Update Dates 9910

9910 * 3-D Deformable Registration Using a Statistical Atlas with Applications in Medicine
* 3D scanning system based on low-occlusion approach, A
* 3D shape recovery and registration based on the projection of non-coherent structured light
* 3D statistical shape models for medical image segmentation
* Adaptive Motion Tracking Block Matching Algorithms for Video Coding
* Adaptive video coding method
* Advances in the cooperation of shape from shading and stereo vision
* Algebraic derivation of the Kruppa equations and a new algorithm for self-calibration of cameras
* Alignment Using Distributions of Local Geometric Properties
* Analysis of Class Separation and Combination of Class-Dependent Features for Handwriting Recognition
* Annular Filters for Binary Images
* Automatic body measurement for mass customization of garments
* Automatic feature correspondence for scene reconstruction
* Automatic fruit recognition: A survey and new results using Range/Attenuation images
* Automatic human face detection and recognition under non-uniform illumination
* Automatic tracking/image sensing device
* automation system for industrial 3-D laser digitizing, An
* Axiomatic Approach for Quantification of Image Resolution
* Bayesian estimation of distance and surface normal with a time-of-flight laser rangefinder
* Bayesian Image Reconstruction from Partial Image and Aliased Spectral Intensity Data
* Beyond the Uniqueness Assumption: Ambiguity Representation and Redundancy Elimination in the Computation of a Covering Sample of Salient Contour Cycles
* Broad-band OFDM radio transmission for multimedia applications
* Building 3D facial models and detecting face pose in 3D space
* Building symbolic information for 3D human body modeling from range data
* CAD-based range sensor placement for optimum 3D data acquisition
* CAESAR project: a 3-D surface anthropometry survey, The
* Calibration of a laser stripe profiler
* Calibration of Space-Multispectral Imaging Sensors: A Review
* Channel coding and transmission aspects for wireless multimedia
* Classification of Binary Textures Using the 1-D Boolean Model
* Classifying Facial Actions
* Classifying image pixels into shaped, smooth, and textured points
* Color-induced image representation and retrieval
* Comparison of Techniques for Intra-Frame Coding of Arbitrarily Shaped Video Object Boundary Blocks
* Compensation of Terrain Azimuthal Slope Effects in Geophysical Parameter Studies Using Polarimetric SAR Data
* Compression of Complex-Valued SAR Images
* Computations on a spherical view space for efficient planning of viewpoints in 3-D object modeling
* Computing consistent normals and colors from photometric data
* Constructing NURBS surface model from scattered and unorganized range data
* Construction of a high-resolution DEM of an Arctic ice cap using shape-from-shading
* Control method for detecting change points in motion picture images and for stopping reproduction thereof and control system for monitoring picture images utilizing the same
* Correction of Intensity Flicker in Old Film Sequences
* Correction of Surface Roughness and Topographic Effects on Airborne SAR in Mountainous Rangeland Areas
* Cosine Transform Based Preconditioners for Total Variation Deblurring
* Curvature estimation for segmentation of triangulated surfaces
* Curve and surface models to drive 3D reconstruction using stereo and shading
* Decoupling Orientation Recovery from Position Recovery with 3D-2D Point Correspondences
* deformable block-matching algorithm for tracking epithelial cells, A
* Dense disparity estimation using Gabor filters and image derivatives
* Detecting Perceptually Salient Texture Regions in Images
* Device for creating a new object image relating to plural object images
* Digital 3D imaging system for rapid response on remote sites
* digital Michelangelo project, The
* Dynamic gaze-controlled levels of detail of polygonal objects in 3-D environment modeling
* Edge enhancement of remote sensing image data in the DCT domain
* Edge-based approach to mesh simplification
* Efficient and reliable template set matching for 3D object recognition
* Enhancement of Document Images Using Multiresolution and Fuzzy Logic Techniques
* Estimating pose through local geometry
* Euclidean Distance Transform by Stack Filters
