Update Dates 9405

9405 * Adaptive Perception for Autonomous Vehicles
* Algorithm for Successive Identification of Reflections, An
* Analysis of 3-D Rotation Fitting
* Analysis of Stochastic Automata Algorithm for Relaxation Labelling
* Analytical Characterization of the Feature Detectability Constraints of Resolution, Focus, and Field-of-View for Vision Sensor Planning
* Autocalibration of Visual Sensor Parameters on a Robotic Head
* Automated Smoothing of Image and Other Regularly Spaced Data
* Automatic Threshold Selection Using The Wavelet Transform
* Coding scheme and hardware structure of a high-rate digital HDTV codec with partly error-free encoding
* Compression of Color Image via the Technique of Surface Fitting
* Curve Extraction in Images Using a Multiresolution Framework
* Curve Segmentation under Partial Occlusion
* Curve-Fitting Approach for Tangent Angle and Curvature Measurements
* Database for Handwritten Text Recognition Research, A
* Detecting the skew angle in document images
* Distributed aperture imaging and tracking system
* Divided we fall: Resolving occlusions using causal reasoning
* Dynamic bit allocation for three-dimensional subband video coding
* Edge Localization by MOG Filters: Multiple-of-Gaussians
* Efficient Quadtree Coding of Images and Video
* Empirical-Study of the Simulation of Various Models Used for Images, An
* Fan Filters, the 3-D Radon Transform, and Image Sequence Analysis
* Fast Object Recognition By Selectively Examining Hypotheses
* Feature-Preserving Clustering of 2-D Data for 2-Class Problems Using Analytical Formulas: An Automatic and Fast Approach
* Finding Line Segments by Stick Growing
* Fuzzy Pyramid-Based Invariant Object Recognition
* Generating Spatiotemporal Models From Examples
* Genetic algorithms applied to binocular stereovision
* Hidden Markov Models Applied to On-Line Handwritten Isolated Character Recognition
* High efficiency coder and method employing overlapped motion compensation and perfect reconstruction filter banks
* Image processing apparatus capable of processing halftone image data
* Implicit and Explicit Camera Calibration: Theory and Experiments
* improved block matching algorithm based on successive refinement of motion vector candidates, An
* Improving registration of 3-D medical images using a mechanical based method
* Khoros Software Development Environment for Image and Signal Processing, The
* Lack-of-fit detection using the run-distribution test
* Learning Structural Descriptions of Patterns: A New Technique for Conditional Clustering and Rule Generation
* Line Labeling And Region-Segmentation In Stereo Image Pairs
* Measurement of 3D-Line Shaped Objects
* Method for disconnecting character strings of a compressed image
* Method for extracting features from on-line handwritten characters
* Model-Based Multiresolution Motion Estimation in Noisy Images
* Motion compensation and multiresolution coding
* Motion detector with improved signal discrimination
* Motion Tracking with an Active Camera
* MRF based motion detection algorithm implemented on analog resistive network, An
* Multiscale Medial Axis and Its Applications in Image Registration, The
* Non-parametric local transforms for computing visual correspondence
* Object-based analysis: synthesis coding based on the source model of moving rigid 3D objects
* Octree Encoding Of Objects From Range Images
* Off-Line Handwritten Word Recognition Using a Hidden Markov Model Type Stochastic Network
* On Approximating Polygonal Curves in 2 and 3 Dimensions
* On Edge Focusing
* On the Decomposition of Binary Shapes into Meaningful Parts
* On The Detection Of Robust Curves
* On Topology Preservation in 3D Thinning
* Optical apparatus capable of performing a panoramic photographing
* Optimal Parallel Algorithms for Quadtree Problems
* Optimal Parallel Stack Filtering under the Mean Absolute Error Criterion
* Particle System Model for Combining Edge Information from Multiple Segmentation Modules, A
* Physical Model-Based Analysis of Heterogeneous Environments Using Sonar: Endura Method, A
* Probabilistic Segmentation of Partial Volume Voxels
* Pulsed neural networks and perceptive grouping
* Quantitative measurement of manufactured diamond shape
* Real-time software-based moving picture coding (SBMPC) system
* Recovery of 3-D Objects with Multiple Curved Surfaces from 2-D Contours
* Registration of 3D Multimodality Medical Images Using Surfaces and Point Landmarks
* Robust Estimation for Range Image Segmentation and Reconstruction
* Robust Specularity Detection from a Single Multi-Illuminant Color Image
* S+-Trees: An Efficient Structure for the Representation of Large Pictures
* Scale Specific and Robust Edge Line Encoding with Linear-Combinations of Gabor Wavelets
* Segmentation of echocardiographic images with Markov random fields
* Segmentation of Merged Characters by Neural Networks and Shortest Path
* Segmentation of the Finger Bones as a Prerequisite for the Determination of Bone-Age
* Spectral Sharpening: Sensor Transformations for Improved Color Constancy
* Statistical-Analysis of Geometric Computation
* Steerable Filters and Invariance Theory
* Stereoscopic determination of terrain elevation
* Stretch-Correlation as a Real-Time Alternative to Feature-Based Stereo Matching Algorithms
* Structure for Adaptive Order Statistics Filtering, A
* Subset Warping: Rubber Sheeting with Cuts
* Synchronous image restoration
* System and method for bidirectional adaptive thresholding
* Tracking Methods in Computer Vision
* Two-Plus-One-Dimensional Differential Geometry
* Uncertainty Minimization in the Localization of Polyhedral Objects
* Unsupervised Image Segmentation Using A Distributed Genetic Algorithm
* Using Shape and Intensity to Track Non-Rigid Objects
* Volume Image-Processing (VIP 93)
89 for 9405

Index for "9"

Last update:28-Aug-24 17:08:17
Use price@usc.edu for comments.