Journals starting with civr

* AtomsNet: Multimedia Peer2Peer File Sharing
* Automated Scene Matching in Movies
* Challenges for Content-Based Navigation of Digital Video in the Fischlar Digital Library
* Challenges of Image and Video Retrieval
* Content-Based Analysis for Video from Snooker Broadcasts
* Content-Based Retrieval of Historical Watermark Images: I-tracings
* Efficient Coding of Three Dimensional Colour Distributions for Image Retrieval, An
* Evaluation of Salient Point Techniques
* Extracting Semantic Information from Basketball Video Based on Audio-Visual Features
* Face Detection for Video Summaries
* FACERET: An Interactive Face Retrieval System Based on Self-Organizing Maps
* Fast k-NN Image Search with Self-Organizing Maps
* Image Retrieval Methods for a Database of Funeral Monuments
* JPEG Image Retrieval Based on Features from DCT Domain
* Linear Image-Pair Model and the Associated Hypothesis Test for Matching, A
* Local Affine Frames for Image Retrieval
* Method for Evaluating the Performance of Content-Based Image Retrieval Systems Based on Subjectively Determined Similarity between Images, A
* Multimodal Person Identification in Movies
* Multiple Regions and Their Spatial Relationship-Based Image Retrieval
* Non-retrieval: Blocking Pornographic Images
* Object Recognition for Video Retrieval
* Object-Based Image Retrieval Using Hierarchical Shape Descriptor
* On the Coupled Forward and Backward Anisotropic Diffusion Scheme for Color Image Enhancement
* Online Bayesian Video Summarization and Linking
* Personal Construct Theory as a Research Tool for Analysing User Perceptions of Photographs
* Query by Fax for Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Ranking Algorithm Using Dynamic Clustering for Content-Based Image Retrieval, A
* Retrieval of Archival Moving Imagery: CBIR Outside the Frame?
* Robust Shape Matching
* Semantic Video Retrieval Using Audio Analysis
* Semantics-Based Image Retrieval by Region Saliency
* Size Functions for Image Retrieval: A Demonstrator on Randomly Generated Curves
* Spectrally Layered Color Indexing
* Spin Images and Neural Networks for Efficient Content-Based Retrieval in 3D Object Databases
* Truth about Corel: Evaluation in Image Retrieval, The
* Using an Image Retrieval System for Vision-Based Mobile Robot Localization
* Video Indexing and Retrieval for Archeological Digital Library, CLIOH
* Video Retrieval by Feature Learning in Key Frames
* Visual Clustering of Trademarks Using the Self-Organizing Map
* Visualization, Estimation and User-Modeling for Interactive Browsing of Image Libraries
41 for CIVR02

* Adaptive Image Content Representation and Segmentation Approach to Automatic Image Annotation, An
* Adding Semantics to Audiovisual Content: The FAETHON Project
* Ambient Intelligence Through Image Retrieval
* Assessing Scene Structuring in Consumer Videos
* Automated Person Identification in Video
* Automatic Generation of Personalized Digest Based on Context Flow and Distinctive Events
* CIMWOS Multimedia Indexing System, The
* CLEF Cross Language Image Retrieval Track (ImageCLEF) 2004, The
* Co-retrieval: A Boosted Reranking Approach for Video Retrieval
* Computer Vision in the Movies: From the Lab to the Big Screen
* Content Based Image Synthesis
* Content-Based Image Retrieval and Characterization on Specific Web Collections
* Contribution of NLP to the Content Indexing of Multimedia Documents
* Disclosure of Non-scripted Video Content: InDiCo and M4/AMI
* Discussion of Nonlinear Variants of Biased Discriminants for Interactive Image Retrieval, A
* EDU: A Model of Video Summarization
* Effective Approach Towards Content-Based Image Retrieval, An
* Empirical Investigation of the Scalability of a Multiple Viewpoint CBIR System, An
* Evaluation of Texture Features for Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Everything Gets Better All the Time, Apart from the Amount of Data
* Exploiting Problem Domain Knowledge for Accurate Building Image Classification
* Extraction of Salient Features for Image Retrieval Using Multi-scale Image Relevance Function
* Faster Exact Histogram Intersection on Large Data Collections Using Inverted VA-Files
* Feature Based Cut Detection with Automatic Threshold Selection
* Finding Person X: Correlating Names with Visual Appearances
* Framework for Semantic Classification of Scenes Using Finite State Machines, A
* Geometrical Key-Frame Selection Method Exploiting Dominant Motion Estimation in Video, A
* Graph Edit Distance Based on Node Merging, A
* HMM Model Selection Issues for Soccer Video
