Index for auto

3D auto-Context-Based Locality Adaptive Multi-Modality GANs for PET Synthesis
3d Point Cloud Completion Using Stacked auto-Encoder for Structure Preservation
3D Point Cloud Registration for Localization Using a Deep Neural Network auto-Encoder
3D reconstruction with auto-selected keyframes based on depth completion correction and pose fusion
3D Shape and Texture Features Fusion using auto-Encoder for Efficient Face Recognition
Action and simultaneous multiple-person identification using cubic higher-order local auto-correlation
Activity auto-Completion: Predicting Human Activities from Partial Videos
Adaptive Augmentation of Medical Data Using Independently Conditional Variational auto-Encoders
Adaptive Graph auto-Encoder for General Data Clustering
advanced auto-inspection system for micro-router collapse, An
Adversarial 3D Convolutional auto-Encoder for Abnormal Event Detection in Videos
Adversarial auto-encoder for unsupervised deep domain adaptation
Adversarial Training of Variational auto-Encoders for High Fidelity Image Generation
AE-StyleGAN: Improved Training of Style-Based auto-Encoders
AET vs. AED: Unsupervised Representation Learning by auto-Encoding Transformations Rather Than Data
AIM: an auto-Augmenter for Images and Meshes
Analysis and pruning of nonlinear auto-association networks
AnnoSearch: Image auto-Annotation by Search
Anomaly Detection for Images Using auto-encoder Based Sparse Representation
Anomaly Detection for Medical Images Using Heterogeneous auto-Encoder
Anti-aliasing filtering of 2D images for multi-view auto-stereoscopic displays
APANet: auto-Path Aggregation for Future Instance Segmentation Prediction
Approximation Algorithm to Maximize User Capacity for an auto-Scaling VoD System, An
Assessing Suitability of auto-Selection of Hot and Cold Anchor Pixels of the UAS-METRIC Model for Developing Crop Water Use Maps
asymmetrical-structure auto-encoder for unsupervised representation learning of skeleton sequences, An
auto Accessory Segmentation and Interactive Try-on System
auto Arborist Dataset: A Large-Scale Benchmark for Multiview Urban Forest Monitoring Under Domain Shift, The
auto Associative Neural Network based Active Shape Models
auto Calibration in Multiple-Camera Surveillance Environment
auto calibration of multi-camera system for human pose estimation
auto Camera Calibration Method for Person Tracking Applications
auto Encoder Feature Learning with Utilization of Local Spatial Information and Data Distribution for Classification of PolSAR Image
auto Encoding Explanatory Examples with Stochastic Paths
auto Exposure Control for Multiple-Slope Cameras
auto face re-ranking by mining the web and video archives
auto GMM-SAMT: An Automatic Object Tracking System for Video Surveillance in Traffic Scenarios
auto Graph Encoder-Decoder for Neural Network Pruning
auto image analysis of particle holograms
auto learning temporal atomic actions for activity classification
auto QA: The Question Is Not Only What, but Also Where
auto SVD Clutter Filtering for US Doppler Imaging Using 3D Clustering Algorithm
auto uning of price prediction models for high-frequency trading via reinforcement learning
auto White-Balance Correction for Mixed-Illuminant Scenes
auto-AD: Autonomous Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection Network Based on Fully Convolutional Autoencoder
auto-adapting global-to-local color balancing method for optical imagery mosaic, An
auto-adjustable hypergraph regularized non-negative matrix factorization for image clustering
auto-Annotation Quality Prediction for Semi-Supervised Learning with Ensembles
auto-attention mechanism for multi-view deep embedding clustering
auto-Augmentation with Differentiable Renderer for High-frequency Shape Recovery
auto-BPA: An Enhanced Ball-Pivoting Algorithm with Adaptive Radius using Contextual Bandits
auto-Calibrated Gaze Estimation Using Human Gaze Patterns
auto-Calibrated Parallel Imaging Reconstruction for Arbitrary Trajectories Using k-Space Sparse Matrices (kSPA)
auto-calibrating photometric stereo using ring light constraints
auto-Calibration and Motion Recovery from Silhouettes for Turntable Sequences
auto-Calibration by Direct Observation of Objects
auto-calibration by linear iteration using the DAC equation
auto-calibration from the Orthogonality Constraints
auto-calibration Method for Active 3D Endoscope System Using Silhouette of Pattern Projector
auto-calibration of a Rotating and Zooming Camera
auto-Calibration of a Stereo Head to Object Centered Reference Frames
auto-calibration of depth camera networks for people tracking
auto-calibration of GF-1 WFV images using flat terrain
auto-calibration of multi-projector display walls
auto-calibration of Pan-tilt Cameras Including Radial Distortion and Zoom
auto-calibration via the absolute quadric and scene constraints
auto-Calibration: Kruppa's Equations and the Intrinsic Parameters of a Camera
auto-CARD: Efficient and Robust Codec Avatar Driving for Real-time Mobile Telepresence
auto-context and its application to high-level vision tasks
auto-Context and Its Application to High-Level Vision Tasks and 3D Brain Image Segmentation
auto-Context Convolutional Neural Network (Auto-Net) for Brain Extraction in Magnetic Resonance Imaging
auto-Context Convolutional Neural Network (Auto-Net) for Brain Extraction in Magnetic Resonance Imaging
auto-context modeling using multiple Kernel learning
