Chelak, I.[Ilia]
Co Author Listing * NORPPA: NOvel Ringed Seal Re-Identification by Pelage Pattern Aggregation
* Species-Agnostic Patterned Animal Re-identification by Aggregating Deep Local Features
Chelal, J.[John]
Co Author Listing * Regional Monitoring of Fall Armyworm (FAW) Using Early Warning Systems
Chelala, M.[Marc]
Co Author Listing * Designing Virtual Environments for Smoking Cessation: A Preliminary Investigation
Chelali, M.[Mohamed]
Co Author Listing * Classification of spatially enriched pixel time series with convolutional neural networks
* Deep-STaR: Classification of image time series based on spatio-temporal representations
* Violence Detection from Video under 2D Spatio-Temporal Representations
Chelali, Z.F.[Zohra Fatma]
Co Author Listing * Recognition of user-dependent and independent static hand gestures: Application to sign language
Chelani, K.[Kunal]
Co Author Listing * How Privacy-Preserving are Line Clouds? Recovering Scene Details from 3D Lines
* Privacy-Preserving Representations are not Enough: Recovering Scene Content from Camera Poses
Chelaramani, S.
Co Author Listing * Cross-Modal Style Transfer
* Interactive Tour Guide for a Heritage Site, An
* Multi-Task Knowledge Distillation for Eye Disease Prediction
Includes: Chelaramani, S. Chelaramani, S.[Sahil]
Chelberg, D.[David]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive object detection and recognition based on a feedback strategy
* Automatic Subcortical Structure Segmentation Using Probabilistic Atlas
* Distribution-based Level Set Segmentation for Brain MR Images
* Equal-intensity map texture modeling for natural scene segmentation
* Facial event mining using coupled hidden markov models
* Flight Tested Wake Turbulence Aware Altimeter, A
* GPU Acceleration of Robust Point Matching
* Natural scene synthesis using multiple eigenspaces
* Object Detection and Recognition via Deformable Illumination and Deformable Shape
* Strong image segmentation from a data-driven perspective: impossible?
Includes: Chelberg, D.[David] Chelberg, D.
10 for Chelberg, D.
Chelberg, D.M.
Co Author Listing * Acronym Model Based Vision in the Intelligent Task Automation Project
* Agent-based computer vision in a dynamic, real-time environment
* Analysis of Impostor Based Level of Detail Approximations for LIDAR Data, An
* Analytical Properties Of Generalized Cylinders And Their Projections
* Automatic gradient threshold determination for edge detection
* Binocular Shape Reconstruction: Psychological Plausibility of the 8-Point Algorithm
* Discontinuity-Preserving and Viewpoint Invariant Reconstruction of Visible Surfaces Using a First-Order Regularization
* Disocclusion Mitigation for Image Based Point Cloud Imposters
* Finding the Limbs and Cusps of Generalized Cylinders
* Geometric Modelling with Generalized Cylinders
* Invariant Properties of Straight Homogeneous Generalized Cylinders and Their Contours
* Invariant Properties of the Projections of Straight Homogeneous Generalized Cylinders
* Issues in the Design of Studies to Test the Effectiveness of Stereo Imaging
* Localized Intersections Computation for Solid Modeling with Straight Homogeneous Generalized Cylinders
* Model-Based 3D Object Recognition Using Bayesian Indexing
* novel machine vision application for analysis and visualization of confocal microscopic images, A
* Qualitative Landmark-Based Path Planning and Following
* Qualitative Navigation II
* Uncertainty in Interpretation of Range Imagery
* Visible Light and X-Ray Ray Tracing of Generalized Cylinders
* Visual Memory Structure for a Mobile Robot
Includes: Chelberg, D.M. Chelberg, D.M.[David M.]
21 for Chelberg, D.M.
Chelbi, J.
Co Author Listing * Red Lesion Detection Using Dynamic Shape Features for Diabetic Retinopathy Screening
Chelbi, N.E.[Nacer Eddine]
Co Author Listing * Proposal of a new virtual evaluation approach of preventive safety applications and advanced driver assistance functions- application: AEB system
Chelette, T.L.
Co Author Listing * Pattern-Recognition of Spastic Motion
Cheli, F.[Federico]
Co Author Listing * Predictive Display With Perspective Projection of Surroundings in Vehicle Teleoperation to Account Time-Delays
Chelikani, S.[Sudhakar]
Co Author Listing * Constrained non-rigid registration using Lagrange multipliers for application in prostate radiotherapy
* Simultaneous Nonrigid Registration, Segmentation, and Tumor Detection in MRI Guided Cervical Cancer Radiation Therapy
Includes: Chelikani, S.[Sudhakar] Chelikani, S.
Chelishev, J.[Jenya]
Co Author Listing * Neural Haircut: Prior-Guided Strand-Based Hair Reconstruction
Chelkh, F.A.
Co Author Listing * Relevance feedback for shape query refinement
Chella, A.[Antonio]
Co Author Listing * Cognitive Architecture for Artificial Vision, A
* cognitive architecture for Robotic hand posture learning, A
* Conceptual Spaces for Computer Vision Representations
* Hybrid Architecture for Shape Reconstruction and Object Recognition
* Motion Analysis Using the Novelty Filter
* Understanding dynamic scenes
* vision agent for mobile robot navigation in time-variable environments, A
Includes: Chella, A.[Antonio] Chella, A.
7 for Chella, A.
Chelladurai, P.S.[Paul Sathya]
Co Author Listing * Method for efficient low power motion estimation of a video frame sequence
Chellak, S.[Saliha]
Co Author Listing * Multi-criteria optimization for optimal nutrition of Moroccan diabetics
Chellali, R.[Ryad]
Co Author Listing * Analyzing Tracklets for the Detection of Abnormal Crowd Behavior
* Laser only feature based multi robot SLAM
* Low-rank and sparse matrix decomposition via the truncated nuclear norm and a sparse regularizer
* Real-Time Parallel Implementation of SSD Stereo Vision Algorithm on CSX SIMD Architecture
* Towards multimodal emotion recognition: a new approach
Chellamalai, M.
Co Author Listing * On-line prediction of micro-turning multi-response variables by machine vision system using adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS)
Chellapilla, K.[Kumar]
Co Author Listing * Combining Multiple Classifiers for Faster Optical Character Recognition
* Fast optical character recognition through glyph hashing for document conversion
* Redundant Bit Vectors for Robust Indexing and Retrieval of Electronic Ink
Includes: Chellapilla, K.[Kumar] Chellapilla, K.