* ICBR: Multimedia Management System for Intelligent Content Based Retrieval
* Image and Video Retrieval Using New Capture and Display Devices
* Image Classification into Object / Non-object Classes
* Image Retrieval Interfaces: A User Perspective
* Improved Video Content Indexing by Multiple Latent Semantic Analysis
* Indexing Model of Remote Sensing Images, An
* Inference Network Approach to Image Retrieval, An
* Interactive Content-Based Retrieval Using Pre-computed Object-Object Similarities
* Interoperability Support for Ontology-Based Video Retrieval Applications
* Knowledge Assisted Analysis and Categorization for Semantic Video Retrieval
* Knowledge Management System for Intelligent Retrieval of Geo-Spatial Imagery, A
* Models of Interaction with Video Information
* Multimedia Retrieval Using Multiple Examples
* Multimodal Salient Objects: General Building Blocks of Semantic Video Concepts
* Natural Scene Retrieval Based on a Semantic Modeling Step
* News Video Mining Method Based on Statistical Analysis and Visualization, A
* Object Segmentation and Ontologies for MPEG-2 Video Indexing and Retrieval
* Pattern Mining in Large-Scale Image and Video Sources
* Real-Time Video Indexing System for Live Digital Broadcast TV Programs
* Relevance Feedback for Keyword and Visual Feature-Based Image Retrieval
* Relevance Feedback Reinforced with Semantics Accumulation
* Retrieving ClipArt Images by Content
* Salient Objects: Semantic Building Blocks for Image Concept Interpretation
* Salient Regions for Query by Image Content
* SCULPTEUR: Multimedia Retrieval for Museums
* Semantic Event Detection in Sports Through Motion Understanding
* Small Sample Size Performance of Evolutionary Algorithms for Adaptive Image Retrieval
* STRICT: An Image Retrieval Platform for Queries Based on Regional Content
* Structuring Soccer Video Based on Audio Classification and Segmentation Using Hidden Markov Model
* Task-Based User Evaluation of Content-Based Image Database Browsing Systems
* Tennis Video Analysis Based on Transformed Motion Vectors
* Test-Bed for Region-Based Image Retrieval Using Multiple Segmentation Algorithms and the MPEG-7 eXperimentation Model: The Schema Reference System, A
* Three Interfaces for Content-Based Access to Image Collections
* Topic Threading for Structuring a Large-Scale News Video Archive
* Towards a Large Scale Concept Ontology for Broadcast Video
* Universal and Personalized Access to Content via J2ME Terminals in the DYMAS System
* Unsupervised Text Segmentation Using Color and Wavelet Features
* Use of Image Subset Features in Image Retrieval with Self-Organizing Maps
* User Strategies in Video Retrieval: A Case Study
* User-Centred System for End-to-End Secure Multimedia Content Delivery: From Content Annotation to Consumer Consumption, A
* Using Maximum Entropy for Automatic Image Annotation
* Using Structure for Video Object Retrieval
* Video Content Foraging
* Video Content Representation as Salient Regions of Activity
* Video Segmentation Using Hidden Markov Model with Multimodal Features
* Video Summarization and Retrieval System Using Face Recognition and MPEG-7 Descriptors
* Visual Clustering of Trademarks Using a Component-Based Matching Framework
* Visual Model Approach for Parsing Colonoscopy Videos, A
* What's News, What's Not? Associating News Videos with Words
79 for CIVR04

* Advanced Documents Authoring Tool
* Aspect-Based Relevance Learning for Image Retrieval
* Assessing Effectiveness in Video Retrieval
* Automated Image Annotation Using Global Features and Robust Nonparametric Density Estimation
* Automated Liver Detection in Ultrasound Images
* Automatic Annotation of Images from the Practitioner Perspective
* Automatic Image Semantic Annotation Based on Image-Keyword Document Model
* Boundary Error Analysis and Categorization in the TRECVID News Story Segmentation Task
* Chi-Square Goodness-of-Fit Test of 3D Point Correspondence for Model Similarity Measure and Analysis
* Comparison of Score, Rank and Probability-Based Fusion Methods for Video Shot Retrieval, A
* Complete Keypics Experiment with Size Functions, A
* Conceptual Image Retrieval Architecture Combining Keyword-Based Querying with Transparent and Penetrable Query-by-Example, A
* Content-Based Object Movie Retrieval by Use of Relevance Feedback
* Content-Free Image Retrieval by Combinations of Keywords and User Feedbacks
* Contents Recycling Using Content-Based Image Retrieval on Mobile Device
* Cyclic Sequence Comparison Using Dynamic Warping
