Index for goul

Goulamoussene, Y.[Youven] * 2016: Weak Environmental Controls of Tropical Forest Canopy Height in the Guiana Shield
Includes: Goulamoussene, Y.[Youven] Goulamoussène, Y.[Youven]

Goularas, D. * 2012: Frequency component extraction from color images for specific sound transformation and analysis

Goulard, M. * 2015: statistical approach for predicting grassland degradation in disturbance-driven landscapes, A
* 2017: Detection of Flavescence dorée Grapevine Disease Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Multispectral Imagery
* 2018: On the Potentiality of UAV Multispectral Imagery to Detect Flavescence dorée and Grapevine Trunk Diseases
Includes: Goulard, M. Goulard, M.[Michel]

Goulart, J.H.M. * 2012: Efficient Kernel Computation for Volterra Filter Structure Evaluation

Goulart, V.[Victor] * 2017: Diagonal-based fast intra-mode decision algorithm for HEVC

Goularte, R.[Rudinei] * 2020: SIRA: An efficient method for retrieving stereo images from anaglyphs

Goulas, A.[Andreas] * 2021: ObjectGraphs: Using Objects and a Graph Convolutional Network for the Bottom-up Recognition and Explanation of Events in Video

Goulas, T.[Theodore] * 2011: Grammar/Prosody Modelling in Greek Sign Language: Towards the Definition of Built-In Sign Synthesis Rules

Goulas, Y. * 2012: Effect of canopy structure on sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence
* 2015: Measurement and Correction of Atmospheric Effects at Different Altitudes for Remote Sensing of Sun-Induced Fluorescence in Oxygen Absorption Bands
* 2017: FLuorescence EXplorer Mission Concept: ESA's Earth Explorer 8, The
* 2017: Gross Primary Production of a Wheat Canopy Relates Stronger to Far Red Than to Red Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence
* 2019: Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence I: Instrumental Considerations for Proximal Spectroradiometers
* 2019: Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence II: Review of Passive Measurement Setups, Protocols, and Their Application at the Leaf to Canopy Level
* 2019: Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence III: Benchmarking Retrieval Methods and Sensor Characteristics for Proximal Sensing
Includes: Goulas, Y. Goulas, Y.[Yves]
7 for Goulas, Y.

Gould, E.S.[Elaine S.] * 2023: Exploring Dual-Energy CT Spectral Information for Machine Learning-Driven Lesion Diagnosis in Pre-Log Domain

Gould, K. * 1989: Trajectory Primal Sketch: A Multi-Scale Scheme for Representing Motion Characteristics, The

Gould, M.[Michael] * 2018: Mapping Frictions Inhibiting Bicycle Commuting
* 2019: Occupancy Simulator for a Smart Parking System: Developmental Design and Experimental Considerations, An
* 2020: Classification of origin with feature selection and network construction for folk tunes
Includes: Gould, M.[Michael] Gould, M.[Matthew]

Gould, P.J.L.[Philip J. L.] * 2019: Migratory Insect Multifrequency Radar Cross Sections for Morphological Parameter Estimation

Gould, R. * 2012: Impact of Aerosol Model Selection on Water-Leaving Radiance Retrievals from Satellite Ocean Color Imagery
Includes: Gould, R. Gould, Jr., R.

Gould, R.W. * 2013: Optical Algorithm for Cloud Shadow Detection Over Water
* 2014: Assessing the Application of Cloud-Shadow Atmospheric Correction Algorithm on HICO
* 2015: Inter-Comparison between VIIRS and MODIS Radiances and Ocean Color Data Products over the Chesapeake Bay
* 2016: Impact of Satellite Remote Sensing Data on Simulations of Coastal Circulation and Hypoxia on the Louisiana Continental Shelf
* 2016: Preface: Remote Sensing in Coastal Environments
* 2020: Assessing the Impact of Tides and Atmospheric Fronts on Submesoscale Physical and Bio-Optical Distributions near a Coastal Convergence Zone
Includes: Gould, R.W. Gould, R.W.[Richard W.]

