Index for srih

Srihari, R.[Rohini] Co Author Listing * Automated Scoring of Handwritten Essays Based on Latent Semantic Analysis
* Automatic scoring of short handwritten essays in reading comprehension tests

Srihari, R.K.[Rohini K.] Co Author Listing * Home Page.
* email: Srihari, R.K.[Rohini K.]: rohini AT cs buffalo edu
* Automatic-Indexing and Content-Based Retrieval of Captioned Images
* case restoration approach to named entity tagging in degraded documents, A
* Combining text and image information in content-based retrieval
* Computational Models for Integrating Linguistic and Visual Information: A Survey
* Computer based method and apparatus for object recognition
* Generalizing Edit Distance to Incorporate Domain Information: Handwritten Text Recognition as a Case-Study
* Image Background Search: Combining Object Detection Techniques with Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) Systems
* Incorporating Diverse Information-Sources in Handwriting Recognition Postprocessing
* Large Vocabulary Recognition Of Online Handwritten Cursive Words
* Linguistic Context In Vision
* Locating Human Faces in Newspaper Photographs
* Model for Multimodal Information Retrieval, A
* Subspace morphing theory for appearance based object identification
* Use of Captions and Other Collateral Text in Understanding Photographs
* Use of Collateral Text in Image Interpretation
* Use of Collateral Text in Understanding Photos in Documents
* Using Linguistic Context for Image Interpretation and Annotation
* Using Speech Input for Image Interpretation and Annotation
* Visual Semantics: Extracting Visual Information from Text Accompanying Pictures
Includes: Srihari, R.K.[Rohini K.] Srihari, R.K.
21 for Srihari, R.K.

Srihari, S.[Sargur] Co Author Listing * Automated Scoring of Handwritten Essays Based on Latent Semantic Analysis
* Automatic scoring of short handwritten essays in reading comprehension tests
* Detecting hubs and quasi cliques in scale-free networks
* Discovery of the tri-edge inequality with binary vector dissimilarity measures
* Extraction of shoe-print patterns from impression evidence using Conditional Random Fields
* Handwritten Word Recognition Using Conditional Random Fields
* Large scale address recognition systems: Truthing, testing, tools, and other evaluation issues
* Latent Fingerprint Core Point Prediction Based on Gaussian Processes
* Methodology for Deriving Probabilistic Correctness Measures from Recognizers, A
* Methodology for Mapping Scores to Probabilities, A
* New Off-line Signature Verification Method based on Graph, A
* On Computing Strength of Evidence for Writer Verification
* On the Use of Lexeme Features for Writer Verification
* Postal Reply Card Processing
* Truthing, testing and evaluation issues in complex systems
* Use of exterior contours and shape features in off-line signature verification
Includes: Srihari, S.[Sargur] Srihari, S.[Sriganesh] Srihari, S.
16 for Srihari, S.