* Design and Implementation of a Bandwidth Sensitive Distributed Continuous Media File System Using the Fibre Channel Network
* Dialogue Sequence Detection in Movies
* Distributional Distances in Color Image Retrieval with GMVQ-Generated Histograms
* Domain Knowledge Ontology Building for Semantic Video Event Description
* Edge-Based Spatial Descriptor for Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Effective Multi-dimdimensional Index Strategy for Cluster Architectures, An
* Effective News Anchorperson Shot Detection Method Based on Adaptive Audio/Visual Model Generation, An
* Efficient Compressed Domain Target Image Search and Retrieval
* Efficient Shape Indexing Using an Information Theoretic Representation
* EMD-Based Video Clip Retrieval by Many-to-Many Matching
* Heuristic Search for Relevant Images on the Web, A
* High-Speed Dialog Detection for Automatic Segmentation of Recorded TV Program
* Hot Event Detection and Summarization by Graph Modeling and Matching
* Image and Video Retrieval from a User-Centered Mobile Multimedia Perspective
* Image Browsing: Semantic Analysis of NN k Networks
* Image Object Recognition by SVMs and Evidence Theory
* Improved AdaBoost-Based Image Retrieval with Relevance Feedback via Paired Feature Learning
* Improvement on PCA and 2DPCA Algorithms for Face Recognition
* Intellectual Property Management and Protection and Digital Right Management in MPEG
* Interactive Video Search Using Multilevel Indexing
* Invariant Representation for Matching Trajectories Across Uncalibrated Video Streams, An
* Large Scale Evaluations of Multimedia Information Retrieval: The TRECVid Experience
* Learning Shapes for Image Classification and Retrieval
* Lessons for the Future from a Decade of Informedia Video Analysis Research
* Modeling Multi-object Spatial Relationships for Satellite Image Database Indexing and Retrieval
* Multimedia Research Challenges for Industry
* Natural/Man-Made Object Classification Based on Gabor Characteristics
* Novel Texture Descriptor Using Over-Complete Wavelet Transform and Its Fractal Signature, A
* On Image Retrieval Using Salient Regions with Vector-Spaces and Latent Semantics
* Person Search Made Easy
* Person Spotting: Video Shot Retrieval for Face Sets
* Person Tracking and Multicamera Video Retrieval Using Floor Sensors in a Ubiquitous Environment
* Practical Applications of Multimedia Search
* Region Filtering Using Color and Texture Features for Image Retrieval
* Region-Based Image Clustering and Retrieval Using Multiple Instance Learning
* Robust Image Enhancement Technique for Improving Image Visual Quality in Shadowed Scenes, A
* Robust Methods and Representations for Soccer Player Tracking and Collision Resolution
* Semantic Annotation of Image Groups with Self-organizing Maps
* Semantic Event Detection in Structured Video Using Hybrid HMM/SVM
* Similarity-Based Retrieval Method for Fractal Coded Images in the Compressed Data Domain
* Story Segmentation in News Videos Using Visual and Text Cues
* Style Similarity Measure for Video Documents Comparison
* Systematic Evaluation of Machine Translation Methods for Image and Video Annotation
* Towards Automatic Classification of 3-D Museum Artifacts Using Ontological Concepts
* Towards Media Semantics: An I2R Perspective
* Trading Precision for Speed: Localised Similarity Functions
* Use and Utility of High-Level Semantic Features in Video Retrieval, The
* Using Projective Invariant Properties for Efficient 3D Reconstruction
* Video Story Segmentation and Its Application to Personal Video Recorders
* Visual Cue Cluster Construction via Information Bottleneck Principle and Kernel Density Estimation
* Weakly Supervised Approach for Semantic Image Indexing and Retrieval, A
* Web-Based Hybrid Visualization of Medical Images
* What Can Expressive Semantics Tell: Retrieval Model for a Flash-Movie Search Engine
70 for CIVR05

* Annotating News Video with Locations
* Asymmetric Learning and Dissimilarity Spaces for Content-Based Retrieval
* Automatic Person Annotation of Family Photo Album
* Bayesian Learning of Hierarchical Multinomial Mixture Models of Concepts for Automatic Image Annotation
* Cascade of Unsupervised and Supervised Neural Networks for Natural Image Classification, A
* Coarse-to-Fine Classification for Image-Based Face Detection
* Collaborative Concept Tagging for Images Based on Ontological Thinking
* Comparison Between Motion Verbs Using Similarity Measure for the Semantic Representation of Moving Object
* Context-Aware Media Retrieval
* Corner Detectors for Affine Invariant Salient Regions: Is Color Important?
