texture discrimination
* Automatic measurement of the angle of squint by Hough-transformation and covariance-filtering
* Automatic reading of analog display instruments
* Automation of fluorescent dot counting in cell nuclei
* Averaged and decorrelated neural networks as a time-series predictor
* Bayesian framework for hierarchical relaxation, A
* Bayesian-Approach to Dynamic Contours Through Stochastic Sampling and Simulated Annealing, A
* branch-and-bound algorithm for optimization of multiperspective classifier, A
* Camera Space Control-System For An Automated Forklift, A
* CART/CMAC hybrid: regression trees with interpolation
* Change Detection For Monitoring Forest Defoliation
* Co-occurrence-based analysis and synthesis of textures
* Coarse Classification of Online Chinese Characters Via Structure Feature-Based Method
* Color vision based methodology for grading lumber
* Combining bitmaps with dynamic writing information for on-line handwriting recognition
* communication module for parallel image analysis on the transputer image processing system, A
* Comparison of classifier methods: a case study in handwritten digit recognition
* Conformal Mapping-Based Image Processing: Theory and Applications
* Connected and Degraded Text Recognition Using Hidden Markov Model
* Constrained Pose Refinement of Parametric Objects
* Constructing invariant features by averaging techniques
* Construction of a polygonal model using the Fisher-ratio criterion
* Content-driven differential encoding of an enhanced image pyramid
* Control-Structure for Interpreting Handwritten Addresses
* converging unlearning algorithm for the Hopfield neural network: optimal strategy, The
* Cortical hypercolumns and the topology of random orientation maps
* Curve-like sets, normal complexity, and representation
* Deriving Stopping Rules for the Probabilistic Hough Transform by Sequential-Analysis
* Detection and Localization of Faces on Digital Images
* Detection of 3-D Simple Points for Topology Preserving Transformations with Application to Thinning
* Detection of elliptic shells using fuzzy clustering: Application to MRI images
* detection of vehicles in airborne downward looking infrared linescan imagery, The
* Determination of ozone temperature by neural network
* Determination of proportions and entropy of land use mixing in pixels of a multispectral satellite image
* Determining angles with a movable observer
* deterministic algorithm for edge-preserving computed imaging using Legendre transform, A
* Development environment for designing and testing inspection systems
* Directing attention to onset and offset of image events for eye-head movement control
* Discrete circular arcs
* Discriminant performance of the algebraic features of handwritten character images
* Discriminant plots obtained via removal of classification structures
* Docking of protein molecules
* Document segmentation using texture analysis
* document understanding method for database construction of an electronic library, A
* Driving way judging device and method
* Dual graph contraction for irregular pyramids
* Dynamic interface for machine vision systems
* effective capacity of multilayer feedforward network classifiers, The
* Effects of Edge Orientation on the Performance of 1st-Order Operators
* Efficient collision detection among objects in arbitrary motion using multiple shape representations
* Efficient computation of 3D moments
* EM approach to grammatical inference: Input/Output HMMs, An
* Empirical risk minimization versus maximum-likelihood estimation: A case study
* Entropy reduction of symbols by source splitting and its application to video coding
* Estimating 3D motion and shape of multiple objects using Hough transform
* Estimating the intrinsic difficulty of a recognition problem
* Evaluation of Model-Based Retrieval Effectiveness with OCR Text
* Experimental comparisons of binarization and multi-thresholding methods on document images
* extended-shadow-code based approach for off-line signature verification. I. Evaluation of the bar mask definition, An
* Extraction of events from 3D volumes of seismic data
* Extraction of peripheral shape features in Chinese character recognition
* Face Recognition Using Hidden Markov Models
* family of European page readers, A
* Farthest Point Strategy for Progressive Image Sampling, The
* fast implementation of two-dimensional weighted median filters, A
* fast nearly optimum equi-spaced 3-level block truncation coding algorithm, A
* Feature extraction and classification of nonstationary signals based on the multiresolution signal decomposition
* Feature selection and learning curves of a multilayer perceptron chromosome classifier
* Finding arrows in utility maps using a neural network