auto-correlation wavelet support vector machine
auto-Correlation Wavelet Support Vector Machine and Its Applications to Regression
auto-DeepLab: Hierarchical Neural Architecture Search for Semantic Image Segmentation
auto-detection and integration of tectonically significant lineaments from SRTM DEM and remotely-sensed geophysical data
auto-detection of epileptic seizure events using deep neural network with different feature scaling techniques
auto-Determining Mainlobe Width for Beampattern Synthesis via Relaxation Optimization
auto-Diagnosis of Time-of-Flight for Ultrasonic Signal Based on Defect Peaks Tracking Model
auto-directed video stabilization with robust L1 optimal camera paths
auto-Driving Policies in Highway based on Distributional Deep Reinforcement Learning
auto-Embedding Generative Adversarial Networks For High Resolution Image Synthesis
auto-encoder Based Data Clustering
auto-Encoder-Based Shared Mid-Level Visual Dictionary Learning for Scene Classification Using Very High Resolution Remote Sensing Images
auto-Encoding and Distilling Scene Graphs for Image Captioning
auto-Encoding Meshes of any Topology with the Current-Splatting and Exponentiation Layers
auto-Encoding Scene Graphs for Image Captioning
auto-Encoding Twin-Bottleneck Hashing
auto-Exposure Fusion for Single-Image Shadow Removal
auto-Extraction of Linear Archaeological Traces of Tuntian Irrigation Canals in Miran Site (China) from Gaofen-1 Satellite Imagery
auto-FedRL: Federated Hyperparameter Optimization for Multi-institutional Medical Image Segmentation
auto-flag the baseline for Mingantu Ultrawide Spectral Radioheliograph with LSTM
auto-focus sharpness function for stereo image pairs, An
auto-focusing in Extreme Zoom Surveillance: A System Approach with Application to Faces
auto-focusing technique in a projector-camera system
auto-FPN: Automatic Network Architecture Adaptation for Object Detection Beyond Classification
auto-FSL: Searching the Attribute Consistent Network for Few-Shot Learning
auto-G: Gesture Recognition in the Crowd for Autonomous Vehicle
auto-generation of Geographic Cognitive Maps for Browsing Personal Multimedia
auto-Grouped Sparse Representation for Visual Analysis
auto-Illustrating Poems and Songs with Style
auto-inpainting heritage scenes: a complete framework for detecting and infilling cracks in images and videos with quantitative assessment
auto-Learning Correlation-Filter-Based Target State Estimation for Real-Time UAV Tracking
auto-Navigator: Decoupled Neural Architecture Search for Visual Navigation
auto-Organized Visual Perception Using Distributed Camera Network
auto-Parsing Network for Image Captioning and Visual Question Answering
auto-Perceiving Correlation Filter for UAV Tracking
auto-Points: Automatic Learning for Point Cloud Analysis with Neural Architecture Search
auto-Pytorch: Multi-Fidelity MetaLearning for Efficient and Robust AutoDL
auto-Radiometric Calibration in Photometric Stereo
auto-rectification of user photos
auto-Rectify Network for Unsupervised Indoor Depth Estimation
auto-Registration of SAR and Optical Images Based on Priority Strategy
auto-regressive Image Synthesis with Integrated Quantization
auto-regressive shape classifiers in time varying noise
auto-ReID: Searching for a Part-Aware ConvNet for Person Re-Identification
auto-Retoucher(ART): A Framework for Background Replacement and Foreground Adjustment
auto-scaled Incremental Tensor Subspace Learning for Region Based Rate Control Application
auto-Scaling of Geo-Based Image Processing in an OpenStack Cloud Computing Environment
auto-synchronized selective encryption of video contents for an improved transmission robustness over error-prone channels
auto-term representation by the reduced interference distributions; The procedure for a kernel design, The
auto-Tuning of Attitude Control System for Heterogeneous Multirotor UAS
auto-Tuning Spectral Clustering for Speaker Diarization Using Normalized Maximum Eigengap
auto-Tuning Structured Light by Optical Stochastic Gradient Descent
auto-weighted 2-dimensional maximum margin criterion
auto-Weighted Layer Representation Based View Synthesis Distortion Estimation for 3-D Video Coding
auto-weighted multi-view clustering via deep matrix decomposition
auto-weighted multi-view clustering via kernelized graph learning
auto-weighted multi-view co-clustering via fast matrix factorization
auto-Weighted Multi-View Learning for Image Clustering and Semi-Supervised Classification
auto-weighted sample-level fusion with anchors for incomplete multi-view clustering
auto-Weighted Structured Graph-Based Regression Method for Heterogeneous Change Detection
auto-weighted Tensor Schatten p-Norm for Robust Multi-view Graph Clustering
auto-X3D: Ultra-Efficient Video Understanding via Finer-Grained Neural Architecture Search
autoENP: An Auto Rating Pipeline for Expressing Needs via Pointing Protocol
automated brain tumor detection and classification using weighted fuzzy clustering algorithm, deep auto encoder with barnacle mating algorithm and random forest classifier techniques
automatic continuous speech recogniser for Dravidian languages using the auto associative neural network
automatic panorama with auto-focusing based on image fusion for microscopic imaging system
automotive Radar Interference Mitigation with Unfolded Robust PCA based on Residual Overcomplete Auto-Encoder Blocks
autorf: Auto Learning Receptive Fields with Spatial Pooling