* Experimental analysis of Harmonic Shape Images
* Extension of Affine Shape
* Extraction and tracking of surfaces in range image sequences
* Factorization Method with Linear Motions, The
* Fast and robust registration of 3D surfaces using low curvature patches
* Fast Extraction of Spatially Reduced Image Sequences from MPEG-2 Compressed Video
* Fast Iterative Methods for Fractal Image Compression
* Fast Rate-Optimized Motion Estimation Algorithm for Low-Bit-Rate Video Coding, A
* Feedback-based error control for mobile video transmission
* Finding Shape Axes Using Magnetic Fields
* Frustratring the User on Purpose: A Step Toward Building an Affective Computer
* Fusion of correlated decisions for writer verification
* Generating smooth surfaces with bicubic splines over triangular meshes: toward automatic model building from unorganized 3D points
* Genetic algorithm-based interactive segmentation of 3D medical images
* geometric approach to the segmentation of range images, A
* Geometric Constructions in the Digital Plane
* Ground from Figure Discrimination
* Grouping ., -, -->, 0, into Regions, Curves, and Junctions
* Hand posture estimation from 2D monocular image
* Hand-held acquisition of 3D models with a video camera
* Hierarchical information fusion object recognition system and method
* HMM-Based Threshold Model Approach for Gesture Recognition, An
* Identification of Fork Points on the Skeletons of Handwritten Chinese Characters
* Image processing apparatus and method thereof
* Improving AVHRR Resolution Through Data Cumulation for Mapping Polar Ice Sheets
* Indexing without Invariants in 3D Object Recognition
* Indoor Scene Reconstruction from Sets of Noisy Range Images
* Intruder alarm with trajectory display
* Inverse Halftoning Using Wavelets
* Is appearance-based structure from motion viable?
* Iterative Least Squares and Compression Based Estimations for a Four-Parameter Linear Global Motion Model and Global Motion Compensation
* Joined segmentation of cortical surface and brain volume in MRI using a homotopic deformable cellular model
* Large Data Sets and Confusing Scenes in 3-D Surface Matching and Recognition
* Learning affine transformations
* Level-Compressed Huffman Decoding
* Line-Based Face Recognition under Varying Pose
* Linear array eye tracker
* Locking onto 3D-structure by a combined vergence- and fusion system
* Lossless region of interest coding
* Low Bit-Rate Video Coding with Implicit Multiscale Segmentation
* mapping of texture on VR polygonal models, The
* Method and apparatus for classifying and identifying images
* Method and apparatus for image enhancement
* Method and apparatus for making a digest picture
* Method and system for accelerating warping
* Method and system for image combination using a parallax-based technique
* Method for computer-supported motion estimation for picture elements of chronologically following images of a video sequence
* Model-based scanning path generation for inspection
* Modeling structured environments by a single moving camera
* Modified One-Bit Transform for Motion Estimation
* Motion based event detection system and method
* Motion vector detection apparatus and predictive coding system for compensating for movement with the apparatus
* Moving Objects Detection from Time-Varied Background: An Application of Camera 3D Motion Analysis
* Multipriority video transmission for third-generation wireless communication systems
* Multiview registration for large data sets
* New Fast and Efficient Two-Step Search Algorithm for Block Motion Estimation
* new genetic-based technique for matching 3-D curves and surfaces, A
* Nonlinear Operator for Oriented Texture
* Object Recognition and Tracking for Remote Video Surveillance
* Object tracking system for monitoring a controlled space
* On estimating the position of fragments on rotational symmetric pottery
* On Independent Color Space Transformations for the Compression of CMYK Images
* On the accuracy of line-, strip- and fan-based algebraic reconstruction from few projections
* On the detection of feature points of 3D facial image and its application to 3D facial caricature
* On-line hand-eye calibration
* Online Learning Vector Quantization: A Harmonic Competition Approach Based on Conservation Network