* Finite random sets and morphology
* Flexible page segmentation using the background
* Foreign object detection via texture analysis
* Formal specification of image processing primitives in a functional language
* Fractal coding of monochrome images
* Fusion of 3D B-spline surface patches reconstructed from image sequences
* Fuzzy curve pyramid
* fuzzy logic approach to image segmentation, A
* Fuzzy neural networks for 3-D heart motion understanding
* general parameter updating approach to image classification, A
* Generalized approach to projections onto convex constraint sets
* Generalized stochastic tube model: Tracking 3D blood vessels in MR images
* genetic algorithm for on-line cursive handwriting recognition, A
* genetic learning system for on-line character recognition, A
* Geometric invariance in space-variant vision systems: The exponential chirp transform
* GLDH Based Analysis of Texture Anisotropy and Symmetry: An Experimental Study
* Graphic symbol recognition using a signature technique
* Handwritten sentence recognition: from signal to syntax
* Hidden Markov models for labeled sequences
* hierarchical compression engine, A
* hierarchical labeled object classification system, A
* hierarchical model-guided generation of Chinese characters, A
* Hierarchical pattern matching using a high entropy signature
* High performance computing for land cover dynamics
* High-speed recognition of tabulated data
* HMM-Based Architecture for Face Identification
* Homogeneity and texture. General approach
* horoptor and active cyclotorsion, The
* Hough spectrum and geometric texture feature analysis
* Image analysis for automated tracking in robot-assisted endoscopic surgery
* Image coding on the Phobos space probe
* Image mosaicking applied to three-dimensional surfaces
* Image rotation using block transfers
* Image screening based on projection pursuit for image recognition
* Image Understanding Via Representation of the Projected Motion Group
* Image-based word recognition in oriental language document images
* Improved 3-D shape recovery and correction algorithm from a single view
* Improvement of the curvature computation
* Inference of Structure: Hands
* integrated symbolic and neural network architecture for machine learning in the domain of nuclear engineering, An
* Integrating Images into a Relational Database System
* Interactive analysis of multi-spectral images using a Hilbert curve
* Interconnection between features properties and probability of error in statistical recognition of two classes
* Interpretation of telephone company central office equipment drawings
* Invariance Based Robust Matching
* Inverse Kinematics Positioning Using Nonlinear Programming for Highly Articulated Figures
* Iterative Point Matching for Registration of Free-Form Curves and Surfaces
* Kalman filtering for segment detection: application to music scores analysis
* Knowledge based (re-)clustering
* Knowledge based search of character strings in line drawings
* Learning algorithms for extended models of Boltzmann machines
* Learning motion trajectories via self-organization
* Learning rate schedules for self-organizing maps
* Linear classifiers by window training and basis exchange
* Local Frequency Features for Texture Classification
* Locating destination address block on handwritten Korean envelopes
* Lossless acceleration for correlation-based nearest-neighbor pattern recognition
* lossless image compression algorithm using variable block size segmentation, A
* low complexity video subband coder for ATM, A
* Low level image processing operators on FPGA: Implementation examples and performance evaluation
* Machine vs humans in a cursive script reading experiment without linguistic knowledge
* Marking text features of document images to deter illicit dissemination
* Matching Point Features With Ordered Geometric, Rigidity, and Disparity Constraints
* maximum entropy approach to pairwise data clustering, A
* Memory-based character recognition using a transformation invariant metric
* Method of and apparatus for motion estimation of video data
* Method of Combining Multiple Classifiers: A Neural Network Approach, A
* Minimum Description Length Model for Recognizing Objects with Variable Appearances (The Vapor Model), A
* Model for local image velocity detection of early visual processing
* Model-Based 3-D Scene Analysis from Stereoscopic Image Sequences
* Model-Based Recognition of Anatomical Objects from Medical Images
* Model-Based Shape-Matching with Structural Feature Grouping
* Modeling of a neural network system for active visual perception and recognition
* Modeling of some spatio-temporal aspects of visual information processing in the retinal neural network