Chellapp, R.[Rama]
Co Author Listing * Multi-View Action Recognition using Contrastive Learning
Chellappa, R.[Rama]
Co Author Listing * Home Page.
* email: Chellappa, R.[Rama]: rama AT cfar umd edu
* 2018 NVIDIA AI City Challenge, The
* 3-D Fourier Scattering Transform and Classification of Hyperspectral Images
* 3-D Motion Estimation Using a Sequence of Noisy Stereo Images: Models, Estimation, and Uniqueness Results
* 3-D Recovery of Structural and Kinematic Parameters from Long Sequences of Noisy Images
* 3D facial model synthesis using coupled dictionaries
* 3D Object Tracking Using Shape-Encoded Particle Propagation
* 3D Shape-Encoded Particle Filter for Object Tracking and Its Application to Human Body Tracking
* 3DRegNet: A Deep Neural Network for 3D Point Registration
* 4th AI City Challenge, The
* 5th Recognizing Families in the Wild Data Challenge: Predicting Kinship from Faces, The
* 6th AI City Challenge, The
* 7th AI City Challenge, The
* 8th AI City Challenge, The
* Accuracy vs. Efficiency Trade-Offs in Optical Flow Algorithms
* Accurate dense optical flow estimation using adaptive structure tensors and a parametric model
* Acquisition of Articulated Human Body Models Using Multiple Cameras
* Activity Detection in Untrimmed Videos Using Chunk-based Classifiers
* Activity Modeling Using Event Probability Sequences
* Activity recognition using the dynamics of the configuration of interacting objects
* Activity Representation Using 3D Shape Models
* Adaptive representations for video-based face recognition across pose
* Adaptive Target Detection in Foliage-Penetrating SAR Images Using Alpha-Stable Models
* Adaptive-Rate Compressive Sensing Using Side Information
* Advanced Target Recognition
* Age Invariant Face Verification with Relative Craniofacial Growth Model
* Airborne Video Registration for Activity Monitoring
* Algebraic Approach to Surface Reconstruction from Gradient Fields, An
* Algorithmic and Architectural Optimizations for Computationally Efficient Particle Filtering
* Aligning Spatio-Temporal Signals on a Special Manifold
* All-In-One Convolutional Neural Network for Face Analysis, An
* Analysis sparse coding models for image-based classification
* Analyzing Looming Motion Components from Their Spatiotemporal Spectral Signature
* appearance based approach for human and object tracking, An
* Appearance Characterization of Linear Lambertian Objects, Generalized Photometric Stereo, and Illumination-Invariant Face Recognition
* Appearance Modeling Under Geometric Context
* Appearance Modeling Using a Geometric Transform
* Applications of a Simple Characterization of Human Gait in Surveillance
* Applications of Artificial Neural Networks to Image Processing
* Articulation-Invariant Representation of Non-planar Shapes
* Assessment of facial wrinkles as a soft biometrics
* ATFaceGAN: Single Face Image Restoration and Recognition from Atmospheric Turbulence
* Attribute Grammar-Based Event Recognition and Anomaly Detection
* Automatic Feature Point Extraction and Tracking in Image Sequences for Arbitrary Camera Motion
* Automatic Feature Point Extraction and Tracking in Image Sequences for Unknown Camera Motion
* Automatic head pose estimation using randomly projected dense SIFT descriptors
* Automatic Image-to-Site Model Registration
* Automatic registration of oblique aerial images
* Automatic target recognition based on simultaneous sparse representation
* Background Learning for Robust Face Recognition With PCA in the Presence of Clutter
* Bags: Blur Agnostic Gaussian Splatting Through Multi-scale Kernel Modeling
* Bayesian Algorithms for Simultaneous Structure From Motion Estimation of Multiple Independently Moving Objects
* bayesian approach to simultaneous motion estimation of multiple independently moving objects, A
* Bayesian Self-Calibration of a Moving Camera
* Bayesian structure from motion using inertial information
* Binocular Motion Stereo Using MAP Estimation
* Blind estimation of PSF for out of focus video data
* block shift-variant blur model for recovering depth from defocused images, A
* Blur and Illumination Robust Face Recognition via Set-Theoretic Characterization
* Blur-Robust Descriptor with Applications to Face Recognition, A
* Blurring-invariant Riemannian metrics for comparing signals and images
* Bridging the Domain Shift by Domain Adaptive Dictionary Learning
* Building Wide Area 2-D Site Models from High Resolution Fully Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar Images
* Building Wide Area 2D Site Models from High Resolution Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar Images
* Camera Motion Estimation Using Monocular Image Sequences and Inertial Data
* Camera Networks for Healthcare, Teleimmersion, and Surveillance
* Cancelable Biometrics: A review
* changing fortunes of pattern recognition and computer vision, The
* Character Identification in TV-series via Non-local Cost Aggregation
* Characterization of Human Faces under Illumination Variations Using Rank, Integrability, and Symmetry Constraints
* Class consistent multi-modal fusion with binary features
* Classification and Indexing of Targets in Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery Using Topographic Features
* Classification of Boundaries on the Plane Using Stochastic Models
* Classification of Partial 2-D Shapes Using Fourier Descriptors
* Classification of Textures Using Gaussian Markov Random Fields
* Classification probability analysis of principal component null space analysis
* Comparative Performance of Classification Methods for Fingerprints
* Component-Based Recognition of Faces and Facial Expressions
* Component-based restoration of speckled images
* Compositional Dictionaries for Domain Adaptive Face Recognition
* Compressed sensing for multi-view tracking and 3-D voxel reconstruction
* Compressed sensing for Synthetic Aperture Radar imaging
* Compressive Acquisition of Dynamic Scenes
* Compressive Acquisition of Linear Dynamical Systems
* Compressive Sensing for Background Subtraction
* Computational Approach to Boundary Detection, A
