Index for fua_

Fua, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ablavsky, V.: Take your eyes off the ball: Improving ball-tracking by ...
     with: Achanta, R.: SLIC Superpixels Compared to State-of-the-Art Superpixel ...
     with: Achanta, R.: Supervoxel-Based Segmentation of Mitochondria in EM Image...
     with: Aigerman, N.: Temporally-Coherent Surface Reconstruction via Metric-Co...
     with: Alahi, A.: Social Scene Understanding: End-to-End Multi-person Action ...
     with: Alameda Pineda, X.: Every Smile is Unique: Landmark-Guided Diverse Smi...
     with: Ali, K.: Joint Pose Estimator and Feature Learning for Object Detection
     with: Ali, K.: Learning Context Cues for Synapse Segmentation
     with: Ali, K.: Real-Time Deformable Detector, A
     with: Ali, K.: Training for Task Specific Keypoint Detection
     with: Altingovde, O.: Visual Correspondences for Unsupervised Domain Adaptat...
     with: Altwaijry, H.: Learning to Match Aerial Images with Deep Attentive Arc...
     with: Andres, B.: Reconstructing Curvilinear Networks Using Path Classifiers...
     with: Andres, B.: Reconstructing Loopy Curvilinear Structures Using Integer ...
     with: Aoki, Y.: Parsing human skeletons in an operating room
     with: Arnaud, E.: Tracking articulated bodies using Generalized Expectation ...
     with: Aymanns, F.: Overcoming the Domain Gap in Neural Action Representations
     with: Bachmann, R.: Motion Capture from Pan-Tilt Cameras with Unknown Orient...
     with: Badanin, I.: Occlusion Resilient 3D Human Pose Estimation
     with: Bagautdinov, T.: Masksembles for Uncertainty Estimation
     with: Bagautdinov, T.: Modeling Facial Geometry Using Compositional VAEs
     with: Bagautdinov, T.: Principled Parallel Mean-Field Inference for Discrete...
     with: Bagautdinov, T.: Probability occupancy maps for occluded depth images
     with: Bagautdinov, T.: Social Scene Understanding: End-to-End Multi-person A...
     with: Bagautdinov, T.: WILDTRACK: A Multi-camera HD Dataset for Dense Unscri...
     with: Baque, P.: Deep Occlusion Reasoning for Multi-camera Multi-target Dete...
     with: Baque, P.: HybridSDF: Combining Deep Implicit Shapes and Geometric Pri...
     with: Baque, P.: Masksembles for Uncertainty Estimation
     with: Baque, P.: Multi-modal Mean-Fields via Cardinality-Based Clamping
     with: Baque, P.: Principled Parallel Mean-Field Inference for Discrete Rando...
     with: Baque, P.: WILDTRACK: A Multi-camera HD Dataset for Dense Unscripted P...
     with: Batlle, V.M.: LightDepth: Single-View Depth Self-Supervision from Illu...
     with: Becker, C.: Detecting Irregular Curvilinear Structures in Gray Scale a...
     with: Becker, C.: Domain Adaptation for Microscopy Imaging
     with: Becker, C.: Fast Object Detection with Entropy-Driven Evaluation
     with: Becker, C.: Learning Context Cues for Synapse Segmentation
     with: Becker, C.: Learning Structured Models for Segmentation of 2-D and 3-D...
     with: Becker, C.: Visual Correspondences for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation ...
     with: Becker, C.J.: Network Flow Integer Programming to Track Elliptical Cel...
     with: Bednarik, J.: Better Patch Stitching for Parametric Surface Reconstruc...
     with: Bednarik, J.: Learning to Reconstruct Texture-Less Deformable Surfaces...
     with: Bednarik, J.: Shape Reconstruction by Learning Differentiable Surface ...
     with: Bednarik, J.: Temporally-Coherent Surface Reconstruction via Metric-Co...
     with: Belagiannis, V.: Multiple Human Pose Estimation with Temporally Consis...
     with: Belagiannis, V.: Parsing human skeletons in an operating room
     with: Belongie, S.J.: Learning to Match Aerial Images with Deep Attentive Ar...
     with: Ben Shitrit, H.: Conditional Random Fields for multi-camera object det...
     with: Ben Shitrit, H.: Real-time camera pose estimation for sports fields
     with: Ben Shitrit, H.: Tracking multiple people under global appearance cons...
     with: Benhimane, S.: Learning Real-Time Perspective Patch Rectification
     with: Benhimane, S.: Online learning of patch perspective rectification for ...
     with: Benhimane, S.: Simultaneous Recognition and Homography Extraction of L...
     with: Benmansour, F.: Automated reconstruction of tree structures using path...
     with: Benmansour, F.: Detecting Irregular Curvilinear Structures in Gray Sca...
     with: Benmansour, F.: On the relevance of sparsity for image classification
     with: Benmansour, F.: Reconstructing Curvilinear Networks Using Path Classif...
     with: Benmansour, F.: Reconstructing Loopy Curvilinear Structures Using Inte...
     with: Berclaz, J.: Multi-camera Tracking and Atypical Motion Detection with ...
     with: Berclaz, J.: Multi-Commodity Network Flow for Tracking Multiple People
     with: Berclaz, J.: Multicamera People Tracking with a Probabilistic Occupanc...
     with: Berclaz, J.: Multiple object tracking using flow linear programming
     with: Berclaz, J.: Multiple Object Tracking Using K-Shortest Paths Optimizat...
     with: Berclaz, J.: Robust Multi-View Change Detection
     with: Berclaz, J.: Robust People Tracking with Global Trajectory Optimization
     with: Berclaz, J.: Tracking multiple people under global appearance constrai...
     with: Bermudez Chacon, R.: Visual Correspondences for Unsupervised Domain Ad...
     with: Bieler, D.: Gravity as a Reference for Estimating a Person's Height Fr...
     with: Bignone, F.: Automatic Extraction of Generic House Roofs from High Re...
     with: Boix, X.: Are spatial and global constraints really necessary for segm...
     with: Boix, X.: Conditional Random Fields for multi-camera object detection
     with: Boult, T.E.: TPAMI CVPR Special Section
     with: Bouquet, S.: WILDTRACK: A Multi-camera HD Dataset for Dense Unscripted...
     with: Bowman, J.: Compact signatures for high-speed interest point descripti...
     with: Brechbuhler, C.: Consistent Site Modeling: Imposing Hard Constraints o...
     with: Brechbuhler, C.: Imposing Hard Constraints on Deformable Models Throug...
     with: Brechbuhler, C.: Imposing Hard Constraints on Soft Snakes
     with: Bronstein, A.M.: LDAHash: Improved Matching with Smaller Descriptors
     with: Bronstein, M.M.: LDAHash: Improved Matching with Smaller Descriptors
     with: Brown, M.: Spatio-chromatic decorrelation by shift-invariant filtering
     with: Brown, M.A.: On the relevance of sparsity for image classification
     with: Cagniart, C.: Gradient Response Maps for Real-Time Detection of Textur...
     with: Calonder, M.: BRIEF: Binary Robust Independent Elementary Features
     with: Calonder, M.: BRIEF: Computing a Local Binary Descriptor Very Fast
     with: Calonder, M.: Compact signatures for high-speed interest point descrip...
     with: Calonder, M.: Fast Keypoint Recognition in Ten Lines of Code
     with: Calonder, M.: Fast Keypoint Recognition Using Random Ferns
     with: Calonder, M.: Keypoint Signatures for Fast Learning and Recognition
     with: Calonder, M.: Pareto-optimal dictionaries for signatures
     with: Chandran, S.: Resolving occlusion in multiframe reconstruction of defo...
     with: Chaudhuri, S.: Temporally-Coherent Surface Reconstruction via Metric-C...
     with: Chavdarova, T.: WILDTRACK: A Multi-camera HD Dataset for Dense Unscrip...
     with: Cheng, Y.: 3d Pose Based Feedback for Physical Exercises
     with: Christoudias, C.M.: Domain Adaptation for Microscopy Imaging
     with: Christoudias, C.M.: Free-Shape Polygonal Object Localization
     with: Christoudias, C.M.: Real-time landing place assessment in man-made env...
     with: Christoudias, M.: Boosting Binary Keypoint Descriptors
     with: Citraro, L.: Adjusting the Ground Truth Annotations for Connectivity-B...
     with: Citraro, L.: On Triangulation as a Form of Self-Supervision for 3D Hum...
     with: Citraro, L.: Promoting Connectivity of Network-Like Structures by Enfo...
     with: Citraro, L.: Real-time camera pose estimation for sports fields
     with: Citraro, L.: TopoAL: An Adversarial Learning Approach for Topology-awa...
     with: Citraro, L.: Towards Reliable Evaluation of Algorithms for Road Networ...
     with: Civera, J.: LightDepth: Single-View Depth Self-Supervision from Illumi...
     with: Connolly, C.I.: Site-Model Construction Component of the RADIUS Testbe...
     with: Constantin, V.: Adversarial Parametric Pose Prior
     with: Constantin, V.: GarNet++: Improving Fast and Accurate Static 3D Cloth ...
     with: Constantin, V.: GarNet: A Two-Stream Network for Fast and Accurate 3D ...
     with: Constantin, V.: Human Detection and Segmentation via Multi-view Consen...
     with: Constantin, V.: Learning Monocular 3D Human Pose Estimation from Multi...
     with: Constantin, V.: Neural Scene Decomposition for Multi-Person Motion Cap...