* Moment difference method for the parameter estimation of a quadratic curve
* Morphological scale-space using generalized zero-crossings as feature points
* morphological scheme for mean curvature motion and applications to anisotropic diffusion and motion of level sets, A
* Motion estimation using invariance under group transformations
* Multi-temperature annealing: a new approach for the energy-minimization of hierarchical Markov random field models
* multi-temporal classification of multi-spectral images using a neural network, A
* Multiplicative bases approach in mathematical cybernetics
* Multiresolution attention and associative memory systems for time-varying imagery
* Neural networks for the texture classification of temporally consistent segmented regions of FLIR sequences
* Neural-Network Capable of Learning and Inference for Visual-Pattern Recognition, A
* new approach to fuzzy dynamics, A
* New Generalized Computational Framework for Finding Object Orientation Using Perspective Trihedral Angle Constraint, A
* new method for generating statistical classifiers assuming linear mixtures of Gaussian densities, A
* new scheme for massively parallel image analysis, A
* Noise sensitivity signatures for model selection
* Nonlinear relaxation labeling as growth transformation
* Nonparametric classification using radial basis function nets and empirical risk minimization
* Normalizing the weighted edit distance
* Object-oriented scene modeling for interpersonal video communication at very low bit-rate
* OCR based translation system between simplified and complex Chinese characters, An
* OCR from poor quality images by deformation of elastic templates
* Off-line handwritten Thai characters from word script
* Off-line handwritten word recognition using HMM with adaptive length Viterbi algorithm
* Off-line recognition of cursive script produced by a cooperative writer
* Off-Line Recognition of Totally Unconstrained Handwritten Numerals Using Multilayer Cluster Neural-Network
* Omniview Motionless Camera Surveillance System
* On 3D reconstruction strategy: a case of conics
* On kernel and radial basis function techniques for classification and function recovering
* On L1 convergence rate of RBF networks and kernel regression estimators with applications in classification
* On the amount of data required for reliable recognition
* On the Complexity of Labeling Perspective Projections of Polyhedral Scenes
* On the metric properties of discrete space-filling curves
* On the recognition of the alphabet of the sign language through size functions
* On-line cursive script recognition: a system that adapts to an unknown user
* one-parametric reduced filter for image restoration, A
* Optimal Probabilistic Evaluation Functions for Search Controlled by Stochastic Context-Free Grammars
* Pacco-a new approach for an effective IP environment
* Parallel processing and scheduling techniques applied to the quality control of bill sheets
* Parallel scalable libraries and algorithms for computer vision
* Parallelization of an image analysis application: Problems, results and a solution framework
* Parsimonious network design and feature selection through node pruning
* Pattern Motion Perception: Feature Tracking or Integration of Component Motions?
* Performance prediction for parallel reconfigurable low-level image processing
* periodic generalized cylinder model with local deformations for tracking closed contours exhibiting repeating motion, A
* Periodicity, Directionality, and Randomness: Wold Features for Image Modeling and Retrieval
* Planning the Motions of a Mobile Robot in a Sensory Uncertainty Field
* Precise line detection from an engineering drawing using a figure fitting method based on contours and skeletons
* Projective Reconstruction and Invariants from Multiple Images
* Propagating Covariance in Computer Vision
* Pyramid processor integrated circuit
* Pyramid Simulation of Image-Processing Applications
* Qualitative estimations of range and motion using spatio-temporal textural images
* Radial homomorphic deconvolution of B-mode medical ultrasound images
* Range-speed imaging with FM-CW signaling
* real-time systolic array for distance transformation, A
* Recognition Of Handwritten Chinese Characters By Modified Relaxation Methods
* Reconstruction of multiple overlapping surfaces via standard regularization techniques
* Redundancy of signals and transformations and computational complexity of signal and image processing
* Region-Based Strategies for Active Contour Models
* Relative Karhunen-Loeve operator
* Relaxation labeling of Markov random fields
* Reliable on-line human signature verification system for point-of-sales applications
