Journals starting with iasp

IASP09 * *Image Analysis and Signal Processing
* 3D surface reconstruction and panorama stitching based on LCD-based calibration and multi-baselines stereo matching
* adaptive band selection algorithm for dimension reduction of hyperspectral images, An
* application of balloon snake model in the extraction of parasite image contour, The
* Application of Principal Component Extraction technique in processing cloud images from Chinese FY-1 satellite
* Applied image processing to multimedia information security
* approach for image retrieval based on visual saliency, An
* Atmospheric ultraviolet transmission and Lidar returns
* attribute fast reduction algorithm based on modified discernable matrix of S-rough sets, An
* automatic ground control point matching based on GCP chip database for remote sensing images, An
* automatic registration between high resolution satellite images and a vector map based on RFM, The
* Based-APF human motion tracking from monocular videos
* Binary image watermarking algorithm based on Singular Value Decomposition
* blind digital watermarking scheme based on frame coding, A
* Constructions of resilient functions over finite fields
* Design and implementation of a control system using AVR microcontroller
* Design and implementation of human-computer interaction system based on real-time tracking of the shoot point from the light pen
* Design and implementation of video conference system based on Flex and J2EE
* Digital watermark method based on NAM and integer wavelets
* Double factors algorithm for computing DFT
* DPCC and QR factorization-based color medical image authentication algorithm
* Edge detection of images based on improved Sobel operator and genetic algorithms
* Effect of navigation style and display size on navigation performance in virtual environments
* efficient fast block-matching motion estimation algorithm, An
* Evaluation method of jamming effect on ISAR based on symmetry cross entropy
* evaluation system of fabric pilling based on image processing technique, The
* Eye detection based on multi-angle template matching
* Fast level set method with dichromatic reflection model
* Fast line detection method for Railroad Switch Machine Monitoring System
* Fast subspace estimation with Rayleigh-Ritz approximation and multi-stage Wiener filter
* Feature detection and visualization of ocean flow field sources, sinks based on vector field decomposition
* Frequency offset estimation based on virtual carrier in OFDM system
* H.264/SVC error resilience strategies for 3G video service
* Harmonic wavelet packets method and its application to signal analysis of rotating machinery
* Human head reconstruction based on elastic deformable 3D model
* Image denoising based on a new symmetrical second-generation wavelet
* Image encryption algorithm based on Henon chaotic system
* Image processing using spatial transform
* Image segmentation based on Differential Evolution algorithm
* Image watermarking algorithm based on DDWT
* improved embedded image compression algorithm, An
* improved group-based optimizing of CAVLC decoder, An
* improved level set method of ultrasound imaging to detect blood vessel walls, An
* improved MRI reconstruction method based on table-lookup gridding, An
* Information hiding technique in most significant bit of still image
* Investigation on complexity analysis of chaos-based pseudorandom sequence
* joint source channel coding applied to video for sequences of images, A
* liveness detection method for face recognition based on optical flow field, A
* lossless compression method for JPEG based on shuffle algorithm, A
* Manifold learning-based phoneme recognition
* Mesh simplification based on facial features region partition
* method of adaptive colored noise cancellation based on ANFIS, A
* method of style transformation for line drawings based on mesh presentation, A
* Modeling and analysis using Knowledge-flow and workflow based eXtended Time WorkFlow-net
* modified Hausdorff distance using edge gradient for robust object matching, A
* New concepts of network camera for measuring images
* new image fusion algorithm based on fuzzy biorthogonal wavelet transform, A
* New medical image sequences segmentation based on level set method
* new method of information enhancement for hyper-spectrum image covered with thin clouds and realization based on IDL, A
* new spectral image assessment based on energy of structural distortion, A
* new technique for geometry based visual depth estimation for uncalibrated camera, A
* novel method of mapping semantic gap to classify natural images, A
* novel online fingerprint segmentation method based on frame-difference, A
* novel overlapping mice macrophages images segmentation method, A
* novel similarity-based approach for image segmentation, A
* Object recognition of high resolution remote sensing image based on PSWT
* Offense-defense semantic analysis of basketball game based on motion vector
* Ontology-based insect recognition
* Optimization and improvement of Genetic Algorithms solving Traveling Salesman Problem
