Mano, A.[Abhisha]
Co Author Listing * Method of multi-region tumour segmentation in brain MRI images using grid-based segmentation and weighted bee swarm optimisation
Mano, B.[Beatriz]
Co Author Listing * Towards understanding the character of quality sampling in deep learning face recognition
Mano, H.
Co Author Listing * Factorization-based planar mapping method for generating intermediate views
Mano, J.J.[Jun Ji]
Co Author Listing * Skeleton Revision Algorithm Using Maximal Circles
Includes: Mano, J.J.[Jun Ji] Mano, J.J.[Jun-Ji]
Mano, K.
Co Author Listing * Empirical Accuracy Assessment of MMS Laser Point Clouds
* Full Waveform Lidar Exploitation Technique And Its Evaluation In The Mixed Forest Hilly Region
* Measurement Accuracy and Measurement Characteristics of Green Lidar Drone, The
Mano, M.
Co Author Listing * Vegetation Index to Estimate Terrestrial Gross Primary Production Capacity for the Global Change Observation Mission-Climate (GCOM-C)/Second-Generation Global Imager (SGLI) Satellite Sensor, A
Mano, M.F.[Manlio Fernandes]
Co Author Listing * Development and Application of Predictive Models to Distinguish Seepage Slicks from Oil Spills on Sea Surfaces Employing SAR Sensors and Artificial Intelligence: Geometric Patterns Recognition under a Transfer Learning Approach
Mano, O.
Co Author Listing * Crowd detection in video sequences
* Forward collision warning with a single camera
* Solid or not solid: vision for radar target validation
* System and method for estimating ego-motion of a moving vehicle using successive images recorded along the vehicle's path of motion
Includes: Mano, O. Mano, O.[Ofer]
Mano, T.
Co Author Listing * document recognition system and its applications, A
Manobanda, D.[David]
Co Author Listing * Nonlinear Controller of Quadcopters for Agricultural Monitoring
Manocha, D.[Dinesh]
Co Author Listing * email: Manocha, D.[Dinesh]: manocha AT cs unc edu
* 3D Reconstruction in the Presence of Glass and Mirrors by Acoustic and Visual Fusion
* 3D Reconstruction in the presence of glasses by acoustic and stereo fusion
* 3MASSIV: Multilingual, Multimodal and Multi-Aspect dataset of Social Media Short Videos
* ACSEE: Antagonistic Crowd Simulation Model With Emotional Contagion and Evolutionary Game Theory
* AdVerb: Visually Guided Audio Dereverberation
* Affect2MM: Affective Analysis of Multimedia Content Using Emotion Causality
* Algorithmic issues in modeling motion
* AutonoVi-Sim: Autonomous Vehicle Simulation Platform with Weather, Sensing, and Traffic Control
* Autotrajectory: Label-free Trajectory Extraction and Prediction from Videos Using Dynamic Points
* AV-RIR: Audio-Visual Room Impulse Response Estimation
* BoMuDANet: Unsupervised Adaptation for Visual Scene Understanding in Unstructured Driving Environments
* Classifying Group Emotions for Socially-Aware Autonomous Vehicle Navigation
* CrossLoc3D: Aerial-Ground Cross-Source 3D Place Recognition
* D2-TPred: Discontinuous Dependency for Trajectory Prediction Under Traffic Lights
* Digital Geometry Processing with Topological Guarantees
* DnD: Dense Depth Estimation in Crowded Dynamic Indoor Scenes
* Efficient and Safe Vehicle Navigation Based on Driver Behavior Classification
* Efficient Surface Intersection Algorithm-Based on Lower-Dimensional Formulation, An
* EmotiCon: Context-Aware Multimodal Emotion Recognition Using Frege's Principle
* Emotion-Based Crowd Simulation Model Based on Physical Strength Consumption for Emergency Scenarios
* Exemplar-AMMs: Recognizing Crowd Movements From Pedestrian Trajectories
* FAR: Fourier Aerial Video Recognition
