Index for ilic

Ilic, A.[Aleksandar] * 2014: Collaborative inter-prediction on CPU-GPU systems
* 2014: Dynamic Load Balancing for Real-Time Video Encoding on Heterogeneous CPU+GPU Systems
* 2016: Adaptive Scheduling Framework for Real-Time Video Encoding on Heterogeneous Systems
* 2016: GPU-assisted HEVC intra decoder
* 2017: GHEVC: An Efficient HEVC Decoder for Graphics Processing Units
* 2018: Highly parallel HEVC decoding for heterogeneous systems with CPU and GPU
Includes: Ilic, A.[Aleksandar] Ilic, A.

Ilic, F. * 2020: Representing Objects in Video as Space-Time Volumes by Combining Top-Down and Bottom-Up Processes
* 2022: Is Appearance Free Action Recognition Possible?
* 2023: Lightweight Video Denoising using Aggregated Shifted Window Attention
Includes: Ilic, F. Ilic, F.[Filip]

Ilic, I.[Igor] * 2021: Explainable boosted linear regression for time series forecasting
* 2021: Fractal Nature of Advanced Ni-Based Superalloys Solidified on Board the International Space Station
Includes: Ilic, I.[Igor] Ilic, I.[Ivana]

Ilic, M. * 1995: Vision-based navigation in service robotics

Ilic, S.[Slobodan] * 2003: Generic deformable implicit mesh models for automated reconstruction
* 2003: Implicit meshes for modeling and reconstruction
* 2004: Accurate face models from uncalibrated and ill-lit video sequences
* 2005: Implicit Surfaces Make for Better Silhouettes
* 2005: Physically Valid Shape Parameterization for Monocular 3-D Deformable Surface Tracking
* 2006: Implicit Meshes for Surface Reconstruction
* 2007: Comparing Timoshenko Beam to Energy Beam for Fitting Noisy Data
* 2007: Implicit Meshes for Effective Silhouette Handling
* 2007: Non-Linear Beam Model for Tracking Large Deformations
* 2007: Surface Deformation Models for Nonrigid 3D Shape Recovery
* 2008: Camera-Clustering for Multi-Resolution 3-D Surface Reconstruction
* 2009: Distance transform templates for object detection and pose estimation
* 2009: Iterative mesh deformation for dense surface tracking
* 2009: Spectral camera clustering
* 2010: Adaptive linear predictors for real-time tracking
* 2010: Dominant orientation templates for real-time detection of texture-less objects
* 2010: Free-form mesh tracking: A patch-based approach
* 2010: Iterative Deformable Surface Tracking in Multi-View Setups
* 2010: Model globally, match locally: Efficient and robust 3D object recognition
* 2010: Probabilistic Deformable Surface Tracking from Multiple Videos
* 2011: Efficient Stereo and Optical Flow with Robust Similarity Measures
* 2011: Multimodal templates for real-time detection of texture-less objects in heavily cluttered scenes
* 2011: Simultaneous Reconstruction and Tracking of Non-planar Templates
* 2012: 3D Object Detection and Localization Using Multimodal Point Pair Features
* 2012: Efficient Learning of Linear Predictors Using Dimensionality Reduction
* 2012: Gradient Response Maps for Real-Time Detection of Textureless Objects
* 2012: Model Based Training, Detection and Pose Estimation of Texture-Less 3D Objects in Heavily Cluttered Scenes
* 2012: Online Learning of Linear Predictors for Real-Time Tracking
* 2012: Segmentation Based Particle Filtering for Real-Time 2D Object Tracking
* 2012: Stereo Fusion from Multiple Viewpoints
* 2012: Technical Demonstration on Model Based Training, Detection and Pose Estimation of Texture-Less 3D Objects in Heavily Cluttered Scenes
* 2013: 3D Semantic Parameterization for Human Shape Modeling: Application to 3D Animation
