Journals starting with elcv

ELCVIA( Vol No. ) * *Electronic Letters on Computer Vision and Image Analysis

ELCVIA(1) * Classification of breast mass abnormalities using denseness and architectural distortion
* Relevance of multifractal textures in static images
* robust feature tracker for active surveillance of outdoor scenes, A

ELCVIA(10) * Combining Total Variation and Nonlocal Means Regularization for Edge Preserving Image Deconvolution
* Font Search Engine for Large Font Databases, A
* Fuzzy Binary Patterns for Uncertainty-Aware Texture Representation
* Implementation of Max Principle with PCA in image fusion for Surveillance and Navigation Application
* reduced domain pool based on DCT for a fast fractal image encoding, A
* Simple fish-eye calibration method with accuracy evaluation

ELCVIA(11) * Facial Expression Recognition Using New Feature Extraction Algorithm
* Handwritten Digit Recognition by Fourier-Packet Descriptors
* Implementing Cepstral Filtering Technique using Gabor Filters
* Interactive Deformable Model Segmentation Algorithm Driven by Morphological Dilations and Erosions Constrained by an Exclusion Band, An
* Novel CBIR system based on Ripplet Transform using interactive Neuro-Fuzzy technique
* Two View Line-Based Motion and Structure Estimation for Planar Scenes
* Vision based Object Recognition and Localization by a Network Connected Distributed Robotic Systems
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ELCVIA(12) * 3D Segmentation for Multi-Organs in CT Images
* Alzheimer's disease early detection from sparse data using brain importance maps
* Automatic Ship Detection Method Based on Local Gray-Level Gathering Characteristics in SAR Imagery, An
* Colour Iris Recognition System Employing Multiple Classifier Techniques, A
* Comprehensive Analysis of High-Performance Computing Methods for Filtered Back-Projection
* Detection and Classification of Multiple Objects using an RGB-D Sensor and Linear Spatial Pyramid Matching
* Generation and Rendering of Interactive Ground Vegetation for Real-Time Testing and Validation of Computer Vision Algorithms
* Image based Monument Recognition using Graph based Visual Saliency
* New Weighted Region-based Hough Transform Algorithm for Robust Line Detection in Poor Quality Images of 2D Lattices of Rectangular Objects, A
* novel framework for retrieval and interactive visualization of multimodal data, A
* Peak Trekking of Hierarchy Mountain for the Detection of Cerebral Aneurysm using Modified Hough Circle Transform
* Perceptual Color Image Smoothing via a New Region-Based PDE Scheme
* PSO Application in Skull Prosthesis Modelling by Superellipse, A
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ELCVIA(13) * 3D Scene Modeling And Understanding From Image Sequences
* Adaptive and Integrated Multimodal Sensing and Processing Framework For Long-Range Moving Object Detection and Classification, An
* Adaptive Texture Description and Estimation of the Class Prior Probabilities for Seminal Quality Control
* Algorithms for selecting parameters of combination of acyclic adjacency graphs in the problem of texture image processing
* Approximate Ensemble Methods for Physical Activity Recognition Applications
* Automated Classification of Cricket Pitch Frames in Cricket Video
* Automatic building detection and land use classification in urban areas using multispectral high-spatial resolution imagery and LiDAR data
* Automatic Information and Safety Systems for Driving Assistance
* Automatic Segmentation of Anatomical Structures using Deformable Models and Bio-Inspired/Soft Computing
* Autonomous UAV for Suspicious Action Detection using Pictorial Human Pose Estimation and Classification
* Bioinspired metaheuristics for image segmentation
* Blind Restoration of Motion Blurred Barcode Images using Ridgelet Transform and Radial Basis Function Neural Network
* Colour constancy in natural images through colour naming and sensor sharpening
* Detecting and indexing moving objects for Behavior Analysis by Video and Audio Interpretation
* Dynamic Obstacle Detection of Road Scenes using Equi-Height Mosaicking Image
* Enhanced Rotational Feature Points Matching using Orientation Correction
* Exploiting Multimedia Content: A Machine Learning Based Aproach
* FMIRS: A Fuzzy indexing and retrieval system of mosaic-image database
* Fuzzy Multilevel Graph Embedding for Recognition, Indexing and Retrieval of Graphic Document Images
* How to separate between Machine-Printed/Handwritten and Arabic/Latin Words?
* Interactive and audience-adaptive information interfaces
* Methods for text segmentation from scene images
* Monitoring and Diagnosing Neonatal Seizures by Video Signal Processing
* Monocular Depth Cues in Computer Vision Applications
* Moving Cast Shadow Detection
* Multi-class learning for vessel characterisation in intravascular ultrasound
* Multimodal Stereo from Thermal Infrared and Visible Spectrum
* Multitier Biometric Template Security Using Cryptographic Salts and Personal Image Identification
* Noise modeling and depth calibration for Time-Of-Flight cameras
* Novel Interest-Point-Based Background Subtraction Algorithm, A
* Optical Flow in Driver Assistance Systems
* Overcomplete Image Representations for Texture Analysis
* Parallel Framework for Video Super-resolution, A
* PGM-based System for Arabic Handwritten Word Recognition, A
* Polyp Localization and Segmentation in Colonoscopy Images by Means of a Model of Appearance for Polyps
* Reduced egomotion estimation drift using omnidirectional views
* Registration and analysis for images couple: Application to mammograms
* Retinal Image Analysis Oriented to the Clinical Task
* Robust human detection through fusion of color and infrared video
* Semantic Awareness for Automatic Image Interpretation
* Swarm-based Descriptor Combination and its Application for Image Classification
* SWT voting-based color reduction method for detecting text in natural scene images