AVAE: Adversarial Variational auto Encoder
Basic Holographic Characteristics of Panchromatic Light Sensitive Material for Reflective auto Stereoscopic 3D Display
Bayes-Factor-VAE: Hierarchical Bayesian Deep auto-Encoder Models for Factor Disentanglement
Bayesian Approach for Affine auto-calibration, A
Bayesian Optimization with Clustering and Rollback for CNN auto Pruning
Beyond Active Learning: Leveraging the Full Potential of Human Interaction via auto-Labeling, Human Correction, and Human Verification
Beyond Spatial auto-Regressive Models: Predicting Housing Prices with Satellite Imagery
Bi-Criteria Approximation for a Multi-Origin Multi-Channel auto-Scaling Live Streaming Cloud
Bi-Shifting auto-Encoder for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
Biologically Inspired Sleep Algorithm for Variational auto-encoders
Blur Identification and Image Restoration Based on Evolutionary Multiple Object Segmentation for Digital auto-focusing
Blurred Image Region Detection based on Stacked auto-Encoder
C2AE: Class Conditioned auto-Encoder for Open-Set Recognition
Camera auto-calibration from articulated motion
Camera auto-calibration from the Steiner Conic of the Fundamental Matrix
Camera auto-calibration using a sequence of 2D images with small rotations
Camera auto-calibration using pedestrians and zebra crossings
Camera Calibration, Self Calibration, autocalibration, Auto-Calibration
Camera Pose auto-encoders for Improving Pose Regression
Camera Response Function Recovery from auto-Exposure Cameras
Can Atlas-Based auto-Segmentation Ever Be Perfect? Insights From Extreme Value Theory
Classification of human actions using pose-based features and stacked auto encoder
Classified image compression using optimally structured auto-association networks
Cloud-Based Architectures for auto-Scalable Web Geoportals towards the Cloudification of the GeoVITe Swiss Academic Geoportal
Coarse-to-Fine auto-Encoder Networks (CFAN) for Real-Time Face Alignment
Coherent auto-Calibration of APE and NsRCM under Fast Back-Projection Image Formation for Airborne SAR Imaging in Highly-Squint Angle
Combining Scene and auto-Calibration Constraints
comparative study of 3D transmission formats for 4K auto-stereoscopic displays, A
Constraints for Heterogeneous Sensor auto-Calibration
Construction of Perfect auto-correlation Arrays and Zero Cross-correlation Arrays from Discrete Projections
Content-Adaptive auto-Occlusion Network for Occluded Person Re-Identification
ContourGAN: auto-contouring of organs at risk in abdomen computed tomography images using generative adversarial network
contrastive variational graph auto-encoder for node clustering, A
Convolutional auto-Encoder with Tensor-Train Factorization
Convolutional Neural Network Architecture for auto-Detection of Landslide Photographs to Assess Citizen Science and Volunteered Geographic Information Data Quality, A
Cooperative auto-classifier networks for boosting discriminant capacity
Critical Motions and Ambiguous Euclidean Reconstructions in auto-Calibration
Critical Motions for auto-Calibration When Some Intrinsic Parameters Can Vary
Crop Classification Using MSCDN Classifier and Sparse auto-Encoders with Non-Negativity Constraints for Multi-Temporal, Quad-Pol SAR Data
Cross-modal guidance based auto-encoder for multi-video summarization
Cross-Modal Variational auto-Encoder for Content-Based Micro-Video Background Music Recommendation
Crosstalk Measurement Methodology for auto-Stereoscopic Screens
CSR: Cascade Conditional Variational auto Encoder with Socially-aware Regression for Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction
Curvature Estimation for Discrete Curves Based on auto-adaptive Masks of Convolution
Cyberbullying Detection Based on Semantic-Enhanced Marginalized Denoising auto-Encoder
DA-AE: Disparity-Alleviation auto-Encoder Towards Categorization of Heritage Images for Aggrandized 3D Reconstruction
Data Efficient Single Image Dehazing via Adversarial auto-Augmentation and extended Atmospheric Scattering Model
De-convolutional auto-encoder for enhancement of fingerprint samples
Deconvolved Image Restoration From auto-Correlations
dedicated hardware architecture for real-time auto-focusing using an FPGA, A
Deep auto-Encoders With Sequential Learning for Multimodal Dimensional Emotion Recognition
Deep Convolutional auto-Encoder with Embedded Clustering, A
Deep feature learning for dummies: A simple auto-encoder training method using Particle Swarm Optimisation
Deep forest auto-Encoder for resource-Centric attributes graph embedding
Deep Image Clustering Using Self-learning Optimization in a Variational auto-encoder
Deep Learning of Convolutional auto-Encoder for Image Matching and 3D Object Reconstruction in the Infrared Range
Deep multiple instance learning for image classification and auto-annotation
Dense, auto-Calibrating Visual Odometry from a Downward-Looking Camera
Depth auto-calibration for Range Cameras Based on 3d Geometry Reconstruction
Depth Completion auto-Encoder
Depth filtering for auto-stereoscopic mobile devices
Depth Recovery Using an Adaptive Color-Guided auto-Regressive Model
Depth-based subgraph convolutional auto-encoder for network representation learning
Depth-resolved and auto-focus imaging through scattering layer with wavelength compensation
Detecting natural scenes text via auto image partition, two-stage grouping and two-layer classification
Detection and pose estimation of auto-rickshaws from traffic images
