Update Dates 0404

0404 * 3-D Reconstruction of 2-D Crystals in Real Space
* 3D Texture Recognition Using Bidirectional Feature Histograms
* Active Contours for Tracking Distributions
* Adaptive Alpha-Trimmed Mean Filters Under Deviations From Assumed Noise Model
* Adaptive Gaussian Model for Satellite Image Deblurring, An
* Adaptive High-Order Neural Tree for Pattern Recognition, An
* Adaptive quasiconformal kernel nearest neighbor classification
* Adaptive Shape and Texture Intra Refreshment Schemes for Improved Error Resilience in Object-Based Video Coding
* Adaptive two-pass rank order filter to remove impulse noise in highly corrupted images
* Adaptively Quadratic (AQua) Image Interpolation
* Algorithms for Matching 3D Line Sets
* Analysis and design of watermarking algorithms for improved resistance to compression
* Apparatus and method for extracting management information from image
* Application of human facial features recognition to automobile safety
* Automatic 3-D Modeling of Textured Cultural Heritage Objects
* Automatic Image Registration Using Virtual Circles
* Automatic indexing and reformulation of ancient dictionaries
* Automatic Writer Identification Using Connected-Component Contours and Edge-Based Features of Uppercase Western Script
* Baseline Detection and Localization for Invisible Omnidirectional Cameras
* Benchmarking a Reduced Multivariate Polynomial Pattern Classifier
* Biometric Technology for Human Identification
* Biometrics and the threat to civil liberties
* Boundary line detecting method and apparatus, image processing method and apparatus, non-boundary line detecting method and apparatus
* Circular Motion Geometry Using Minimal Data
* Citation recognition for scientific publications in digital libraries
* Classification of Hebrew Calligraphic Handwriting Styles: Preliminary Results
* Closed Free-form Surface Geometrical Modeling A New Approach With Global And Local Characterization
* commercial Web based digital library for sharing and distributing documents, A
* Competitive Splitting for Codebook Initialization
* Computing curvature-adaptive surface triangulations of three-dimensional image data
* Constructing Virtual Cities by Using Panoramic Images
* Construction of handwriting databases using transcript-based mapping
* Content-Based Retrieval of Historical Ottoman Documents Stored as Textual Images
* Creating digital libraries: content generation and re-mastering
* Deformable Contour Method: A Constrained Optimization Approach
* Differentiation of Discrete Multidimensional Signals
* Difficult and urgent open problems in document image analysis for libraries
* Digital mountain: from granite archive to global access
* Digitalizing scheme of handwritten Hanja historical documents
* Document digitization technology and its application for digital library in China
* Document image analysis for World War II personal records
* Document images analysis solutions for digital libraries
* Document style census for OCR
* Dual Domain Watermarking for Authentication and Compression of Cultural Heritage Images
* dynamic feature generation system for automated metadata extraction in preservation of digital materials, A
* Editorial: Research in Japan on Omni-Directional Sensors and Their Applications
* Effective impulse detector based on rank-order criteria
* Efficient and Effective Region-Based Image Retrieval Framework, An
* Efficient blind image restoration using discrete periodic Radon transform
* Efficient Fixed-Point Implementation of Residual Resampling Scheme for High-Speed Particle Filters, An
* Efficient Graph-Based Image Segmentation
* Efficient Solution to the Five-Point Relative Pose Problem, An
* Efficient Three-Dimensional Metric Object Modeling From Uncalibrated Image Sequences
* Enhanced Independent Component Analysis and Its Application to Content Based Face Image Retrieval
* Fast handwriting recognition for indexing historical documents
* Fast Implementation Of Morphological Operations Using Binary Image Block Decomposition
* Fast Rauch-Tung-Striebel smoother-based image restoration for noncausal images
* Fast registration of tabular document images using the Fourier-Mellin transform
* First order augmentation to tensor voting for boundary inference and multiscale analysis in 3d
* Forensic handwritten document retrieval system
* Formulation of Radiometric Feasibility Measures for Feature Selection and Planning in Visual Servoing
* Full-Surround Image Display Technologies
* Fully Automated Peeling Technique For T1-weighted, High-quality MR Head Scans
* Gabor filter based block energy analysis for text extraction from digital document images
* Gabor-based kernel PCA with fractional power polynomial models for face recognition
* general system for the retrieval of document images from digital libraries, A
* Generalized Hough Transform Using Regions with Homogeneous Color
* Genetic Algorithm-based Approach For Detection Of Significant Vertices For Polygonal Approximation Of Digital Curves, A
* Geometric Invariance in image watermarking
* Geometry of Dempster's Rule of Combination
* Gradient-based multiresolution image fusion
* Gray-Scale Image Enhancement as an Automatic Process Driven by Evolution
* greedy Delaunay-based surface reconstruction algorithm, A
* Guest Editorial Special Issue on Image Processing for Cultural Heritage
* Handwritten Bank Check Recognition Of Courtesy Amounts
* High-Accuracy 3-D Modeling of Cultural Heritage: The Digitizing of Donatello's Maddalena
* Holistic word recognition for handwritten historical documents
* Hybrid Neural Network Model for Noisy Data Regression, A
* Identifiability Issues in Noisy ICA
* Image Quality Assessment: From Error Visibility to Structural Similarity
* Image Registration by Super-Curves
* Imaging Below the Diffraction Limit: A Statistical Analysis
* Improve the Robot Calibration Accuracy Using a Dynamic Online Fuzzy Error Mapping System
* Improving DC Coding Models of JPEG Arithmetic Coder
* Improving the Accuracy of Volumetric Segmentation Using Pre-Processing Boundary Detection and Image Reconstruction
* Inference of Segmented Color and Texture Description by Tensor Voting
