Update Dates 0111

0111 * *Modeling from Reality (Book)
* 2D-3D model-based approach to real-time visual tracking, A
* Accuracy assessment of layer decomposition using simulated angiographic image sequences
* Active vision for sociable robots
* Adaptive observers for unknown general nonlinear systems
* Application of planar shape comparison to object retrieval in image databases
* approach to use linguistic and model-based fuzzy expert knowledge for the analysis of MRT images, An
* Atmospheric correction of landsat ETM+ land surface imagery Part I: Methods
* Automated detection of subpixel hyperspectral targets with continuous and discrete wavelet transforms
* Automated graph-based analysis and correction of cortical volume topology
* BICAV: a block-iterative parallel algorithm for sparse systems with pixel-related weighting
* Biologically Inspired Visual Motion Detection in VLSI
* Boundary Representation Model Rectification
* Catadioptric Projective Geometry
* Cellular Neural Networks and Computational Intelligence in Medical Image Processing
* Characterizing Depth Distortion under Different Generic Motions
* Chemical-shift imaging utilizing the positional shifts along the readout gradient direction
* class-modular feedforward neural network for handwriting recognition, A
* Clustering in image space for place recognition and visual annotations for human-robot interaction
* CMOS-compatible three-dimensional image sensor IC
* Color image segmentation using histogram multithresholding and fusion
* Color-based image retrieval using spatial-chromatic histograms
* Complete 3-D reconstruction of dental cast shape using perceptual grouping
* Constructing a Multivalued Representation for View Synthesis
* Convex Hull of Rational Plane Curves, The
* Curve Evaluation and Interrogation on Surfaces
* CURVES: Curve evolution for vessel segmentation
* Deblurring subject to nonnegativity constraints when known functions are present with application to object-constrained computerized tomography
* Decomposition of Separable Concave Structuring Functions
* Detection of arbitrary planar shapes with 3D pose
* Detection of motion in hybrid PET/SPECT imaging based on the correlation of partial sinograms
* Detection of small objects from high-resolution panchromatic satellite imagery based on supervised image segmentation
* Detection of Urban Structures in SAR Images by Robust Fuzzy Clustering Algorithms: The Example of Street Tracking
* Determination of blur and affine combined invariants by normalization
* Document image binarization based on topographic analysis using a water flow model
* Dynamic Scale-Space Paradigm, A
* Edge detection in a hexagonal-image processing framework
* effect of classifier agreement on the accuracy of the combined classifier in decision level fusion, The
* Efficient image retrieval through vantage objects
* Efficient Implementation of the Forward and Inverse MDCT in MPEG Audio Coding, An
* efficient wavelet-based deblocking algorithm for highly compressed images, An
* Enhanced LBG Algorithm, The
* Enhancement of contrast echocardiography by image variability analysis
* Error statistics for slope and aspect when derived from interpolated data
* Estimation of general 2D affine motion using Fourier descriptors
* Evaluating coherence of natural images by smoothness membership in Besov spaces
* Evaluation of JPEG-LS, the new lossless and controlled-lossy still image compression standard, for compression of high-resolution elevation data
* Extension of finite-support extrapolation using the generalized series model for MR spectroscopic imaging
* Face posture estimation using eigen analysis on an IBR (image based rendered) database
* Facial modeling from an uncalibrated face image using flexible generic parameterized facial models
* Fast and robust optic disc detection using pyramidal decomposition and hausdorff-based template matching
* fast direct fourier-based algorithm for subpixel registration of images, A
* Fast system and method for computing modulated lapped transforms
* Fast two-layer image watermarking without referring to the original image and watermark
* From the Sup-Decomposition to Sequential Decompositions
* Fusing interferometric radar and laser altimeter data to estimate surface topography and vegetation heights
* Fuzzy curve-tracing algorithm
* General Method for Geometric Feature Matching and Model Extraction, A
* Generalized interpolation and its application in super-resolution imaging
* Generalized K-L transform based combined feature extraction
* geometric approach for the analysis and computation of the intrinsic camera parameters, A
* Geometric-Imprints: A Significant Points Extraction Method for the Scan&Track Virtual Environment
* geometry-based error estimation for cross-ratios, A
* Guiding method and device for in-flight-refuelling line
* High-performance and low-power memory-interface architecture for video processing applications
* Histogram Preserving Image Transformations
* Identification of actors drawn in Ukiyoe pictures
* Illumination invariant unmixing of sets of mixed pixels
* Image reconstruction using the wavelet transform for positron emission tomography
* Implementation of morphological filters using coordinate logic operations
* Incorporating Shape into Histograms for CBIR
* Integrated method for boundary delineation of agricultural fields in multispectral satellite images
* Intelligent Image Processing
* Invariant character recognition with Zernike and orthogonal Fourier-Mellin moments
* iterative maximum-likelihood polychromatic algorithm for CT, An
* Joint Physics-Based Statistical Deformable Model for Multimodal Brain Image Analysis, A