* Performance analysis of an improved variable tap-length LMS algorithm
* Perturbation analysis for linear systems
* practical scheme of defeating interpretation attack of digital watermarking, A
* Projected displaced-mesh: A fast terrain visualization algorithm
* Real-time water rendering based on the graphics hardware acceleration
* Research and realization of automatic test system for ADC based on Matlab
* Research in codec optimization and the application of SP-frame in H.264/AVC
* Research of face recognition based on SVD
* Research of pseudo frame skip technology applied in H.264
* Research on optimized spatial data query algorithm in the spatial database
* Research on remote sensing image retrieval based on geographical and semantic features
* Research on Tabu Search applied in off-line MPLS layout design problem
* Research on the meter's pulse signal processing based on sleep-monitoring alarm system
* Reverse circulation bit fluid field calculation
* Security design for Instant Messaging system based on RSA and triple DES
* Self-adaptive frequency agility realized with FPGA
* Signal-to-noise ratio performance comparison of Electron Multiplying CCD and Intensified CCD detectors
* Simulation and analysis of Lorenz system's dynamics characteristics
* simulation of parametric fountain based on Direct3D, The
* Skin color detecting unite YCgCb color space with YCgCr color space
* Speaker recognition based on dynamic MFCC parameters
* Stone images retrieval based on color histogram
* Study and implementation of sensor information computation environment
* study of frame complexity prediction and rate control in H.264 encoder, The
* study of pavement roughness measurement system based on laser ranger finder, A
* Study on roadbed disease recognition algorithm based on support vector machine
* Study on the meso-structure image of shale based on the digital image processing technique
* Study on virtual simulation of chip during manufacturing
* Timbre model of software musical instrument based on sine interpolation
* URL-based system model for web service unified ID authorization, A
* Vision enhancement system for SAR based on infrared video
* watermarking algorithm for color image based on YIQ color space and Integer Wavelet Transform, A
101 for IASP09

IASP10 * *Image Analysis and Signal Processing
* 3D facial feature location based on local shape map
* 3D point clouds processing and precise surface reconstruction of the face
* 4D nth-order Walsh orthogonal transform algorithm used for color image coding, A
* Accelerated cone beam CT reconstruction based on OpenCL
* Accurate time interval measurement method based on Vernier caliper principle
* Acoustic research on long and short vowels in Tibetan Lhasa dialect
* Adaptive digital image watermark scheme based on Fuzzy Neural Network for copyright protection
* adaptive threshold for the Canny Operator of edge detection, An
* Angle estimation of coherent multi-target for MIMO bistatic radar
* Application of blind deconvolution approach with image quality metric in underwater image restoration
* Application of particle swarm optimization method in fractional Fourier transform
* Application of wavelet packet transform in the knock detection of gasoline engines
* Arm motion perception and interaction platform design and implementation
* Automatic classification algorithm of urban building based on corner analysis
* Automatic detection of vocal folds from high-speed imaging
* Automatic personalized facial sketch based on ASM
* Bandpass filter design based on wavelet packet
* beamforming method for cylindrical array based on synthetic pattern of subarray, A
* Blind adaptive beamforming algorithm based on cyclostationary signals
* Blind separation of instantaneous linear mixtures of cyclostationary signals
* Block Matching Algorithm based on RANSAC Algorithm
* Calculation of 3-D acoustic scattering characteristics of a target in near-field at high-frequency
* Color image enhancement with a human visual system based adaptive filter
* combined image denoising method, A
* Comparative analysis of various Matrix Pencil methods for direction of arrival estimation
* Comparison and analysis research on geometric correction of remote sensing images
* Components classification of the clastic rock thin-sections based on GIS
* Computer aided orthodontics treatment by virtual segmentation and adjustment
* Computer vision-based multiple-lane detection on straight road and in a curve
* Contact-free measurement of heartbeat signal via a doppler radar using adaptive filtering
* Contourlet transform based algorithm of shadow compensation for face recognition
* curvature constraint Exemplar-based image inpainting, A
* Deformable 3-D model based vehicle matching with weighted Hausdorff and EDA in traffic surveillance
* Design and implementation of MPEG audio layer III decoder using graphics processing units
* Design of digital parametric equalizer based on second-order function
* Detecting and tracking of small moving target in avian radar images
* detection and recognition method for prohibition traffic signs, A
