Index for zafe

Zafeiriou, L.[Lazaros] Co Author Listing * Deep Analysis of Facial Behavioral Dynamics
* Joint Unsupervised Deformable Spatio-Temporal Alignment of Sequences
* Joint Unsupervised Face Alignment and Behaviour Analysis
* Learning Slow Features for Behaviour Analysis
* Nonnegative Decompositions for Dynamic Visual Data Analysis
* Slow features nonnegative matrix factorization for temporal data decomposition

Zafeiriou, S. Co Author Listing * 3D Landmark Localization in Point Clouds for the Human Ear
* 4DME: A Spontaneous 4D Micro-Expression Dataset With Multimodalities
* ABAW: Valence-Arousal Estimation, Expression Recognition, Action Unit Detection and Emotional Reaction Intensity Estimation Challenges
* Adaptive Spiral Layers for Efficient 3D Representation Learning on Meshes
* Analysing Affective Behavior in the First ABAW 2020 Competition
* Factorized Dynamic Fully-Connected Layers for Neural Networks
* FitMe: Deep Photorealistic 3D Morphable Model Avatars
* Handy: Towards a High Fidelity 3D Hand Shape and Appearance Model
* Head2Head: Video-based Neural Head Synthesis
* ILSH: The Imperial Light-Stage Head Dataset for Human Head View Synthesis
* Inverse Image Frequency for Long-Tailed Image Recognition
* Relightify: Relightable 3D Faces from a Single Image via Diffusion Models
* Spatio-temporal Prompting Network for Robust Video Feature Extraction
* Synthesising 3D Facial Motion from In-the-Wild Speech
* ViTs for SITS: Vision Transformers for Satellite Image Time Series
* VSCHH 2023: A Benchmark for the View Synthesis Challenge of Human Heads
Includes: Zafeiriou, S. Zafeiriou, S.[Stefanos]
16 for Zafeiriou, S.