* Towards an interactive index structuring system for content-based image retrieval in large image databases
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ELCVIA(14) * Arabic/Latin and Machine-printed/Handwritten Word Discrimination using HOG-based Shape Descriptor
* Automatic Segmentation of Optic Disc in Eye Fundus Images: A Survey
* Contextual Word Spotting in Historical Handwritten Documents
* Contributions to metric-topological localization and mapping in mobile robotics
* Document Image Binarization Using Retinex and Global Thresholding
* DROP: A Data Reduction and Organization Paradigm and its Application in Image Analysis
* Efficient Poisson Image Editing
* Evaluation of Perceptual Classification led by Cognitive Models in Traffic Scenes, An
* Extended Abstract of PhD Thesis: Integrated Registration, Segmentation, and Interpolation for 3D/4D Sparse Data
* From pixels to gestures: learning visual representations for human analysis in color and depth data sequences
* Generalized Stacked Sequential Learning
* Higher-order regularization and morphological techniques for image segmentation
* Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization with Affine Transformation Approach for Cloud Free Multi-Temporal Image Registration, A
* Illumination Inconsistency Sleuthing for Exposing Fauxtography and Uncovering Composition Telltales in Digital Images
* Image Analysis and Processing with Applications in Proteomics and Medicine
* Image database indexing: Emotional impact assessing
* Image Processing for Art Investigation
* Image Retrieval: Modelling Keywords via Low-level Features
* Interpreting the Structure of Single Images by Learning from Examples
* Learning of invariant object recognition in hierarchical neural networks using temporal continuity
* Learning to Represent Handwritten Shapes and Words for Matching and Recognition
* Modeling the environment with egocentric vision systems
* Multi-focus image fusion using maximum symmetric surround saliency detection
* Multimodal Assessment of Shopping Behavior
* Novel Algorithm to Tackle Eyeglasses and Beard Issues in Facial IR Recognition, A
* On a Distributed Video Surveillance System to Track Persons in Camera Networks
* Personal Identification Using Ears Based on Statistical Features
* Relational Models for Visual Understanding of Graphical Documents. Application to Architectural Drawings.
* Segmentation and indexation of complex objects in comic book
* Survey on Human Emotion Recognition Approaches, Databases and Applications, A
* Toward a perceptual object recognition system
* Tracheal Structure Characterization using Geometric and Appearance Models for Efficient Assessment of Stenosis in Videobronchoscopy
* Video Summarization by an Innovative Method in Shot Detection
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ELCVIA(15) * Anytime and Distributed Approaches for Graph Matching
* Automated Analysis of Orthopaedic X-ray Images based on Digital-Geometric Techniques
* block-based background model for moving object detection, A
* Confidence Framework for the Assessment of Optical Flow Performance, A
* Contributions to Gait Recognition Using Multiple-Views
* Contributions to Real-time Metric Localisation with Wearable Vision Systems
* critical appraisal on wavelet based features from brain MR images for efficient characterization of ischemic stroke injuries, A
* Design and Stability Analysis of Multi-Objective Ensemble Classifiers
* Edge-aware wedgelet estimation for depth maps compression
* Efficient Labelling of Pedestrian Supervisions
* Fast Region-based Active Contour Model Driven by Local Signed Pressure Force
* Hierarchical Visual Content Modelling and Query based on Trees
* Image Processing Algorithms for Driver Assistance using Wide Angle Cameras
* Indoor/outdoor navigation system based on possibilistic traversable area segmentation for visually impaired people
* Memory Organization for Invariant Object Recognition and Categorization
* Monitoring Infants by Automatic Video Processing
* New contributions on line-projections in omnidirectional vision
* Novel Angular Texture Pattern (ATP) Extraction Method for Crop and Weed Discrimination Using Curvelet Transformation, A
* Remote Authentication Using Vaulted Fingerprint Verification
* Speech Recognition Supported by Lip Analysis
* Statistical and deterministic approaches for multimedia forensics
* variational approach to denoising problem, A
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ELCVIA(16) * ant colony based model to optimize parameters in industrial vision, An
* Contributions to the Problem of Fight Detection in Video
* Detail Enhanced Multi-Exposure Image Fusion Based On Edge Preserving Filters
* Detection of retinal blood vessels from ophthalmoscope images using morphological approach
* Facial attributes recognition using computer vision to detect drowsiness and distraction in drivers
* Feature extraction algorithms from MRI to evaluate quality parameters on meat products by using data mining
* Learning audio and image representations with bio-inspired trainable feature extractors
* MMKK++ algorithm for clustering heterogeneous images into an unknown number of clusters
* Random Image Matching CAPTCHA System
* Recognition and retrieval of objects in diverse applications
* Recognition of Facial Expressions using Local Mean Binary Pattern
* Robust Real-Time Gradient-based Eye Detection and Tracking Using Transform Domain and PSO-Based Feature Selection
* Selection of relevant information to improve Image Classification using Bag of Visual Words
* Semantic Video Concept Detection using Novel Mixed-Hybrid-Fusion Approach for Multi-Label Data
* Uncertainty Theories Based Iris Recognition System
* Video Processing for Remote Respiration Monitoring
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ELCVIA(17) * Depth Data Error Modeling of the ZED 3D Vision Sensor from Stereolabs