* Computational Vision Approach To Image Registration, A
* Computationally Efficient Regression on a Dependency Graph for Human Pose Estimation
* Constrained Probabilistic Petri Net Framework for Human Activity Detection in Video, A
* Context-Aided False Alarm Reduction for SAR Automatic Target Recognition
* Context-based Analysis and Reasoning on Vehicular Activities in SAR-EO Imagery
* Context-Based Exploitation of Remotely Sensed Imagery
* Continuous User Authentication on Mobile Devices: Recent progress and remaining challenges
* Contour-based 3D Face Modeling from a Monocular Video
* Coupled dictionaries for thermal to visible face recognition
* Coupled Projections for Adaptation of Dictionaries
* Cross-Sensor Iris Recognition through Kernel Learning
* Cross-View Action Recognition via a Transferable Dictionary Pair
* Cross-View Action Recognition via Transferable Dictionary Learning
* DASH-N: Joint Hierarchical Domain Adaptation and Feature Learning
* Decision Rules for the Choice of Neighbors in Random Field Models of Images
* Deep Density Clustering of Unconstrained Faces
* Deep feature extraction in the DCT domain
* Deep Features for Recognizing Disguised Faces in the Wild
* Deep Heterogeneous Feature Fusion for Template-Based Face Recognition
* Deep Learning for Understanding Faces: Machines May Be Just as Good, or Better, than Humans
* Deep Multitask Learning for Railway Track Inspection
* Deep Network Shrinkage Applied to Cross-Spectrum Face Recognition
* Deep Regionlets for Object Detection
* Deep Regionlets: Blended Representation and Deep Learning for Generic Object Detection
* Delineating Buildings by Grouping Lines with MRFs
* Design and Preliminary Evaluation of a Finger-Mounted Camera and Feedback System to Enable Reading of Printed Text for the Blind, The
* Design of Non-Linear Discriminative Dictionaries for Image Classification
* Design of Non-Linear Kernel Dictionaries for Object Recognition
* Design, Integration, and Evaluation of Handprint OCR Systems
* Detection and Inpainting of Facial Wrinkles Using Texture Orientation Fields and Markov Random Field Modeling
* Developing a Real-Time Identify-and-Locate System for the Blind
* Devil Is in the Details: Self-supervised Attention for Vehicle Re-identification, The
* Dictionaries for image and video-based face recognition
* Dictionary Learning from Ambiguously Labeled Data
* Dictionary-Based Face Recognition from Video
* Dictionary-based multiple instance learning
* Dictionary-Based Video Face Recognition Using Dense Multi-Scale Facial Landmark Features
* Differential geometric representations and algorithms for some pattern recognition and computer vision problems
* Diffuse and Restore: A Region-Adaptive Diffusion Model for Identity-Preserving Blind Face Restoration
* Digital Image Restoration Using Spatial Interaction Models
* Direct Analytical Methods for Solving Poisson Equations in Computer Vision Problems
* Discriminant Analysis for Recognition of Human Face Images
* Discriminant Analysis of Principal Components for Face Recognition
* Disentangling 3D Pose in a Dendritic CNN for Unconstrained 2D Face Alignment
* Disguised Faces in the Wild
* Disguised Faces in the Wild 2019
* Do's and Don'ts for CNN-Based Face Verification, The
* Domain adaptation for object recognition: An unsupervised approach
* Domain Adaptation for Visual Recognition
* Domain Adaptive Dictionary Learning
* Domain adaptive sparse representation-based classification
* Dual-Path Model With Adaptive Attention for Vehicle Re-Identification, A
* DuDoNet: Dual Domain Network for CT Metal Artifact Reduction
* Dynamic Feature Point Tracking in an Image Sequence
* Edge Detection and Linear Feature Extraction Using a 2-D Random Field Model
* Edge Detection Using the Directional Derivatives of a Space Varying Correlated Random Field Model
* Edge Suppression by Gradient Field Transformation Using Cross-Projection Tensors
* Editorial of special issue on spontaneous facial behaviour analysis
* Editorial, Special Issue Intro
* Editorial: Special Issue on Deep Learning for Face Analysis
* Editorial: Special issue on ubiquitous biometrics
* Efficient and Robust Algorithm for Shape Indexing and Retrieval, An
* Efficient Indexing For Articulation Invariant Shape Matching And Retrieval
* Ego-Motion Estimation and 3D Model Refinement in Scenes with Varying Illumination
* EgoVLPv2: Egocentric Video-Language Pre-training with Fusion in the Backbone
* Electronic Image Stabilization Using Multiple Visual Cues
* Empirical Evaluation of Neural, Statistical and Model-based Approaches to FLIR ATR
* Empirical Performance Analysis of Linear Discriminant Classifiers
* End-to-End System for Unconstrained Face Verification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks, An
* Enforcing integrability by error correction using L1-minimization
* Enhanced segmentation of SAR images using non-Fourier imaging
* Enhancing sparsity using gradients for compressive sensing
* Entropy rate superpixel segmentation
* Entropy-Rate Clustering: Cluster Analysis via Maximizing a Submodular Function Subject to a Matroid Constraint
* Epitomic Representation of Human Activities
* Estimating the Kinematics and Structure of a Rigid Object from a Sequence of Monocular Images
* Estimation and Choice of Neighbors in Spatial Interaction Models of Images
* Estimation of contour motion and deformation for nonrigid object tracking
* Estimation of Illuminant Direction, Albedo, and Shape from Shading
* Estimation of Object Motion Parameters from Noisy Images
* Estimation of Surface Topography from SAR Imagery Using Shape from Shading Techniques
* Estimation of Unstabilized Components in Vehicular Motion
* Evaluation of Image Stabilization Algorithms
* Evaluation of Pattern Classifiers for Fingerprint and OCR Applications
* Evaluation of state-of-the-art algorithms for remote face recognition
* evolution of stochastic grammars for representation and recognition of activities in videos, The
* Example-Driven Manifold Priors for Image Deconvolution