Deterministic Neural Illumination Mapping for Efficient auto-White Balance Correction
Development and Real-Time Implementation of a Rule-Based auto-Focus Algorithm
Development and Real-Time Implementation of auto White Balancing Scoring Algorithm
Discriminant auto encoders for face recognition with expression and pose variations
Discriminative auto-Encoding for Classification and Representation Learning Problems
Discriminative regularization of the latent manifold of variational auto-encoders
Discriminative Regularized auto-Encoder for Early Detection of Knee OsteoArthritis: Data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative
Discriminatively boosted image clustering with fully convolutional auto-encoders
Disentangling Factors of Variation with Cycle-Consistent Variational auto-encoders
Dot Symbol auto-Filling Method for Complex Areas Considering Shape Features
Double auto-Weighted Tensor Robust Principal Component Analysis
Double Complete D-LBP with Extreme Learning Machine auto-Encoder and Cascade Forest for Facial Expression Analysis
Dynamic auto-weighted multi-view co-clustering
effective deep learning model for grading abnormalities in retinal fundus images using variational auto-encoders, An
Efficient 2D and 3D Facade Segmentation Using auto-Context
Efficient auto-refocusing for light field camera
Efficient Facade Segmentation Using auto-context
Efficient Feature Coding Based on auto-encoder Network for Image Classification
Efficient scale space auto-context for image segmentation and labeling
Embedded conformal deep low-rank auto-encoder network for matrix recovery
End-to-End Self-Driving Approach Independent of Irrelevant Roadside Objects With auto-Encoder
Enhanced low-light auto-focus system model in digital still and cell-phone cameras
Enhancing Emotion Classification Through Speech and Correlated Emotional Sounds via a Variational auto-Encoder Model with Prosodic Regularization
Enhancing video anomaly detection with learnable memory network: A new approach to memory-based auto-encoders
Estimating CT Image From MRI Data Using Structured Random Forest and auto-Context Model
EU-FP7-Imars: Analysis Of Mars Multi-resolution Images Using auto-coregistration, Data Mining And Crowd Source Techniques: Processed Results: A First Look
Euclidean Reconstruction and auto-Calibration from Continuous Motion
Evaluation of Bayesian Despeckling and Texture Extraction Methods Based on Gauss-Markov and auto-Binomial Gibbs Random Fields: Application to TerraSAR-X Data
Evaluation of dimensionality reduction methods for image auto-annotation
Evaluation of the background modeling method auto-Adaptive Parallel Neural Network Architecture in the SBMnet dataset
Exemplar-based Cascaded Stacked auto-Encoder Networks for robust face alignment
Exploiting local auto-correlation function for fast video to reference image alignment
Extended Fisher Criterion Based on auto-correlation Matrix Information
Fabric Material Recovery from Video Using Multi-scale Geometric auto-Encoder
Face Recognition by auto-associative Radial Basis Function Network
Face-to-Parameter Translation for Game Character auto-Creation
Facial Expression Recognition using auto-regressive Models
Facial landmark detection via pose-induced auto-encoder networks
Fault Prediction of Railway Turnout Systems Based on Improved Sparse auto Encoder and Gated Recurrent Unit Network
Feature analysis for automatic classification of HEp-2 florescence patterns: Computer-Aided Diagnosis of Auto-immune diseases
Feature Dimension Reduction Using Stacked Sparse auto-Encoders for Crop Classification with Multi-Temporal, Quad-Pol SAR Data
Fitbeat: COVID-19 estimation based on wristband heart rate using a contrastive convolutional auto-encoder
Flexible auto White Balance Based on Histogram Overlap, A
Flexible Calibration: Minimal Cases for auto-Calibration
Focusing, autofocus, Auto Focus
FoldingNet: Point Cloud auto-Encoder via Deep Grid Deformation
From Single Cameras to the Camera Network: An auto-Calibration Framework for Surveillance
Fully convolutional Deep Stacked Denoising Sparse auto encoder network for partial face reconstruction
Fuzzy-Based automatic Landmark Recognition in Aerial Images Using ORB for Aerial Auto-localization
Gaze Detection System by Wide and auto Pan/Tilt Narrow View Camera
Gaze Estimation by Attention-Induced Hierarchical Variational auto-Encoder
General Framework for auto-Weighted Feature Selection via Global Redundancy Minimization, A
Generalized Adaptive Spatio-Temporal auto-regressive Model for Video Sequence Restoration
Generalized auto-Sequencing Bus Headway Control Formulation
Generalized Zero-Shot Learning Using Multimodal Variational auto-Encoder With Semantic Concepts
Geometric video projector auto-calibration
Geometrically Aware auto-Encoder for Multi-texture Synthesis, A
Gesture Recognition Using auto-Regressive Coefficients of Higher-Order Local Auto-Correlation Features
Gesture Recognition Using auto-Regressive Coefficients of Higher-Order Local Auto-Correlation Features
Gradient Local auto-Correlations and Extreme Learning Machine for Depth-Based Activity Recognition
Gradient-Based auto-Exposure Control Applied to a Self-Driving Car
Graph Regularized auto-Encoders for Image Representation
Graph variational auto-encoder for deriving EEG-based graph embedding
GraphTER: Unsupervised Learning of Graph Transformation Equivariant Representations via auto-Encoding Node-Wise Transformations