     with: Constantin, V.: Self-Supervised Human Detection and Segmentation via B...
     with: Constantin, V.: Temporal Representation Learning on Monocular Videos f...
     with: Coskun, H.: Learning to Align Sequential Actions in the Wild
     with: Crivellaro, A.: Dense Image Registration and Deformable Surface Recons...
     with: Crivellaro, A.: Novel Representation of Parts for Accurate 3D Object D...
     with: Crivellaro, A.: Robust 3D Object Tracking from Monocular Images Using ...
     with: d'Apuzzo, N.: Automated Body Modeling from Video Sequences
     with: Dadap, N.C.: Promoting Connectivity of Network-Like Structures by Enfo...
     with: Dang, M.: GarNet++: Improving Fast and Accurate Static 3D Cloth Drapin...
     with: Dang, M.: GarNet: A Two-Stream Network for Fast and Accurate 3D Cloth ...
     with: Dang, Z.: Eigendecomposition-Free Training of Deep Networks for Linear...
     with: Dang, Z.: Eigendecomposition-Free Training of Deep Networks with Zero ...
     with: Dang, Z.: Robust Differentiable SVD
     with: Davydov, A.: Adversarial Parametric Pose Prior
     with: de Luigi, L.: DrapeNet: Garment Generation and Self-Supervised Draping
     with: Deng, Z.: Better Patch Stitching for Parametric Surface Reconstruction
     with: Dey, D.: Flight Dynamics-Based Recovery of a UAV Trajectory Using Grou...
     with: di Stefano, L.: Robust Multi-View Change Detection
     with: Dimitrijevic, M.: Accurate face models from uncalibrated and ill-lit v...
     with: Dimitrijevic, M.: Bridging the Gap between Detection and Tracking for ...
     with: Dimitrijevic, M.: From Canonical Poses to 3D Motion Capture Using a Si...
     with: Dimitrijevic, M.: Human body pose detection using Bayesian spatio-temp...
     with: Donier, J.: HybridSDF: Combining Deep Implicit Shapes and Geometric Pr...
     with: Drummond, T.W.: Classification-Based Probabilistic Modeling of Texture...
     with: Drummond, T.W.: Fast Texture-Based Tracking and Delineation Using Text...
     with: Drummond, T.W.: Markov-based Silhouette Extraction for Three-Dimension...
     with: Drummond, T.W.: Texture Boundary Detection for Real-Time Tracking
     with: Dubout, C.: Real-time camera pose estimation for sports fields
     with: Dunbar, L.A.: Leveraging Spatial and Photometric Context for Calibrate...
     with: Durasov, N.: Leveraging Self-Supervision for Cross-Domain Crowd Counting
     with: Durasov, N.: Masksembles for Uncertainty Estimation
     with: Ebel, P.: Beyond Cartesian Representations for Local Descriptors
     with: Engilberge, M.: Multi-view Tracking Using Weakly Supervised Human Moti...
     with: Engilberge, M.: Two-level Data Augmentation for Calibrated Multi-view ...
     with: Erskine, P.D.: Developing Species Specific Vegetation Maps Using Multi...
     with: Estrada, F.J.: Appearance-based keypoint clustering
     with: Fan, B.: Do We Need Binary Features for 3D Reconstruction?
     with: Fan, B.: Performance Evaluation of Local Features for Image-Based 3D R...
     with: Fan, B.: Receptive Fields Selection for Binary Feature Description
     with: Felzenszwalb, P.F.: TPAMI CVPR Special Section
     with: Ferraz, L.: Discriminative Learning of Deep Convolutional Feature Poin...
     with: Feussner, H.: Parsing human skeletons in an operating room
     with: Fischler, M.A.: Using Contextual Information to Set Control Parameters...
     with: Fleet, D.J.: 3D People Tracking with Gaussian Process Dynamical Models
     with: Fleet, D.J.: Monocular 3-D Tracking of the Golf Swing
     with: Fleet, D.J.: Priors for People Tracking from Small Training Sets
     with: Fleet, D.J.: Temporal motion models for monocular and multiview 3D hum...
     with: Fletcher, A.T.: Developing Species Specific Vegetation Maps Using Mult...
     with: Fleuret, F.: Automated Delineation of Dendritic Networks in Noisy Imag...
     with: Fleuret, F.: Classification-Based Probabilistic Modeling of Texture Tr...
     with: Fleuret, F.: Classifier-based Contour Tracking for Rigid and Deformabl...
     with: Fleuret, F.: Deep Occlusion Reasoning for Multi-camera Multi-target De...
     with: Fleuret, F.: Delineating trees in noisy 2D images and 3D image-stacks
     with: Fleuret, F.: Fast Object Detection with Entropy-Driven Evaluation
     with: Fleuret, F.: Fixed Point Probability Field for Complex Occlusion Handl...
     with: Fleuret, F.: Joint Pose Estimator and Feature Learning for Object Dete...
     with: Fleuret, F.: Learning rotational features for filament detection
     with: Fleuret, F.: Multi-camera Tracking and Atypical Motion Detection with ...
     with: Fleuret, F.: Multi-Commodity Network Flow for Tracking Multiple People
     with: Fleuret, F.: Multi-modal Mean-Fields via Cardinality-Based Clamping
     with: Fleuret, F.: Multicamera People Tracking with a Probabilistic Occupanc...
     with: Fleuret, F.: Multiple object tracking using flow linear programming
     with: Fleuret, F.: Multiple Object Tracking Using K-Shortest Paths Optimizat...
     with: Fleuret, F.: Non-Markovian Globally Consistent Multi-object Tracking
     with: Fleuret, F.: Principled Parallel Mean-Field Inference for Discrete Ran...
     with: Fleuret, F.: Probability occupancy maps for occluded depth images
     with: Fleuret, F.: Real-Time Deformable Detector, A
     with: Fleuret, F.: Robust Multi-View Change Detection
     with: Fleuret, F.: Robust People Tracking with Global Trajectory Optimization
     with: Fleuret, F.: Social Scene Understanding: End-to-End Multi-person Actio...
     with: Fleuret, F.: Tracking Interacting Objects Optimally Using Integer Prog...
     with: Fleuret, F.: Tracking Interacting Objects Using Intertwined Flows
     with: Fleuret, F.: Tracking multiple people under global appearance constrai...
     with: Fleuret, F.: WILDTRACK: A Multi-camera HD Dataset for Dense Unscripted...
     with: Forsyth, D.A.: TPAMI CVPR Special Section
     with: Fossati, A.: Bridging the Gap between Detection and Tracking for 3D Mo...
     with: Fossati, A.: From Canonical Poses to 3D Motion Capture Using a Single ...
     with: Fossati, A.: Linking Pose and Motion
     with: Fossati, A.: Observable subspaces for 3D human motion recovery
     with: Fossati, A.: Real-time vehicle tracking for driving assistance
     with: Fossati, A.: Tracking articulated bodies using Generalized Expectation...
     with: Garin, A.: Persistent Homology With Improved Locality Information for ...
     with: Gehrig, N.: Visual Golf Club Tracking for Enhanced Swing Analysis
     with: Glasner, D.: Hot or Not: Exploring Correlations between Appearance and...
     with: Glowacki, P.: Active Learning for Delineation of Curvilinear Structures
     with: Glowacki, P.: Detecting Irregular Curvilinear Structures in Gray Scale...
     with: Glowacki, P.: Reconstructing Evolving Tree Structures in Time Lapse Se...
     with: Glowacki, P.: Reconstructing Evolving Tree Structures in Time Lapse Se...
     with: Glowacki, P.: Robust non-rigid registration of 2D and 3D graphs
     with: Gonzalez, G.: Automated Delineation of Dendritic Networks in Noisy Ima...
     with: Gonzalez, G.: Delineating trees in noisy 2D images and 3D image-stacks
     with: Gonzalez, G.: Learning rotational features for filament detection
     with: Gonzalez, G.: On the relevance of sparsity for image classification
     with: Guillard, B.: DIG: Draping Implicit Garment over the Human Body
     with: Guillard, B.: DrapeNet: Garment Generation and Self-Supervised Draping
     with: Guillard, B.: MeshUDF: Fast and Differentiable Meshing of Unsigned Dis...
     with: Guillard, B.: Sketch2Mesh: Reconstructing and Editing 3D Shapes from S...
     with: Gundogdu, E.: GarNet++: Improving Fast and Accurate Static 3D Cloth Dr...
     with: Gundogdu, E.: GarNet: A Two-Stream Network for Fast and Accurate 3D Cl...
     with: Gundogdu, E.: Shape Reconstruction by Learning Differentiable Surface ...
     with: Gunel, S.: Deformation-Aware Unpaired Image Translation for Pose Estim...
     with: Gunel, S.: Overcoming the Domain Gap in Neural Action Representations
     with: Gunel, S.: What Face and Body Shapes Can Tell Us About Height
     with: Gunel, S.G.: Gravity as a Reference for Estimating a Person's Height F...
     with: Han, S.: Lightweight Multi-View 3D Pose Estimation Through Camera-Dise...
     with: Hanson, A.: automatic method for determining quaternion field boundari...
     with: Hanson, A.J.: Locating Cultural Regions in Aerial Imagery using Geomet...
     with: Hanson, A.J.: Objective Functions for Feature Discrimination: Applicat...
     with: Hanson, A.J.: Objective Functions for Feature Discrimination: Theory
     with: Hanson, A.J.: Optimization Framework for Feature Extraction, An
     with: Hanson, A.J.: Resegmentation Using Generic Shape: Locating General Cul...