* Experimental Evaluation of FLIR ATR Approaches-A Comparative Study
* experimental evaluation of linear and kernel-based methods for face recognition, An
* Experimental Evaluation of Two Criteria for Pattern Comparison and Alignment
* Experiments and Uniqueness Results on Object Structure and Kinematics from a Sequence of Monocular Images
* Experiments on Estimating Egomotion and Structure Parameters Using Long Monocular Image Sequences
* Extraction of Straight Lines in Aerial Images
* EyePAD++: A Distillation-based approach for joint Eye Authentication and Presentation Attack Detection using Periocular Images
* Face Association across Unconstrained Video Frames Using Conditional Random Fields
* Face Association for Videos Using Conditional Random Fields and Max-Margin Markov Networks
* Face Processing: Advanced Modeling and Methods
* Face Recognition by Computers and Humans
* Face Recognition from Video: A Condensation Approach
* Face Recognition in the Presence of Multiple Illumination Sources
* Face Recognition Using Discriminant Eigenvectors
* Face Recognition: A Literature Survey
* Face reconstruction from monocular video using uncertainty analysis and a generic model
* Face tracking in low resolution videos under illumination variations
* Face Verification Across Age Progression
* Face verification through tracking facial features
* Face-MagNet: Magnifying Feature Maps to Detect Small Faces
* FaceNet2ExpNet: Regularizing a Deep Face Recognition Net for Expression Recognition
* Facial attributes for active authentication on mobile devices
* Facial similarity across age disguise illumination and pose
* Factorization Method for Structure from Planar Motion, A
* Fast 3D Stabilization and Mosaic Construction
* Fast Bilinear SfM with Side Information
* Fast Bilinear Structure from Motion Algorithm Using a Video Sequence and Inertial Sensors, A
* Fast detection of facial wrinkles based on Gabor features using image morphology and geometric constraints
* Fast directional chamfer matching
* Fast Electronic Digital Image Stabilization
* Fast Electronic Digital Image Stabilization For Off-Road Navigation
* Fast Image Stabilization and Mosaicking
* Fast two-frame multiscale dense optical flow estimation using discrete wavelet filters
* Feature Based Approach to Face Recognition, A
* Finding Facial Forgery Artifacts with Parts-Based Detectors
* Finding Gait in Space and Time
* Fisher Vector Encoded Deep Convolutional Features for Unconstrained Face Verification
* Following and Monitoring Roads on Airborne Video
* Framework for Interpretation of Aerial Images, A
* Frequency dependence of ATD performance in foliage-penetrating SAR images
* From BoW to CNN: Two Decades of Texture Representation for Texture Classification
* From Sample Similarity to Ensemble Similarity: Probabilistic Distance Measures in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space
* From Videos to Verbs: Mining Videos for Activities using a Cascade of Dynamical Systems
* Frontal to profile face verification in the wild
* Gabor Attributes Tracking for Face Verification
* Gait Analysis for Human Identification
* Gamma-face: Gaussian Mixture Models Amend Diffusion Models for Bias Mitigation in Face Images
* Gaussian Conditional Random Field Network for Semantic Segmentation
* General Motion Model and Spatiotemporal Filters for Computing Optical-Flow, A
* Generalized Dictionaries for Multiple Instance Learning
* Generalized Domain-Adaptive Dictionaries
* Generalized graduated nonconvexity algorithm for maximum a posteriori image estimation
* Generalized Motion Model for Estimating Optical Flow Using 3-D Hermite Polynomials, A
* Generate to Adapt: Aligning Domains Using Generative Adversarial Networks
* generic approach to simultaneous tracking and verification in video, A
* Geometric Framework for Image Alignment, A
* GMRF models and wavelet decomposition for texture segmentation
* Gradient-Based Image Recovery Methods From Incomplete Fourier Measurements
* Grassmann manifold-based domain adaptation approach, A
* Group motion segmentation using a Spatio-Temporal Driving Force Model
* Growing Regression Forests by Classification: Applications to Object Pose Estimation
* Growing Regression Tree Forests by Classification for Continuous Object Pose Estimation
* Guest Editor's Introduction to the Special Issue on Domain Adaptation for Vision Applications
* Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Large-Scale Video Analytics for Enhanced Security: Algorithms and Systems
* Guest Editorial: Adversarial Deep Learning in Biometrics and Forensics
* Guest Editorial: Special Issue on ACCV 2022
* Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Deep Learning for Video Analysis and Compression
* Guest Editors' Introduction to the Special Section on Compact and Efficient Feature Representation and Learning in Computer Vision
* HaLP: Hallucinating Latent Positives for Skeleton-based Self-Supervised Learning of Actions
* Handbook of Remote Biometrics for Surveillance and Security
* Handcrafted vs. learned representations for human action recognition
* hidden markov model based framework for recognition of humans from gait sequences, A
* hierarchical approach for obtaining structure from two-frame optical flow, A
* Hierarchical Approach to Detection of Buildings in Aerial Images, A
* Hierarchical Feature Based Matching for Motion Correspondence
* Hierarchical Multimodal Metric Learning for Multimodal Classification
* Hierarchical Stereo and Motion Correspondence Using Feature Groupings
* Hierarchical Stereo Matching Using Feature Grouping
* Hierarchical Video Prediction using Relational Layouts for Human-Object Interactions
* High performance computing for land cover dynamics
* Higher Order Statistical Learning for Vehicle Detection in Images
* Higher-Order Neural Network for Distortion Invariant Pattern Recognition, A
* Higher-order Spectral Analysis of Human Motion
* Higher-Order-Statistics-Based Detection of Vehicles in Still Images
* How are attributes expressed in face DCNNs?
* How would you look as you age?