Gray-level Texture Characterization Based on a New Adaptive Nonlinear auto-Regressive Filter
HDRFusion: HDR SLAM Using a Low-Cost auto-Exposure RGB-D Sensor
Heterogeneous auto-similarities of Characteristics (HASC): Exploiting Relational Information for Classification
HRTF Representation with Convolutional auto-encoder
Human Motion Segmentation via Velocity-Sensitive Dual-Side auto-Encoder
Human Pose Estimation by a Series of Residual auto-Encoders
Human-in-the-Loop Video Semantic Segmentation auto-Annotation
Hybrid Camera Array-Based UAV auto-Landing on Moving UGV in GPS-Denied Environment
Hypercomplex auto- And Cross-Correlation of Color Images
Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection with auto-Encoder and Independent Target
Hyperspectral image classification using an extended auto-Encoder method
I Know What You Did Last Summer: Object-level auto-annotation of Holiday Snaps
Image auto-annotation by exploiting web information
Image Based auto-Focusing Algorithm for Digital Fundus Photography, An
Image Classification Using Probability Higher-Order Local auto-Correlations
Image Denoise Using auto-Adapted Empirical Mode Decomposition Algorithm
Image Feature Extraction Using Gradient Local auto-Correlations
Image Processing Algorithms for an auto Focus System for Slit Lamp Microscopy
Image Separation With Side Information: A Connected auto-Encoders Based Approach
Image Understanding With Reinforcement Learning: auto-Tuning Image Attributes and Model Parameters for Object Detection and Segmentation
ImageNet auto-Annotation with Segmentation Propagation
Implementation of auto-rectification and depth estimation of stereo video in a real-time smart camera system
Improve CAM with auto-Adapted Segmentation and Co-Supervised Augmentation
Improved auto-Calibration Algorithm Based on Sparse Bayesian Learning Framework, An
In Vivo MRI Based Prostate Cancer Identification with Random Forests and auto-context Model
Inpainting at Modern Camera Resolution by Guided PatchMatch with auto-curation
Integrated System for auto-Registered Hyperspectral and 3D Structure Measurement at the Point Scale
Integration of auto-steering with adaptive cruise control for improved cornering behaviour
Intelligent Building Occupancy Detection System Based on Sparse auto-Encoder, An
Interpolation in auto Encoders with Bridge Processes
Interpreting Adversarial Examples and Robustness for Deep Learning-Based auto-Driving Systems
Is Uniqueness Lost for Under-Sampled Continuous-Time auto-Regressive Processes?
Isotropic Blur Identification for Fully Digital auto-focusing
Joint Classification and out-of-Distribution Detection Based on Structured Latent Space of Variational auto-Encoders
Joint Design of Measurement Matrix and Sparse Support Recovery Method via Deep auto-Encoder
Joint Design of RF and Gradient Waveforms via auto-differentiation for 3D Tailored Excitation in MRI
Joint Feature Tracking and Radiometric Calibration from auto-Exposure Video
Joint Training of Variational auto-Encoder and Latent Energy-Based Model
Juxtaposition between compression and depth for stereoscopic image quality on portable auto-stereoscopic display
Kernel auto-encoder for semi-supervised hashing
Label-Denoising auto-encoder for Classification with Inaccurate Supervision Information
Large Families of Grey Arrays with Perfect auto-correlation and Optimal Cross-Correlation
Layer-wise auto-Weighting for Non-Stationary Test-Time Adaptation
LDAP: Lightweight Dynamic auto-Reconfigurable Protocol in an IoT-Enabled WSN for Wide-Area Remote Monitoring
Learned Intrinsic auto-Calibration From Fundamental Matrices
Learning auto-scale representations for person re-identification
Learning auto-Structured Regressor from Uncertain Nonnegative Labels
Learning Cascaded Deep auto-Encoder Networks for Face Alignment
Learning deep compact descriptor with bagging auto-encoders for object retrieval
Learning Local Responses of Facial Landmarks with Conditional Variational auto-Encoder for Face Alignment
Learning Versatile 3D Shape Generation with Improved auto-regressive Models
lens collar auto-inspection system, A
Light engine and optics for HELIUM3D auto-stereoscopic laser scanning display
Linear auto-calibration for ground plane motion
Linear Iterative Method for auto-Calibration using the DAC Equation, A
Locality preserving binary face representations using auto-encoders
Locality-Constrained Sparse auto-Encoder for Image Classification
Lossless-constraint Denoising based auto-encoders
Mapping auto-context Decision Forests to Deep ConvNets for Semantic Segmentation
Masked auto-Encoders Meet Generative Adversarial Networks and Beyond
Matrix-variate variational auto-encoder with applications to image process
Measurement and evaluation of head tracked auto-stereoscopic displays
Meta conditional variational auto-encoder for domain generalization
Method for Adding Motion-Blur on Arbitrary Objects by Using auto-Segmentation and Color Compensation Techniques, A
Method of SAR Image automatic Target Recognition Based on Convolution Auto-Encode and Support Vector Machine, A
Mice and larvae tracking using a particle filter with an auto-adjustable observation model
Microaneurysm classification system in color fundus images using auto-weight dilated convolutional network
Millimeter-Wave Radar Target Recognition Algorithm Based on Collaborative auto-Encoder
Minimal Solvers for Single-View Lens-Distorted Camera auto-Calibration
