Update Dates 1505

1505 * 3-D Model-Based Tracking for UAV Indoor Localization
* 3D Video Communication System by Using Kinect and Head Mounted Displays
* Accurate Vessel Segmentation With Constrained B-Snake
* Acquisition source identification through a blind image classification
* Active Contour Models for Manifold Valued Image Segmentation
* adaptive edge-preserving image denoising technique using tetrolet transforms, An
* adaptive hybrid pattern for noise-robust texture analysis, An
* Adaptive motion synthesis for virtual characters: a survey
* Adjusting Lidar-Derived Digital Terrain Models in Coastal Marshes Based on Estimated Aboveground Biomass Density
* Advancing of Land Surface Temperature Retrieval Using Extreme Learning Machine and Spatio-Temporal Adaptive Data Fusion Algorithm
* Advantages and Drawbacks of Smartphones and Tablets for Visually Impaired People Analysis of ICT User Survey Results
* Airborne Lidar for Woodland Habitat Quality Monitoring: Exploring the Significance of Lidar Data Characteristics when Modelling Organism-Habitat Relationships
* Algorithm for Gross Primary Production (GPP) and Net Ecosystem Production (NEP) Estimations in the Midstream of the Heihe River Basin, China, An
* Analysis of Amoeba Active Contours
* Analysis of Geometric Primitives in Quantitative Structure Models of Tree Stems
* Analysis of the Noise Correlation in MRI Coil Arrays Loaded With Metamaterial Magnetoinductive Lenses
* Analysis of the Urban Heat Island Effect in Shijiazhuang, China Using Satellite and Airborne Data
* Anatomical-plane-based representation for human-human interactions analysis
* Apparent Ultra-High b-Value Diffusion-Weighted Image Reconstruction via Hidden Conditional Random Fields
* Applying data fusion techniques for benthic habitat mapping and monitoring in a coral reef ecosystem
* Approximation and Compression With Sparse Orthonormal Transforms
* Architecture of a Process Broker for Interoperable Geospatial Modeling on the Web
* Assessing Field Spectroscopy Metadata Quality
* Assessing the Impacts of Urbanization-Associated Land Use/Cover Change on Land Surface Temperature and Surface Moisture: A Case Study in the Midwestern United States
* Assessment of Effective Seasonal Downscaling of TRMM Precipitation Data in Peninsular Malaysia
* Automated analysis and diagnosis of skin melanoma on whole slide histopathological images
* Automated Extraction of Archaeological Traces by a Modified Variance Analysis
* Automatic blur-kernel-size estimation for motion deblurring
* Automatic Case-Based Reasoning Approach for Landslide Detection: Integration of Object-Oriented Image Analysis and a Genetic Algorithm
* Automatic Recognition of Emergent Social Roles in Small Group Interactions
* Automatic Robust Image Registration Algorithm for Aerial Mapping, An
* Backchannel Prediction for Mandarin Human-Computer Interaction
* Background Ruled-Lines Detection and Removal in Full-Colored Handwritten Image Documents
* Bayesian denoising of ultrasound images using heavy-tailed Levy distribution
* Bayesian model for recognizing handwritten mathematical expressions, A
* BIRD: Watershed Based IRis Detection for mobile devices
* Blind Restoration of Motion Blurred Barcode Images using Ridgelet Transform and Radial Basis Function Neural Network
* Bucket-Filling: An Asymptotically Optimal Video-on-Demand Network With Source Coding
* Building Deformation Assessment by Means of Persistent Scatterer Interferometry Analysis on a Landslide-Affected Area: The Volterra (Italy) Case Study
* Building Extraction from Airborne Laser Scanning Data: An Analysis of the State of the Art
* Camera-based document image matching using multi-feature probabilistic information fusion
* Can Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) and Forest Estimates Derived from Satellite Images Be Used to Predict Abundance and Species Richness of Birds and Beetles in Boreal Forest?