     with: Hanson, A.J.: Using Generic Geometric Models for Intelligent Shape Ext...
     with: Hartley, R.I.: Convex Optimization for Deformable Surface 3-D Tracking
     with: Hasfura, A.: Real-time camera pose estimation for sports fields
     with: Hashimoto, K.: Parsing human skeletons in an operating room
     with: Hasler, D.: Joint Pose Estimator and Feature Learning for Object Detec...
     with: Hasler, D.: Real-Time Deformable Detector, A
     with: Haubold, C.: Network Flow Integer Programming to Track Elliptical Cell...
     with: Hays, J.: Learning to Match Aerial Images with Deep Attentive Architec...
     with: Heller, A.J.: Site-Model Construction Component of the RADIUS Testbed ...
     with: Henricsson, O.: Automatic Extraction of Generic House Roofs from High...
     with: Herda, L.: automatic method for determining quaternion field boundarie...
     with: Herda, L.: Hierarchical implicit surface joint limits for human body t...
     with: Herda, L.: Hierarchical Implicit Surface Joint Limits to Constrain Vid...
     with: Hertzmann, A.: Priors for People Tracking from Small Training Sets
     with: Hess, K.: Persistent Homology With Improved Locality Information for M...
     with: Hilton, A.: Modeling People Toward Vision-Based Understanding of a Per...
     with: Hilton, A.: Modeling people: Vision-based understanding of a person's ...
     with: Hinterstoisser, S.: Dominant orientation templates for real-time detec...
     with: Hinterstoisser, S.: Gradient Response Maps for Real-Time Detection of ...
     with: Hinterstoisser, S.: Learning Real-Time Perspective Patch Rectification
     with: Hinterstoisser, S.: Online learning of patch perspective rectification...
     with: Hinterstoisser, S.: Real-time learning of accurate patch rectification
     with: Hinterstoisser, S.: Simultaneous Recognition and Homography Extraction...
     with: Holtmaat, A.: Reconstructing Evolving Tree Structures in Time Lapse Se...
     with: Holtmaat, A.: Reconstructing Evolving Tree Structures in Time Lapse Se...
     with: Honari, S.: Adversarial Parametric Pose Prior
     with: Honari, S.: Detecting Road Obstacles by Erasing Them
     with: Honari, S.: Lightweight Multi-View 3D Pose Estimation Through Camera-D...
     with: Honari, S.: Occlusion Resilient 3D Human Pose Estimation
     with: Honari, S.: On Triangulation as a Form of Self-Supervision for 3D Huma...
     with: Honari, S.: Overcoming the Domain Gap in Neural Action Representations
     with: Honari, S.: Temporal Representation Learning on Monocular Videos for 3...
     with: Honari, S.: Unsupervised 3D Keypoint Discovery with Multi-View Geometry
     with: Honzatko, D.: Leveraging Spatial and Photometric Context for Calibrate...
     with: Horaud, R.: Tracking articulated bodies using Generalized Expectation ...
     with: Houzelle, S.: Using Contextual Information to Set Control Parameters o...
     with: Hu, Y.: Single-Stage 6D Object Pose Estimation
     with: Hu, Y.L.: Eigendecomposition-Free Training of Deep Networks for Linear...
     with: Hu, Y.L.: Eigendecomposition-Free Training of Deep Networks with Zero ...
     with: Hu, Y.L.: Perspective Flow Aggregation for Data-Limited 6D Object Pose...
     with: Hu, Y.L.: Robust Differentiable SVD
     with: Hu, Y.L.: Segmentation-Driven 6D Object Pose Estimation
     with: Hu, Y.L.: Wide-Depth-Range 6D Object Pose Estimation in Space
     with: Hugonot, J.: Recurrent U-Net for Resource-Constrained Segmentation
     with: Hugonot, J.: Segmentation-Driven 6D Object Pose Estimation
     with: Huttenlocher, D.P.: Worldwide Pose Estimation Using 3D Point Clouds
     with: Ilic, S.: Accurate face models from uncalibrated and ill-lit video seq...
     with: Ilic, S.: Dominant orientation templates for real-time detection of te...
     with: Ilic, S.: Generic deformable implicit mesh models for automated recons...
     with: Ilic, S.: Gradient Response Maps for Real-Time Detection of Textureles...
     with: Ilic, S.: Implicit Meshes for Effective Silhouette Handling
     with: Ilic, S.: Implicit meshes for modeling and reconstruction
     with: Ilic, S.: Implicit Meshes for Surface Reconstruction
     with: Ilic, S.: Implicit Surfaces Make for Better Silhouettes
     with: Ilic, S.: Multiple Human Pose Estimation with Temporally Consistent 3D...
     with: Ilic, S.: Non-Linear Beam Model for Tracking Large Deformations
     with: Ilic, S.: Parsing human skeletons in an operating room
     with: Ilic, S.: Physically Valid Shape Parameterization for Monocular 3-D De...
     with: Ilic, S.: Surface Deformation Models for Nonrigid 3D Shape Recovery
     with: Iverson, L.: Ziplock Snakes
     with: Jain, A.: Resolving occlusion in multiframe reconstruction of deformab...
     with: Jakob, W.: Wide-Depth-Range 6D Object Pose Estimation in Space
     with: Jayaram, V.: Real-time camera pose estimation for sports fields
     with: Jin, Y.: Image Matching Across Wide Baselines: From Paper to Practice
     with: Jorstad, A.: Dense Image Registration and Deformable Surface Reconstru...
     with: Jorstad, A.: Refining Mitochondria Segmentation in Electron Microscopy...
     with: Jose, C.: WILDTRACK: A Multi-camera HD Dataset for Dense Unscripted Pe...
     with: Katircioglu, I.: 3d Pose Based Feedback for Physical Exercises
     with: Katircioglu, I.: Human Detection and Segmentation via Multi-view Conse...
     with: Katircioglu, I.: Learning Latent Representations of 3D Human Pose with...
     with: Katircioglu, I.: Learning Monocular 3D Human Pose Estimation from Mult...
     with: Katircioglu, I.: Neural Scene Decomposition for Multi-Person Motion Ca...
     with: Katircioglu, I.: Self-Supervised Human Detection and Segmentation via ...
     with: Katircioglu, I.: Structured Prediction of 3D Human Pose with Deep Neur...
     with: Kiciroglu, S.: 3d Pose Based Feedback for Physical Exercises
     with: Kiciroglu, S.: ActiveMoCap: Optimized Viewpoint Selection for Active H...
     with: Kiciroglu, S.: Long Term Motion Prediction Using Keyposes
     with: Kiciroglu, S.: Motion Prediction Using Temporal Inception Module
     with: Kim, V.G.: Temporally-Coherent Surface Reconstruction via Metric-Consi...
     with: Knott, G.: Deep Active Surface Models
     with: Knott, G.: Learning Context Cues for Synapse Segmentation
     with: Knott, G.: Learning Structured Models for Segmentation of 2-D and 3-D ...
     with: Knott, G.: Supervoxel-Based Segmentation of Mitochondria in EM Image S...
     with: Kokkinos, I.: Discriminative Learning of Deep Convolutional Feature Po...
     with: Kong, Q.: Do We Need Binary Features for 3D Reconstruction?
     with: Kong, Q.: Receptive Fields Selection for Binary Feature Description
     with: Kong, Q.Q.: Performance Evaluation of Local Features for Image-Based 3...
     with: Konings, A.G.: Promoting Connectivity of Network-Like Structures by En...
     with: Konolige, K.G.: Compact signatures for high-speed interest point descr...
     with: Konyushkova, K.: Geometry in active learning for binary and multi-clas...
     with: Konyushkova, K.: Introducing Geometry in Active Learning for Image Seg...
     with: Kozinski, M.: Adjusting the Ground Truth Annotations for Connectivity-...
     with: Kozinski, M.: Beyond the Pixel-Wise Loss for Topology-Aware Delineation
     with: Kozinski, M.: Joint Segmentation and Path Classification of Curvilinea...
     with: Kozinski, M.: Persistent Homology With Improved Locality Information f...
     with: Kozinski, M.: Promoting Connectivity of Network-Like Structures by Enf...
     with: Kozinski, M.: TopoAL: An Adversarial Learning Approach for Topology-aw...
     with: Kozinski, M.: Towards Reliable Evaluation of Algorithms for Road Netwo...
     with: Kranzfelder, M.: Parsing human skeletons in an operating room
     with: Kubler, O.: Deformable Velcro(TM) Surfaces
     with: Kubler, O.: From Ziplock Snakes to Velcro(TM) Surfaces
     with: Kubler, O.: Initializing Snakes
     with: Kubler, O.: Making Snakes Converge from Minimal Initialization
     with: Kubler, O.: Velcro Surfaces: Fast Initialization of Deformable Models
     with: Kubler, O.: Ziplock Snakes
     with: Kutter, O.: Real-time learning of accurate patch rectification
     with: Kybic, J.: Geometric Graph Matching Using Monte Carlo Tree Search
     with: Kybic, J.: Geometrical graph matching using Monte Carlo tree search
     with: Kybic, J.: Non-Rigid Graph Registration Using Active Testing Search
     with: Kybic, J.: Reconstructing Evolving Tree Structures in Time Lapse Seque...
     with: Kybic, J.: Reconstructing Evolving Tree Structures in Time Lapse Seque...