Mixed-State auto-Models and Motion Texture Modeling
model-based approach to camera's auto exposure control, A
Modeling the Lighting in Scenes as Style for auto White-Balance Correction
Modelling Non-linearities in Images Using an auto-associative Neural Network
Modified auto-Focusing Algorithm for High Squint Diving SAR Imaging Based on the Back-Projection Algorithm with Spectrum Alignment and Truncation
Motion Recognition Using Local auto-Correlation of Space-Time Gradients
Motion-Aligned auto-Regressive Model for Frame Rate Up Conversion, A
Mugshot database acquisition in video surveillance networks using incremental auto-clustering quality measures
Multi-Attribute Subspace Clustering via auto-Weighted Tensor Nuclear Norm Minimization
Multi-Level and Multi-Scale Feature Aggregation Using Pretrained Convolutional Neural Networks for Music auto-Tagging
Multi-Level auto-Adaptive Noise-Filtering Algorithm for Land ICESat-2 Photon-Counting Data, A
Multi-Modal Variational Graph auto-Encoder for Recommendation Systems
Multi-part segmentation for porcine offal inspection with auto-context and adaptive atlases
Multi-source image auto-annotation
Multi-Target Multi-Camera Tracking of Vehicles by Graph auto-Encoder and Self-Supervised Camera Link Model
Multi-task learning using variational auto-encoder for sentiment classification
Multi-View auto-Calibration Method Based on Human Pose Estimation
Multiframe auto White Balance
Multimodal Variational auto-encoder based Audio-Visual Segmentation
Multiresolution Rotation Invariant Simultaneous auto Regressive Model for Texture Analysis
Nested auto-regressive processes for MPEG-encoded video traffic modeling
NetCalib: A Novel Approach for LiDAR-Camera auto-calibration Based on Deep Learning
NeuMap: Neural Coordinate Mapping by auto-Transdecoder for Camera Localization
Neural auto-Exposure for High-Dynamic Range Object Detection
Neural Rendering for Game Character auto-Creation
Neural Style Transfer With Adaptive auto-Correlation Alignment Loss
New auto-focusing Algorithm for Optical Microscope Based Automated System, A
New Image Quality Metric for Image auto-denoising, A
new landscape metric for the identification of terraced sites: The Slope Local Length of auto-Correlation (SLLAC), A
new method for fingerprint matching using phase-only auto- and cross-bispectrum, A
New Sampling Method of auto Focus for Voice Coil Motor in Camera Modules, A
No-Reference Image Quality Assessment for Image auto-Denoising
Non-Local auto-Encoder With Collaborative Stabilization for Image Restoration
Non-negative matrix factorisation for object class discovery and image auto-annotation
Nonlinear analysis of video images using deep recurrent auto-associative neural networks for facial understanding
Nonlocal feature learning based on a variational graph auto-encoder network for small area change detection using SAR imagery
Nonparametric Variational auto-Encoders for Hierarchical Representation Learning
Novel Fully Convolutional auto-Encoder Based on Dual Clustering and Latent Feature Adversarial Consistency for Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection, A
Novel View Synthesis on Unpaired Data by Conditional Deformable Variational auto-encoder
Object Detection and Viewpoint Estimation with auto-masking Neural Network
Object-Centric auto-Encoders and Dummy Anomalies for Abnormal Event Detection in Video
On Disentanglement and Mutual Information in Semi-Supervised Variational auto-Encoders
On Generalized auto-Spectral Coherence Function and Its Applications to Signal Detection
One-Class Fingerprint Presentation Attack Detection Using auto-Encoder Network
Online Hyper-Parameter Learning for auto-Augmentation Strategy
Orientation and auto-Calibration of Image Triplets and Sequences
Packet Video Error Concealment With auto Regressive Model
Painter: Teaching auto-regressive Language Models to Draw Sketches
Parallel Entropic auto-Thresholding
Parameter-estimation in the auto-binomial model using the coding- and pseudo-likelihood method approached with simulated annealing and numerical optimization
Partial disentanglement of hierarchical variational auto-encoder for texture synthesis
Partial Matching For Real Textured 3d Objects Using Color Cubic Higher-Order Local auto-Correlation Features
Partial matching of real textured 3D objects using color cubic higher-order local auto-correlation features
Partially-shared Variational auto-encoders for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation with Target Shift
Patch-Wise auto-Encoder for Visual Anomaly Detection
Perspective Reconstruction and Camera auto-Calibration as Rectangular Polynomial Eigenvalue Problem
Phantomless auto-Calibration and Online Calibration Assessment for a Tracked Freehand 2-D Ultrasound Probe
Photometric stereo with auto-radiometric calibration
Plane-Based Calibration and auto-calibration of a Fish-Eye Camera
PointAE: Point auto-Encoder for 3D Statistical Shape and Texture Modelling
PointAugment: An auto-Augmentation Framework for Point Cloud Classification
Pose transforming network: Learning to disentangle human posture in variational auto-encoded latent space
Practical Camera auto Calibration using Semidefinite Programming
Practical camera auto-calibration based on object appearance and motion for traffic scene visual surveillance
Practical Evaluation of Adversarial Robustness via Adaptive auto Attack
