Index for leib

Leib, K.G.[Kenneth G.] * 1991: Experimental Comparison of Optical Binary Phase-Only Filter and High-Pass Matched Filter Correlation

Leibar, A.M.[Ane Miren] * 2023: Towards Robust Defect Detection in Casting Using Contrastive Learning

Leibe, B.[Bastian] * 2001: 3D Object Recognition from Range Images using Local Feature Histograms
* 2001: Integration of Wireless Gesture Tracking, Object Tracking, and 2D Reconstruction in the Perceptive Workbench
* 2002: Saliency of Interest Points under Scale Changes
* 2003: Analyzing appearance and contour based methods for object categorization
* 2003: Interleaved Object Categorization and Segmentation
* 2003: Interleaving Object Categorization and Segmentation
* 2003: On-line Face Tracking Using a Feature Driven Level Set
* 2003: perceptive workbench: Computer-vision-based gesture tracking, object tracking, and 3D reconstruction for augmented desks, The
* 2004: Scale-Invariant Object Categorization Using a Scale-Adaptive Mean-Shift Search
* 2005: Evaluation of Local Shape-Based Features for Pedestrian Detection, An
* 2005: Integrating Representative and Discriminative Models for Object Category Detection
* 2005: Local Features for Object Class Recognition
* 2005: Pedestrian Detection in Crowded Scenes
* 2006: 3D City Modeling Using Cognitive Loops
* 2006: Efficient Clustering and Matching for Object Class Recognition
* 2006: Implicit Shape Model for Combined Object Categorization and Segmentation, An
* 2006: Integrating Recognition and Reconstruction for Cognitive Traffic Scene Analysis from a Moving Vehicle
* 2006: Multi-Aspect Detection of Articulated Objects
* 2006: Multiple Object Class Detection with a Generative Model
* 2006: Segmentation Based Multi-Cue Integration for Object Detection
* 2006: Towards Multi-View Object Class Detection
* 2006: Video Mining with Frequent Itemset Configurations
* 2007: 3D Challenges and a Non-In-Depth Overview of Recent Progress
* 2007: Coupled Detection and Trajectory Estimation for Multi-Object Tracking
* 2007: Depth and Appearance for Mobile Scene Analysis
* 2007: Depth-From-Recognition: Inferring Meta-data by Cognitive Feedback
* 2007: Dynamic 3D Scene Analysis from a Moving Vehicle
* 2007: Efficient Mining of Frequent and Distinctive Feature Configurations
* 2007: Fast 3D Scanning with Automatic Motion Compensation
* 2008: 3D Urban Scene Modeling Integrating Recognition and Reconstruction
* 2008: Accurate and robust registration for in-hand modeling
* 2008: Articulated Multi-body Tracking under Egomotion
* 2008: Coupled Object Detection and Tracking from Static Cameras and Moving Vehicles
* 2008: Learning semantic object parts for object categorization
* 2008: Measuring camera translation by the dominant apical angle
* 2008: mobile vision system for robust multi-person tracking, A
* 2008: Probabilistic Parameter Selection for Learning Scene Structure from Video
* 2008: Robust Object Detection with Interleaved Categorization and Segmentation
* 2008: World-scale mining of objects and events from community photo collections
* 2009: Feature-centric Efficient Subwindow Search
* 2009: In-hand scanning with online loop closure
* 2009: PrISM: Principled Implicit Shape Model
* 2009: Robust Multiperson Tracking from a Mobile Platform
* 2009: Robust tracking-by-detection using a detector confidence particle filter
* 2009: SCRAMSAC: Improving RANSAC's efficiency with a spatial consistency filter
* 2009: Shape-from-recognition: Recognition enables meta-data transfer
* 2010: Automatic detection and tracking of pedestrians from a moving stereo rig
* 2010: Geometrically Constrained Level Set Tracking for Automotive Applications
* 2010: Incremental Model Selection for Detection and Tracking of Planar Surfaces
* 2010: Multi-Person Tracking with Sparse Detection and Continuous Segmentation
* 2011: Discovering favorite views of popular places with iconoid shift
* 2011: Efficient object detection and segmentation with a cascaded Hough Forest ISM
* 2011: Efficient Use of Geometric Constraints for Sliding-Window Object Detection in Video
* 2011: Fast image-based localization using direct 2D-to-3D matching
* 2011: Fast PRISM: Branch and Bound Hough Transform for Object Class Detection
* 2011: Level-set person segmentation and tracking with multi-region appearance models and top-down shape information
* 2011: Multi-Class Image Labeling with Top-Down Segmentation and Generalized Robust P^N Potentials
* 2011: Online loop closure for real-time interactive 3D scanning
* 2011: Online Multiperson Tracking-by-Detection from a Single, Uncalibrated Camera
* 2011: Real-time multi-person tracking with detector assisted structure propagation
* 2011: Real-Time Multi-Person Tracking with Time-Constrained Detection
* 2011: Towards Fast Image-Based Localization on a City-Scale
* 2012: Close-Range Human Detection and Tracking for Head-Mounted Cameras
* 2012: Image Retrieval for Image-Based Localization Revisited