Srihari, S.N.[Sargur N.] Co Author Listing * Home Page.
* email: Srihari, S.N.[Sargur N.]: srihari AT cedar buffalo edu
* Accessing the Authorship Confidence of Handwritten Items
* algorithm for determining identity of nearest-neighbor and potential function decision rules, An
* Analysis of handwriting individuality using word features
* Analysis of Textual Images Using the Hough Transform
* architecture for handwritten text recognition systems, An
* Automatic handwriting recognition and writer matching on anthrax-related handwritten mail
* Bayesian Network Structure Learning and Inference Methods for Handwriting
* Bayesian Network Structure Learning Using Causality
* Blackboard-Based Approach to Handwritten Zip Code Recognition, A
* Boundary Detection in Multidimensions
* Caption-Aided Face Location In Newspaper Photographs
* Classification of Newspaper Image Blocks Using Texture Analysis
* Combination of type III digit recognizers using the Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence
* Computational Approach to Visual Word Recognition: Hypothesis Generation and Testing, A
* Computational Model for Face Location Based on Cognitive Principles, A
* computational model for face location, A
* Computational Model for Recognition of Multifont Word Images, A
* Computing the scene of a crime
* Control-Structure for Interpreting Handwritten Addresses
* Decision Combination in Multiple Classifier Systems
* Discriminatory power of handwritten words for writer recognition
* Distance Between Histograms of Angular Measurements and Its Application to Handwritten Character Similarity
* Document Image Analysis
* Document Image Binarization Based on Texture Features
* Document Image Binarization: Evaluation of Algorithms
* Document Image Retrieval using Signatures as Queries
* Document Image-Processing System for Name and Address Recognition
* Efficient and accurate learning of Bayesian networks using chi-squared independence tests
* Ellipse detection using sampling constraints
* Establishing handwriting individuality using pattern recognition techniques
* Evaluating the Rarity of Handwriting Formations
* Experiments in Text Recognition with Binary N-Gram and Viterbi Algorithms
* fast algorithm for finding k-nearest neighbors with non-metric dissimilarity, A
* Fast K-Nearest Neighbor Classification Using Cluster-Based Trees
* fast nearest neighbor search algorithm by filtration, A
* Forensic handwritten document retrieval system
* Framework for Object Recognition in a Visually Complex Environment and Its Application to Locating Address Blocks on Mail Pieces, A
* General-Purpose Japanese Optical Character Recognition System, A
* Generative models for fingerprint individuality using ridge models
* Gradient-Based Contour Encoding for Character-Recognition
* Hierarchical Data Structure for Multidimensional Digital Images, A
* Hierarchical Representations for serial Section Images
* High-Performance Reading Machines
* Holistic recognition of handwritten character pairs
* Hover System for Rapid Holistic Verification of Off-Line Handwritten Phrases, The
* hypothesis testing approach to word recognition using dynamic feature selection, A
* Image Pattern Recognition: Synthesis and Analysis in biometrics
* Image quality and readability
* Individuality of handwriting: a validation study
* Individuality of handwritten characters
* Individuality of numerals
* Information Retrieval System for Handwritten Documents
* Integrated Algorithm for Text Recognition: Comparison with a Cascaded Algorithm, An
* Integrated Approach to Document Decomposition and Structural-Analysis
* Integration of Hand-Written Address Interpretation Technology into the United States Postal Service Remote Computer Reader System
* Interpretation of Handwritten Addresses in US Mail Stream
* Invited Lecture II: Evaluating the Probability of Identification in the Forensic Sciences
* Joint visual denoising and classification using deep learning
* Knowledge Utilization In Handwritten Zip Code Recognition
* Knowledge-Based Cursive Script Interpretation
* Knowledge-Based Derivation of Document Logical Structure
* Likelihood ratio estimation in forensic identification using similarity and rarity
* Locating Human Faces in Newspaper Photographs
* Machine Learning for Signature Verification
* Machine Vision Applications in Character Recognition and Industrial Inspection
* Machine-Printed Japanese Document Recognition
* Method and apparatus for handwritten character recognition
* Multi-Level Perception Approach to Reading Cursive Script, A
* Name and Address Block Reader System for Tax Form Processing
* Nearest Neighbor Search using Additive Binary Tree
* Object Recognition in Structured and Random Environments: Locating Address Blocks on Mail Pieces
* Object Recognition in Visually Complex Environments: An Architecture for Locating Address Blocks on Mail Pieces
* OCR in a Hierarchical Feature Space
* Off-Line Cursive Script Word Recognition
* On measuring the distance between histograms
* On methods for incorporating evidences into posterior scoring of hypotheses
* On multiple classifier systems for pattern recognition
* On-Line and Off-Line Handwriting Recognition: A Comprehensive Survey
* Optimizing binary feature vector similarity measure using genetic algorithm and handwritten character recognition
* Performance of a System to Locate Address Blocks on Mail Pieces
* Postal Address Block Location in Real Time
* Postal Address Reading in Real-Time
* Postprocessing of Recognized Strings Using Nonstationary Markovian Models
* priori algorithm for sub-category classification analysis of handwriting, A
* Probabilistic Measure for Signature Verification Based on Bayesian Learning
* Progressive Refinement of 3-D Images Using Coded Binary Trees: Algorithms and Architecture
* Reading Handwritten Phrases on US Census Forms
* Reading Newspaper Text
* Recognition of handwritten foreign mail
* Recognition of Strings Using Non-stationary Markovian Models: An Application to ZIP Code Recognition
* Recognizing Address Blocks on Mail Pieces: Specialized Tools and Problem-Solving Architecture
* Recursive Generation of Hierarchical Data Structures for Multidimensional Digital Images
* Representation of Three-Dimensional Digital Images
* Representing OCRed Documents in HTML
* Revisiting hierarchy: Deep learning with orthogonally constrained prior for classification
* Role of Automation in the Examination of Handwritten Items
* Rule-Based System for Document Understanding, A
* Segmentation and Recognition Strategy for Handwritten Phrases, A
* Semi-supervised Learning for Handwriting Recognition
* Separating Handwritten Text from Non-Textual Interference
* Spatial Knowledge Representation
* Special Issue: Document Analysis And Recognition - Guests Editors Introduction
* statistical model for writer verification, A
* String Correction Algorithm for Cursive Script Recognition, A
* Study Relating Image Sampling Rate and Image Pattern Recognition, A
* System for recognizing handwritten character strings containing overlapping and/or broken characters
* System for Segmentation and Recognition of Totally Unconstrained Handwritten Numeral Strings, A
* System to Read Names and Addresses on Tax Forms, A
* Text Parsing Using Spatial Information for Recognizing Addresses in Mail Pieces
* Top Down Analysis of Line Structure in Handwritten Documents
* Understanding Handwritten Text in a Structured Environment
* Use of character recognition and syntax in locating address paragraphs in complex documents
* Variable Duration Hidden Markov Model and Morphological Segmentation for Handwritten Word Recognition
* Versatile Search of Scanned Arabic Handwriting
* Word recognition with deep conditional random fields
* Word Shape Analysis Approach to Recognition of Degraded Word Images, A
* Writer Verification of Historical Documents among Cohort Writers
Includes: Srihari, S.N.[Sargur N.] Srihari, S.N.
119 for Srihari, S.N.

Sriharsha, R.[Ram] Co Author Listing * mixture modeling approach for clustering log files with coreset and user feedback, A

Index for "s"

Last update:20-Jan-25 11:48:17
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