Gould, S.[Stephen] * 2008: Integrating Visual and Range Data for Robotic Object Detection
* 2008: Multi-Class Segmentation with Relative Location Prior
* 2009: Alphabet SOUP: A framework for approximate energy minimization
* 2009: Decomposing a scene into geometric and semantically consistent regions
* 2010: Discriminative Learning with Latent Variables for Cluttered Indoor Scene Understanding
* 2010: Discriminative Learning with Latent Variables for Cluttered Indoor Scene Understanding
* 2010: Single image depth estimation from predicted semantic labels
* 2010: Unified Contour-Pixel Model for Figure-Ground Segmentation, A
* 2011: Simultaneous Multi-class Pixel Labeling over Coherent Image Sets
* 2012: Multiclass pixel labeling with non-local matching constraints
* 2012: Noise Tolerant Watershed Transformation with Viscous Force for Seeded Image Segmentation, A
* 2012: On Learning Higher-Order Consistency Potentials for Multi-class Pixel Labeling
* 2012: PatchMatchGraph: Building a Graph of Dense Patch Correspondences for Label Transfer
* 2013: Discriminative Learning with Latent Variables for Cluttered Indoor Scene Understanding
* 2013: Multi-instance Object Segmentation with Exemplars
* 2014: Determining Interacting Objects in Human-Centric Activities via Qualitative Spatio-Temporal Reasoning
* 2014: Exemplar-Based CRF for Multi-instance Object Segmentation, An
* 2014: Joint semantic and geometric segmentation of videos with a stage model
* 2014: Reflective Features Detection and Hierarchical Reflections Separation in Image Sequences
* 2014: Reliable Point Correspondences in Scenes Dominated by Highly Reflective and Largely Homogeneous Surfaces
* 2014: Scene Understanding by Labeling Pixels
* 2014: Superpixel Graph Label Transfer with Learned Distance Metric
* 2014: Unified Graphical Models Framework for Automated Mitosis Detection in Human Embryos, A
* 2015: Detecting Abnormal Cell Division Patterns in Early Stage Human Embryo Development
* 2015: Hierarchical Higher-Order Regression Forest Fields: An Application to 3D Indoor Scene Labelling
* 2015: Learning Weighted Lower Linear Envelope Potentials in Binary Markov Random Fields
* 2015: Linear Chain Markov Model for Detection and Localization of Cells in Early Stage Embryo Development, A
* 2015: Multi-class Semantic Video Segmentation with Exemplar-Based Object Reasoning
* 2015: Multi-Target Tracking With Time-Varying Clutter Rate and Detection Profile: Application to Time-Lapse Cell Microscopy Sequences
* 2016: Built-in Foreground/Background Prior for Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* 2016: Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Human Embryonic Cell Counting
* 2016: Depth Dropout: Efficient Training of Residual Convolutional Neural Networks
* 2016: Discriminative Hierarchical Rank Pooling for Activity Recognition
* 2016: Dynamic Image Networks for Action Recognition
* 2016: SPICE: Semantic Propositional Image Caption Evaluation
* 2017: DeepPermNet: Visual Permutation Learning
* 2017: Discriminatively Learned Hierarchical Rank Pooling Networks
* 2017: Generalized Rank Pooling for Activity Recognition
* 2017: Higher-Order Pooling of CNN Features via Kernel Linearization for Action Recognition
* 2017: Human Pose Forecasting via Deep Markov Models
* 2017: Self-Supervised Video Representation Learning with Odd-One-Out Networks
* 2017: Unsupervised Human Action Detection by Action Matching
* 2018: Bottom-Up and Top-Down Attention for Image Captioning and Visual Question Answering
* 2018: Incorporating Network Built-in Priors in Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* 2018: Neural Algebra of Classifiers
* 2018: Non-linear Temporal Subspace Representations for Activity Recognition
* 2018: Video Representation Learning Using Discriminative Pooling
* 2018: Vision-and-Language Navigation: Interpreting Visually-Grounded Navigation Instructions in Real Environments
* 2019: Alignment of the Spheres: Globally-Optimal Spherical Mixture Alignment for Camera Pose Estimation, The
* 2019: Learning to Find Common Objects Across Few Image Collections
* 2019: Second-order Temporal Pooling for Action Recognition
* 2019: Visual Permutation Learning
* 2020: Blended Convolution and Synthesis for Efficient Discrimination of 3D Shapes
* 2020: Deepfit: 3d Surface Fitting via Neural Network Weighted Least Squares
* 2020: Inferring Temporal Compositions of Actions Using Probabilistic Automata
* 2020: Joint Unsupervised Learning of Optical Flow and Egomotion with Bi-Level optimization
* 2020: Learning to Structure an Image With Few Colors
* 2020: Multiview Detection with Feature Perspective Transformation
* 2020: Proposal-free Temporal Moment Localization of a Natural-Language Query in Video using Guided Attention
* 2020: Representation Learning on Unit Ball with 3D Roto-translational Equivariance
* 2020: Solving the Blind Perspective-n-point Problem End-to-end with Robust Differentiable Geometric Optimization
* 2020: Stochastic Conditioning Scheme for Diverse Human Motion Prediction, A
* 2021: Contextually Plausible and Diverse 3D Human Motion Prediction
* 2021: DORi: Discovering Object Relationships for Moment Localization of a Natural Language Query in a Video
* 2021: IKEA ASM Dataset: Understanding People Assembling Furniture through Actions, Objects and Pose, The
* 2021: Image Retrieval on Real-life Images with Pre-trained Vision-and-Language Models
* 2021: Probabilistic Tracklet Scoring and Inpainting for Multiple Object Tracking
* 2021: Spatially Conditioned Graphs for Detecting Human-Object Interactions
* 2021: VLN_BERT: A Recurrent Vision-and-Language BERT for Navigation
* 2022: Bridging the Gap Between Learning in Discrete and Continuous Environments for Vision-and-Language Navigation
* 2022: Deep Declarative Networks
* 2022: DiGS: Divergence guided shape implicit neural representation for unoriented point clouds
* 2022: Efficient Two-Stage Detection of Human-Object Interactions with a Novel Unary-Pairwise Transformer
* 2022: Fine-Grained Classification via Categorical Memory Networks
* 2023: Aligning Step-by-Step Instructional Diagrams to Video Demonstrations
* 2023: Exploring Predicate Visual Context in Detecting of Human-Object Interactions
* 2023: High-Fidelity Guided Image Synthesis with Latent Diffusion Models
* 2023: Learning Navigational Visual Representations with Semantic Map Supervision
* 2023: Octree Guided Unoriented Surface Reconstruction
* 2023: Scaling Data Generation in Vision-and-Language Navigation
* 2023: Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation under Label Noise via Diverse Learning Groups
* 2024: Bi-directional Training for Composed Image Retrieval via Text Prompt Learning
* 2024: IKEA Ego 3D Dataset: Understanding furniture assembly actions from ego-view 3D Point Clouds
* 2024: LipAT: Beyond Style Transfer for Controllable Neural Simulation of Lipstick using Cosmetic Attributes
* 2024: NeRFEditor: Differentiable Style Decomposition for 3D Scene Editing
* 2024: Ray Deformation Networks for Novel View Synthesis of Refractive Objects
* 2024: View-coherent correlation consistency for semi-supervised semantic segmentation
Includes: Gould, S.[Stephen] Gould, S.
87 for Gould, S.

