Journals starting with icis

ICIS04 * block-based clustering technique for real time object detection on a static background, A

ICISP08 * *Image and Signal Processing
* 3D Human Motion Reconstruction Using Video Processing
* Accelerating Integral Histograms Using an Adaptive Approach
* Algorithm to Determine the Chromaticity Under Non-uniform Illuminant, An
* Arabic Handwritten Characters Classification Using Learning Vector Quantization Algorithm
* Blur Insensitive Texture Classification Using Local Phase Quantization
* Body Language Based Individual Identification in Video Using Gait and Actions
* CAD System for Long-Bone Segmentation and Fracture Detection, A
* Chirplet Transform Applied to Simulated and Real Blue Whale (Balaenoptera musculus) Calls
* Classification of Proteomic Signals by Block Kriging Error Matching
* Coherent Synchronization of a Chaotic Communication System Based on a QAM-4 Transmitter
* Combination of Image Registration Algorithms for Patient Alignement in Proton Beam Therapy
* Comparison of Image Restoration Methods for Bioluminescence Imaging
* Comparison of the Cross Deleted Wigner Representation and the Matching Pursuit Distribution (Via Adaptive Signal Decomposition)
* Complete Pyramidal Geometrical Scheme for Text Based Image Description and Retrieval, A
* Constrained Unsharp Masking for Image Enhancement
* Correlation, Independance and Inverse Modeling
* Depth Estimation by Finding Best Focused Points Using Line Fitting
* Design and Implementation of an Image CoProcessor
* Digital Signal Processing Techniques for Gene Finding in Eukaryotes
* Discrete Pulse Transform of Images
* Discrete Wavelet Diffusion for Image Denoising
* Dynamic Color Texture Modeling and Color Video Decomposition Using Bounded Variation and Oscillatory Functions
* Dynamic Human Fatigue Detection Using Feature-Level Fusion
* Dynamic Skin Detection in Color Images for Sign Language Recognition
* Evaluation Protocol for Localization Metrics: Application to a Comparative Study
* Face Tracking for Spatially Aware Mobile User Interfaces
* Grip-Pattern Recognition in Smart Gun Based on Likelihood-Ratio Classifier and Support Vector Machine
* Hierarchical Matching Using Combinatorial Pyramid Framework
* Human Hand Gesture Recognition Using Motion Orientation Histogram for Interaction of Handicapped Persons with Computer
* Illumination Invariant Face Recognition under Various Facial Expressions and Occlusions
* Image Retrieval: Color and Texture Combining Based on Query-Image
* Improved Phase Correlation Matching
* Joint Multiple Target Tracking and Classification Using Controlled Based Cheap JPDA-Multiple Model Particle Filter in Cluttered Environment
* Local Orientation Extraction for Wordspotting in Syriac Manuscripts
* Markerless Augmented Reality Using Image Mosaics
* Markerless Outdoor Localisation Based on SIFT Descriptors for Mobile Applications
* Mean Weight Behavior of Coupled LMS Adaptive Systems Applied to Acoustic Feedback Cancellation in Hearing Aids
* Multi-cue Facial Feature Detection and Tracking
* Multifractal Analysis on the Sphere
* Multivariate Hit-or-Miss Transform for Conjoint Spatial and Spectral Template Matching, A
* Neuro Fuzzy Model for Image Compression in Wavelet Domain, A
* New Approach for Reducing Embedding Noise in Multiple Bit Plane Steganography, A
* New Approach to Estimate Fractal Dimension of Texture Images, A
* Novel Text-Independent Speaker Verification System Using Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm, A
* Off-Line Arabic Handwritten Characters Recognition Based on a Hidden Markov Models
* Pair Correlation Integral for Fractal Characterization of Three-Dimensional Histograms from Color Images
* Path Following Algorithm for Graph Matching, A
* People Counting System Based on Dense and Close Stereovision, A
* Personal Recognition Using Single-Sensor Multimodal Hand Biometrics
* Procedure for Efficient Generation of 1/fBeta Noise Sequences, A
* Real Time Human Detection System Based on Far Infrared Vision, A
* Real Time Monocular Depth from Defocus
* Region-Based Wavelet-Packet Adaptive Algorithm for Sparse Response Identification
* Reinstating Floyd-Steinberg: Improved Metrics for Quality Assessment of Error Diffusion Algorithms