* Hallusionbench: An Advanced Diagnostic Suite for Entangled Language Hallucination and Visual Illusion in Large Vision-Language Models
* HighlightMe: Detecting Highlights from Human-Centric Videos
* How are you feeling? Multimodal Emotion Learning for Socially-Assistive Robot Navigation
* Human Trajectory Prediction via Neural Social Physics
* Interactive Modeling, Simulation and Control of Large-Scale Crowds and Traffic
* Interactive sound rendering
* LayerDoc: Layer-wise Extraction of Spatial Hierarchical Structure in Visually-Rich Documents
* LCrowdV: Generating Labeled Videos for Simulation-Based Crowd Behavior Learning
* Leveraging Long-Term Predictions and Online Learning in Agent-Based Multiple Person Tracking
* LoLep: Single-View View Synthesis with Locally-Learned Planes and Self-Attention Occlusion Inference
* LTM: Lightweight Textured Mesh Extraction and Refinement of Large Unbounded Scenes for Efficient Storage and Real-Time Rendering
* M3DETR: Multi-representation, Multi-scale, Mutual-relation 3D Object Detection with Transformers
* MELFuSION: Synthesizing Music from Image and Language Cues Using Diffusion Models
* MITFAS: Mutual Information based Temporal Feature Alignment and Sampling for Aerial Video Action Recognition
* Modeling, Simulation and Visual Analysis of Crowds: A Multidisciplinary Perspective
* Motion Planning and Synthesis of Human-Like Characters in Constrained Environments
* Multimodal and Context-Aware Emotion Perception Model With Multiplicative Fusion
* Partitioning Trimmed Spline Surfaces into NonSelf-Occluding Regions for Visibility Computation
* Placing Human Animations into 3D Scenes by Learning Interaction- and Geometry-Driven Keyframes
* PMI Sampler: Patch Similarity Guided Frame Selection For Aerial Action Recognition
* Preface to 3D Reconstruction and Understanding with Video and Sound
* Realtime Anomaly Detection Using Trajectory-Level Crowd Behavior Learning
* Realtime Multilevel Crowd Tracking Using Reciprocal Velocity Obstacles
* Repulsive Force Unit for Garment Collision Handling in Neural Networks, A
* Right of way
* Robust 2D/3D Vehicle Parsing in Arbitrary Camera Views for CVIS
* Robust Algorithms for Object Localization
* Robust individual and holistic features for crowd scene classification
* SALAD: Source-free Active Label-Agnostic Domain Adaptation for Classification, Segmentation and Detection
* Speech2UnifiedExpressions: Synchronous Synthesis of Co-Speech Affective Face and Body Expressions from Affordable Inputs
* SS-SFDA: Self-Supervised Source-Free Domain Adaptation for Road Segmentation in Hazardous Environments
* STCrowd: A Multimodal Dataset for Pedestrian Perception in Crowded Scenes
* Take an Emotion Walk: Perceiving Emotions from Gaits Using Hierarchical Attention Pooling and Affective Mapping
* TMO: Textured Mesh Acquisition of Objects with a Mobile Device by using Differentiable Rendering
* TraPHic: Trajectory Prediction in Dense and Heterogeneous Traffic Using Weighted Interactions
* Using Graph-Theoretic Machine Learning to Predict Human Driver Behavior
* Velocity-based modeling of physical interactions in dense crowds
* Video Manipulations Beyond Faces: A Dataset with Human-Machine Analysis
* Virtual Tawaf: A case study in simulating the behavior of dense, heterogeneous crowds
* VV-Net: Voxel VAE Net With Group Convolutions for Point Cloud Segmentation
Includes: Manocha, D.[Dinesh] Manocha, D.
63 for Manocha, D.
Manocha, O.P.
Co Author Listing * Object-based image fusion for minimization of color distortion in high-resolution satellite imagery
Manocha, S.