     with: Kybic, J.: Robust non-rigid registration of 2D and 3D graphs
     with: Lagger, P.: 3D pose refinement from reflections
     with: Lagger, P.: Randomized Trees for Real-Time Keypoint Recognition
     with: Lagger, P.: Retrieving multiple light sources in the presence of specu...
     with: Lagger, P.: Using Specularities to Recover Multiple Light Sources in t...
     with: Lanza, A.: Robust Multi-View Change Detection
     with: Lebailly, T.: Motion Prediction Using Temporal Inception Module
     with: Lebrecht, D.: Reconstructing Evolving Tree Structures in Time Lapse Se...
     with: Lebrecht, D.: Reconstructing Evolving Tree Structures in Time Lapse Se...
     with: Lechner, A.M.: Developing Species Specific Vegetation Maps Using Multi...
     with: Leclerc, Y.G.: Finding Object Boundaries Using Guided Gradient Ascent
     with: Leclerc, Y.G.: Image Registration without Explicit Point Correspondences
     with: Leclerc, Y.G.: Model Driven Edge Detection
     with: Leclerc, Y.G.: Registration without Correspondences
     with: Leclerc, Y.G.: Self-Consistency and MDL: A Paradigm for Evaluating Poi...
     with: Leclerc, Y.G.: Self-Consistency: A Novel Approach to Characterizing th...
     with: Lengagne, R.: Fixed Point Probability Field for Complex Occlusion Hand...
     with: Lengagne, R.: Multicamera People Tracking with a Probabilistic Occupan...
     with: Lepetit, V.: 3D pose refinement from reflections
     with: Lepetit, V.: Accurate Non-Iterative O(n) Solution to the PnP Problem
     with: Lepetit, V.: Appearance-based keypoint clustering
     with: Lepetit, V.: Boosting Binary Keypoint Descriptors
     with: Lepetit, V.: Bridging the Gap between Detection and Tracking for 3D Mo...
     with: Lepetit, V.: BRIEF: Binary Robust Independent Elementary Features
     with: Lepetit, V.: BRIEF: Computing a Local Binary Descriptor Very Fast
     with: Lepetit, V.: Capturing 3D stretchable surfaces from single images in c...
     with: Lepetit, V.: Closed-Form Solution to Non-rigid 3D Surface Registration
     with: Lepetit, V.: Combining Geometric and Appearance Priors for Robust Homo...
     with: Lepetit, V.: Compact signatures for high-speed interest point descript...
     with: Lepetit, V.: DAISY: An Efficient Dense Descriptor Applied to Wide-Base...
     with: Lepetit, V.: Deformable Surface Tracking Ambiguities
     with: Lepetit, V.: Detecting Flying Objects Using a Single Moving Camera
     with: Lepetit, V.: Direct Prediction of 3D Body Poses from Motion Compensate...
     with: Lepetit, V.: Dominant orientation templates for real-time detection of...
     with: Lepetit, V.: EP n P: An Accurate O(n) Solution to the P n P Problem
     with: Lepetit, V.: Fast Keypoint Recognition in Ten Lines of Code
     with: Lepetit, V.: Fast Keypoint Recognition Using Random Ferns
     with: Lepetit, V.: fast local descriptor for dense matching, A
     with: Lepetit, V.: Fast Non-Rigid Surface Detection, Registration and Realis...
     with: Lepetit, V.: Flying objects detection from a single moving camera
     with: Lepetit, V.: From Canonical Poses to 3D Motion Capture Using a Single ...
     with: Lepetit, V.: Fusing online and offline information for stable 3D track...
     with: Lepetit, V.: Gradient Response Maps for Real-Time Detection of Texture...
     with: Lepetit, V.: Human body pose detection using Bayesian spatio-temporal ...
     with: Lepetit, V.: Keypoint Recognition Using Randomized Trees
     with: Lepetit, V.: Keypoint Signatures for Fast Learning and Recognition
     with: Lepetit, V.: Learning Latent Representations of 3D Human Pose with Dee...
     with: Lepetit, V.: Learning Real-Time Perspective Patch Rectification
     with: Lepetit, V.: Learning Separable Filters
     with: Lepetit, V.: Learning to Assign Orientations to Feature Points
     with: Lepetit, V.: Learning to Find Good Correspondences
     with: Lepetit, V.: LIFT: Learned Invariant Feature Transform
     with: Lepetit, V.: Markov-based Silhouette Extraction for Three-Dimensional ...
     with: Lepetit, V.: Monocular Model-Based 3D Tracking of Rigid Objects: A Sur...
     with: Lepetit, V.: Multiscale Centerline Detection
     with: Lepetit, V.: Multiscale Centerline Detection by Learning a Scale-Space...
     with: Lepetit, V.: Novel Representation of Parts for Accurate 3D Object Dete...
     with: Lepetit, V.: On rendering synthetic images for training an object dete...
     with: Lepetit, V.: On the relevance of sparsity for image classification
     with: Lepetit, V.: Online learning of patch perspective rectification for ef...
     with: Lepetit, V.: Pareto-optimal dictionaries for signatures
     with: Lepetit, V.: Point matching as a classification problem for fast and r...
     with: Lepetit, V.: Pose estimation for category specific multiview object lo...
     with: Lepetit, V.: Pose Priors for Simultaneously Solving Alignment and Corr...
     with: Lepetit, V.: Projection onto the Manifold of Elongated Structures for ...
     with: Lepetit, V.: Randomized Trees for Real-Time Keypoint Recognition
     with: Lepetit, V.: Real-time landing place assessment in man-made environments
     with: Lepetit, V.: Real-time learning of accurate patch rectification
     with: Lepetit, V.: Real-Time Non-Rigid Surface Detection
     with: Lepetit, V.: Robust 3D Object Tracking from Monocular Images Using Sta...
     with: Lepetit, V.: Robust data association for online applications
     with: Lepetit, V.: Simultaneous Recognition and Homography Extraction of Loc...
     with: Lepetit, V.: Structured Prediction of 3D Human Pose with Deep Neural N...
     with: Lepetit, V.: Thick boundaries in binary space and their influence on n...
     with: Lepetit, V.: TILDE: A Temporally Invariant Learned DEtector
     with: Lepetit, V.: Visual Golf Club Tracking for Enhanced Swing Analysis
     with: Lettry, L.: WILDTRACK: A Multi-camera HD Dataset for Dense Unscripted ...
     with: Li, R.: DIG: Draping Implicit Garment over the Human Body
     with: Li, R.: DrapeNet: Garment Generation and Self-Supervised Draping
     with: Li, S.: Deformation-Aware Unpaired Image Translation for Pose Estimati...
     with: Li, Y.P.: Are spatial and global constraints really necessary for segm...
     with: Li, Y.P.: Learning for Structured Prediction Using Approximate Subgrad...
     with: Li, Y.P.: Learning Structured Models for Segmentation of 2-D and 3-D I...
     with: Li, Y.P.: Structured Image Segmentation Using Kernelized Features
     with: Li, Y.P.: Worldwide Pose Estimation Using 3D Point Clouds
     with: Lindner, A.: Training for Task Specific Keypoint Detection
     with: Lis, K.: Detecting Road Obstacles by Erasing Them
     with: Lis, K.: Detecting the Unexpected via Image Resynthesis
     with: Liu, W.Z.: Context-Aware Crowd Counting
     with: Liu, W.Z.: Counting People by Estimating People Flows
     with: Liu, W.Z.: Estimating People Flows to Better Count Them in Crowded Sce...
     with: Liu, W.Z.: Learning to Align Sequential Actions in the Wild
     with: Liu, W.Z.: Leveraging Self-Supervision for Cross-Domain Crowd Counting
     with: Liu, W.Z.: Multi-view Tracking Using Weakly Supervised Human Motion Pr...
     with: Lucchi, A.: Are spatial and global constraints really necessary for se...
     with: Lucchi, A.: Learning for Structured Prediction Using Approximate Subgr...
     with: Lucchi, A.: Learning Structured Models for Segmentation of 2-D and 3-D...
     with: Lucchi, A.: SLIC Superpixels Compared to State-of-the-Art Superpixel M...
     with: Lucchi, A.: Structured Image Segmentation Using Kernelized Features
     with: Lucchi, A.: Supervoxel-Based Segmentation of Mitochondria in EM Image ...
     with: Lukoianov, A.: HybridSDF: Combining Deep Implicit Shapes and Geometric...
     with: Luong, Q.T.: Self-Consistency and MDL: A Paradigm for Evaluating Point...
     with: Luong, Q.T.: Self-Consistency: A Novel Approach to Characterizing the ...
     with: Maksai, A.: Eliminating Exposure Bias and Metric Mismatch in Multiple ...
     with: Maksai, A.: Non-Markovian Globally Consistent Multi-object Tracking
     with: Maksai, A.: What Players do with the Ball: A Physically Constrained In...
     with: Maksai, A.: WILDTRACK: A Multi-camera HD Dataset for Dense Unscripted ...
     with: Marquez Neila, P.: Beyond the Pixel-Wise Loss for Topology-Aware Delin...
     with: Marquez Neila, P.: Learning Structured Models for Segmentation of 2-D ...
     with: Marquez Neila, P.: Learning to Fuse 2D and 3D Image Cues for Monocular...
     with: Marquez Neila, P.: Real-time camera pose estimation for sports fields
     with: Martinez Cantin, R.: LightDepth: Single-View Depth Self-Supervision fr...
     with: Matas, J.G.: Image Matching Across Wide Baselines: From Paper to Pract...
     with: Meyer, F.: Learning Monocular 3D Human Pose Estimation from Multi-view...