* SIFT Based Ball Recognition in Soccer Images
* Simulation Method of SAR Raw Echo for Urban Scene
* Sound Localization Based on Excitation Source Information for Intelligent Home Service Robots
* Speech Signal Processing Based on Wavelets and SVM for Vocal Tract Pathology Detection
* Statistically Valid Graph Representations of Scale-Space Geometry
* SVM-Based Face Recognition Using Genetic Search for Frequency-Feature Subset Selection
* Texture-Based Multiscale Segmentation: Application to Stromal Compartment Characterization on Ovarian Carcinoma Virtual Slides
* Topology-Preserving Discrete Deformable Model: Application to Multi-segmentation of Brain MRI
* Transients Detection in the Time-Scale Domain
* Underwater Passive Location Technology Using Dummy Time-Reversal Mirror
* Uniqueness Filtering for Local Feature Descriptors in Urban Building Recognition
* Version of the FastICA Algorithm Based on the Secant Method Combined with Simple Iterations Method, A
* Voicing Detection in Noisy Speech Signal
* Volume Estimation of Small Particles Using Three-Dimensional Reconstruction from Multiple Views
* Watermarking Based on the Density Coefficients of Faber-Schauder Wavelets
* Wavelet-Packet Identification of Dynamic Systems with Coloured Measurement Noise
71 for ICISP08

ICISP10 * *Image and Signal Processing
* 3D Head Trajectory Using a Single Camera
* Adaptive Method Using Genetic Fuzzy System to Evaluate Suspended Particulates Matters SPM from Landsat and Modis Data, An
* Adaptive Multiresolution-Based Multispectral Image Compression Method, An
* Artificial Neural Network and Fuzzy Clustering Methods in Segmenting Sputum Color Images for Lung Cancer Diagnosis
* Assessment of the Artificial Habitat in Shrimp Aquaculture Using Environmental Pattern Classification
* Circle Location by Moments
* Classification of High-Resolution NMR Spectra Based on Complex Wavelet Domain Feature Selection and Kernel-Induced Random Forest
* Classification of Multi-structured Documents: A Comparison Based on Media Image
* Classification of Similar Impact Sounds
* Color VQ-Based Image Compression by Manifold Learning
* Comparative Testing of Face Detection Algorithms
* Compensating for Motion Estimation Inaccuracies in DVC
* Content Based Thermal Images Retrieval
* Correction of Left Ventricle Strain Signals Estimated from Tagged MR Images
* Cry-Based Babies Identification System, A
* Determining Dominant Frequency with Data-Adaptive Windows
* Efficient 3d Head Pose Inference from Videos, An
* Efficient Combination of Texture and Color Information for Watershed Segmentation, An
* Efficient Person Identification by Fusion of Multiple Palmprint Representations
* Efficient Time and Frequency Methods for Sampling Filter Functions
* Error-Resilient and Error Concealment 3-D SPIHT Video Coding with Added Redundancy
* Facial Parts-Based Face Hallucination Method
* Fall Detection Using Body Volume Recontruction and Vertical Repartition Analysis
* Frequency Tracking with Spline Based Chirp Atoms
* Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test and the Sparse Representations Approach, The
* Geometric Image Registration under Locally Variant Illuminations Using Huber M-estimator
* Global versus Hybrid Thresholding for Border Detection in Dermoscopy Images
* Grassland Species Characterization for Plant Family Discrimination by Image Processing
* High Dimensional versus Low Dimensional Chaos in MPEG-7 Feature Binding for Object Classification
* Human Action Recognition Using Key Points Displacement
* Human Detection with a Multi-sensors Stereovision System
* Image Hiding by Using Genetic Algorithm and LSB Substitution
* Improving Performance of a Noise Reduction Algorithm by Switching the Analysis Filter Bank
* Leaves Shape Classification Using Curvature and Fractal Dimension
* LMMSE-Based Image Denoising in Nonsubsampled Contourlet Transform Domain
* Mass Description for Breast Cancer Recognition
* Morphological Sharpening and Denoising Using a Novel Shock Filter Model
* Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm Optimization for Image Watermarking Based on Singular Value Decomposition and Lifting Wavelet Transform
* Multi-sensor Fire Detection by Fusing Visual and Non-visual Flame Features