Co Author Listing * empirical analysis of the probabilistic K-nearest neighbour classifier, An
Manoel, M.C.[Maria Cecilia]
Co Author Listing * Analysis of the Biennial Productivity of Arabica Coffee with Google Earth Engine in the Northeast Region of São Paulo, Brazil
Manogaran, G.[Gunasekaran]
Co Author Listing * ADCCF: Adaptive deep concatenation coder framework for visual question answering
* Agreement-Induced Data Verification Model for Securing Vehicular Communication in Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Ant-Inspired Recurrent Deep Learning Model for Improving the Service Flow of Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Displacement-Aware Service Endowment Scheme for Improving Intelligent Transportation Systems Data Exchange
* Feature based video stabilization based on boosted HAAR Cascade and representative point matching algorithm
* framework of human action recognition using length control features fusion and weighted entropy-variances based feature selection, A
* GTSM: Graph-Transient Security Model for Intelligent Transportation System Information Exchange
* Information-Centric Content Management Framework for Software Defined Internet of Vehicles Towards Application Specific Services
* Optimizing Resource and Service Allocations for IoT-Assisted Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Pre-Predictive Congestion-Based Data Allocation for Sixth Generation Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Vehicle-Consensus Information Exchange Scheme for Traffic Management in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks, A
11 for Manogaran, G.
Manohar, K.V.
Co Author Listing * End-to-End Tree Based Approach for Instance Segmentation, An
Manohar, M.
Co Author Listing * Algorithm For Converting A Forest Of Quadtrees To A Binary Array
* Connected Component Labeling of Binary Images on a Mesh Connected Massively Parallel Processor
* Model-Based Vector Quantization with Application to Remotely Sensed Image Data
* Progressive Vector Quantization on a Massively-Parallel SIMD Machine with Application to Multispectral Image Data
* Space and Time Efficiency of the Forest-of-Quadtrees Representation
* Template Quadtrees for Representing Region and Line Data Present in Binary Images
Manohar, N.K.M.
Co Author Listing * Improved error detection and localization techniques for MPEG-4 video
Manohar, S.
Co Author Listing * Partially-Learned Algorithm for Joint Photo-acoustic Reconstruction and Segmentation, A
* Voxel-Based Modeling for Layered Manufacturing
Manohar, V.[Vasant]
Co Author Listing * Evaluation Framework for Video OCR
* Facial Strain Pattern as a Soft Forensic Evidence
* Finite element modeling of facial deformation in videos for computing strain pattern
* Framework for Performance Evaluation of Face, Text, and Vehicle Detection and Tracking in Video: Data, Metrics, and Protocol
* Graph Clustering-Based Ensemble Method for Handwritten Text Line Segmentation
* Modeling Facial Skin Motion Properties in Video and Its Application to Matching Faces across Expressions
* Performance Evaluation of Object Detection and Tracking in Video
* Performance Evaluation of Text Detection and Tracking in Video
* Towards macro- and micro-expression spotting in video using strain patterns
9 for Manohar, V.
Manohara, M.[Megha]
Co Author Listing * Challenges in cloud based ingest and encoding for high quality streaming media
* Complexity-based consistent-quality encoding in the cloud
Manoharan, A.[Amith]
Co Author Listing * Multi-AAV Cooperative Path Planning Using Nonlinear Model Predictive Control With Localization Constraints
Manoharan, K.[Kodeeswari]
Co Author Listing * Survey on various lane and driver detection techniques based on image processing for hilly terrain
Manoharan, M.K.[Monica Komala]
Co Author Listing * Gaussian Mutation-Spider Monkey Optimization (GM-SMO) Model for Remote Sensing Scene Classification
Manoharan, P.[Prabukumar]
Co Author Listing * Hyperspectral remote sensing image classification using combinatorial optimisation based un-supervised band selection and CNN
Manoharan, S.
Co Author Listing * Current work in multimedia imaging at UoA's Tamaki campus
* Current work in the ENPEDA project
* Highway Traffic Classification for the Perception Level of Situation Awareness
Includes: Manoharan, S. Manoharan, S.[Shanmugapriyan]
Manoj, C.
Co Author Listing * Optimal Prediction Likelihood Tree Based Source-Channel ML Decoder for Wireless Sensor Networks
Manoj, G.
Co Author Listing * IP core based architecture of telecommand System-on-Chip (SoC) for spacecraft applications
Manoj, P.S.[Prakhya Sai]
Co Author Listing * closed-form estimate of 3D ICP covariance, A
Manola, F.A.