* detection model for driver's unsafe states based on real-time face-vision, A
* Detection of LSB matching steganography based on distribution of pixel differences in natural images
* digital watermark scheme for vector graphics, A
* Echo-to-interference ratio of bistatic sonar in shallow water
* Edge-based text localization and character segmentation algorithms for automatic slab information recognition
* Enhanced point descriptors for dense stereo matching
* Evaluation for repeatability and reproducibility of information poor process
* Face blind separation using wavelet packet independent component analysis
* Face recognition using a color tensor framework
* Fast and robust 3D face matching approach
* Fast gradient-aware upsampling for cartoon video
* Fast image segmentation based on two-dimensional minimum Tsallis-cross entropy
* Fast location of corn images based on position features
* fast motion segmentation algorithm based on hypothesis test for surveillance video coding, A
* Feature extraction and soft segmentation of texture images
* Feature extraction of hyperspectral images based on preserving neighborhood discriminant embedding
* Fractal dimension and multifractal spectra of the surface shape of textile patterns
* fragile watermarking algorithm based on logistic system and JPEG, A
* frame synchronization method for underwater acoustic communication on mobile platform, A
* Gesture segmentation based on monocular vision using skin color and motion cues
* Hierarchical organization for medical video summarization using latent visual and semantic analysis
* Horizon detection in foggy aerial image
* Hyperspectral image classification using wavelet packet analysis and gray prediction model
* Image denoising using Contourlet and two-dimensional Principle Component Analysis
* Image restoration of infrared focal plane array
* image segmentation method based on Type-2 fuzzy Gaussian Mixture Models, An
* Images based human volumetric model reconstruction and animation
* Images de-noising with Mapshrink estimate and dual-threshold in Curvelet Domain
* imaging analysis of asynchronous bistatic SAR with parallel tracks, The
* improved active noise control system without secondary path model, An
* improved DFT-SOFDM scheme based on inter-carrier interference cancellation, An
* Improved local accumulate histogram-based Thangka Image Retrieval
* Improved PGA algorithm based on adaptive range bins selection
* improved region-growth algorithm for disparity estimation, An
* improved RHT algorithm to detect line segments, An
* Improving fuzzy c-means clustering based on local membership variation
* Individual facial expression transferring using Active Appearance Model and FAP in MPEG-4
* Instrumentation design of an image fusion based on biorthogonal wavelet
* intelligent knitted garment defect detection and classification model based on Gabor filter and Modified Elman neural network, An
* interventional treatment plan system design on liver tumor, An
* Mapping surface soil organic matter based on multispectral image
* Marker-based watershed segmentation embedded with edge information
* Method of phase unwrapping-free DEM reconstruction of InSAS
* Mining osmotic stress response genes from Arabidopsis genome
* Moving object detection based on Kirsch operator combined with Optical Flow
* Multi-beam steering for 3D audio rendering in linear phased loudspeaker arrays
* Multiscale geometric feature extraction and selection algorithms of similar objects
* new algorithm for signal emitter recognition, A
* new approach of high resolution direction finding using single channel receiver, A
* new feature descriptor and selection method to space image registration, A
* new image fusion algorithm based on Wavelet Transform and the Second Generation Curvelet Transform, A
* new method based on the BP neural network to improve the accuracy of inversion of the vegetation height, A
* new method of MCI extraction with multi-temporal MODIS EVI data, A
* new method of target recognition based on Rough Set and Support Vector Machine, A
* new method to distinguish between irrigated dry land and rain-fed dry land using multi-temporal MODIS and ancillary data: An application example in China, A
* new moving sound source localization method based on the time difference of arrival, A
* NN-based algorithm for estimation of water vapor content using AVHRR data over ocean, A
* NN-based atmospheric correction algorithm for Landsat/TM thermal infrared data, An
* Nonlinear filtering with multiple packet dropouts
* novel filtering model for the erotic images embedded in web pages, A
* novel image classification method based on manifold learning and Gaussian mixture model, A
* Object tracking based on multi-bandwidth mean shift with convergence acceleration
* object-based change detection approach using high-resolution remote sensing image and GIS data, An
* One kind of macrophages images edge detection method
* Online recognition of multi-stroke handwritten Urdu characters
* Optimal multiresolution dynamic models generation based on triangle importance
* Parameters analysis for polarimetric SAR Based on classification accuracy