* Likelihood maximization for list-mode emission tomographic image reconstruction
* Local mapping for multispectral image visualization
* Localization of intravascular devices with paramagnetic markers in MR images
* Matched filtering-based estimation of ground elevation using laser altimetry
* Mathematical formulation of shape-adaptive 2-D transforms
* Maximum mutual information training for an online neural predictive handwritten word recognition system
* Method and apparatus for implementing a panoptic camera system
* Method and apparatus for training a neural network to detect objects in an image
* Method and system for combining video sequences with spatio-temporal alignment
* Method of fast bi-cubic interpolation of image information
* model-based approach to the automatic extraction of linear features from airborne images, A
* Modeling and estimation of the spatial variation of elevation error in high resolution dems from stereo-image processing
* Motion Understanding: Task-Directed Attention and Representations that Link Perception with Action
* Motor algebra approach for visually guided robotics
* Multipurpose watermarking for image authentication and protection
* Near-lossless compression of 3-d optical data
* new approach to outdoor scene description based on learning and top-down segmentation, A
* new hardware-efficient algorithm and architecture for computation of 2-D DCTs on a linear array, A
* new system for trademark segmentation and retrieval, A
* NMR signal enhancement via a new time-frequency transform
* Non-parametric planar shape representation based on adaptive curvature functions
* Non-rigid cardiac motion quantification from 2D image sequences based on wavelet synthesis
* novel two stage template matching method for rotation and illumination invariance, A
* Numerical Shape-from-Shading for Discontinuous Photographic Images
* On indexing the periodicity of image textures
* On the generalization of the form identification and skew detection problem
* Optimization Criteria and Geometric Algorithms for Motion and Structure Estimation
* Organ motion detection in CT images using opposite rays in fan-beam projection systems
* Pretopological Approach for Image Segmentation and Edge Detection, A
* pseudo top-hat mathematical morphological approach to edge detection in dark regions, A
* Query-by-shape in meteorological image archives using the point diffusion technique
* Real-Time Head Nod and Shake Detector, A
* Recognition of table of contents for electronic library consulting
* Restoration of polarimetric SAR images using simulated annealing
* Retrieving Information from Document Images: Problems and Solutions
* review of deformable surfaces: topology, geometry and deformation, A
* Rigid registration of 3-D ultrasound with MR images: A new approach combining intensity and gradient information
* Robust image transmission with bidirectional synchronization and hierarchical error correction
* robust model generation technique for model-based video coding, A
* Robust pixel unmixing
* Rotation-invariant pattern matching with color ring-projection
* Rule-based document structure understanding with a fuzzy combination of layout and textual features
* Saliency, Scale and Image Description
* Scale-based diffusive image filtering preserving boundary sharpness and fine structures
* Scene classification of SAR images acquired from antiparallel tracks using evidential and rule-based fusion
* Secret and public key image watermarking schemes for image authentication and ownership verification
* Self-Calibration of Rotating and Zooming Cameras
* Shape similarity retrieval under affine transforms
* signal/noise analysis of quasi-static MR elastography, A
* Simple and efficient method of calibrating a motorized zoom lens
* Single-baseline polarimetric SAR interferometry
* Spatial transformations of diffusion tensor magnetic resonance images
* Special issue: Shape Representation and Similarity for Image Databases
* Spotlight SAR data focusing based on a two-step processing approach
* Statistical Richness of Visual Phase Information: Update on Recognizing Persons by Iris Patterns
* Structural feature indexing for retrieval of partially visible shapes
* Symmetric Shape-from-Shading Using Self-Ratio Image
* system for the automatic selection of conspicuous color sets for qualitative data display, A
* Terrain mapping by ground-based interferometric radar
* Theoretical Framework for Convex Regularizers in PDE-Based Computation of Image Motion, A
* Theory of synthetic aperture radar imaging of a moving target
* Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Points and Lines with Unknown Correspondence across Images
* Three-dimensional seismic endoscopy-part I: Design of apparatus and basic imaging algorithms
* Topological and Geometric Properties of Interval Solid Models
* Towards intelligent image retrieval
* Transforming paper documents into XML format with WISDOM++
* Two camera off-axis eye tracker for laser eye surgery
* Uncertainty Principle and Ideal Atomic Decompositions
* Unmanned vehicle running system
* Use of adaptive segmentation in handwritten phrase recognition
* Using citing information to understand the logical structure of document images
* Video object tracking with a sequential hierarchy of template deformations
* Video-Based Driver Assistance: From Basic Functions to Applications
* Video-Based Surveillance Systems: Computer Vision and Distributed Processing
* Visual inspection of sea bottom structures by an autonomous underwater vehicle
* WITTEX: an innovative three-satellite radar altimeter concept
152 for 0111

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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.