     with: Miccio, C.: Animated Heads from Ordinary Images: A Least-Squares Appro...
     with: Miccio, C.: From regular images to animated heads: A least squares app...
     with: Mihelich, P.: Compact signatures for high-speed interest point descrip...
     with: Mishchuk, A.: Beyond Cartesian Representations for Local Descriptors
     with: Mishchuk, A.: Image Matching Across Wide Baselines: From Paper to Prac...
     with: Mishkin, D.: Image Matching Across Wide Baselines: From Paper to Pract...
     with: Montiel, J.M.M.: LightDepth: Single-View Depth Self-Supervision from I...
     with: Moreno Noguer, F.: Accurate Non-Iterative O(n) Solution to the PnP Pro...
     with: Moreno Noguer, F.: Capturing 3D stretchable surfaces from single image...
     with: Moreno Noguer, F.: Closed-Form Solution to Non-rigid 3D Surface Regist...
     with: Moreno Noguer, F.: Combining Geometric and Appearance Priors for Robus...
     with: Moreno Noguer, F.: Discriminative Learning of Deep Convolutional Featu...
     with: Moreno Noguer, F.: EP n P: An Accurate O(n) Solution to the P n P Prob...
     with: Moreno Noguer, F.: Exploring Ambiguities for Monocular Non-Rigid Shape...
     with: Moreno Noguer, F.: Non-Rigid Graph Registration Using Active Testing S...
     with: Moreno Noguer, F.: Pose Priors for Simultaneously Solving Alignment an...
     with: Moreno Noguer, F.: Robust non-rigid registration of 2D and 3D graphs
     with: Moreno Noguer, F.: Simultaneous pose, correspondence and non-rigid shape
     with: Moreno Noguer, F.: Stochastic Exploration of Ambiguities for Nonrigid ...
     with: Mosinska Domanska, A.: Active Learning for Delineation of Curvilinear ...
     with: Mosinska, A.: Beyond the Pixel-Wise Loss for Topology-Aware Delineation
     with: Mosinska, A.: Joint Segmentation and Path Classification of Curvilinea...
     with: Mosinska, A.: Reconstructing Evolving Tree Structures in Time Lapse Se...
     with: Mosinska, A.: Reconstructing Evolving Tree Structures in Time Lapse Se...
     with: Muller, E.: Learning Monocular 3D Human Pose Estimation from Multi-vie...
     with: Nakka, K.K.: Detecting the Unexpected via Image Resynthesis
     with: Navab, N.: Dominant orientation templates for real-time detection of t...
     with: Navab, N.: Gradient Response Maps for Real-Time Detection of Texturele...
     with: Navab, N.: Learning Real-Time Perspective Patch Rectification
     with: Navab, N.: Multiple Human Pose Estimation with Temporally Consistent 3...
     with: Navab, N.: Online learning of patch perspective rectification for effi...
     with: Navab, N.: Parsing human skeletons in an operating room
     with: Navab, N.: Real-time learning of accurate patch rectification
     with: Navab, N.: Simultaneous Recognition and Homography Extraction of Local...
     with: Neuenschwander, W.M.: Deformable Velcro(TM) Surfaces
     with: Neuenschwander, W.M.: From Ziplock Snakes to Velcro(TM) Surfaces
     with: Neuenschwander, W.M.: Initializing Snakes
     with: Neuenschwander, W.M.: Making Snakes Converge from Minimal Initialization
     with: Neuenschwander, W.M.: Velcro Surfaces: Fast Initialization of Deformab...
     with: Neuenschwander, W.M.: Ziplock Snakes
     with: Ngo, D.T.: Dense Image Registration and Deformable Surface Reconstruct...
     with: Ngo, D.T.: Laplacian Meshes for Monocular 3D Shape Recovery
     with: Ngo, D.T.: Template-Based Monocular 3D Shape Recovery Using Laplacian ...
     with: Ni, B.B.: ImplicitAtlas: Learning Deformable Shape Templates in Medica...
     with: Oner, D.: Adjusting the Ground Truth Annotations for Connectivity-Base...
     with: Oner, D.: Persistent Homology With Improved Locality Information for M...
     with: Oner, D.: Promoting Connectivity of Network-Like Structures by Enforci...
     with: Ono, Y.: Learning to Find Good Correspondences
     with: Ostlund, J.: Laplacian Meshes for Monocular 3D Shape Recovery
     with: Ostlund, J.: Simultaneous pose, correspondence and non-rigid shape
     with: Ostlund, J.: Template-Based Monocular 3D Shape Recovery Using Laplacia...
     with: Ostrek, M.: Deformation-Aware Unpaired Image Translation for Pose Esti...
     with: Ozuysal, M.: BRIEF: Binary Robust Independent Elementary Features
     with: Ozuysal, M.: BRIEF: Computing a Local Binary Descriptor Very Fast
     with: Ozuysal, M.: Combining Geometric and Appearance Priors for Robust Homo...
     with: Ozuysal, M.: Fast Keypoint Recognition in Ten Lines of Code
     with: Ozuysal, M.: Fast Keypoint Recognition Using Random Ferns
     with: Ozuysal, M.: Keypoint Signatures for Fast Learning and Recognition
     with: Ozuysal, M.: Making Action Recognition Robust to Occlusions and Viewpo...
     with: Ozuysal, M.: Pose estimation for category specific multiview object lo...
     with: Pan, C.: Do We Need Binary Features for 3D Reconstruction?
     with: Pan, C.: Receptive Fields Selection for Binary Feature Description
     with: Pan, C.H.: Performance Evaluation of Local Features for Image-Based 3D...
     with: Parashar, S.: GarNet++: Improving Fast and Accurate Static 3D Cloth Dr...
     with: Parashar, S.: Local Non-Rigid Structure-From-Motion From Diffeomorphic...
     with: Parashar, S.: Shape Reconstruction by Learning Differentiable Surface ...
     with: Parashar, S.: Temporally-Coherent Surface Reconstruction via Metric-Co...
     with: Park, S.: Dense Image Registration and Deformable Surface Reconstructi...
     with: Pfister, H.: Reconstructing Curvilinear Networks Using Path Classifier...
     with: Pfister, H.: Reconstructing Loopy Curvilinear Structures Using Integer...
     with: Pilet, J.: Fast Non-Rigid Surface Detection, Registration and Realisti...
     with: Pilet, J.: Making Background Subtraction Robust to Sudden Illumination...
     with: Pilet, J.: Physically Valid Shape Parameterization for Monocular 3-D D...
     with: Pilet, J.: Point matching as a classification problem for fast and rob...
     with: Pilet, J.: Real-Time Non-Rigid Surface Detection
     with: Pilet, J.: Surface Deformation Models for Nonrigid 3D Shape Recovery
     with: Pinheiro, M.A.: Geometric Graph Matching Using Monte Carlo Tree Search
     with: Pinheiro, M.A.: Geometrical graph matching using Monte Carlo tree search
     with: Pinheiro, M.A.: Non-Rigid Graph Registration Using Active Testing Search
     with: Pinheiro, M.A.: Reconstructing Evolving Tree Structures in Time Lapse ...
     with: Pinheiro, M.A.: Reconstructing Evolving Tree Structures in Time Lapse ...
     with: Plaenkers, R.: Model-Based Silhouette Extraction for Accurate People T...
     with: Plankers, R.: Articulated soft objects for multiview shape and motion ...
     with: Plankers, R.: Automated Body Modeling from Video Sequences
     with: Plankers, R.: Tracking and Modeling People in Video Sequences
     with: Pollefeys, M.: Learning to Align Sequential Actions in the Wild
     with: Porta, J.M.: Exploring Ambiguities for Monocular Non-Rigid Shape Estim...
     with: Pylvanainen, T.: Dynamic and scalable large scale image reconstruction
     with: Qiu, J.Y.: Matching Seqlets: An Unsupervised Approach for Locality Pre...
     with: Rad, M.: Novel Representation of Parts for Accurate 3D Object Detectio...
     with: Rad, M.: Robust 3D Object Tracking from Monocular Images Using Stable ...
     with: Ramdya, P.: Deformation-Aware Unpaired Image Translation for Pose Esti...
     with: Ramdya, P.: Overcoming the Domain Gap in Neural Action Representations
     with: Remelli, E.: DIG: Draping Implicit Garment over the Human Body
     with: Remelli, E.: Lightweight Multi-View 3D Pose Estimation Through Camera-...
     with: Remelli, E.: Sketch2Mesh: Reconstructing and Editing 3D Shapes from Sk...
     with: Remizova, A.: Adversarial Parametric Pose Prior
     with: Renaut, F.: Real-time camera pose estimation for sports fields
     with: Rhodin, H.: ActiveMoCap: Optimized Viewpoint Selection for Active Huma...
     with: Rhodin, H.: Deformation-Aware Unpaired Image Translation for Pose Esti...
     with: Rhodin, H.: Gravity as a Reference for Estimating a Person's Height Fr...
     with: Rhodin, H.: Human Detection and Segmentation via Multi-view Consensus
     with: Rhodin, H.: Learning Monocular 3D Human Pose Estimation from Multi-vie...
     with: Rhodin, H.: Motion Capture from Pan-Tilt Cameras with Unknown Orientat...
     with: Rhodin, H.: Neural Scene Decomposition for Multi-Person Motion Capture
     with: Rhodin, H.: PCLs: Geometry-aware Neural Reconstruction of 3D Pose with...