* Human Action Recognition by Representing 3D Skeletons as Points in a Lie Group
* Human action-recognition using mutual invariants
* Human and Machine Recognition of Faces: A Survey
* Human Identification Based on Gait
* Human Identification using Gait and Face
* Hybrid Detectors for Subpixel Targets
* HyperFace: A Deep Multi-Task Learning Framework for Face Detection, Landmark Localization, Pose Estimation, and Gender Recognition
* HyperSegNAS: Bridging One-Shot Neural Architecture Search with 3D Medical Image Segmentation using HyperNet
* Identification of Humans Using Gait
* Illuminating Light Field: Image-Based Face Recognition Across Illuminations and Poses
* Illumination robust dictionary-based face recognition
* Illumination-Insensitive Face Recognition using Symmetric Shape-from-Shading
* Image Gradient Evolution: A Visual Cue for Collision Avoidance
* Image Registration by Feature Consensus
* Image Restoration Using a Neural Network
* Image Set Classification Using Sparse Bayesian Regression
* Image Stabilization and Mosaicking Using the Overlapped Basis Optical Flow Field
* Image-based face recognition under illumination and pose variations
* In Situ Evaluation of Tracking Algorithms Using Time Reversed Chains
* In-Plane Rotation and Scale Invariant Clustering Using Dictionaries
* Incremental Dictionary Learning for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Information Theoretic Criterion for Evaluating the Quality of 3-D Reconstructions from Video, An
* Information-Theoretic Dictionary Learning for Image Classification
* Integrability-regularized phase unwrapping via sparse error correction
* Integrated Approach to Image Stabilization, Mosaicking and Super-Resolution, An
* Integrated Motion Detection and Tracking for Visual Surveillance
* Integrated System for Site Model Supported Monitoring of Transportation Activities in Aerial Images, An
* Integrating Video Information over Time. Example: Face Recognition from Video
* Interpolated Joint Space Adversarial Training for Robust and Generalizable Defenses
* Intra-personal kernel space for face recognition
* Introduction
* Invariant Geometric Representation of 3D Point Clouds for Registration and Matching
* Jack of All Tasks, Master of Many: Designing General-purpose Coarse-to-Fine Vision-Language Model
* Joint Albedo Estimation and Pose Tracking from Video
* Joint Sparse Representation and Robust Feature-Level Fusion for Multi-Cue Visual Tracking
* Joint Sparse Representation for Robust Multimodal Biometrics Recognition
* Joint Sparsity-Based Robust Multimodal Biometrics Recognition
* KEPLER: Keypoint and Pose Estimation of Unconstrained Faces by Learning Efficient H-CNN Regressors
* KEPLER: Simultaneous estimation of keypoints and 3D pose of unconstrained faces in a unified framework by learning efficient H-CNN regressors
* Kernel Learning for Extrinsic Classification of Manifold Features
* Key Frame-Based Activity Representation Using Antieigenvalues
* Kinematics and Structure of a Rigid Object from a Sequence of Noisy Images
* Kinematics of a Rigid Object from a Sequence of Noisy Images: A Batch Approach
* Knowledge Based Integration of IU Algorithms
* Knowledge-based Control of Vision Systems
* Landmark-based fisher vector representation for video-based face verification
* Learning a structured dictionary for video-based face recognition
* Learning action dictionaries from video
* Learning Approach Towards Detection and Tracking of Lane Markings, A
* Learning Common and Feature-Specific Patterns: A Novel Multiple-Sparse-Representation-Based Tracker
* Learning discriminative dictionaries with partially labeled data
* Learning from Ambiguously Labeled Face Images
* Learning from Synthetic Data: Addressing Domain Shift for Semantic Segmentation
* Learning multi-modal densities on Discriminative Temporal Interaction Manifold for group activity recognition
* Learning Texture-Discrimination Rules in a Multiresolution System
* Learning View-Invariant Sparse Representations for Cross-View Action Recognition
* Learning Without Memorizing
* Linear Discriminant Analysis of MPF for Face Recognition
* Localization of skin features on the hand and wrist from small image patches
* Locally time-invariant models of human activities using trajectories on the grassmannian
* Lognormal Random Field Models and Their Applications to Radar Image Synthesis
* Low-Rank and Joint Sparse Representations for Multi-Modal Recognition
* Low-Resolution Face Tracker Robust to Illumination Variations
* Machine Perception of Partially Obscured Planar Shapes
* Machine Recognition of Human Activities: A Survey
* MAP Decoding of Gray-Level Images over Binary Channels with Memory
* Markov Point Process model for wrinkles in human faces, A
* Markov Random Fields: Theory and Applications
* Maryland Progress in Image Understanding
* Matching Shape Sequences in Video with Applications in Human Movement Analysis
* Material Classification and Semantic Segmentation of Railway Track Images with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Mathematical statistics and computer vision
* Matrix completion for resolving label ambiguity
* Maximum A Posteriori Classification of Multifrequency, Multilook Synthetic Aperture Radar Intensity Data
* Mean Field Annealing Using Compound Gauss-Markov Random Fields for Edge Detection and Image Estimation
* Method for Enforcing Integrability in Shape from Shading Algorithms, A
* Mixed-Signal VLSI Neuroprocessor for Image Restoration, A
* Model Based Detection of Targets in FOPEN SAR Images
* Model Based Texture Segmentation and Classification
* Model Driven Segmentation of Articulating Humans in Laplacian Eigenspace
* Model-Based Approach for Estimation of Two Dimensional Maximum Entropy Power Spectra, A
* Model-Based Target Recognition in Foliage Penetrating SAR Images
* Model-based Temporal Object Verification Using Video
* Model-Supported Exploitation of SAR Imagery
* Modeling Age Progression in Young Faces
* Modeling and Detection of Wrinkles in Aging Human Faces Using Marked Point Processes
* Modeling and Visualization of Human Activities for Multicamera Networks
* Modeling shape and textural variations in aging faces
* MOST: Multiple Object localization with Self-supervised Transformers for object discovery
* Motion-Model-Based Boundary Extraction
* Motion-Model-Based Boundary Extraction and a Real-Time Implementation
* Moving Object Verification from Airborne Video
* Moving Object Verification in Airborne Video Sequences
* Moving vistas: Exploiting motion for describing scenes
* Multi-camera Tracking of Articulated Human Motion Using Motion and Shape Cues
* Multi-Class Hinge Loss for Conditional GANs, A
* Multi-cue Visual Tracking Using Robust Feature-Level Fusion Based on Joint Sparse Representation
* Multi-fractal Formalism for Stabilization, Object Detection and Tracking in FLIR Sequences, A
* Multi-Modal Human Authentication Using Silhouettes, Gait and RGB
* Multicamera Tracking of Articulated Human Motion Using Shape and Motion Cues
* Multiple description subband coding
* Multiple Kernel Learning for Sparse Representation-Based Classification
* Multiple view tracking of humans modelled by kinematic chains