* Characterization of SURF and BRISK Interest Point Distribution for Distributed Feature Extraction in Visual Sensor Networks
* Characterizing C-band backscattering from thermokarst lake ice on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
* Clothing Attributes Assisted Person Reidentification
* clustering ensemble: Two-level-refined co-association matrix with path-based transformation, A
* Co-saliency Detection Linearly Combining Single-View Saliency and Foreground Correspondence
* Combinatorial Resampling Particle Filter: An Effective and Efficient Method for Articulated Object Tracking
* Comparative Assessment of Satellite-Retrieved Surface Net Radiation: An Examination on CERES and SRB Datasets in China
* Comparative classification analysis of post-harvest growth detection from terrestrial LiDAR point clouds in precision agriculture
* Comparing MODIS Net Primary Production Estimates with Terrestrial National Forest Inventory Data in Austria
* Comparing the Dry Season In-Situ Leaf Area Index (LAI) Derived from High-Resolution RapidEye Imagery with MODIS LAI in a Namibian Savanna
* comparison and evaluation of map construction algorithms using vehicle tracking data, A
* Comparison of Dense Region Detectors for Image Search and Fine-Grained Classification, A
* Comparison of Two Approaches for Estimating the Wheat Nitrogen Nutrition Index Using Remote Sensing, A
* Constant Time Median and Bilateral Filtering
* Content-based image retrieval in dermatology using intelligent technique
* Content-based image retrieval using computational visual attention model
* Contextual Max Pooling for Human Action Recognition
* Contrast enhancement for images in turbid water
* Contrast enhancement of digital mammograms using a novel walking ant histogram equalisation
* convergence theorem for graph shift-type algorithms, A
* Convex Variational Model for Restoring Blurred Images with Large Rician Noise, A
* Countrywide Stereo-Image Matching for Updating Digital Surface Models in the Framework of the Swiss National Forest Inventory
* Cryptanalysis and improvement of two hyper-chaos-based image encryption schemes
* Data-Driven Approach for Human Locomotion Generation
* Deeply Pipelined CABAC Decoder for HEVC Supporting Level 6.2 High-Tier Applications, A
* Defining a Threshold Value for Maximum Spatial Information Loss of Masked Geo-Data
* DERF: Distinctive Efficient Robust Features From the Biological Modeling of the P Ganglion Cells
* Designing the Visualization of Information
* Detecting Clear-Cuts and Decreases in Forest Vitality Using MODIS NDVI Time Series
* Detecting Statistically Significant Differences in Quantitative MRI Experiments, Applied to Diffusion Tensor Imaging
* Detection guided deconvolutional network for hierarchical feature learning
* Difference angle quantization index modulation scheme for image watermarking
* Discriminating Irrigated and Rainfed Maize with Diurnal Fluorescence and Canopy Temperature Airborne Maps
* Discrimination algorithm using voiced detection method and time-delay neural network system by 3 FFT sub-bands
* Discriminative sparsity preserving projections for image recognition
* Distances and Means of Direct Similarities
* distributed framework for trimmed Kernel k-Means clustering, A
* Document Image Binarization Using Retinex and Global Thresholding
* Domain Adaptation for Microscopy Imaging
* Downscaling 250-m MODIS Growing Season NDVI Based on Multiple-Date Landsat Images and Data Mining Approaches
* Drought Variability and Land Degradation in Semiarid Regions: Assessment Using Remote Sensing Data and Drought Indices (1982-2011)
* EcoMark 2.0: empowering eco-routing with vehicular environmental models and actual vehicle fuel consumption data
* Edge Detection Using Topological Gradients: A Scale-Space Approach
* Effect of slope on treetop detection using a LiDAR Canopy Height Model
* Effects of Point or Polygon Based Training Data on RandomForest Classification Accuracy of Wetlands, The
* Efficient Focus Sampling Through Depth-of-Field Calibration
* Efficient kernel discriminative common vectors for classification
* Efficient Mining of Optimal AND/OR Patterns for Visual Recognition
* Efficient Numerical Algorithm for the Inversion of an Integral Transform Arising in Ultrasound Imaging, An
* Enabling Smart Camera Networks with Smartphone Processors