* 2012: Improving Image-Based Localization by Active Correspondence Search
* 2012: Joint 2D-3D temporally consistent semantic segmentation of street scenes
* 2012: Taking Mobile Multi-object Tracking to the Next Level: People, Unknown Objects, and Carried Items
* 2013: Discovering Details and Scene Structure with Hierarchical Iconoid Shift
* 2013: Random Forests of Local Experts for Pedestrian Detection
* 2013: SIFT-Realistic Rendering
* 2013: Tracking People and Their Objects
* 2014: Probabilistic Labeling Cost for High-Accuracy Multi-view Reconstruction
* 2015: Biternion Nets: Continuous Head Pose Regression from Discrete Training Labels
* 2015: Fixing WTFs: Detecting Image Matches Caused by Watermarks, Timestamps, and Frames in Internet Photos
* 2015: Person Attribute Recognition with a Jointly-Trained Holistic CNN Model
* 2015: Robust Marker-Based Tracking for Measuring Crowd Dynamics
* 2015: semantic occlusion model for human pose estimation from a single depth image, A
* 2015: Visual landmark recognition from Internet photo collections: A large-scale evaluation
* 2016: Efficient Convolutional Network for Human Pose Estimation, An
* 2016: Exploring bounding box context for multi-object tracker fusion
* 2016: Incremental Object Discovery in Time-Varying Image Collections
* 2016: Joint Object Pose Estimation and Shape Reconstruction in Urban Street Scenes Using 3D Shape Priors
* 2016: PatchIt: Self-Supervised Network Weight Initialization for Fine-grained Recognition
* 2016: Semantic segmentation of modular furniture
* 2016: Unsupervised Learning of Shape-Motion Patterns for Objects in Urban Street Scenes
* 2017: 3D Semantic Segmentation of Modular Furniture Using rjMCMC
* 2017: Efficient Effective Prioritized Matching for Large-Scale Image-Based Localization
* 2017: Exploring Spatial Context for 3D Semantic Segmentation of Point Clouds
* 2017: Full-Resolution Residual Networks for Semantic Segmentation in Street Scenes
* 2017: SAMP: Shape and Motion Priors for 4D Vehicle Reconstruction
* 2017: Semi-Supervised Deep Learning for Monocular Depth Map Prediction
* 2017: Towards a Principled Integration of Multi-camera Re-identification and Tracking Through Optimal Bayes Filters
* 2018: Know What Your Neighbors Do: 3D Semantic Segmentation of Point Clouds
* 2018: PReMVOS: Proposal-Generation, Refinement and Merging for Video Object Segmentation
* 2018: Superpixels: An evaluation of the state-of-the-art
* 2019: 3D Bird's-Eye-View Instance Segmentation
* 2019: AlignNet-3D: Fast Point Cloud Registration of Partially Observed Objects
* 2019: Exploring the Combination of PReMVOS, BoLTVOS and UnOVOST for the 2019 YouTube-VOS Challenge
* 2019: FEELVOS: Fast End-To-End Embedding Learning for Video Object Segmentation
* 2019: MOTS: Multi-Object Tracking and Segmentation
* 2019: Video Instance Segmentation 2019: A Winning Approach for Combined Detection, Segmentation, Classification and Tracking.
* 2019: Visual Person Understanding Through Multi-task and Multi-dataset Learning
* 2020: 3D-MPA: Multi-Proposal Aggregation for 3D Semantic Instance Segmentation
* 2020: DualConvMesh-Net: Joint Geodesic and Euclidean Convolutions on 3D Meshes
* 2020: Metric-Scale Truncation-Robust Heatmaps for 3D Human Pose Estimation
* 2020: Reposing Humans by Warping 3D Features
* 2020: Self-supervised Keypoint Correspondences for Multi-person Pose Estimation and Tracking in Videos
* 2020: Siam R-CNN: Visual Tracking by Re-Detection
* 2020: STEm-Seg: Spatio-temporal Embeddings for Instance Segmentation in Videos
* 2020: UnOVOST: Unsupervised Offline Video Object Segmentation and Tracking
* 2021: From Points to Multi-Object 3D Reconstruction
* 2021: HOTA: A Higher Order Metric for Evaluating Multi-object Tracking
* 2021: Mix3D: Out-of-Context Data Augmentation for 3D Scenes
* 2021: Ninth Visual Object Tracking VOT2021 Challenge Results, The
* 2021: Reducing the Annotation Effort for Video Object Segmentation Datasets
* 2021: Single-Stage, Bottom-up Approach for Occluded VIS using Spatio-temporal Embeddings, A
* 2022: 4d-stop: Panoptic Segmentation of 4d Lidar Using Spatio-temporal Object Proposal Generation and Aggregation
* 2022: D2Conv3D: Dynamic Dilated Convolutions for Object Segmentation in Videos
* 2022: HODOR: High-level Object Descriptors for Object Re-Segmentation in Video Learned from Static Images
* 2022: Opening up Open World Tracking
* 2023: 3D Segmentation of Humans in Point Clouds with Synthetic Data
* 2023: BURST: A Benchmark for Unifying Object Recognition, Segmentation and Tracking in Video
* 2023: DynaMITe: Dynamic Query Bootstrapping for Multi-object Interactive Segmentation Transformer
* 2023: Learning 3D Human Pose Estimation from Dozens of Datasets using a Geometry-Aware Autoencoder to Bridge Between Skeleton Formats
* 2023: TarViS: A Unified Approach for Target-Based Video Segmentation
Includes: Leibe, B.[Bastian] Leibe, B.
125 for Leibe, B.