Co Author Listing * PROBE Spatial Data Modeling and Query Processing in an Image Database Application
Manolache, S.[Silvia]
Co Author Listing * Analytical model of a three-dimensional integral image recording system that uses circular- and hexagonal-based spherical surface microlenses
Manolakis, D.
Co Author Listing * Detection Algorithms in Hyperspectral Imaging Systems: An Overview of Practical Algorithms
* Hyperspectral subpixel target detection using the linear mixing model
* Long-Wave Infrared Hyperspectral Remote Sensing of Chemical Clouds: A focus on signal processing approaches
* Performance evaluation of cluster-based hyperspectral target detection algorithms
Manolakis, D.E.
Co Author Listing * Comment on Content-Based Event Retrieval Using Semantic Scene Interpretation for Automated Traffic Surveillance
Manolakos, E.[Elias]
Co Author Listing * email: Manolakos, E.[Elias]: elias AT athina cdsp neu edu
* Unsupervised Model-Based Object Recognition by Parameter Estimation of Hierarchical Mixtures
Manolakos, E.S.
Co Author Listing * Bacterial Image Analysis and Single-Cell Analytics to Decipher the Behavior of Large Microbial Communities
* Hierarchical neural network for multiresolution image analysis
* On the Scalability of 2-D Discrete Wavelet Transform Algorithms
Manolakos, I.
Co Author Listing * Effective Denoising of 2D Gel Proteomics Images using Contourlets
Manoli, G.[Gabriele]
Co Author Listing * Mapping Maize Evapotranspiration at Field Scale Using SEBAL: A Comparison with the FAO Method and Soil-Plant Model Simulations
Manolis, D.[Diamantis]
Co Author Listing * Centralised versus decentralised signal control of large-scale urban road networks in real time: a simulation study
Manolopoulos, V.
Co Author Listing * Secure and Privacy-Preserving Smartphone-Based Traffic Information Systems
Manolopoulos, Y.[Yannis]
Co Author Listing * Analytical results on the Quadtree storage-requirements
* Efficient large-scale distance-based join queries in spatialhadoop
* Fast Nearest-Neighbor Query Processing in Moving-Object Databases
* Multi-Way Distance Join Queries in Spatial Databases
* Nearest Neighbor Queries in Shared-Nothing Environments
* New plane-sweep algorithms for distance-based join queries in spatial databases
* On the Creation of Quadtrees by Using a Branching-Process
* On the Generation of Time-Evolving Regional Data
* Overlapping Quadtrees for the Representation of Similar Images
* Performance Evaluation of Lazy Deletion Methods in R-trees
* Random Model for Analyzing Region Quadtrees, A
* Time Split Linear Quadtree for Indexing Image Databases
Includes: Manolopoulos, Y.[Yannis] Manolopoulos, Y.
12 for Manolopoulos, Y.
Manolopoulou, S.[Stavroula]
Co Author Listing * Optimizing Multimedia Retrieval Using Multimodal Fusion and Relevance Feedback Techniques
* Search and Retrieval of Rich Media Objects Supporting Multiple Multimodal Queries
* SHREC'11 Track: Generic Shape Retrieval
* unified framework for multimodal retrieval, A
Includes: Manolopoulou, S.[Stavroula] Manolopoulou, S.
Manolova, A.[Agata]
Co Author Listing * Level-Set Based Algorithm for Automatic Feature Extraction on 3D Meshes: Application to Crater Detection on Mars
Manon, G.
Co Author Listing * KIDS (knowledge-based diagnosis system)-a specialized architecture
Manonmani, R.
Co Author Listing * Development of Decadal (1985-1995-2005) Land Use and Land Cover Database for India
Manonmani, T.
Co Author Listing * Trail optimization framework to detect nonlinear object motion in video sequences
Manoocheri, F.
Co Author Listing * Toward SI Traceability of a Monte Carlo Radiative Transfer Model in the Visible Range
Manookin, M.B.[Michael B.]