* Multi-stage Approach for 3D Teeth Segmentation from Dentition Surfaces, A
* New Approach Based on Texture and Geometric Features for Text Detection
* New Preprocessing Filter for Digital Mammograms, A
* Non-linear EEG Analysis of Idiopathic Hypersomnia
* Novel Polychromatic Model for Light Dispersion, A
* On Supporting Identification in a Hand-Based Biometric Framework
* On the Choice of Filter Bank Parameters for Wavelet-Packet Identification of Dynamic Systems
* People Reacquisition across Multiple Cameras with Disjoint Views
* Performance Evaluation of Multiresolution Methods in Disparity Estimation
* Plant Leaf Identification Using Color and Multi-scale Fractal Dimension
* Real Time Human Visual System Based Framework for Image Fusion
* Remote Sensing Image Registration Techniques: A Survey
* Resolution Scalable Image Coding with Dyadic Complementary Rational Wavelet Transforms
* Scale-Space Representation of Lung HRCT Images for Diffuse Lung Disease Classification
* Segmentation of Images of Lead Free Solder
* Selecting Optimal Orientations of Gabor Wavelet Filters for Facial Image Analysis
* Semantic Proximity Based System of Arabic Text Indexation, A
* Shape Skeleton Classification Using Graph and Multi-scale Fractal Dimension
* Signal Processing Algorithm Based on Parametric Dynamic Programming, A
* Speech Recognition System of Arabic Alphabet Based on a Telephony Arabic Corpus
* Statistical and Neural Classifiers: Application for Singer and Music Discrimination in Polyphonic Music Context
* Subsampling and Interpolation Technique for Reversible Histogram Shift Data Hiding, A
* Texture Analysis of Brain CT Scans for ICP Prediction
* Tone Recognition of Isolated Mandarin Syllables
* Total Variation Minimization with Separable Sensing Operator
* Turbo Code Using Adaptive Puncturing for Pixel Domain Distributed Video Coding
* Unsupervised Segmentation for Inflammation Detection in Histopathology Images
* Video Quality Prediction Using a 3D Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Structural Similarity Index
* Wavelet-Based Multi-Channel Image Denoising Using Fuzzy Logic
* Zoom Based Super-Resolution: A Fast Approach Using Particle Swarm Optimization
70 for ICISP10

ICISP12 * *Image and Signal Processing
* 2D Rigid Point Registration for Satellite Imaging Using Genetic Algorithms, A
* 3D Face Recognition Using an Expression Insensitive Dynamic Mask
* 3D shape Retrieval Using Bag-of-Feature Method Basing on Local Codebooks
* Accelerator-Based implementation of the Harris Algorithm
* Bayesian Image Matting Using Infrared and Color Cues
* Blind Separation of Convolutive Mixtures of Non-stationary and Temporally Uncorrelated Sources Based on Joint Diagonalization
* Brain MRI Image Segmentation in View of Tumor Detection: Application to Multiple Sclerosis
* Classifiers Combination for Arabic Words Recognition: Application to Handwritten Algerian City Names
* Data Acquisition Enhancement in Shape and Multispectral Color Measurements of 3D Objects
* Design of an Antenna Array for GNSS/GPS Network
* Dual-Resolution Active Contours Segmentation of Vickers Indentation Images with Shape Prior Initialization
* DWT Based-Approach for Color Image Compression Using Genetic Algorithm
* Edge Preserving Image Fusion Based on Contourlet Transform
* Eigen Combination of Colour and Texture Informations for Image Segmentation
* Embedded Real-Time Video Processing System on FPGA
* Evolutionary Spectrum for Random Field and Missing Observations
* Extracting Buildings by Using the Generalized Multi Directional Discrete Radon Transform
* Fragile Watermarking Scheme Based CRC Checksum and Public Key Cryptosystem for RGB Color Image Authentication, A
* Gabor Filter-Based Texture Features to Archaeological Ceramic Materials Characterization
* Graph Based Approach for Heterogeneous Document Segmentation, A
* Image Quality Assessment Measure Based on Natural Image Statistics in the Tetrolet Domain
* Improved Images Watermarking Scheme Using FABEMD Decomposition and DCT, An
* Improved Watermark Extraction Exploiting Undeterminated Source Separation Methods
* Improving of Gesture Recognition Using Multi-hypotheses Object Association