* Discovering a Fish in a Forest of Trees: False Positives and User Expectations in Visual Retrieval: Experiments in CBIR and the Visual Arts
* Efficient Margin-Based Rank Learning Algorithms for Information Retrieval
* Efficient Summarizing of Multimedia Archives Using Cluster Labeling
* Eliciting Perceptual Ground Truth for Image Segmentation
* Embrace and Tame the Digital Content
* Estimating the Physical Effort of Human Poses
* Exploring the Dynamics of Visual Events in the Multi-dimensional Semantic Concept Space
* Exploring the Synergy of Humans and Machines in Extreme Video Retrieval
* Face Retrieval in Broadcasting News Video by Fusing Temporal and Intensity Information
* Feature Re-weighting in Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Finding Faces in Gray Scale Images Using Locally Linear Embeddings
* Finding People Frequently Appearing in News
* Fuzzy SVM Ensembles for Relevance Feedback in Image Retrieval
* Hierarchical Hidden Markov Model for Rushes Structuring and Indexing
* Human Movement Analysis for Interactive Dance
* iBase: Navigating Digital Library Collections
* Image Rectification for Stereoscopic Visualization Without 3D Glasses
* Image Searching and Browsing by Active Aspect-Based Relevance Learning
* Interactive Experiments in Object-Based Retrieval
* Keyframe Retrieval by Keypoints: Can Point-to-Point Matching Help?
* Large Scale System for Searching and Browsing Images from the World Wide Web, A
* Learned Lexicon-Driven Interactive Video Retrieval
* Leveraging Active Learning for Relevance Feedback Using an Information Theoretic Diversity Measure
* Linear-Algebraic Technique with an Application in Semantic Image Retrieval, A
* Local Feature Trajectories for Efficient Event-Based Indexing of Video Sequences
* Logistic Regression of Generic Codebooks for Semantic Image Retrieval
* Mediamill: Advanced Browsing in News Video Archives
* MediAssist: Using Content-Based Analysis and Context to Manage Personal Photo Collections
* Mining Novice User Activity with TRECVID Interactive Retrieval Tasks
* Modular Design of Media Retrieval Workflows Using ARIA
* Multi-feature Optimization Approach to Object-Based Image Classification, A
* Multidimensional Descriptor Indexing: Exploring the BitMatrix
* Multimodal Search for Effective Video Retrieval
* Natural Scene Image Modeling Using Color and Texture Visterms
* Novel Framework for Robust Annotation and Retrieval in Video Sequences, A
* NPIC: Hierarchical Synthetic Image Classification Using Image Search and Generic Features
* Objectionable Image Detection by ASSOM Competition
* Online Image Retrieval System Using Long Term Relevance Feedback
* Perceptual Distance Functions for Similarity Retrieval of Medical Images
* Query by Semantic Example
* Recognizing Objects and Scenes in News Videos
* Relay Boost Fusion for Learning Rare Concepts in Multimedia
* Retrieving Objects Using Local Integral Invariants
* Retrieving Shapes Efficiently by a Qualitative Shape Descriptor: The Scope Histogram
* ROI-Based Medical Image Retrieval Using Human-Perception and MPEG-7 Visual Descriptors
* Semantics Supervised Cluster-Based Index for Video Databases
* Semi-supervised Learning for Image Annotation Based on Conditional Random Fields
* Using High-Level Semantic Features in Video Retrieval
* Using Score Distribution Models to Select the Kernel Type for a Web-Based Adaptive Image Retrieval System (AIRS)
* Using Topic Concepts for Semantic Video Shots Classification
* Video Clip Matching Using MPEG-7 Descriptors and Edit Distance
* Video Mining with Frequent Itemset Configurations
* Video Navigation Based on Self-Organizing Maps
* Video Retrieval Using High Level Features: Exploiting Query Matching and Confidence-Based Weighting
* VideoSOM: A SOM-Based Interface for Video Browsing
66 for CIVR06

* 3D model representation using adaptive volumetric extended Gaussian image
* 3D-Model search engine from photos
* ACADI showcase: Automatic character indexing in audiovisual document
* Active learning approach to interactive spatio-temporal news video retrieval
* Analysis of vector space model and spatiotemporal segmentation for video indexing and retrieval
* Appearance-based video clustering in 2D locality preserving projection subspace
* Associating characters with events in films
* Automated production of TV program trailer using electronic program guide
* Automatic image annotation by an iterative approach: incorporating keyword correlations and region matching
* Behavior monitoring through automatic analysis of video sequences
* blob detector in color images, A
* Canonical image selection from the web
* Carnegie Mellon University traditional informedia digital video retrieval system
* Cast indexing for videos by NCuts and page ranking
* Classification of video events using 4-dimensional time-compressed motion features
* Cluster-based data modeling for semantic video search