* Influence of the Noise Model on Level Set Active Contour Segmentation
* Integrated Content and Metadata Based Retrieval System for Art, An
* Integrated Sensing and Processing Decision Trees
* Invariant Fitting of Two View Geometry
* Isolated regions in video coding
* JPEG2000 and Dissemination of Cultural Heritage Over the Internet
* Kernel-Based Nonlinear Beamforming Construction Using Orthogonal Forward Selection With the Fisher Ratio Class Separability Measure
* Large Vocabulary Sign Language Recognition Based on Fuzzy Decision Trees
* Learning to detect natural image boundaries using local brightness, color, and texture cues
* Level Set Analysis for Leukocyte Detection and Tracking
* Line separation for complex document images using fuzzy runlength
* Linear Dimensionality Reduction via a Heteroscedastic Extension of LDA: The Chernoff Criterion
* Linear Interpolation Revitalized
* Localization-Based Sensor Validation Using the Kullback-Leibler Divergence
* Low-Cost Optoelectronic System for Three-Dimensional Artwork Texture Measurement
* Machine learning methods for automatically processing historical documents: from paper acquisition to XML transformation
* Making handwritten archives documents accessible to public with a generic system of document image analysis
* Managing Document Images in a Digital Library: An Ontology Guided Approach
* Matching Shapes With Self-Intersections: Application to Leaf Classification
* Matching Widely Separated Views Based on Affine Invariant Regions
* MDPE: A Very Robust Estimator for Model Fitting and Range Image Segmentation
* Media segmentation system and related methods
* Method and apparatus for detection of drowsiness
* Method and apparatus for inspection for under-resolved features in digital images
* Method for automatic extraction of semantically significant events from video
* Metrics useful in network tomography studies
* Modeling SAR Images With a Generalization of the Rayleigh Distribution
* Morse operators for digital planar surfaces and their application to image segmentation
* Motion estimation for panoramic digital camera
* Motion-Based Motion Deblurring
* Multiresolution Moment Filters: Theory and Applications
* New Class of Chromatic Filters for Color Image Processing. Theory and Applications, A
* New Distributed Arithmetic Algorithm for Low-Power FIR Filter Implementation
* Nonparametric Algorithm for Local Frequency Estimation of Multidimensional Signals
* Offline Recognition of Unconstrained Handwritten Texts Using HMMs and Statistical Language Models
* On Missing Data Treatment for Degraded Video and Film Archives: A Survey and a New Bayesian Approach
* On Passband Criterion for Eigenfilter Design
* On the optimality of embedded deadzone scalar-quantizers for wavelet-based L-infinite-constrained image coding
* Optimal Context Quantization in Lossless Compression of Image Data Sequences
* Optimal linear representations of images for object recognition
* Performance Boundaries Of Optimal Weighted Median Filters
* Point Matching under Large Image Deformations and Illumination Changes
* Processing textured surfaces via anisotropic geometric diffusion
* Promises and challenges of digital libraries and document image analysis: a humanist's perspective
* Quantitative statistical assessment of conditional models for synthetic aperture radar
* RAGS: Region-Aided Geometric Snake
* Rank Conditions on the Multiple-View Matrix
* Real-Time Omnidirectional Image Sensors
* Recognition of shapes by editing their shock graphs
* Reconstruction of Sculpture From Its Profiles With Unknown Camera Positions
* Recursive unsupervised learning of finite mixture models
* Reducing SVM Classification Time Using Multiple Mirror Classifiers
* Retrieval for Color Artistry Concepts
* Retrieval of Images from Artistic Repositories Using a Decision Fusion Framework
* Retrieving imaged documents in digital libraries based on word image coding
* Road extraction from images using template matching
* Run-Length Chain Coding and Scalable Computation of a Shape's Moments Using Reconfigurable Optical Buses
* Scalable MPEG-2 decoder
* Segmentation for Robust Tracking in the Presence of Severe Occlusion
* Self-Adaptive Regularization
* Separation of diffuse and specular components of surface reflection by use of polarization and statistical analysis of images
* Some Algorithms for Curve Design and Automatic Outline Capturing of Images
* Spatial Shape Error Concealment for Object-Based Image and Video Coding
* Spatially Adaptive High-Resolution Image Reconstruction of DCT-Based Compressed Images
* Spatially adaptive wavelet denoising using the minimum description length principle
* Split Vector-Radix-2/8 2-D Fast Fourier Transform
* Sprite Generation From Mpeg Video Using Motion Information
* Stability and Finiteness Properties of Medial Axis and Skeleton
* statistical model for contours in images, A
* Structure from Motion Using Sequential Monte Carlo Methods
* Studying Digital Imagery of Ancient Paintings by Mixtures of Stochastic Models
* Template Update Problem, The
* Text alignment with handwritten documents
* Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of the Left Ventricle From Two Angiographic Views: An Evidence Combination Approach
* Tone-dependent error diffusion
* Tools for enabling digital access to multi-lingual Indic documents
* Top-down induction of model trees with regression and splitting nodes
* Tracking camera device
* variable-order Markov-chain-based model for Rayleigh fading and RAKE receiver, A
* VC-Dimension of Exterior Visibility
* Vectorization and Precise Refractions in Beam Tracing
* Video processing system including advanced scene break detection methods for fades, dissolves and flashes
* Virtual Restoration of Ancient Chinese Paintings Using Color Contrast Enhancement and Lacuna Texture Synthesis
* Vision-based method and apparatus for automatically activating a child safety feature
* Wavelet Thresholding of Multivalued Images
* Wavelet tree quantization for copyright protection watermarking
* Xed: a new tool for extracting hidden structures from electronic documents
173 for 0404

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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.