Practical Generation of Video Textures using the auto-Regressive Process
Pre-training auto-generated Volumetric Shapes for 3D Medical Image Segmentation
Predicting Stereoscopic Image Quality via Stacked auto-Encoders Based on Stereopsis Formation
Probabilistic Kernels for the Classification of auto-Regressive Visual Processes
Progressive Seed Generation auto-Encoder for Unsupervised Point Cloud Learning
Pseudo 3D auto-Correlation Network for Real Image Denoising
Pyramidal segmentation using higher-order local auto-correlations and its applications to Landsat forestry data
Quality Assessment of Perceptual Crosstalk on Two-View auto-Stereoscopic Displays
Real-time and Simultaneous Recognition of Multiple Moving Objects Using Cubic Higher-order Local auto-Correlation
Real-time auto white balancing for digital cameras using discrete wavelet transform-based scoring
Real-time Face-based auto-Focus for Digital Still and Cell-Phone Cameras
Real-Time Semantic Segmentation via auto Depth, Downsampling Joint Decision and Feature Aggregation
Reconstructed Graph Constrained auto-Encoders for Multi-View Representation Learning
Region-based adaptive single image dehazing, detail enhancement and pre-processing using auto-colour transfer method
Regularized auto-Associative Neural Networks for Speaker Verification
Regularized Restoration Using Image Fusion for Digital auto-Focusing
Relighting Images in the Wild with a Self-Supervised Siamese auto-Encoder
Replacing Labeled Real-image Datasets with auto-generated Contours
Representation learning by hierarchical ELM auto-encoder with double random hidden layers
Representation learning with deep sparse auto-encoder for multi-task learning
Research on auto-calibration technology of intelligent vehicle camera based on machine vision
Resolving Ambiguities in auto-Calibration
Robust Adversarial Defence: Use of auto-inpainting
Robust auto-Calibration for Practical Scanning Setups from Epipolar and Trifocal Relations
Robust auto-Calibration from Pedestrians
Robust auto-calibration of a PTZ camera with non-overlapping FOV
Robust auto-Calibration using Fundamental Matrices Induced by Pedestrians
Robust auto-Focusing Algorithm for Medical Ultrasound: Consistent Phase References from Scaled Cross-Correlation Functions, A
Robust Depth Estimation from auto Bracketed Images
Robust Depth Estimation Using auto-Exposure Bracketing
Robust face alignment with cascaded coarse-to-fine auto-encoder network
Robust Facial Alignment with Internal Denoising auto-Encoder
Robust Least-Squares Adjustment Based Orientation and auto-Calibration of Wide-Baseline Image Sequences
Robust Linear auto-calibration of a Moving Camera from Image Sequences
Robust Sharpness Metrics Using Reorganized DCT Coefficients for auto-Focus Application
Robust watermark detection against D-A/A-D conversion for digital cinema using local auto-correlation function
Rotated face recognition by manifold learning with auto-associative neural network
Rotated Sphere Haar Wavelet and Deep Contractive auto-Encoder Network With Fuzzy Gaussian SVM for Pilot's Pupil Center Detection
Satellite On-Board Change Detection via auto-Associative Neural Networks
SCAF: Skip-Connections in auto-encoder for Face Alignment with Few Annotated Data
SCAT: Stride Consistency with auto-regressive regressor and Transformer for hand pose estimation
Scene point constraints in camera auto-calibration: An implementational perspective
Scene Understanding for auto-Calibration of Surveillance Cameras
Segmenting Hippocampus from 7.0 Tesla MR Images by Combining Multiple Atlases and auto-Context Models
selectional auto-encoder approach for document image binarization, A
Self-Attention-Based Conditional Variational auto-Encoder Generative Adversarial Networks for Hyperspectral Classification
Self-Supervised Video Hashing With Hierarchical Binary auto-Encoder
Semantic spaces revisited: investigating the performance of auto-annotation and semantic retrieval using semantic spaces
Semantic-Aware auto-Encoders for Self-supervised Representation Learning
Semi-Overcomplete Convolutional auto-Encoder Embedding as Shape Priors for Deep Vessel Segmentation
Semi-Supervised Domain Adaptation with auto-Encoder via Simultaneous Learning
sensor fault detection scheme of DFIG-based wind turbine using deep auto-encoder approach, A
Signal-Based auto-Focusing Method Available for Raman Spectroscopy Acquisitions in Deep Space Exploration, A
simple auto prescan calibration method for multislice fast spin echo MRI, A
Simple Discriminative Dual Semantic auto-encoder for Zero-shot Classification, A
Simultaneous Out-of-Focus Blur Estimation and Restoration for Digital auto-Focusing System
Simultaneous Scene Reconstruction and auto-Calibration Using Constrained Iterative Closest Point for 3D Depth Sensor Array
Sketched symbol recognition with auto-completion
SMMP: A Stable-Membership-Based auto-Tuning Multi-Peak Clustering Algorithm
Social bat optimisation dependent deep stacked auto-encoder for skin cancer detection
Source camera identification using auto-White Balance approximation
Sparse Wavelet auto-Encoders for Image Classification
Spatial auto-Regressive Analysis of Correlation in 3-D PET With Application to Model-Based Simulation of Data
Spatio-Temporal auto Regressive Model for Frame Rate Upconversion, A
Spatio-Temporal Convolutional Sparse auto-Encoder for Sequence Classification
Spatiotemporally Mapping Non-Grain Production of Winter Wheat Using a Developed auto-Generating Sample Algorithm on Google Earth Engine