     with: Rhodin, H.: Self-Supervised Human Detection and Segmentation via Backg...
     with: Rhodin, H.: Temporal Representation Learning on Monocular Videos for 3...
     with: Rhodin, H.: Unsupervised Geometry-Aware Representation for 3D Human Po...
     with: Rhodin, H.: What Face and Body Shapes Can Tell Us About Height
     with: Ricci, E.: Every Smile is Unique: Landmark-Guided Diverse Smile Genera...
     with: Rigamonti, R.: Learning Separable Filters
     with: Rigamonti, R.: On the relevance of sparsity for image classification
     with: Rodriguez Puigvert, J.: LightDepth: Single-View Depth Self-Supervision...
     with: Roig, G.: Conditional Random Fields for multi-camera object detection
     with: Ronfard, R.: Modeling people: Vision-based understanding of a person's...
     with: Roy, S.K.: Occlusion Resilient 3D Human Pose Estimation
     with: Roy, S.K.: On Triangulation as a Form of Self-Supervision for 3D Human...
     with: Rozantsev, A.: Beyond Sharing Weights for Deep Domain Adaptation
     with: Rozantsev, A.: Detecting Flying Objects Using a Single Moving Camera
     with: Rozantsev, A.: Direct Prediction of 3D Body Poses from Motion Compensa...
     with: Rozantsev, A.: Flight Dynamics-Based Recovery of a UAV Trajectory Usin...
     with: Rozantsev, A.: Flying objects detection from a single moving camera
     with: Rozantsev, A.: On rendering synthetic images for training an object de...
     with: Rozantsev, A.: Residual Parameter Transfer for Deep Domain Adaptation
     with: Salzmann, M.: 3d Pose Based Feedback for Physical Exercises
     with: Salzmann, M.: 3D pose refinement from reflections
     with: Salzmann, M.: ActiveMoCap: Optimized Viewpoint Selection for Active Hu...
     with: Salzmann, M.: Adversarial Parametric Pose Prior
     with: Salzmann, M.: Better Patch Stitching for Parametric Surface Reconstruc...
     with: Salzmann, M.: Beyond Sharing Weights for Deep Domain Adaptation
     with: Salzmann, M.: Capturing 3D stretchable surfaces from single images in ...
     with: Salzmann, M.: Closed-Form Solution to Non-rigid 3D Surface Registration
     with: Salzmann, M.: constrained latent variable model, A
     with: Salzmann, M.: Context-Aware Crowd Counting
     with: Salzmann, M.: Convex Optimization for Deformable Surface 3-D Tracking
     with: Salzmann, M.: Counting People by Estimating People Flows
     with: Salzmann, M.: Deformable Surface Tracking Ambiguities
     with: Salzmann, M.: Detecting Road Obstacles by Erasing Them
     with: Salzmann, M.: Detecting the Unexpected via Image Resynthesis
     with: Salzmann, M.: DrapeNet: Garment Generation and Self-Supervised Draping
     with: Salzmann, M.: Eigendecomposition-Free Training of Deep Networks for Li...
     with: Salzmann, M.: Eigendecomposition-Free Training of Deep Networks with Z...
     with: Salzmann, M.: Estimating People Flows to Better Count Them in Crowded ...
     with: Salzmann, M.: GarNet++: Improving Fast and Accurate Static 3D Cloth Dr...
     with: Salzmann, M.: GarNet: A Two-Stream Network for Fast and Accurate 3D Cl...
     with: Salzmann, M.: Human Detection and Segmentation via Multi-view Consensus
     with: Salzmann, M.: Implicit Meshes for Effective Silhouette Handling
     with: Salzmann, M.: Implicit Surfaces Make for Better Silhouettes
     with: Salzmann, M.: Learning Latent Representations of 3D Human Pose with De...
     with: Salzmann, M.: Learning Monocular 3D Human Pose Estimation from Multi-v...
     with: Salzmann, M.: Learning to Find Good Correspondences
     with: Salzmann, M.: Learning to Fuse 2D and 3D Image Cues for Monocular Body...
     with: Salzmann, M.: Learning to Reconstruct Texture-Less Deformable Surfaces...
     with: Salzmann, M.: Linear Local Models for Monocular Reconstruction of Defo...
     with: Salzmann, M.: Local deformation models for monocular 3D shape recovery
     with: Salzmann, M.: Local Non-Rigid Structure-From-Motion From Diffeomorphic...
     with: Salzmann, M.: Long Term Motion Prediction Using Keyposes
     with: Salzmann, M.: Monocular 3D Reconstruction of Locally Textured Surfaces
     with: Salzmann, M.: Motion Prediction Using Temporal Inception Module
     with: Salzmann, M.: Neural Scene Decomposition for Multi-Person Motion Capture
     with: Salzmann, M.: Observable subspaces for 3D human motion recovery
     with: Salzmann, M.: PCLs: Geometry-aware Neural Reconstruction of 3D Pose wi...
     with: Salzmann, M.: Perspective Flow Aggregation for Data-Limited 6D Object ...
     with: Salzmann, M.: Physically Valid Shape Parameterization for Monocular 3-...
     with: Salzmann, M.: Reconstructing sharply folding surfaces: A convex formul...
     with: Salzmann, M.: Recurrent U-Net for Resource-Constrained Segmentation
     with: Salzmann, M.: Residual Parameter Transfer for Deep Domain Adaptation
     with: Salzmann, M.: Robust Differentiable SVD
     with: Salzmann, M.: Segmentation-Driven 6D Object Pose Estimation
     with: Salzmann, M.: Self-Supervised Human Detection and Segmentation via Bac...
     with: Salzmann, M.: Shape Reconstruction by Learning Differentiable Surface ...
     with: Salzmann, M.: Single-Stage 6D Object Pose Estimation
     with: Salzmann, M.: Structured Prediction of 3D Human Pose with Deep Neural ...
     with: Salzmann, M.: Surface Deformation Models for Nonrigid 3D Shape Recovery
     with: Salzmann, M.: Template-free Monocular Reconstruction of Deformable Sur...
     with: Salzmann, M.: Temporal Representation Learning on Monocular Videos for...
     with: Salzmann, M.: Temporally-Coherent Surface Reconstruction via Metric-Co...
     with: Salzmann, M.: Unsupervised 3D Keypoint Discovery with Multi-View Geome...
     with: Salzmann, M.: Unsupervised Geometry-Aware Representation for 3D Human ...
     with: Salzmann, M.: Visual Correspondences for Unsupervised Domain Adaptatio...
     with: Salzmann, M.: Wide-Depth-Range 6D Object Pose Estimation in Space
     with: Sanchez Riera, J.: Simultaneous pose, correspondence and non-rigid shape
     with: Saragih, J.: Modeling Facial Geometry Using Compositional VAEs
     with: Savare, S.: Real-time camera pose estimation for sports fields
     with: Savarese, S.: Social Scene Understanding: End-to-End Multi-person Acti...
     with: Schiele, B.: Multiple Human Pose Estimation with Temporally Consistent...
     with: Schneider, A.: Parsing human skeletons in an operating room
     with: Schonmann, P.: Real-time vehicle tracking for driving assistance
     with: Sebe, N.: Every Smile is Unique: Landmark-Guided Diverse Smile Generat...
     with: Seifoddini, A.: GarNet++: Improving Fast and Accurate Static 3D Cloth ...
     with: Seifoddini, A.: GarNet: A Two-Stream Network for Fast and Accurate 3D ...
     with: Serradell, E.: Combining Geometric and Appearance Priors for Robust Ho...
     with: Serradell, E.: Non-Rigid Graph Registration Using Active Testing Search
     with: Serradell, E.: Robust non-rigid registration of 2D and 3D graphs
     with: Shahrokni, A.: Classification-Based Probabilistic Modeling of Texture ...
     with: Shahrokni, A.: Classifier-based Contour Tracking for Rigid and Deforma...
     with: Shahrokni, A.: Fast Texture-Based Tracking and Delineation Using Textu...
     with: Shahrokni, A.: Markov-based Silhouette Extraction for Three-Dimensiona...
     with: Shahrokni, A.: Robust data association for online applications
     with: Shahrokni, A.: Texture Boundary Detection for Real-Time Tracking
     with: Shaji, A.: Monocular 3D Reconstruction of Locally Textured Surfaces
     with: Shaji, A.: Resolving occlusion in multiframe reconstruction of deforma...
     with: Shaji, A.: Simultaneous point matching and 3D deformable surface recon...
     with: Shaji, A.: SLIC Superpixels Compared to State-of-the-Art Superpixel Me...
     with: Sheikh, Y.: Modeling Facial Geometry Using Compositional VAEs
     with: Shi, H.X.: Two-level Data Augmentation for Calibrated Multi-view Detec...
     with: Shitrit, H.B.: Multi-Commodity Network Flow for Tracking Multiple People
     with: Shitrit, H.B.: Take your eyes off the ball: Improving ball-tracking by...
     with: Shitrit, H.B.B.: Parsing human skeletons in an operating room
     with: Simo Serra, E.: Discriminative Learning of Deep Convolutional Feature ...
     with: Sinha, S.N.: ActiveMoCap: Optimized Viewpoint Selection for Active Hum...
     with: Sinha, S.N.: Flight Dynamics-Based Recovery of a UAV Trajectory Using ...
     with: Sinha, S.N.: Real-Time Seamless Single Shot 6D Object Pose Prediction
     with: Sironi, A.: Learning Separable Filters
     with: Sironi, A.: Multiscale Centerline Detection
     with: Sironi, A.: Multiscale Centerline Detection by Learning a Scale-Space ...