* 2013: Framework for Generation of Synthetic Ground Truth Data for Driver Assistance Applications
* 2013: Hierarchical Voxel Hash for Fast 3D Nearest Neighbor Lookup, A
* 2013: Multi-task Forest for Human Pose Estimation in Depth Images
* 2013: Multilayer Adaptive Linear Predictors for Real-Time Tracking
* 2013: Robust Human Body Shape and Pose Tracking
* 2014: 3D Pictorial Structures for Multiple Human Pose Estimation
* 2014: Coloured signed distance fields for full 3D object reconstruction
* 2014: Deformable Template Tracking in 1ms
* 2014: Extended Co-occurrence HOG with Dense Trajectories for Fine-Grained Activity Recognition
* 2014: Geodesic pixel neighborhoods for multi-class image segmentation
* 2014: Holistic Human Pose Estimation with Regression Forests
* 2014: Human Pose Estimation in Stereo Images
* 2014: Human Shape and Pose Tracking Using Keyframes
* 2014: Multi-forest Tracker: A Chameleon in Tracking
* 2014: Multiple Human Pose Estimation with Temporally Consistent 3D Pictorial Structures
* 2014: Parking assistance using dense motion-stereo
* 2014: Pedestrian Orientation Estimation
* 2014: Stochastic Cost Function for Stereo Vision, A
* 2015: Efficient Learning of Linear Predictors for Template Tracking
* 2015: Graph-Based Deformable 3D Object Matching
* 2015: Hashmod: A Hashing Method for Scalable 3D Object Detection
* 2015: Semantic Segmentation Based Traffic Light Detection at Day and at Night
* 2015: Toward user-specific tracking by detection of human shapes in multi-cameras
* 2015: Universal Hough dictionaries for object tracking
* 2015: Versatile Learning-Based 3D Temporal Tracker: Scalable, Robust, Online, A
* 2016: 3D Pictorial Structures Revisited: Multiple Human Pose Estimation
* 2016: Bayesian Approach to Multi-view 4D Modeling, A
* 2016: Deep Learning of Local RGB-D Patches for 3D Object Detection and 6D Pose Estimation
* 2016: Dominant Codewords Selection with Topic Model for Action Recognition
* 2016: Geodesic pixel neighborhoods for 2D and 3D scene understanding
* 2016: Octree-Based Approach towards Efficient Variational Range Data Fusion, An
* 2016: Online inspection of 3D parts via a locally overlapping camera network
* 2016: Parsing human skeletons in an operating room
* 2016: SDF-2-SDF: Highly Accurate 3D Object Reconstruction
* 2016: SDF-TAR: Parallel Tracking and Refinement in RGB-D Data using Volumetric Registration
* 2016: Volumetric 3D Tracking by Detection
* 2016: X-Tag: A Fiducial Tag for Flexible and Accurate Bundle Adjustment
* 2017: CAD Priors for Accurate and Flexible Instance Reconstruction
* 2017: KillingFusion: Non-rigid 3D Reconstruction without Correspondences
* 2017: Real-Time 3D Model Tracking in Color and Depth on a Single CPU Core
* 2017: SSD-6D: Making RGB-Based 3D Detection and 6D Pose Estimation Great Again
* 2017: Towards Implicit Correspondence in Signed Distance Field Evolution
* 2017: X-Ray PoseNet: 6 DoF Pose Estimation for Mobile X-Ray Devices
* 2018: Almost constant-time 3D nearest-neighbor lookup using implicit octrees
* 2018: Keep it Unreal: Bridging the Realism Gap for 2.5D Recognition with Geometry Priors Only
* 2018: Minimalist Approach to Type-Agnostic Detection of Quadrics in Point Clouds, A
* 2018: Patch-Based Non-rigid 3D Reconstruction from a Single Depth Stream
* 2018: PPF-FoldNet: Unsupervised Learning of Rotation Invariant 3D Local Descriptors
* 2018: PPFNet: Global Context Aware Local Features for Robust 3D Point Matching