* Columbia University's semantic video search engine
* Comparison of face matching techniques under pose variation
* content-based image retrieval scheme allowing for robust automatic personalization, A
* Demonstration of assembly work using augmented reality
* Demonstration of image retrieval based on illumination invariant textural MRF features
* Detection of near-duplicate images for web search
* Device parts retrieval from assembly drawings with SVM based active relevance feedback
* Distributing expressional faces in 2-D emotional space
* Dynamic texture detection, segmentation and analysis
* empirical study of inter-concept similarities in multimedia ontologies, An
* Enhancing HSV histograms with achromatic points detection for video retrieval
* Fast and cheap object recognition by linear combination of views
* feature and spatial covariant kernel: Adding implicit spatial constraints to histogram, The
* Flexible test-bed for unusual behavior detection
* framework for multimedia content abstraction and its application to rushes exploration, A
* FXPAL MediaMagic video search system
* How many high-level concepts will fill the semantic gap in news video retrieval?
* IBM multimedia search and retrieval system
* IBM multimodal interactive video threading
* Image annotation: which approach for realistic databases?
* Image retrieval measures based on illumination invariant textural MRF features
* Image retrieval on large-scale image databases
* in-memory relevance feedback technique for high-performance image retrieval systems, An
* Inducing a perceptual relevance shape classifier
* Information-theoretic semantic multimedia indexing
* Interpretability based interest points detection
* ITI interactive video retrieval system
* Kernels on bags for multi-object database retrieval
* Layout indexing of trademark images
* Matching Ottoman Words: An image retrieval approach to historical document indexing
* MediaMill: semantic video search using the RotorBrowser
* Merging storyboard strategies and automatic retrieval for improving interactive video search
* Multi-level local descriptor quantization for bag-of-visterms image representation
* Multiple temporal texture detection using feature space mapping
* Near-duplicate keyframe retrieval with visual keywords and semantic context
* nearest-neighbor approach to relevance feedback in content based image retrieval, A
* Network-aware identification of video clip fragments
* new intelligent systems approach to 3D animation in television, A
* New local descriptors based on dissociated dipoles
* Online video recommendation based on multimodal fusion and relevance feedback
* Ontology driven content based image retrieval
* Ontology-supported object and event extraction with a genetic algorithms approach for object classification
* Practice and challenges in trademark image retrieval
* Probabilistic matching and resemblance evaluation of shapes in trademark images
* Probabilistic model supported rank aggregation for the semantic concept detection in video
* Real-time object tracking with relevance feedback
* Refining image annotation using contextual relations between words
* Representing shape with a spatial pyramid kernel
* reranking approach for context-based concept fusion in video indexing and retrieval, A
* RETIN: a smart interactive digital media retrieval system
* robust scene recognition system for baseball broadcast using data-driven approach, A
* Scalable near identical image and shot detection
* Searching for logo and trademark images on the web
* Semantic Facets: An In-Depth Analysis of a Semantic Image Retrieval System
* Semantic video analysis for psychological research on violence in computer games
* Semantics reinforcement and fusion learning for multimedia streams
* SemanticVox: a multilingual video search engine
* Semi-supervised learning for semantic video retrieval
* SemRetriev: an ontology driven image retrieval system
* Shape based 3D model retrieval without query
* Shaping 3D multimedia environments: the MediaSquare
* Soccer players identification based on visual local features
* Spatiotemporal saliency for event detection and representation in the 3D wavelet domain: potential in human action recognition
* Texture retrieval based on a non-parametric measure for multivariate distributions
* Towards optimal bag-of-features for object categorization and semantic video retrieval
* TV broadcast macro-segmentation: Metadata-based vs. content-based approaches
* use of temporal, semantic and visual partitioning model for efficient near-duplicate keyframe detection in large scale news corpus, The
* User-adaptive home video summarization using personal photo libraries
* Using depth features to retrieve monocular video shots
* Using multiple segmentations for image auto-annotation
* value of stories for speech-based video search, The
* VAST MM: Multimedia Browser for Presentation Video
* Video and image copy detection demo