Zafeiriou, S.P.[Stefanos P.] Co Author Listing * 2.5D Elastic graph matching
* 2.5D Elastic Graph Matching algorithms
* 300 Faces In-The-Wild Challenge: database and results
* 300 Faces in-the-Wild Challenge: The First Facial Landmark Localization Challenge
* 300 W: Special issue on facial landmark localisation 'in-the-wild'
* 3D Face Morphable Models In-the-Wild
* 3D facial behaviour analysis and understanding
* 3D facial geometric features for constrained local model
* 3D human tongue reconstruction from single in-the-wild images
* 3D Menpo Facial Landmark Tracking Challenge, The
* 3D Morphable Model Learnt from 10,000 Faces, A
* 3D Reconstruction of In-the-Wild Faces in Images and Videos
* 3DFaceGAN: Adversarial Nets for 3D Face Representation, Generation, and Translation
* 3DMM-RF: Convolutional Radiance Fields for 3D Face Modeling
* 4DFAB: A Large Scale 4D Database for Facial Expression Analysis and Biometric Applications
* Active nonrigid ICP algorithm
* Active Pictorial Structures
* Adaptive cascaded regression
* Adversarial Neuro-Tensorial Approach for Learning Disentangled Representations, An
* Aff-Wild: Valence and Arousal In-the-Wild Challenge
* Affective Gaming: A Comprehensive Survey
* AgeDB: The First Manually Collected, In-the-Wild Age Database
* Analysing Affective Behavior in the second ABAW2 Competition
* ArcFace for Disguised Face Recognition
* ArcFace: Additive Angular Margin Loss for Deep Face Recognition
* Audiovisual Conflict Detection in Political Debates
* Automatic Construction of Deformable Models In-the-Wild
* Automatic construction of robust spherical harmonic subspaces
* AvatarMe++: Facial Shape and BRDF Inference With Photorealistic Rendering-Aware GANs
* AvatarMe: Realistically Renderable 3D Facial Reconstruction In-the-Wild
* Back to the future: A fully automatic method for robust age progression
* Bayesian Active Appearance Models
* Beyond FCM: Graph-theoretic post-processing algorithms for learning and representing the data structure
* Bidirectional relighting for 3D-aided 2D face recognition
* Binary Graph Neural Networks
* Binary Pattern Analysis for 3D Facial Action Unit Detection
* blind robust watermarking scheme for copyright protection of 3d mesh models, A
* BLSM: A Bone-level Skinned Model of the Human Mesh
* Camera Motion Estimation Using a Novel Online Vector Field Model in Particle Filters
* Combining 3D Morphable Models: A Large Scale Face-And-Head Model
* Comprehensive Performance Evaluation of Deformable Face Tracking In-the-Wild, A
* Conflict Escalation Resolution (CONFER) Database, The
* Decoupled Multi-task Learning with Cyclical Self-Regulation for Face Parsing
* Deep Affect Prediction in-the-Wild: Aff-Wild Database and Challenge, Deep Architectures, and Beyond
* Deep Analysis of Facial Behavioral Dynamics
* Deep and Deformable: Convolutional Mixtures of Deformable Part-Based Models
* Deep Canonical Time Warping
* Deep Canonical Time Warping for Simultaneous Alignment and Representation Learning of Sequences
* Deep Face Deblurring
* Deep Matrix Factorization Method for Learning Attribute Representations, A
* Deep Neural Network Augmentation: Generating Faces for Affect Analysis
* Deep Polynomial Neural Networks
* DeepFaceFlow: In-the-Wild Dense 3D Facial Motion Estimation
* Dense 3D Face Decoding Over 2500FPS: Joint Texture and Shape Convolutional Mesh Decoders
* DenseReg: Fully Convolutional Dense Shape Regression In-the-Wild
* discriminant elastic graph matching algorithm applied to frontal face verification, The
* Discriminant Graph Structures for Facial Expression Recognition
* Disentangling the Modes of Variation in Unlabelled Data
* dynamic approach to the recognition of 3D facial expressions and their temporal models, A
* Dynamic Neural Portraits
* EDFace-Celeb-1 M: Benchmarking Face Hallucination With a Million-Scale Dataset
* Editorial of Special Issue on Human Behaviour Analysis In-the-Wild
* Editorial of special issue on spontaneous facial behaviour analysis
* Estimating Correspondences of Deformable Objects In-the-Wild
* Euler Principal Component Analysis
* Exploiting Discriminant Information in Elastic Graph Matching
* Exploiting Multi-CNN Features in CNN-RNN Based Dimensional Emotion Recognition on the OMG in-the-Wild Dataset
* Extracting Deep Local Features to Detect Manipulated Images of Human Faces
* Face Flow
* Face Normals In-the-Wild Using Fully Convolutional Networks
* Face Video Generation from a Single Image and Landmarks
* Facial Affect In-the-Wild A Survey and a New Database
* Facial behaviometrics: The case of facial deformation in spontaneous smile/laughter
* Fast and robust appearance-based tracking