* 2018: SDF-2-SDF Registration for Real-Time 3D Reconstruction from RGB-D Data
* 2018: SobolevFusion: 3D Reconstruction of Scenes Undergoing Free Non-rigid Motion
* 2018: Survey of Higher Order Rigid Body Motion Interpolation Methods for Keyframe Animation and Continuous-Time Trajectory Estimation
* 2018: Tracking-by-Detection of 3D Human Shapes: From Surfaces to Volumes
* 2019: 3D Local Features for Direct Pairwise Registration
* 2019: Adversarial Networks for Camera Pose Regression and Refinement
* 2019: CorNet: Generic 3D Corners for 6D Pose Estimation of New Objects without Retraining
* 2019: DeceptionNet: Network-Driven Domain Randomization
* 2019: DPOD: 6D Pose Object Detector and Refiner
* 2019: HomebrewedDB: RGB-D Dataset for 6D Pose Estimation of 3D Objects
* 2019: On Object Symmetries and 6D Pose Estimation from Images
* 2020: 3d Object Detection and Pose Estimation of Unseen Objects in Color Images with Local Surface Embeddings
* 2020: 6d Camera Relocalization in Ambiguous Scenes via Continuous Multimodal Inference
* 2020: Generic Primitive Detection in Point Clouds Using Novel Minimal Quadric Fits
* 2021: Multi-Task Multi-Domain Learning for Digital Staining and Classification of Leukocytes
* 2021: Variational Level Set Evolution for Non-Rigid 3D Reconstruction From a Single Depth Camera
* 2022: Deep Bingham Networks: Dealing with Uncertainty and Ambiguity in Pose Estimation
* 2022: DPODv2: Dense Correspondence-Based 6 DoF Pose Estimation
* 2022: Geometric Transformer for Fast and Robust Point Cloud Registration
* 2022: Monitoring the Impact of Large Transport Infrastructure on Land Use and Environment Using Deep Learning and Satellite Imagery
* 2022: OSOP: A Multi-Stage One Shot Object Pose Estimation Framework
* 2022: WeLSA: Learning to Predict 6D Pose from Weakly Labeled Data Using Shape Alignment
* 2023: Digital Staining of White Blood Cells With Confidence Estimation
* 2023: GeoTransformer: Fast and Robust Point Cloud Registration With Geometric Transformer
* 2023: NeRF-Pose: A First-Reconstruct-Then-Regress Approach for Weakly-supervised 6D Object Pose Estimation
* 2023: On the Importance of Accurate Geometry Data for Dense 3D Vision Tasks
* 2023: Rotation-Invariant Transformer for Point Cloud Matching
* 2024: Deep Learning Approach to Estimate Soil Organic Carbon from Remote Sensing, A
* 2024: RIGA: Rotation-Invariant and Globally-Aware Descriptors for Point Cloud Registration
Includes: Ilic, S.[Slobodan] Ilic, S.
110 for Ilic, S.

Ilic, T.[Tihomir] * 2015: Vision-Based System for Movement Analysis in Medical Applications: The Example of Parkinson Disease, A

Ilic, V.[Vladimir] * 2015: Precise Euclidean distance transforms in 3D from voxel coverage representation
* 2016: Signature of a Shape Based on Its Pixel Coverage Representation
* 2018: Disconnectedness: A new moment invariant for multi-component shapes
* 2020: Hexagonality as a New Shape-Based Descriptor of Object
* 2023: ALWOD: Active Learning for Weakly-Supervised Object Detection
Includes: Ilic, V.[Vladimir] Ilic, V.[Velibor]

Ilic, V.M.[Velimir M.] * 2012: Gradient computation in linear-chain conditional random fields using the entropy message passing algorithm

Ilicak, E. * 2018: Learning-Based Compressive MRI
* 2019: Projection onto Epigraph Sets for Rapid Self-Tuning Compressed Sensing MRI

Index for "i"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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