ELCVIA(2) * Appearance-Based Method for Parametric Video Registration, An
* MRF-based image segmentation using Ant Colony System
* Potential Fields as an External Force and Algorithmic Improvements in Deformable Models

ELCVIA(3) * Empirical Validation of the Saliency-based Model of Visual Attention
* Novel Watermarking Technique for Tampering Detection in Digital Images, A
* Optimization of Weights in a Multiple Classifier Handwritten Word Recognition System Using a Genetic Algorithm

ELCVIA(4) * Automatic instrument localization in laparoscopic surgery
* Blocking Adult Images Based on Statistical Skin Detection
* Dempster-Shafer's Basic Probability Assignment Based on Fuzzy Membership Functions
* Interactive Algorithm for Image Smoothing and Segmentation, An
* Robustness of a Blind Image Watermark Detector Designed by Orthogonal Projection

ELCVIA(5) * Adaptive Color Image Segmentation, An
* Algebraic Topology-Based Image Deformation: A Unified Model
* Architectural Scene Reconstruction from Single or Multiple Uncalibrated Images
* Area and Volume Restoration in Elastically Deformable Solids
* Bayesian Network Enhanced Prediction for Multiple Facial Feature Tracking
* Combining Model-based and Discriminative Approaches in a Modular Two-stage Classification System: Application to Isolated Handwritten Digit Recognition
* Combining Particle Filter and Population-based Metaheuristics for Visual Articulated Motion Tracking
* Comparison Framework for Walking Performances using aSpaces, A
* Complex Articulated Object Tracking
* Contextual System of Symbol Structural Recognition based on an Object-Process Methodology
* Detecting human heads with their orientations
* Ear Biometrics Based on Geometrical Feature Extraction
* Experimental Investigation about the Integration of Facial Dynamics in Video-Based Face Recognition, An
* Fast 3D-Vision System to Classify Metallic Coins by their Embossed Topography
* Fast Fractal Image Compression Method Based Entropy, A
* Frequent Graph Discovery: Application to Line Drawing Document Images
* Hand Tracking and Gesture Recognition for Human-Computer Interaction
* Handwritten Document Analysis for Automatic Writer Recognition
* Improvement of Modal Matching Image Objects in Dynamic Pedobarography using Optimization Techniques
* K Nearest Classifier design, A
* Learning Model Structure from Data: An Application to On-Line Handwriting
* Multiorder polygonal approximation of digital curves
* New MR Brain Image Segmentation Using an Optimal Semi-supervised Fuzzy C-means and pdf Estimation, A
* Noise reduction on mammographic phantom images
* novel approach to sparse histogram image lossless compression using JPEG2000, A
* Prior Knowledge Based Motion Model Representation
* Self-supervised adaptation for on-line script text recognition
* Simultaneous and Causal Appearance Learning and Tracking
* SKCS: New separable kernel family with compact support: Application to visual segmentation of handwritten data
* Texture Segmentation using LBP embedded Region Competition
* Trajectory Analysis for Sport and Video Surveillance
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ELCVIA(6) * 3D Model Based Pose Invariant Face Recognition from a Single Frontal View
* Automatic Detection of Facial Midline And Its Contributions to Facial Feature Extraction
* Classification of Objects and Background Using Parallel Genetic Algorithm Based Clustering
* Colour Code Algorithm For Signature Recognition, A
* Correction for Camera Roll in a Perspectively Distorted Image: Cases for 2 and 3 point perspectives
* Fast image processing with constraints by solving linear PDEs
* Genetic Programming for Object Detection: A Two-Phase Approach with an Improved Fitness Function
* Improved motion segmentation based on shadow detection
* Intelligent CCTV for Mass Transport Security: Challenges and Opportunities for Video and Face Processing
* Optimal Geometric Matching for Patch-Based Object Detection
