Index for remo

Remondino, F.[Fabio] Co Author Listing * 3-D reconstruction of static human body shape from image sequence
* 3d Digitization Of An Heritage Masterpiece: A Critical Analysis On Quality Assessment
* 3d Documentation Of 40 Kilometers Of Historical Porticoes: The Challenge
* 3d Modelling And Rapid Prototyping For Cardiovascular Surgical Planning: Two Case Studies
* 3D painting documentation: Evaluation of conservation conditions with 3D imaging and ranging techniques
* 3D Reconstruction of a Complex Grid Structure Combining UAS Images and Deep Learning
* 3D Reconstruction of Human Skeleton from Single Images or Monocular Video Sequences
* 3D Recording for 2D Delivering: The Employment of 3D Models for Studies and Analyses
* 3D Solarweb: A solar cadaster in the Italian Alpine landscape
* 3D Surveying and Modeling of Underground Passages in WWI Fortifications
* 3D Virtual reconstruction and visualization of complex architectures: The 3D-ARCH project
* 3d Virtualization of An Underground Semi-submerged Cave System
* Accuracy Evaluation of a Mobile Mapping System with Advanced Statistical Methods
* Accuracy Of 3d Reconstruction In An Illumination Dome
* Accuracy of typical photogrammetric networks in cultural heritage 3D modeling projects
* Accurate Scaling and Levelling in Underwater Photogrammetry with A Pressure Sensor
* Advanced Photogrammetric Solution to Measure Apples, An
* Advanced Pre-Processing Pipeline to Improve Automated Photogrammetric Reconstructions of Architectural Scenes, An
* Advances in Image Pre-Processing to Improve Automated 3D Reconstruction
* Aerial multi-camera systems: Accuracy and block triangulation issues
* Aerial Point Cloud Classification With Deep Learning and Machine Learning Algorithms
* Application of Machine and Deep Learning Strategies for The Classification of Heritage Point Clouds
* Application of Photogrammetry to Brain Anatomy
* Automated and Accurate Orientation of Complex Image Sequences
* Automated Modeling of the Great Buddha Statue in Bamiyan, Afghanistan
* Automated processing of high resolution airborne images for earthquake damage assessment
* Automatic Orientation of Large Blocks of Oblique Images
* Automatic Registration of Multiple Laser Scans Using Panoramic RGB and Intensity Images
* Automatic Roof Outlines Reconstruction from Photogrammetric DSM
* Automation in 3-D Reconstruction: Results on Different Kinds of Close-Range Blocks
* Benchmark for Large-scale Heritage Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation, A
* Calibration for increased accuracy of the range imaging camera SwissrangerTM
* Challenges in Image Matching for Cultural Heritage: An Overview and Perspective
* Changing The Production Pipeline: Use Of Oblique Aerial Cameras For Mapping Purposes
* Classification of 3D Digital Heritage
* Classification of Aerial Point Clouds With Deep Learning
* Cloud-based Solution for Nationwide Power Line Mapping
* Comparing Machine and Deep Learning Methods for Large 3D Heritage Semantic Segmentation
* Comprehensive evaluation of image enhancement for unsupervised image description and matching
* Critical Analysis of NeRF-Based 3D Reconstruction, A
* Critical Review of Automated Photogrammetric Processing of Large Datasets, A
* Data fusion in Cultural Heritage: A Review
* Detailed Primitive-Based 3D Modeling of Architectural Elements
* Detectors and Descriptors for Photogrammetric Applications
* Development Of An All-purpose Free Photogrammetric Tool
* Digital 3D Borobudur: Integration of 3D surveying and modeling techniques
* Digital camera calibration methods: considerations and comparisons
* Digital photogrammetry and TLS data fusion applied to cultural heritage 3D modelling
* Efficient and General Framework for Aerial Point Cloud Classification in Urban Scenarios, An
* Enhancing Geometric Edge Details in MVS Reconstruction
* ENRICH: Multi-purposE dataset for beNchmaRking In Computer vision and pHotogrammetry
* Eurosdr: The Pan-European Network For Mapping Agencies And Academia
* Evaluating Hand-crafted and Learning-based Features for Photogrammetric Applications
* Evaluating Multispectral Images and Vegetation Indices for Precision Farming Applications from UAV Images
* Evaluating Tie Points Distribution, Multiplicity and Number on The Accuracy of UAV Photogrammetry Blocks
* Evaluation of feature-based methods for automated network orientation
* Evaluation of PLEIADES-1A Triplet on Trento Testfield
* Evaluation of Vision-based Localization and Mapping Techniques in A Subsea Metrology Scenario
* Experiences and considerations in image-based modelling of complex architectures
* Experiments On Calibrating Tilt-shift Lenses For Close-range Photogrammetry
* Exploiting Multi-camera Constraints Within Bundle Block Adjustment: An Experimental Comparison
* Extraction of accurate tie points for automated pose estimation of close-range blocks
* Flat Versus Hemispherical Dome Ports in Underwater Photogrammetry
* Flight Planning for LiDAR-Based UAS Mapping Applications
* From DSM to 3D Building Models: A Quantitative Evaluation
* Fully automatic UAVs image-based sensor orientation
* Generative Adversarial Networks for Single Photo 3D Reconstruction
* Geomatics Mapping of Natural Hazards: Overview And Experiences
* Geometric and Radiometric Analysis of Paintings
* Geometric Features Analysis for The Classification of Cultural Heritage Point Clouds
* Geospatial Data Processing for 3D City Model Generation, Management And Visualization