* Fast Multilevel Algorithms for Compressive Principal Component Pursuit
* Fast-GANFIT: Generative Adversarial Network for High Fidelity 3D Face Reconstruction
* Feature-Based Lucas-Kanade and Active Appearance Models
* Fine-Grained Material Classification Using Micro-geometry and Reflectance
* First Facial Landmark Tracking in-the-Wild Challenge: Benchmark and Results, The
* Free-HeadGAN: Neural Talking Head Synthesis With Explicit Gaze Control
* From active appearance models and mnemonic descent to 3d morphable models: A brief history of statistical deformable models with examples in menpo
* From Pixels to Response Maps: Discriminative Image Filtering for Face Alignment in the Wild
* Full-Angle Quaternions for Robustly Matching Vectors of 3D Rotations
* Fusion and community detection in multi-layer graphs
* Fusion of Geometrical and Texture Information for Facial Expression Recognition
* GANFIT: Generative Adversarial Network Fitting for High Fidelity 3D Face Reconstruction
* Generalised Scalable Robust Principal Component Analysis
* Generic Active Appearance Models Revisited
* Geometrically Principled Connections in Graph Neural Networks
* GraphWalks: Efficient Shape Agnostic Geodesic Shortest Path Estimation
* Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Modern Control for Computer Games
* Guest Editorial: Non-Euclidean Machine Learning
* HeadGAN: One-shot Neural Head Synthesis and Editing
* HOG active appearance models
* Image replica detection system utilizing R-trees and linear discriminant analysis
* Improve Accurate Pose Alignment and Action Localization by Dense Pose Estimation
* Improving Graph Neural Network Expressivity via Subgraph Isomorphism Counting
* Incremental Face Alignment in the Wild
* Incremental Slow Feature Analysis with Indefinite Kernel for Online Temporal Video Segmentation
* IPST: Incremental Pictorial Structures for Model-Free Tracking of Deformable Objects
* Joint Discriminative Generative Model for Deformable Model Construction and Classification, A
* Joint Multi-View Face Alignment in the Wild
* Joint Unsupervised Deformable Spatio-Temporal Alignment of Sequences
* Joint Unsupervised Face Alignment and Behaviour Analysis
* Kernel-PCA Analysis of Surface Normals for Shape-from-Shading
* Large Scale 3D Morphable Models
* Learning Slow Features for Behaviour Analysis
* Learning the Multilinear Structure of Visual Data
* Learning to Generate Customized Dynamic 3d Facial Expressions
* Linear Complexity Self-Attention With 3rd Order Polynomials
* Local normal binary patterns for 3D facial action unit detection
* MAGMA: Multilevel Accelerated Gradient Mirror Descent Algorithm for Large-Scale Convex Composite Minimization
* Marginal Loss for Deep Face Recognition
* Markov Random Field Structures for Facial Action Unit Intensity Estimation
* Masked Face Recognition Challenge: The InsightFace Track Report
* Menpo Benchmark for Multi-pose 2D and 3D Facial Landmark Localisation and Tracking, The
* Menpo Facial Landmark Localisation Challenge: A Step Towards the Solution, The
* Merging SVMs with Linear Discriminant Analysis: A Combined Model
* MimicME: A Large Scale Diverse 4D Database for Facial Expression Analysis
* Minimum Class Variance Support Vector Machines
* Mnemonic Descent Method: A Recurrent Process Applied for End-to-End Face Alignment
* Motion Deblurring of Faces
* Motivating class-specific nonlinear projections for single and multiple view face verification
* Multi-Attribute Probabilistic Linear Discriminant Analysis for 3D Facial Shapes
* Multilevel Approximate Robust Principal Component Analysis
* Neural 3D Morphable Models: Spiral Convolutional Networks for 3D Shape Representation Learning and Generation
* Neural Mesh Simplification
* Non-Negative Matrix Factorizations for Multiplex Network Analysis
* Nonlinear Non-Negative Component Analysis Algorithms
* Nonlinear Nonnegative Component Analysis
* Nonnegative Decompositions for Dynamic Visual Data Analysis
* Nonnegative Embeddings and Projections for Dimensionality Reduction and Information Visualization
* Novel Kernel Discriminant Analysis for Face Verification, A
* Offline Deformable Face Tracking in Arbitrary Videos
* On One-Shot Similarity Kernels: Explicit Feature Maps and Properties
* Online Kernel Slow Feature Analysis for Temporal Video Segmentation and Tracking
* Online learning and fusion of orientation appearance models for robust rigid object tracking
* Optimal illumination directions for faces and rough surfaces for single and multiple light imaging using class-specific prior knowledge
* Optimal UV spaces for facial morphable model construction
* OSTeC: One-Shot Texture Completion