Co Author Listing * Specialized synaptic pathway for chromatic signals beneath S-cone photoreceptors is common to human, Old and New World primates
Manoonpong, P.[Poramate]
Co Author Listing * Integrated Modular Neural Control for Versatile Locomotion and Object Transportation of a Dung Beetle-Like Robot
* No Need for Landmarks: An Embodied Neural Controller for Robust Insect-Like Navigation Behaviors
* Proactive Control for Online Individual User Adaptation in a Welfare Robot Guidance Scenario: Toward Supporting Elderly People
Manor, A.[Alon]
Co Author Listing * Profiling the Planetary Boundary Layer Wind with a StreamLine XR Doppler LiDAR: Comparison to In-Situ Observations and WRF Model Simulations
* SampleNet: Differentiable Point Cloud Sampling
Includes: Manor, A.[Alon] Manor, A.[Asaf]
Manor, D.[David]
Co Author Listing * Time-resolved and spatio-temporal analysis of complex cognitive processes and their role in disorders like developmental dyscalculia
Manor, N.[Nathan]
Co Author Listing * Visual recognition using mappings that replicate margins
Manor, Y.
Co Author Listing * Multiple-View Model-Based Inspection Of Quadric Objects
Manore, C.[Carrie]
Co Author Listing * Flexible Spatial Framework for Modeling Spread of Pathogens in Animals with Biosurveillance and Disease Control Applications, A
* Improving mosquito population predictions in the Greater Toronto Area using remote sensing imagery
Includes: Manore, C.[Carrie] Manore, C.
Manos, E.[Elias]
Co Author Listing * Automated Detection of Retrogressive Thaw Slumps in the High Arctic Using High-Resolution Satellite Imagery
* Convolutional Neural Networks for Automated Built Infrastructure Detection in the Arctic Using Sub-Meter Spatial Resolution Satellite Imagery
Manos, G.
Co Author Listing * Automatic segmentation of hand-wrist radiographs
Manosas Caballu, M.[Marti]
Co Author Listing * Alternative Implementations of the GNSS Power-Based Capon Beamformer
Includes: Manosas Caballu, M.[Marti] Mañosas-Caballú, M.[Martí]
Manouchehri, N.[Narges]
Co Author Listing * Nonparametric variational learning of multivariate beta mixture models in medical applications
* Online variational inference on finite multivariate Beta mixture models for medical applications
Manoudakis, S.[Stelios]
Co Author Listing * Assessment of Intra-Annual and Inter-Annual Variabilities of Soil Erosion in Crete Island (Greece) by Incorporating the Dynamic Nature of R and C-Factors in RUSLE Modeling
* Towards the Assessment of Soil-Erosion-Related C-Factor on European Scale Using Google Earth Engine and Sentinel-2 Images
Manoury, A.
Co Author Listing * Wavelet Packet Based Digital Watermarking
Manousaki, V.[Victoria]
Co Author Listing * Action Prediction During Human-Object Interaction Based on DTW and Early Fusion of Human and Object Representations
* VLMAH: Visual-Linguistic Modeling of Action History for Effective Action Anticipation
Manousakis, J.
Co Author Listing * Comparison of UAV-Enabled Photogrammetry-Based 3D Point Clouds and Interpolated DSMs of Sloping Terrain for Rockfall Hazard Analysis
Manousis, T.[Theodoros]
Co Author Listing * Enabling High-Resolution Pose Estimation in Real Time Using Active Perception
Manousopoulos, P.[Polychronis]
Co Author Listing * Fractal Active Shape Models
* Parameter Identification of 1D Recurrent Fractal Interpolation Functions with Applications to Imaging and Signal Processing
Manousos, D.
Co Author Listing * Automated facial video-based recognition of depression and anxiety symptom severity: cross-corpus validation
* Head Movements in Context of Speech during Stress Induction
* Wize Mirror: A smart, multisensory cardio-metabolic risk monitoring system
Includes: Manousos, D. Manousos, D.[Dimitris]
Manoussis, S.
Co Author Listing * Computer Aided Recognition of Relief Patterns on Radar Images Using a Syntax Analysis
Manouvrier, M.[Maude]
Co Author Listing * Embedding spatial information into image content description for scene retrieval
* Quadtree representations for storage and manipulation of clusters of images
Manovich, L.[Lev]
Co Author Listing * Cultural Analytics in Large-Scale Visualization Environments
Manovich, L.Z.[Lev Z.]
Co Author Listing * EVE: Software for Visual Modeling