* Piece-Wise Linear Representations from Curves (H3)
* Acquisition and Propagation of Spatial Constraints Based on Qualitative Information
* adaptative method to smooth discrete curves proposed as a final step for edge detection, An
* Advertisement at TV-transmission
* Analysis of the interaction between edge and line finding techniques
* Apparatus for color component compression
* Automated inspection of IC wafer contamination
* Automatic surface inspection using wavelet reconstruction
* Camera calibration apparatus
* Classification and Characterization of Image Acquisition for 3D Scene Visualization and Reconstruction Applications
* Color indexing using chromatic invariant
* Combined Classifiers for Invariant Face Recognition
* Combining multiple tracking algorithms for improved general performance
* Content-Based Image Retrieval Using Regional Representation
* Depth from Defocus Estimation in Spatial Domain
* efficient fuzzy algorithm for aligning shapes under affine transformations, An
* Ellipsoidal Bias in Learning Appearance-Based Recognition Functions
* Empirical Performance Evaluation Methodology and Its Application to Page Segmentation Algorithms
* Encoding 3D structural information using multiple self-organizing feature maps
* Epipolar Geometry in Polycentric Panoramas
* Equivalence of Different Methods for Slant and Skew Corrections in Word Recognition Applications
* Evaluating optical-flow algorithms on a parallel machine
* Feature identification in the time-frequency plane by using the Hough-Radon transform
* Fusion of Image and Range Flow, The
* Gabor Wavelet Networks for Object Representation
* Gauge Freedoms and Uncertainty Modeling for 3D Computer Vision
* Geometry of Eye Design: Biology and Technology
* Geometry-driven-diffusion filtering of magnetic resonance images using model-based conductance
* Granulometric moments and corneal endothelium status
* HMM-MLP Hybrid Model for Cursive Script Recognition, An
* Image Editing in the Contour Domain
* Image-Based Rendering from Uncalibrated Lightfields with Scalable Geometry
* Image-shake correcting device for detecting vibration frequency and for changing vibration characteristics
* Implicit 3D Approach to Image Generation: Object-Based Visual Effects by Linear Processing of Multiple Differently Focused Images
* Integrated Bayesian Approach to Layer Extraction from Image Sequences, An
* Integrated gaze/manual cursor positioning system
* Integration of Photometric Stereo and Shape from Occluding Contours by Fusing Orientation and Depth Data
* Introduction to Modern Photogrammetry
* Knowledge-Based Concepts for the Fusion of Multisensor and Multitemporal Aerial Images
* Locating geometric primitives by pruning the parameter space
* Lossless image compression and encryption using SCAN
* low cost design of rate controlled JPEG-LS near lossless image compression, A
* Matching Multiple Views by the Least Square Correlation
* Method and apparatus for automatic electronic replacement of billboards in a video image
* Method and system for compressing data in a multi-channel image processing system
* model-based hand gesture recognition system, A
* Modelling and Removing Radial and Tangential Distortions in Spherical Lenses
* Morphological granulometric estimation of random patterns in the context of parameterized random sets
* Multi-sensor recognition of electronic components
* Multi-valued Images and Their Separation
* Novel precision target detection with adaptive thresholding for dynamic image segmentation
* Omnistereo: Panoramic Stereo Imaging
* On Uniqueness of Solutions of the Three-Light-Source Photometric Stereo: Conditions on Illumination Configuration and Surface Reflectance
* Pose Estimation Using Geometric Constraints
* Practical Ways to Calculate Camera Lens Distortion for Real-Time Camera Calibration
* real-time color space converter for the measurement of appearance, A
* Recent Progress in Digital Photogrammetric Stereo Cameras and Data Evaluation
* Recognition and Grading of Severely Distorted Geometric Shapes from within a Complex Figure
* Recognition of Human Movement Using Temporal Templates, The
* Relevance Ranking of Video Data using Hidden Markov Model Distances and Polygon Simplification
* Road sign detection and recognition using matching pursuit method
* Robust parametric active contours: the Sandwich Snakes
* Robust Segmentation of Primitives from Range Data in the Presence of Geometric Degeneracy
* Scene Change Detection Based on Audio-Visual Analysis and Interaction
* Structure Extraction from Decorated Characters Using Multiscale Images
* Structure Multivector for Local Analysis of Images
* Survey of Free-Form Object Representation and Recognition Techniques, A
* Three-dimensional reconstruction of irregular shapes based on a fitted mesh of contours
* Towards Segmentation from Multiple Cues: Symmetry and Color
* Triangle-based approach to the detection of human face
* Using Renyi's Information and Wavelets for Target Detection: An Application to Mammograms
* Video Segmentation by MAP Labeling of Watershed Segments
* Visual Sign Language Recognition
* Weighted A-shape: a descriptor of the shape of a point set
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