* Operational atmospheric correction of Landsat TM data
* Optical diffusion tomography by iterative-coordinate-descent optimization in a Bayesian framework
* Optimally Isotropic Laplacian Operator
* Optimization of MPEG-2 SNR Scaleable Codecs
* Organization of face and object recognition in modular neural network models
* OSCAR: object segmentation using correspondence and relaxation
* Outlining of the prostate using snakes with shape restrictions based on the wavelet transform
* PALM: portable sensor-augmented vision system for large-scene modeling
* Parametric blind deconvolution: a robust method for the simultaneous estimation of image and blur
* Perceptual Grouping Hierarchy for Appearance-Based 3D Object Recognition, A
* Perceptual Organization in Computer Vision: Status, Challenges, and Potential
* Perceptual Organization of Occluding Contours of Opaque Surfaces
* Postprocessing of Recognized Strings Using Nonstationary Markovian Models
* Probabilistic Method for Extracting Chains of Collinear Segments, A
* Progressive multilevel meshes from octree particles
* Real-Time DSP Implementation for MRF-Based Video Motion Detection
* Recognition of Partially Occluded Objects Using Neural Network Based Indexing
* Recovery of Corrupted Image Data Based on the NURBS Interpolation
* Recovery of shape and surface reflectance of specular object from rotation of light source
* Registering two overlapping range images
* Regularization of Optic Flow Estimates by Means of Weighted Vector Median Filtering
* Relative Calibration of Multitemporal Landsat Data for Forest Cover Change Detection
* Removing Noise and Preserving Details with Relaxed Median Filters
* Restoration of Lossy Compressed Noisy Images
* RGFF Representational Model: A System for the Automatically Learned Partitioning of Visual Pattern in Digital Images, The
* Robust surface matching for registration
* Robust Transmission of Video Sequence over Noisy Channel Using Parity-Check Motion Vector
* Robust video coding algorithms and systems
* Segmentation and Measurement of the Cortex from 3-D MR Images Using Coupled-Surfaces Propagation
* Segmentation from motion: Combining Gabor- and Mallat-Wavelets to Overcome the Aperture and Correspondence Problems
* Self-calibration of a light striping system by matching multiple 3-D profile maps
* Semi-Fixed-Length Motion Vector Coding for H.263-Based Low Bit Rate Video Compression
* Shape Metric for Blum Ribbons, A
* Simulated Annealing, Acceleration Techniques, and Image Restoration
* Solution to the Next Best View Problem for Automated Surface Acquisition, A
* Some image operations on S-tree-related spatial data structures
* Species: Identification of wasps using principal component associative memories
* Spectral vision system for measuring color images
* Subband Dictionaries for Low-Cost Matching Pursuits of Video Residues
* Subband Domain Coding of Binary Textual Images for Document Archiving
* Super Resolution Optical Flow
* Supervised and unsupervised fuzzy-adaptive Hamming net
* Target tracking with Bearings-Only Measurements
* Theory of Projection onto the Narrow Quantization Constraint Set and Its Application
* Three-dimensional modelling and rendering of the human skeletal trunk from 2D radiographic images
* Translation Sensitivity of Wavelet-Based Registration, The
* Transport of wireless video using separate, concatenated, and joint source-channel coding
* Unified Approach to Shot Change Detection and Camera Motion Characterization, A
* Unsupervised segmentation of ERS and Radarsat sea ice images using multiresolution peak detection and aggregated population equalization
* Using Structure in Content-based Image Retrieval
* Video stabilization system and method
* Virtual environment modeling by integrated optical and acoustic sensing
* Virtual environments for critical intervention support: Modeling, Design and Implementation Issues
* Vision Chips
* Voting method for planarity and motion detection
* Wavelet-Based Rician Noise Removal for Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Weighted Universal Image Compression
* Wireless ATM networks: technology status and future directions
* Wireless ATM-based multicode CDMA transport architecture for MPEG-2 video transmission
185 for 9910

Index for "9"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.