* Iris-Biometric Fuzzy Commitment Schemes under Signal Degradation
* Kernel-Based Laplacian Smoothing Method for 3D Mesh Denoising
* Matching Noisy Outline Contours Using a Descriptor Reduction Approach
* Maximizing Network Lifetime through Optimal Power Consumption in Wireless Sensor Networks
* Maximum Likelihood Estimation, Interpolation and Prediction for Fractional Brownian Motion
* Methodology for Acoustic Characterization of a Labial Constraint in Speech Production
* Multi-model Approach for Multicomponent Texture Classification
* Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm for Image Thresholding
* Multisource Fusion/Classification Using ICM and DSmT with New Decision Rule
* New Encoding Algorithm for Distributed Speech Recognition Based on DTFS Transform
* Nonlinear Blind Source Separation Applied to a Simple Bijective Model
* Optical Flow Estimation on Omnidirectional Images: An Adapted Phase Based Method
* Outline Matching of the 2D Shapes Using Extracting XML Data
* Performance of OFDM in Radio Mobile Channel
* Phase Congruency Based Document Binarization, A
* Plugin of Recommendation Based on a Hybrid Method for the Ranking of Documents in the E-Learning Platforms
* Porting a H264/AVC Adaptive in Loop Deblocking Filter to a TI DM6437EVM DSP
* Real Time Door Access Event Detection and Notification in a Reactive Smart Surveillance System
* Real-Time Fall Detection Method Based on Hidden Markov Modelling
* RGB Color Distribution Analysis Using Volumetric Fractal Dimension
* Robust Arabic Multi-stream Speech Recognition System in Noisy Environment
* Rotation Invariant Fuzzy Shape Contexts Based on Eigenshapes and Fourier Transforms for Efficient Radiological Image Retrieval
* Salient Pixels and Dimensionality Reduction for Display of Multi/Hyperspectral Images
* Satellite Image Classification Using a Divergence-Based Fuzzy c-Means Algorithm
* Score Fusion in Multibiometric Identification Based on Fuzzy Set Theory
* Security Analysis of Key Binding Biometric Cryptosystems
* Segmentation of Prostate Using Interactive Finsler Active Contours and Shape Prior
* Seismic Signal Discrimination between Earthquakes and Quarry Blasts Using Fuzzy Logic Approach
* Selecting Vision Operators and Fixing Their Optimal Parameters Values Using Reinforcement Learning
* Sfax-Miracl Hand Database for Contactless Hand Biometrics Applications
* Simultaneous Multispectral Imaging and Illuminant Estimation Using a Stereo Camera
* Sparse Representation Based Classification for Face Recognition by k-LiMapS Algorithm
* Spatial Correlation Characterization for UWB Indoor Channel Based on Measurements
* Speaker Tracking Using Multi-modal Fusion Framework
* Spiral Cube for Biometric Template Protection
* SVM and Haralick Features for Classification of High Resolution Satellite Images from Urban Areas
* SVM Based GMM Supervector Speaker Recognition Using LP Residual Signal
* Text Enhancement by PDE's Based Methods
* Texture Analysis for Trabecular Bone X-Ray Images Using Anisotropic Morlet Wavelet and Rényi Entropy
* Texture Classification Based on Lacunarity Descriptors
* Tracking Moving Objects in Road Traffic Sequences
* Ultra Wide-Band Channel Characterization Using Generalized Gamma Distributions
* Writer Recognition on Arabic Handwritten Documents
68 for ICISP12

ICISP14 * *Image and Signal Processing
* 3D Model Editing from Contour Drawings on Orthographic Projection Views
* Applying NURBS Surfaces Approximation with Different Parameterization Methods on CKSOM Model Closed Surfaces Data
* Automatic Evaluation System of FISH Images in Breast Cancer
* Automatic Feature Detection and Clustering Using Random Indexing
* Brain Tumor Classification in MRI Scans Using Sparse Representation
* Building a Two-Way Hyperspectral Imaging System with Liquid Crystal Tunable Filters
* CID:IQ: A New Image Quality Database
* Color and Image Characterization of a Three CCD Seven Band Spectral Camera
* Color Badger: A Novel Retinex-Based Local Tone Mapping Operator
* Comparative Study of Irregular Pyramid Matching in Bag-of-Bags of Words Model for Image Retrieval, A
* Contribution of Color Information in Visual Saliency Model for Videos
* Daylight Colored Optimal Spectra for Improved Color Discrimination
