Update Dates 0403

0403 * 2-D digital curve analysis: A regularity measure
* 2D and 3D Visibility in Discrete Geometry: An Application to Discrete Geodesic Paths
* Accuracy assessment on camera calibration method not considering lens distortion
* Accuracy of Airborne Lidar-Derived Elevation: Empirical Assessment and Error Budget
* Accurate calibration of CCD-cameras
* Accurate Template-Based Correction of Brain MRI Intensity Distortion With Application to Dementia and Aging
* Active and intelligent sensing of road obstacles: Application to the European Eureka-PROMETHEUS project
* Active Networking Based Service for Media Transcoding in Multicast Sessions, An
* active-vision system for recognition of pre-marked objects in robotic assembly workcells, An
* Adaptive Image Interpolation Based on Local Gradient Features
* Adaptive Level Set Segmentation on a Triangulated Mesh, An
* Adaptive minimum bit-error-rate filtering
* Adaptive segmentation of images of objects with smooth surfaces
* Adaptive speaker identification using sequential probability ratio test
* Affine Invariant Flows in the Beltrami Framework
* Agent-based computer vision in a dynamic, real-time environment
* Algorithm for Total Variation Minimization and Applications, An
* Analysis and pruning of nonlinear auto-association networks
* Analysis of high-resolution land clutter
* Analysis of Lesion Detectability in Bayesian Emission Reconstruction With Nonstationary Object Variability
* Analytic Method to Predict the Thermal Map of Cryosurgery Iceballs in MR Images, An
* Anatomy of a hand-filled form reader
* ANNP: a neural network parser for real world texts
* Appearance-based face recognition and light-fields
* Application constraints in the design of an automatic reading device for analog display instruments
* Application of optical flow for automated overtaking control
* Application of robust sequential edge detection and linking to boundaries of low contrast lesions in medical images
* Application of the controlled active vision framework to robotic and transportation problems
* Application of vector filtering to pattern recognition
* approach to 3D scene reconstruction from noisy binocular image sequences using information fusion, An
* Arbitrary Viewpoint Video Synthesis From Multiple Uncalibrated Cameras
* Assessing Sensor Reliability for Multisensor Data Fusion Within the Transferable Belief Model
* Asymmetric Watermarking System With Many Embedding Watermarks Corresponding to One Detection Watermark, An
* Automated direct patterned wafer inspection
* Automated Identification of Man-Made Textural Features on Satellite Imagery by Bayesian Networks
* Automated Performance Evaluation of Range Image Segmentation Algorithms
* Automated Segmentation of Lumbar Vertebrae in Digital Videofluoroscopic Images
* Automated stereo fundus evaluation
* automated stereoscopic coal profiling system: CCLPS, An
* Automatic classification of wooden cabinet doors
* Automatic Identification of the Pectoral Muscle in Mammograms
* Automatic Sensor Placement for Model-Based Robot Vision
* Automating the Analysis of Remotely Sensed Data
* Axiomatization of shape analysis and application to texture hyperdiscrimination
* Basis for Estimating Digital Camera Parameters, A
* Bayesian Framework for Multilead SMD Post-Placement Quality Inspection, A
* Binocular gaze holding of a moving object with the active stereo vision system
* Biometric Verification Using Thermal Images of Palm-Dorsa Vein Patterns
* Blind restoration of nonlinearly mixed signals using multilayer polynomial neural network
* Block image retrieval based on a compressed linear quadtree
* Boundary element methods for solving Poisson equations in computer vision problems
* CCD camera calibration and noise estimation
* Channel optimized matrix quantizer (COMQ) in CELP coding
* Characterization of Spiculation on Ultrasound Lesions
* Classification trees with neural network feature extraction
* Clustered Components Analysis for Functional MRI
* clustering filter for scale-space filtering and image restoration, A
* CMOS/LCOS Image Transceiver Chip for Smart Goggle Applications, A
* Collaboration between computer graphics and computer vision
* Comparing Different Classifiers for Automatic Age Estimation
* Compensation for Nonuniform Resolution Using Penalized-Likelihood Reconstruction in Space-Variant Imaging Systems
* computational framework and SIMD algorithms for low-level support of intermediate level vision processing, A