* Multiple-exemplar discriminant analysis for face recognition
* Multiple-Hypothesis Approach for Multiobject Visual Tracking, A
* Multiresolution Gauss-Markov Random-Field Models for Texture Segmentation
* Multiresolution GMRF Models for Image Segmentation
* Multiscale Document Page Segmentation Using Soft Decision Integration
* Multiscale Segmentation of Unstructured Document Pages Using Soft Decision Integration
* Multisensor image registration by feature consensus
* Multitask multivariate common sparse representations for robust multimodal biometrics recognition
* Nearest-neighbor search algorithms on non-Euclidean manifolds for computer vision applications
* New Algorithms for Reconstruction of a 3-D Depth Map from One or More Images
* New Approach to Image Feature Detection with Applications, A
* Noise-resilient estimation of optical flow by use of overlapped basis functions
* Non-Gaussian CFAR Techniques for Target Detection in High-Resolution SAR Images
* Non-generative Approach for Face Recognition Across Aging, A
* Non-linear dictionary learning with partially labeled data
* Non-Uniform Deblurring in HDR Image Reconstruction
* Nonlinear Subspace Feature Enhancement for Image Set Classification
* Normalized Wasserstein for Mixture Distributions With Applications in Adversarial Learning and Domain Adaptation
* Novel Image Registration Algorithm, A
* Object Detection, Tracking and Recognition for Multiple Smart Cameras
* On a Spectral Attentional Mechanism
* On Measuring the Iconicity of a Face
* On the Correlation Structure of Random Field Models of Images and Textures
* On the Positioning of Multisensor Imagery for Exploitation and Target Recognition
* On the size of Convolutional Neural Networks and generalization performance
* On Two-Dimensional Markov Spectral Estimation
* Online Empirical Evaluation of Tracking Algorithms
* Optical Flow Using Overlapped Basis Functions for Solving Global Motion Problems
* Optimal edge-based shape detection
* Optimal Fourier Coding of Image Boundaries
* Optimal Multi-View Fusion of Object Locations
* Optimal Shape Detection
* P2C2: Programmable pixel compressive camera for high speed imaging
* PADS: A Probabilistic Activity Detection Framework for Video Data
* Page Segmentation Using Decision Integration and Wavelet Packets
* Partial face detection for continuous authentication
* Partial face detection in the mobile domain
* PASS: Protected Attribute Suppression System for Mitigating Bias in Face Recognition
* Passive Navigation in a Partially Known Environment
* Past, Present, and Future of Image and Multidimensional Signal-Processing, The
* Performance Analysis of a Simple Vehicle Detction Algorithm
* Performance Analysis of Model-Based Video Coding
* Performance Bounds for Estimating Three-Dimensional Motion Parameters from a Sequence of Noisy Images
* Performance Characterization Of Image Stabilization Algorithms
* Point Correspondence and Motion Detection in Long Image Sequences
* Pooling Facial Segments to Face: The Shallow and Deep Ends
* Pose and Joint-Aware Action Recognition
* Pose-Invariant Face Recognition Using Markov Random Fields
* Pose-robust albedo estimation from a single image
* Pose-Robust Face Verification by Exploiting Competing Tasks
* Predicting Dynamical Evolution of Human Activities from a Single Image
* Predicting Facial Attributes in Video Using Temporal Coherence and Motion-Attention
* Principal Components Null Space Analysis for Image and Video Classification
* Probabilistic Human Recognition from Video
* Probabilistic identity characterization for face recognition
* Probabilistic recognition of human faces from video
* Probe Based Recognition of Targets in Infrared Images
* Probe-Based Automatic Target Recognition In Infrared Imagery
* Proposal-Based Solution to Spatio-Temporal Action Detection in Untrimmed Videos, A
* Proximity-Aware Hierarchical Clustering of Faces, A
* Proximity-Aware Hierarchical Clustering of unconstrained faces
* Pursuit of Knowledge: Discovering and Localizing Novel Categories using Dual Memory, The
* Pyramid Implementation of Optimal Step Conjugate Search Algorithms for Some Computer Vision Problems
* Quantitative analysis of error bounds in the recovery of depth from defocused images
* Quantitative Analysis of Error Bounds in the Recovery of depth from Defocused Images, A
* Quasi-invariants for human action representation and recognition
* R3DG features: Relative 3D geometry-based skeletal representations for human action recognition
* Rank constrained recognition under unknown illuminations
* Rate-Invariant Recognition of Humans and Their Activities
* Ray Saliency: Bottom-Up Visual Saliency for a Rotating and Zooming Camera
* Real-time Detection of Activities in Untrimmed Videos
* Real-Time Multi-Task Single Shot Face Detector, A
* Recent advances in age and height estimation from still images and video
* Recognition of Humans and Their Activities Using Video
* Recognition of Multi-Object Events Using Attribute Grammars
* Recognition of quantized still face images
* Recognizing Families In the Wild (RFIW): The 4th Edition
* Recognizing Interactive Group Activities Using Temporal Interaction Matrices and Their Riemannian Statistics
* Recognizing offensive strategies from football videos
* Reconstructing a 3-D Depth Map from One or More Images
* Recursive 3-D Motion Estimation from a Monocular Image Sequence
* Recursive Tracking of Image Points Using Labelled Graph Matching
* Reduction of Inherent Ambiguities in Structure from Motion Problem Using Inertial Data
* Region Adaptive Subband Image-Coding
* Region based subband image coding scheme
* Registration and Exploitation of Multi-pass Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar Images
* Regularized metric adaptation for unconstrained face verification
* Relaxation Algorithms for the Restoration Gray Level Images Corrupted by Multiplicative Noise
* reliable descriptor for face objects in visual content, A
* Remote identification of faces: Problems, prospects, and progress
* Robust Algorithm for Inferring Shape from a Single Image, A
* robust algorithm for probabilistic human recognition from video, A
* Robust and Scalable Vehicle Re-Identification via Self-Supervision
* Robust bayesian cameras motion estimation using random sampling
* Robust Ego-Motion Estimation and 3-D Model Refinement Using Surface Parallax
* Robust ego-motion estimation and 3d model refinement using depth based parallax model
* Robust Estimation of Albedo for Illumination-invariant Matching and Shape Recovery
* Robust Estimation of Depth and Motion Using Stochastic Approximation
* Robust Estimation of Motion and Structure Using a Discrete h8 Filter
* Robust Face Recognition From Multi-View Videos
* Robust Face Recognition in the Presence of Clutter
* Robust Face Recognition Using Symmetric Shape-from-Shading
* Robust Fastener Detection for Autonomous Visual Railway Track Inspection
* Robust Height Estimation of Moving Objects From Uncalibrated Videos
* Robust Human Detection under Occlusion by Integrating Face and Person Detectors
* Robust local features for remote face recognition