* PDE Method to Segment Image Linear Objects with Application to Lens Distortion Removal, A
* Separating Rigid Motion for Continuous Shape Evolution
* SnakeCut: An Integrated Approach Based on Active Contour and GrabCut for Automatic Foreground Object Segmentation
* Variational Approach to 3D Cylindrical Geometry Reconstruction from Multiple Views, A
* Wavelets and partial differential equations for image denoising
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ELCVIA(7) * 3D Vehicle Extraction and Tracking from Multiple Viewpoints for Traffic Monitoring by using Probability Fusion Map
* Analyzing objects in images for estimating the delamination influence on load carrying capacity of composite laminates
* Class Specific Object Recognition using Kernel Gibbs Distributions
* Complex networks: Application for Texture Characterization and Classification
* Development of a machine vision system for a real time precision sprayer
* Distortion Correction for 3D Scan of Trunk Swaying Human Body Segments
* Enhancing Sensor Measurements through Wide Baseline Stereo Images
* External Anatomical Shapes Reconstruction from Turntable Image Sequences using a Single off-the-shelf Camera
* Facial Emotional Classifier For Natural Interaction
* Finding Kinematic Structure in Time Series Volume Data
* From medical data to simple virtual mock-up of scapulo-humeral joint
* GPU-Based Optimization of a Free-Viewpoint Video System
* Gray-level Texture Characterization Based on a New Adaptive Nonlinear Auto-Regressive Filter
* Human Shape-Motion Analysis In Athletics Videos for Coarse To Fine Action/Activity Recognition Using Transferable Belief Model
* Matching Local Invariant Features with Contextual Information: An Experimental Evaluation
* Multiresolution Shape Codes with Applications to Image Retrieval
* Neighbouring Color Dependence Matrix for Image Analysis: Application to homogeneous and heterogeneous areas detection and characterization
* Non-Model Based Method for an Automation of 3D Acquisition and Post-Processing
* Principal Deformations Modes of Articulated Models for the Analysis of 3D Spine Deformities
* Quality Assessment for CRT and LCD Color Reproduction Using a Blind Metric
* Redundant Wavelet Watermarking using Spread Spectrum Modulation
* Representations for Cognitive Vision: A Review of Appearance-Based, Spatio-Temporal, and Graph-Based Approaches
* Restoration of Videos Degraded by Local Isoplanatism Effects in the Near-Infrared Domain
* Review of Recent Advances in Surface Defect Detection using Texture analysis Techniques, A
* Robust Focusing using Orientation Code Matching
* Shot Classification in broadcast Soccer Video
* Thinning-free Polygonal Approximation of Thick Digital Curves Using Cellular Envelope
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ELCVIA(8) * Attention Module for Object Detection in Cluttered Images, An
* Automatic Abdominal Organ Segmentation from CT images
* Computing von Kries Illuminant Changes by Piecewise Inversion of Cumulative Color Histograms
* Depth Recovery of Complex Surfaces from Texture-less Pair of Stereo Images
* Detection of Masses in Digital Mammograms using K-Means and Support Vector Machine
* Gait Identification Considering Body Tilt by Walking Direction Changes
* In Defense of Exact Matching for Object Recognition
* New Image Fusion Technique Based on Directive Contrast, A
* Realtime Kernel based Machine Learning Template Matching (KMLT)
* ROI Based Quality Access Control of Compressed Color Image using DWT via Lifting
* SVD Based Scheme for Post Processing of DCT Coded Images, A
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ELCVIA(9) * Color Image Segmentation using Fast Fuzzy C-Means Algorithm
* Formalization of the General Video Temporal Synchronization Problem
* Robust Multi-Feature Cut Detection Algorithm for Video Segmentation, A

Index for "e"

Last update:28-Aug-24 17:05:20
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