* Computational ground and airborne localization over rough terrain
* computational model for face location, A
* Computer vision hardware using the Radon transform
* Computing stereo correspondences in the presence of narrow occluding objects
* Configuration based scene classification and image indexing
* Connectivity-based multiple-circle fitting
* consensus structure inference algorithm, A
* Constrained contouring in polar coordinates
* Constrained planar motion analysis by decomposition
* Constructing perceptual categories
* Contextual feature similarities for model-based object recognition
* Cooperation of visually guided behaviors
* CueVideo: a system for cross-modal search and browse of video databases
* Curve and Surface Duals and the Recognition of Curved 3D Objects from their Silhouettes
* Deformable spatio-temporal shape models: extending active shape models to 2D+time
* Denoising Functional MR Images: A Comparison of Wavelet Denoising and Gaussian Smoothing
* Design and Analysis of an Image Resizing Filter in the Block-DCT Domain
* Design for a Visual-Motion Transducer, A
* Detecting parameterized curve segments using MDL and the Hough transform
* Development of hand-eye system with 3-D vision and microgripper and its application to assembling flexible wires
* Dictionary redundancy elimination
* Differential Geometric Approach to Multiple View Geometry in Spaces of Constant Curvature, A
* discontinuity detector based on the pervasive noise in surface property data, A
* Distance accumulation and planar curvature
* Distance metric learning by knowledge embedding
* Distributed intelligence for multi-camera visual surveillance
* Dual networks and their pattern classification properties
* Dynamical encoding of cursive handwriting
* Dynamics using the Wigner distribution
* Edge detection and feature extraction by non-orthogonal image expansion for optimal discriminative SNR
* Edge detection in range images through morphological residue analysis
* Editorial: Nonlinear and non-gaussian signal processing
* efficient approach to compute the threshold for multi-dimensional linear classifiers, An
* efficient fingerprint verification system using integrated wavelet and Fourier-Mellin invariant transform, An
* Efficient Huffman decoding
* Efficient Prediction Algorithm for Image Vector Quantization, An
* Efficient use of the grammar scale factor to classify incorrect words in speech recognition verification
* Eigenspace Projection Clustering Method for Inexact Graph Matching, An
* Electrical Conductivity Imaging Using Gradient z-Decomposition Algorithm in Magnetic Resonance Electrical Impedance Tomography (MREIT)
* Eliciting qualitative structure from image curve deformations
* Ellipse detection using a genetic algorithm
* Energy Partitions and Image Segmentation
* Enhancement and feature extraction for images of incised and ink texts
* Epicardial motion and deformation estimation from coronary artery bifurcation points
* Error-tolerant sign retrieval using visual features and maximum a posteriori estimation
* Estimating Degradation Model Parameters Using Neighborhood Pattern Distributions: An Optimization Approach
* Estimation of curvature from sampled noisy data
* Estimation of Three-Dimensional Motion Parameters in Interferometric ISAR Imaging
* Experiments with monocular visual tracking and environment modeling
* Exploitation of Very High Resolution Satellite Data for Tree Species Identification
* Exploiting non-gaussianity in blind identification and equalisation of MIMO FIR channels
* Extracting View-Dependent Depth Maps from a Collection of Images
* Extraction of Diffuse Objects From Images by Means of Watershed and Region Merging: Example of Solar Images
* Extraction of Left Ventricular Contours From Left Ventriculograms by Means of a Neural Edge Detector
* Face direction estimation using a single gray-level image
* Fast K-Nearest Neighbor Classification Using Cluster-Based Trees
* Fast Panoramic Stereo Matching Using Cylindrical Maximum Surfaces
* Fast Spectral Method for Active 3D Shape Reconstruction, A
* Feature fluctuation absorption for a quick audio retrieval from long recordings
* Feature selection with stochastic complexity
* Fiber identification in microscopy by ridge detection and grouping
* Filter Flow Visual Querying Language and Interface for Spatial Databases, A
* Finding the aspect-ratio of an imaging system
* Fingerprint Classification Using a Feedback-Based Line Detector
* FLASH: a fast look-up algorithm for string homology
* Focal length and compression of space