Leiber, J.[Julian] * 2023: Novel UAV Flight Designs for Accuracy Optimization of Structure from Motion Data Products

Leibetseder, A.[Andreas] * 2017: Image-Based Smoke Detection in Laparoscopic Videos
* 2018: Automatic Smoke Classification in Endoscopic Video
* 2018: Evaluation of Visual Content Descriptors for Supporting Ad-Hoc Video Search Tasks at the Video Browser Showdown
* 2018: ITEC Collaborative Video Search System at the Video Browser Showdown 2018, The
* 2018: Sketch-Based Similarity Search for Collaborative Feature Maps
* 2019: Autopiloting Feature Maps: The Deep Interactive Video Exploration (diveXplore) System at VBS2019
* 2019: ECAT: Endoscopic Concept Annotation Tool
* 2020: diveXplore 4.0: The Itec Deep Interactive Video Exploration System at VBS2020
* 2020: Glenda: Gynecologic Laparoscopy Endometriosis Dataset
* 2020: Instrument Recognition in Laparoscopy for Technical Skill Assessment
* 2021: Interactive Video Retrieval in the Age of Deep Learning: Detailed Evaluation of VBS 2019
* 2021: Less is More: Divexplore 5.0 at VBS 2021
* 2021: Noshot Video Browser at VBS2021
* 2022: diveXplore 6.0: ITEC's Interactive Video Exploration System at VBS 2022
* 2023: diveXplore at the Video Browser Showdown 2023
15 for Leibetseder, A.

Leible, M.[Magnus] * 2012: Classification of surfaces and inclinations during outdoor running using shoe-mounted inertial sensors

Leibman, M.[Marina] * 2017: Comparison of Gas Emission Crater Geomorphodynamics on Yamal and Gydan Peninsulas (Russia), Based on Repeat Very-High-Resolution Stereopairs
* 2018: Dependence of C-Band Backscatter on Ground Temperature, Air Temperature and Snow Depth in Arctic Permafrost Regions
* 2018: Microrelief Associated with Gas Emission Craters: Remote-Sensing and Field-Based Study
* 2018: Terrestrial CDOM in Lakes of Yamal Peninsula: Connection to Lake and Lake Catchment Properties
* 2019: Seasonal Progression of Ground Displacement Identified with Satellite Radar Interferometry and the Impact of Unusually Warm Conditions on Permafrost at the Yamal Peninsula in 2016
* 2020: Gas Emission Craters and Mound-Predecessors in the North of West Siberia, Similarities and Differences
* 2021: Coastal Retreat Due to Thermodenudation on the Yugorsky Peninsula, Russia during the Last Decade, Update since 2001-2010
7 for Leibman, M.

Leibo, J.Z.[Joel Z.] * 2010: From primal templates to invariant recognition
* 2010: Learning Generic Invariances in Object Recognition: Translation and Scale
* 2010: Neurons That Confuse Mirror-Symmetric Object Views
* 2011: hierarchical model of peripheral vision, A
Includes: Leibo, J.Z.[Joel Z.] Leibo, J.Z.[Joel Z]

Leibon, G. * 2009: Accurate Image Rotation Using Hermite Expansions

Leibovic, N. * 1994: connectionist model for local speed estimation, A

Leibovich, M.[Matan] * 2020: Generalized Correlation-Based Imaging for Satellites
* 2020: Synthetic Aperture Imaging and Motion Estimation Using Tensor Methods
* 2021: Correlation Based Imaging for Rotating Satellites

Leibovici, D.G.[Didier G.] * 2017: On Data Quality Assurance and Conflation Entanglement in Crowdsourcing for Environmental Studies

Leibovici, M.C.R.[Matthieu C. R.] * 2014: Custom-modified three-dimensional periodic microstructures by pattern-integrated interference lithography

Leibovitch, I.[Inbal] * 2023: MoDi: Unconditional Motion Synthesis from Diverse Data

Leibowitz, C.[Caleb] * 2022: Underground Cavity Detection through Group Dispersion of a GPR Signal

Index for "l"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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