* Denoising an Image by Denoising Its Components in a Moving Frame
* Design and Creation of a Multi-illuminant Scene Image Dataset
* Efficient Mechanism for Discontinuity Preserving in Optical Flow Methods
* Efficient Poisson-Based Surface Reconstruction of 3D Model from a Non-homogenous Sparse Point Cloud
* Empirical Comparison of Visual Descriptors for Content Based X-Ray Image Retrieval
* Evaluating Visibility of Age Spot and Freckle Based on Simulated Spectral Reflectance of Skin
* Evaluation of a Fourier Watermarking Method Robustness to Cards Durability Attacks
* Experimental Evaluation of Chromostereopsis with Varying Center Wavelength and FWHM of Spectral Power Distribution
* Exposure Fusion Algorithm Based on Perceptual Contrast and Dynamic Adjustment of Well-Exposedness
* FABEMD Based Image Watermarking in Wavelet Domain
* Facade Labeling via Explicit Matrix Factorization
* Farmer Assisted Mobile Framework for Improving Agricultural Products
* Fast Exposure Fusion Based on Histograms Segmentation
* Fast Semi-supervised Segmentation of in Situ Tree Color Images
* Fundamental Study on Intraoperative Quantification of Gastrointestinal Viability by Transmission Light Intensity Analysis
* Gabor Filterbank Features for Robust Speech Recognition
* Gait Recognition Based on Modified Phase Only Correlation
* How Are LED Illumination Based Multispectral Imaging Systems Influenced by Different Factors?
* Hue and Saturation in the RGB Color Space
* Hybrid-Resolution Spectral Imaging System Using Adaptive Regression-Based Reconstruction
* Hyper-Spectral Acquisition on Historically Accurate Reconstructions of Red Organic Lakes
* Image Classification Using Separable Discrete Moments of Charlier-Tchebichef
* Image Classification with Indicator Kriging Error Comparison
* Improved Spectral Density Measurement from Estimated Reflectance Data with Kernel Ridge Regression
* Improvement of Energy-Transfer Features Using DCT for Face Detection, An
* Improving Approximate Graph Edit Distance by Means of a Greedy Swap Strategy
* Improving the Tone Mapping Operators by Using a Redefined Version of the Luminance Channel
* Is a Precise Distortion Estimation Needed for Computer Aided Celiac Disease Diagnosis?
* Linear Interpolation Algorithm for Spectral Filter Array Demosaicking, A
* Manifold Matching with Application to Instance Search Based on Video Queries
* Measurement and Modeling of Bidirectional Characteristics of Fluorescent Objects
* Multichannel Spectral Image Enhancement for Visualizing Diabetic Retinopathy Lesions
* Multilinear Sparse Decomposition for Best Spectral Bands Selection
* Multiple Color Matches to Estimate Human Color Vision Sensitivities
* Multispectral Endoscopy to Identify Precancerous Lesions in Gastric Mucosa
* Natural Vision Data File Format as a New Spectral Image Format for Biological Applications
* New Adaptive Thresholding Technique for Retinal Vessel Segmentation Based on Local Homogeneity Information, A
* New Evolutionary-Based Clustering Framework for Image Databases, A
* New Geometric Constraint Solving Formulation: Application to the 3D Pentahedron
* NIR and Visible Image Fusion for Improving Face Recognition at Long Distance
* No-reference Blur Assessment of Dermatological Images Acquired via Mobile Devices
* Nonlocal PDEs Morphology on Graph: A Generalized Shock Operators on Graph
* Novel Penta-Valued Descriptor for Color Clustering, A
* Object Segmentation through Multiple Instance Learning
* Parametric Description of Skeleton Radial Function by Legendre Polynomials for Binary Images Comparison
* Performance of First-Order Algorithms for TV Penalized Weighted Least-Squares Denoising Problem
* Picture Quality Prediction in Image Processing
* Pigment Mapping of the Scream (1893) Based on Hyperspectral Imaging
* Practice-Based Comparison of Imaging Methods for Visualization of Toolmarks on an Egyptian Scarab
* Road Detection Using Fisheye Camera and Laser Range Finder
* Robust False Positive Detection for Real-Time Multi-target Tracking
* Script Characterization in the Old Slavic Documents
* Segmentation and Recognition of Petroglyphs Using Generic Fourier Descriptors
* Semi-automated Speaker Adaptation: How to Control the Quality of Adaptation?