* Enhanced side match vector quantisation based on constructing complementary state codebook
* Environmental Assessment of School Shade Tree Canopy and Implications for Sun Safety Policies: The Los Angeles Unified School District, An
* Estimation of Aerodynamic Roughness Length over Oasis in the Heihe River Basin by Utilizing Remote Sensing and Ground Data
* Estimation of seismic building structural types using multi-sensor remote sensing and machine learning techniques
* Euclidean-distance-based canonical forms for non-rigid 3D shape retrieval
* Evaluating Multispectral Images and Vegetation Indices for Precision Farming Applications from UAV Images
* Evolution of First Person Vision Methods: A Survey, The
* Exemplar-Based Inpainting Driven by Feature Vectors and Region Segmentation
* Exploiting Spatial Abstraction in Predictive Analytics of Vehicle Traffic
* Exploring space-frequency co-occurrences via local quantized patterns for texture representation
* Exponential family Fisher vector for image classification
* Face Liveness Detection From a Single Image via Diffusion Speed Model
* Face Recognition Across Poses Using a Single 3D Reference Model
* Face Sketch Synthesis via Sparse Representation-Based Greedy Search
* fast and mobile system for registration of low-altitude visual and thermal aerial images using multiple small-scale UAVs, A
* Fast Bokeh effects using low-rank linear filters
* Fast CU Size Decision Algorithm for the HEVC Intra Encoder, A
* Fast Image Retrieval: Query Pruning and Early Termination
* Fast Trilateral Filter-Based Adaptive Support Weight Method for Stereo Matching, A
* Feature matching in stereo images encouraging uniform spatial distribution
* Feature Selection in Supervised Saliency Prediction
* Fine-Grained Image Search
* First Comprehensive Accuracy Assessment of GlobeLand30 at a National Level: Methodology and Results, The
* FMIRS: A Fuzzy indexing and retrieval system of mosaic-image database
* Focal and diffused liver disease classification from ultrasound images based on isocontour segmentation
* Forest Fire Smoke Detection Using Back-Propagation Neural Network Based on MODIS Data
* framework for generating anatomically detailed subject-specific human facial models for biomechanical simulations, A
* Frequency-Domain Intra Prediction Analysis and Processing for High-Quality Video Coding
* fully automated TerraSAR-X based flood service, A
* fully-automated approach to land cover mapping with airborne LiDAR and high resolution multispectral imagery in a forested suburban landscape, A
* Fusing iris and periocular information for cross-sensor recognition
* Future Climate Impact on the Desertification in the Dry Land Asia Using AVHRR GIMMS NDVI3g Data
* Gauge Field Model of Modal Completion, A
* GC1 Shape-Preserving Trigonometric Surfaces
* Generalized quadratic discriminant analysis
* Generalized Shapes and Point Sets Correspondence and Registration
* Geo-Positioning Accuracy Using Multiple-Satellite Images: IKONOS, QuickBird, and KOMPSAT-2 Stereo Images
* GIS-Based Borderlands Modeling and Understanding: A Perspective
* Global and Local Real-Time Anomaly Detectors for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Imagery
* Global Crop Monitoring: A Satellite-Based Hierarchical Approach
* Global-Scale Location Prediction for Social Images Using Geo-Visual Ranking
* Graph Ensemble Boosting for Imbalanced Noisy Graph Stream Classification
* Graph-Based Airway Tree Reconstruction From Chest CT Scans: Evaluation of Different Features on Five Cohorts
* graph-based segmentation algorithm for tree crown extraction using airborne LiDAR data, A
* Graph-Based Segmentation for RGB-D Data Using 3-D Geometry Enhanced Superpixels
* Guaranteed Ellipse Fitting with a Confidence Region and an Uncertainty Measure for Centre, Axes, and Orientation
* Guest editorial introduction to the special executable issue on Mobile Iris CHallenge Evaluation part I (MICHE I)
* Guest Editorial: Scale Space and Variational Methods
* Hemispherical reflectance model for passive images in an outdoor environment
* Hidden Markov Models Approach for Crop Classification: Linking Crop Phenology to Time Series of Multi-Sensor Remote Sensing Data, A
* High-Resolution Airborne UAV Imagery to Assess Olive Tree Crown Parameters Using 3D Photo Reconstruction: Application in Breeding Trials
* High-resolution face verification using pore-scale facial features