* Parameters extraction of crop based on PolSAR Data
* Parametric direction of arrival estimation in the small sample-size case
* Particle filter tracking with Mean Shift and joint probability data association
* Patchy aurora image segmentation based on block threshold LBP
* pedestrian classification method based on transfer learning, A
* Point pattern matching based on manifold embedding
* Prediction of shear stress distribution throughout 3D bone scaffold in perfusion environment
* Quantum fuzzy particle swarm optimization algorithm for image clustering
* Radar mosaic based on the explicit radar ray paths
* Real-time cartoon style video generation
* Real-time tracking algorithm based on improved Mean Shift and Kalman filter
* Remote Sensing Image Enhancement Based on Wavelet and Nonlinear Iteration
* Remote sensing image interpolation via the nonsubsampled contourlet transform
* Research and simulation of spatial spectrum estimation algorithm
* Research of establishment and application for spatio-temporal data models of an open-pit stope
* Research on data mining models for the internet of things
* Research on image denoising new method based on curvelet transform
* Research on three image difference algorithm
* review of segmentation method for MR image, A
* Robust image watermarking using dual tree complex wavelet transform based on Human Visual System
* Robust tracking method with drift correction
* salt and pepper noise fast filtering algorithm for grayscale images based on neighborhood correlation detection, A
* scene matching algorithm based on SURF feature, A
* Segmentation of rice disease spots based on improved BPNN
* SIFT algorithm analysis and optimization
* similarity analysis and clustering algorithm for video based on moving trajectory time series wavelet transform of moving object in Video, A
* Simulation of backscattering sound from submarine based on 3D-imaging sidescan sonar
* Simulation of fire based on improved particle system and texture rendering
* Single image dehazing and denoising with variational method
* Small target detection in SAR image using the Alpha-stable distribution model
* Sonar image denoising based on HMT model in morphological wavelet domain
* Spatial context for visual vocabulary construction
* Spectral analysis based fingerprint image enhancement algorithm
* Structured Local Edge Pattern Moment for pedestrian detection
* Structured-light based joint recognition using bottom-up and top-down combined visual processing
* Study of fabric defects detection through Gabor filter based on scale transformation
* study of the relation between the land use types and urban heat island effect in Guangzhou city based on remote sensing, A
* Study on a method of compensation for the range profile of high velocity spatial targets
* Study on adaptive monopulse with reduced dimension STAP technique
* Study on feature extraction of high speed precision electric machine vibration signal
* Study on SAMPA_ST for Lhasa Tibetan and realization of automatic labelling system
* Study on seismic imaging block modeling method
* system used for collecting and managing graphic elements of Yunnan heavy color painting, A
* terrain rending method with GPU-based error metric, A
* Three dimensional cartoon reconstruction based on Art rules
* Three-dimensional interactive pen based on Augmented Reality
* unsupervised model for image classification, An
* Variational image segmentation on implicit surface using Split-Bregman method
* Weighted-Sample-Based Random Vector Generation algorithm for resampling, A
154 for IASP10

IASP11 * *Image Analysis and Signal Processing
* 3-D geometric signal compression method based on compressed sensing
* Adaptive Sub-Optimal Hopfield Neural Network image restoration base on edge detection
* algorithm based on HRRP for target recognition, An
* algorithm of doppler frequency rate-of-change estimation for coherent pulse train, An
* Analysis and calculation of the moored ship cable tension based on Monte Carlo Method
* analysis and research of visual perception and image processing in visual information design: Take Google Earth for example, The
* application of a ZigBee based wireless sensor network in the LED street lamp control system, The
* application of middleware technology to communication network real-time monitoring system, The
* Application of particle filter in high accuracy geometry measurement
* Application of slit island method in the measure of the fractal dimensions of pore section border in eggshells
* application of Visual Computational Theory in spatial frequency domain: The simulation of dynamic radiated fringes, An
* application of VMI in automobile manufacturing SCM based on information system integration, The
* Automatic segmentation of crop leaf spot disease images by integrating local threshold and seeded region growing
* Ball Carrier Detection and Behavior Recognition in Basketball Match Using Covariance Descriptor
* Blurring length estimation using ringing artifacts in a deblurred image
* CCD performance model and noise control
* CoLDImage: Contrast and luminance distribution for content-based image retrieval