* Serbia Forum - Digital Cultural Heritage Portal
* Serial Combination of Neural Network for Arabic OCR, A
* Sparse Regularization of TV-L1 Optical Flow
* Spectral Colour Differences through Interpolation
* Spectral Image Analysis and Visualisation of the Khirbet Qeiyafa Ostracon
* Spectral LED-Based Tuneable Light Source for the Reconstruction of CIE Standard Illuminants
* Spot Words in Printed Historical Arabic Documents
* Toward a Complete Inclusion of the Vector Information in Morphological Computation of Texture Features for Color Images
* Variational Approach for Denoising Hyperspectral Images Corrupted by Poisson Distributed Noise, A
* Wideband Speech Encryption Based Arnold Cat Map for AMR-WB G.722.2 Codec
77 for ICISP14

ICISP16 * *Image and Signal Processing
* Automatic Detection and Classification of Oil Tanks in Optical Satellite Images Based on Convolutional Neural Network
* Chaotic Cryptosystem for Color Image with Dynamic Look-Up Table, A
* Classification of Eukaryotic Organisms Through Cepstral Analysis of Mitochondrial DNA
* Collaborative Unmixing Hyperspectral Imagery via Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
* Color Correction in 3D Digital Documentation: Case Study
* Color Image Database for Haze Model and Dehazing Methods Evaluation, A
* Computer Vision Color Constancy from Maximal Projections Mean Assumption
* Curve Extraction by Geodesics Fusion: Application to Polymer Reptation Analysis
* Defect Detection on Patterned Fabrics Using Entropy Cues
* Demosaicking Method for Multispectral Images Based on Spatial Gradient and Inter-channel Correlation
* Detection of Activities During Newborn Resuscitation Based on Short-Time Energy of Acceleration Signal
* Digital Watermarking Scheme Based on Arnold and Anti-Arnold Transforms
* Edge Detection Based on Riesz Transform
* Fast Autonomous Crater Detection by Image Analysis: For Unmanned Landing on Unknown Terrain
* Feature Asymmetry of the Conformal Monogenic Signal
* Feature Extraction Based on Bandpass Filtering for Frog Call Classification
* Fragile Watermarking Scheme for Image Authentication Using Wavelet Transform, A
* Hybrid Combination of Multiple SVM Classifiers for Automatic Recognition of the Damages and Symptoms on Plant Leaves, A
* JND Model Using a Texture-Edge Selector Based on Faber-Schauder Wavelet Lifting Scheme, A
* Kinect Depth Holes Filling by Similarity and Position Constrained Sparse Representation
* Leaf Classification Using Convexity Measure of Polygons
* Measuring Spectral Reflectance and 3D Shape Using Multi-primary Image Projector
* Multiple-Instance Multiple-Label Learning for the Classification of Frog Calls with Acoustic Event Detection
* New Method for Arabic Text Detection in Natural Scene Image Based on the Color Homogeneity, A
* No-Reference 3D Mesh Quality Assessment Based on Dihedral Angles Model and Support Vector Regression
* Nonlinear Estimation of Chromophore Concentrations and Shading from Hyperspectral Images
* Novel Geometrical Approach for a Rapid Estimation of the HARDI Signal in Diffusion MRI, A
* On the Benefit of State Separation for Tracking in Image Space with an Interacting Multiple Model Filter
* Otolith Recognition System Using a Normal Angles Contour
* Palm Trees Detection from High Spatial Resolution Satellite Imagery Using a New Contextual Classification Method with Constraints
* Privacy Preserving Dynamic Room Layout Mapping
* Robust Print-cam Image Watermarking in Fourier Domain
* Single Image Super-Resolution Using Sparse Representation on a K-NN Dictionary
* Single-Loop Architecture for JPEG 2000
* Speaker Classification via Supervised Hierarchical Clustering Using ICA Mixture Model
* Speaker Discrimination Based on a Fusion Between Neural and Statistical Classifiers
* Speaker Discrimination Using Several Classifiers and a Relativistic Speaker Characterization