* House Crow (Corvus splendens): A Threat to New Zealand?, The
* Human behaviour recognition in data-scarce domains
* Hybrid LDA+gCCA Model for fMRI Data Classification and Visualization, A
* Hybrid support vector machines for robust object tracking
* Hydrodynamic and Inundation Modeling of China's Largest Freshwater Lake Aided by Remote Sensing Data
* Image Matching Using Generalized Scale-Space Interest Points
* Image segmentation framework based on multiple feature spaces
* improved global lower bound for graph edit similarity search, An
* Improved Mono-Window Algorithm for Land Surface Temperature Retrieval from Landsat 8 Thermal Infrared Sensor Data, An
* Improved POLSAR Image Classification by the Use of Multi-Feature Combination
* Improving colour iris segmentation using a model selection technique
* Improving label placement quality by considering basemap detail with a raster-based approach
* Improving pedestrian detection with selective gradient self-similarity feature
* Inequality-Constrained RPCA for Shadow Removal and Foreground Detection
* Infrared-visible video fusion based on motion-compensated wavelet transforms
* Inhomogeneity-embedded active contour for natural image segmentation
* Innovative Technologies for Terrestrial Remote Sensing
* Integral invariants for space motion trajectory matching and recognition
* Inter-Comparison and Evaluation of the Global LAI Product (LAI3g) and the Regional LAI Product (GGRS-LAI) over the Area of Kazakhstan
* Inter-frame constrained coding based on superpixel for tracking
* Interactive interpretation of structured documents: Application to the recognition of handwritten architectural plans
* Iris liveness detection for mobile devices based on local descriptors
* ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Theme Issue 'Integrated Imaging and Sensor Fusion for Rapid Response and Monitoring Applications'
* Joint Adaptive Median Binary Patterns for texture classification
* Joint Source-Channel Rate Allocation and Client Clustering for Scalable Multistream IPTV
* Joint Time-Domain Resource Partitioning, Rate Allocation, and Video Quality Adaptation in Heterogeneous Cellular Networks
* Knowledge-Based Detection and Assessment of Damaged Roads Using Post-Disaster High-Resolution Remote Sensing Image
* L-Band SAR Backscatter Related to Forest Cover, Height and Aboveground Biomass at Multiple Spatial Scales across Denmark
* Layered modeling and generation of Pollock's drip style
* Learning Structured Models for Segmentation of 2-D and 3-D Imagery
* Learning to classify gender from four million images
* Line Matching Based on Planar Homography for Stereo Aerial Images
* Linear colour correction for multiple illumination changes and non-overlapping cameras
* Local color transformation analysis for sudden illumination change detection
* Magnetic Particle Imaging With Tailored Iron Oxide Nanoparticle Tracers
* Mathematical Foundations and Generalisations of the Census Transform for Robust Optic Flow Computation
* Measuring Linearity of Connected Configurations of a Finite Number of 2D and 3D Curves
* MobiFeed: A location-aware news feed framework for moving users
* Mobile Iris Challenge Evaluation (MICHE)-I, biometric iris dataset and protocols
* Modeling and recognizing human trajectories with beta process hidden Markov models
* Modeling magnitude statistics of multilook SAR interferograms by generalizing G distributions
* Modeling Neuron Selectivity Over Simple Midlevel Features for Image Classification
* Monitoring Vertical Land Motions in Southwestern Taiwan with Retracked Topex/Poseidon and Jason-2 Satellite Altimetry
* Motion Deblurring Using Non-stationary Image Modeling
* Motion-Resistant Remote Imaging Photoplethysmography Based on the Optical Properties of Skin
* Multiclass Probabilistic Classification for Support Vector Machines
* Multifractal characterisation and classification of bread crumb digital images
* Multilayer Obstacle-Avoiding X-Architecture Steiner Minimal Tree Construction Based on Particle Swarm Optimization
* Multiple kernel-based dictionary learning for weakly supervised classification
* Multiple reconstruction and dynamic modeling of 3D digital objects using a morphing approach
* Multitask Spectral Clustering by Exploring Intertask Correlation
* Multitier Biometric Template Security Using Cryptographic Salts and Personal Image Identification