Gould, W.A.[William A.] * 2017: Short-Term Impacts of the Air Temperature on Greening and Senescence in Alaskan Arctic Plant Tundra Habitats
* 2018: Hurricane Maria in the U.S. Caribbean: Disturbance Forces, Variation of Effects, and Implications for Future Storms

Goulden, M.L.[Michael L.] * 2020: Plant Traits Help Explain the Tight Relationship between Vegetation Indices and Gross Primary Production

Goulermas, J.Y. * 1998: Genetically Fine Tuning the Hough Transform Feature Space, for the Detection of Circular Objects
* 1999: Incorporating Gradient Estimations in a Circle-Finding Probabilistic Hough Transform
* 2000: new parallel feature-based stereo-matching algorithm with figural continuity preservation, based on hybrid symbiotic genetic algorithms, A
* 2001: Hybrid symbiotic genetic optimisation for robust edge-based stereo correspondence.
* 2005: Constrained Nonlinear Energy Minimization Framework for the Regularization of the Stereo Correspondence Problem, A
* 2011: class boundary preserving algorithm for data condensation, A
* 2012: Proximity-Based Frameworks for Generating Embeddings from Multi-Output Data
* 2013: Automatic Generation of Co-Embeddings from Relational Data with Adaptive Shaping
* 2014: Prototype reduction based on Direct Weighted Pruning
* 2016: New Measure for Analyzing and Fusing Sequences of Objects, A
* 2017: Computation of heterogeneous object co-embeddings from relational measurements
* 2017: Stochastic Multiview Hashing for Large-Scale Near-Duplicate Video Retrieval
* 2017: Unsupervised t-Distributed Video Hashing and Its Deep Hashing Extension
* 2018: Data Visualization with Structural Control of Global Cohort and Local Data Neighborhoods
* 2018: Topic driven multimodal similarity learning with multi-view voted convolutional features
* 2020: Circular object arrangement using spherical embeddings
* 2020: Interpretable Deep Architecture for Similarity Learning Built Upon Hierarchical Concepts, An
* 2021: Discriminative Triad Matching and Reconstruction for Weakly Referring Expression Grounding
* 2023: Towards better long-tailed oracle character recognition with adversarial data augmentation
Includes: Goulermas, J.Y. Goulermas, J.Y.[John Yannis] Goulermas, J.Y.[John Y.]
19 for Goulermas, J.Y.