* Restoration of images degraded by mechanical vibrations
* Restoration of noisy scanning tunneling microscope images
* Rigid registration of 3-D objects by motion analysis
* Robot Sensor Calibration: Solving Ax=Xb on the Euclidean Group
* Robust and Fast Computation of Edge Characteristics in Image Sequences
* robust and multiscale document image segmentation for block line/text line structures extraction, A
* Robust Sequential Estimator: A General-Approach and Its Application to Surface Organization in Range Data, The
* robust variable length nonlinear filter for edge enhancement and noise smoothing, A
* Robustness in statistical pattern recognition under contaminations of training samples
* Rotation invariant texture recognition using a steerable pyramid
* Scalable parallel processing design for real time handwritten OCR
* ScilImage: an environment for collaborative use and development of image processing software
* Segmentation of diverse image types using opening and closing
* SENROB vision-system and its philosophy, The
* Shape From Shading Using Linear-Approximation
* Shape restoration of nonlinear distorted images
* Signal and image reconstruction from partial Fourier phase
* simple possibilistic clustering neural network, A
* Simplified adaptive approach to efficient morphological image analysis
* Simulation and Animation of Sensor-Driven Robots
* single chip multi-function sensor system for wood inspection, A
* Solomonoff coding as a means of introducing prior information in syntactic pattern recognition
* Sonar Image Motion Distortion Estimation And Correction Using Covariance Function Modeling
* Special Issue on Document Image Analysis
* Specification and design of a general purpose image processing chip
* Speed, frequency, and orientation tuned 3-D Gabor filter banks and their design
* Spurious states detection and basin describing in feedforward neural networks
* statistical parametric model for recognition and synthesis of handwriting, A
* Stein's paradox and improved quadratic discrimination of real and simulated data by covariance weighting
* Surface inspection using texture recognition
* Surface profile description: reliable geometric primitive extraction
* Survey of parallel algorithms for structural pattern matching
* system for the off-line recognition of handwritten text, A
* Systematic Way for Region-Based Image Segmentation Based on Markov Random-Field Model, A
* Texture classification by cellular neural network and genetic learning
* Texture Coding Using a Wold Decomposition Model
* Three-dimensional Shape From Color Photometric Stereo
* Towards Automation In Architectural Photogrammetry: CAD-Based 3D-Feature Extraction
* two-dimensional bar code reader, A
* two-level classification scheme trained by a fuzzy neural network, A
* Unified Modeling of Nonhomogeneous 3D Objects for Thermal and Visual Image Synthesis
* UNIPEN project of on-line data exchange and recognizer benchmarks
* Use of character recognition and syntax in locating address paragraphs in complex documents
* Use of the surface-attribute probe for 3-D object characterization
* Useful information plane on pattern classification
* Using a hierarchical approach to avoid over-fitting in early vision
* Using a partitioned dictionary for contextual post-processing of OCR-results
* Using Hopfield networks in the nominal color coding of classified images
* Using Moments To Acquire The Motion Parameters of a Deformable Object without Correspondences
* Using multi-layer distance maps for motion planning on surfaces with moving obstacles
* Using OCR and equalization to downsample documents
* Using stochastic syntactic analysis for extracting a logical structure from a document image
* Using Virtual Active Vision Tools to Improve Autonomous Driving Tasks
* Vector templates and handprinted digit recognition
* Video camera that automatically maintains size and location of an image within a frame
* Videoconferencing using spatially varying sensing with multiple and moving foveae
* Virtual line segment-based Hough transform
* Vision knowledge vectorization: converting raster images into vector form
* vision method for computing 3-D location and shape parameters of a cone, A
* Vision servers and their clients
* VLSI implementation of a parallel, self-organizing learning model, A
* Voronoi pyramids and Hopfield networks
* Wavelet coding using pruned trees and vector quantization
* Why linear arrays are better image processors
* Word normalization for online handwritten word recognition
* Word-level training of a handwritten word recognizer based on convolutional neural networks
* Writer adaptation for handwritten word recognition using hidden Markov models
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