* Video copy detection: a comparative study
* Video parsing based on head tracking and face recognition
* Video retrieval with multi-modal features
* Video search by multi-modal and clustering analysis
* Video search in concept subspace: a text-like paradigm
* VISTO: visual storyboard for web video browsing
* Visual information retrieval using synthesized imagery
* Web image retrieval on ImagEVAL: evidences on visualness and textualness concept dependency in fusion model
* Whitened LDA for face recognition
* Z-grid-based probabilistic retrieval for scaling up content-based copy detection
100 for CIVR07

* 3D face retrieval using integral geometric shape information
* Accumulated motion energy fields estimation and representation for semantic event detection
* Adaptive multiple feedback strategies for interactive video search
* Analyzing Flickr groups
* Annotation suggestion and search for personal multimedia objects on the web
* Applying graphic design terms to image tagging
* Automatic image annotation via local multi-label classification
* Balancing thread based navigation for targeted video search
* Classification and annotation of digital photos using optical context data
* Clip based video summarization and ranking
* Columbia University's semantic video search engine 2008
* comparison of color features for visual concept classification, A
* Construction of extended geographical database based on photo shooting history
* Content based multispectral image retrieval using principal component analysis
* Content personalization and adaptation for three-screen services
* Content-based image retrieval via distributed databases
* Continuous visual vocabulary models for pLSA-based scene recognition
* dHCPS: decentralized hierarchically clustered p2p video streaming
* discrete direct retrieval model for image and video retrieval, A
* Distributed visual sensing for virtual top-view trajectory generation in football videos
* Efficient search: the informedia video retrieval system
* Evaluating audio skimming and frame rate acceleration for summarizing BBC rushes
* Event tactic analysis based on player and ball trajectory in broadcast video
* Event-based location matching for consumer image collections
* Experiments in interactive video search by addition and subtraction
* Eye localization for face matching: is it always useful and under what conditions?
* FISH: a practical system for fast interactive image search in huge databases
* Fudan University: hierarchical video retrieval with adaptive multi-modal fusion
* Fusion of audio and visual cues for laughter detection
* Future directions in multimedia retrieval: impact of new technology
* FXPAL collaborative exploratory video search system
* iBingo mobile collaborative search
* IBM multimedia analysis and retrieval system
* Identifying relevant frames in weakly labeled videos for training concept detectors
* Image clustering based on a shared nearest neighbors approach for tagged collections
* Inferring generic activities and events from image content and bags of geo-tags
* instant semantics acquisition system of live soccer video with application to live event alert and on-the-fly language selection, An
* Interactive components for visual exploration of multimedia archives
* Interactive video retrieval with rich features and friendly interface
* Investigating keyframe selection methods in the novel domain of passively captured visual lifelogs
* K-Space Interactive Search
* Language modeling for bag-of-visual words image categorization
* Learning structured concept-segments for interactive video retrieval
* Leveraging probabilistic season and location context models for scene understanding
* Leveraging user query log: toward improving image data clustering
* LIG multi-criteria system for video retrieval, The
* Measuring the impact of temporal context on video retrieval
* MediaMill: fast and effective video search using the forkbrowser
* MKLab interactive video retrieval system
* Multi-query interactive image and video retrieval: Theory and practice
* Multimedia content analysis for consumer electronics
* Multiple feature fusion by subspace learning
* MyPlaces: detecting important settings in a visual diary
* New insights on internet streaming and IPTV
* new room decoration assistance system based on 3D reconstruction and integrated service, A
* Non-negative matrix factorisation for object class discovery and image auto-annotation
* Object retrieval using configurations of salient regions
* Organizing multimedia data socially
* Organizing rushes video by visually similar setting
* Performance evaluation of relevance feedback methods
* probabilistic framework for fusing frame-based searches within a video copy detection system, A
* Probabilistic optimized ranking for multimedia semantic concept detection via RVM
* probabilistic ranking framework using unobservable binary events for video search, A