* collision detection algorithm based on bounding volumes and space subdivision, The
* Color harmony for clothing image
* comparative study of moment-based shape descriptors for product image retrieval, A
* Cybercrime forensic system in cloud computing
* Denoising method for acoustic wake based on correlation of multiwavelet coefficient
* design and implementation of a Visual Workflow Modeling tool based on Eclipse plug-ins, The
* design of a face recognition system based on skin color and geometrical characteristics, The
* design of embedded vehicle-mounted anti-collision system, The
* Design of wide-band array with frequency invariant beam pattern by using adaptive synthesis method
* Design on self-balancing and track-searching cart
* Detection of river ice using relevance vector machine
* Dual-ADC based digital calibration of timing skew for a time-interleaved ADC
* Dynamic three-dimensional virtual scene design based on VRML
* Echo energy analysis for pulse position modulation sequences used for non-crosstalk sonar systems
* Edge detection based on mathematical morphology theory
* emotional expression of punctuation in the network language, The
* Energy saving routing algorithm based on SPIN protocol in WSN
* error filtration method based on local similarity of the character to identify soiled vehicle license plate, An
* Experimental analysis on sub-pixel subdivision algorithm of image measurement
* family Particle Swarm Optimization based on the family tree, A
* fast algorithm for discrete sine transform using first-order moment, A
* Fast bilateral filtering using image redundancy reduction
* Fast bilateral filtering using motion detection
* frequent itemset storing structure, A
* Fusion of Log-Gabor wavelet and orthogonal locality sensitive discriminant analysis for face recognition
* Guided wave signal recognition by matching pursuit based on evolutionary programming algorithm
* Hardware/software co-design of embedded image processing system using systemc modeling platform
* Hooke and jeeves algorithm for linear least-square problems in sparse signal reconstruction
* human-machine gambling system based on System on Programming Chip (SOPC), A
* hybrid feature selection method using both filter and wrapper in mammography CAD, A
* Hypothesis test on quality measures for synthetic aperture radar images
* image matching evolutionary algorithm based on Hu invariant moments, An
* Image quality assessment based on local edge direction histogram
* image recognition algorithm based on thickness of ice cover of transmission line, An
* Improved accuracy assessment indices for object-based high resolution remotely sensed imagery classification
* Improved filtering method used for linear CCD light spot image
* Influence of shape parameters on optimal scale selection in multi-resolution segmentation
* Intelligent transportation system based on SIP/ZigBee architecture
* Interactive H.264/SVC error control methods design and implementation
* Kernel discrimination via oblique projection
* Low SNR signal time-frequency analyzing method
* metadata access strategy of learning resources based on HDFS, A
* Method of counting thin steel plates based on digital image processing
* method of measuring the semantic gap in image retrieval: Using the information theory, A
* model based on three-layer agent of personalized information retrieval systems, A
* Monitoring the water quality of Liangzi Lake based on HJ-1 data
* Moving object detection based on T-test combined with kirsch operator
* Natural scene category recognition based on multiple channels of PHOW
* New super-exponential iteration blind equalization algorithm for underwater acoustic communications
* NMS-based blurred image sub-pixel registration
* Non-crosstalk ultrasonic ranging system excited using chaotic sine frequency modulated sequences
* Non-invasive measurement study of human blood alcohol concentration based on NIR dynamic spectrum
* Non-linear pattern recognition based on SVM and genetic algorithm
* Nonuniform sampling and reconstruction for high resolution satellite images
* novel approach for depth image based rendering, based on non-linear transformation of depth values, A
* novel frontal view synthesis method based on Neighbor Embedding, A
* novel method for frame rate up-conversion, A
* Occluded face recognition based on the improved SVM and block weighted LBP
* On Comparison Of Pilot-Aided OFDM channel estimation algorithms
* On-line digital image stabilization for translational and rotational motion
* Optimization model of number of scheduled freight train formation cars
* Palm-dorsa vein recognition based on independent principle component analysis
* Palm-dorsa vein recognition based on Two-Dimensional Fisher Linear Discriminant
* Paper web defection segmentation using Gauss-Markov random field texture features
* Performance analysis of object tracking algorithm
* pitch tracking method mixing ACF and AMDF algorithms based on correlations, A
* prefix and suffix query of Chinese word segmentation algorithm for maximum matching, The