* Multiview Matrix Completion for Multilabel Image Classification
* NCM: Neutrosophic c-means clustering algorithm
* new optical music recognition system based on combined neural network, A
* No-Reference Image Quality Assessment and Blind Deblurring with Sharpness Metrics Exploiting Fourier Phase Information
* noise-suppressing and edge-preserving multiframe super-resolution image reconstruction method, A
* Non-uniform patch based face recognition via 2D-DWT
* Nonconvex Compressed Sensing by Nature-Inspired Optimization Algorithms
* Nonparametric Hemodynamic Deconvolution of fMRI Using Homomorphic Filtering
* Novel Algorithm to Tackle Eyeglasses and Beard Issues in Facial IR Recognition, A
* novel centrality method for weighted networks based on the Kirchhoff polynomial, A
* novel feature selection method considering feature interaction, A
* Novel Technique for Time-Centric Analysis of Massive Remotely-Sensed Datasets, A
* Novel Traffic Rate Measurement Algorithm for Quality of Experience-Aware Video Admission Control, A
* novel unsupervised approach to discovering regions of interest in traffic images, A
* Object classification in 3D baggage security computed tomography imagery using visual codebooks
* Object-Based Approach for Multi-Scale Mangrove Composition Mapping Using Multi-Resolution Image Datasets
* Objective Performance Evaluation of the HEVC Main Still Picture Profile
* Objects tracking in video: A object-oriented approach using Unified Modeling Language
* Octree-based region growing for point cloud segmentation
* Off-line writer identification using an ensemble of grapheme codebook features
* On classification with bags, groups and sets
* On creation of reference image for degraded documents binarisation
* Online Space-Variant Background Modeling With Sparse Coding
* Open Geospatial Education
* Operational Actual Wetland Evapotranspiration Estimation for South Florida Using MODIS Imagery
* Operational perspective of remote sensing-based forest fire danger forecasting systems
* Optical Flow on Evolving Surfaces with Space and Time Regularisation
* Optimal Combination of Classification Algorithms and Feature Ranking Methods for Object-Based Classification of Submeter Resolution Z/I-Imaging DMC Imagery
* Optimized Detector Angular Configuration Increases the Sensitivity of X-ray Fluorescence Computed Tomography (XFCT)
* Parameter Selection of Gaussian Kernel for One-Class SVM
* Performance Metrics for Soil Moisture Downscaling Methods: Application to DISPATCH Data in Central Morocco
* Personalized image annotation via class-specific cross-domain learning
* PGM-based System for Arabic Handwritten Word Recognition, A
* PixNet: A Localized Feature Representation for Classification and Visual Search
* Plant leaf recognition using texture and shape features with neural classifiers
* Polarimetric Calibration of CASMSAR P-Band Data Affected by Terrain Slopes Using a Dual-Band Data Fusion Technique
* Potential of Space-Borne Hyperspectral Data for Biomass Quantification in an Arid Environment: Advantages and Limitations
* Practical Split-Window Algorithm for Retrieving Land Surface Temperature from Landsat-8 Data and a Case Study of an Urban Area in China, A
* Predicting the quality of user-generated answers using co-training in community-based question answering portals
* QoE-Based Link Adaptation Scheme for H.264/SVC Video Multicast Over IEEE 802.11, A
* Quantitative Inspection on Spatio-Temporal Variation of Remote Sensing-Based Estimates of Land Surface Evapotranspiration in South Asia, A
* Querying visible points in large obstructed space
* Rank-Constrained Fundamental Matrix Estimation by Polynomial Global Optimization Versus the Eight-Point Algorithm
* Rate and Power Allocation for Joint Coding and Transmission in Wireless Video Chat Applications
* Rationalizing Efficient Compositional Image Alignment
* Real-time accumulation of occlusion-based snow
* Real-Time Sidewalk Slope Calculation through Integration of GPS Trajectory and Image Data to Assist People with Disabilities in Navigation
* Recent advances in facial soft biometrics
* Recognizing human motions through mixture modeling of inertial data
* Recommendations in location-based social networks: a survey
* Reconstruction of three-dimensional flame with color temperature
* Recovering Euclidean structure by conics and spheres: application to camera calibration