* Real-time multiview analysis of soccer matches for understanding interactions between ball and players
* Relevance aggregation projections for image retrieval
* Rich metadata and context capturing through CIDOC/CRM and MPEG-7 interoperability
* Scalable Markov model-based image annotation
* Scene modeling in global-local view for scene classification
* Semantic spaces revisited: investigating the performance of auto-annotation and semantic retrieval using semantic spaces
* Semantics and CBIR: a medical imaging perspective
* Semi-supervised learning of object categories from paired local features
* Smoke detection in video surveillance: The use of ViSOR (video surveillance on-line repository)
* SS-ClusterTree: a subspace clustering based indexing algorithm over high-dimensional image features
* Supporting video library exploratory search: When storyboards are not enough
* Towards efficient automated characterization of irregular histology images via transformation to frieze-like patterns
* Tracking players in highly complex scenes in broadcast soccer video using a constraint satisfaction approach
* Un)Reliability of video concept detection
* University of Oxford video retrieval system
* Video linkage: group based copied video detection
* VisionGo: bridging users and multimedia video retrieval
* Visual islands: intuitive browsing of visual search results
* Web 2.0 dictionary
* Web-based information content and its application to concept-based video retrieval
* World-scale mining of objects and events from community photo collections
85 for CIVR08

* Appearance based retrieval for tracked objects in surveillance videos
* Automated diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease using image similarity and user feedback
* Automatic retrieval of visual continuity errors in movies
* Context-based multi-label image annotation
* DCU collaborative video search system
* Dense sampling and fast encoding for 3D model retrieval using bag-of-visual features
* Dense Sampling Low-Level Statistics of Local Features
* Enriching user profiling with affective features for the improvement of a multimodal recommender system
* Evaluation of GIST descriptors for web-scale image search
* Example based video filters
* Exploiting contextual data for event retrieval in surveillance video
* Exploiting facial expressions for affective video summarisation
* Exploring Flickr's related tags for semantic annotation of web images
* Exploring inter-concept relationship with context space for semantic video indexing
* Global annotation on georeferenced photographs
* High-entropy layouts for content-based browsing and retrieval
* Human computation
* human-machine collaborative approach to tracking human movement in multi-camera video, A
* Image annotation using clickthrough data
* Image retrieval with automatic query expansion based on local analysis in a semantical concept feature space
* Integrating visual and semantic contexts for topic network generation and word sense disambiguation
* interactive video retrieval system in SMARTV 2009, The
* Jointly optimising relevance and diversity in image retrieval
* Learning to rank videos personally using multiple clues
* LIG multi-criteria system for video retrieval, The
* Media on the web, in post-production and broadcasting: the practitioner day of the ACM 2009 International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval
* MediaMill: guiding the user to results using the ForkBrowser
* Mining from large image sets
* Mining TV broadcasts for recurring video sequences
* MKLab interactive video retrieval system
* MonuAnno: Automatic Annotation of Georeferenced Landmarks Images
* Movie segmentation into scenes and chapters using locally weighted bag of visual words
* Multilayer pLSA for multimodal image retrieval
* NUS-WIDE: a real-world web image database from National University of Singapore
* Organizing and browsing photos using different feature vectors and their evaluations
* Picture extraction from digitized historical manuscripts
* procedure of adaptive kernel combination with kernel-target alignment for object classification, A
* Query by example using invariant features from the double dyadic dual-tree complex wavelet transform
* Real-time bag of words, approximately
* Reusing annotation labor for concept selection
* role of expertise in aiding video search, The
* Spatial extensions to bag of visual words
* Style modeling for tagging personal photo collections
* Supporting Aspect-Based Video Browsing: Analysis of a User Study
* Towards surveillance video search by natural language query
* Trajectory-based handball video understanding
* User variance and its impact on video retrieval benchmarking
* Using cross-media correlation for scene detection in travel videos
* Using mutual information to indicate facial poses in video sequences
* Video copy detection by fast sequence matching