* Fourier domain representation of planar curves for recognition in multiple views
* Fractal probability functions-an application to image analysis
* Fractal surface reconstruction for modeling natural terrain
* Frameless registration of MR and CT 3D volumetric data sets
* From Mobile Mapping to Telegeoinformatics: Paradigm Shift in Geospatial Data Acquisition, Processing, and Management
* Fully automated iris recognition system utilizing wide and narrow fields of view
* Fully Bayesian Spatio-Temporal Modeling of FMRI Data
* Fusing length and voicing information, and HMM decision using a Bayesian causal tree against insufficient training data
* Fusion of Static and Dynamic Body Biometrics for Gait Recognition
* Fuzzy Hierarchical Data Fusion Networks for Terrain Location Identification Problems
* Generalized smoothing networks in early vision
* Genetic labeling and its application to depalletizing robot vision
* Geometric Analysis of Light Field Rendering, A
* geometric approach to machine-printed character recognition, A
* Geometric image primitives by complex moments in Gabor space and the application to texture segmentation
* geometry of visual interception, The
* GPR Phase-Based Techniques for Profiling Rough Surfaces and Detecting Small, Low-Contrast Landmines Under Flat Ground
* Ground state texture patterns for the second-order Ising model
* Guest Editorial: Computer Vision Research at Microsoft Corporation
* Guest Editorial: Computer Vision Research at the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology
* Guest Editorial: Introduction to the Special Issue on Image- and Video-Based Biometrics: Part II
* Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Mathematics and Image Analysis
* heterogeneous M-SIMD architecture for Kalman filter controlled processing of image sequences, An
* Hierarchical clustering on SIMD machines with alignment network
* Human face detection in a scene
* Human motion analysis based on a robot arm model
* Human tracking device, human tracking method and recording medium recording program thereof
* Hyperpolygons generated by the invertible Minkowski sum of polygons
* IFOSART: a noise resistant neural network capable of incremental learning
* Image and video encryption using SCAN patterns
* Image Denoising and Decomposition with Total Variation Minimization and Oscillatory Functions
* Image enhancement using non-linear diffusion
* Image Interpolation Using Enhanced Multiresolution Critical-Point Filters
* image pyramid with morphological operators, An
* Image retrieval and segmentation based on color invariants
* Image segmentation via edge contour finding: a graph theoretic approach
* Image Sharpening by Flows Based on Triple Well Potentials
* immune oriented multi-agent system for biological image processing, An
* Improving accuracy, robustness and computational efficiency in 3D computer vision
* Improving the Use of Vibro-Acoustography for Brachytherapy Metal Seed Imaging: A Feasibility Study
* Incremental Learning With Balanced Update on Receptive Fields for Multi-Sensor Data Fusion
* Individual Tree-Crown Delineation and Treetop Detection in High-Spatial-Resolution Aerial Imagery
* Inexact Newton-CG-Type Active Contour Approach for the Minimization of the Mumford-Shah Functional, An
* Information based speaker verification
* information theoretic robust sequential procedure for surface model order selection in noisy range data, An
* Intel's Computer Vision Library: applications in calibration, stereo segmentation, tracking, gesture, face and object recognition
* Intelligent selection tools
* Interactive Framework for Acquiring Vision Models of 3-D Objects From 2-D Images, An
* Interactive map conversion: combining machine vision and human input
* Interpolation of cinematic sequences
* Invariant web defect detection and classification system
* Iris registration unit
* Iso-Shaping Rigid Bodies for Estimating Their Motion From Image Sequences
* Joint Time-Frequency Analysis for Investigation of Layered Masonry Structures Using Penetrating Radar
* Kinematic calibration of an active camera system
* Kinematics-based tracking of human walking in monocular video sequences
* Kinetic Parameter Estimation From Renal Measurements With a Three-Headed SPECT System: A Simulation Study
* Knowledge-based interpretation of thyroid scintigrams
* Knowledge-guided left ventricular boundary detection
* Landmark Matching via Large Deformation Diffeomorphisms on the Sphere
* Landsat TM Satellite Image Restoration Using Kalman Filters