* P-nets: Deep Polynomial Neural Networks
* PD2T: Person-Specific Detection, Deformable Tracking
* Photoface database, The
* Photorealistic Facial Synthesis in the Dimensional Affect Space
* Poly-NL: Linear Complexity Non-local Layers With 3rd Order Polynomials
* Poly-NL: Linear Complexity Non-local Layers With 3rd Order Polynomials
* Principal component analysis of image gradient orientations for face recognition
* RAPS: Robust and Efficient Automatic Construction of Person-Specific Deformable Models
* Recognition of 3D facial expression dynamics
* Recognition of Affect in the Wild Using Deep Neural Networks
* Reconstructing the Noise Variance Manifold for Image Denoising
* Recovering Joint and Individual Components in Facial Data
* Redesigning Multi-Scale Neural Network for Crowd Counting
* ReenactNet: Real-time Full Head Reenactment
* RetinaFace: Single-Shot Multi-Level Face Localisation in the Wild
* Revisiting Point Cloud Simplification: A Learnable Feature Preserving Approach
* Robust and efficient parametric face alignment
* Robust Canonical Time Warping for the Alignment of Grossly Corrupted Sequences
* Robust Correlated and Individual Component Analysis
* Robust Discriminative Response Map Fitting with Constrained Local Models
* Robust FFT-Based Scale-Invariant Image Registration with Image Gradients
* Robust Joint and Individual Variance Explained
* Robust Kronecker Component Analysis
* Robust Kronecker-Decomposable Component Analysis for Low-Rank Modeling
* Robust Learning from Normals for 3D Face Recognition
* robust similarity measure for volumetric image registration with outliers, A
* Robust Statistical Face Frontalization
* Robust Statistical Frontalization of Human and Animal Faces
* RoCGAN: Robust Conditional GAN
* Semi-automatic Methodology for Facial Landmark Annotation, A
* Shape My Face: Registering 3D Face Scans by Surface-to-Surface Translation
* Side Information for Face Completion: A Robust PCA Approach
* Side Information in Robust Principal Component Analysis: Algorithms and Applications
* Single-Stage Joint Face Detection and Alignment
* SliderGAN: Synthesizing Expressive Face Images by Sliding 3D Blendshape Parameters
* Slow features nonnegative matrix factorization for temporal data decomposition
* Sparse representations for facial expressions recognition via L1 optimization
* Sparse representations of image gradient orientations for visual recognition and tracking
* Special issue on 'Multi-biometrics and Mobile-biometrics: Recent Advances and Future Research'
* Special Issue on Machine Vision
* SpiralNet++: A Fast and Highly Efficient Mesh Convolution Operator
* Static and dynamic 3D facial expression recognition: A comprehensive survey
* Statistical non-rigid ICP algorithm and its application to 3D face alignment
* Statistically Learned Deformable Eye Models
* Sub-center Arcface: Boosting Face Recognition by Large-scale Noisy Web Faces
* Subspace analysis of arbitrarily many linear filter responses with an application to face tracking
* Subspace Learning from Image Gradient Orientations
* Subspace Learning in Krein Spaces: Complete Kernel Fisher Discriminant Analysis with Indefinite Kernels
* survey on face detection in the wild: Past, present and future, A
* survey on mouth modeling and analysis for Sign Language recognition, A
* Synthesizing Coupled 3d Face Modalities by Trunk-branch Generative Adversarial Networks
* Tensor Methods in Computer Vision and Deep Learning
* TESA: Tensor Element Self-Attention via Matricization
* Texture and Shape Information Fusion for Facial Action Unit Recognition
* Texture and shape information fusion for facial expression and facial action unit recognition
* Towards a Complete 3D Morphable Model of the Human Head
* Unified Framework for Compositional Fitting of Active Appearance Models, A
* Unifying holistic and Parts-Based Deformable Model fitting
* Use of random time-intervals (RTIs) generation for biometric verification
* UV-GAN: Adversarial Facial UV Map Completion for Pose-Invariant Face Recognition
* VA-STARGAN: Continuous Affect Generation
* Variational Infinite Hidden Conditional Random Fields
* Variational Prototype Learning for Deep Face Recognition
* Weakly-Supervised Mesh-Convolutional Hand Reconstruction in the Wild
Includes: Zafeiriou, S.P.[Stefanos P.] Zafeiriou, S.P. Zafeiriou, S.P.[Stafanos P.]
204 for Zafeiriou, S.P.

Zaferiou, S. Co Author Listing * Deformable Models of Ears in-the-Wild for Alignment and Recognition

Zaferiou, S.P.[Stefanos P.] Co Author Listing * Cascade Multi-View Hourglass Model for Robust 3D Face Alignment

Index for "z"

Last update:18-Jul-24 21:13:19
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