* Prominent object sharpening using reference image
* Quantitative stereological analysis of confocal laser scanning microscopic images of cells
* rapid and automatic method for camera calibration based on LCD circle pattern, A
* Real-time iris localization method
* Rectangle outline extraction of vehicles in SAR images
* Regularized image restoration with singular value decomposition
* Reinterpretation of three famous experiments on visual perception from the view of spatial frequency multi-channel
* Relations analysis between canal and urban development of Yangzhou supported by space technology
* Remote monitoring and commanding dispatch system of working boats based on C/S structure
* remote sensing adapted image registration method based on SIFT and phase congruency, A
* Representation of watercolor based on regions
* Research about security mechanism in wireless sensor network
* Research and design of GPU-based network video stream decoding and playing system
* Research in HDFS based on the campus network environment
* Research of 3D face reconstruction based on one image
* Research of biogas generator monitoring system model based on probability Petri nets
* Research of biogas power generator system based on internet technology
* Research of data packet transmission based on SMS services
* research of MPPT implementation strategy based on the improved conductance increment method, A
* Research of overload control algorithm fairness based on Parlay
* Research of parallel placed submarine cable route detection method
* Research of space target segmentation algorithm based on ToF camera
* research of tree growth based on image vision theory, The
* Research on a road displacement model and parameters determination based on structure mechanics
* research on arabic numeral symbol's use in poster design, The
* Research on cyanobacteria blooms monitoring ability of HJ-1 CCD
* Research on E-government information service mechanism based on unified communication technology
* Research on HMM_based speech synthesis for Lhasa dialect
* Research on Lhasa Tibetan prosodic model of journalese based on respiratory signal
* research on mobile game engine, The
* Research on modeling for submarine cable monitoring system based on timed colored Petri Nets
* Research on the model of submarine cable route monitoring based on improved Petri Nets
* Research on the restoration of motion-blurred images of Ochotona curzoniae
* Research on using sign language in outdoor advertising
* robust corner detector based on curvature scale space and harris, A
* runway recognition algorithm based on heuristic line extraction, A
* Sea-surface image super-resolution based on sparse representation
* Search on automatic target tracking based on PTZ system
* Segmentation of urban traffic scene based on 3D structure
* Selected mapping and partial transmit sequence schemes to reduce PAPR in OFDM systems
* Shadow removal based on invariant image with Fisher discrimination criterion
* simple method to simulate waved water, A
* Skewed text correction based on the improved Hough transform
* Skin color and feature-based face detection in complicated backgrounds
* Speaker identification based on Classification Sub-space Gaussian Mixture Model
* Speech emotion recognition system based on genetic algorithm and neural network
* Spot image processing and simulation of the laser proximity fuze
* Stability analysis of FAST TCP using PI transfer function
* Stereo matching-based low-textured scene reconstruction for ALV navigation
* Structure analysis image quality measurement
* Structure-preserved NLTV regularization for image denoising
* study of Bessel Fourier moments invariant for image retrieval and classification, A
* study on 2D signal noise reduction method for wavelet analysis, A
* Study on 3D sketch rendering based on GPU
* Study on binocular stereo camera calibration method
* Study on classification for vegetation spectral feature extraction method based on decision tree algorithm
* study on diagram design and analysis of iPhones' user interfaces, A
* Study on dynamic sharing of military shortwave frequency spectrum
* Study on Hierarchical Pre-treatment Image Fusion Algorithm of Complicated Sea and Airspace Background
* Study on military shortwave frequency planning
* study on standing tree measurement based on image processing embedded in a smartphone, The
* Study on the fusion of MODIS and TM images using the spectral response function and STARFM algorithm
* super-resolution method based on local sparse and global gradient, A
* synthetic digital signal processing method of ultrasonic guided wave pipeline inspection, A
* System framework design of automated data mining technology based on intelligent agents
* Three-dimensional modeling of a telerobot based on SolidWorks and Open Inventor
* Vehicle license plate location based on mathematical morphology and variance projection
* Video data mining based on K-Means algorithm for surveillance video
* virtual hospital system construction based on VRML, A
* Visual inspection of workpiece quality
155 for IASP11

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