* Large deformable splines, crest lines and matching
* Layered motion segmentation and depth ordering by tracking edges
* LDA/QR: an efficient and effective dimension reduction algorithm and its theoretical foundation
* Leukocyte classifications by size functions
* Levelings, Image Simplification Filters for Segmentation
* Likely local shape
* Locality pursuit embedding
* Long Bone Panoramas From Fluoroscopic X-Ray Images
* Low Dimensional Adaptive Texture Feature Vectors From Class Distance and Class Difference Matrices
* low-dimensional representation of human faces for arbitrary lighting conditions, A
* Mapping a lifelike 2.5 D human face via an automatic approach
* Markov random field model for automatic speech recognition, A
* Matching range images of human faces
* Mathematical morphology: The Hamilton-Jacobi connection
* measure of symmetry based on shape similarity, A
* Measurement of Trabecular Bone Thickness in the Limited Resolution Regime of In Vivo MRI by Fuzzy Distance Transform
* Method and apparatus for cancelling lighting variations in object recognition
* Method and apparatus for image processing by generating probability distribution of images
* Method and apparatus for three-dimensional object segmentation
* Method and system for customizing facial feature tracking using precise landmark finding on a neutral face image
* Method for objects segmentation in video sequences by object tracking and user assistance
* Mixture models for co-occurrence and histogram data
* Mobile Digital Cameras for As-Built Surveys of Roadside Features
* Model-based path finding using adjacent area shape
* Model-Independent Method for fMRI Analysis
* Morphological carving
* Morphological operations in recursive neighbourhoods
* Morphological structuring function decomposition
* Motion Estimation Using Statistical Learning Theory
* Motion-vision architectures
* MPEG-7 based description schemes for multi-level video content classification
* Multi-agent segmentation of IVUS images
* Multi-modality model-based registration in the cardiac domain
* Multi-view 3D analysis with applications for augmented reality and enhanced video visualization
* Multifractals, texture, and image analysis
* multiple agent architecture for handwritten text recognition, A
* Multiple knowledge sources and evidential reasoning for shape recognition
* Multiple Light Source Detection
* Multipurpose audio watermarking
* Multiscale relaxation labeling of fractal images
* Multiscale Vessel Tracking
* Neural network models for illusory contour perception
* New algorithm for searching minimum bit rate wavelet representations with application to multiresolution-based perceptual audio coding
* new approach to machine-based perception of monocular images, A
* new approach to speech-input statistical translation, A
* New Covariance Estimate for Bayesian Classifiers in Biometric Recognition, A
* New direct design method for weighted order statistic filters
* New matching pursuit based sinusoidal modelling method for audio coding
* new methodology for isolating and diagnosing inconsistencies in image matching, as applied to the analysis of 2-D electrophoretic gels, A
* New natural gradient algorithm for cyclostationary sources
* new representation for a line, A
* New Scheme for Off-Line Handwritten Connected Digit Recognition, A
* Noise Equalization for Detection of Microcalcification Clusters in Direct Digital Mammogram Images
* Non-Linear Techniques for Video De-Interlacing
* Noninvasive Vascular Elastography: Theoretical Framework
* Nonlinear feature extraction based on centroids and kernel functions
* Nonlinear multiscale filtering using mathematical morphology
* Nonlinear Visual Mapping Model for 3-D Visual Tracking With Uncalibrated Eye-in-Hand Robotic System
* Normalized Cuts in 3-D for Spinal MRI Segmentation
* Novel Approach to 3-D Gaze Tracking Using Stereo Cameras, A
* Object Recognition by a Hopfield Neural Network
* Object segmentation and binding within a biologically-based neural network model of depth-from-occlusion
* Object-Based Approach for Detecting Small Brain Lesions: Application to Virchow-Robin Spaces, An
* Obstacle Avoidance for Kinematically Redundant Manipulators Using a Dual Neural Network
* Off-line handwritten word recognition (HWR) using a single contextual hidden Markov model
* Offline Tracing and Representation of Signatures
* On contour texture
* On Hierarchical Palmprint Coding With Multiple Features for Personal Identification in Large Databases