SpATr: MoCap 3D human action recognition based on spiral auto-encoder and transformer network
Stable Intrinsic auto-Calibration from Fundamental Matrices of Devices with Uncorrelated Camera Parameters
Stacked Convolutional Denoising auto-Encoders for Feature Representation
Stacked Denoising Tensor auto-Encoder for Action Recognition With Spatiotemporal Corruptions
Stacked Face De-Noising auto Encoders for Expression-Robust Face Recognition
Stacked Progressive auto-Encoders (SPAE) for Face Recognition Across Poses
Stacked Progressive auto-Encoders for Clothing-Invariant Gait Recognition
Stationary video camera auto-exposure conditioning
Stereoview to Multiview Conversion Architecture for auto-Stereoscopic 3D Displays
Stochastic Decorrelation Constraint Regularized auto-Encoder for Visual Recognition
Structure-aware conditional variational auto-encoder for constrained molecule optimization
Study and implementation of the LED headlight driver with auto-start function in specific location
study of deep convolutional auto-encoders for anomaly detection in videos, A
Study of Quality Issues for Image auto-Annotation With the Corel Dataset, A
Subjectively correlated estimation of noise due to blurriness distortion based on auto-regressive model using the Yule-Walker equations
Superpixel-Based Relational auto-Encoder for Feature Extraction of Hyperspectral Images, A
Synthesizing Coherent Story with auto-Regressive Latent Diffusion Models
system and method for auto-correction of first order lens distortion, A
Tag Propagation and Cost-Sensitive Learning for Music auto-Tagging
TagProp: Discriminative metric learning in nearest neighbor models for image auto-annotation
Tessellating the Latent Space for Non-Adversarial Generative auto-Encoders
Texture and semantic convolutional auto-encoder for anomaly detection and segmentation
Texture and shape in fluorescence pattern identification for auto-immune disease diagnosis
Three-way auto-correlation approach to motion recognition
Threshold auto-Tuning Metric Learning
Topic-Aware Deep auto-Encoders (TDA) for Face Alignment
Topological auto-Calibration of Central Imaging Sensors
Towards auto-calibration of Smart Phones Using Orientation Sensors
Towards auto-Extracting Car Park Structures: Image Processing Approach on Low Powered Devices
Towards Efficient Variational auto-Encoder Using Wasserstein Distance
Towards More Efficient UAS Data Acquisition: Camera auto Mount Pivoting Oblique Survey
Trainable Multiplication Layer for auto-correlation and Co-occurrence Extraction, A
Training auto-Encoder-Based Optimizers for Terahertz Image Reconstruction
Trajectory Saliency Detection Using Consistency-Oriented Latent Codes From a Recurrent auto-Encoder
Transferable graph auto-encoders for cross-network node classification
TrustMAE: A Noise-Resilient Defect Classification Framework using Memory-Augmented auto-Encoders with Trust Regions
Unexpected Spatial Patterns in Exponential Family auto Models
Unified 3D Human Motion Synthesis Model via Conditional Variational auto-Encoder*, A
Unsupervised Contrastive Photo-to-Caricature Translation based on auto-distortion
Unsupervised Domain Adaptation to Classify Medical Images Using Zero-Bias Convolutional auto-Encoders and Context-Based Feature Augmentation
Unsupervised Extraction of Video Highlights via Robust Recurrent auto-Encoders
Unsupervised Hyperbolic Representation Learning via Message Passing auto-Encoders
Unsupervised object-level video summarization with online motion auto-encoder
Unsupervised Real-world Super-resolution Using Variational auto-encoder and Generative Adversarial Network
Using multiple segmentations for image auto-annotation
Using Stacked Sparse auto-Encoder and Superpixel CRF for Long-Term Visual Scene Understanding of UGVs
Utterance Generation With Variational auto-Encoder for Slot Filling in Spoken Language Understanding
Variational auto-Encoder Model for Stochastic Point Processes, A
Variational auto-Encoders Without Graph Coarsening For Fine Mesh Learning
Variational Gaussian Process auto-Encoder for Ordinal Prediction of Facial Action Units
VG-VAE: A Venatus Geometry Point-Cloud Variational auto-Encoder
Video Anomaly Detection Based on Adaptive Multiple auto-Encoders
Video super-resolution using an adaptive superpixel-guided auto-regressive model
Vision Transformers are Good Mask auto-Labelers
Visual Sign Language Recognition Based on HMMs and auto-regressive HMMs
Visualisation of exudates in fundus images using radar chart and color auto correlogram technique
VR Menus: Investigation of Distance, Size, auto-scale, and Ray Casting vs. Pointer-Attached-to-Menu
Warp-Refine Propagation: Semi-Supervised auto-Labeling via Cycle-Consistency
Wavelet-based auto-Encoder for simultaneous haze and rain removal from images
Wavelet-Based Deep auto Encoder-Decoder (WDAED)-Based Image Compression
Weighted atlas auto-context with application to multiple organ segmentation
When Low Rank Representation Based Hyperspectral Imagery Classification Meets Segmented Stacked Denoising auto-Encoder Based Spatial-Spectral Feature
Zero-Shot Text-to-Parameter Translation for Game Character auto-Creation
Zoom Better to See Clearer: Human and Object Parsing with Hierarchical auto-Zoom Net
534 for auto

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Last update:27-Apr-24 12:10:16
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