     with: Sironi, A.: Projection onto the Manifold of Elongated Structures for A...
     with: Slobodan, I.: Using Dirichlet Free Form Deformation to Fit Deformable ...
     with: Smith, K.: Are spatial and global constraints really necessary for seg...
     with: Smith, K.: Learning Structured Models for Segmentation of 2-D and 3-D ...
     with: Smith, K.: SLIC Superpixels Compared to State-of-the-Art Superpixel Me...
     with: Smith, K.: Structured Image Segmentation Using Kernelized Features
     with: Smith, K.: Supervoxel-Based Segmentation of Mitochondria in EM Image S...
     with: Snavely, N.: Worldwide Pose Estimation Using 3D Point Clouds
     with: Speierer, S.: Wide-Depth-Range 6D Object Pose Estimation in Space
     with: Sporri, J.: Human Detection and Segmentation via Multi-view Consensus
     with: Sporri, J.: Learning Monocular 3D Human Pose Estimation from Multi-vie...
     with: Sporri, J.: Motion Capture from Pan-Tilt Cameras with Unknown Orientat...
     with: Sporri, J.: Self-Supervised Human Detection and Segmentation via Backg...
     with: Stauder, R.: Parsing human skeletons in an operating room
     with: Stella, F.: MeshUDF: Fast and Differentiable Meshing of Unsigned Dista...
     with: Strat, T.M.: Model-Based and Context-Based Vision at SRI
     with: Strat, T.M.: Using Contextual Information to Set Control Parameters of...
     with: Strecha, C.: BRIEF: Binary Robust Independent Elementary Features
     with: Strecha, C.: BRIEF: Computing a Local Binary Descriptor Very Fast
     with: Strecha, C.: Developing Species Specific Vegetation Maps Using Multi-s...
     with: Strecha, C.: Dynamic and scalable large scale image reconstruction
     with: Strecha, C.: Efficient large-scale multi-view stereo for ultra high-re...
     with: Strecha, C.: Generative Model for True Orthorectificatio, A
     with: Strecha, C.: LDAHash: Improved Matching with Smaller Descriptors
     with: Strecha, C.: Making Background Subtraction Robust to Sudden Illuminati...
     with: Strecha, C.: On benchmarking camera calibration and multi-view stereo ...
     with: Strecha, C.: Training for Task Specific Keypoint Detection
     with: Stricker, M.: Automatic Extraction of Generic House Roofs from High R...
     with: Sturm, P.F.: Gradient Response Maps for Real-Time Detection of Texture...
     with: Sui, W.: Do We Need Binary Features for 3D Reconstruction?
     with: Sun, X.: Free-Shape Polygonal Object Localization
     with: Sun, X.: Real-time landing place assessment in man-made environments
     with: Susstrunk, S.: Appearance-based keypoint clustering
     with: Susstrunk, S.: SLIC Superpixels Compared to State-of-the-Art Superpixe...
     with: Susstrunk, S.: Spatio-chromatic decorrelation by shift-invariant filte...
     with: Szekely, G.: Deformable Velcro(TM) Surfaces
     with: Szekely, G.: From Ziplock Snakes to Velcro(TM) Surfaces
     with: Szekely, G.: Initializing Snakes
     with: Szekely, G.: Making Snakes Converge from Minimal Initialization
     with: Szekely, G.: Velcro Surfaces: Fast Initialization of Deformable Models
     with: Szekely, G.: Ziplock Snakes
     with: Sznitman, R.: Active Learning for Delineation of Curvilinear Structures
     with: Sznitman, R.: Fast Object Detection with Entropy-Driven Evaluation
     with: Sznitman, R.: Geometry in active learning for binary and multi-class i...
     with: Sznitman, R.: Introducing Geometry in Active Learning for Image Segmen...
     with: Sznitman, R.: Non-Rigid Graph Registration Using Active Testing Search
     with: Sznitman, R.: Reconstructing Evolving Tree Structures in Time Lapse Se...
     with: Sznitman, R.: Reconstructing Evolving Tree Structures in Time Lapse Se...
     with: Talabot, N.: HybridSDF: Combining Deep Implicit Shapes and Geometric P...
     with: Tao, D.C.: FishEyeRecNet: A Multi-context Collaborative Deep Network f...
     with: Tao, D.C.: Matching Seqlets: An Unsupervised Approach for Locality Pre...
     with: Tardos, J.D.: LightDepth: Single-View Depth Self-Supervision from Illu...
     with: Tekin, B.: Direct Prediction of 3D Body Poses from Motion Compensated ...
     with: Tekin, B.: Learning Latent Representations of 3D Human Pose with Deep ...
     with: Tekin, B.: Learning Separable Filters
     with: Tekin, B.: Learning to Align Sequential Actions in the Wild
     with: Tekin, B.: Learning to Fuse 2D and 3D Image Cues for Monocular Body Po...
     with: Tekin, B.: Real-Time Seamless Single Shot 6D Object Pose Prediction
     with: Tekin, B.: Structured Prediction of 3D Human Pose with Deep Neural Net...
     with: Thoennessen, U.: On benchmarking camera calibration and multi-view ste...
     with: Tola, E.: DAISY: An Efficient Dense Descriptor Applied to Wide-Baselin...
     with: Tola, E.: Efficient large-scale multi-view stereo for ultra high-resol...
     with: Tola, E.: fast local descriptor for dense matching, A
     with: Tola, E.: Template-free Monocular Reconstruction of Deformable Surfaces
     with: Torresani, L.: Simultaneous point matching and 3D deformable surface r...
     with: Trulls, E.: Beyond Cartesian Representations for Local Descriptors
     with: Trulls, E.: Discriminative Learning of Deep Convolutional Feature Poin...
     with: Trulls, E.: GECCO: Geometrically-Conditioned Point Diffusion Models
     with: Trulls, E.: Image Matching Across Wide Baselines: From Paper to Practice
     with: Trulls, E.: Learning to Find Good Correspondences
     with: Trulls, E.: Learning to Match Aerial Images with Deep Attentive Archit...
     with: Trulls, E.: LIFT: Learned Invariant Feature Transform
     with: Trzcinski, T.: Boosting Binary Keypoint Descriptors
     with: Trzcinski, T.: BRIEF: Binary Robust Independent Elementary Features
     with: Trzcinski, T.: BRIEF: Computing a Local Binary Descriptor Very Fast
     with: Trzcinski, T.: Receptive Fields Selection for Binary Feature Description
     with: Trzcinski, T.: Thick boundaries in binary space and their influence on...
     with: Turetken, E.: Automated reconstruction of tree structures using path c...
     with: Turetken, E.: Delineating trees in noisy 2D images and 3D image-stacks
     with: Turetken, E.: Detecting Irregular Curvilinear Structures in Gray Scale...
     with: Turetken, E.: Leveraging Spatial and Photometric Context for Calibrate...
     with: Turetken, E.: Multiple Object Tracking Using K-Shortest Paths Optimiza...
     with: Turetken, E.: Multiscale Centerline Detection
     with: Turetken, E.: Multiscale Centerline Detection by Learning a Scale-Spac...
     with: Turetken, E.: Network Flow Integer Programming to Track Elliptical Cel...
     with: Turetken, E.: On the relevance of sparsity for image classification
     with: Turetken, E.: Reconstructing Curvilinear Networks Using Path Classifie...
     with: Turetken, E.: Reconstructing Evolving Tree Structures in Time Lapse Se...
     with: Turetken, E.: Reconstructing Evolving Tree Structures in Time Lapse Se...
     with: Turetken, E.: Reconstructing Loopy Curvilinear Structures Using Intege...
     with: Turetken, E.: Tracking Interacting Objects Optimally Using Integer Pro...
     with: Turetken, E.: Tracking Interacting Objects Using Intertwined Flows
     with: Tyszkiewicz, M.J.: GECCO: Geometrically-Conditioned Point Diffusion Mo...
     with: Urtasun, R.: 3D Human Body Tracking Using Deterministic Temporal Motio...
     with: Urtasun, R.: 3D People Tracking with Gaussian Process Dynamical Models
     with: Urtasun, R.: 3D tracking for gait characterization and recognition
     with: Urtasun, R.: automatic method for determining quaternion field boundar...
     with: Urtasun, R.: constrained latent variable model, A
     with: Urtasun, R.: Hierarchical implicit surface joint limits for human body...
     with: Urtasun, R.: Hierarchical Implicit Surface Joint Limits to Constrain V...
     with: Urtasun, R.: Local deformation models for monocular 3D shape recovery
     with: Urtasun, R.: Monocular 3-D Tracking of the Golf Swing
     with: Urtasun, R.: Priors for People Tracking from Small Training Sets
     with: Urtasun, R.: Temporal motion models for monocular and multiview 3D hum...
     with: Vacchetti, L.: Fusing online and offline information for stable 3D tra...
     with: Van Gool, L.J.: Generative Model for True Orthorectificatio, A
     with: Van Gool, L.J.: On benchmarking camera calibration and multi-view ster...
     with: Van Gool, L.J.: WILDTRACK: A Multi-camera HD Dataset for Dense Unscrip...
     with: Varol, A.: constrained latent variable model, A
     with: Varol, A.: Laplacian Meshes for Monocular 3D Shape Recovery
     with: Varol, A.: Monocular 3D Reconstruction of Locally Textured Surfaces
     with: Varol, A.: Resolving occlusion in multiframe reconstruction of deforma...