* On solving exact Euclidean distance transformation with invariance to object size
* On texture in document images
* On the optimality of image processing pipeline
* On the recognition of occluded shapes and generic faces using multiple-template expansion matching
* On the representation of occluded shapes
* On the use of snakes for 3-D robotic visual tracking
* On use of predictive probabilistic estimates for selecting best decision rules in the course of a search
* One-dimensional B-B polynomial and Hilbert scan for graylevel image coding
* Optic Nerve Head Segmentation
* Optimal nonlinear pattern restoration from noisy binary figures
* Out-of-layer pixel generation for a decomposed-image layer
* Panoramic Appearance-Based Recognition of Video Contents Using Matching Graphs
* Parallel algorithms and architectures for discrete relaxation technique
* Parallel bit-level pipelined VLSI processing unit for the histogramming operation
* Parallel dense depth-from-motion on the image understanding architecture
* Parameter estimation in MRF line process models
* Parametric Shape Modeling Using Deformable Superellipses for Prostate Segmentation
* Pattern codification strategies in structured light systems
* Pattern recognition with new class discovery
* Performance of Vibro-Acoustography in Detecting Microcalcifications in Excised Human Breast Tissue: A Study of 74 Tissue Samples
* Phase Unwrapping for 2-D Blind Deconvolution of Ultrasound Images
* Physically-based edge labeling
* Plane curve matching under affine transformations
* Population Approach Improves Parameter Estimation of Kinetic Models From Dynamic PET Data
* Practical, Unified, Motion and Missing Data Treatment in Degraded Video
* Precise visual inspection for LSI wafer patterns using subpixel image alignment
* Predicting expected gray level statistics of opened signals
* Predicting Forest Age Classes from High Spatial Resolution Remotely Sensed Imagery Using Voronoi Polygon Aggregation
* Predicting Missing Field Boundaries to Increase Per-Field Classification Accuracy
* Prediction of the suitability for image-matching based on self-similarity of vision contents
* Probabilistic Independent Component Analysis for Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Projectile impact detection and performance evaluation using machine vision
* Qualitative estimation of camera motion parameters from the linear composition of optical flow
* Qualitative shape from active shading
* Qualitative visual navigation using weighted correlation
* Quantifying and Recognizing Human Movement Patterns From Monocular Video Images: Part I: A New Framework for Modeling Human Motion
* Quantifying and Recognizing Human Movement Patterns From Monocular Video Images: Part II: Applications to Biometrics
* Random perturbation models and performance characterization in computer vision
* Range from translational motion blurring
* Range image segmentation and fitting by residual consensus
* Rapid recognition of freeform objects in noisy range images using tripod operators
* Real time color purity and convergence measurement algorithms for automatic ITC adjustment system
* Real-time 3D motion and structure of point features: a front-end system for vision-based control and interaction
* real-time edge linker, A
* Real-time image tracking for automatic traffic monitoring and enforcement applications
* Real-Time VBR Video Traffic Prediction for Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation
* Recognition of hand-lettered characters in the GTX 5000 drawing processor
* Recognition of the coronary blood vessels on angiograms using hierarchical model-based iconic search
* Recognizing a facial image from a police sketch
* Recognizing human action in time-sequential images using hidden Markov model
* Recognizing mice, vegetables and hand printed characters based on implicit polynomials, invariants and Bayesian methods
* Recursive opening transform
* Reduced Multivariate Polynomial Model for Multimodal Biometrics and Classifiers Fusion, A
* Regularizing Flows for Constrained Matrix-Valued Images
* Remote-sensing issues for intelligent underwater systems
* Renormalization for unbiased estimation
* Representation and transformation of uncertainty in an evidence theory framework
* Restoration of scanning probe microscope images
* Retrieving digital images from a JPEG compressed image database
* rigorous and realistic shape from shading method and some of its applications, A