* Reduced egomotion estimation drift using omnidirectional views
* Regional Leaf Area Index Retrieval Based on Remote Sensing: The Role of Radiative Transfer Model Selection
* regression-based framework for estimating the objective quality of HEVC coding units and video frames, A
* Remote Estimation of Leaf and Canopy Water Content in Winter Wheat with Different Vertical Distribution of Water-Related Properties
* Remote sensing image fusion via wavelet transform and sparse representation
* Remote Sensing of Epibenthic Shellfish Using Synthetic Aperture Radar Satellite Imagery
* Remotely Sensed Active Layer Thickness (ReSALT) at Barrow, Alaska Using Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Remotely Sensed Soil Data Analysis Using Artificial Neural Networks: A Case Study of El-Fayoum Depression, Egypt
* Removing Boundary Effect of a Patch-Based Super-Resolution Algorithm
* response time model for abrupt changes in binocular disparity, A
* Restoring images of ancient color postcards
* Review of World's Fastest Connected Component Labeling Algorithms: Speed and Energy Estimation, A
* Reviewing ALOS PALSAR Backscatter Observations for Stem Volume Retrieval in Swedish Forest
* Rice Fields Mapping in Fragmented Area Using Multi-Temporal HJ-1A/B CCD Images
* Robust 2DPCA With Non-greedy L_1-Norm Maximization for Image Analysis
* Robust Face Alignment Under Occlusion via Regional Predictive Power Estimation
* Robust Histogram Shape-Based Method for Image Watermarking
* Robust monocular visual odometry for road vehicles using uncertain perspective projection
* robust perception based method for iris tracking, A
* Robust Recognition Method for Occlusion of Mini Tomatoes Based on Hue Information and the Curvature, A
* Robust stereo matching using adaptive random walk with restart algorithm
* Robust Superpixel Tracking with Weighted Multiple-Instance Learning
* Robust tracking via discriminative sparse feature selection
* Robust visual servoing using global features based on random process
* Robust Visual Tracking Using Sparse Discriminative Graph Embedding
* Robust visual tracking via efficient manifold ranking with low-dimensional compressive features
* ROI-Based Reversible Data Hiding Scheme for Medical Images with Tamper Detection
* Role of Diffusion in Figure Hunt Games, The
* Rotation Invariant Texture Retrieval Considering the Scale Dependence of Gabor Wavelet
* Saliency-driven image classification method based on histogram mining and image score
* scale- and orientation-adaptive extension of Local Binary Patterns for texture classification, A
* Sea Surface Wind Retrievals from SIR-C/X-SAR Data: A Revisit
* Second-order steganographic method based on adaptive reference matrix
* Segmenting iris images in the visible spectrum with applications in mobile biometrics
* Self-affine snake for medical image segmentation
* Semantic human activity recognition: A literature review
* Semantic-Improved Color Imaging Applications: It Is All About Context
* Semi-automatic ground truth generation using unsupervised clustering and limited manual labeling: Application to handwritten character recognition
* Sequential Monte Carlo for Maximum Weight Subgraphs with Application to Solving Image Jigsaw Puzzles
* SIMD Acceleration for HEVC Decoding
* simple and effective relevance-based point sampling for 3D shapes, A
* Simple shooting game engine in Python
* Simultaneous Multi-Scale Diffusion Estimation and Tractography Guided by Entropy Spectrum Pathways
* Single-image super-resolution with total generalised variation and Shearlet regularisations
* Smartphone based visible iris recognition using deep sparse filtering
* Solar Irradiance Modelling with NASA WW GIS Environment
* Solving Uncalibrated Photometric Stereo Using Total Variation
* sparser reduced set density estimator by introducing weighted L_1 penalty term, A
* Spatial and Temporal Characteristics of Snow Cover in the Tizinafu Watershed of the Western Kunlun Mountains
* Spatially Correlated Mixture Model for Image Segmentation, A
* Spatio-temporal filter for dense real-time Scene Flow estimation of dynamic environments using a moving RGB-D camera
* Spatio-Temporally Consistent Color and Structure Optimization for Multiview Video Color Correction
* Spatiotemporal Variation in Surface Urban Heat Island Intensity and Associated Determinants across Major Chinese Cities