     with: Varol, A.: Simultaneous point matching and 3D deformable surface recon...
     with: Varol, A.: Template-free Monocular Reconstruction of Deformable Surfaces
     with: Vasu, S.: HybridSDF: Combining Deep Implicit Shapes and Geometric Prim...
     with: Vasu, S.: TopoAL: An Adversarial Learning Approach for Topology-aware ...
     with: Verdie, Y.: Learning to Assign Orientations to Feature Points
     with: Verdie, Y.: Novel Representation of Parts for Accurate 3D Object Detec...
     with: Verdie, Y.: Robust 3D Object Tracking from Monocular Images Using Stab...
     with: Verdie, Y.: TILDE: A Temporally Invariant Learned DEtector
     with: Vineet, V.: Learning to Align Sequential Actions in the Wild
     with: Vinzant, H.: 3d Pose Based Feedback for Physical Exercises
     with: von Hansen, W.: On benchmarking camera calibration and multi-view ster...
     with: Wang, F.: Eigendecomposition-Free Training of Deep Networks for Linear...
     with: Wang, F.: Eigendecomposition-Free Training of Deep Networks with Zero ...
     with: Wang, R.: Lightweight Multi-View 3D Pose Estimation Through Camera-Dis...
     with: Wang, W.: Every Smile is Unique: Landmark-Guided Diverse Smile Generat...
     with: Wang, W.: Long Term Motion Prediction Using Keyposes
     with: Wang, W.: Motion Prediction Using Temporal Inception Module
     with: Wang, W.: Recurrent U-Net for Resource-Constrained Segmentation
     with: Wang, W.: Robust Differentiable SVD
     with: Wang, W.: Single-Stage 6D Object Pose Estimation
     with: Wang, X.: Do We Need Binary Features for 3D Reconstruction?
     with: Wang, X.: Network Flow Integer Programming to Track Elliptical Cells i...
     with: Wang, X.: What Players do with the Ball: A Physically Constrained Inte...
     with: Wang, X.C.: FishEyeRecNet: A Multi-context Collaborative Deep Network ...
     with: Wang, X.C.: Matching Seqlets: An Unsupervised Approach for Locality Pr...
     with: Wang, X.C.: Multiple Human Pose Estimation with Temporally Consistent ...
     with: Wang, X.C.: Non-Markovian Globally Consistent Multi-object Tracking
     with: Wang, X.C.: Parsing human skeletons in an operating room
     with: Wang, X.C.: Performance Evaluation of Local Features for Image-Based 3...
     with: Wang, X.C.: Take your eyes off the ball: Improving ball-tracking by fo...
     with: Wang, X.C.: Tracking Interacting Objects Optimally Using Integer Progr...
     with: Wang, X.C.: Tracking Interacting Objects Using Intertwined Flows
     with: Wang, Z.: Do We Need Binary Features for 3D Reconstruction?
     with: Wang, Z.: Receptive Fields Selection for Binary Feature Description
     with: Wang, Z.: Two-level Data Augmentation for Calibrated Multi-view Detect...
     with: Wang, Z.H.: Performance Evaluation of Local Features for Image-Based 3...
     with: Weinland, D.: Making Action Recognition Robust to Occlusions and Viewp...
     with: Wickramasinghe, U.: Deep Active Surface Models
     with: Wickramasinghe, U.: ImplicitAtlas: Learning Deformable Shape Templates...
     with: Wu, C.: Modeling Facial Geometry Using Compositional VAEs
     with: Xiang, S.: Do We Need Binary Features for 3D Reconstruction?
     with: Xiang, S.M.: Performance Evaluation of Local Features for Image-Based ...
     with: Xu, D.: Every Smile is Unique: Landmark-Guided Diverse Smile Generation
     with: Yang, J.C.: ImplicitAtlas: Learning Deformable Shape Templates in Medi...
     with: Yashoteja: Resolving occlusion in multiframe reconstruction of deforma...
     with: Yi, K.M.: Beyond Cartesian Representations for Local Descriptors
     with: Yi, K.M.: Eigendecomposition-Free Training of Deep Networks for Linear...
     with: Yi, K.M.: Eigendecomposition-Free Training of Deep Networks with Zero ...
     with: Yi, K.M.: Image Matching Across Wide Baselines: From Paper to Practice
     with: Yi, K.M.: Learning to Assign Orientations to Feature Points
     with: Yi, K.M.: Learning to Find Good Correspondences
     with: Yi, K.M.: LIFT: Learned Invariant Feature Transform
     with: Yi, K.M.: Novel Representation of Parts for Accurate 3D Object Detecti...
     with: Yi, K.M.: Robust 3D Object Tracking from Monocular Images Using Stable...
     with: Yi, K.M.: TILDE: A Temporally Invariant Learned DEtector
     with: Yin, X.Q.: FishEyeRecNet: A Multi-context Collaborative Deep Network f...
     with: Yoo, C.D.: Dense Image Registration and Deformable Surface Reconstruct...
     with: Yu, F.: PCLs: Geometry-aware Neural Reconstruction of 3D Pose with Per...
     with: Yu, J.: FishEyeRecNet: A Multi-context Collaborative Deep Network for ...
     with: Yu, K.: Recurrent U-Net for Resource-Constrained Segmentation
     with: Yvernay, P.: Sketch2Mesh: Reconstructing and Editing 3D Shapes from Sk...
     with: Zelnik Manor, L.: Hot or Not: Exploring Correlations between Appearanc...
     with: Zhang, M.J.: FishEyeRecNet: A Multi-context Collaborative Deep Network...
     with: Zhao, C.: Unsupervised 3D Keypoint Discovery with Multi-View Geometry
     with: Zhao, Z.: 3d Pose Based Feedback for Physical Exercises
     with: Zickler, T.E.: Hot or Not: Exploring Correlations between Appearance a...
857 for Fua, P.

Fua, P.V. Standard Author Listing
     with: Connolly, C.I.: Context-Based Vision
     with: Hanson, A.J.: Some Computational Strategies for Object Recognition
     with: Leclerc, Y.G.: Combining Stereo, Shading, and Geometric Constraints fo...
     with: Leclerc, Y.G.: Detecting Changes in 3-D Shape using Self-Consistency
     with: Leclerc, Y.G.: framework for detecting changes in terrain, A
     with: Leclerc, Y.G.: Measuring the Self-Consistency of Stereo Algorithms
     with: Leclerc, Y.G.: Method and system for detecting changes in three dimens...
     with: Leclerc, Y.G.: Object-Centered Surface Reconstruction: Combining Multi...
     with: Leclerc, Y.G.: Radiometry of Multiple Images, The
     with: Leclerc, Y.G.: Recovery of Reflectances and Varying Illuminants from M...
     with: Leclerc, Y.G.: Taking Advantage of Image-Based and Geometry-Based Cons...
     with: Leclerc, Y.G.: Unified Framework to Recover 3-D Surfaces by Combining ...
     with: Leclerc, Y.G.: Using 3-Dimensional Meshes to Combine Image-Based and G...
     with: Leclerc, Y.G.: Variable Albedo Surface Reconstruction from Stereo and ...
     with: Lengagne, R.: 3D Face Modeling from Stereo and Differential Constraints
     with: Lengagne, R.: 3D stereo reconstruction of human faces driven by differ...
     with: Lengagne, R.: Incorporating Differential Constraints in a 3D Reconstru...
     with: Lengagne, R.: Using Crest Lines to Guide Surface Reconstruction from S...
     with: Lengagne, R.: Using differential constraints to generate a 3D face mod...
     with: Lengagne, R.: Using Differential Constraints to Reconstruct Complex Su...
     with: Lengagne, R.: Using Differential Properties for Stereo Reconstruction ...
     with: Luong, Q.T.: Detecting Changes in 3-D Shape using Self-Consistency
     with: Luong, Q.T.: framework for detecting changes in terrain, A
     with: Luong, Q.T.: Measuring the Self-Consistency of Stereo Algorithms
     with: Luong, Q.T.: Method and system for detecting changes in three dimensio...
     with: Luong, Q.T.: Radiometry of Multiple Images, The
     with: Luong, Q.T.: Recovery of Reflectances and Varying Illuminants from Mul...
     with: Metaxas, D.N.: Variable Albedo Surface Reconstruction from Stereo and ...
     with: Miyajima, K.: Detecting Changes in 3-D Shape using Self-Consistency
     with: Monga, O.: 3D Face Modeling from Stereo and Differential Constraints
     with: Monga, O.: 3D stereo reconstruction of human faces driven by different...
     with: Monga, O.: Using Crest Lines to Guide Surface Reconstruction from Stereo
     with: Monga, O.: Using differential constraints to generate a 3D face model ...
     with: Monga, O.: Using Differential Constraints to Reconstruct Complex Surfa...
     with: Monga, O.: Using Differential Properties for Stereo Reconstruction of ...
     with: Plaenkers, R.: Articulated Soft Objects for Video-based Body Modeling
     with: Samaras, D.: Variable Albedo Surface Reconstruction from Stereo and Sh...
     with: Sander, P.T.: From Points to Surfaces
     with: Sander, P.T.: Reconstructing Surfaces from Unstructured 3D Points
     with: Sander, P.T.: Segmenting Unstructured 3D Points into Surfaces
     with: Strat, T.M.: Context-Based Vision
     with: Suetens, P.: Some Computational Strategies for Object Recognition
46 for Fua, P.V.

Index for "f"

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