* Robust and Rapid Generation of Animated Faces from Video Images: A Model-Based Modeling Approach
* Robust normalization of silhouettes for recognition applications
* Robust object recognition based on implicit algebraic curves and surfaces
* Robust statistics in shape fitting
* Robust vectorization using graph-based thinning and reliability-based line approximation
* Robust Visual Tracking by Integrating Multiple Cues Based on Co-Inference Learning
* Scalable geometric hashing on MasPar machines
* Scale-space clustering and classification of SAR images with numerous attributes and classes
* Searching parameter spaces with noisy linear constraints
* segmentation method for multi-connected particle delineation, A
* segmentation-free approach to OCR, A
* Semi-automated Maltese front position determination
* Sensor networked mobile robotics
* Sensor Scheduling in Mobile Robots Using Incomplete Information via Min-Conflict with Happiness
* Shape Analysis Model with Applications to a Character Recognition System, A
* Shape recovery methods for visual inspection
* short note on local region growing by pseudophysical simulation, A
* similarity-based robust clustering method, A
* Simple mixture model for sparse overcomplete ICA
* Simulation of Near-Surface Detection of Objects in Layered Media by the BCGS-FFT Method
* Small autonomous mobile robots: sensing and action
* Some Requirements for Geographic Information Systems: A Photogrammetric Point of View
* Spatial reasoning based on multivariate belief functions
* Special Issue Introduction: Agent-based computer vision
* Split Aperture Imaging for High Dynamic Range
* stereoscopic camera employing a single main lens, A
* Structural Approach to the Model Generalization of an Urban Street Network, A
* Subsurface Cavity Imaging by Crosshole Borehole Radar Measurements
* Support Vector Machine Based Multi-View Face Detection and Recognition
* Surface discontinuities in range images
* Surface segmentation from stereo
* Syntactic pattern classification by branch and bound search
* System and method for estimating ego-motion of a moving vehicle using successive images recorded along the vehicle's path of motion
* System and method for identifying tie point collections used in imagery
* system for automated iris recognition, A
* system for automatic vectorization and interpretation of map-drawings, A
* System for Change Documentation Based on a Spatiotemporal Database, A
* System-level design of specialized VLSI hardware for computing relative orientation
* systematic approach to nD orientation representation, A
* Systematic Comparison of QuikSCAT and SAR Ocean Surface Wind Speeds, A
* TCP-Friendly Internet Video With Smooth and Fast Rate Adaptation and Network-Aware Error Control
* Teleological computer graphics modeling
* Terrain Elevation Mapping Results From Airborne Spotlight-Mode Coherent Cross-Track SAR Stereo
* Texture discrimination by local generalized symmetry
* Thinning grayscale well-composed images
* Threshold decomposition of soft morphological filters
* Time and frequency pruning for speaker identification
* Time-frequency methods for biological signal estimation
* Tomographic Image Reconstruction Based on a Content-Adaptive Mesh Model
* Tooth Segmentation of Dental Study Models Using Range Images
* Topological Data Structures for Surfaces: An Introduction to Geographical Information Science
* Tracking a Maneuvering Target Using Neural Fuzzy Network
* Tracking semantic objects in vector image sequences
* Two fast extrapolation/superresolution algorithms
* Ultrasound Elastography Based on Multiscale Estimations of Regularized Displacement Fields
* Using modeling and fuzzy logic to detect and track microvessels in conjunctiva images
* Variational Approach to Remove Outliers and Impulse Noise, A
* Vector quantization based Gaussian modeling for speaker verification
* vision system for inspection of ball bonds in integrated circuits, A
* Vision-Based Approach to Early Detection of Drowning Incidents in Swimming Pools, A
* Visual and Quantitative Evaluation of Selected Image Combination Schemes in Ultrasound Spatial Compound Scanning
* Visual keyword recognition using hidden Markov models
* Visual Venture: investigations with images and videos for middle school education
* Visual websearching using iconic queries
* Wavelet Support Vector Machine
* Wavelet-Based Sprite CODEC, A
* Weighted distance transforms for volume images digitized in elongated voxel grids
384 for 0403

Index for "0"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.