* robust method for detecting image features with application to face recognition and motion correspondence, A
* Robust Modeling and Estimation of Optical Flow with Overlapped Basis Functions
* Robust multimodal recognition via multitask multivariate low-rank representations
* Robust RVM regression using sparse outlier model
* Robust structure from motion estimation using inertial data
* Robust Visual Tracking Using the Time-Reversibility Constraint
* Role of shape and kinematics in human movement analysis
* Rolling Rotations for Recognizing Human Actions from 3D Skeletal Data
* S2LD: Semi-Supervised Landmark Detection in Low Resolution Images and Impact on Face Verification
* SAINT: Spatially Aware Interpolation NeTwork for Medical Slice Synthesis
* Salient view selection based on sparse representation
* Salient views and view-dependent dictionaries for object recognition
* SAR/EO Vehicular Activity Analysis System Guided by Temporal and Contextual Information
* Scalable Data Parallel Algorithms for Texture Synthesis and Compression Using Gibbs Random Fields
* Scalable Data-Parallel Algorithms for Texture Synthesis Using Gibbs Random-Fields
* Scalable Projective Bundle Adjustment Algorithm using the L infinity Norm, A
* Screen-based active user authentication
* Secure and Robust Iris Recognition Using Random Projections and Sparse Representations
* Seeing the Forest from the Trees: A Holistic Approach to Near-Infrared Heterogeneous Face Recognition
* Segment and Complete: Defending Object Detectors against Adversarial Patch Attacks with Robust Patch Detection
* Segment-Based Methods for Facial Attribute Detection from Partial Faces
* Segmentation and Probabilistic Registration of Articulated Body Models
* Segmentation Based Image Compression
* Segmentation of Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar Data
* Segmentation of Synthetic Aperture Radar Complex Data
* Selective Stabilization of Images Acquired by Unmanned Ground Vehicles
* Semi-Automatic 2D Solution for Vehicle Speed Estimation from Monocular Videos, A
* Semi-Supervised Cross-Spectral Face Recognition with Small Datasets
* Semi-supervised FusedGAN for Conditional Image Generation
* Sensitivity Analysis and Learning Strategies for Context-Based Vehicle Detection Algorithms
* Separability-based Multiscale Basis Selection and Feature Extraction for Signal and Image Classification
* Separability-based Tree-Structured Basis Selection for Textures Classification
* Separated Component-Based Restoration of Speckled SAR Images
* Sequential Score Adaptation with Extreme Value Theory for Robust Railway Track Inspection
* SFS Based View Synthesis for Robust Face Recognition
* Shape Activity: a continuous-state HMM for moving/deforming shapes with application to abnormal activity detection
* Shape-and-Behavior Encoded Tracking of Bee Dances
* Shape-Regulated Particle Filtering for Tracking Non-Rigid Objects
* Silhouette-based gesture and action recognition via modeling trajectories on Riemannian shape manifolds
* Simple Kinematic Model Based Approach for 3-D Motion and Structure Estimation, A
* Simultaneous background and foreground modeling for tracking in surveillance video
* Simultaneous Tracking and Verification via Sequential Posterior Estimation
* Site Model Based Exploitation of TESAR Imagery
* Site Model Based Image Registration and Change Detection
* Site Model Construction for the Exploitation of E-O and SAR Images
* Site Model Mediated Detection of Movable Object Activities
* Site Model Supported Monitoring of Aerial Images
* Site Model Supported Targeting
* Site-Model-Based Change Detection and Image Registration
* Site-Model-Based Monitoring of Aerial Images
* Soft-NMS: Improving Object Detection with One Line of Code
* Sparse dictionary-based representation and recognition of action attributes
* Sparse Embedding: A Framework for Sparsity Promoting Dimensionality Reduction
* Sparse Representations and Compressive Sensing for Imaging and Vision
* Sparse representations and Random Projections for robust and cancelable biometrics
* SparseDet: Improving Sparsely Annotated Object Detection with Pseudo-positive Mining
* Sparsity inspired selection and recognition of iris images
* Spatio-temporal filters for transparent motion segmentation
* Spatio-temporal moments and generalized spectral analysis of divergent images for motion estimation
* Spatiotemporal Alignment of Visual Signals on a Special Manifold
* Special Issue on Biometrics: Algorithms and Applications
* Special issue on ICPR 2014 awarded papers
* Special Issue on Video Analysis on Resource-Limited Systems
* Special Section in Celebration of Professor J.K. Aggarwal
* Special Section on Distributed Camera Networks: Sensing, Processing, Communication, and Implementation
* Spectral and Temporal Representations of Looming and Maneuvering Information
* Spectral Attentional Mechanism Tuned to Object Configurations, A
* SSH: Single Stage Headless Face Detector
* Stability and Sensitivity of Topographic Features for SAR Target Characterization
* Stability and sensitivity of topographic features for synthetic aperture radar target characterization
* Stabilization and Mosaicing of Airborne Videos
* Stabilization of Images Acquired by Unmanned Ground Vehicles
* Stacked U-Nets for Ground Material Segmentation in Remote Sensing Imagery
* Statistical Analysis of 3d Modeling From Monocular Video Streams
* Statistical Analysis of Inherent Ambiguities in Recovering 3-D Motion from a Noisy Flow Field
* Statistical analysis on Stiefel and Grassmann manifolds with applications in computer vision
* Statistical Bias and the Accuracy of 3d Reconstruction from Video
* Statistical bias in 3-D reconstruction from a monocular video
* Statistical Computations on Grassmann and Stiefel Manifolds for Image and Video-Based Recognition
* Statisticalphysical model for foliage clutter in ultra-wideband synthetic aperture radar images
* STEPs: Self-Supervised Key Step Extraction and Localization from Unlabeled Procedural Videos
* Stereoscopic Recovery of Egomotion and Structure: Models, Uniqueness and Experimental Results
* Stochastic and Deterministic Networks for Texture Segmentation
* Stochastic Approximation and Rate-Distortion Analysis for Robust Structure and Motion Estimation
* Stochastic fusion of multi-view gradient fields
* Stochastic Models for Closed Boundary Analysis, Representation, and Construction
* Stochastic Models for Closed Boundary Analysis: Part I, Representation, and Construction
* Structure from Motion Using Sequential Monte Carlo Methods
* Structure from motion: sparse versus dense correspondence methods
* Structure From Planar Motion
* Structure-Preserving Sparse Decomposition for Facial Expression Analysis
* Submodular Attribute Selection for Visual Recognition
* Subspace Interpolation via Dictionary Learning for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Subspace Linear Discriminant Analysis for Face Recognition
* Super-Resolution of Face Images Using Kernel PCA-Based Prior
* Symbolic Compression and Processing of Document Images
* Symmetric Objects are Hardly Ambiguous
* Symmetric Shape-from-Shading Using Self-Ratio Image
* Synthesis of Novel Views of Moving Objects in Airborne Video