* Heritage Recording and 3D Modeling with Photogrammetry and 3D Scanning
* Hierarchical Machine Learning Approach for Multi-Level and Multi-Resolution 3D Point Cloud Classification, A
* High Resolution 3D Modeling of the Behaim Globe
* Human Body Reconstruction from Image Sequences
* Human figure reconstruction and modeling from single image or monocular video sequence
* Image-Based 3D Modeling of the Erechteion, Acropolis of Athens
* Image-Based Surface Measurement for Close-Range Heritage Documentation
* Image-based virtual reconstruction of complex architectures using sophisticated automated procedures: The Artemis temple in Jerash, Jordan
* Image-to-voxel Model Translation for 3d Scene Reconstruction and Segmentation
* Image-to-Voxel Model Translation with Conditional Adversarial Networks
* Imaging Network Design for UGV-Based 3D Reconstruction of Buildings, An
* Investigating 3d Reconstruction of Non-collaborative Surfaces Through Photogrammetry and Photometric Stereo
* Investigation Into The Potential of Single Photon Airborne Laser Scanning Technology
* Joint Alignment of Underwater and Above-The-Water Photogrammetric 3D Models by Independent Models Adjustment
* Kinect Fusion improvement using depth camera calibration
* Knowledge And Valorization Of Historical Sites Through 3d Documentation And Modeling
* Knowledge Enhanced Neural Networks for Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation
* Machine Learning Generalisation across Different 3D Architectural Heritage
* Motorcycle Detection and Collision Warning Using Monocular Images from a Vehicle
* Multi-view Stereo With Semantic Priors
* Multiple View Stereo with quadtree-guided priors
* non-conventional procedure for the 3D modeling of WWI forts, A
* Oblique Aerial Imagery For Nma: Some Best Practices
* Oblique Aerial Photography Tool for Building Inspection and Damage Assessment
* Oblique Multi-Camera Systems: Orientation and Dense Matching Issues
* Oblique Photogrammetry Supporting 3D Urban Reconstruction of Complex Scenarios
* On Image Enhancement for Unsupervised Image Description and Matching
* Open-source Image-based 3d Reconstruction Pipelines: Review, Comparison And Evaluation
* Orientation Of Oblique Airborne Image Sets: Experiences From The ISPRS/EUROSDR Benchmark On Multi-platform Photogrammetry
* Overview and Experiences in Automated Markerless Image Orientation
* Photogrammetry applied to Problematic artefacts
* Photogrammetry: The Science of Precise Measurements from Images: A Themed Issue in Honour of Professor Emeritus Armin Grün in Anticipation of His 80th Birthday
* Photomatch: An Open-source Multi-view and Multi-modal Feature Matching Tool for Photogrammetric Applications
* PKS: A photogrammetric key-frame selection method for visual-inertial systems built on ORB-SLAM3
* Preface: Technical Commission II
* Quality Features for the Integration of Terrestrial and UAV Images
* Quality-based registration refinement of airborne LiDAR and photogrammetric point clouds
* Radiometric and geometric evaluation of GeoEye-1, WorldView-2 and Pléiades-1A stereo images for 3D information extraction
* Rapid Disaster Analysis based on Remote Sensing: A Case Study about the Tohoku Tsunami Disaster 2011
* Rapidmap: rapid mapping and information dissemination for disasters using remote sensing and geoinformation
* Recording, Modeling, Visualisation and GIS Applications Development for the Acropolis of Athens
* Refining the Joint 3D Processing of Terrestrial and UAV Images Using Quality Measures
* Review of Point Clouds Segmentation And Classification Algorithms, A
* Robust extraction of image correspondences exploiting the image scene geometry and approximate camera orientation
* Segmentation of 3D Photogrammetric Point Cloud for 3D Building Modeling
* Semantic Photogrammetry: Boosting Image-based 3D Reconstruction With Semantic Labeling
* Semantically Derived Geometric Constraints for MVS Reconstruction of Textureless Areas
* Sentinel-1 and Ground-Based Sensors for Continuous Monitoring of the Corvara Landslide (South Tyrol, Italy)
* Smartphone-based 3D Pipeline for the Creative Industry: the Replicate EU Project, A
* Solar Radiation Estimation On Building Roofs And Web-based Solar Cadastre
* Sparse Point Cloud Filtering Based On Covariance Features
* Surface Reconstruction Algorithms for Detailed Close-Range Object Modelling
* Targetless Camera Calibration
* Testfield Trento: Geometric Evaluation Of Very High Resolution Satellite Imagery
* Theme section Terrestrial 3D Modeling
* TOF Range-Imaging Cameras
* Uncertainty-Guided Depth Fusion from Multi-View Satellite Images to Improve the Accuracy in Large-Scale DSM Generation
* Underwater Calibration of Dome Port Pressure Housings
* Unsupervised Object-based Clustering in Support of Supervised Point-based 3d Point Cloud Classification
* Use of Vertical Aerial Images for Semi-oblique Mapping
* Using Information Content to Select Keypoints for UAV Image Matching
* V-SLAM Guided and Portable System for Photogrammetric Applications, A
* Versatile Multi-camera System for 3d Acquisition and Modeling, A
* Videogrammetry Vs Photogrammetry for Heritage 3d Reconstruction
* Web-based Interactive Tool for Multi-Resolution 3D Models of a Maya Archaeological Site, A
* Wire Structure Image-based 3d Reconstruction Aided By Deep Learning
Includes: Remondino, F.[Fabio] Remondino, F.
137 for Remondino, F.

Index for "r"

Last update:20-Jan-25 11:48:17
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