Goulermas, Y.[Yannis] * 2023: Aggregated pyramid gating network for human pose estimation without pre-training

Goulet Langlois, G. * 2018: Measuring Regularity of Individual Travel Patterns
Includes: Goulet Langlois, G. Goulet-Langlois, G.

Goulet, N.[Nathan] * 2022: Distributed Maneuver Planning With Connected and Automated Vehicles for Boosting Traffic Efficiency

Goulette, F.[Francois] * 1997: Automatic CAD Modelling of Industrial Pipes from Range Images
* 2001: Extracting Cylinders in Full 3-D Data Using a Random Sampling Method and the Gaussian Image
* 2007: Modeling and Calibration of Coupled Fish-Eye CCD Camera and Laser Range Scanner for Outdoor Environment Reconstruction
* 2010: Analysis and Improvement of Laser Terrestrial Mobile Mapping Systems Configurations
* 2010: Fast and Accurate Plane Detection Algorithm for Large Noisy Point Clouds Using Filtered Normals and Voxel Growing, A
* 2010: Point Cloud Non Local Denoising using Local Surface Descriptor Similarity
* 2013: Feature-Based Quality Evaluation of 3D Point Clouds: Study of the Performance of 3D Registration Algorithms
* 2014: Scalable and Detail-Preserving Ground Surface Reconstruction from Large 3D Point Clouds Acquired by Mobile Mapping Systems
* 2016: Experimental Assessment Of The Quanergy M8 Lidar Sensor
* 2016: Fast And Robust Segmentation And Classification For Change Detection In Urban Point Clouds
* 2018: Paris-Lille-3D: A Point Cloud Dataset for Urban Scene Segmentation and Classification
* 2018: Semantic Classification of 3D Point Clouds with Multiscale Spherical Neighborhoods
* 2019: Graph-Based Color Lines Model for Image Analysis, A
* 2019: KPConv: Flexible and Deformable Convolution for Point Clouds
* 2021: 3D Point Cloud Registration with Multi-Scale Architecture and Unsupervised Transfer Learning
* 2021: Paris-CARLA-3D: A Real and Synthetic Outdoor Point Cloud Dataset for Challenging Tasks in 3D Mapping
* 2022: AdaSplats: Adaptive Splatting of Point Clouds for Accurate 3D Modeling and Real-Time High-Fidelity LiDAR Simulation
* 2023: Domain generalization of 3D semantic segmentation in autonomous driving
Includes: Goulette, F.[Francois] Goulette, F.[François] Goulette, F.
18 for Goulette, F.

Goulettea, F. * 2016: Point Cloud Refinement With A Target-free Intrinsic Calibration Of A Mobile Multi-beam Lidar System

Gouley, T. * 1992: Linear Discriminants and Image Quality

Goulias, D.[Dimitrios] * 2023: Condition Rating of Bridge Decks with Fuzzy Sets Modeling for SF-GPR Surveys

Goulias, K.G.[Konstadinos G.] * 2021: Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Unmanned Aircraft System Traffic Management

Goulish, M. * 1992: Range-Intensity Histogram for Segmenting LADAR Images

Goulish, M.J.[Micheal J.] * 1987: Insight: A Data Flow Language for Programming Vision Algorithms in a Reconfigurable Computational Network

Goullaud, C.[Charles] * 2023: Deep Clouds on Jupiter

Goult, E.[Elizabeth] * 2021: Dynamics of Vibrio cholerae in a Typical Tropical Lake and Estuarine System: Potential of Remote Sensing for Risk Mapping

Index for "g"

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