* Spectral calibration of CBERS 2B multispectral satellite images to assess suspended sediment concentration
* Spectral Laplace-Beltrami Wavelets With Applications in Medical Images
* Spectroscopic Remote Sensing of Non-Structural Carbohydrates in Forest Canopies
* Stabilization of panoramic videos from mobile multi-camera platforms
* Structure-Sensitive Saliency Detection via Multilevel Rank Analysis in Intrinsic Feature Space
* Structured Visual Feature Learning for Classification via Supervised Probabilistic Tensor Factorization
* Study of finite word-length effect on the performance of watermarking methods
* Subject-dependent classification for robust idle state detection using multi-modal neuroimaging and data-fusion techniques in BCI
* Super-Resolved Fourier-Slice Refocusing in Plenoptic Cameras
* Surface Modeling Method by Using C2 Piecewise Rational Spline Interpolation, A
* Swarm-based Descriptor Combination and its Application for Image Classification
* TCD-TIMIT: An Audio-Visual Corpus of Continuous Speech
* Test of the New VIIRS Lights Data Set: Population and Economic Output in Africa, A
* Three Dimensional Data-Driven Multi Scale Atomic Representation of Optical Coherence Tomography
* Three-Dimensional Nonrigid MR-TRUS Registration Using Dual Optimization
* TM-RTree: an index on generic moving objects for range queries, The
* Tomographic Reconstruction of 3-D Irrotational Vector Fields via a Discretized Ray Transform
* Toward the Estimation of Surface Soil Moisture Content Using Geostationary Satellite Data over Sparsely Vegetated Area
* Tracker-Level Fusion for Robust Bayesian Visual Tracking
* Transfer Learning Improves Supervised Image Segmentation Across Imaging Protocols
* UAV photogrammetry for topographic monitoring of coastal areas
* Ubiquitous iris recognition by means of mobile devices
* Ultrasound-modulated optical tomography: direct recovery of elasticity distribution from experimentally measured intensity autocorrelation
* Unsupervised detection of non-iris occlusions
* Unsupervised learning via mixtures of skewed distributions with hypercube contours
* Urban Surface Temperature Time Series Estimation at the Local Scale by Spatial-Spectral Unmixing of Satellite Observations
* Users' Assessment of Orthoimage Photometric Quality for Visual Interpretation of Agricultural Fields
* Using a Remote Sensing-Supported Hydro-Agroecological Model for Field-Scale Simulation of Heterogeneous Crop Growth and Yield: Application for Wheat in Central Europe
* Using Optical Satellite Data and Airborne Lidar Data for a Nationwide Sampling Survey
* Validation of Canopy Height Profile methodology for small-footprint full-waveform airborne LiDAR data in a discontinuous canopy environment
* Variable Precision Fuzzy Hit-or-Miss Transformation Models to Object Identification in Grey-Scale Images
* Variational Image Restoration with Constraints on Noise Whiteness
* Variational Texture Synthesis with Sparsity and Spectrum Constraints
* vectorization framework for constant and linear gradient filled regions, A
* Velocity-based modeling of physical interactions in dense crowds
* Vertical Height Errors in Digital Terrain Models Derived from Airborne Laser Scanner Data in a Boreal-Alpine Ecotone in Norway
* Video, Text, and Speech-Driven Realistic 3-D Virtual Head for Human-Machine Interface, A
* View Synthesis Distortion Estimation With a Graphical Model and Recursive Calculation of Probability Distribution
* Visual hierarchical cluster structure: A refined co-association matrix based visual assessment of cluster tendency
* Visual Target TRACTOR: Tracker and Detector
* Visualisation of urban airborne laser scanning data with occlusion images
* Weak label for fast online visual tracking
* What Four Decades of Earth Observation Tell Us about Land Degradation in the Sahel?
* What is the World's Fastest Connected Component Labeling Algorithm?
* When physics meets signal processing: Image and video denoising based on Ising theory
* Where Aerosols Become Clouds: Potential for Global Analysis Based on CALIPSO Data
* Woodland Extraction from High-Resolution CASMSAR Data Based on Dempster-Shafer Evidence Theory Fusion
* Worst Case Linear Discriminant Analysis as Scalable Semidefinite Feasibility Problems
349 for 1505

Index for "1"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.