* Super-Resolved Enhancement of a Single Image and Its Application in Cardiac MRI
* Traveling Optical Scanner: Case Study on 3D Shape Models of Ancient Brazilian Skulls, The
* Unsupervised Classification of Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery Using a Bootstrap Version of the Generalized Mixture Expectation Maximization Algorithm
41 for ICISP16

ICISP18 * *Image and Signal Processing

ICISP20 * *Image and Signal Processing
* Approach to Analysis the Surface Geometry Change in Cultural Heritage Objects
* Big Data and Reality Mining in Healthcare: Promise and Potential
* Bottom-up Approach for Pig Skeleton Extraction Using RGB Data, A
* CNN-SVM Learning Approach Based Human Activity Recognition
* Considerably Improving Clustering Algorithms Using Umap Dimensionality Reduction Technique: A Comparative Study
* Convolutional Neural Networks Backbones for Object Detection
* Dataset to Support Sexist Content Detection in Arabic Text, A
* Deep CNN-LSTM Framework for Fast Video Coding, A
* Deep Transfer Learning Models for Tomato Disease Detection
* Dermonet: A Computer-aided Diagnosis System for Dermoscopic Disease Recognition
* Detection of Elliptical Traffic Signs
* Diagnosing Tuberculosis Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network
* Discrete p-bilaplacian Operators on Graphs
* ECG Signal Analysis on an Embedded Device for Sleep Apnea Detection
* Extraction and Recognition of Bangla Texts from Natural Scene Images Using Cnn
* Fuzzy-based Approach for Assessing Traffic Congestion in Urban Areas
* Graph-based Image Retrieval: State of the Art
* Handwriting Based Gender Classification Using Cold and Hinge Features
* Image Watermarking Based on Fourier-Mellin Transform
* Image-based Place Recognition Using Semantic Segmentation and Inpainting to Remove Dynamic Objects
* Incep-EEGNEt: A Convnet for Motor Imagery Decoding
* Logo Detection Based on Fcm Clustering Algorithm and Texture Features
* Machine Learning-based Classification of Powdery Mildew Severity on Melon Leaves
* Microcontrollers on the Edge: Is ESP32 with Camera Ready for Machine Learning?
* Multispectral Dynamic Codebook and Fusion Strategy for Moving Objects Detection
* Multistage Deep Neural Network Framework for People Detection and Localization Using Fusion of Visible and Thermal Images
* New Method of Image Reconstruction for PET Using a Combined Regularization Algorithm, A
* New Sparse Blind Source Separation Method for Determined Linear Convolutive Mixtures in Time-frequency Domain, A
* New Texture Descriptor: The Homogeneous Local Binary Pattern (HLBP), A
* Object Detector Combination for Increasing Accuracy and Detecting More Overlapping Objects
* Proposed Integration Algorithm to Optimize the Separation of Audio Signals Using the Ica and Wavelet Transform
* Random Forest-cellular Automata Modeling Approach to Predict Future Forest Cover Change in Middle Atlas Morocco, Under Anthropic, Biotic and Abiotic Parameters, A
* Segmentation of Microscopic Image of Colorants Using U-net Based Deep Convolutional Networks for Material Appearance Design
* Semantic Segmentation of Diabetic Foot Ulcer Images: Dealing with Small Dataset in Dl Approaches
* Spectral Hazy Image Database, A
* Speech Enhancement Based on Deep Autoencoder for Remote Arabic Speech Recognition
* Towards the Tactile Discovery of Cultural Heritage with Multi-approach Segmentation
* Use of Imaging Techniques as a Support for the Preventive Conservation Strategy of Wall Paintings: Application to the Medieval Decors of the Château de Germolles
* Vine Disease Detection by Deep Learning Method Combined with 3d Depth Information
* Visualizing Blood Flow of Palm in Different Muscle Tense State Using High-speed Video Camera
41 for ICISP20

Index for "i"

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