* Synthesis of Silhouettes and Visual Hull Reconstruction for Articulated Humans
* Synthesis-Based Approach for Thermal-to-Visible Face Verification, A
* Synthetic Generation and Estimation in Random Field Models of Images
* system identification approach for video-based face recognition, A
* Target Discrimination in FOPEN SAR Images Using Angular Diversity in Alpha-stable Noise
* Target Tracking Using a Joint Acoustic Video System
* Template regularized sparse coding for face verification
* Temporal Analysis of Motion in Video Sequences Through Predictive Operators
* Temporal Analysis of Vehicular Activities from SAR/EO
* Texture Classification and Segmentation
* Texture Classification Using Features Derived from Random Field Models
* Texture Synthesis Using 2-D Noncausal Autoregressive Models
* Texture Synthsis and Compression Using Gaussian-Markov Random Field Models
* Time-to-X: Analysis of Motion through Temporal Parameters
* Touch Gesture-Based Active User Authentication Using Dictionaries
* Towards a view invariant gait recognition algorithm
* Towards Accurate Visual and Natural Language-Based Vehicle Retrieval Systems
* Towards Real-Time Systems for Vehicle Re-Identification, Multi-Camera Tracking, and Anomaly Detection
* Towards view-invariant expression analysis using analytic shape manifolds
* Tracking a Dynamic Set of Feature Points
* Tracking of Human Activities Using Shape-encoded Particle Propagation
* Tracking via object reflectance using a hyperspectral video camera
* Tracking with Attributes Using Probabilistic Techniques
* Tumor Detection in Digital Mammograms
* Two-Dimensional Spectrum Estimation Using Noncausal Autoregressive Models
* UMD Experiments with FRGC Data
* Uncertainty Modeling of Contextual-Connections Between Tracklets for Unconstrained Video-Based Face Recognition
* Unconstrained Age Estimation with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Unconstrained Face Recognition
* Unconstrained face verification using deep CNN features
* Unconstrained Still/Video-Based Face Verification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Understanding Synthetic Aperature Radar Images
* Unified Approach for Filtering and Edge Detection in Noisy Images, A
* Unified Approach to Boundary Perception: Edges, Textures and Illusory Contours, A
* Unsupervised Adaptation Across Domain Shifts by Generating Intermediate Data Representations
* Unsupervised Domain-Specific Deblurring via Disentangled Representations
* Unsupervised Segmentation of Polarimetric SAR Data Using the Covariance Matrix
* Unsupervised Texture Segmentation Using Markov Random Field Models
* Unsupervised Video Domain Adaptation with Masked Pre-Training and Collaborative Self-Training
* Unsupervised view and rate invariant clustering of video sequences
* Use of Context for False Alarm Reduction in SAR Automatic Target Recognition
* Using Geometric Properties for Correspondence-less Image Alignment
* Variable focus video: Reconstructing depth and video for dynamic scenes
* Variable remapping of images from very different sources
* Vehicle Detection and Tracking in Video
* Video Biometrics
* Video Coding Using Hybrid Motion Compensation
* Video Mensuration Using a Stationary Camera
* Video Metrology Using a Single Camera
* Video Précis: Highlighting Diverse Aspects of Videos
* Video-Based Face Association and Identification
* Video-Based Face Recognition Using the Intra-Personal/Extra-Personal Difference Dictionary
* Video-based face recognition via joint sparse representation
* View independent human body pose estimation from a single perspective image
* View Invariance for Human Action Recognition
* View invariants for human action recognition
* View Synthesis using Convex and Visual Hulls
* Virtually Observable Temporal Kinematic Descriptors for Polynomial Translations
* Viscom: an orthogonal multiprocessor for early vision and neural computing
* Vision Engineering: Designing Computer Vision Systems
* Visual Domain Adaptation: A survey of recent advances
* Visual Question Answering on Image Sets
* Visual Surveillance and Monitoring of Human and Vehicular Activity
* Visual Tracking and Recognition Using Appearance-Adaptive Models in Particle Filters
* VLAD encoded Deep Convolutional features for unconstrained face verification
* VLSI Neuroprocessors for Video Motion Detection
* What Is the Range of Surface Reconstructions from a Gradient Field?
* Where in the World Is This Image? Transformer-Based Geo-localization in the Wild
* You Can Run but not Hide: Improving Gait Recognition with Intrinsic Occlusion Type Awareness
* Zero-Shot Object Detection
Includes: Chellappa, R.[Rama] Chellappa, R.
638 for Chellappa, R.
Chellappa, V.
Co Author Listing * Dual Frame Motion Compensation With Uneven Quality Assignment
Chellappan, A.K.[Agees Kumar]
Co Author Listing * Segmentation techniques for early cancer detection in red blood cells with deep learning-based classifier'a comparative approach
Chellappan, C.
Co Author Listing * intelligent video analytics model for abnormal event detection in online surveillance video, An
Chellappan, K.V.
Co Author Listing * State of the Art in Stereoscopic and Autostereoscopic Displays
Chellappan, S.
Co Author Listing * Leveraging Smartphone Sensors to Detect Distracted Driving Activities
Chellasamy, M.
Co Author Listing * Automatic Training Sample Selection for a Multi-Evidence Based Crop Classification Approach
Chelliah, K.S.V.[Kezi Selva Vijila]
Co Author Listing * Lung computed axial tomography image segmentation using possibilistic fuzzy C-means approach for computer aided diagnosis system
Chelliah, M.[Muthusamy]
Co Author Listing * Fine-Grained Visual Attribute Extraction from Fashion Wear
Chellingi, P.[Prabhath]
Co Author Listing * MOSAIC: Multi-Object Segmented Arbitrary Stylization Using CLIP
Chelly, I.
Co Author Listing * JA-POLS: A Moving-Camera Background Model via Joint Alignment and Partially-Overlapping Local Subspaces
* Trainable Highly-expressive Activation Functions
Includes: Chelly, I. Chelly, I.[Irit]
Chelly, O.
Co Author Listing * Measuring dependency via intrinsic dimensionality
Chelmis, C.[Charalampos]
Co Author Listing * Near Real-Time Freeway Accident Detection
Chelmus, A.
Co Author Listing * Ground penetrating radar survey inside a historical monument
Chelmus, A.I.
Co Author Listing * Integrated Digital Platform for the Valorization of A Cultural Landscape
* Virtual Archaeodrome for the Archaeological Site From Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa
Cheloni, D.[Daniele]
Co Author Listing * Heterogeneous Behavior of the Campotosto Normal Fault (Central Italy) Imaged by InSAR GPS and Strong-Motion Data: Insights from the 18 January 2017 Events
Cheltha, J.N.[Jeba Nega]
Co Author Listing * Enhanced human motion detection with hybrid RDA-WOA-based RNN and multiple hypothesis tracking for occlusion handling
Chelu, I.V.
Co Author Listing * Scene Understanding Networks for Autonomous Driving Based on Around View Monitoring System
Cheluvaraju, B.
Co Author Listing * Improved Extraction of Objects from Urine Microscopy Images with Unsupervised Thresholding and Supervised U-net Techniques