* VideoMap: an interactive video retrieval system of MCG-ICT-CAS
* View topics: automatically generated characteristic view for content-based 3D object retrieval
* VisionGo: towards true interactivity
* visual analysis of the relationship between word concepts and geographical locations, A
* Web news categorization using a cross-media document graph
56 for CIVR09

* accuracy and value of machine-generated image tags: Design and user evaluation of an end-to-end image tagging system, The
* Affective prediction in photographic images using probabilistic affective model
* Affine Stable Characteristic based sample expansion for object detection
* application of compressive sensing for image fusion, An
* Asymmetric semi-supervised boosting for SVM active learning in CBIR
* Beyond tag relevance: Integrating visual attention model and multi-instance learning for tag saliency ranking
* Co-reranking by mutual reinforcement for image search
* Coherent bag-of audio words model for efficient large-scale video copy detection
* Consumer image retrieval by estimating relation tree from family photo collections
* Contextual image retrieval model
* Dayside corona aurora classification based on X-gray level aura matrices
* descriptor combining MHI and PCOG for human motion classification, A
* Dual-ranking for web image retrieval
* Dynamic textures for human movement recognition
* effect of baroque music on the PassPoints graphical password, The
* effect of semantic relatedness measures on multi-label classification evaluation, The
* effective method for video genre classification, An
* efficient method for face retrieval from large video datasets, An
* Eigen-space learning using semi-supervised diffusion maps for human action recognition
* Emotion related structures in large image databases
* Evaluating detection of near duplicate video segments
* Exploring large scale data for multimedia QA: an initial study
* Feature detector and descriptor evaluation in human action recognition
* Genre-specific semantic video indexing
* Hierarchical feedback algorithm based on visual community discovery for interactive video retrieval
* hybrid unsupervised image re-ranking approach with latent topic contents, A
* Image retrieval using Markov Random Fields and global image features
* Interacting with location-based multimedia using sketches
* Latent visual context analysis for image re-ranking
* Learning to rank tags
* MI-SIFT: mirror and inversion invariant generalization for SIFT descriptor
* Mixture model based contextual image retrieval
* Motion data-driven model for semantic events classification using an optimized support vector machine
* Multi modal semantic indexing for image retrieval
* Multi-label learning by Image-to-Class distance for scene classification and image annotation
* multiobjective immune clustering ensemble technique applied to unsupervised SAR image segmentation, A
* Multiple-instance image database retrieval by spatial similarity based on Interval Neighbor Group
* Music video affective understanding using feature importance analysis
* NMF-based multimodal image indexing for querying by visual example
* Non-parametric kernel ranking approach for social image retrieval
* On the sampling of web images for learning visual concept classifiers
* Optimizing visual search with implicit user feedback in interactive video retrieval
* Plant species identification using leaf image retrieval
* ranking method for multimedia recommenders, A
* Relative Margin Support Tensor Machines for gait and action recognition
* Relevant shape contour snippet extraction with metadata supported hidden Markov models
* saliency map method with cortex-like mechanisms and sparse representation, A
* Scalable clip-based near-duplicate video detection with ordinal measure
* Scale-invariant proximity graph for fast probabilistic object recognition
* set of co-occurrence matrices on the intrinsic manifold of human silhouettes for action recognition, A
* Signature Quadratic Form Distance
* software pipeline for 3D animation generation using mocap data and commercial shape models, A
* Structured max-margin learning for multi-label image annotation
* System architecture of a web service for Content-Based Image Retrieval
* TF-Tree: an interactive and efficient retrieval of Chinese calligraphic manuscript images based on triple features
* Today's and tomorrow's retrieval practice in the audiovisual archive
* Towards multimodal emotion recognition: a new approach
* Unsupervised multi-feature tag relevance learning for social image retrieval
* Utilizing related samples to learn complex queries in interactive concept-based video search
* Video scene analysis of interactions between humans and vehicles using event context
* Weighting visual features with pseudo relevance feedback for CBIR
62 for CIVR10

Index for "c"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:05:33
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